Other urls found in this thread:



The first one is an edit right?

why are lol still valid in Holla Forums?



because you're fucking gay also that's a nice loli



What am I supposed to see here?


No laughs. Only disgust.

I officially fucking hate Shadfaggot.



You should have hated him already but I'm glad you're caught up.


Go fuck yourself cunt.

I should have added a ;_; to that, I was genuinely hurt by grape-kun's passing

Why does this make me want to cry?

your loss


Why? he is in penguin heaven with his penguin waifu


You really rustled my jimjams with that user.

*Laughs out loud*

why is everyone here a manchild who likes awful anime and cries because of a penguin dying

Do you know where we are?


What even is this thread?

That's just chips in the laqure or wood.

Scratches on the veneer's coating actually. I found this desk in the woods.

They're a retarded loud minority, don't worry most of us like to watch cool and manly western cartoons like yourself.



lol you idiot


Please do, porn artists need money too.

Rope can't be THAT expensive.

I feel nothing

I want to cum inside Miss Scientist!

check em

guys… I think he's right.

I can't remember a single character from any pozzed-up Hollyjew movie made in the last decade.
Meanwhile I can perfectly remember all those white men with all those incredibly distinct character designs

They ensure obedience by treating all dissent as different forms of racism. Racism against actual races, then against females, then religions and sexual fetish.

All dissent is implicitly considered prejudicial and as such, no talks with the opposition is possible: just its destruction.

is there a way to remove spoilers from pics so I can automatically see them

What the fuck are you asking this here for you newfag scum?

so you can suck my dick thats why

Ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy bby. U wan sum fucc??

You gotta be craving for those dick pics.

Did anyone draw porn yet?


For example, Die Hard is a movie about one white guy singlehandedly defeating a band of terrorists, yet it prominently features three black actors – one supporting role, one co-star, and one represented as a nonviolent tech expert antagonist.


what kind of horrible looking shit is this.


I want to fuck the pokemon

Rayman fucked a human with his disembodied dick and she was born.

He didn't actually invent peanut butter. Native central Americans had been making it for a long time. He did invent a bunch of other shit to do with peanuts though.


There are more images where she has floating hands and a small amount of porn. I've saved nothing though.

It-a-don't matta! None-a-dis matters! HERE WE GOOOOO!

Literly laughed out loud.

Every time I see this shit it just pisses me off. Everything about the characters and the art style just flat out disgusts me.

Is there fuckable ballistic gel? That jiggling is arousing.


Chilled monkey brains?


I need the source for this image, to help me make fun of furfags


I like turtles.


Delete this thread

4am cancer needs to be killed

Peanut butta be too spicy for wypipo 💅💅💅💅

Here's your guaranteed reply for that nightmare inducing webm.

Let me help you.

What the hell is number 5 supposed to be

Hope you like your fag hormones


i turned off f.lux for this

Just like anime, there's been nothing worth watching in western animation for the past 10 years.

Removing the arms just increases the amount of hands to draw


no idea it had another sequel






nice trips

Your dubs are fine too.




Why are people trying to force Cuphead being bad?

I thought this lol thread wasn't extreme enough.


There's also such thing now as "Cuphead OC".

I hope you like dick because I have some news for you.


I love how people are pushing the maymay that Cuphead is gonna get tumblr-ized, when the only reason FNAF, SU, Undertale and Rick and Morty did was because they're all fucking shit and appeal to them.

You're wrong. FNAF was actually good.

All humans have been crushing hard foods into pastes for thousands of fucking years user

Who's the character sitting left of Rick in the fandoms ruin everything picture?

Piecing together the story of 1, sure, might have been fun enough, but not worth paying for, since it's a bloody flash game. But by no means is it a good game, and the rest of the series is absolute trash.

Bendy from Bendy and the Ink Machine


Same reason as Undertale (which does actually have more than its fair share of utter and absolute cancer, and I say this as a fan), basically it got popular and Holla Forums is populated entirely by hipsters.

why is goku running a fast food restaurant from a home kitchen

It's a result of tumblr being schizo, as usual.
So you have fanartists drawing Cuphead art because it's popular and gets attention. However the game still has the stigma of "toxic git gud culture" or whatever and that is not okay. Thus anyone who actually plays this incredibly popular game MUST be raping women RIGHT NOW. BUT! Making fun of high schoolers is disgusting (except for the straight white male ones but they don't matter so it's fine). All art must be celebrated and encouraged. Unless it has sexual themes because those are disgusting holy shit they're cups. But if it's done for comedy it's okay. Except no because children play this game. However that doesn't matter because gamers are pathetic and probably like Rick and Morty. Argument: they're kids don't stupid shit, they don't know better and we shouldn't make fun of it. Luckily they're straight white boys and those are gross. We can mock them all we want because patriarchy or some bullshit.

The only option now is to declare the game shit.

Calling Holla Forums hipsters is an insult, because nobody here is liberal. More like people who prefer a lonely company and enjoy not too popular hobbies to experience something unique in life, to forget the pain.
I sometimes justify hating something out of popularity by looking how it affected people who are enjoying something popular. If they share positive or negative traits.

It got popular


yeah because having the ideology which mainstream pushes is one of the important characteristics of being a hipster

Ask any hipster. He will probably be a queer 100%, and using pronounces and shit.

People who're into Sanic are furfags.

This is golden.

Because queers, faggots and mentally ill are 1% of the population. Hence hipsters want to feel like a special snowflake.

I know Holla Forums's not one person, but the general flow of threads will always turn from positive to negative about a game if it starts to get mainstream popularity. I don't know if you know what a hipster is, but they're basically just contrarians for the sake of seeming "cool", if that's not an accurate description of how Holla Forums in general behaves I don't know what is.

never knew he was a cuck

Jews are white?

Should have been 'Decafination'

And how is his dad alive or is that what he roleplays with Vegeta?

You know, in the long run almost every single video game Holla Forums hates deserved that hate, and is not enjoyable to play. There are fences like nier automata and dragon's dogma, but everything else is either white or black. There's a reason people started to trust that opinion.


No wonder I haven't heard of it. Is the game actually any good or is it more indie trash?

I can only barely make out the number
What the fuck am I

Its barely a game

Pretty sure it's a prank

If every game that "Holla Forums hates" is bad then every game ever made is bad. I'm a pretty cynical dude, and I assume most things will be shit before I play them, but when something's enjoyable I enjoy it. I don't shape my opinions around what other people think because I'm not a fucking sheep.

It's the number 13 though, that much is clear, maybe I'm the least gay person here

Time to visit an oculist, user. It's clearly a 71.

As expected considering it's sitting next to Blundertale.

Also why did you assume that since tumblr like the game = the game is automatically bad? Holla Forums cannot like something tumblr likes? Mind you tumblr loves jojo too.

1/10. See me after class.

Jojo is trash though, Naruto is a much better story that spans multiple generations.


There is no fucking number you idiot.

DBZ is the best shounen then.

I assumed it because calling something "tumblr" is an insult, and is used as such on Holla Forums everywhere. That's just obvious if you spend any amount of time browsing here.


But look how many people fell for it.

Here is proof it's 13

Talking about Bendy, there's whole community that ships cuphead together with it.

Tumblr likes Cuphead?


Nice photoshop, stay gay.

It's too hard for my to follow the multiple timeline stuff in DBZ, besides Sasuke Uchiha is a much better written character than anyone in DBZ although even he doesn't even begin to scratch the depth of Kaneki from Tokyo Ghoul. Matter of fact another objectively superior anime compared to JOJO.

no u fag

Is Bendy female (male)?

It's not even as complex as the basic level timeline in Steins Gate

If it's like Bender from futurama Bendy is a Male Identifying Robot you bigot

So they like him because they are him?

The name makes me assume it's a gender bender.

I never finished Steins;Gate, I watched the first two episodes and it was so boring I couldn't continue. I really appreciate how well Rick and Morty handled cool sciency jokes, Steins;Gate pales in comparison.

yes dubs man

Its a demon, so its obvious androgyny.

You mean a fag?

What do you think of Xavier Renegade Angel

2deep4me pretentious garbage.

Frittata, so you never watched it.

No, I mean a female (male)




… A jew?

A nigger?

Is that supposed to be Markiplier with tits?

As if I didn't make my baiting obvious enough before. Shitposting aside I never actually seen a single episode of the show and my only encounter with it was the Xavier/Rick chad meme.

Well, fuck. Its a thing.


Why would a nigger be female (male)? Jews can shapeshift, it's a much better match

Did you see the :^)
Also the series is pretty short being about as long as a long movie and is on Jewtube

Because in WW2 there was female niggers fighting for Nazi Germany, even though females were banned from fighting so clearly they can shapeshift


We can go deeper.


It's the gender you claim to be Ie being a tranny faggot who says they're a chick while the parenthesis is the gender they actually are despite saying they're a chick, they were born with a dick, they just decided to replace it with an open wound

Why is the writing all over the plalce? Nothing makes any sense!

Is that Loss man?

every e-celeb has drawfag fans drawing shit about them

Well here is Pewdiepie


Somebody is confusing mexicans for italians again


Sam Hyde should run for Senate as a Democrat

The fuck are the physics of the fifth picture. I can understand autistic retarded fan fic art but this just makes no sense

The last two give me Panty and Stocking vibes…
Is there anything fun to watch with well written and fun female leads?

I have bad news for you son




we need to kill ehr ddnbi ebernt

Sure user, (((white men))) that’s what that image is about.
Protip: Charlie Chaplain was jewish and so is 1/4th of Harrison Ford.


You embarrass me, user.

The body hair actually looks better than without it.



What is the most obscure fetish, Holla Forums?

What the fuck is that

amputee+foot but combined in a way worse then I could ever imagine

I like it.

Are those IRL Gondolas?

Wow, you bastard



God I fucking love that gif

Dumb nigger.


Are you seriously this fucking stupid?


You are the stupid one, not being aware that you are in a LOL thread. I'm retarded because here is the only placed I'm allowed to.

Fuckoff Holla Forums

Why do faggots crave Holla Forums cocks so much?

They're apparently called "goomba girls." When posting in a LOL thread, I choose a random board on here and find the most horrendous shit. This thread, I'll be posting from /tk/, or tickling and a lot of footfaggotry.

I ask that myself everyday too, user.

Nigger why does this shit have to exist.

please dont do this

Holla Forums is a though non nonsense conservative educating figure.
just like the father they have daddy issues with

I find it more disturbing that TTG and steven jewniverse is on there.

This isn't solid proof, and I'm not particularly burning with the desire to delve deeper, but generally "little" and "darlin'" are terms associated with girls.

There are many questions in life that will remain unanswered.

If you want, I can switch over to something like /abdl/ or /hypno/.

This is politics and does not belong on Holla Forums.

Lads, I just discovered a good way of enhancing the LOL experience.
Listen to this with your lights off and the Dark theme.

I think I might actually enjoy that, so that'd be bad for a LOL thread.

This is a LOL thread you freaking idoit.


It’s politics. Either go to Holla Forums or Holla Forums.

Should I pirate or buy F.E.A.R?


Pirate it
WB killed the franchise and as long as Monolith is in their hands, if they haven't been raped out of all their talent yet, they're dead.

Play the first one and the 2 expansions, Extraction Point is top tier even if it tells the plot to go fuck itself, Perseus is kinda mediocre but its nice if you want more of the same.

Ignore the "sequels"

That last one is actually kinda cute.

You sure about that, bud?

How do you feel now?


Of course mixing any fetish with the gay community guarantees shit. At least go for the autistic stuff like Kaa instead of the low-hanging fruit.


At least post some decent-quality stuff..

I'm pretty sure a straight vore fan wouldn't enjoy gay vore either. So I guess I'm wrong, but only because I'm not a fag.


A loving relationship between a powerlifter and a short haired tomboy.

Did you forget we're in LOL thread or?





First pic should be canon tbh fam

What was this square head's name?

just posting random pics

Forgot I had this one saved.

I have no words.

that's better than the sara garrison edits.

Is that what I fucking think it is?




I am disgusted but curious. I'm gonna do some recon on this comic.

Poor representation.

the fuck was it

Okay, it's apparently a Calvin and Hobbes detective crime story comic, and just provided a backstory to build Locke's character and doesn't go any further.

Grape-kun being cucked.

The stupid penguin that died getting cucked.

Grape-Kun being cucked. Very disrespectful. worthy of a ban.

Tell me where you live so I can kick your ass.

The penguin's waifu being fucked while apologizing to the penguin, who was crying.

It's a fucking penguin, who cares. You only know and care because you watched a cheap anime and identified with a penguin becoming a sad waste of space fawning over an image.

You know we have a vol named cerulean right

But the best anime of all time came out 10 years ago

Daily reminder that World Peace was absolutely butchered through censorship

were the sketches themselves affected other than some being cut out?

I didn't watch no anime. Is just something that made me feel. Made me cry like if I were watching Hachi: A dog tale. You deserve to get fucking banned.

he didn't cuck the penguin…


Then grow a pair faggot.

Go back to reddit, princess.

did you cry because of undertale too, faggotron?

One famous example, the sketch "Jews Rock" was originally "Jews Rule" but I'm fairly sure a great deal of them were changed by executives. That's almost always the case for any show.

We wuz popez?

Say that to my face you nigger. I'm fucking jacked, I'll fuck you up.
You all got baited
you still got baited by my superior bait skills

who the fuck is this penguin everyone has been raving about, I had not heard of a "grape kun" until this thread

There were a couple of sketches cut but there were also some that had unnecessary changes. From what I have heard, the sketch with Sam teaching the guy in a wheelchair how to pick up women had one part of it that didn't make it through: the sketch ended after he got rejected for trying to be a fake douche faggot but supposedly it was supposed to end with the guy in the wheelchair dropping the act and then asking her out normally, after which she says yes.


Go back to cuckchan

Study these scrolls less you want to return to the fields of Reddington.

Get baited, cucks.


Grasos fuera de mi chan.

Don't use words that are too hard for you.

Nice damage control, gayboy. Do you have a buttplug glued to your seat, too?
Go cry to images of puppies, you spandex wearing fruitcake.

Is not gay if the buttplug doesn't touch my ass, right?

Leftypol will defend this.

normalfag myth

Well now.

What kind of fag picks apart a simple joke

The political kind.

when will you newfags learn that these low quality memes are not native?

nice try leftist pedo

How does it feel to get offended over jokes on Holla Forums?

If you tell a joke and nobody's laughing, is it funny or are you just

I don't see how my sexuality has to do with my sense of humor. Nice projection there kiddo.

You don't even need the test to tell you how big of fags you are

Have some other nostalgia-bait then.


All I know is that you caught the gays really bad somewhere. I suggest you visit a temple and seek a cure before it progresses to GRIDS.



I didn't even realize you were posting seattle 4 truth lel

Cute but

The comic came out in 2011.

How much did you practice to be this retarded? In this day and age one shouldn't go into detail as to why homosexuality isn't a disease.
This place gets shittier every month.

Shit, just noticed that. I mean, I think he had a reality show or something? How in the fuck would that be scary to a kid? Why name-drop the Donald in 2011 as a scary bad guy?


Irrelevant. That’s still the point being made by this faggot who gave his daughter a boy food name.

Yep, that's what it does. The gay gets into your brain, changes things around. Suddenly you get aroused by depraved shit like poz loads. It's how the disease stays alive.
Get one of these. They're cheap, and they're sold at every temple, plus you can pray and start your penance.

is as if you normalfags have no attention span.

I mean, the second comic makes sense. Holla Forums may be always right, but man are they huge circlejerking faggots.


Pretty much every board is a huge circlejerk. Or a battle royale depending on how you look at it.


Wish we could keep the boards seperate.

genuine laughter

fuck Treehouse

I think thats more of a joke user.
I know you forgot what those were but they still exist and I want you to know that is a joke.

Me too, but then again I'm kind of responsible considering I keep bumping this thread in the hopes that I get something to wet dream about.

But some boards are worse about it than others. Holla Forums is a bunch of nazi larpers calling everyone a cuck or a kike, and Holla Forums are communist scum. Holla Forums is pure degeneracy and pedoshit. Holla Forums gets angery pretty easily.

You just proved my point, faggot.

What part about mario wearing a faggot wedding dress is a joke? Or do you mean the actual box

The board is under new management and it looks like the new BO is actually going to enforce the rules and deal with the shitters and namefagging redditors ruining everything. If all goes well, the board might be decent again in a couple weeks or months.
I wish he'd do something about the sissy and feminization cancer, but apparently he's worried that would be too authoritarian or something.

Who knows? My guess is that the author needed some way to divide the eras, so by referencing something relevant in 2011 would do the trick.

The Democrats would have certainly won the election if they were good enough at 4D chess to anticipated Trump to run for President at least four years prior to the announcement.

For people not always frothing at the mouth about gay shit its mildly funny. The whole juxtaposition thing of a portly man like Mario wearing a dress is funny for the absurdity of it.
Not everything is a gay conspiracy


Keep that opinion until you're getting fucked in the ass, mate

Continue proving his point.

Because thats a thing thats going to happen, clearly.

There's always been cross-posting, and there's no helping it; the best you could hope for is to get a whole mass of people really into one culture to start posting everywhere else and using their nuanced terminology and images on other boards. I'm really hoping a bunch of wandering sous chefs come around, revive /ck/, and flood Holla Forums with Good Eats threads.

pic unrelated


I remember finding out /hypno/ existed, and I was excited because I was really into hypnotism and thought I found a place to discuss it. I was really disappointed to find it was for a fetish I had never even considered existing.


nice try newfag, it seems you may be at a loss

The fuck are you on about? I never mentioned anything related to whatever the fuck you're ranting about. Calling your board shit doesn't say anything about who I support or agree with, fag. Take your meds.


Nice try Holla Forums, it seemed you may be cucked


meant to post this*


Mayans ate peanut butter

Go back to Holla Forums Jimbo.

we have id, read the comment chain you falsefaggot

Wasted dubs.
Please stop posting while you can.

And? Keep bitching nerd. Stop embarrassing yourself any time.
Holla Forums's been attracting more redditors to shit this place up I see.

too easy

Perhaps the true lol was inside of all of us this whole time.

It used to have a great community for that mainly focused on the fetish but with good discussions on hypnotism too, but then the shitters found out and drowned the board in namefagging and duplicate filesharing threads.
Since this is a LOL thread, I should post something LOL worthy. There's some turboautist named Erika who's wasting all her college money on over 300 drawings of herself getting hypnotized. She's almost singlehandedly feeding the hypnosis artfag community with her weapons-grade autism and poor self-control, probably trying to force meme her OC as the mascot of erotic hypnotism or something.


You fucking faggot, I recognize that clock tower map layout.

My dick appears to be completely fine with this.


What's funny is that every single XTREME 999 BILLION SCOVILLE hot sauce has a white guy behind it diving into the science behind chili pepper genetics. As usual, whites take everything to the absolute limit, improving and utilizing things that they didn't even discover or invent (like gunpowder and rubber). I've met plenty of blacks, middle easterners, and mexicans who can't handle spicy foods.

Pic related, "Smokin" Ed Currie setting a world record

I've honestly never visited 4AM threads, (mostly because I never have a chance to get on at that time).
What's so bad about them?

Imagine Friday Night threads, but barely about vidya and daily. They were full of avatarfags whining about how bad they have it.

They sued to be alright for anons to let steam out and blogpost every once in a while. Now they're a circlejerk for avatarfags who only use Holla Forums for the 4AM threads.

I am the exact same age today as Grape-kun was when he passed
I will never be as publicly open with my secret love of shitty anime as he was
It hurts, Holla Forums

If I'm honest, so is mine

It's this tiny circlejerk of retarded namefags who all know each other.

Literally all you have to say is the word "projecting", instead of having to jerk off some autistic e-celeb. Generally laws are attributed to people that either came up with an idea or were instrumental in its popularisation, neither of which apply here.

here, take a stroll through cancerville

Don't you know Sargon invented projection user? :^)

Redditors and facebook love that, what's your point

Stop this fucking meme, it isn't even the best super robot show

is getting mad about shazbot a fun pretend meme, or are people actually upset about this? either way the reaction it solicits is a cause for amusement for me.

it was cool to see that we could have something in common with something that wasnt human

Please tell me this is just ironic shitposting.

That's really his goal. Anybody who's known shads work knows he's a professional troll who triggers people with his art. If you've actually heard the guy you'd know he's just a normalfag who had a hard life.

You mean uninteresting weebshit?




Christ that second gif


No. Never happen and never will faggot

Plz be my gf, Sarah

This man knows what's up.

thanks man

What's a meta?



the bull/alpha in their "polyamorous" relationship

dude your are on even more layers of irony, hole shit

>trusting the (((Salesman)))

There's going to be days where I wonder if he was finally right about 1 thing in the future.

To be fair with this shit,I think it's less that people actually put weight into that stuff like furries do their fursona, and moreso just ridding the coat tails of popular shit for attention, or to be one of the 'first' to have a thing.

It happened with people making fnaff OCs
It happened with people making undertale OCs
And it's probably just gonna happen to this fad as well.

Plz be my gf, Sarah