
Torfag's new map graphite-b1 is now available on the server.

Newbie Nights recontinued. The schedule is currently Thursday & Friday at 7pm - 10pm EST.

Xonotic Forums get a small panic regarding player population (which has ultimately been observed not to change all that much). As a result several modders create their own various things to attempt to make the game more new player friendly including a tutorial, and completely counterintuitive or casual shit such as random loot per frag, random loadouts, etc.

Bot waypoint fix has been merged to master and will be in the 0.8.3 release.

/radcorp/ game night is set for December or January.

Game Servers
IP addresses are subject to change

Holla Forums Xonotic 0.8.2 Server Status (Western North America)

Unofficial EU lainchan.org Xonotic 0.8.2 Server Status

Server(s) announce matches and player activity here.
irc.quakenet.org #xonotic.na

Hosting Resource

Holla Forums Server Config
Sets up custom maps, multiple game types, IRC integration support, appropriate number of server bots per mode, appropriate time limits per mode, tourney mode, and user's experimental balance config.

Newbie Guide

Also an explanation of strafe jumping with respect to the game engine


Other urls found in this thread:


Been a bit hungry for this game lately, I don't play it often though.

There seems to be playing sessions on the Holla Forums server either every day or every 2 days. It's just harder than it needs to be to get them all on at the same time to actually play together. Aside from that we sort of need a US east server and/or a euro server. The westfag's is persistently there.

Reminder that making maps is more time consuming than difficult
Also, if anyone makes a map I will playtest and give feedback

We had the autism to update the reflex to quake map converter that way it takes less effort to make a map, banging out the general layout in reflex's easy editor and doing the rest in netradiant.
The nigger that was going to steal pocket-infinity as a demonstration never really finished adapting it for Xonotic physics, etc, so I guess it's time to finally shill it.

Also I asked around for CTF maps that were actually made for the game and not just instagib. Bluezvzredz kept coming up as explicit recommendations, and this list got dumped on me. Crossed out is stuff already on the server.
Fighter Bay

I told you fags I was gonna be busy. I even uploaded what I had. Anyone could have worked on it
Also as far as physics works, the map is pretty much totally fine. The rail doublejump doesn't need a double anymore because of xon jumpheight, and having several doublejumps to RA doesn't make sense when you have a blaster and stairglide. It's just been an aesthetics thing (incl. 1 missing stair to mega armor room, 1 missing block in the vort back hallway, armor/health pickup highlights not being coloured in properly)

I don't know anything about reflex

I added Bluezvzredz and Spatium. I tried out Equinox and didn't really like it, or downloaded the wrong map. We might be able to play ctf for Friday night since there are some fresh additions now. We still need way more variety and the mapping community is more focused on deathmatch or instagib/hook ctf maps (if and when a ctf map actually gets made).

List of things to look into is now
Equinox (not added to the server)
Fighter Bay


Fun fact: This is a CTF version of a map called Farewell. Disarray is based on Skycastle.

I'll be honest, these are probably some of the worst ones on the list.

CTF might be more popular outside of instagib if all the maps weren't made for instagib.


That's sort of a shame since CTF would be a nice change from just shooting each other. I think the same can be said for the other objective modes if there were maps designed around them instead of regular DM maps adapted to them. I would think that Onslaught or the control points mode makes the Electro a particularly important weapon, but that has even less mapping support.

Even then, I don't think the CTF maps are as carefully designed as the duel maps. Despite how much bluezvzredz was recommended for the layout, it doesn't have any ramps, and maybe no jump tricks to it.

Freshly rendered webms, now with the correct colors visible. First few already posted to the webm thread.

I agree. I think part of that has to do with instagib players' willingness to play basically any map that has plenty of room to blaster jump and swing with the hook. There might be a bit of a feedback loop when it comes to the CTF maps: CTF is played a lot in instagib, so mappers make more maps that would work for it with vanilla item placements being an afterthought.



Last one for now

Is it because you're too busy playing BZFlag?

I got 6 of my friends playing last week. I think I can pull a few of them in again for Thursday or Friday night.

Also for conversation starters,

What are your thoughts on the current state of things?
I don't think we have to worry about lootcrates and knife skins in Xonotic.

This is the reason Xonotic will never be a AAA quality game.

Dead on arrival.

(I still have the perception that cosmetics in first person shooters are almost pointless since its first person and you wouldn't be seeing the top of your head anyways. But TF2 and Killing Floor proved me wrong. I guess you at least see a knife skin in CSGO, but a lot of them are just ugly.)

I am on the server with these fags.

I've said this before, but I think social features are an absolute necessity. That said, while I dont think lootcrates and knife skins are needed, I honestly wouldnt mind if they put in some cosmetics that work as unlockables to entice more casual players (and if you don't want to unlock em it's FOSS anyway)

Matchmaking is shit though and wouldnt work with Xon anyway as individuals are paying for separate servers. Matcmaking requires a lot of centralized hosting

Moddb already exists, who cares. Don't do skins, especially not like a Steam game. Steam skins are popular because
East-Asian consumer culture shouldn't be allowed into Xonotic because it's a dick-measuing contest for the lucky (betting) and the rich. It's not meritocracy. It's not fun either.

The Steam thing with skins, hats, and digital merchandise, etc generally relies on a central service with accounts i.e Steam, or etc. Xonotic is completely accountless; players being identified by their public key for opt-in stats tracking. I literally think it will never happen.
At most it'll be stuff like "complete this difficulty to unlock this costume" like in Devil May Cry (pre-fuckyou version) or like what it is now with server admins putting random mods on their servers.

mfw they are going to have a very long list of DM maps and maybe 1 or 2 maps for other game modes.

Server side shit cant be edited via your own client. Further, unlocked skins != lootboxes. This shit has been in games for fucking ages (beat the game and you get a different skin, buy this cosmetic armor set with in game currency etc). It's not the same as the F2P stuff you're getting a little bit triggered over

is pretty much what I'm talking about. If you're too lazy to unlock it, you could change it client-side easily, but for those who are too lazy/incompetent/intimidated to edit some files, having something like "beat tutorial, get a skin" or "beat X race map, get a shitposting voicepack" doesn't damage the game overall (because development is already slow, and this would be more user-end additions anyway) and attracts normalfags (who are unfortunately necessary to get a game more visibility, but can probably end up on some other server where they wont see all the naughty "4chan" players)

Oct 28 14:15:38 + join: KraXXXelOct 28 14:16:31 - part: KraXXXel
This guy has got to be reading these threads.

Oct 28 21:48:29 + join: 🔫👽❇Oct 28 21:51:15 - part: 🔫👽❇Oct 28 23:11:47 + join: AcesoOct 28 23:11:59 lets see how long it is until someone shows upOct 28 23:13:21 cts_r7-cvl has begun (15 free slots); join now: xonotic +connect 28 23:25:48 - part: AcesoOct 28 23:34:25 + join: Unregistered PlayerOct 28 23:34:44 Somebody duel me before i go to workOct 28 23:35:29 C'mon i know at least one of you fagmasters are lurking the ircOct 28 23:35:55 nerdsOct 28 23:36:02 - part: Unregistered Player

CTF map looks like this so far.
This is the middle part and there's a ramp thing that lets you go up by a floor.
Not to thrilled to start laying out the bases without some kind of mirror tool.

Is that the toaster raping fish tank again?
It's kind of hard to tell the scale of the map from those screenshots, but it looks really big. The openness of it reminds me of a map called Trust. It was decently popular on the EU Overkill server.

It looks like this. It's still sort of open with regards to shooting across the map, but I think there's still more obstructions and opportunities to ricochet than the common CTF in Xonotic.
I don't know why water in a glass tank with two warpzones in it rapes toasters hard.

Nice I played it for 2 hours today

Since we currently aren't inclined to announce matches in the thread, and probably aren't suddenly going to respond to schedule polling again. I'm going to copy and paste the times of the last few matches.

Sat, 28 Oct 2017 03:45:56 UTC | stats.xonotic.org/game/936684
Sat, 28 Oct 2017 04:19:02 UTC | stats.xonotic.org/game/936690
Sat, 28 Oct 2017 04:39:18 UTC | stats.xonotic.org/game/936694
Tue, 31 Oct 2017 04:18:36 UTC | stats.xonotic.org/game/938313
Tue, 31 Oct 2017 04:29:39 UTC | stats.xonotic.org/game/938317
Tue, 31 Oct 2017 04:38:33 UTC | stats.xonotic.org/game/938319
Tue, 31 Oct 2017 04:51:25 UTC | stats.xonotic.org/game/938323

So far people are playing around 4 AM UTC (9 PM PST). A popular day for matches is Tuesday judging by the last 2 weeks.

Server people.

Remember, no vortex

Sorry, disappeared for a bit due to work and school. 4 other people should have the damned thing at this point. I'll try to remember to rebuild lighting/the pk3 and upload it here this weekend

Matchmaking was a mistake, but that screencap is inaccurate: Door Stuck was recorded on ESEA, an off client matchmaking service.

Nov 01 20:28:28 ggNov 01 20:28:28 Good game!Nov 01 20:28:29 good gameNov 01 20:28:31 ggNov 01 20:28:33 'laterNov 01 20:28:34 - part: ▮■▮If you frag me, I win▮■▮Nov 01 20:28:36 Goodbye!Nov 01 20:28:41 :-)Nov 01 20:28:46 my router keeps cutting outNov 01 20:28:47 - part: sidipiaNov 01 20:29:03 + join: AcesoNov 01 20:29:30 - part: AcesoNov 01 20:29:34 ctf_courtfun has begun (11 free slots); join now: xonotic +connect 01 20:29:45 - part: t0uYK8NeNov 01 20:29:52 - part: NoctilucentNov 01 20:42:11 + join: .:JasmatiRice:.Nov 01 20:42:17 v-pacific, hiNov 01 20:44:17 + join: Felix🔥Nov 01 20:45:58 + join: ⌖sket⌖Nov 01 20:46:57 + join: Lts9Nov 01 20:47:06 lmfao

I'm guessing that's just score

I like not dealing with a Vortex too, but it seems CTF usually warrants having a Vortex to deal with flag carriers. I'm not sure if I can pull it off with these sorts of spaces in the map, though there are better enclosed spaces to ricochet and curve around compared to other maps.

Also I have 0 ideas regarding the base, so this is going to take me a while. Or at least I can't effectively improvise one based on the openings from mid. I really like the mid I came up with so it'd suck to come up with a terrible or half assed base.

It's score. The status page sort of assumes any mode played is deathmatch.

I had the odd thought that maybe those kinds of days re: server browser, mapping are over (for now). So the current modern game with matchmaking, etc reflects that sentiment in order to have live and active playerbases- especially now that streaming and esports is a thing- despite however more preferable the experience would be with a server browser. On the player's side, indie game development has been a recent-ish fad so the choice between making a small indie game / demo in Unity or making a custom map for an existing game usually goes towards the former.

Honestly I think the shift towards full gamedev over modding has less to do with the availability of easy (and somewhat bad) tools like Unity and more to do with the fact that companies are actively shutting the option for modding out. When your game is an entirely catered service designed to sell mtx you don't want modders outstripping your dev team's ability to output desirable content. Further, the thought process behind this from a shill's perspective is that they can further support the game over time, rather than resorting to a CoD style yearly iterative model. The thing she shill ignores is that the longest lasting games were kept alive due to community involvement and content production, not support from the actual devs. Additionally in the older, less costly/risky model, there were many more instances of actual free (gratis) content from devs, like updates that added maps and gamemodes, new character/unit additions etc. I would argue that the development and inclusion of editors was also part of this same overall philosophy.

It turns out it's much easier to design a base isolation. It actually feels like middle has to step its design now. I might be going a little overboard with bases.

Big game studios don't care about giving players something they'll love and play for a decade when they can just milk the players for all they're worth year after year.

There's a lack of documentation of how to make player models for xonotic. Goddamit, I just want to insert Gondola in the game

They're not mutually exclusive. If Blizzard thought they could get people to play OW for the next 10 years by adding a little more content each year, they'd do it, because the income generated from lootbox shit will outstrip the amount they spend on said content updates if planned correctly. This still results in nomods though because they don't want people getting satisfied with freeshit, they want them to buy more hats

Team Fortress 2 is 10 years old.
(The hat stuff did come out later, but still.)

Player (and item and weapon) models in Xonotic use the Inter-Quake Model (IQM) format. The first step is to figure out how to convert an existing model to it.

Nobody is going to be playing OW in a decade. All the casuals will leave for the next flavor of the month game, and the more dedicated players will leave when the only updates are cosmetic shit and endless rebalancing. This will lead to a snowball effect where even more players leave because the game community has been declared "dead". Blizzard will then shut down their servers because hosting costs have surpassed what little money they're still getting from the rare new player buying lootbox shit.

I should have said they don't care anymore.

No shit, but that wasn't my point. Blizzard would keep people in there forever if they could (see: their current desperate grasping at WOWbux). OW is riding on a pre-existing foundation of class based shooters though, and doesn't even do the formula especially well, so I doubt it will be all that sustainable. Honestly they're probably pretty happy about the forced esports shit, because that will help the game limp along for a bit longer

Meanwhile we need to figure out what Xonotic needs to carve out a decent niche for itself. I dont think the gameplay is necessarily the issue (QLive did fine even in spite of poor support), but there's definitely some QoL improvements and some visibility/marketing issues to address

I checked a pk3, which is just a renamed zip, of a models pack and as far as I can tell, you put your Gondola assets in the following directory structure
then zip them up and put it in ~/.xonotic/data or equivalent depending on operating system.

Thanks! Guess I'd have to get Quark or Milkshape

I don't think even game companies with all their analytics and marketing tools know how to make afps popular. However Xonotic is probably constantly under the impression its a Quake clone so the players naturally gravitate towards Quake instead. There are a handful of unique mechanics and concepts that can't be simply ported over to Quake, but the reverse is possible. It just seems that those unique mechanics are either underutilized in the average map or Quake maps and Quake style mapping have generally more visibility in the community; i.e the hypothetical question being if you ported a Xonotic map to Quake, what exactly gets lost or how do the scenarios change?

Between Xon and Quake 3? Lets use Fuse as an example
Those small corridors with sharp turns? Shit in Q3. You dont have any aircontrol, just strafejumping
All those rampjumps? Gone. They don't work
That means no mortar-topfloor, no pipe to electro, no pipe to mega, no tele exit to mega in 1jump, no shortcut to armor shards in midroom, no shortcut to mortar from bottom floor, no non-tele way to get to dev from 50a, no landing in rail pit and bouncing out the other side at mach 2, no jump across the mortar room from jumppad side to tele exit side
Jump windows on mega? Different, because Xon has ridiculously fast accel compared to Quake and lets you retain that shit for ages due to the aircontrol, but this one is fairly minor
Rail tunnel in general? Deathtrap. You cant crouch-strafejump in Q3
That room in the middle where the 50h is? Worse for players than it already is, since you only have a few fast ways out and you dont have the blaster for low cost rj's

I think the issue is moreso that, due to the lower population, there's not a lot of stuff showcasing the differences unless you're actively looking for it. On top of that, a lot of people wouldnt notice anyway, for the same reason that we have faggots comparing everything with a dodge roll and slow attacks to muh soulsbourne

A lot of that would fly over people's heads i.e we get some "people who played Quake 3 before" players that only forward and jump.
The more if not most blatant difference between Xonotic and Quake would probably be the warpzones since it can't be ported, but I think that still manages to get overlooked.

As a side note, we also seem to get more players that try to do q1 or source bhopping for whatever reason.

I already mentioned that here
If we're discussing drawing people to the game though I think we need to look at aesthetics, not mechanics. Normalfags and casuals know almost nothing about the fine details and they dont care to. What they want are things like the Blue Plate Special sound effect, kill spree announcements (seriously, check out all the games that just imported UT's), and a method of playing where their ability to frag wont be scrutinized as hard (like playing disrupt in CTF) or where frags will be easier (like in OK/Insta). I think the last option is fucking awful, so it's down to a good gamemode with good feedback, easy readability, and maybe some lighting improvements down the line, because look how much people jerk off over flex

re: bhop, thats because more people played Source games than Q3. It came during the gaming boom that inadvertently fucked the industry creatively. It also doesnt help that the majority of Q3posters on here seem to be Fromdrone-tier cockgoblins who see a rocket launcher and assume nothing has changed

I remember that shitshow thread

I am not sure.

Xonotic could probably benefit from a more detailed scoreboard that shows item control stats though if that's what counts as readability. It already has its own kill spree announcements and mutators where the frags are easier. The latter sort of leads to the situation now where people think they're hot shit in instagib, but later find their skills don't transfer very smoothly to the actual game or think the game needs to be made easier / mechanics should be removed, etc.

Apparently my post didn't go through

Basically UT4 is 90% greyboxed shit last I checked. It doesn't look like that image. It also didn't have its own launcher, only being accessible through UE4's core launcher. Flex is probably a better example but, much in the same way Xonotic does, it lacks an identity. You have to remember that Quake built up a "feel" over its three core titles. You can make a map or model that feels distinctively Quake, and while it was story-in-a-porno-tier, there was writing that went into all 3. Xonotic very much feels like assets slapped together at times, and there doesn't appear to be a distinctively Xonotic look. Things exist functionally like they largely do in Reflex. This issue is only exacerbated by the over reliance on maps from Quake 3, Quake Live and CPM. While ports are nice, there should be a stronger core of Xonotic-only maps that really highlight play style differences as well as Xonotic's own style. This is why I bring up things like the blue plate special. That's a distinctly "Tribes" thing, and I think HiRez's one untouchable addition to the franchise was that satisfying little cha-ching you get upon landing one. Little additions like that (but obviously not exactly that) would go a long way towards solidifying Xonotic as a separate product to the uninitiated.

For all of this to work though I think there would need to be a decision made more centrally to determine what the "world" of Xonotic actually is

Also not that many people play retail Q3 or CPM. Most people just play QLive and don't realize that Q3 had some retarded balance decisions like 100dmg rail

What refresh rate do you guys have on your monitors? Am I going to jump over another crazy skill plateau if I upgrade from 60 Hz?

People on the server.

144hz here. It does make a difference, but it also ruins 30/60 to an extent

30 has always been ruined by 60, the shift between 144hz and 60 really isn't that bad, even if it does feel fluid it doesn't feel physically painful.

does feel less fluid*

Its noticeable enough to me to make it less enjoyable, just not by a wide margin. I wouldn't write off a 60fps shooter but I would comment on the drop if asked about the game.
Really, the only games that should aim for less than uncapped/ >60 are those in genres where frame data is important and multiplayer is an option. Its a shame that people keep pushing fidelity over performance, and then cap out performance anyway. SupCom:FA let's me run at 144 and can still give my hardware a decent workout because GPG wanted to make it look good beyond the hardware standards it was released on

But the eye can't see more than 24 frames per second

People on the server.

We also have a handful of beginners that occasionally show up and need other beginners to play with. I'd say use the thread or irc more to coordinate matches- it's way more time efficient than waiting on a server at an arbitrary time.

We now have Australians.

Beta version when?

Nov 11 10:24:23 + join: KraXXXelNov 11 10:25:55 - part: KraXXXel

Nov 12 03:23:12 + join: KraXXXelNov 12 03:24:53 - part: KraXXXel
What did he mean by this?

And I thought it was a meme given how the press responded to people making fun of a game journalist failing to do a jump dash despite this 18 or so years of experience covering games or whatever.

This is obviously a round-about way of asking for someone to modify Erebus to have a cup for a head.

The giant musical bong looks close enough to a cup.


When you have a bong and wonder how you're going to smoke weed with it.


Can it go up my ass?

It's been down for a while, and I haven't seen its admin for a month.

unlocking sounds like shit when there's no cloud accounts.

let people make their own skins and make them visible to other players. if you pick up a weapon from a downed player you get the skin temporarily, you can press a button to save it to your computer.

it adds some meta, it's free, and it's memetic: you can get the jump on people when they drop a powerful gun to get the skin and you can humiliate players in duel by duping their rare skins.

also sprays.

Yes, and your ass can also go up it

Thank you MDHR

The thing is, you need to have a model or skin on your computer to see it rendered on your screen anyways. That goes for any game and why things like DLC unlockers are a thing.

We have people on the server.

I don't think it has to be hard to circumvent, I think it needs to be fun and based in the primary mechanics (which aren't grinding singleplayer) and increase the social value and engagement of the game.

Plus there's tons of creative people on the internet that could have a lot of fun with this

Depends, I think AFPS players tend to be pragmatic.
The skins and cosmetics didn't exactly catch on for Reflex. This setting tends to be the norm among advanced players for visibility purposes i.e essentially everyone has taken their skin already. And most AFPS have a setting that does essentially the same thing.
Aside from that, if skins are dropped on death none of them are going to be rare for long.

that's kind of the point: all of the customization and personality with none of the wankers from cs:go plus with an open system anybody can make their own in paint.

I still have my apprehension.
For example, everyone makes their skins pack such that everyone has to download them in order to see and kill to obtain them. That's going to result in a lot of skin downloads and increase the time spent downloading and loading the assets e.g I remember way back in a Sven Co-Op thread someone was complaining about 300 GB or so of anime girl skins to download.

You can still maintain the customization and personality with none of the knife skin shit in CSGO if it was just a local installation of a models pack as opposed to making a server serve anything that gets made.

As long as that solution isn't "random users can upload files to your pc"-tier then sure

You need to have a skin on your computer to see it to begin with.

Nah, my folder is currently sits at 7 GB for player models, most of them not anime and rubbish, should really sort through it and organize it more. The maps are more of a problem, assuming they are taking up most of the rest of the 28 GB of the addons folder, along with their resources, such as sounds, models, etc. They were also not mandatory. It was really just exaggeration. Looking on it now yes it needs to have the quality sorted out. Sage for off-topic.

1. local skins doesn't add any social value or meta and anyone can make them right now.

2. I see it as an upload download arrangement built into the server so operators could put on hard limits for size or disable them.

3. Fully modelled and rigged models is alot further than I was thinking: just a simple texture that gets blended onto the model with a wear pattern so players can paint their guns how they want: like minecraft skins.

the challenge you're all missing is that we need to change the frag shaders to add in another diffuse map and alpha map and also ensure that everyone's using the same model on their client which is not necessarily the case.

if you count server operators as random users then actually they already zip up whatever they want into a pk3 and make you download it.

Then I really don't get it.
You can't just pick up a skin and press a button to save it on your computer, unless it just doesn't render on your end for the match, it's already on your computer. And if you can just upload files like that to a server for it to host and distribute to other clients, it could just be more prone to security exploits.

The game does need a social aspect however. The matches are fast paced and doesn't leave time for conventional typing aside from macro spam. I don't really think the hats on the SMB servers ultimately affected much either- the people who go on those servers are still generally migrating randoms with the exception of the defrag server.

any server specific feature is an automatic fail while the playerbase is so small.

the point is that it has the potential for xonotic specific memes to form and potentially become viral and reach a wider audience: like spycrabs or hyperbeast or overwatch porn.

Server operators are one point of failure, and generally use a small number of packages a user can feasibly check. Further, an admin who uploads garbage will quickly be called out and will develop a reputation. Random users constantly uploading multiple jpegs = multiple points of failure with too many items to check, and it becomes more difficult to keep track of what came from where. Even if you nail down a specific user, its harder to set up shop with a new server name and all prior features than a single alias

I mean the methods in which you would try to achieve that goal don't make much sense.

It (SMB mod) is on some other servers, but it originally came from SMB servers.

why does the nex have a 'charge up' time?

you can replenish your health and and armor and just tank like 5 nex hits if you get both megas the only thing that needs to be balanced is stacking because it forces players to compete with a tank.

seriously duels aren't about whose better they're about who can collect the megas faster

1. Megas have a fixed respawn interval, you can't get them any faster.
2. They're a major part of map control as a game mechanic and influence tactics and conflicts.
3. Maps made for duel have enough resources for the player who is in the down position to make a comeback.
If you can't control the map and to your disadvantage, or can't challenge in-control players, you're not good at the game regardless of how well you can aim with a specific weapon.

The Vortex is extremely powerful as is with 80 damage and no travel time. The only other weapons that would deal as much damage is
the rocket

the electro combo (100+)

hagar secondary (100+)

That's pretty generous balancing since projectiles are much harder to hit and can be dodged unlike hitscan. Your target taking 5 hits from a Vortex is essentially you giving up all the armor on the map plus megas.

of 30 seconds which is way too fast/often, essentially makes it harder for the person in the down advantage. By the time they collect more weapons and collect shards to combat the in control person, the megas will be close to spawning or already spawned and taken by the in control player, and thats if the other player manages to avoid getting destroyed by the in control player because he has no weapons + stack

regardless of nerf it still only takes 2 nex hits or a nex hit and a very little damage from other weapons to frag someone whose just spawned so the nerf literally only works to the detriment of the player who isnt in control

the person in the down advantage can reliably do more damage to the person in the control position every time they meet and still lose the game

except most guns have some sort of splash damage effect so even you miss long as the projectile lands near the player it can still damage them

This isn't necessarily the case. It depends on which weapons you go for, how fast you are, etc. There have veritably been comebacks from a down player. For example this webm.

It's not about dealing damage as it is about landing kills and controlling the map.

They can still be completely dodged completely or partially depending on your and the projectile's position relative to an adjacent surface.

you make it sound like its rare

basically who spawns closer to the megas first wins the map

typically to frag someone you need to remove all their health. You can remove someones health by dealing damage to them

im sure they can but its not hard to aim 'close' to someone, especially when you can deal damage through floors and walls with the explosion damage of the mortar and rocket

a duel isnt really a duel if most of the time the players are never equal in terms of firepower and stack its more the in control person dominates them and the down position player tries to switch it, doesnt sound like a 'duel' to me

duels should have the same armor and health rules as nexuiz + some current duel rules, so the person who is in control still has an advantage of map control and the down position player has more of a reliable chance to knock him out and take map control from him

im not saying remove map control advantage entirely but as it is right now map control is more important than having actual skill, a better player can still lose against a worse player because the worse player can tank 5+ nex hits and the better player could only land 4 and he only needs 2 to be fragged

i still dont see a reasonable point as to why the nex has a nerf, the nerf literally only helps the person with map control

You're implying that it's not possible to make a comeback because
This is an extreme oversimplification of how duels turn out.

You can also deny healing or stack from other players by taking items or intentionally removing them, especially armor which will drastically reduce how much damage they can withstand.

It's not especially hard to hit with a Vortex either; especially people who tripwire aim and if the map is structured that you can deduce where your target will move next. You only need to have your dot on the player to deal 80 damage to them- no travel time, no limit on range, range having no effect on weapon effectiveness.
For machine gun, you need to have both your dot on the target and track for a duration of time.
For the other projectile weapons (electro, rocket, grenades), you need to both aim and lead where the target is going.
For the hagar, you need to aim, lead, and track predicatively.

This honestly sounds like a mismatch in skill. Map control and tactics is definitely a skill in Xonotic, not just aiming or dealing damage.

Also here's a duel where, at the start of the match, someone picks up both megas and loses. And note, how often Vortex is used by the down player.

Sorry for jewtube, can't fit 11 minute videos in 16 MB on the spot.

I finally figured out an easy way to make player models by trawling through the forums. Basically you just
1)download the template .blend file for a character
2) open it on blender
3) delete the model and not the armature (skeleton file)
4) load my model (in obj)
5) adjust the skeleton joints so it lines up with the model
6) parent the model to the armature
7) use iqm exporter to export it

The advantage of this is that I don't have to animate it (the pk3 way). Haven't got to texturing yet, and the weird thing is that everything has to be mapped on one texture file.

There's also this forum post that mentions about how a good model should have a clear silhouette and having an art style which doesn't clash with the background. That's probably for the best because the other non-official models for this game are furries and that Suiseiseki which are so bright.

On any decent map items will be spawned in such that initial spawns are on close to, if not exactly equal footing for health/armor pickups. Weapon placement should pick up the slack

It also does less damage. Dropoff is fairly sharp. We're not dealing with Quakeworld numbers here, and you can accelerate pretty fast+faster if you wanna use the blaster (and for the record, yes I have used the blaster to dodge shots, and I'm sitting pretty at a 313:39 w:l ratio)

Sounds like you just got rocked by someone better than you. Problem exists between chair and computer until more sufficient evidence is provided :^)

People do reliably switch from out of control back to in control. You just have to know what to look for and how to play defensively.

Map control IS actual skill

Not possible. A full 200 stack won't be able to tank even 3 fully charged hits. Uncharged you can get away with if the stars align.

Because it's still the easiest, fastest, and safest way to do 80 damage in the entire game

We have people on the server.

I think I'm gonna consider this layout done. Not sure if I can pull off not having a Vortex in it.

And I'm not sure why this brush disappears. It's a copy of another one on the other side of the map.

Does the face ever pop into view when you move around the map? If it does it could be caused by some sort of vis issue. Another (unlikely) possibility is that there's a duplicate brush causing issues. I would have to see the map source to give a more definitive answer.

No. What happens is if I move closer to it, more stuff disappears.

I managed to fix it by selecting the brush and snapping it to the grid (Ctrl+G). I had to use a grid size of 2 because I wanted to move the brush by the least amount possible and a size of 1 didn't work.
Does Reflex's editor have an option to keep everything snapped to a grid? I spotted several issues unrelated to this that can be fixed just by keeping everything snapped to the grid.

It has a snapping distance, but the only grid I've seen is the brush material.

Also can you give me the copy of the map you edited.


Almost done. I need better looking glass however.

Now this brush is missing for no reason. I snapped it to grid too.

CTF map is essentially ready for its first beta release. My only other concern is that there's shiny blue tinted glass which looks really nice, and meanwhile there's a blue and red team.

And here it is.
As for any comments,
I'm unhappy with the amount of bland empty space on the bottom floor. Currently the bots are a bit biased for running around on the bottom floor as opposed to using the upper. walkway once in a while, which is a little unsatisfactory too. It is this way because I didn't intend on making a space map, but the bottom floor having ceilings or walls would mean walkable surfaces from the upper floors.
The 2nd floor isn't very "integrated" with the map.
A lot of the circle jumps are tougher than I expected.

Not sure if not-having a Vortex works. Personally I was okay with playing skyward-ql with the Vortex unobtainable. I wouldn't exactly be happy with pixelshots either given the columns and semi-futile attempts at breaking line of sight. The bases seem suitable for richochets and wallbangs, the middle not so much.

A bit of elevation change might make it a bit more interesting.

I wouldn't call this map a space map. Those allow you to go under the map and have a kill brush at the very bottom (eg. Dance).

You versioned the pk3, but didn't put that in the name of the bsp.

I meant I didn't want to make a space map, so I enclosed everything including the walkways. Hence the ground floor is like that (putting walls and ceilings on it means areas to stand from).

9999999 hours in paint

warfare is my favourite map for minsta duel, I tried it in DM and there's no vortex. WTF? is there a good version? will it get fixed in the next build?

Does anybody play bzflag?

Come back soon.

Warfare is remade from QuakeWorld, which doesn't have a railgun. It's not broken. It's the way is supposed to be.

Some progress on the new map geometry.
Added water to the second floor to limit the amount of walkable space on the ground floor as a compromise of not being a wall and not being the abyss.
Added staircase from ground floor to second floor; makes 2nd floor and its goodies more accessible.
Added more goodies to 2nd floor so there's more reason to go up there
Added protruding ramp to pillars on the side so 2nd floor to top floor jump trick is easier.

I estimate with this, the popularity of floors would be as follows.
2nd floor, for unstacked players- might be crazy popular for non-XPM.
Top floor, short & probably fastest, for stacked players. Added risk because of glass walkway & wallbangs.
Ground floor, situational, heading to powerup, another short route to flag, less item pickups.

This is a good addition.

Give us a list of all the pickups. How many players is this map meant for?

Half of Middle
8x armor shards
5x 5h
2x 25h
1x 50a
1x rocketlauncher

One Base
1x MA
1x MH
1x Hagar
1x 25a
1x MG
1x Mortar
1x Electro
8x 5h
6x 5a
2x cells
1x bullets
1x explosive ammo
1x shotgun shells

I might readjust the items in the bases such that it's harder to overheal. I wanted the map to have fast caps so flag carriers not being able to overheal at base, with exception of mega's, might mitigate that and turtling.

Second iteration is ready. The only issue is that some parts of the map are overly bright. The middle of the map might be toaster unfriendly because of the water and warpzones.

r_water 0 should get rid of frame rate issues. You'd still be able to see through the water in the tank, but the warpzones would be opaque.

Feels pretty good. Would like to see team-specific decorations in each base so you can tell them apart at a glance. Maybe more decorations to fit an aquatic theme. Framerate issues are not as bad as they are in the dm map. Looks large enough for 5v5 but not sure there are enough pickups for that.

Server people.

I'm sure that's only because r_water isn't forced on.

I have r_water enabled. Only thing I can figure is that there are less warpzones near the fish tank. Is there going to be a b3?

Same amount of warpzones. One as the top entrance of the fish tank, another as the bottom.
There would be a b3 depending on feedback I get from b2. b1 -> b2 was only so fast because the bots already demonstrated how b1's design wasn't great and needed adjustment.