Support classes

Do people play support classes only for the attention or are there other reasons involved?

They want to "help" but are too afraid to take any real responsibility.

well, it has a different playstyle
maybe some people like whack-a-mole

Support played properly are the big picture class. Your job is to monitor the entire encounter and use your abilities where they'll benefit most.

DPS chases numbers and Tanks chase aggro, they only ever notice each other when one of them fucks up.

I remember Rift had both healing and support roles which felt like shit in 5-mans. Either the healing wasn't shit and you were forced to do mediocre DPS or the healer was terrible and you did their job for them, in which case you were basically down a person.

depends on the game in dota support is crucial in secureing kills and they generaly have some of the most power ablities compared to carries. im mmos however i have seen plenty of healslut behavior, but that usualy means your in a shit guild to begin with

this tbh

real men play DPS at all times

Support classes realistically only care about their healing numbers high and then have an insane ego to back it up. Healing is always the easiest role in games with a trinity of roles.

Healing/support < ranged dps < tanks < melee dps

This is based on my experience of playing every role. In multiple mmos and table top games.

Real men play whatever role is required for the team to secure a win.
Real men outperform others by sheer skill and knowledge of a game regardless if they have a handicap of underleveled characteristics required for the role or dont.
Unless of course you play a shit games like mmos.

I play as support when I pick last.

It's usually alright for exploring the options of the game while someone else does the hard work, but at high level it's the least fun thing ever.

melee dps is a fucking joke to play ranged is way harder

lol no. You just stand at the edge and avoid all the mechanics of the encounter. Sometimes you scoot to the left or right. Melee has to pay attention to just about every mechanic and still do good dps.

Tanks have to direct the encounter but don't have to worry about dps.

Healers could have their job automated.

I prefer non-healing support, like Mesmers. Or if the FFTA Gunner was a class in a multiplayer game.

You're joking right?
Ranged dps might have more going on in the spells/skills/whatever its called department but in terms of positioning and mobility they don't have to do shit 99% of the time
Melee dps actually have to move, which in and of itself makes them a more complex role than ranged dps.

No wonder you have such a shit opinion with this kind of mental shortcut.


Depends on the game and support class. Some games have a lot more interesting playstyle for the support class than the other classes. Sometimes I do it because the support class is important, but nobody fucking uses them, so I do it to fill the need for an important class.
Do you really get more "attention" as a support class than a tank or something?

last time i played wow in mop the melee were just sitting on the boss for most fights and ranged had to deal with most of of the shit, so its really just depends on the game

I usually find it easier to do better at support classes than other classes. I often see teammates play a support role, especially pubs, and they usually screw up at vital points in the game that I'd rather take the role myself so that I know we at least have decent support to fall back on.
I liked playing Medic in TF2 more than anything else. Running all over the place making sure everyone was at full health was fun and got pretty hectic at times.

Even in games where there aren't clearly defined traditional roles I find myself being the backup more than the spearhead. Same when playing Mute in R6 Siege, people don't seem to like playing him much, but I pick him all the time.

Real men get their post right the first time.


Real men are not perfect and are not ashamed of making mistakes, since it's crucial part for getting better.

I'll bust your balls whether you like it or not.


I have the least amount of pride in my groups so I indulge in cheese tactics that work 1% of the time.

As a result, this causes me to play support mostly so I can cheese out dungeons in MMOs or I can brush aside getting killed because "Cheese tactic only works 1% of the time"

That and any weapon that heals allies but harms enemies at the same time is my jam because my aim is shit

Depends on game and team. Propping up an "almost gud" team to "gud" is fun. Then there are stupid shit like "have to have a healer" games, mostly mmos, which suck no matter what.


I just want fast queues goddamnit

I used to play Medic in TF2 up until most classes could regenerate health because on the one hand it actually helped the team to win and on the other they managed to make healing people and killing others actually fun. I absolutely hate how healing is done in games where you just act as a moving health kit, but old Valve managed to make it so much more engaging, since you had to micromanage your healing targets and defend yourself from other support classes and threats.

I play support, not because I don't take joy when I hurt the enemy, but because I take joy when i help my fellow teammates, that action gives me a sense of team and cooperation and if done correctly it can change a game completely.

but mostly i feel like im a tard babysitter

I think it has to do with the fact that I'm a weak little shit that could die at any moment and can't fight back, so I need to be on my A game to make sure I don't fuck up, but still manage to be important. If I was DPS, then it would just boil down to killing as much shit ASAP, which is more or less fun in different games. Being a support is almost always fun though.

In some situations namely games like Planetside 2, playing support classes is the best thing you can do as it gives the most rewards for just playing.

medic can stand his ground against other classes quite well.
The medigun counts towards the crit timer, so healing a few allies will guarantee a crit for your melee. Only classes that can survive are demo, soldier, and heavy, which are slow enough to finish with the syringe gun and find cover.

talking about support classes in FPS like PR or other squad based games

I succ at aiming so

I actually get annoyed if support classes aren't "supporty" enough. Like in Battlefield, I feel like medics shouldn't even get primary weapons. Just Pistols plus medic items and gadgets. Medics are fun because you have to survive the battlefield without even really fighting back.

I just want my team to win but most people are too goddamn retarded to play a heal/support role, so I do it and try to fucking babysit people so they don't get themselves killed due to stupidity.

you see op, multiplayer games depend on two things- individual skill and team. if 1 fag in your team sucks ass you will get fucked.
being support lets you help him suck less or save him and yourself from his retardation
you are gloryfied baby siter but at the end of day its your team thats winning so its ok

can't think of specific vidya that does this, but arcane trickster is my favorite /tg/ build

in MMO land theres no such thing as support classes anymore, just classes that make HP bars go up instead of down.

I want this meme to end

Lynch yourself, nigger.

this never works in any game since there are no consequences of dying in game and nobody is scared to run into stream of machine gun fire
unless its some arma with limited tickets or some shit

The real question is why do you play the boring classes OP?

battlefield does pretty well with the suppression mechanic.

The recent Battlefield games and some other games themed around military realism have the suppression mechanic where it's a lot harder to aim and your screen gets blurry if many bullets pass near you.

Depends on the game. Classic DM its pointless, but long and/or distant respawns dying is detrimental to any sort of advancement pushes. Also it can be used to push people into the open or keep them in place for either an explosive or someone else to get into position to take them out.

that sounds gay as shit
suppression fire works in team deathmatches with limited respawn, capture the flag, or control point defense.

It's not that bad to be honest, although I don't like it because it encourages you to sit around and do nothing, like so many modern shooter "mechanics." They could have just put in the shitty aiming aspect and left out the blurry screen and it would have been fine.

Battlefield's suppression mechanic is amazing, you triple nigger. For all the things I hate about it, it's one of the better things about it. It's pretty easy to find cover that prevents you from being suppressed, because bullets have to travel fucking close as hell to you to actually suppress you.

I'd rather be a buff-tier support like you can be in something like FFXI or Tree of Savior versus a healslut. Grease and Bless are two of my most overused things in Pathfinder. BUFFS AND DEBUFFS PLS

I'll play healer sometimes. Memes notwithstanding, healers are disproportionately played by women, and women are shit at video games, so it's very easy to be above average.

Depends on the game. In some games support means more than being the healslut.
I play Air Raider in EDF4.1, because I can summon tanks, robots, cruise missiles, airstrikes and lazer satellite purges. I played engie back when I played TF2 because the Widowmaker made it a high skill class that rewarded consistent shots with easier building. I go Hunting Horn in Monster Hunter because smashing a dragon in the face with an electric guitar and then giving everyone infinite stamina is fun.

I like getting to choose who lives and who dies.

mmos managed to take the words "priest" and "healer" and make them sexually charged

It's amazing how much the game changes when you compensate for other's fuckups.

Grease is the most fucking hilarious spell in D&D 3 and up. Before it was Sleep.

Are we talking passive offense support or healsluts 'support'.
Straight up healing others gets boring fucking fast, but if there's a reasonable degree of managing buffs&debuffs on a class that has weak healing capabilities it can be fun. Of course even then in most games it usually just devolves into 'Bars go down faster/slower' instead of any sort of tactics.

The only MMO I've ever heavily played was star trek online and I almost exclusively play a science officer now, which is that game's support roleā€¦kinda. Science is a combination of healer and poison type. It has access to devastating aoe attacks and powerful heals. Makes for a great leader honestly. I once lead a team of players through a Klingon ground fleet action and managed to keep my whole team alive while pushing forward. Afterward one of them said I was a machine, and did that weird laugh you see online sometimes.

Your loss, DPS kiddies.

Suppression in BF works pretty well since you can't make people actually fear for their lives.

If some guy with an LMG is spraying the top of a staircase, it makes it much more difficult to just slide up while prone and shoot the guy while you're a half-inch "above" the final step. Once you get close enough, you lose peripheral vision and start getting shaky, and it's harder to pinpoint exactly where the LMG guy is.

Additionally, it's a better indication that someone is firing at you without holding your hand by pointing an arrow at exactly where from.

Literally the opposite. I play a support based healer so I can make up for all of the fuckups of whatever retards I'm grouped with? Tank suck? Got it covered. DPS suck? Find whichever one of them sucks least and buff them up. You can't make up for a shit healer no matter how good you are as a tank. You can't make up for either as a DPS.

This. It basically enforces you to play semi-realistically and not confidently stick your head out into a hail of gunfire to try and get a 300 yard sniper shot off.

The only reason one would ever get a healer on the team is for lewd times.

I was gonna say becuase I like to feel needed but this is very valid too

In WoW, healers carry battlegrounds
Healers are the lifebattery of the bg, whether rated battleground or not, even more so in non-retaed battlegrounds.
I queue as shadow priest and, although i do loads of damage and DoT everything, without a healer you don't last, and the other players don't survive
You can queue as a healer and keep everybody up, and you win. just the fact that they are alive controlling the point, stopping the flag, on the objective, just them being alive contributes, and in most cases since the game si so easy they will be able to throw damage nevertheless

In OW support carries the meta. The poke game is the meta, and healers healing the poke and blocking their opportunity windows is what wins the game

I play Discipline Priest to carry retards so I can win , whether bg or in raids. A good healer carries the team. A good dps can only carry up to a certain amount (you can avoid mechanics with high damage, but if the mechanic is unavoidable and the healer has to perform so you can stay offensive, if you don't have a good healer the raid goes defensive and you cannot push or do the fight)
Meanwhile with a good healer no matter how many fuck ups you do you can keep on going and stay offensive
good healers carry raids. Good healers carry bgs. good healers can carry retards in arena too.

Healers are the core of the raid, you can even have a shit tank and if the healer is good he'll just keep him up. A good tank just makes it easier for healers, but that's about it. A good tank will dish out high damage and be unkillable, helping both healers and dps. Also their mechanics are of more importance than DPS mostly, easier but essential.
It's not about "who's more important" but rather a pie chart with difference percentage of importance or how much they affect raid performance. I'd definitely say that, for WoW at least, Healers have a higher percentage of performance weight than DPS, especially now that healers can dish half the minimum requirement of DPS, with 2 good healers counting as 1 extra DPS in damage output

I used WoW as an example since it's a bona fide DPS/Healer/tank triangle MMO

Most social autists i know do this.

It's really not that good; it doesn't actually force players to play as if they are suppressed if they have a high rate of fire weapon. The only thing suppression does is add another nerf to the sniper class and push them even further from the fighting.

realism isn't fun though, it's not even immersive. Adding a visual effect or impairment is just a duct-tape patch for a much bigger problem.
You don't really have a choice whether or not to provide suppressive fire in that case, because the game makes the choice for you.
In games like counterstrike or tf2, you can at least have the choice to hang back and provide suppresive fire, or charge in guns blazing at any time.

Either they cheated or they're not top level, either way, what the fuck. Better get that fucking attitude under control before they become another honor kill.

What games even let you focus entirely on debuffs? I like the idea a lot, but I've never seen a game that does it well.

Going back to star trek online, I remember back when I played tactical me and 5 guys were trying to defeat the borg queen, and we had no science officer. Just tactical and engineering officers. We tried to beat that cunt for almost 2 hours or at least it felt like it and we couldn't take her. I got her down to like 3 points of health I swear, and the rest of the team had died in this setup once they died they respawned outside the room and were forced to watch, I was alone And I was almost dead so I hit a health pack, but she killed me first.

I a;ways wondered if I would've killed her if I just kept shooting. I would have taken all the glory. That loss was so demoralizing, we gave up after that. If we had a good healer, we would've beat her ages ago.

Melee dps should be harder than ranged, but over time devs have once again decided 'fuck those players' and made most attacks target ranged.

It's the same thing that poisoned gaming. We went from devs designing worlds and players deciding how to overcome challenges to devs deciding how to overcome players. They are like spoiled children that are angry players 'win'; when obviously players are supposed to win.


"Support"? More like CARRY

Support THIS

After highschool, the only way I was able to keep in contact with my mates was through dota 2.
I played the dedicated support in our group, not because I liked it, but because it was what they needed and it wasn't too hard to learn
But when it came down to it, team fights and late game that is, my split second choices would lead to either games being won or games being lost.
I felt like what I imagine a doctor feels like on an operating table, lives in your hands and a fuckton of pressure to do it right. I ended up leaving the group, but that feeling of pressure and responsibility was pretty addicting, I can't imagine people playing support for other reasons if they've felt it

An obvious match

Trying too hard, buddy.

I like buffs and debuffs. I dislike healing but pretty much every support class has some sort of heal in addition to said buffs or debuffs so I play support classes.
Where do I go to scratch this support itch? I tried playing DoTA and smite but they aren't clicking with me after a week or so of gameplay.

I'm not sure if it's still alive, but BattleRite might have what you're looking for

I miss the pre-trifecta era when "support" was an entire super-genre of different healer, buff, debuff and crowd control types. I hate how consolidated things have become, it's only a matter of time until even the DPS-tank-heal triangle is compressed into a single "self-healing high-damage tank" that can solo everything because we'll have reached a point where no one playing an MMO actually wants to interact with another human being, ever.

I agree, I like being a useless bard that just puts up 4 auras and the shitposts while everyone else presses their buttons.

Where did I say I don't like it? I just said it's a reddit meme

No. There is no other place for a man, than to tank at the front. You are at the top, alone, effectively being the only one whose situation resembles that of a normal game. The monster and you, face to face, like any fighting game ever.

Your dps friendos are merely procs on your weapons. Healers are autopotions. The only one playing the game is you, set on the stage. Everyone else jumps on your bandwagon. But they are not real.

the only commanders that suck dicks are the ones that call arty inside the cap zone.

No offence but no way in hell am I paying for a multiplayer game.

real men DON'T play

Maybe try LoL and Paragon I guess. LoL I know for sure has a bunch of supports with no heals, all CC and buffs/debuffs, and plenty on top of that that have minimal healing. As for Paragon, I've only played a little bit of it, but it's Smite but actually built around Third-person shooting.


I agree with this.

In terms of necessary awareness and fun, tank > healer >dps. The only thing a dps needs to worry about is not standing in fire and doing their skill rotation. At least a healer needs some situational awareness to save all of the retards he or she is partied with.

I'm guessing you never played LOTRO, because Bard played exactly like that. You could also play custom songs on your instrument for maximum shitposting. One time I joined a group of bards and all we did was run around playing songs as a band near random people we'd find. Most fun I've had in an MMO in ages.

That sounds exactly what I like to do. But I guess I missed the boat on that game.

Isn't that exactly what the Death Knight in WoW did?

Also all of Guild Wars 2.

I play support classes for quicker queues and easier groups.
Then I use those connections to get me DPS spots.

I just like being self sufficient, which some support classes are good at being.

Once, I was in a raid at the argent tournament. There was a second tank, and I thought: this could be good, these solo games can be lonely at times, I wonder what it's like to play with a mate. But then I realized I had been looking at a reflection.

Sometimes it's fun to just have a really casual role. You don't have to be balls to the wall full autism ALL the time in games. And you can always dps a little between heals.

You're the reason raids get wiped


Have you been playing Ymir for support in Smite? I haven't played since the latest season started because it's shit so this may not still be true, but Ymir is the only good support in that game. Build damage, penetration, one or two defense items, and probably some cooldown reduction. Support your team well enough and you'll become an unstoppable powerhouse with shitloads of basic damage that can chunk healthbars, denial with your wall and freeze, and high damaging slows.

I usually dps in raids. But I still do fine when I heal. I do fine at every role, tbh.

If there anything manlier than a pure DPS specced player that joins as a tank and ends up tanking by beating the other damage dealers in damage alone?

This kind of player usually gets killed by burst damage unless they're ridiculously over-equipped.

I don't think you know what anything of those words mean.

I enjoy trying to wrestle aggro from a tank as dps. After they have secured aggro, I mean. Not attacking prematurely like an asshole. It's kind of like a mini-game.

everybody else i play with is a shrieking troglodytes who needs constant adult supervision. at least they know now if they fuck up I'm going to bait them into a fight and then abandon them like their parents should have.

Every party needs support to reach maximum efficiency, so if you play support you will spend more time in parties and meeting new people, and less time grinding solo and sitting on your dick waiting for something to happen. You are basically useless when alone, so the game forces you to be more social and cooperative to progress.

Is that you, Without?

in mmo's ive started to play healer because it takes obscenely long to find groups as a DPS and I don't trust others to keep me alive as a tank. Healing is the best rewards/time

Playing cleric is the hardest job in aion. Most clerics are girls too so its easy to be better than the rest

I guess that i just want to be the man behind my team's success after all. Sure the DPS dudes gets all the credit, but i smugly know that if it weren't for me, they wouldn't be the victors.

Hehehe what a big pleb, also credit to Valve for having a somewhat deep mechanic for the mediguns
Biggest fucking crutch i have ever seen, pretty much everytime my pocket obliterate a double crutch box soldier i will always be smug as an animu grill. The fact that Medics trumps the healing effect anyways only means that you're trading firepower for being able to fight on the frontlines longer.
>Old valve
i'm sad and mad too user

No, well if you meant that the medic could survive a direct confrontation against other classes and live again to see another patient, then yes. If not then the only targets the medic could reliably kill is a close-range sniper, a spy or an engy without his sentry.
No, only the soldier or heavy could survive it, and in soldier's case he'll probably be dead sooner than later. On the heavy's case you'd probably get mowed down on the 3rd swing.

OH shit, this guy knows what's up

Tried them both. Paragon is too much for my toaster and LoL I felt played worse than DoTA.

Yep. My problem with the game is that everyone does pretty much everything. Everyone has their own CC and buffs and debuffs, everyone including the tanks can shit out damage like no one's business and at some point I lost interest.

Why are all healers such sluts? Does it have something to do with all of the big green heals?

I think it's because the healer usually thinks he's making everyone happy or glad that he's around to help, though that's just my idea why.

really depends on the game, in some games healer / cc / utility is the hardest role, some games it is the easiest, cute comic though

DPS is always for the retards

wow died for me when they nerfed out of spec healing to the point that shadow priests and ele spec shaman couldn't back-up heal in bgs and forced you into using the pve focused nearly defenseless healer specs to heal in pvp


Really? Didn't know that since most server I used to go on had no crits enabled but it's cool to know.

It's great on paper when you're playing with an organized team but I never relied much on it for single pushes in pubs where I used to play. The way I usually did it was by switching healing partner during group pushes so that even for a couple of seconds everyone could make through the inevitable 4 sentry nests on badlands.

Fuck off, MMOs are irredeemable garbage.


Thanks for your input

All right, Holla Forums, I need a half-decent game with good character customization to play with a friend.
Surely there is something good out there?

Well ok, this needs to be said

I have bad reaction time but I understand what to do in games and what it takes to win generally. I also like it because you look at the game in a completely different way. There's more of a focus on where your team is and what they are doing. That's why I play support.

The problem is that I can't make a girl in it.

Please post more pictures and i'll be your friend

You get one.
Treasure it.

Give me two and i'll treasure you

I bet you get a lot of girls with such smooth talk.
All right, I'm feeling generous today, so here.
But no more.

And I still need someone to recommend me a video game.

I can suggest videogames over discord in exchange for more pictures


Is that how it works? Has it always been like this and I just didnt know?

I only want more picturesā€¦

Guild Wars 1 Mesmer

I have an online friend and most of what we do is send good lewd pictures that we find to each other and banter.

Yeah, a really good healer can pretty much round out any group. I remember having to tank as a DPS because our tank left and the healer we had made sure that not only I didn't die but that we got through the entire dungeon without the need of a tank. Shit was cash.

GW1 Mesmer wasn't just the debuffs, either, but also had to do with skill-interrupts and other things that weren't just "do -50% damage" but actually had the potential for much deeper impact.

GW was so fundamentally different from other MMOs in terms of roles that it's somewhat crazy to think. Minion masters, trapping, the number of ways you could deliver debuffs or just otherwise fuck with enemies, the way you could take a secondary class to specifically fill in a niche, the fact that the front line was both the toughest and the best damage dealer instead of just being a sponge - all of these things, plus the inherent team vs team dynamics, were just the perfect hybrid.

Maybe one day they'll make a sequel for it.

There was one dungeon where I solo'd the boss while rezzing everyone.

Daily reminder to bully your groups healer they enjoy it.

Yes, and? Literally casualbait.

That's a good way to get griefed

Support class is a force multiplier if played correctly. Most people take it at glance value and see it as GF class, casual class, healslut, or whatever. If you have to throw heals when your class has something else, you are doing it wrong. And I hate the idea of 'healing' class or healbots because while it seems to make your existence useful, that is all it is. Heal.

My ideal would be kind of like the cleric in D&D, a combat support. Why bother healing when you buff the party to the max and running interference with well placed debuffs, so they will not need to be healed in the first place; being generally useful by not being squishy; and can smack some heads depending on my mood. All of this while you silently leading the party on.

Still, a force multiplier to a zero is still zero. Supporting random fucktards on the internet is an exercise in futility, so that is why I run with the bros.

How about no classes whatsoever? Classes are fucking retarded. We can move on from the shit that was Tabletop RPGs and develop new gameplay already, stop clinging on to absolute fucking trash.

begone furshit

Former ASSFAGGOTS player here, nearly 5000 hours of playing support exclusively. Mostly did it because I didn't trust myself to be a core, and because CM is a pure goddess and I've spent way too much money securing every loadout possible for her to extend my TF2-driven fashion obsession to the next level.

Former competitivefag here, most of it as Soldier.

Medic is by far the most important class in TF2, more so in the 6v6 than in 9v9. The difference of 20 hp on the rollout to mid can quite literally win you the game, since DM is fairly evenly matched once you get the top .000000001% of players. It's why the crossbow is such a stupid good item that turns the medic into more than just a conduit for buffs and ubers, it means that he can pick off hurt classes or completely neutralize a class in a fight (it's really hard to lose a scout v scout matchup when your scout is ~160hp from the buffs to mid and their scout is at 100hp because you arrowed him). There's a reason why he's been gridlocked to the same classlimit as demo (read: 1) since fucking season 3 of CEVO and ESEA, nearly a decade ago.

And even in pubs he's a force to be reckoned with because he keeps retards alive and allows high functioning autists to channel their 'tism into winning games. It only takes one medic most of the time, two tops, and you will literally just out-hp the enemy team enough that your merry band of troglodytes will earn even more internet points.

So yeah, don't hesitate to pick Medic because it's what wins games 90% of the time. The only real difficulty is decision-making, but the game has been out long enough that you would really have to be out of touch to not know the basics of playing one of the simplest to execute classes in the game.

Suppression works in PUBG squads.

If you weren't so awful I wouldn't have to do everything. I didn't solo the entire dungeon, or the entire game, just the one boss that I didn't kill alone.

For single player or non-team multiplayer I like being the unstoppable force or a role that relies more on stealth or mind-games. Yet when it gets to team-based games I tend to prefer letting the glory go to someone else via support (tank or healer). Am I a beta or did I just lack making good teams/DPS builds?

When I tried playing an MMO DC Universe Online I liked playing Tank (play DPS badly and it's fine), or Control (throw as many conditions on the other guy and heal your teams mana).
Or maybe it was because I liked the characters I made for it.
The brief time I played DOTA I liked Skeleton King, and would probably have liked that ghost woman who can have a really fast build.

Blame WoW and the clans who demanded more and more who are literally now part of the company/other companies for major MMOs.
Now mobiles games are racking in more money for less content, expect those sort of people to move over to that gradually IMO.

Once past the first circle, at least.

I-is that a no?

Even TRPGs generally don't use classes outside of D&D, D&D derivatives, and maybe WoD I can't confirm as I've never so much as read a WoD book


Support classes in many games are fucking required to complete objectives. Raiding in MMOs needs supports to make things run smoothly with buffing and healing. In ASSFAGGOTS like League/DOTA, supports are ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY for vision support, disables in teamfights, and babysitting the carry so they can get fat; do not underestimate the power of a strong teamfight disabler or a lane support with good map awareness.

Anybody that says support is bullshit or only played for attention is a faggot who only thinks about themselves at all times and refuses to sacrifice their own time and effort to make the most out of their teamwork. A team effort requires every part of the machine to be good at what they do.

git gud scrub, learn how support works even if you don't play it yourself

In ffxi there is a lot of overlap. In some cases you can use nothing but black mages to win battlefield fights.

All that is well and good but nothing brings me as much joy as getting caught by an enemy DPS off guard and managing to solo him. It's a true sadistic pleasure knowing that everyone can see in the kill feed that the ebin MLG pro DPS has just been killed by a lowly healslut support.

That's FFXI though. One game out of countless others. Certainly not a majority.

In FFT and TOLUCT I play my teams with support classes included because they support the team.
That's what they're for. It's in the name.

It really does bother me that other MMOs didn't follow Guild Wars example with the Mesmer and actually build classes around support abilities that aren't just healing or "here's a shield, Dickhead," or support abilities taped onto healers. I know some devs would use the "b-but tough to balance!" excuse, but it wouldn't even really be that tough. Just give players a class with the ability, either through mundane means or magical, to buff friends and debuff enemies, or better yet, split them so that you have classes with a bit more of one than the other. Take a bard, for instance and make him more focused more on buffing with small heals to supplement other healing and still semi combat capable with a few debuffs.

Now take say a hag or witch and give her plenty of debuffs, slowing attacks, movement basically as many debuffs as the bard had buffs, maybe have them buff/debuffs different things with only occasional crossing of streams on say, attack speed or power. Give her much weaker attacks (basically enough so that debuffed enemies would be harmed about as much as if a bard hit them) slightly slower moving, and have her buffs be little charms she gives her group or a witches brew she has them drink. Maybe leeching abilities to spread healing through a crowd of allies or a poison to infect the other group.

But I'm a nodev so I couldn't say that's really the best way to go about it. But I'd just want to see the combat triangle done with some differences.

Is there a single player RPG with decent AI so I can be a healer?

Playing support because nobody else has the brain capacity to do so seems to be the common ground among skilled support class players.

Rift was set up so the tank should have been able to constantly mitigate damage/heal himself, while having another dedicated damage/healer role.
I fucking loved that game, why did Trion turn inti massive kikes.

Depending on the game, it's also a matter of willingness. Most people are more worried about 'muh KDR/KDA/DPS' than being the superstar they expect to carry them.

If you're not confident in your team, then use a Quick-Fix / Vaccinator so you don't felt like wasting an uber
Oh fuck nevermind, by the way switching patients during uber is kinda bad idea since it will decrease uber time, and alone uber itself won't finish 4 sentries all by themselves especially when they're wrangled. At that point i suggest another medic with the stock.

Wew good point there compfag, i mean all of it even though i never play any of it.
What? i thought it was picked for its ability to give 150HP heals across the map.

I never really understood the mentality of making the player with the absolute least gold the one to spend on temporary vision. It only ends up making them so weak as to be a complete liability late game, where if one of the mid-tier farming heroes (ie more than the support but less than the carry) did it they probably wouldn't even notice the cost.

I just want to say that the way Mercy flies right now leads to a lot of skilled maneuvering that you can't get with any other hero. She's (currently) the "skill based movement" hero.

For those who don't know how it works she can fly to a teammate every 1.5 seconds, but if you cancel flight at the right time you can keep momentum (and start the cooldown) which maxes out at roughly 3x the standard move speed. Coupled with well timed gliding and jumping (a perfectly timed jump will maintain the momentum again instead of losing it on hitting the ground) and there's a lot of finesse to the one ability. Considering pulling stunts like an winged tony hawk is the only way to survive ten seconds with everyone and their dog wanting you dead there's quite a bit going for the character.


Even if I wanted to install discord, I couldn't because I'm on severely limited bandwidth. I can barely browse this place as it is.

Support is harder so it's fun

I like support in dota because you can kill people relatively early and usually get an OP ability that you can single handedly fuck over the entire enemy team with. Supports in dota rarely can heal

Varies by game, but this is why i always gravitate towards support/tank, it's where all the most spiteful, rage inducing abilities are.
Crowd control gets me rock hard.

Depends on the game. I play support either because I'm a lazy faggot and like having other people do the dirty work or I want a more tactical approach to the game managing buffs and target priorities

I like to be support but I prefer to debuff and spawn minions than buff.
I am terrible as a healer or buffer because I usually tend to have balls bigger than that of the people I heal, so I charge in thinking they will go and cause havoc and instead they end up retreating.

Mostly, support is nice because you are the backbone of the party, however it can be tedious when the party is easily spooked or get cold feet.
Seriously, if you have someone supporting you don't be a fucking pussy, go in and charge like a madman, if you're not on death's door at all times you're wasting your support's time.

Switching it around, I love good supports and I try to make as much use of them as possible, however I tend to be narrow minded so more often than not I end up letting my support die because someone is flanking and I didn't notice in time.

I usually pick the healer class but end up focusing on DPS.

People loved to do dungeons with me in FF14 because my white mage stance dancing was on point. Paladin pussies would bitch at me when they let themselves get bursted down and I was too slow to heal them, but Warriors were bros who never died and would just let me blow my fat DPS loads all over the monsters' faces instead of needing to heal.

I start the game wanting to make friends and heal people so everyone can have a good time but then my bloodlust comes out and we just end up massacring everything together.

For me, it depends on whether or not the support class is actually fun to play. With healers, it's all about keeping those bars filled, constantly scrambling and wrestling with the awful UI to target the one jackass who is surrounded by a dozen baddies is a pain in the dick.

If I get to play something like a Controller out of CoH where I get to slow down and throw debuffs and stuns and make it easier for everyone else to do their job, I'm all over that shit.
I've had this image saved for years. You gave me a reason to post it, user.

Oh it's for healing too, that's why it's such a busted weapon.

It's actually ridiculous, on-par with day one release of Equalizer where you could one-shot scouts and outrun them at 50hp with literally no downsides. In the hands of a good medic it's easy his best utility weapon, it just does so much for the class that it's required, even moreso than Ubersaw I'd say.

You almost never want to split your uber unless it's absolutely necessary; it cuts down on the precious time that you have as invulnerable death incarnate. Just flash a nigga when dangerous shit is flying at him so it doesn't knock him down too low (since he should be buffed anyway) and you're golden. When there's fuckhuge nests like that, you're better off with either two ubers or anything for picking off engis like spies or snipers.

no one is competent enough to heal me or my team so i have to take the duty myself
every time someone else plays healer the team im on eats absolute dogshit
then again, no one can tank for shit either
faggots just wanna play muh high damage classes but never learn any other role WELL WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU GONNA DO WHEN YOU GET STUCK IN ANOTHER ROLE YOU CUNT

Heres a quandry for you healsluts. If healing is the hardest, most important role in the game, why is it the go-to role for girlfriends who dont play much vidya?

I used to play support in BF2142 because it extended the fun. Being revived at the last second and healed to max was great, so I would return the favor whenever possible. Difference is, though, that in 2142, the "support" class had a good rifle, underbarrel grenade launcher, grenades, a pistol, a knife, and sometimes extra stuff. Nothing like games where you get "heal", "revive", "cure", and "bap with a blunt stick".

Because most GFs are dumpsterfires when it comes to playing games, and healsluts are mechanically easy to play. All you have to do is H E A L and its fine, you don't even have to do it well or anything, you just tell her she's doing 'perfectly alright though it could use some work :^)' and let her enjoy her perpetual mediocrity as women are want to do.

That being said, a good healslut is a fucking godsend and are rarely, if ever, of the XX variety. The best healsluts I've met have all been low self-esteem traps that have a propensity to ERP with me whenever I joke around with them about how 'traps aren't gay xd' like it some kind of deranged mating call to these cockgoblins.

They automatically feel included simply by virtue of their class.

Realtalk Support tanks > any other role

leader and supporter
king and his men
doctor and nurse
male and female
responsibility and duty

there's a natural duality and power dynamic to relationships, both are essential.

tfw no healslut trap to top me off while ignoring everyone else

Well shit.
I can see how it's not nice and streamlined to have classes designed for specific niches. You just need a balance between having enough classes to fill the niches, and having few enough to keep the contrast between each of them.
Anyone got that one giant list of classes for a non-existent MMO that has shit like swashbucklers and samurais? The idea behind it is fugging neat.

Hybrid healer / dps like Ragnarok monks are the best.

I wonder how long that took to fix, I also had a great bug during the first 30 levels where I was cut off from all channels of chat.

Divinity OS2 if you like RPGs.

Sometimes you get sick of watching a job get done badly so you do it yourself just so that someone is doing it properly. I play every role & hero so I end up supporting like that sometimes.

When I played support in ASSFAGGOTS, one reason I did it was because I wanted to be able to win a fight and the tower behind it too. If you don't have heals the fags will run back the moment the fight is won and forget about the actual purpose of the game (knocking down towers and throne).

I never really went pure support build in ASSFAGGOTS. It was always semi-carry shit with crap like Halberd + Orchid or Sheepstick + Moonshards. Woops. I honestly enjoyed carrying with just about every hero that exists and playing heroes out of their designated roles. Even in LoL I was playing AD Janna for a while, which was much more amusing than LoL normally is. It was also pretty damn effective, since Janna has a shitton of escape abilities and movespeed and farms pretty well with the right mastery/rune setup, on top of being able to charge up Muramana fast for retarded damage. Was years ago though. And in DotA I think I've run most carries as supports at some point or another.

Divinity: Original Sin 2.

That is true.


Ye', that's the one.

Have you ever met a woman? They want to be center of attention, everyone sucks the healers dick, they are the most social of the typically mmo classes and girls only play games for attention from boys. Also the ways healers fuck with people who upset them is by not healing them, very passive aggressive like a woman.

Speaking of "classes done right", I want to see more of a "Cleanse, Purge, SMITE!" kind of paladin.

Not a healer or peacemaker, but a vessel or righteous ultra-violence, where every skill is geared towards DEATH OF THE HERETIC!

what the heck

That already happened and it was called Secret World Legends

gw 2 as well, it was total shit

IIRC WoW had Paladins as self-healing tanks and the odd tank warlock as self-healing high-damage tanks (abusing the various warlock self-heals, threat generation, and damage reduction methods) in TBC and I think Death Knights might have been all 3 in WotLK. Fury Warriors were also frequently used as high-damage tanks in vanilla at least. If you were in a strange mood I guess you could deck out a fury warrior in self-healing procs and add bloodthirst for a self-healing high-damage warrior, although I'm not sure how worthwhile those self-heals would be.

This is a faggot response perpetuated by other faggots who are either open about being faggots or in the closet

Support classes are the backbone of any good offense or defense. Defensive lines falter without them and offensive pushes grind to a halt if they aren't there to resupply and repair damaged teammates.

Engy is the most fun I've had as a support class. I feel bad though for medics because in recent years the class is pretty much redundant, most classes have ways to self heal or heal off other classes like mad milk. Vintage has been fun since it's gone back to basics and playing engineer and the scant few goes as medic fun again because you're actually valuable to the team

Sometimes I like to stress myself out by having to observe the whole battle and try to control it with my buffs and heals and babydick dps when I have the time

mostly I play it because I got more than one friend in to shitty mmos and you need a healer for fast queuing

Just want to mention, in GW2s wvw, the usual zerg is broken down to 3-4 support for 1-2 dps, no tanks, scaled up to 20-50 total. The new expansion makes support do more of the dps so its becoming all dps/support hybrid builds.

The only way to have a healer without It devolving into bullshit is by elliminating human interaction. Just make an MMO where you just controll a full party instead of individuals, that way you don't deal with faggot healer players. Also It would be easier to prove supperiority upon other players because it essentally could become an MMOSRPG, something I have actually never seen.

Even if it isn't from plebbit, it's still plebbit tier and it's still a shit fucking meme. Kill yourself.

pandawas in dofus are pretty much the best support class, throwing people where they need to be is the best form of positioning get on my level

Closest to that I can think of is Dragon Age's templars.

Hey, maybe he was a farmer.

These WoW-clones/drones thinking support is nothing but healsluttery need to fuck right the hell off.

Wakfu has interesting mechanics.
Stuff like repositioning allies/enemies, making allies/enemies able to do more/less stuff in their turns, make allies be able to move further on their turns, etc.
Game's balance is a bit messy though, they change the character's properties all the time.
Look up builds and shit before creating a character so you don't end up picking a wrong mount or something that you can't change later and then ruin it forever like me.

Objective meme tier list:

God Tier: Memes I like
Shit Tier: Memes you like

Fucking faggot.

Can you give some examples of this? The korean grind MMO I'm thinking of has you managing buffs and debuffs before and during combat, restoring mana and using sleep or dispel spells at proper times to do boss mechanics.

None of that holds up to a Medic in any way, shape or form, with the possible exception of the Heavy giving someone else a medium medkit once in a while. And you need to rev down and switch weapons for that. When I wanted to win a TF2 game, I'd switch to medic, unless there were already 2+ other medics on the team, or there were no healable classes (in which case it's best to just leave the server).

I love Raven Prime or Atlas M&C in MWLL, narcing whores and feeding radar info to buddies.

Diablo 2 niggadin. Sure, it has a whole tree of defensive/support auras and 2 active skills that could be used to heal allies, but who the fuck gives about that shit? Zealot, smiter, hammerdin, Fist of Heavens spammer - diablo 2 paladin gives some really powerful offensive builds.

Ah but,
There's an issue here. The lines are blurred between each class because of the reasons each class were given these "sustaining" items. They give teams less incentive to actually choose medic and less reward for the medic himself. Sure they're nothing compared to the medics own healing, but the fact the contrast between the classes was blurred in such a manner makes him less useful overall.
Tf2 still has servers? I thought they killed public servers except for skial which directly sucks valve's dick.

Paragon and ritualist in Guild Wars were the shit too.

They also have some of the best skill icons, alongside the mesmer.

Mesmer/ranger/necro should get their own category as disruption or something.

Abathur in HotS is the best original concept for a support role I've ever seen implemented. I loved feeling like a vast intelligence and support system for my team, sweeping my gaze across the entire map and leaping to assist teammates with the symbiote immediately when they needed it. My intuitive sense of who needed the symbiote the most was very impeccable and led to many kills because the enemy overextended.

Also, I really liked Dehaka.

Some games have almost no necessity for supports, and sometimes they're mandatory.
Sometimes a game will switch between both.

Are you seriously talking about Blizzard's moba attempt?

FFXI RDM, though it isn't solely limited to debuffs. Lots of bosses can be afflicted with a myriad of shit, assuming your skill level and magic accuracy is good enough.

arent you suppose to protect the city?

That is what Benediction and Tetragrammaton are for. Spam Holy for days, let the tank shit their pants at 3k HP, top them off, then go back to slaughtering.

depending on the game supports can be some of the most powerfull characters.

in dirty bomb for example i used to play medic, because you can carry your team hard if you play well. especialy the medic with the shotgun can still easily take out most other classes in close quarters while refilling the lifepool of half your team at the same time.

In path of exile i also play a support every league because supports are absolutely insane. Huge defensive buffs all around and massive offensive bonus, plus debuffs on enemies. Every party wants a support because if everyone stays close he doubles the powerlevel of everyone else. and as a reward for not being able to play alone you get to hang out in partys that waste fucktons of currency on tripple breach maps with beyond and silly but fun shit like that.

ok then.

dofus is a much more polished wakfu square-enix's involvment with wakfu was to its detriment