

GTA 3 came out nearly 20 years ago, let that sink in.

Sorry to hear your favorite Jew died.
Jews in vidya thread? David Wise is my favorite Jew.

Time goes forward woooooow, my mind was blown!

Haha you're a funni boy

Mega Man X3 came out 4 years ago, do you feel old yet


You niggers who always post about "le epic linear development of time" are way more fucking annoying than feelsposters lamenting it.

Fuck off from this board, furfag.

I forgot how hilarious the car driving physics are in GTA 3 and GTA VC

Nah the feelsposters are worse

My favorite Jew is Josephus.

He died on my birthday apparently.

Was just "Joseph" not enough for the attentionwhore?

Latin perversion of his given name, Yosef. He defected to the Romans and Vespasian gave him land and two waifus.

Jesus is my favourite Jew.

Can someone please explain this to me?
He went against the teachings of the Jew and his father was God, how is he a jew?

Because Judean got translated to Jew in the KJV.

Are you legitimately, functionally retarded? Or just incredibly new? Jew does not mean follower of Judaism

That's like saying a Christian does not mean a follow of Christianity. I'm not getting your point.

I agree. Wojack is one of the few cancers that killed halfchan and people here openly embrace him, mostly because they came from reddit or some other place and cannot into culture, or don't know what it even is.

user. Judaism are the teachings from the taldum, Hebrew is the language but Jews are by blood.
Jews and Judaism can be linked but they aren't 100% exclusive.
You can be Jewish without caring about Judaic teachings, of course it won't save you from being a kike but nevertheless.

It's kind of like thinking Christianity is a race of nobles and such, when it doesn't really correlate.
Sorry you're being bullied by the other guy.

Open up Google.
Type 'Jew' into the search bar
Tada, you've solved your own question

I've come to understand that the whole nosey race/religion/ethnicity confusion is one quantum mess and all of those terms refer to the same thing. That thing being whichever benefits the parasites the most at any given time.

jesus/yeshua wasn't even his name. he wasn't born "of god". his mother was syrian and his father a roman. why do you think (((anthropologists))) claim he had dark skin and was was judean?