Yo Janny

Yo Janny

I thought this only worked in 4/jp/

you're correct.

I'm only saying hi to Janny

The thread will probably be deleted

Any chance you might have the full size image of this? Just figured I'd take the opportunity to ask.

I've seen anons on /a/ here get banned for doing so.

I mean what do you expect

Well the /a/ here is the same as on cuckchan, so it's to be expected.

its nice to have a board thats consistent about its rule enforcement imo

It's not though, /a/ here has no purpose. If /a/ had a different BO then I can see it being top 3.

doubtful, lots of goons here

Jannys are usually responsive when I report them.

is this the birth of a le epic new meme?



Im not new, im an oldfag. I was on Holla Forums since 2009 faggots. PUDI PUDI ←— Reference


I like how during this era, I thought halfchan was already incurable cancer. Good to know I was wrong and it become much, much worse than that.

It's not a Holla Forums meme so why do you expect me to know it?

Someone reply to this post saying "who are you quoting"


Just dropping this here because it took me way to fucking long to run across again some years back and I don't get enough of an opportunity to post it.

Not videogames