Nigger, I'll play with a proper fullchan guild when the CF realms come up (sometime next year probably). It'll be great.
Gabriel Peterson
Fucking end yourself.
Levi Allen
Simply not worth playing until it's not run by a bunch of incompetent corrupt Slavs that sell gear to their chink playerbase.
Hunter Butler
Elysium devs and management have proven themselves to be corrupt, incompetent, and willing to turn a blind eye to hackers and botters. In other words, Elysium is a shit hole to play on for anything other than getting to 60 and quitting. Anything else means dealing with a broken economy, a PvP system where cheating and queue dodging is encouraged, and where people can cheat to their heart's content with no consequences.
Hudson Long
* if you're chinese
David Price
Is this what you'd call post ironic shitposting?
Juan Wright
I'd rather play retail than to play with a halfchan guild on a chink infested server
Easton Collins
Join on Elysium instead. Some of our core members are back and we figured we would try to make a small resurgence what with there being fuck all coming up in terms of good private servers.
Jayden Hall
Is this the Wow server with those interesting changes to what you do when you level up mentioned a while back, involving being able to take stuff from each class on offer?
I'd love to do some D&D 3.5 esque bullshit with this if that's the case.
Luis Martinez
Just wait for Gummy CF :^)
No, Elysium is vanilla blizz-like. What you're thinking of is Project Ascension.
Alexander Stewart
Fuck off Toomy, you had the chance of reviving the guild but the constant shilling of fucking gummycraft for over a fucking year bummed out almost everyone.
Evan Taylor
How could the guild be revived? The main excuse that keeps coming up in this guild is burning out. Fuck people are even burning out from NOT playing the game or burning out from waiting for a private server. What doesn't burn you guys out?
Adam Fisher
tbh I probably would if the admins didn't fuck over half the playerbase by forcing them to migrate to anathema
Isaiah Sanchez
Yeah that was probably the single stupidest mistake they've ever done. And that's saying a lot since we've seen some shit from the Elysium team by now. Trying to give their dying realm artificial life support by changing the default transfer to Anathema when the people that rolled on Zeth'kur in the first place did so for the freshness of the realm is mindboggingly retarded even by Elysium standards.
Dominic Lopez
Blizz, plz.
Ayden Kelly
Post the tranny's tits from the old board
Aaron Rogers
Can I just play it solo on a toaster?
Elijah Davis
Looks like god-awful nigger shit. Anybody who likes this deserves brain cancer.
Cooper Cooper
and you still bump the thread regardless
Angel Williams
So I signed up. What Server are we supposed to be on?
Joseph Hughes
I hate you niggers, pick a server this time and stick to it you faggots
Jaxon Lewis
They'll get it.
Brody Ward
what server and side?
Adrian Barnes
Elysium, horde side.
Eli Moore
Jaxson Barnes
What are the typical things a Warlock trains in?
Kayden Evans
You know the half-chan guild thre is called like right?
Anyway, I was running an EU guild on Elysium for a while trying to forcefeed swedes memes to turn them into men. They got pissed off because I was "pushing them too hard" in BWL because I told them to bring Restorative Potions to Chromaggus and that I "wasn't giving them enough positive reinforcement". A bunch of slack-jawed faggots if you ask me.
Long(TM) story short I gdisbanded and passed out 5000g from the guild bank in the cross roads like 2 weeks ago.
Gavin Cooper
I made like 4 threads in the month before the transfer about it telling you guys to login and do the transfer quests. Now, here (You) are bitching about it.
Michael Harris
not even surprised
Nicholas Martinez
If you mean spec they usually go affliction for leveling. If you mean professions tailoring is a strong pick for PVE. Engineering for PVP. Alchemy/Herbalist combo is generally strong both for money-making and PVE.
Angel Gonzalez
And whatever you do don't pick mining or herbalism.
Wyatt Edwards
I don't know about that. They are pretty essential to level alchemy/Blacksmithing/engineering.
Joshua Williams
I think he means mining and herbalism. Problem with that combo is that you can only track one at a time, making it annoying to toggle between the two.
Easton Cooper
Jaxon Anderson
Carter Cook
names Guruumsh, add me
Dylan Brown
you sure you rolled on the right server? we're on elysium horde and I can't find your nickname.
Matthew Brown
we are being invaded by halfchan rejects
Evan Sanchez
Always play Horde so goin Alliance with my brother for once. Dwarf warrior not even level 30 yet. I bought gold to twink him out, leveling is hell without a proper weapon.
Jacob Long
Don't you run the risk of getting banned by buying gold?
Liam Moore
I'm playing on Alliance on Darrowshire and you can't stop me.
Christian Campbell
Samuel Adams
Wasn't elysium literally founded on gold buying/selling? If I remember correctly the actual admins were selling bulk gold to chinese sellers, literally supplying the bullshit chain. Some streamer found out about it and posted proof, the server pop went nuclear and it split. The half that remained were too invested in their current progress (despite entire guilds literally buying their way to the top) and somehow its lingered on long enough for people to start shilling it here again. Mind you I could be thinking of another server but I'm fairly certain it was elysium that all this shit went down on.
Cameron Sanchez
No it was Elysium and I'm not saging so people realize this .
Luke Mitchell
Dalaran WoTLK isn't so bad.
Levi Torres
But then you're playing Wrath.
Jackson Hernandez
I'm with this guy who totally isn't me. I know one of you faggots has 'em saved!
Kevin White
This thread exists because apparently the WoW private server general over on cuckchan has been banned.
Ayden Walker
im in the server and the guild and its fun and all , but people 8/v/ fucking hate wow and any blizzard games so i really dout your shilling is going to work well here also good luck on mc lads
Noah Davis
wew well now can actually raid :^)
Joshua Thompson
Just the private server general. The retail one is still active, of course.
Ryder Scott
Kayden Robinson
maybe dick posting and tranny posting wasnt too smart of an idea, so what gave you lads the idea to come here?
Elijah Bailey
I'm not from cuckchan, I just know they banned private server threads.
Elijah Campbell
It's pretty alive, it seems. Cba to play though.
Brody Roberts
1164 during peak hours on Anathema server is pretty alive according to you ? I think only reason we see this thread is because one of the officers from discord cyclejerk is having a hissy fit again and wants to shitpost
Carter Gray
Enjoy not being able to find groups for anything.
That's definitely the Elysium server in that screencap, which has a decent population.
Gabriel Perry
how many of those are real people playing and how many are chinese bots?
Lucas Green
There's at least enough people where a few groups run every dungeon on any given day.
Justin Rivera
Fuck off.
Alexander Bailey
>There's a halfchan guild I'm in, Holla Forums tier as fuck so your aware but it's fun. The name is lel. Discord link: Holy fuck that is so much cancer.
Carter Hill
Would there be demand for a non-faggot, non-cuckchan guild on a different server?
Evan Phillips
at this point probably not unless the server has a good gimmick. the playerbase on fullchan who actually want a private server are already fragmented across a couple servers, and splitting that up even more is a bad idea (assuming that you could, which i doubt)
Oliver Peterson
I was thinking Project Ascension might be the best bet because it has a pretty good gimmick, it's decently populated(500-1000), has a low chance of going under, and it's not in beta. Sargeras is probably the better choice due to its item-loss on death feature weeding out absolute gays.
Jason Perry
Custom server where everyone and their mothers is running Stealth + 2 shot builds while 1% of people are doing naked Frostbolt+Shatter builds hoping they will get lucky and gank some afk guy with gear?
Daniel Bennett
Do you have a better idea?
Jayden Carter
so the one that has an actual pedophile in it that cuckchan kept around because he was the only one who would roll druid