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Poor mods.

Making more threads will just bump more threads off.

Who did we get mad this time?

So what triggered Holla Forums this time? Did someone tell them how great food is?

Is it the sperg from the tf2v thread?

my bet is the creeation of nerv and the fact there's 26 Holla Forums threads there and only 16 Holla Forums ones 16 too many.

Mind and give Ron some feedback on it by the way: >>>/sudo/46751
That user who suggested letting us filter Holla Forums out of the overboard entirely has the right idea.


What the hell is the overboard? Just a giant catalog for all recent activity on boards?

It desperately wishes it wasn't a part of the establishment after being called out. It thinks it is counterculture or somehow hello fellow kids.

It's basically a catalog for all of the boards at once.

Yes, though you can set it to only show certain boards. As usual this important piece of information has been stuck in the arse end of the site so nobody fucking knows about it. Forums-nerve-center



They're likely attempting to push ip range ding dong bannus.

There's a fucking announcement on top of every board

He is talking about the filter not the overboard itself

Does that announcement tell you about the hidden ability to filter the overboard to only specific boards? Read the fucking post you're replying to faggot.

Seems like a pretty neat idea but fuck the default theme.

We're on it.

Why would you even filter an overboard? What sort of ledditchan trash are you? I suppose maybe SFW/NSFW but what sort of retard is here at work?

Thanks Mark

Deal with it nerds


I don't want to see shit from terrible boards like Holla Forums or /cuteboys/ and I don't want to see threads from boards I already frequent: I want to discover new shit.

Mark, the twelve game overs, and all of the cake.

We got this shit.



Okay, I see how that could help for underpopulated boards.

I missed the announcement because for the last few weeks it was the designated position for Ron's stupid meta meme crossboard bullshit. An overboard for the whole site seems kinda fun, though. The time to shitpost on every board at once has arrived.


Filtering is pretty homosexual and normalfaggoty. The only real thing I stood with was getting rid of /hebe/. I'm never going to interrupt my enemy otherwise.

have a color version.


Shadman sucks

How do I use the filter in the overboard?

if you are so worried why you don't try be more pleasant


Not bad. Not. Bad. At. All.


Keep it up. You're doing the job son.

I saw /games/ earlier

There is nothing wrong with filtering boards you have no interest in, I dont want to see a board about cars or k-pop because I have no interest in them at all. You are on a imageboard, there will always be boards you have no interest in.

When does Mark go to bed?

Add board names to the end, 8 maximum. So will only show you threads from Holla Forums, /k/ and /tg/. There's currently no way to filter a certain board out, if you want that feature post here >>>/sudo/46751 so CM knows it's a wanted feature.

shut it down

No, why would I be? Am I your clown? Do I amuse you? Most of you are insufferable faggots but occasionally I find some reason to not hate you all and actually talk about quality video games.

I think they should use the tag system that we have, this way they can add in new boars with the ones you normally use.

I see, there's no way to blacklist boards. I hope it'll get done soon.

Like a booru? Not the worst idea I've seen.

basically. like say you put in #anime or something, you would see /a/ but also /m/ and /animu/

You're all about coming up with ideas as long as you don't have to do the work to implement them.

If you want it speak up in that /sudo/ thread, you have to screetch to get anything done.

That's not a bad idea.

Well we already have the system, no?

Could work but it could also get memed on breddy hard if nobody is watching. Trusting BOs to not be ridiculous faggots is a stretch even.

Well back in the day, HW would boot BO's off the tag list. I know since I got in a mini argument about it since i wanted to get rid of the mexican asshole ad, while HW told me to keep it on NSFW.


What got deleted?

the spammer

I'm surprised he was still around for that.

HotWheels finally cracked the code on the emoji language, I think.

Well, I guess mods & Mark are good at something. Nice work faggots.

It was nice sitting in for this impromptu metashittery. Some of you are alright.

Turns out >>/sudo/46754 is the proper thread for feedback.


Whoops, good catch user.

So much for censorship


Let faggots customise that shit? But I guess is more easy to censor now.

same as

To play Devils advocate, I think the main difference here is that he's WILLINGLY hiding the content from HIMSELF.

Actually, assaulting someone for speech is a severe felony. The laws concerning beating someone's ass over something they said are incredibly strict and regulated.

Not censorship.

Shitty legal system, where some punk spitting in your face has free reign while you can't even retaliate.
Duel laws should be brought back, because only mutually assured destruction ensures human kindness.

Spitting in someone's face is a criminal offense.
You're deal you didn't file a report.

Oh my bad, I misread your post. I thought YOU were the one implying censorship.

I'll uh…. just go suck that dick now.

figurative spitting in the face though.
And I wish honor was back instead of running to daddy government and throwing money at Jewish lawyers in an attempt to outjew your wrongdoer.

Get the fuck over your hurt feelings faggot.

You best get on your knees already, faggot.

Do you want antifa and the like to have a free reign to fuck with you? Because you can't define 'insulted honour' without leaving room for someone to declare 'I voted for Trump' as grounds for violence.

It'd mean i have free reign to fight them back,
I propose taking monopoly on violence away from antifa.

Yes by all means this nonsense violence with retarded communists is most unproductive, LET'S ALL RIOT LIKE NIGGARDS.

I thought you Holla Forumstards didn't like people acting like black kids

While I like that idea in theory, I suspect there are far more non-whites with nothing to lose who would love nothing more than to violently lash out at whites with no legal repercussions, than there are whites willing to stand up and fight for our constitutional rights.

That could just be me being blackpilled, but I suspect it's pretty close to reality. Polite sage for offtopic.

They aren't going to play fair user.
Right now they're fucking themselves with it anyway, every time they chimp-out a bit more of society turns against them. Of course I'd still prefer that they were properly punished for this shit instead of protected by (((certain groups))) but it's currently a failure so whatever.

You do realize dialogue with alt-left is impossible?
They think understanding comes from dialogue while it's the other way around.
So a compromise between alt-left and anyone to the right of them is not a viable option because of their misconception.

You seem to forget it'd work like mutuallly assured destruction, where people are more kind to each other, because they might curbstomp you, as well as you being capable of helping them get rid of excessive teeth.

I just want good times to return, where dowry existed, people were kind to each other with alternative being a fight, single mothers weren't a thing because both parties were forced into taking full responsibility with no government bailout



Not likely to work in a 'diverse' society though: the complicated clan-like workings of certain ethnicities mean they'd hold grudges and you'd be fucked by vendettas for fucking generations until one family was entirely wiped out. Kill one man and watch his 7 brothers, 4 children, 13 cousins etc come after you and purposefully start shit with verbal baiting. Even if you respond in kind you're going to be horribly outnumbered and face a biased legal system.

Don't ask me how I found out but apparently a Discord called foolz was behind the spam