Is this the X-Place?

Anons, I came here because the Onion said to me that I should be gaming.
Is this the place of video games?

fuck nazis fuck dr*mpft

I know it's the onion but jesus

Shoo shoo, back to the end of the bread line with (you).

What now? Where's my Xbox?


you only made this thread to post that image and get people mad

Actually, this is them realising that fucking with peoples games led to consequences.

Too late for regret.

Any good eggplant recipes. Ive got more than 30 eggplants on my fridge.

There is only one game worth playing.

No wonder Holla Forums hates this place.

That second image is great. Imagine fucking with video games so hard with your authoritarian bullshit that you end up waking a nation full of people to fight back against everything you stand for.

Eggplants taste great raw. Cooking them just ruins it.

With what do I make it with

Nothing, just eat the fucking eggplant.

Nice pronouns, tumblr. :^)

eggplant is fucking gross, dudes

The Onion turned to shit ever since some Mexican bought it to turn it into Hillary propaganda


Eggplant is very filling and makes a good and easy base for all kinds of spreads. The most popular method is cutting them into stripes and grill them, like so.

Even CoD-loving dudebros will gravitate away from liberalism and lefties because they deal with that shit at college all the time. The past couple generations only stuck to vidya and recreational drugs the way it did because society was being corrupted around them… Then they built communities and those communities gave way to conventions and LAN Parties and tournaments, which have now turned into e-sports.. So now these xbox playing, weed smoking young men are now finding their hobby being corrupted from the outside again, as moral busybodies tell them that certain costumes are too risque for TV broadcasts or that trashtalk is forbidden, or that their teams need more female players.

Young men spent their entire lives being beaten down by a society that leaves them lonely and suicidal. You think we can be placated now? The ride is only beginning.

What happened to the onion

What the user above that post said, these same fags are now wondering why there are so many "nazis" all of the sudden.

Grill them.

It's been said before. People became lazy muppets to escape the pressures of society. Now there are no pressures, no expectations, no standards. Suddenly the only way to really stick it to the man is to be a decent, respectable person, because that's the exact opposite of what society is doing at the moment.