
Those Brazilians still love their PS2s apparently.

How else do you think the KonEAmi sportsball cartel stays afloat? They charge the monkey equivalent of 60 dollars for roster updates you can get for free from PES Stats dot com.

The PS2 was such a great console with so many titles, I recently got a component cable by mail and i've been replaying Armored Core 2 and Klonoa 2 but why someone would ever want to touch sports games is beyond me.

Nigger, most Europeans still have their PS2 and still buy them in droves.
Normalfags libraries with that console were fuckhuge even moreso in comparison to how small their 7th gen and 8th gen libraries are.
It wasn't the best console and had plenty of Sony kikery behind it, but goddamn, it had games, good ones too.


I see your fifa and up it with a just dance

SNES or PS1 were better.

PS2 is only better if you include its backwards compatibility with the PS1 library.

Nah, SNES was only good for a couple genres and PS1 didn't have enough power to become the pioneer of 3D that itself set out to be.

In a way, the PS2 was what the PS1 should have been.

It wasn't even the best console of its gen.

Thats not the Dreamcast


The Dreamcast library doesn't even come close to the PS2's,

but PS2 didn't have a good Crash Bandicoot game

It had really good Jak and Daxters, didn't need Crash

What's up with her teeth?

Jak and Daxter 1 was one of the best 3D platformers of its generation, it felt like the true unofficial sequel to Mario 64 and it was way better than Crash Bandicoot since it borrowed from it snd improved upon it.

Dreamcast being a good console is just a meme. Even the Gamecube had more going for it (especially if you're generous and include ports).

Nigger cmon that's taking it too far

You're forgetting the gulf countries and the middle east. Nearly every household has at least two or more renditions of Fifa or PES or whatever.


0 additional sales because they get pirate copies.

I'm playing it right now, it's a charming open ended game with a ridiculous amount of polish.

When your bullshit leftist government charges 72% in taxes on consoles, only the ones who can REALLY afford those three thousand bucks for the new console will get it.

I got my PS2 only in the year the PS3 was released. Because it was still more than a thousand bucks before that.

Graph shows: Consoles; Whiskey; Cigarettes; Coffee; Fruit; Computers up to R$3k; Computers above 3k; Firearms; Cellphones; Tablets import taxes.

Environments are great, but it just doesn't have the same polish for controls or movement that the mario games have imo

You can bet we do. Also the SNES and Genesis. Why is it that popular? I don't know.

The Sonic leak stream was a mistake.

Okay faggot instead of using buzzwordd and epin funny jew reaction pictures you could use some actual counter arguments to anything that was said but you won't, right? You'd rather act smug and above it all without saying an actual bloody thing. What does Sonic has to do with any of this? Are people just supposed to fellate the Dreamcast to not be newfags according to you? What's wrong with J&D1? You are a fucking cocksucker trying way to hard.

Sports games are the cancer that keeps EA immortal. Gaming wouldn't be so cancer if licensing sports teams weren't legal.

This retard didn't even mention how they pretty much blackmailed SEGA when they reverse engineered the Genesis to release their games for free without paying SEGA a dime and SEGA had to agree and somehow bland up EA to not do so by giving them lower licensing fees which resulted in some ''exclusives" for the Genesis.