Why are big strong muscular Amazons so damn rare in vidya games? There needs to be more of this great fetish fuel in general
Why are big strong muscular Amazons so damn rare in vidya games...
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Muscular women are gross, women should be weak and respectful to their husbands. They only exist to be attractive and cook.
Because very few men are passive bitches wanting to be dominated.
lord give me strength
What you don't understand is that the most patrician of taste is having a futa gf who is taller and stronger than you, who dominates you, and roughly pounds your boipucci like a good little cock slut
Hopefully they won't have jew noses.
return to Jesus, user
I like the idea of unnaturally tall amazonian women but ideally they would still be squishy submissive and appropriately feminine on top of that.
Whats the point?
Off yourself
The dick only makes it better
Nah i'm good fam
Faggots get out
What do
They're already ruined by being drawn in Groening's artstyle.
I mean, I guess that's fine if you don't like chins.
Most games aren't design with fetishes in mind. Nintendo probably didn't intend it to be fetish fuel, either. Even then, it's a relatively small niche fetish so it wouldn't appear commonly regardless if fetish-lead design was the industry standard.
Oh lawdy all those xenoestrogens in your food really did a number in your head. It's okay, raping a faggot is accepable if you kill them afterwards :^)
I couldn't play Dragon's Dogma for a long time because I couldn't make it past the companion screen without needing to run one out to my 2m tall, buff amazonian princess waifu. Also, SF IV muscle mods
You cunts are literal women
Faggots, all of you. Complete and utter faggots.
this tbh VIDEO GAMES
That's not how that works. Fact of the matter is, the only way it would be possible for the woman in the OP to be possible is with implants. Well-defined muscular women are well known for being flat-chested because the increase of muscle definition causes a decrease of estrogen and an increase of testosterone.
Also athletic women are incapable of fertility because of this chemical change in their body, their body actually stunts their periods and ceases to produce eggs. The more muscular and athletic a woman is, the more like a man she becomes.
tl;dr - You are pretty much just looking for Buck Angel, you gay lord.
And we should give a shit about 3DPD why exactly?
i prefer if the girls are only slightly toned or muscled, otherwise you are just a closet faggot
Because being big and muscular is man domain, you faggot.
You want to be weak and dominated, you sissy.
Remove thineself from he gene pool, you failure!
Good thing it's all 2D, then.
That's exactly how that works because it's 2D you autistic mouth-breather.
It's like you people don't know how to have fun.
The only faggots here are you two.
I guess that trannies aren't gay then lmao
Muscles and big tits aren't mutually exclusive, you professional semen eaters. It's not real.
Read a book.
It's not real, user.
did somebody say chinbotsu? ;)
No, but books exist. Read one.
Which one?
Video games aren't confined to what is possible in our reality. You can make a 400 pound fuck run around at the speed of light in 7 different locations at the same time if you feel like it. It doesn't matter.
I recently read a book called The Incredible Adventures of Professor Branestawm. It was published in 1933 and it's very charming. It's about the titular professor Branestawm a absentminded genius and his friend Colonel Dedshott of the Dedshott Cavaliers. It's only 207 pages or so, and you can probably finish it from cover to cover in less than 3 hours.
There are plenty of muscle girls in vidya. Especially fighting games. Just admit you want a fap thread.
I bet you think Samus Aran is a muscle girl.
Whats with this niggerspeak all of a sudden. Kys subhuman faggot
Chun-Li isn't a muscle girl. Also Street Fighter gets constant criticism from people for having a female cast who are essentially men with tits. Got any better examples?
As I said: look at fighting games. It's not even exclusive to fighting games.
Wonderful! It's one of these threads again~
Yes i like it user. I bet there is a doujin for that
But they aint user
come on now.
If she were to submit and become your housewife, her muscle would be gone within a few months at the most. Muscle atrophies and goes away very easily.
Spotted the faggot.
She can still chop wood and lift
It depens if she is passable and if you want to fuck a tranny or be fucked by one and suck her dick
Ara? Muscle-fu thread? Well, don't mind if I do.
If they're anything like gymnasts, who started working out very young and went through puberty doing all that, once they stop they turn into absolute bombshells.
Probably because most feel uneasy killing women, even muscular ones. You'd have to limit it to a third person MC.
I fear this is becoming the new trap meme around here.
This is the same logic trap chasers use to justify their fetish.
ITT: Faggots
Still less gay than licking pussy.
And muscle-fu's have been a low key thing for years, stop trying to frame it as some up and coming meme bullshit.
So can you romance this nigress and dress her in lewd?
Romance, yes. Dress up? Not without mods(which do not exist to my knowledge.)
You could recreate her as your pawn, but
it is though
They used to rule 90's crpg box art
Are you going to finish that sentence? Specifically because I'm not sure what you're trying to refer to.
There's definitely been a surge in amazonesses as of lately.
Could be because of that shitty wonder woman movie
More like a push of ugly manfaces if anything
I realize this is bait, buy how is kys niggerspeak? It's literally just an abbreviation.
smh tbh kys etc are all well known for being used by niggers who wouldn't even know how to write the word yourself if they could be bothered to try, because they'd still spell it urself.
kys faggot tbh
Get out faggot, if you want something with muscles, go get a man.
mark attracts the dumbest shit of the internet it seems.
What about muscular beastwomen?
Going back to the thread at hand, Severance Blade of Darkness has a playable amazonian character.
You're not wrong, but this place is far too pozzed to understand the truth of your post.
It's funny how one of her only major weaknesses compared to other characters is really weak upper body strength that results in the worst climbing speed out of the lot. Although this is really only a relevant issue for a single room in an early level and purely an annoyance everywhere else.
Gay people >>>/out/
I know you. Stop posting
Refer to
It may look nice, but there's no point in fucking it if there's no chance of having kids. It's no better than gay sex at that point.
There is OBJECTIVELY nothing hotter than a woman who hits the gym 5 times a day.
If you disagree you are wrong and it is required by law that you relinquish your penis at the earliest opportunity, because you are not a man, you are a lichen.
It's not real user, go take your Ritalin.
You're supposed to want to force them into submission and servitude to you. This way you can have strong sons. That's the appeal behind amazonian women if you aren't a poofter.
Sorry, I can't hear you over my boner. Perhaps you faggots would be happier if you found Jesus?
Nigger that looks like a bodybuilder wearing a bikini
Isn't that the point?
the definition of quality over quantity.
If you are attracted to the male body K guess
I'm not into it, but thats what this thread is for.
Because most white males prefer females with bodies of anorexic teen boys.
Superior specimens.
The mind of a heretic is unfathomable.
That isn't the part that makes you gay, its the not wanting to fuck a man part.
Why do I like this? Is that Breath of Fire 2's Nina? She has the same hairstyle.
Hear, hear.
Yes. But none of that kemono shit.
/fit/ catgirls do funny things to my pee pee.
She'd be perfect if she weren't used goods.
They're just men with tits.
You're alright, user. But, /fit/ catgirls are still best.
Aisha was and will always be best Outlaw Star.
Nah, as great as she is, even without her casual attitude to sex she's still as dumb as a brick wall. I'm not sure if it was her or Eris or both who managed to forget how to read, even after Rudy taught them.
Still, Madam Titty Kitty is top class /fit/ catgirl.
Like this?
No arguments there
I still have to fucking swf after all these years.
Thats a big girl
fucking beta faggot
With two clits, lol.
Oh well.
This isn't always the case. Pic related.
They where basically Klingons though right? I always did love the fact that Klanklan ships navigation involved banging drums for no niggers reason.
I just realized I have no pics or webms of Elle Ragu. I'll have to remedy that. For now, embed to jewtube.
I wonder who the LN artist; they're definitely worse than the mangaka is. Ghyslaine has a rather serious case of manjaw going on there.
Not familiar enough with Star Trek to definitely say. But they're space BARBARIANS, yes.
Yeah, there are women who care about their body and women who don't. The 2nd is what matters to me.
I bet they're implants.
They don't. See
I see you like dicks user.
She isn't going to make it bro.
these dont help her not look like a man
that could easily be the face of a feminine man though
Don't project so hard. Seriously.
The partician of taste is dominating the muscular women you effiminate fuck.
Gayin go home!
And every woman you look at could secretly be a trap.
Kek, I forgot that women are supposed to be fat fucks. I guess you are into fat fuck traps user.
They brought back Outlaw Star to Toonami for this reason. At least that is what I think. Might be because they need to stall until FLCL seasons 2-3 come out later this year or early next year.
Looking too much like Korra so she is disgusting just at the thought of it.
I don't get the appeal. Is the the "throwing sausage down the grand canyon" image?
Well, she's not the brightest. Hell, she got kicked out of the ctarl ctarl space navy for being too dumb.
It's not as cancerous as furry, but it's still fucking shit.
This bait is growing stale, get some new ones.
We're reaching erection levels that shouldn't even be possible
Opinion, noted.
It's a number of things.
If you like being weak that's fine, but don't try to deflect like that. It's embarrassing.
I asked /d/ about it once. It's mostly a subset of masochism and BSDM, with some potential vore on the side. They get off on the idea of being tiny insignificant bugs on the dirty underfoot of a giant naked girl and/or being eaten by her.
user, if being toned is a bad thing to you then you obviously don't like a healthy body. I bed you are into "chubby" or other degenerate shit.
Ran out of animu and vidya, so gonna have to post some 3dpd.
Okay, that's weird but I guess it makes sense.
It can be those things, sure. But mostly I'm just into the way it looks.
In much the same way I'm simply turned on by the aesthetic of beefy chicks, I'm also turned on by beefy giant chicks who dwarf everything. Maybe I just want to be completely smothered by their bodies
That's you ^ Healthy =! toned
And clean
And wash clothes
And smile for the guests
And comfort their hubbies
Oh wait, forgot about the Saiyans.
There is OBJECTIVELY nothing wronger than your brain.
Physical strength is the defining characteristic of men. Sexual Dymorphysm and all that jazz.
You are just guy and want to fuck big, muscled men.
Not an argument
Don't you have a tumblr blog to update?
Healthy does = toned user. Sorry you don't attracted to healthy people.
Tropes is an actual word, idiot. Or would you rather I have used the word "Cliche" to avoid triggering you?
Fucking last pic wasn't what I chose.
for all you know shes gonna file rape charges on you because she didnt like it
just say no user, older women are past their expiration date anyway, and they don't get turned into cheese
Man you guys are out in force. Is there a fagpride parade going on? Is that where you just came from?
And I mean came in both senses of the word :^)
All this projection.
Just fuck yourself, mate. We don't need that level of autism here.
What? No. Gross.
/fit/ loli is best loli
Why are these type of posters on of the worst?
are they Holla Forums posters trying to divide and conquer?
That would be true if men and women gained muscle the same way but they don't. A women who works out becomes more curvy. Her legs and butt get bigger and her fat shrinks, this makes her look more feminine. A man working out grows bigger on the other hand.
Why are these posters one of the worst?
are they Holla Forums posters trying to turn us into faggots?
Still waiting for someone to tell me where I'm wrong, though.
Being hyperbolic doesn't make you any less wrong.
It's possible, but it's more likely they're just gay retards who are so far in the closet they've made it into a fallout shelter.
A woman who eats right and exercises is going to be toned user. The fact that you find that to be a manly trait means you don't want women to eat right or exercise.
Learn your shit. This has been known for years. I know most of you fuckers don't go to /fit/ but the way men and women react to working out are different.
Almost forgot about Mikasa. Just like how I've been ignoring Attack on Titan for nearly two years now.
I already said I like catgirls, why would the lack of ears somehow bother me?
This is right up there with "Liking the sorceress from Dragon's Crown makes you a lolicon", you realize?
Better than being a lard ass who doesn't respect his or anyone elses body.
Muscles shape the body and a body that's high performance somehow appeals to the male libido. It's almost like healthy women managed to have more children or something.
Shoo shoo~ Away with you.
true, they really go out of their way to ruin armor threads, I do kinda understand since the armor thing was a big thing amongst SJWS back in the early 2010's, so obvious anyone who prefers girls in full chainmail or plate armor is a secret sjw and not someone who just wants to clonk helmets together
Pnce they emasculated the MC it all went to shit anyway.
Chain or maille. One or the other, fuckface.
Also, full realism and bikini armor is both fine as long as they're not mixed.
Got me a (You) didnt it?
That's a fucking replicant, kill it!
Stop aggressively pretending you still somehow might be heterosexual, you're not fooling anybody at this point. The jig is up.
Surely you realize there is nothing more idealized than an amazon who is the apotheosis of strong, powerful and graceful feminine beauty? Our love for them harkens back to a simpler age, when we would sculpt statues of warrior women. To deny them is to deny your masculinity, they are the most primal of women.
It seems I deleted my folder of smug anime girls at somepoint, so have this.
They could be mixed. pratical armor is for defense against blows while chainmail bikinis can either be for fragile speed builds, or very expensive late level armor that surrounds the user in a magica barrier that deflects blows and magic.
The only problem I have is huge impractical designs like huge articulated pauldrons.
that applies for both sexes.
Look up pictures of Nazi women. They worked out, because they knew that it only made them look more feminine. Women can't build large muscles without an extremely specific diet and/or extra-dietary supplements.
Unless you're referring to women having abs, but that's literally just due to a low bodyfat%.
kill yourself larper
Actual amazons aren't anything like that. We might as well go with the katana being able to slice through a longsword because of fantastical ideals.
Yeah, that's you. An ignorant fuck and people like you are why women think it's ok to not be healthy.
A woman should know how to be healthy without looking like a man
No dude, all women should be weak, frail and never be able to stand up to themselves.
even though strength is needed to give birth and raise children and maintain the household.
at what point was he even Larping? do you even know what larping means
clearly you dont
I'm sorry, you seem to have mistaken me for someone who cares.
What did I just say? And you do realize that maille is the heaviest of all armor types, right?
Found me a triggered Holla Forums
How does it feel to need a machine to breathe?
Found me a bigot
Do you think anyone cares?
Again nobody has said that.
My toaster is able to endure extreme temperatures, so it must be a badass. Complimenting something on a task it was designed to do is retarded logic.
If you didn't care you wouldn't have bothered responding.
That's the point, and why I paired it with mythical katanas that can cut through anything. You tried, though.
Genuinely can't tell if that's meant to be a man or not.
Larping means live action role play.
not at any point was there any live action role play in the posts.
yes, but since it's fantasy land, we can say that the armor bikinis are made with dragonmaille, mithrel, plasteel or something.
You cared enough to reply
would fug.
Blind af tbh fam
Looking at the face, I'm guessing the artist made it as a joke. Just looking at the thumbnails as I post.
Also a lot of these images you're spamming aren't "toned" there just in shape. Like basic level of not being a fat sack of shit and eating right can achieve this. Mikasa's 6pack is disproportionately muscular compared to the rest of her in most of them.
fuck off nigger these images are 10/10 go back to /r/fit
What's that? Besides, like I said earlier I ran out of shit to post and only remembered Mikasa off-handedly.
Personally, I find Elle's body to be pretty ideal as far as musculature goes. But I have pretty much no pictures of her as Shadow Skill has zero fans.
So from the very beginning?
Play fighting games.
You should have picked a better example, or just not have flipped out and spammed something that's not even vidya. Raijin from muramasa would have been better because it's actual muscle all over. Even though tits still don't work like that.
Well, there's still Chun Li I guess.
Nah, he started out okay if one-dimensional. Refreshingly single-minded, really.
Wish we had something similar about the kikes.
Fuck you for ruining those trips.
I enhanced them.
I gave up around the time they revealed there were giants in the walls. The stupid just got to me. Things is, at the start Eren was shown as competent and fanatical, even when in human form, but then they made him such as a human fighter to make Mikasa stand out and made him dumb as well to make that blonde faggot friend of his have a reason to exist.
*they made him suck
but can that petite, silent witch subdue my erection?
she will certainly try
elaborate how
2nd pic is literally men
You do realize that this is how image boards work, right? Pictures fuel discussion and keep threads alive.
And Mikasa. That's the joke. Japs find crossdressing hilarious.
I'm not a fucking weeb. What the hells a "Mikasa"
use your imagination, user
A 6-pack and big muscles are needed to maintain he household???
You are retarded beyond belief. I live in a part of the world that still has villages where women work like in ye olde day around houses the whole day. Not a single one of them is buff.
Ususally you try to dump something at least tangibly related. You just dropped a fuckton of mikasa with no real explanation as to why. Even porn dumps at least post stuff related at least most of the time
t. never watched M*A*S*H
Is it literally heaven?
In a different time, when we didn't have trannies and crossdressers pushing for undeserved normalcy, sure. Currently I just can't see it without thinking of some blogger patting themselves on the back and all but masturbating at such a "progressive" display, before reblogging it for more of the same to latch onto the show. Is it reactionary? Yeah. But at this point I just want to see a show with a manly guy being manly celebrated instead of derided.
Meiling is more of a kung fu girl, but Yuugi counts.
The thread is about strong muscular women, so what's your point? Mikasa is comparatively ripped. Whatever, you're just bitching for the sake of bitching.
Fuck, you posted it before I could.
Someone get these hotheads out of here and the Gay Community too
Actually that one is RUS and has shit quality. I should make a webm out of this instead.
I'm bitching because I'm almost positive there's some vidya girls you could have picked instead that would have still gotten the point across.
You sound like a women, you know that right? If you feel so strongly about it, do it yourself.
That's super sexist, user. Women are supposed to be stronk and independent. They don't need a man to tell them what to do.
What buggy garbage, the coder should be fired
Shit, meant woman.
Yeah, but its necessary in a melee fight. You can't do complex movements quickly unless you're in instinctive mode, you just react too slowly. But it also makes you dumb unless you have those skills already trained. That's where all the sayings about you "going down to the level you've trained to, not rising up to the situation" come from.
The coder knows exactly what he's doing, hotheads who lose their temper in a troubling situation ain't gonna make it.
tbh I didn't even catch that
are you telling me those arent just mspaint drawings?
That's one way to practice anatomy.
It's well known that in extreme stress situations perception of time slows down allowing for faster decision making
It would probably give you a heat stroke or something over extended periods but it's clearly possible
Whatever, I guess mods will fix it
Surprising no-one.
i like that artist's amazonians
Yeah, but that's what's called the existential mode, where the phenomena observed occurs. Less blood flows into the brain as the higher thought functions are paused and adrenaline is pumped into the bloodstream. As the heart begins to beat more quickly, you'll lose fine motor skills too, but in exchange you get more power and speed.
You think you're making quicker decisions, but you're just running on basic instincts. For example, German longsword is based heavily around drilling in the skills so that once you get thrown into the fray, you automatically can apply these skills in what is referred to as "indes"("in the moment").
Nah, the moral busybodies and the corporations will ruin it.
Yeah, no thanks.
I just came itt for pictures of /fit/ girls.
For you.
Corps are one thing, but I think we're immune to moralfags at this point, at least when it comes to technology
Hypernormalization's a bitch, and beyond that there's just so much shit going on and so much information available to the average person that you can slip a lot under the radar just by distracting people with something else
Still, as excited as I am at the idea, I'll be very, very cautious once it starts becoming a thing.
To ride atop her shoulders into battle of coursh. You wield bow, AK or mage staff, depending on tech and magic level of the world, she wields shield and club to crush everything that slips through the ranged fire. Then, after a long day of murder in the name of whatever cause you chose, you tell her what a good girl she is, pat her head and make sweet SnuSnu amidst the corpses of your enemies
Any vidya girl named Makoto are shown to be /fit/ or tomboyish.
Why is that?
i dont think thats…
i think it has something to do with it being a gender-neutral name in gookland
There is nothing wrong on having both options in a game.
depends how the game presents itself, if its invested in fantasy having both options isn't an issue, if it prides itself on accuracy and realism then you probably shouldn't even have female combatants
For the player, sure. But not for the NPCs.
They should move out from venezuela.
What kind of shotgun needs a bayonet
Shotguns are the least anime gun
another thinly veiled lewds thread.
trench guns could have bayonets affixed, for obvious reasons
But its a must for NPCs!
Is it? I've heard Mako used as a man's name, but I've never heard of a man named Makoto
from (((wikipedia))))
Damn that's a tiny leg.
Actually, having fat is healthy, especially for a woman. Bodybuilders aren't the paragons of good health, user. They're the exact opposite.
Piggy, please, you're not even a woman.
That is literally the exact opposite of what the word degenerate means.
Most the women in this thread have fat on their bodies.
I can't breathe.
t. degenerate
If you don't have fat on your body, you are dead.
Makoto is a more common male name IRL it's just more commonly used as a tomboyish name in games and anime.
Scythian Amazons are best Amazons
They're also just a myth. It started as the Scythians using the insult that even their women could beat Scythia's enemies.
How about no.
how bout no
People who like muscle girls have mommy issues.
there is not enough of this in the world
But aren't most mothers fat, especially in america?
Do you have a expansion fetish? Your definition is too fucking fat.
What did he mean by this?
a girl who takes care of her body has something resembling self dedication and a hobby. something most 3d women don't fucking have so of course a girl who works out seems more fun to be around and it makes their body look better too.
regular women have absolutely nothing to offer us aside from a warm body to stick our dick in. they can't fucking cook or clean or take care of kids anymore. For fun we can hang out with our male friends and most men have a hobby to find enjoyment by themselves with. So maybe women should at least fucking work out
He's probably that faggot that goes on ten paragraph tirades about how strong women emasculate men and therefore the only people that like them are cucks because he totally doesn't have any issues he's projecting.
if one was a strong man he wouldn't fear a strong woman
Might he be dykecuck? Maybe he evolved further.
Have you heard of Amazonian Warriors OP?
Kotaku said it was better than Civilization V with the Brave New World expansion…
And the result of that insult is one of the most venerable female character archetypes, right up there with the pure-hearted princess and the evil magic lady.
Not bad for the classical-era equivalent of "You play ball like a girl!"
you're pretty good
Point is, men want to fuck the Amazons into submission, not get raped and/or castrated by them. The problem isn't the fetish, but when weak willed, emasculate sissies take the fetish too far.
Kat is fit enough to be "muscle girl" right?
When did everything go so wrong?
I'd forgotten about that shit
The real problem is that you're a faggot playing armchair psychologist over what people like in a 2d girl.
Get that Freudian dick out of your ear and bully real faggots, like THE GAY COMMUNITY
It's okay user, you have a shit fetish and want to get pegged by mommy. We won't judge you. We totally will. Faggot.
or maybe some people think that muscles look nice. It's not always so complex. I'll go on the record though, at least the concept of a fuckin' amazon is a women who can take care of herself too which is appealing in its own sense. 3d women are fucking leeches who can't do anything on their own
I think the muscles look nice. Like I said, I have no problem with the "strong female warrior" ideal/fetish, just what some people do with it, mainly femdom sissies and leftists.
That's my point. A man that makes such a woman submit to his will is bound to come across as even more masculine than his peers. I think this is where the male fascination, and if you'll excuse the term, "sexualization" of the strong and competent female that can hold her own in a fight stems from.
Hence why everyone in the thread told "muh realistic muscles allow for no boobs" faggots to fuck off. If we wanted real women we wouldn't bother with this stuff.
Agreed. If only they knew it'd make shut-ins hard as diamond some 2000 years later. Good on you, Scythians.
((1)'ing nigger)
You're all filtered for being such intellectual cripples
Can the hate against 3DPD unite our world?
unfortunately no because normalfags will bend over backwards for women despite women having little to offer in society anymore. the only thing worse than bitchy worthless women leeching off everyone else is the centuries of foolish men who enabled that behavior.
Mostly a myth. Women did engage in combat in Scythia and a few other socitire, but it was by far the exception not the norm. Even if they had the attributes for horsearchery, women just arent psychologically prepared for combat
This, sadly
Just admit you are a low test manlet that is so insecure you cant enjoy.getting choked while your muscular futa gf pounds your boipucci
You people need to go back.
>you will never have a strong musclefu who can reliably take care of herself but has deep-seated insecurities about being perceived as not feminine
>you will never earn her trust to the point where she will sometimes act out her fantasies of being a cute, bubbly girl with you (and she satisfies your fantasies in return, of course
>and even if you do manage to actually have all this she won't be 2D brown tier
Why even live?
because the men before us allowed women to become the most vile creatures on earth
Who said none of it matters? It'd be more like that one nagging little detail that would make this sweet deal tip over into absolute perfection. Please don't put words in my mouth.
This implies that not being brown is enough of a problem to ruin what you liked about her in the first place.
Oh no, I was referring to the whole shebang with that. That bit was just a little extra, perhaps unnecessary but still.
A dick in the ass, even if fake and attached to a girl, is still a dick in the ass, and thus gay as hell.
Taint the greatness of musclegirls no longer, faggotrocious scum.
No no, muscle tissue responds to testosterone not the other way around– there's no positive feedback loop to building muscle. Muscle definition comes about as a combination of tone, muscle size, and lack of fatty tissue surrounding the muscle.
See, if a woman has a very well defined muscular body, she likely has an incredibly low BMI. A body-mass-index measures ratios of fat to the rest of the body tissue. Fat is basically the body's stored energy from food it has eaten, then later burned for energy in emergencies.
Pregnancy as you can imagine takes a fuckton of energy to healthily complete. If a woman has a low amount of FAT due to not eating to retain tone, the body will indeed produce a hormonal change in order to survive. It shuts down the ovarian cycle. With not enough stored energy for the body to survive pregnancy, let alone deliver a living child, the body naturally shuts down the process altogether– neutering the body temporarily.
Steroid abuse is another story altogether. Women don't naturally build muscle like you'd see in as it is a taxing process. Muscle tissue requires energy in order to carry out its natural functions. Naturally, excess amounts of it burn lots of energy– hence the necessity for estrogen in a woman's body to build fat. With steroids however, the body metabolizes the drug into pure testosterone. That just fucks a woman's body's shit up. It is however the only way for a woman to build lodes of muscle.
tl;dr the body shuts down the ovarian cycle in response to stress/lack of energy in the form of fat. Women who get toned normally don't eat a lot since their bodies are apt at storing the energy for pregnancy later due to estrogen. This lack of energy combined with constant exercise causes the body to stop producing estrogen. It isn't because they're exercising, it's because they're exercising and dieting to the point their bodies are shocked out of being female.
That doesn't really change anything
sup, bro
I totally agree, it's another sex fetish for intellectuals.
Don't any of you want an actual relationship with a 3D grill who you can make a genuine connection with, rather than anesthetics disguised as attractively arranged pixels?
Stop being gay, fag
no they dont
nice joke