ITT: Games only you played

ITT: Games only you played


My own game on RPG maker

Is that Captain Pronin? Those cartoons are badass.

Post game



Shit game, but fun as fuck. Loved it as a kid.

If a game is fun, it's good.

Not anymore apparently.

I dont have any memory about it besides that i played it. Maybe it means its a shit game.

I feel bad about the hundreds of hours I've pumped into this game

Are you retarded?

Excuse me?

The why do YOU play games?

I played that too and got stuck in one of the desert pyramids trying to figure out what to do.

To have fun, dumbass. I just don't delude myself into thinking fun games that are bad are actually good.

A game's quality should be based on experience, not a checklist of requirements.

based on or influenced by personal feelings, tastes, or opinions.
"his views are highly subjective"
synonyms: personal, individual, emotional, instinctive, intuitive
"a subjective analysis"

Ah, thank you. For awhile there I thought I had lost my mind. Buzzwords drive me absolutely insane.

And how is that experience tailored? Though mechanics, aesthetics, and sometimes a story. Poor mechanics can be a large detriment to a game, but it could still appeal to someone's taste through its aesthetics or narrative. That doesn't make the mechanics any better, though.
I look forward to seeing what you're going to imply I said.

Baller. I can't read or speak slav, though.