Animal Crossing

Discuss the games. Which one is your favorite? Who are the best villagers? What new things should be in the next one?

Meanwhile Isabelle is going to eat this eggplant. She loves eggplant.

gr8 thread op

Can't discuss anything with such example of sexism in the op.

Isabelle is an eggplant fanatic. Got a problem with that? She's so happy she's slobbering all over it. And the mayor looks happy too.

At least you know what AC threads are all about.


Sucking on Bob's VIDEOGAMES?



Is it bad if I've only played New Leaf and yet I consider myself a fan

also post more isabelle

I wanna fug that doggie

There's little reason to play old games once the new ones are released. This kind of game is meant to be causally enjoyed fr 30-60 minutes each day. The core gameplay is the same and simply expanded or changed in the sequels.
If you weren't there then don't look back.

Unique personalities for each villager. More minigames.
Anything to enhance comfiness.



Is New Leaf generally considered the best AC game? Is it worth investing time into after (5?) years of it being out? I updated my copy that I haven't played in years and it's name changed to something about amiibos, of which I have none. So did they ruin New Leaf by shoehorning in amiibo shit?

Generally. The biggest complaint is that the villagers have less interesting interactions. In previous games they could be assholes and it was really damned funny, but they toned it down in new leaf. The most memorable thing in New leaf is a passing flirtatious remark.
I still play it. Nintendo probably won't make another one as long as the 3DS is relevant.
If you enjoy it just stick with it until you run out of shit to do.

Hopefully the Switch one doesn't suck
I'd buy a Switch for a GOOD ac game

I doubt it though


What about Bob and their art?

Isabelle's the only good thing to come out of AC.

No, Egyptian cat is.

Since we're already there.

Best doggo.

Nah best squirrel is. and Coco

Animal Crossing was a revolution in terms of the number of characters you could would, second only to Pokemon


I can understand not playing city folk or wild world, but the original still has a wholly unique charm and comfy-factor that has yet to be recreated



I wonder how long it will take for a AC VR waifur simulator to pop out ?
Only for you to get cucked by Bill Trinen



anyone who plays Animal Crossing ironically or unironically needs to kill themselves.

we should build a couple dozen raperacks in the center of the village and put women on duty there.

happy men = less violence.

Think about it, a crossover between AC and Sim City, with the ability to manage the villagers in a personal level because the small population, with also a small economy in the town, morale, etcetera.
My autism will never be quenched.

Cherry is shit tier.


you are shit tier faggot

you missed a golden opportunity to draw a little XXIV or something on the card to make it look like it was an actual arcana.

Dude, she has the attitude of a roasty.
Enjoy being cucked while my waifu stays loyal.

but my waifu is ankha

that doesn't mean i cant find Cherri attractive

Dude, her color scheme makes her look like some kind of antifa furry mascot.
Just stop.


Dumb nigger, my waifu is none, because I'm not a piece of furfag scum.

so anything red and black is antifa now? i think i found the new antifa flag

no seriously, go back to Holla Forums retard

I use to like it but you can't even talk about the fucking series without the furshitters derailing the thread. Yet another series that furries ruin with their disgusting fetish.

It's the only AC image I have on this computer.

Someone has to go back to his containment board :^)
Daily reminder that the overlap between commies and furfags is huge.
On the other side, the overlap between /monster/ and Holla Forums is also quite notorious.

no its not you degenerate furfaggot.

I want you to go to the PlayBoy mansion and call every man who fucked the girls a furfag.
Do it motherfucker.


Furries always shriek autistitically about the playboy bunnies when their FETISH is criticized. The fact of the matter is that no one wants to see these disgusting faggots get their rocks off in a fur suit and no one wants to hear how much some picture of a dog gets some retard off. Those faggots are like leftists virtue signaling how their FETISH is a lifeystyle that everyone should accept. Fuck that, gas the furshitters.

I'm reporting you.

I'm a /monster/fag tho.
Liru is NOT furfaggotry.

and you're supposed to be the warriors of the white race? goddamn, we're fucked.

this is "not true communism!!1"-tier of retarded, /monster/ is furry, deal with it.

I'm just stating the obvious. The fact that you have retards crying about a human face tells me that furshitters can't help but to throw a 3rd party under the bus to justify their FETISH being forced on everyone like this. Even then, /monster/ is borderline degenerate and I have a feeling the Holla Forums /monster/ connection is flimsy as fuck and barely a half truth furshitters use to deflect the hate against them because no sane person would want furshitters in their community.

Liru is still NOT furfaggotry, so I win the argument.

It's debatable at most. Besides, anyone who consider Liru and shit like and to be the same tier is more than likely a retard or a furshitter trying to justify their FETISH.


Wait how is Liru a debate?
Isn't she in the same categories as cat girls? I don't think liking Liru means you're a furfag.

And here I thought the thread couldn't get any worse.

Another thread turned into fetish wars. How swell.

What does it mean

yes she is, you're a furfag

Spotted the furfag in denial.
Get out of the closer, furfriend! :3c

Like I said, debatable but retards like will use those two major points to push their FETISH on everyone. It's a catch 22, either you hate anything with a tail and ears or you are a full furfag like them. Those retards can only think in extremes so of course they will think liru is 100% furry. To them it's either 100% furry or not.

What exactly were you expecting?

The OP was not-porn, it was only going to go one way

I was expecting "bob is for ____" and faggots, not /monster/ going at it. I'm not sure which is worse honestly.

Furshitters really are the worst. No amount of Trump pictures will change that fact. No one likes furshitters dumping their FETISH pictures on Holla Forums, so again, what were you expecting?

honey im anything BUT in-denial, like you.

And on the opposite side, we see the thing that kills digimon threads. At least they ignore and hide the lizard fuckers so they can actually talk about the game.
That and Digimon World/Digimon games have a bit of gameplay to talk about. It's not 100% decorating like AC so AC is more vulnerable to this derailment because of the lack of things to talk about. Feels real bad, man.

nobody kills digimon threads but you bitching about the digimon threads being "dead" because a picture on it hurts your feefees

I want to pillage that red thing if it's gonna look at me like that.



nobody likes you dumping your Holla Forumsshit on Holla Forums either, except you and your infiltrate friends.

Every time.


And the funny thing is that I don't even like /monster/ but furries love playing the victim. I wonder who else loves to play the victim. :^)

Oh yes, I forgot that my choice of reaction images makes me what I post. This is true, because everyone who posts smug anime girls religiously visits /a/ right?

point is, fuck off with your offtopic shit.

You know, there are two places you can go to that are like Holla Forums but without furfags:
You should check them out!

The first occurrence of /monster/ came from this user the turmoil started when this user made his comment bringing up the color scheme of a character being antifa. Read the thread posts first.


Anyone catch any rare bugs today?


Go back to posting the dog. This thread is shit anyhow.

At last you truly see.
Reminder that Jewsney was caught redhanded directly trying to appeal to various furkike sites when making Furtopia.

Also where the fuck is the gay porn


I just want to discuss video games.


What the fuck is this furkike logic?

Then talk about it NOW.

heres a protip: ignore them and carry on.

nobody forces you to open the pictures. the little arrow next to the posters name? you can hide posts with it

I find it strange how there can be other threads that keep discussion going along with lewd images but yet this one can't for an odd reason.


you want to know why? i'll tell you why: because AC is a glorified dressup simulator with no real substance behind the """game""". there is absolutely NOTHING to discuss about animal crossing other than the fucking furry waifus, because thats all the game is.

meanwhile, other furry-heavy games like Digimon actually have a fuckton of lore and real gameplay, so even posters who dump porn do so in conjunction with long texts discussing the games.

so, with these facts in mind, you come to an AC thread and all you're going to find is people talking about who's best waifu or who's best husbando, which immediately leads to porn, and since there is nothing to talk about, the thread devolves into BAWWW WHY CANT WE TALK ABOUT THE GAME. What game? there IS NO game. AC is a shallow bloated flash file put into a console and made into a franchise.

i have never seen in any of these threads a single post that goes like "whats the best spot to catch butterflies?" or "how do i make -x- move into my town?", and dont blame the furfags, you are just as free to make a post like that as they are to make a porn dump that doesn't exceed 2 posts per the rules.

it seems to me that people enjoy complaining about the porn more than they do… well… the "game" itself.

You know damn well why

It's not that strange. AC is a lot of fun, and there is a ton of discussion after each new game's launch, but after a few months, everybody is burned out on visiting each other's villages, grinding for bells, and having to fucking check in on your town every day to pick weeds and talk to villagers. The game becomes a chore. It's a fun game with the illusion of depth but with no actual depth. Everything in the game is surface-deep.

Animal Crossing has a shit load of potential, but none of the games really feel it through.
Fishing and bug-catching are fun, but there's no satisfying reward to filling the museum.
Visiting others' towns is fun, but quickly you realize that there's not much point.
Talking to the villagers is fun until you realize how few unique personalities they actually have (which is really fucking fast, because there are only like 8 or 10 unique personalities total, and you very quickly get multiple villagers spewing the exact same lines).
Socializing and making villagers like you is pointless; there are very few levels of familiarity with the animals. Maybe it's because I was younger, but it felt in the first game more like the villagers started out more reserved and became more friendly and open with me as we socialized. In the latest game, they maybe have a few more lines that they drop as they get to know you, but for the most part, getting intimately familiar with them is exactly the same as when they barely knew you. It makes them seem really shallow and socialization feels meaningless and empty.

Really, the only lasting fun in the game is maxing out your house and filling it up with furniture sets, and maybe using patterns to give your town a cool theme. All the other fun in the game burns out way too quickly.

So there's no reason to play long-term. You might come back to play the game in a new town after having set it down for a year or so, and you'll have fun for a month or so until you get burned out again and put it down for another year. The only way to make everybody discuss the game at the same time is if you had everybody get back into it at the same time, but that doesn't happen. The only time everybody is getting into it at the same time is around launch, and then a few more autistically-inclined NEETs stick around in the generals for 6 months to a year (I remember a slow, long-lived general on halfchan's /vg/ back in the day), and then it truly dies.

I love Animal Crossing, and I think that is exaggerating by saying that there is "no game", but everything after the GameCube one has been a lot of interesting stuff that is ultimately disappointing long-term. A lot of cool features with a lot of potential that is never fully realized. The whole series is wasted potential.

How about the furfags just ignore this thread. There are literally boards on this website for this furfag shit, but no, lets keep spamming Holla Forums with it.

The other half of these threads is thinking up ways to make the game better "idea guy" style.

Well, you are banned for posting furry stuff because it is explicitly against the rules. I don't see how it gets better than that for your purposes :^)

We lost the fight against furries years ago, man.

It's not even "idea guy" style. Animal Crossing is the only series I can think of where you stop playing the game in the way you do. In most games you either
* Finish the game and stop playing
* Finish it, then complete the other things or dick around a little and then stop playing
* Play a lot, and then play less and less until you stop because you've gotten all you want to out of it
* Play a lot, and then play a little now and then forever, because the game always offers something
* Stop playing because the game isn't good enough to keep playing

Animal Crossing is the only series I can think of that is fun at first, and then becomes fun plus obligation, and then you hit a point where you realize that you aren't even having fun anymore, and are just doing it because your town will go to shit otherwise. I always end up realizing that I'm dreading having to turn the game on every day and do all my shit, because I'd rather spend that time playing a game I enjoy, then I delete my town and don't touch it again. I've never played another game that tries to make me play whether I like it or not, other than maybe Nintendogs.

/monster/ is literally everything most people hate about furries, the social aspect.


Ironically, there's a Digimon thread up and a decent chunk of it is what we see here, people complaining about the porn they don't like instead of discussing. Even with all its lore and such.

ayo my main niggy would you kindly give me the souce fo dat pic yo

The worst part about monster is that they keep trying to claim kemonomimi characters as their own.


I wish Animal Crossing had a villain. Like
Someone who either:

Could be neat.

Who got shoahed in here?

All the furry porn except mine and one other for some reason.

You know and the thing is, there's already mechanics in place to allow for this.
There's unused counters for villagers hitting other villagers with various items.

Who's your favourite animal?

probably just that faggot pewter doing his usual hijinx

Always the best neighbors.
Unless Julian is an option. Julian is always great

I wonder, would it be possible to do a tournament style Animal Crossing thing? Like a Town Beauty Contest, the player with the best town can win a unique villager? Nah that would be too complicated. Still though, something to encourage town to town interactivity.

nevermind its just mark being a trigger-happy faggot and using the "nuke all" button.
he even deleted my SFW post explaining why AC is bad and why it gets porndumps, even though i did not go over the porndump limit rule.

tl;dr: "rules are whatever i feel like today!" t.tumblrmark

I believe for a time, they ran contests in the wii version and you would have been mailed a special trophy.


Did they ever attempt that again? Or was it a one and done thing? I just wish they'd add more content akin to free DLC like more villagers fruit options or events. They'd increase the games survivablity two-fold.


I'm not 100% sure as my interest in New Leaf died off pretty quickly as most of my friends ended up not getting it.
But maybe they did something with HHA scores, as there was an online score list.

There's tons of alternatives, if you're unhappy with the current moderation the thing these boards need more than anything is more users to make them a worthwhile alternative

Please use them

hotpockets everyone

Hey man how's it going?

Fuck off, Bobfags are literally the worst of people dumping furfaggot porn.

nice non-argument you got there

>>>/halfchan/ might be more your speed.

At this point you guys deserve Mark

Well then you're gonna have to stay here, but if you do, then don't complain like the little bitch you are

Then post there and make it faster. If you don't want to put a tiny bit of effort into improving your terrible situation, then you deserve your situation.

nobody ever improved by being a complacent little bitch, you NEED to shit on mark (and the other mods) more often so he improves.
he BROKE his own rules by deleting posts that were not breaking any rules.
defending his shit decisions because they happen to align with your preferences is the surefire way to move towards a cuckchan-esque imageboard. And telling people to move to dead boards where there is absolutely zero activity is not a valid point to make when defending said shit moderation.

I swear to god only a furfaggot could be this braindead.
Complaining doesn't do anything, but you'd probably know that if your life weren't in such shambles that you'd have to resort to masturbating to anthropomorphic animals like a second rate beta cuck.

It's almost as if you can use more than one board here while still being critical of the moderation team.

Nice goalpost shifting. Your the halfnigger obsessed with board speed.

God you're such a sad human being, I'd tell you to remove yourself from the gene pool but it's very obvious that you never were in it at all.

He also is still mad about being told off by undertale fags too
Fucking bumplocking the sonic mania thread because someone vaguely mentioned it because it came out the same day

I think you guys missed his overall point of keeping mods and admins in check, which used to be an important thing to do back in 4chan's heyday. As much as you should improve your general happiness by migrating to different boards you might like, he makes a pretty good point when it comes to not being complacent with poor moderation.

Right, because people complaining about the poor moderation for the past two years did so much we'd better keep going at it


I think it's more like shining a light on mods enough to make the whole board aware that he's fucking up and then the mod either has to acknowledge it or get blasted. It SOMETIMES used to work back then.

I would understand being upset at someone making an entire thread just to complain about mods, or derailing a thread to complain about mods, but this time there's a good reason to complain at least a little bit.

oh Holla Forums, you really never change

dude, there's a difference between board speed and board LIFE.

its funny when this fallacy is the only way you can feel like you "won" the argument or have the highgrounds.

i've seen mark improve a little, he's like a woman, he has his days and then he has his "days". never keeping a stable rate of quality. gotta keep his powertrips in check.
The board isn't even THAT fast that you, as a BO or jani, need to use the nuke all button without at the very least checking the posts of the person you are about to wipe off the thread.

Are you samefagging AND projecting?

I don't, I moved somewhere else, where I still post, despite being one of the 10 other people that post there.

Literally the only thread I post in on this board is /agdg/ because that's the only place where the moderation won't even go to.


I forgot to add that the first time, what would I even gain from samefagging

Nigger that's not even what I'm saying, mark is so buttflustered about technically being outsmarted by furries he tries to bury it ever time it's mentioned.

It plays kind of janky, but Magician's Quest kind of does that, but not to the extent of ruining your village or making your villagers unhappy. You get around 52 mysteries that you have about a week to solve each. One of the ones I did recently was about some smelly green monster wandering around the river, and it seems it was the cause of the river's recent pollution. It was actually a river spirit who was angry over the river's pollution caused by your classmates, and you solve the mystery by fishing up all the garbage. The game also has magic lessons and dating.
Only the first was localized in English, though, and it's pretty bare-bones compared to the later ones that have stuff like player-run stores.

That game sounds pretty fucking good. It's just as comfy as AC though right?

Speaking of player generated, has AC ever tried player generated villagers? Like a Dynasty Warriors type customization mode where you get to create your own villager who will then roam around the internet? Sounds like it could work pretty well.

It plays almost exactly like Animal Crossing but the controls don't really feel as good, specifically the bug net. All towns have the same layout, but you get more specific places to go to, such as a cave, haunted house, and a mushroom forest. You can also do dumb little things like learn music and play it with your classmates.
I'd say it's Animal Crossing with more concept but less polish.

well he wrote the 2 post porn rule. if he's not gonna follow it, why even have it at all?

marks truly a walking disaster.

Not going to lie, not a fan of that main theme.

i like it, nice song.

I think it fits the aesthetic of Mystery Time, when the sky turns red and the whole world gets kind of spooky looking. Most of the background music is based on classical works, but the CDs in the game are original songs.
If it makes you feel any better, the main theme doesn't play completely in the game. Only parts play depending on the time of day, and whether Mystery Time is activated or not.

Here's one of the game's CD's. If you listen to the song for a little bit, your character remembers it and can play it with an instrument or just whistle. Passing by classmates will join in with their own instruments.

Ah okay. I thought the soundtrack in general would be the way the main theme sounded, but that sound pretty good. Also the fact that there's essentially a "Midnight hour" adds to the experience. I'll check it out then. Fucking really cool find user, I'll put it on a wishlist for when I'm actually not poor as all fuck.

You can emulate the first 3 games since they're all in the DS, if you want to try before you buy. I actually found out about this from an AC thread a few weeks ago, it was passively mentioned just because it had dating.

Well, look at this. Desmume on my PC as we speak, and me with nothing to do? Guess I better get cracking.

Step it up, leatherman.

itt: a fucking warzone

I think I have the CIA for the 3DS game somewhere too. I've been meaning to play the 3DS one but I keep putting it off until I get better at reading nip.

Are there viable 3DS emus out there now? Last I heard there was one in the works but only used as a benchmark for now until they actually got around to make the thing.

Now we're in the "New Vegas" portion of the thread user. Come talk about video games with us.

There is a 3DS emulator, but I'm not sure how good it is. CIAs are used for installing games onto a homebrewed 3DS.

Aah okay. Yeah they're working on one at the moment, but it's waaaay below alpha. I'm about to play this game over here, hopefully it's not haunted.




Looks like it was haunted.

you just had to ask user, i'm always happy to help.

Or it's seeing something that I'm not.

thanks, now ill leave the thread and leave you all to your shiposting.

If I remember correctly, if you make him randomize it a few times, he'll just remove that option so you have to pick yourself.

have a safe trip home anomalous


Well, I'll just stick with this guy anyway. I mean he looks pretty fucking adorable to be honest.

Beware of the Jew.

The jam sessions and sleep spell sessions were probably my favorite parts outside of the dates.


He's right, it looks like chocolate or something


Post the porn again I wasn't looking.

That's a really big [Spoiler]Eggplant[/Spoiler]

You're not from here, are you?

post ONE of 1/2 porn limit


I'm from the grave, I died years ago.

Naomi is best girl.

counting it was the second post.

im not gonna break the limit and give marcuck the pleasure.

i do wish the """"""""game"""""""" had something else to do but isle survival and hunting for dumb shit. just make SOMETHING happen in the village that makes the mayor have to move and do things.

Fantasy Life on 3DS was animal crossing DONE RIGHT. except it didn't have ANY memorable furry waifus whatsoever. and thats where they lost me.

Just cool it with more dogfucker or beastfucker porn
What could possible go wrong ?




My dawg.

fuck, guess mark has to ban me now :^)

You fucked up, kiddo.

bunny is not for fugging

Man, it took 163 posts for the fags to show up, you guys are off your game. now get the fuck out

OP from yesterday here. All the eggplant edits are OC. I'm going to start self-teaching photo-editing and then move towards video-editing from there. Just using the eggplant shit as a warmup into using some basic tools. Let me know if you have any advice or good learning materials. Placeboing on YT is my main inspiration right now, although I've wanted to learn this sort of thing for a while now.

Also Cherry is shit-tier

Make sure to post moar good non-Cherry porn.

the absolute madman

fuck you nigger, cherri is at least mid-to-good tier

The next game should have villagers not moving out of town so easily. Every time I want to play New Leaf after a long break I have to screw with the clock first so that I can make sure my favorite villagers don't move out on me. Actually this can happen even when not taking long breaks.

there's barely any cherry porn to begin with

i posted pretty much all i have, and its just 5 or 6 pictures

There are so many better villagers, Cherry only has as much porn as she does because of Vinesauce. It's meme porn.

She has a whole one page on e621 and most of it is either awful art or not porn.

binyot fuck off

I meant to post this, not the same image.

Thats close to shadshit

Only the piercings and hair. Shad is much worse except for when he's drawing underage, for some reason he does flat anatomy much better

have you actually compared it to other characters? 30 pics is a lot for an AC character.

living the dream

Restricting it to only explicit there are only 18 pics. Reducing it to shit that is actually fapable it's only 6 pictures.

luck and charisma can take you really far in this gay earth, smdh. he's been kinda unfunny lately though

there are characters that have 3 pictures in total, even Scoot, who is the biggest vinesauce AC meme, only has 3 pictures, all of them rated S.

He doesn't even accept direct donations or bits on Twitch, gets all the money from subs. I wonder how many subscribers he actually has, since he doesn't disclose that info ever.

The only entertaining thing he's ever done were corruptions, but that was just him reacting to shit with very little input on his part. Maybe some of the fan submitted shitposting too but again, he has nothing to do with that. He has never said a single funny or witty thing in his life.

when he imitates guy fiery its pretty funny, and sanic.

Retarded voices are not funny. Screaming in a sonic voice when something happens is closer to tourettes than it is to humor. You are being amused by the equivalent of jingling keys in front of your face.


get off the high horse m8, next thing you know you'll be claiming that your IQ is above 200

You say this as if 2 year old danny devito memes and yelling BEP while being atrociously bad at easy video games is the pinnacle of humor. Somehow I get the feeling that you're the kind of person who watches minecraft let's plays on youtube on your ipad.

Kicks is the best dick shiner~

Also he sells good shoes.

whatever dude, you can turn the projector off now.


I know why these animal people are mostly pantsless but it gives me feelings.

Wild World has more text than New Leaf for villagers

enough to live in NYC comfortably


you know what you should do next?

You've got to break the conditioning user.

why? the conditioning is pretty good. people are horny and isabelle provides a service.

Why can't furies spoiler their shit? Why must they force their shit on others?
If you let a furry population/community get a foot hold, like the jews, they will destroy you.




This guy has mind-broken himself into a cycle of fap that has no end. Such a dilemma should not be fed.

There are other things he should be fapping to as well. Let him go.

paul you're drunk, go home.

who made you the BOSS of dilemmas?

i say fap away user, isabelle is hot and you know she wants it.

I'm surprised there hasn't been a decent 18+ AC game yet. Seems like something Akabur could be commissioned to make.

Dont let this happen again

go away


I hate that term so much. It's like nymphet, it makes me gag.

user, I implore you to find other suitable fap material. Break your cycle, that's the only way to be truly free. Or else you'll be fapping to Isabelle until your dick dies. DO YOU WANT DICK DEATH NIGGA?


I was trying to think of a western dev that wasn't a furry and made something that could be roughly called a game, and he was the closest ting I could think of.

Fucking why?

whats wrong with nymphet? you don't like little girls user?
tumblr is 2 blocks down

all dicks have to die, and if mine was to die to isabelle, it'd be a happy death.

Isn't that OPM?

Doesnt matter the reason or why.
It was still a huge FUCK YOU and threads were filled to the brim with furry porn, or exclusively till image limit. Not counting the ungodly flood of Reddit, Holla Forums and /rk9000/ festering the place.

Despite having a kemono and furry board, shit can still go crazy with this freaks.

If I could have a good artist/programer, I would, but I doubt that would be possible for making a niche porn game. I can't imagine AC is as popular in Japan as it is in the west. There's also the problem of communicating and working with nips, which makes it harder to give input and could end up with a drastic change from what the project was supposed to be. All in all, I think a western dev would be the best shot at making something like an adult AC game possible.

It's a japanese game you tool.

AC is hugely popular in Japan, are you retarded?
Most of my shitty furfag art hits on Pixiv have been from AC art

Whenever people create an animal crossing "thread" they should just leave a link to the entire e621 tag here. It would basically be the same thing.

maybe moot or whoever was the BO of Holla Forums in cuckchan should have done a background check before giving such an important role to a massive faggot SJW normalfag who also happened to fap to anthros.

we got mark here to do those kinds of things, instead he comes in here and nukes entire discussions because the posts had some vanilla on-topic porn which didn't break any rule.

It's not. Gas yourselves rulefags

What a twist.

What a twit.

I can only be jealous that his charisma and luck allows him to live a life I dream of living.

Fuck life. Fuck earth.




Who has the biggest cock?


But you wouldnt be capable of shitposting after a good fap, wihout leaving the thread.

Nigga, I can shitpost with one hand, fap in the other.
I place a plate on a few books, I can even eat as well.
Make a few modifications to my chair, I can then shit as well.



You have to be 18 to ride here.

I'll take a potato chip… and EAT IT

I found a post-exodus triple nigger

bob definitely, punchy is a close second

>cultivated Blue roses and black roses and Gold roses
>she gives me her picture
>that's the closest a neighbor can get to you in the game's limits
and that is why I'll never delete my Wild World save.

you know, the game Viva Piniata had some.

I could see bad neighbors moving in who trash things, dirty things, and are unpleasant (or super pleasant) and just cause problems and eat up resources/time.

you already know she'll go knock on your door next time she's in heat.


It's strange, I normally don't like the pompous characters, but she started to change a bit when she'd visit and initiate a conversation and I started to like her honestly at that point.

That's how I felt about Ankha. Carmen, Tabby and Coco were always sweet but Ankha grew on me as she sweetened up.



It's because she's not Pompous, she's Proper.

im gonna stick it in her pooper.



there will never be another traditional animal crossing game

Wow, dropped. Can't stand this tranny bullshit in games

Nice joke Holla Forums


are you ok?

Pffff hahaahaha yes my penis is hard grom lookinh at the animal cartoon tits hahaahahahshsjs cummiers on my hand icky xdddd

Sperg harder please

i hope you can fix those… err… problems of yours



hahaha le funny furry xddddddd fUR YIFF XFDDDD

Take another (you) for your efforts, or lack thereof

fuckbu moterfuker come to india ill kick ur asse



thats a dog with tits

I miss /vg/'s old threads leading up to new leaf's release


Try this handy guide next time.



Why is furry porn okay Mark but you delete LOL threads you fucking kike UGGGH I HATE THIS FUCKING PLACE


Anyone got the cap of the thread when that was announced? The salt was beautiful.

Which villager is best suited to ass inflation?

I want Apollo to be my boyfriend!

Bob is pretty cool too. That last image is cute!

OP here. What the fuck happened to the thread? It's a warzone the whole way through.

Can't we get along?

Also I'm confused by the mods' choices of posts to delete

We all know that, we have IDs.

I added it for emphasis. No one pays attention to IDs most of the time

some people have dynamic IPs man.

oh the usual, people talk about which waifu they want to fuck in a game that is 100% ABOUT the waifus and mods nuke everything because its "easier" (as if the job wasn't easy enough as it is) and then they proceed to get lectured on how to properly manage a fucking imageboard.

Jesus fucking christ we have a problem. Fuck all online moderators forever into eternity, amen and fuck. Admins will always become autistic powertrippers who take their job too seriously and can't keep what they're doing in perspective. The only good admins are ones who take a hands off approach and don't fucking micromanage things, as micromanagement always turns places into shitty unenjoyable fagfests where powertripping fagmins who have never known true real life authority and power pretend to be alpha male leaders in charge of a pack of beta wolves. IRL they are autistic losers who could not even manage a special ed room. In conclusion I expect this post to be deleted and myself banned, but this will only be a sure sign of their shittery.

Females are gay

This hothead has lost his composure


If you look at what the mods have chosen to delete, it makes no sense. If our moderators are really this incompetent, and they really are this dimwitted, it's time to consider where we will leave to. I can't stand the way this place is run. And Holla Forums too. imkampfy has desecrated that board with impunity for years and will never stop. It's disgraceful. Holla Forums has almost completely failed at what we were promised when we came here, and I think there are greener pastures for us. It's not like an exodus would be hard or anything, and exodus always increase quality of posting dramatically. I wonder, where will we go when it's time to move?

Just complain about Mark enough until hotwheels fixes it


that nigga dead

Take a deep breath buddy, everything is going to be okay.

No one was banned, but none of you niggas are actually talking about the games.

take your furshit to >>>/fur/ or >>>/vp/

It's fine if you post furshit here and there, while also talking about the games. but no one wants to see you fags yiff.

Tell that to the faggots from the Sonic thread

They're actually talking about the games. you niggas just yiffing.


You started the thread with edited porn image, what did you think would happen.

Seriously, you attracted the horney furfags.


I also started it with discussion topics to discuss the actual games and mechanics. I thought it would be a happy medium between game discussion and some good spoilered porn. It was basically neither, but I did get a thread of chaos and war, which was interesting at least.

Life is like a box of chocolates :^)

The thing is, that's what it was for 35 posts. Until Liru was mentioned, and then shit turned into "Furfaggotry this, /monster/ that." and then Mods happened. After that it got a little bit pleasant again, I found out about a pretty cool AC-like game, discussion ensues, and then once again the mods happen and now here we are.


Furries were never tolerated here. Get the fuck out.

Feels good to not be cucked by Nintendo Treehouse.

epic meme

No wonder furfags love this game

where do you think you are?

Where do you now?

While the furry shitpost did contribute to the beginning of the end, the Mods were the Atom bomb that ultimately derailed the thread's existence.

Never implied that. Not sure how you got that from my post.

This isn't the first time I've seen this problem. A while back ago I made a thread about the best Bowser battle theme and the picture I used was Bowser offering you to get into bed with him.

I knew it was a sexually suggestive picture but it wasn't overtly lewd in terms of genitalia. That picture alone drew countless furfags and degenerates to the thread. Which, by itself, in my opinion is fine. The problem arises when people disregard the OP's post entirely and turn the entire thread into a lewd discussion/hook up thread with intermittent porn being dumped.

I'm not even against occasional lewd posting in jest but I don't like to watch threads degenerate into degeneracy because people are having trouble keeping it in their pants.

We're on a goddamn image board. Be as lewd as you want but stay on topic. If your content isn't SFW then spoiler tag it. This isn't rocket science kids. I know many of you here suffer from autism but really try to focus on using that internal filter.

If you're still really horny you can make your own board to discuss how best to fuck avian chicks on the fly or how pig women are absolutely harem. Just don't shit up the discussion of threads with lewd posting on Holla Forums. Sorry for the meta posting.

on topic-

I'm downloading the New Leaf rom right now. I'm not terribly keen on the whole rounded background but I think I'll get used to it. Hope this 3ds emu works.

then fuck off, nobody wants you here. you're chronic whiners.

nigger did you even read my post? You're bait is weaker than your reading comprehension.
