Which one would you marry?
Which one would you kill?
Which CO would you fug?
Other urls found in this thread:
Green suit one
I'd kill them all save for the third, fifth and sixth and I don't even know what game they're from or what they're like in the game. Women should not have short hair.
Fug 5th, marry 3rd, kill 4th.
Always Nell.
Fug 2, marry 5, kill 4.
Sonja and Sasha are wife material. Sami and Nell would be fun in bed. Jess and Rachel can go away.
Sami or Sasha are the only answers
Fuck the 1st, marry the 3rd and kill the 4th
The answer's always the same.
What game is this?
Also too covered
God bless.
All of them. Only faggots choose.
Fug Sami, marry Tabitha, kill Fire Emblem
We're already dead
I wish we lived in the world where Fire Emblem died, Advance Wars lived on, Gunpei Yokoi lived and Miyamoto died in a weird way. Imagine what a world that is.
Also, nice Taste, if we choose DoR waifus, I want Lin.
Do you though? I remember someone at IS stating that they'd love to do something the Wars series, but can't because they can't fit in Awakening's shit.
what does awakening got to do with AW?
explain this for me, please, this is the first time in ten years I hear they want to do anything with AW, also, I said I wished we lived in the bizzarro world where FE:H and nuFE wasnt a fucking thing and AW was kept pristine and Eagle fucked everyone's shit up, because Eagle was cool.
1-DS: Lash, DoR: Tabitha
Which one would you marry?
1-DS: Sasha, DoR: Isabella
Which one would you kill?
1-DS: Kindle, DoR: Tasha, I guess
I love that art style, what makes it so appealing?
It's colourful and simple. Plus the uniforms are well designed.
>what does awakening got to do with AW? explain this for me, please, this is the first time in ten years I hear they want to do anything with AW
You're fooling yourself if you don't think they'd drive it into the ground. I don't even think the team that initially worked on advanced wars is still around.
Do fashion shows even serve a purpose?
in my bizarro world yokoi is around and miyamoto died/went lunatic so fast they made him quit for good. how would nintendo change, is the question here.
i would marry all of them, fug all of them, and kill all the people that never played advance wars.
Stop being indecisive faggots. Pick one (1).
I'll take the one with the bonuses to vision in FoW.
I would be indecisive if i didn't know what i wanted, and i want all of them, faggot.
Might be for the best because waifu faggoty ruined fire emblem.
One is not all you fagtard. Pick one.
for all questions
Someone should take the pic of the fatass with "anime PRO" on it and change it to "flak PRO"
That would be really awesome if 3rd liked it when you fucked 5th and watched.
Well fuck you too.
Is this read top to bottom or left to right?
I still dont know why liking santa makes you a gay communist faggot
He looks like Marx with an Ushanka on.
Javier main here, stay mad your arty ain't shit against me dug in.
Flak > your faggot Don Quixote wannabee.
One of my friends love playing him with his Santa colors unlocked. He loved it because we all thought he was a pretty meh commander and he loved showing up wrong.
Things got dark whenever it snowed. Very dark.
Colin. :3
Shame his artwork in Dual Strike was kinda bad,.
Flak is still superior though.
Also, any drawfag mind editing this putting flak on it?
My picks in weeb games go in this order.
If it's weeb game, it'll always have those three stereotypes, and that's my order. Hence, Colin/Max.
One friend bounced around COs a lot, another played Grit because he was a 'win at all costs' dick and the last played shit like Drake and Olaf just because he could.
But Flak is a powerhouse though.
You tell me Max isn't a cocky american. Flak is some type of idiot european punk like Birdie from SF.
Urban wars best wars
Say that to me when I beat your ass you dumb nigger.
Also Max ain't cocky, he is quite respectful and serious against his enemies. If you like cocky characters, get Eagle.
This is now a dubs thread.
You piece of urbanite scum.
You faggots laughed at me when I called them old and now you get to feel the exact same shit. Don't cry, it will only get worse.
Say that to my face peasant and not from some backwoods hicksville and see what happens
when will summer be over?
I will plow your wife like I plow the land.
This summer will last 1000 years
Culture won't save her from my forced dick and brutal tactics, cucklet.
Good luck, I'm behind seven cities
Urbanites sure are double digit IQ kikes, I tell you what.
I dunno it worked for the Visigoths. Funny how history repeats.
Keep lying to yourself, "mr. mountain man." Anything to justify raping like a mudshit pleb.
How can thee even call yourself a man? Thy are but a dead hull.
I guess the WE WUZ niggers where correct all along by your standards, user!
And this is why you chose the shit CO. A mudshit brain will do that to you.
user, maybe you need to get your head checked.
I do follow my instinct. My instinct tells me to live somewhere with a roof and running water.
You instict is the one of a weakling. Be a T R U E M A N.
Retard, I'm saying raping is mudshit/nigger tier and all you can go is "muh vikins" without touching the base of the argument. You should stop using leftycuck tier argument tactics.
Though considering the game and the modern "fanbase" I'm really just talking to a wall at this point.
Eat a bag of dicks, cuck.
1. All of them.
Suck a nigger cock.
I still can't believe that Dual Strike has good visuals after a decade. They really nailed it.
what if you-just-can't
That would make the third question easier.