You know it might be a little late for this as the stream ended a long time ago, but this stream made me realize some very important things, so I ask you to listen for a bit.
There is no denying that this was probably one of the most beautiful thing that happened on Holla Forums, but just now I realized how great it truly is.
Not only did we fix Uncommon Time, we have also proven ourselves to be better than FP in a way. Now I understand that Teagan Quest was really an unnecessary thing from the beginning and would come out as an edgy revenge plot instead of what we've got. Uncommon Time's message was that you should hold to your anger and hatred no matter what, and by making that game we would just prove the creator right. Instead this goes completely against the true meaning of the game instead proving that forgiveness is a way to go. This story is not only a story of forgiveness between Alto and Teagan, but also of our forgiveness towards Alto. This ending made us forgive Alto and finally understand the characters that were presented in the story.
Furthermore, I feel as if Teagan Quest would come out as something from not understanding of Teagan's character. There are a lot of things we can say about Teagan, there are a lot of things that we know about her, and we see that she was treated unfairly by the story. But she wasn't treated unfairly by the story just because Alto was a bitch in the original UT, she was treated badly by the story for one more reason; neither did we nor FP saw one of her most important character traits. We didn't see that most of all, Teagan is loyal, that she tries her best to be a great friend and doesn't want to abandon Alto. Most importantly, we didn't see (along with the creator) that Teagan LOVES Alto as a friend.
You know I believe that characters have a kind of will of their own, not literally but in a way. If you write characters differently than they would really act, you're going against the will of the character and it will come out as fake and unpleasant. Watching this ending with you made me realize the true reason why Uncommon Time was such a big pile of shit. The true reason was, that the creator abused the characters and didn't let them do what they truly wanted. FP once said in the developer room that she didn't do certain things because "Alto" didn't like them, but I think that the truth is that she is completely and utterly wrong. I feel that FP did not listen to her characters at all, that she ignored what they wanted for her own personal agenda. It feels as if Alto and Teagan wanted to forgive each other as characters, the story should be logically leading to that, but she ignored that fact to fuel her own damaging view of the world. She did not think that you should forgive, therefore her characters would not be able of forgiveness. It feels disgusting in a way, because in the end she hurt the characters she created by doing that, and we would have done the same with Teagan's Quest. There were anons who noticed that, noticed that there was potential for Alto to be a good character, but Duetanon really was the man who saw it the most clearly. Duetanon listened to those characters and for first time allowed them to do what they want and not what FP wants. The effect is what we have now, the most heartwarming and cathartic ending to a video game we've seen in a while.
Anons, this has ended far better than any of us could have expected. We not only gave a big middle finger to FP, we not only fixed the game and proved it's meaning wrong, we did not only learn something about forgiveness but most importantly: We FREED those characters Or rather Duetanon did, allowed them to do what they wanted and finally gave them a happy ending.
Even small things like that make me regain hope in humanity. It makes me feel that there truly is yet hope for man.