#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Tribal war Edition



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Ay Papi!

Archive of previous bread

Second for

I said it before, I'll say it again.
World's gone crazy. Need crusader robes.
It's the only thing that'll make sense anymore.



Murdered any women developers lately, gamerbros ?
I'm on my 25th this week, and we're only tuesday ! Amirite !

Thank you Emergency Baker, you're a godsend! Have a rare Suzuki as a reward!

I am running out of room in my backyard to bury the corpses! I think it's time to close the gate!

Get away from here, you saracen!

The story until now, #TorrentialDownpour news related and not.

> NISA is trying to fuck with Ys. NISA has fucked Ys
- archive.is/X1omT
- archive.is/wiJV9

Our Holla Forums and cuckchan /g/ made a replace for nyaa after it was taken down, make sure to use it… Now Approved by Japs.


As a troll move they put the fakku doujins you have to pay for in download state.

Fakku 0001-1000: files.catbox.moe/129di9.torrent
Fakku 1001-1100: files.catbox.moe/h3l457.torrent
Fakku 1101-1200: files.catbox.moe/47batv.torrent
Fakku 1201-1300: files.catbox.moe/c9ntlr.torrent
Fakku 1301-1400: files.catbox.moe/rkuheo.txt
Fakku 1401-1500: files.catbox.moe/ce8oor.txt
Fakku 1501-1600: files.catbox.moe/nmqh3d.txt
Fakku 1601-1700: files.catbox.moe/60v3p6.txt
Fakku 1701-1800: files.catbox.moe/3ii6j8.txt

Ah, I know what you're wanting but I don't think I have the larger cap. Someone posted the smaller one to me when I ranted about celebs once. And then screencapped my rant, I always feel honored

Well, the thing about the Revolutionary War is that it took up to a decade until "The first shot was fired" depending on which events you want to say primarily led up to it.

Makes me wonder what the mid-terms will be like.

Yes, this timeline is chaotic!


Who bought ads for Wikileaks?

That's because everyone is busy laughing about Blitzmench.

Somewhere, an SJW is trying to call the police because they lurk this thread and assume we're dead serious.

Ah well, thanks regardless. That post is a condensed version of that one regardless.

Do they actually link to Wikileaks?

But I AM dead serious, anonymity ! And the women are dead too ! Ahaha ! Don't we have a lot of fun, lad ?

New conflict of interest between Nathan Grayson and Tacoma level designer Nina Freeman


I didn't realize Nina Freeman was working for Fullbright now but it's even in her twitter description. Given the number of COIs she has we should cross-reference them with Tacoma coverage.

That was good

What kind of cuck is Grayson? It's like he does all this stuff for "girls" to try and get laid and he never gets any. I think he's a blogcuck.

Does anybody here have why reddit sucks.jpg screencap and other screencaps about reddit?
I need them for something.

Hello misogyterrorists,

In the past weeks I have been working on a GG thread monitor of sort. As of now I am able to retrieve the latest thread and compile statistics like post count and top 5 autis..posters. I am currently working on archiving the thread at specific intervals like at 175, 350, 525 and 700 posts intervals. This would keep some kind of evolution of the thread on hand. After that I would work on saving those thread and related archives in a database to build a thread repository which is automated instead of manual. This would alleviate the bookkeeping phase of every thread and provide a failsafe in case that we all end up in a FEMA camp.

I have a problem with archive.is, it doesn't listen to the 'anyway' flag anymore, which mean I can't force the update of an archive of and already archived url. It used to work for bad angler. I am looking at alternative/solutions to this right now. The last step after all this would be to provide an UI with web 6.0 shit like icons and google analytics (just kidding) what not.

Funny how it takes this long for an attack against the left, that could possibly just be some schizo panicking, that the media wanted so bad after years and years of leftist attacks.



Knights Hospitaller a best

I hope none of you gamergays are defending what happened at Charlottesville or feeling bad about Trump calling it out.
Real nazis and white supremacists lighting torches to keep a statue in it's place instead of arguing for that is nothing less than absolutely stupidity.

part 2, reddit still sucks

The ad is a direct link to Wikileaks donation page

didn't follow the event, but they have the right to peacefully protest. Antifa being dicks on the other hand was not okay. And bullying that driver was not okay either.

You can't argue with soul zombies. And push something enouth and they will push back.

And what said.

Guy had schizophrenia so I feel bad for him since it seemed like he panicked.
Also first amendment protects protects protests so long as it doesn't get violent that's the 2nd, torches and chanting "No immigrants" is fine. Antifa also has the right to counter protest, but they started getting violent so fuck 'em.

Keep up the good work Ds9fag. You're amazing.

KYM is filled with normalfags blaming everything on Trump and how it's the Right's fault.

Indeed, but at the end of the day that only gave even more reason for the governor of Virginia to tear that statue down.

Aside from maybe 3 or 4 users you're completely right but how is kym relevant here
also stay off the forums

Well the double standard is what we're pissed about, The propaganda networks are adding fuel to the fire, the Mayor and Governor dindunuffin when telling the Police and National Guard to stand down when thousands of Antifa retards can converge to fight without any crowd control, same thing happened in Berkeley. And several media sites adding the helicopter accident as caused by the white nazis without a hint of correction or asking about the incompetence of maintaining a helicopter. To quote Holla Forums "It's happening!"

I wish there was protections in place to keep history getting torn down.
Fuck the northern half of my state. I wish southern Virginia would split into the 51st so dipshit yuppies from Richmond, Alexandra, and DC could stop fucking my ass.

That LWND has been posting bad quality doujins 3 hours straight.

Any way to Dox him or report him to the Koreans authorities for posting porn?

Let's be honest here, if it wasn't for the tension we currently have more people would side with him. There were countless threads on the frontpage of reddit complaining about protesters attacking cars or blocking roads. People said they would crash into them because they have places to go. And honestly, you can get fired if you come to late to work so fuck those fuckers blocking the road.

But because of all the racial tension people throw him under the bus without even listening to his side of the story.

Interesting videos, the shilling is very real.

Remember not to go full partisan.

Most people who identify as left-wing are not hyper-progressive.
Most people who identify as right-wing are not hyper-nationalist.
"Other"ing most people like this, giving them the worst labels that you can, is what caused events like #GG to happen, and continue to be relevant even now.

Things are going to get worse, and worse, and even worse before they can get better.
Innocent, moderate people will be forced to plant a flag on whichever side of the fence seems less crazy.
Remain truthful. Be sincere. Archive everything.
We need to be the calm island in the raging storm, where the flags can stand.

The guy is gonna be made into an example, they got crowdfunding of his legal defense gone archive.is/pee5E, any mentions of support for his right to legal defense is a valid reason for you get doxxed and fired.

Just found an additional COI between Leigh Alexander and Tacomo/Freeman. She already had a known COI with Freeman so it was just a matter of finding the coverage.


Nina Freeman announced joining Fullbright January 5th, 2015, so any coverage after that qualifies. Searching Deepfreeze she is known to have COIs with Cara Ellison, Nathan Grayson, Brandon Boyer, and Leigh Alexander:


The Driver was disowned by his parents. Then again, I guess his parents never truly loved him. I can't bear the thought of disowning children.

Private collections, what's hosted in museums and libraries don't hold a candle to what private collectors, hoarders, archivists, and historians have in storage.


I don't get why people still use exhentai. I dropped it and started going to nhentai ages ago. Fuck the ridiculous hoops you jump through to enter, fuck having a ridiculous points system, fuck the awful moderation, and fuck it being filled almost to the brim with garbage tier western furry art. What's even left there to hang around for?

From what I've read, they're on a daughterboard, should be about as easy as replacing a PCI card.

Not to mention the absolute insanity witnessed. Apparently, you can't dress business casual without being labeled a Nazi. Even when that dude identified himself as part of the local press, they called him a racist who "worked for Breitbart" and started escalating shit until the cops had to intervene. "Peaceful protestors," my ass.




One more for the Patreon folder: they are allowing an account whose sole purpose is to dox people on their platform scot free



I can tolerate Kemono to a degree, but Western furry art is fully degenerate and has that dumb Loony Toon/Disney Style designs not fit for porn like the Cal Arts cartoons. The moderation is shit and the last straw was the fiasco when low quality shit gets uploaded and high quality shit gets deleted. nhentai is a better alternative. Though I rather we make a new Doujin site with a better tagging system and everything, considering that we have Nyaa Pantsu and /u/ has their own manga reader it should be possible.

I'll drink to that.

It was to be expected. September could be truly wild.

The most insulting part is that he's continually getting the wrong guy, but rationalizing it as "well, they look like racist inbred hillbillies, anyway."

Didn't he already misfire a couple of times? Is anyone trying to sue him for libel?

Here's a Gamergate 101 post from Voat for redpilling. Spread it if you can back it up with evidence.

This faggot almost ruined an innocent's life


He's not even getting his twitter pulled.

They did nothing wrong and you're a faggot.

September is the month of Happenings. Though judging from current events, instinct tells me a catastrophic chain reaction is imminent.

Even after the correction, he's getting harassed for being a racist, thanks to that chucklefuck's non-pology.

It was perfect until going off at "islamic terrorism"
who cares about that ? I mean, regarding gamergate ? What the hell does this have to do with gaming journalism ?
Also tons of organizations and media have been very vocal about it. From wikileaks to the SPJ to the FTC… lots of huge support from high institutions.

I was not expecting those feels during the latest episode in my loli garageband cartoon.

Get back to me when you manage to stop every racial group other than whites from voting for their own racial interests, until then you have no solution you just have bitching about the solution.

First post not weaponised benis therefore gay :^)

I just realized the E3 article is already included in Leigh's Deepfreeze entry. However I also found these two articles which talk about Fullbright after Freeman joined them:




we wuz mayas and shit

bent over and let your country fuck you in the ass then. Cuck.


Yet again, decent analysis- No fucking sources.

- Break down of aftermath of Google Memo.

- Google employees and of other large companies BOASTING they use blacklists (which are highly illegal and open up lawsuits).

- Looking at past tech events and how several names keep showing up.

- The Ada Initiative is/were a group trying to get women into tech. One tech person claims they would try to get alone with some tech company owners or open-source project leads, so they could cry sexual assault later. I.e. Honeytrap. This was so bad, one of the Linux guys is never alone at conferences because he knows of this trick. (Just because the company is dead DOES NOT mean they won't pull this individually, or others won't be inspired to. Can you imagine if some harpy trying to sell a game falsely accused some beta or goony beareded numale who looked ugly?)

- The group would go on to promote one of the women in their program to be their own treasurer- and they went bankrupt.

Almost makes you wish the people driven out of silicone valley would set up shop elsewhere and make something to compete- waiting for the other tech companies inevitable collapse.

I love my family but I would let them fuck me in the ass whats wrong with you thats not how love works jesus christ you fucking projecting cuckold

I just want everyone to get along. I don't want a global government, but global cooperation would be nice. I wish everyone could just get along. Have genuine arguments, admit when they're wrong, be gracious when right. Just…be chill. Everyone hating everyone else is just getting old. And it's always been this way, hasn't it? It's never going to change.

I look at what we fight about in today's world, and I wonder what we'll fight about tomorrow. In 20 years. 50 years.

You are kidding, right?

It's not a surprise it won't ever be taken down for doxxing. If it were for antifa, it'd be gone pretty fast

All of it was a shit show from the very beginning. The alt-right had always been full of dumbasses. I'm pissed that this incident clung so hard onto trump and the general right.

I agree with the sentiment, but I'm already beyond 1488/Gas the Kikes/Kill all the gays and faggots/Free Helicopter Rides

At this point, I'm eager to go full Deus Vult/Dies Irae/Cleanse everything and everyone in white hot holy fire/October 10th, 732

This is why abandoning the Monroe doctrine was a mistake.

I'm not a nazi, but I wouldn't be oppose to glassing the entirety of the middle east and quarantining Africa.

The sad truth is humans are wired for conflict. We crave our base instincts every day. True peace on earth can't be achieved with everyone getting along. Especially with dogmatic groups trying to control or oppress others. The course of human history is paved with blood.

Reminder that the same people pushing this shit are associated with an organization that killed Malcolm X for calling bullshit.

Muh nigga

Things weren't like this ten years ago. In the mid-2000s people seemed mostly chill. There were terrorists and shit but no one really tried to suck their dicks all that much. There were no big race or gender arguments. People were mostly fine. It wasn't perfect, but people seemed more inclined to talk and less likely to do shit like…this. I swear Occupy changed everything. Suddenly (((they))) felt vulnerable so they used their tool, the (((media))), to turn the common man against each other to protect their own interests. And it worked.

This is the truth and you can see it in your video games you play. Do you want to play video games that have no conflict or games that have lots of conflict.

Humans are programmed and evolved for this. Trying to pretend it doesn't exist is like trying to put a lid on a boiling pot. It will only make things worse and cause people to fight more.

I had quite a few professors in that age that were talking about how the poor muslims were fighting against the evil americans because of imperialism.

Seconded. For normalfags it won't work unless you couple it with the quote of that person saying that (and even then, it opens it to the "just one person" fallacy.

Or even just

Someone better help this guy file a libel suit.
How are lawyers not making a killing at a time like this?
Don't get me wrong, most of them are (((lawyers))) but I'm sure there must be a few goy in there, right?

Oh, no question.
>Suddenly (((they))) felt vulnerable so they used their tool, the (((media))), to turn the common man against each other to protect their own interests. And it worked.
Don't forget all the SJW college hipsters they sent to the protests to disarm it for extra credit. No joke, the Zuccotti Park eviction? It happened because the SJWs were all living in their own filth and reacted violently when the other protestors tried cleaning it up. Like they were literally sleeping on piles of trash.

go sacrifice yourself for your government then. The jews will be very pleased with you.

It predates that. There were vibes of this shit as back as the '90s when everyone tried to be as Gangsta as possible. Technically it was even used by the MSM against Reagan in the '80s.
At least it was more like ignorable white noise back then.
The problem is that the internet changed the dynamic and while we've managed to use it to discredit a chunk of, if not most of the media, they decided to wholesale side with their most extreme elements to ensure that their voices will always be heard, always be exponentially louder for one reason.
We hurt them. And now they're out for blood.
I welcome it.

That right there is the point that normalfags will roll their eyes and dismiss it as tinfoil bullshit by extreme rightists. Take that sentence out and suddenly it becomes a more compelling explanation for what happened.

If this isn't just a joke, provide a source.

Its worse than just having the police stand down. The guy who organized the original protest had his permit approved all the way back in June, and then on August 7th, he was told by the city that he had to move it a mile away, citing "safety concerns" from expected counter protesters. It also doesn't help that the mayor has proclaimed the city as "the capital of the resistance" and that there are craigslist ads for crowd actors in charlottesville the same day they said the protest had to be moved.

It's been a long time. Bill Clinton back in the 90s talked about how we need immigrants for "muh diversity", it's just the internet is prevalent now and Occupy was something that was broadcasted everywhere on the internet.

Because people were ignoring the issue, that doesn't mean it wasn't there. Even in the 2000s racial minority groups overwhelmingly voted for their racial interests, it just hadn't progressed to the point that your average white was starting to feel it affecting them.

Source on the ads?

This. While nhentai is good it unfortunately has the same bullshit as Hitomi.la & the panda where they use the stupid Tomgirl tag.


Because it was an opt by dikie spencer

Have you looked into some alternative sites as well?
I use nhentai for newer stuff and raws but i mainly use Tsumino. I like their tagging and lists system a lot. They also have Fakku stuff that gets deleted elsewhere. I also use some smaller sites but that's just for the occasional rare find.

Something that's also been on my mind is all the stuff with tech, with how powerful google is, the youtube blacklist etc. Barring a rich conservative buying/starting a major competitor to balance it out, the internet is becoming more and more liberal controlled. I was reminded of something acidman posted a long time ago, about the ancient internet. I forget now what that conversation was about, but I think it applies now as well. No matter how powerful and how much control these types get over the internet, there are always options.

The internet will never be shackled.

Honestly the internet is probably the greatest and most important invention from mankind. Just imagine where we'd be without it or if it wasn't as prevalent, it'd be awful. We'd already be in 1984 on steroids.

As a taco I demand a salsa.


We need an ayylium invasion to unite humanity hatred against xenos.


Pretty much this.



Thanks anons.

That redpill is way too big for normalfags.
This sentence makes it useless for normalfags.

The issue with the webm is that it provides fairly subjective descriptions. It is a fairly neat entertaining bit of shitposting but the ideas themselves don't hold that much water.
Moderates have enemies as well by default, namely extremists, and so that makes it fairly clear that what is meant is that it provides you with SELF-MADE enemies meaning people that you have hostilities towards that themselves haven't done anything against you or announced their hostility. That, however, doesn't really make it much better, since that means you would have to wait for them to have done something against you or someone you hold dear and only then act, since otherwise you are simply doing the same thinking that they deserve it because they haven't done anything YET. In effect you would be waiting for a dictatorship to first form and only then act because otherwise you would be assuming malicious intent to invent a justification.
You can find this to be the case in anyone, in fact you can very easily find this among moderates as well, where people hold themselves as the definition of moderacy and hold everyone else as deviations from it. This means that a moderate can very easily hold extreme views and consider himself to be moderate because "everyone else agrees things should be this way", like how progressive income tax in the past used to be a fairly radical notion and now you are given weird looks if you suggest something else. In such a way you can hold views like supporting the state executing all political dissidents live on television and still see yourself as a moderate because you are used to it being a fact of life.
The whole point to being against extremism is that they are these very bad persons. And although it is true that in this situation he meant abusing individuals and not just being against them, the previously mentioned shit about the execution of dissidents applies here. The act of violence on your behalf is justified by "oh well it's not ME pulling the trigger to put a bullet in the back of his head, I wasn't the one that issued the order" since it was the government saying to do it and everyone knows what the law says about not doing what they say, in other words it is justified in that being passive is the least extreme thing you can do.

Who's going to offer to host our shitposting glory on 56k?
The worst part is that I actually have enough legacy hardware to pull this off. I just need some old software.

The point of the video is that moderates can still have a chat and disagreement without calling someone an enemy, whereas extremists see anything but agreeing extremists as enemies.

nhentai doesn't have everything, has a gay web 2.0 UI, a worse tag system, and of course the Tomgirl with a Lesbian Female Soul amongwhich tag.

Apparently YouTube's only showing videos that would show in restricted mode in related videos.

The Wolfenstein thread that led to a discussion on a certain character from Dishonored was deleted before I was able to post this webm. You gamergoys talk about this kind of stuff, right?

No, those are just people who don't like you, dumbasses.
If you were actually hated by the American government or even journalists you'd have a (752) sperg on the thread instead of those shitty (83) posters (or whatever number that is, probably didn't even break the 100 post limit on a ID yet) people that you brag about.

Wait, they added a tranny to dishonored 2? Wew


Here's some footage of it.

why not embed it? You wanted to show off that artwork so badly? Anyway, they are clearly doing this to piss of straight man, why aren't normalfags voting with their wallets? God I would be so pleased if one of those fucks got bankrupted because of a stunt like that.

a straight trap maybe?

well she is ugly so I guess they got it right.

I think it will happen, but that will take few thousands years. Unless memeteor, cosmic apocalypse, armageddon or ayys invasion occurs first.

Why not both?

Saw this coming months ago.

Looks like I was wrong on the city, but the tweet where I originally saw it says that they were bused in, so who knows.

The magazine says its from 2012

It's funny because we never cry about being victimised, we laugh at shills and thank them for their time. It's nice to know goons are thinking about us. Still. After 3 years.

Building an us VS them mentality on the basis of doing it for the greater good with good being somewhere in the middle is not exactly productive either, since that is the very thing that makes people not like extremists. That moderates are open to ideas is never really in any doubt for anyone on either side of the spectrum, the reason why extremists are against moderates is because they slow things down (which is something that is inherent to moderacy, thus why the hatred towards them is bipartisan) and not because they would for some reason NOT be open to ideas. The video was pretty damn hilarious when I first watched the party advertisement but each time someone has posted it, I could never really get the blatant flaws in his argument out of my head in that segment of it.

Your second point is predicated upon the idea that moral relativism means that moderates don't have a solid basis of principle and are defined through their opposition of extremism rather than any moral basis. The fact that it isn't so (as evidenced by philosophers such as John Locke) kind of cripples the point you were making.

The third point you make is based on the assumption and examples made in the second point as well, hamstringing the meaning that you intended for it to have.

The problem is that, for everyone to get along we have to ignore everything about some particular collective and ignore their culture, race and ideology. There won't be any global cooperation because some collectives want something totally different that other don't.

To clarify, fd33fa is the one using moral relativism to bolster his argument.

Who are you quoting?

Do you believe that you are actually targeted by paid shills? Most of the posts antagonizing you are probably shitposts. I do it here sometimes because of all the (You)s I get.


Not enough celebrities died last year

Man this is stupid. I refused to buy Dishonored 2 after finding out they made Emily a hookah smoking carpet muncher. But this and the DLC with the nigger cyborg assassin is even worse. There's no pride among game developers today. They're so desperate to make money they try to please a screaming minority that will never buy or play their games in the first place.

Never meet your heroes.

Paid? Of course not. I'm not aware of anyone ever actually saying that. I just assume they're either bored anons, asshurt twitter goons, or possibly leftypol? Marche takes a few swings at that beehive from time to time. Shitposters aren't to be taken seriously, it's unfortunate that some anons do.

Who said anything about them being paid?

A very large proportion of any society's views come from the culture they are from. Let's take a real-life example then, there are many people within the Middle-East that are used to life under Islam and see very little wrong with anything going on, while people in the West would be horrified to see even half of it implemented. I am not saying people can be programmed like a computer but you would be surprised the type of things people would accept after three generations. There are obviously some moral standards that inherently exist within humans, like how they see it to be wrong to murder others (with things like tax code being pretty much a blank slate), but the thing is that there are ways to counter these moral objections like reporting someone to the authorities. It gives the individual the illusion of not having any moral responsibility, since the law stated XYZ and so it is being enforced as it should, and so they wouldn't feel that bad if at all after having condemned them to 20 years in prison or possibly even death. It is why places like the Soviet Union could so incredibly easily catch people, they provided a way of skirting around the moral compass.

While there's no proof of paid shilling here, we do know from what the FBI wrote about GG that they did maintain a presence in these threads to some extent.

He hasn't been right ever since his ex-girlfriend offed herself


or when he married the other woman who's a no vaccination nut

Was this before or after he made those weird ass vids of himself acting like the thirstiest fucker on the planet over some other celeb?


Yeah that's when he started going off the deep end. That was a longer while back too.


Eh, not that upsetting. I used to love The Mask and Ace Ventura as a kid, but rewatching them as an adult? Kinda bad honestly. He hasn't done a whole lot since Batman Forever. If you've followed him recently he's really far out there, and he's super religious, I wanna say scientology? I know he's into crazy new age shit. The exact kinda guy that would buy into all this stuff.

And he wishes this was the last gasp. I fear the regressive left has awakened a beast here. I'm predicting race riots and war4s in the streets within the next year.


Thats a lot of "I want to kill you", who wrote this-
What a surprise.

Majority of it are either bored anons, goons, ggrevolt or leftypol.
With some practice you can notice them without any effort.

Majority of celebs are normalfags with a lot of money so you could say they are even worse than stereotype.


in the 90s I think

Oh yea then its long after, never really paid attention to him but I did notice the vids when they came out. He looked completely JUSTed in them

Asanagi deserves more love.


All this because he protrayed an SJW in his latest doujin… ha

what a sad faggot


Wasn't she some random sadist character from some random anime?

I see your point and acknowledge that I was mistaken about how you used the moral relativism argument.

If I understand this correctly, you are claiming that moderate viewpoints are inherently dependent upon the views of the country they reside in (correct that if I'm mistaken), to which I would stand by my earlier assertion that moderate viewpoints can nonetheless originate from morally objectivist foundations which are thereafter insulated from the cultural influences you described and may serve as solid principles in deciding how an adherent would handle any given scenario.


Must be asshurt because the sjw character got more action than him.

Thank you


Is it about some foreign sjw acting like Omega Stacey Dooley and then getting fucked and headpatted?

Might be just me, but e-hentai has been down all day.
Or rather- the page constantly loads and all images are broken/don't load.

If you go INTO a manga/doujin and it's individual page however it loads fine.

So it's impossible to "browse" but fine to use if you know what you're looking for.

TBH, dividing people is what (((they))) want.
Rather than strong people backed up by idiots just following orders, the idiots are fighting their betters (and more idiots were made with a poor education system and a culture).

Not that we should start preaching "lets work together to improve"- because that won't fucking work.
We need to convert as many people onto the proper side as possible, have pendulum swing right- somehow avoid (((them))) perverting what the right/nationalism/populism is, and make strides to ensure this doesn't happen again (proper education so the populus can never be cucked or deceived again).
Then terraforming/space travel/etc.

Woe to them who blame other races for their laziness, and lack of faith. t. H'white Supremacist Jim Carrey

Isn't he one?
I'm also suspecting he is the character designer for Princess Principal.


She seems to be based on someone living at least.

wasn't that a character in GTO also?

Weird. I just thought it was just another tsundere girl from some waifu crap. Kudos for him if it is an original creation.


You mean that blonde chick? i thought she just had issues with an elementary teacher, and just enjoys messing with people until onizuka helped her sort out her shit.

double wew

Asanagi really must hate that bitch.
I bet 10$ it's that feminazi.

He suddenly decried the second Kick-Ass film he was in, right after a school shooting.

Either these people who succeed in showbiz are malleable or something makes 'em that way in (((Hollywood))).

I wonder how the feminazis would react if SJWs start showing up in hentai more often?

Remember that nips love mind break and people being fucked into submissive cocksleeves.

Celebs like him get easily detached from "normal" life so it's probably a mix of both

Weren't they involved in some shady cult shit?

no, the one in the first episode of the anime

My point was that the points he was making were fairly bad, not that moderacy is either inherently good or inherently bad, just that his descriptions are flawed and misleading. He doesn't provide information that could ACTUALLY help people avoid extremists, only general things that you could apply to both extremists AND moderates that the average person would THINK they learned something from simply because it confirms their bias in regards to what extremism is like. And that could result in people misidentifying others or even themselves as being moderate when they are in fact extremist or vice-versa. The biggest issue plagueing moderate viewpoints is the fact that people have the tendency to define themselves as the measure of all things and thus seeing other moderates as evil, in effect being extremely vulnerable to the previously mentioned tricks and thus unknowingly becoming pawns. The webm is neat for shitposting but it simply reinforces those flaws.

Not really a sjw, but she along with a bunch of delinquents tried to frame onizuka for sexual harassment with the girl you mentioned earlier. But at the end of it, the chick had parent issues.

Did you meant Pizzagate?

I think it will be glorious salt mine.

I want to give one way helicopter rides to communists.

it's on the line, it's somewhat based on a trope common in the Japanese culture

hopefully our glorious nipponese fapfuel manufacturers turn their perverted attention in this direction


Japan's exposure to the west is from main stream media, main stream news, and people with far too much desire to be Japanese (weeaboos and those who want control).

Not to mention apologizing for WW2 crimes they already apologized for, didn't do (pic related), or the sins of their ancestors in war-time.
And every nation on the planet with problems with organized crime, corruption, and pedophillia telling Japan that they have a problem with the above (when they ''usually' have far lower rates per capita).
Not to mention the west can't get their head around why any woman would be happy being a housewife Like there is a lot of pressure for success, TBF there is a lot of pressure on women out there to make a baby once they're hitched. There's an anecdote about a guy finding out his wife was pregnant through his boss, asking him when she was gonna leave the company- for the health of the baby. Like a man is expected to give 110% for a company, women are expected to give 110% for the kid- it's rare to see them with jobs and raising a kid at the same time. For example, the royal family's daughter having post-natal depression (or so it's suspected) was hushed up, to protect the families image and to not dissuade other mothers. Some Jap women also go after foreign men expecting they won't be tied down as much and can still hang out with friends and work etc. Only to find a guy expecting a demure sweet waifu. However- Japanese women are queens of the household. Men give their paycheck over to the wife and then the wife gives the husband an allowance.

As you can imagine- this is NOT a good image for the west.
Hence why efforts to translate the Treehouse Article from Nichegamer is so important.
If we can't get them to believe us when we say SJW are the minority- we can at least make them resistant to bullshit by warning them in advance.

I remember years ago he asked his agent for a chef for his pet lizard/iguana. The agent laughed expecting it was a joke. It wasn't.

Though in his defense- he's always turned down crappy sequels to movies he starred in (A second Mask becoming Son of the Mask and a third Ace Venture being re-written to him as a kid).

I still haven't watched the movie, but i know the plane scene by heart.

Wasn't the third movie about his fat son? I really barely remember it.

Doesn't Japan already have own feminazis called SEALD or something like this?

Do you want machine translation of that article?
I can only to do that, because my jap knowledge ends on kanji for jew and sayonara.

Yes, they killed off Ace in that movie because Jim refused to star in it. Had it been today we know he'd be Bill Murrayed into appearing anyway.

Article is already translated.
Mombot has a word Doc copy and is going over it.
After that we assume it'll be perfect to send out.

And yes, they have SEALD and Manazashimura.

SEALD is more political whack-jobs (not sure what their politics are- but one of them killed old people in a home so they wouldn't suffer or be a drain on resources or some shit).

According to Mombot, Manazashimura are the classic sex-hating SJW types.
https:[email protected]/* *//manazashimura-social-justice-in-japan-fcfce2e95de7

And here's the thread:





Two posts above

In the stream above my post, he's going fucking nuclear.
He's destroying the media narrative.


However, he's completely correct that a common facet to extremism is the necessity of an enemy who must be fought against or frustrated as a matter of course. With rightist extremism it's jews, with leftist extremism it's whites/the rich (depending on which version), with anarchy it's the statists, and with extremist theocracy (islam) it's the heathens. It doesn't necessarily include moderates like he claimed, but it doesn't change the fact that they all rely on an evil, organized, and omnipresent enemy that they must challenge, impede, and overcome for the sake of their people/nation/world.

Moderates don't have that. Nazis and commies are commonly seen by them as bad, but they aren't the source of the world's problems, they aren't assumed to be responsible whenever something goes horribly wrong, it's assumed to be something more mundane instead of automatically a secret extremist plot to upend the government and establish a (select philosophy) state. Obviously the msm stopped being moderate a long time ago

Point is, moderate philosophies do not have designated enemies the same way extremist ones do, which is the point that was being made in the video.

Apart from the giant red text- is this legit?

Was the document of the car claimed to have a sun roof?


Trump's going fucking nuclear right now. He's destroying the narrative.

To paraphrase…

Not sure how you would interpret "Optional" in this case, I highly doubt that is a sign of a false-flag


Oh boy, here we go.


Was this actually said? It should have been as its the fucking truth.

Moments like this makes me wish to be american.

Did he actually say that? It's completely true, white nationalists are just the flipped coin side of media darlings BLM, but it's still a little hard to believe Trump would have said that.

It's beautiful.
He condemned both sides equally, called out (((MSM))) on narrative and on destroying/removing monuments without permit.

The stream just ended, but please go back and watch it. It's exactly what he needed to say.


No, he didn't say that. It's clearly the reporter trying to bait him into saying shit he clearly didn't. In a previous question he had already stated that white nationalists, although there at the event, weren't the only people there.

It was a reporter stuffing words in his mouth. He clearly said the besides the white nationalists and neonazie, there were innocents protesting the taking down of the statue

Don't forget

Faith in the president: restored.

If it wasn't because I am diabetic I would go to america even if I have to be a homeless bum.

While this is good its still inaccurate. Antifa started the fights. White nationalists were originally only exercising their first amendment.

Did white nationalists riot and loot stores?

What kind of third world shithole do you think we are?


Also, for those who missed it, he also threw McCain under the bus as the reason why the new health care plan didn't go through.

Refer to this post:

No, he clearly said that the press unfairly treated the right-wing protesters who weren't white nationalists.

Good work.

I know, but it's good enough.

Is alt-left going to be the big meme now?

No. It's ctrl-left.

Speaking of which, isn't it Ctrl+Alt+Left that causes your computer screen to flip?

One without basic healthcare.

Insuline cost alot, and I need everytime more and more. That if we don't count how much sugar you put in your food.

user you're a fool, your country doesn't have free healthcare, you pay for it with your high taxes. We have lower taxes allowing you to pay for your healthcare privately, hell in several states you can get on medicaid if you don't make enough.

I meant in terms of ideology, not actions. BLM is clearly a bunch of fucking thugs.

Probably. Media will be working overtime to defend it now. They started to in earnest yesterday with those Antifa puff pieces.

Can I claim shift-center? Is that a thing? Can it be a thing?

Ah, thought I missed something and they actually started shit during the charlottesville shitstorm

So has antifa been officially categorized as a terrorist organisation yet?

Three times no.
You >>>/out/

Yes, but it doesn't work on mine.

Nothing I can afford.

The account I got it from has half the info right.

Might either be a hysteria shill (get half the info right and deliver it in such an alarmist way it drives people away), or just an idiot who can't explain well.

Other tweets in his timeline also claim:
- Driver had different pants on, as described at scene to what he was arrested wearing. Driver also had a thinner or different face according to witnesses. A fade in picture patch also shows he looks much more like a soldier than the guy they arrested.
Wider apart eyebrows, fatter face, squarer jaw, shades instead of glasses when driving (was arrested wearing glasses)

- Claims the cars are different in the Facebook photo, the collision, and the crash site (a matte finish, a shiny finish, and a racing stripe respectively)

- The mother's car's license plate being exactly 11 digits higher (assuming the plates are given out in order- unlikely or somehow impossible? I don't get this one).

- Actors changing roles (Alt-Right protester to helping Antifa medics):

- Bussed in people

- Unsupported claims by him or those he's RT'd:
> The helicopter crash could have been a witness, and was downed somehow- never made a distress call and any footage of a fire was faked or made afterwards (allegedly - breaking911.com/ntsb-no-distress-call-post-crash-fire-charlottesville-helicopter-crash/ ).

- Stuff I doubt:

Some of the info seems legit, so I thought I'd share.

So for only in New Jersey I believe.

White nationalism is utterly pragmatic. Again, until you can come up with a solution to the fact that the vast majority of every other racial group votes for their racial interests white nationalism is the only real path forward.

The alternative is for whites to push equality, minorities to push minority advantage, and any compromise results in whites getting fucked over with the only question being to what degree. This is in fact what's been going on for the better part of the last few decades.


why are those yelling people invited?

It's pragmatic before you have a bunch of different races in one place. It's not after.

The real solution is to push a new culture on minorities that emphasizes that race doesn't matter but that national values do. Also break up minority neighborhoods so that they can no longer persist in an echochamber.

Anyone tweeting key parts of this video?
Would like to share it out.

Its absolutely pragmatic after.
This has never worked and will never work.
Results in white flight as it always will.

Holy shit how can someone be these dense.

Too bad (((they))) never will allow this to happen.
The rest won't let go of minority advantage especially niggers.
That's only thing they have now.

I heard the statue that was illegally torn down was in front of an all black MLK Jr school. Is this true?

Was the statue really a hundred years old? I heard it was made more recently.

Rick and Morty has various writers I heard. It's a mixed bag, but overall, I like it. Season 3 episode 2 was lame though.

you guys heard about Joi Harris? A stuntwomyn who died on the set.

Yeah, now deadpool 2 is pretty much cancelled

A stuntwoman from Deadpool 2 wasn't it?

No shit they'll never let it go which is why white nationalism is the only way forward. Not to bend over and spread your ass cheeks for every other racial group to fuck you all so that you don't get called racist.


WTF is this?

Also how the fuck can Obama still be so relevant?

Cult of personality

meh. They are sitting in the center but leaning towards SJW's. If they had to chose a side soon they would go full blown SJW.

lel yes

What? They are obviously trying to make obama to be "the best president the US has had in decades" like they have been doing for a long time

Don't you know that he was the best president ever and literally dindu nuffin wrong?

A shame so many still think its the "lel redpilled" cartoon


people are not done sucking his dick


Isn't his brother a shitposter trump supporter?

even ck knows that feminists are bad at humor.

This doesn't work because the reality is that maintaining a common memory is only ever possible if you maintain a common people. It's very difficult to get other demographics to adhere to national values when they're convinced that the nation they're living in has oppressed their people for centuries. This always leads to cultural conflict, followed by racial conflict, followed by one possibility of the host race succumbing to the other or the host race fighting back and disenfranchising or eliminating the other race

It does work for some people who have a greater sense than to be a lazy, savage nigger forever bound by their victim complex, but there's always 100 people behind that kind of person who are exactly that


Also, holy shit, the activity surrounding that tweet is more circlejerky than all of reddit put together.

Yep, its pretty funny.

That's such a vapid and safe message. Is he gonna tweet about how we should look both ways before crossing the street?

So you are blaming the education system for why blacks hate whites? So you blame religion for why muslims hate all non muslims? So you blame upbringing as to why those of the jewish faith want to see all non jewish enslaved as mongrels?

It's fucked up for me to say it, but I'm glad this happened if it means production is slowed or even shut down completely because of this. Everything about that movie screamed trashfire the second they decided to make Domino an afro toting nigger.

Because we havent experienced anything that obama has done to america so all we have is the media telling us he is/was the best president.

Half brother with the 100% black dick. Hes not a half jew mongrel like obama.

Has't archive.is been hit bots lately? Don't they need donations?

I've seen some people in the last few threads eager defend them, and I don't just mean the schizo which may or may not have been an accident. They brought bats to a "peaceful" protest, and I saw a video of them hitting a fleeing man while he was down, which is unjustifiable no matter who instigated the conflict. Just because they're against commies and antifags doesn't make them saints. I'd bet there are a quite a few who came eager to crack some skulls.


Is this new attempt on miss me yet? by King Nigger?

I know. The only thing I don't get why white guilt stuff is so damn strong.
(((Media))) influence? Traitors? Threats?

Welcome to current year+2.

Yeah, but most just pretend he doesn't exist or that he's not worthy of calling himself King Onigger's brother.

Typical, but that doesn't change that there are still way too many idiots absorbed into the Obama ideal. Some are legit saying that if Hillary can't be made prez, then Obama should be returned as the permanent president of the US.

But they do.

Almost every single race is pre-disposed to either mistrust or not like other people. Or even the mudshits constantly carrying a holy war and made to hate others who aren't them, hell they did a study on babies, and the babies would rather be with those of their race

Not to mention that tweet isn't even original since he just quoted Nelson Mandela.

That there isn't a problem that's limited to race, but also to nationalities. You have the French communities, the Polish communities, the Dutch communities, and so on who are just as bad as the niggers/mudslimes/poo-in-the-loos. Also, these people hate each other. Some place won't serve you due to your French "heritage", the Poles are considered the butt of all jokes, etc. Lastly, this isn't anything new, this has always been a problem, but we've recently added skin color to the mix, so now everyone is getting up in arms about it. But, we're still missing the point which is that people are NOT assimilating to this country when they come over, regardless of their amount of melanin.

Kennedy was the last "great" President. Reagan does deserve an honorable mention but the Left played him too much. Also, it looks like Trump working his way up there, as well (as far as being considered "great").

Actually EU was pretty angry at Obama for ages. It started with him getting the peace nobel prize. People knew he got it just for being black and they hated him for that. And as they years went on people noticed that he did absolutely nothing.

You'd have to be an utter fucking retard to not bring weapons to a place you knew antifa would be.

Doesn't matter. He'll keep getting praise and credit for fag marriage, as though it was his action alone and the most amazing thing ever done by a prez (bigger than making slavery illegal apparently).

Shoop uncle sam right as a nigger.


Not where I live unfortunately, here most retards spout that bullshit about him being so great but when pressed for answers all they can give is "muh healthcare".

I don't think whole nihilism thing leans any which way at all. Only particular episodes lean. They had an entire episode making fun a of a feminist planet.

Does nhentai have a function that lets me load an entire doujin at once and then scroll down through all the pages with out loading anything?

Didn't his use of drones make his presidency one of the bloodiest ever in terms of innocents killed abroad?

No it isn't.

Destructoid attributes Limited Run Games with a quote from some rando, potentially jeopardizing their professional relationship with Nintendo


You're right. It's on indefinite hold.


Have one from before?


Wouldn't have expected that from Carter, he was never the type to do that shit, guess everyone becomes corrupt working there after awhile.

Too bad the actors probably got some pay already, while no one else has.

New nuclear negro

If only.

I'm too disgusted to look this up. I've had enough of Deadpool for one lifetime. Everyday since the damn movie came out, people around me quoting said film, wearing DP t-shirts and Hot Topic merch.

totally forgot about that, yes people used to say that he is basically a politically correct but deadlier version of Bush. But now that Trump is elected he is suddenly a good guy.

After ditching Jed I thought they were trying to clean up their act.

even JFK did dumb shit like Cuba

Your game failed and you deserved it.

The fact that he raised illegal immigration by causing shitstorm in Syria and that he helped in funding insurgents, which later joined IS didn't helped his reputation in Europe either.
There was some rumor that he forced Merkel to take in 1.000.000 mudshits to Germoney. However I don't know if it's true or not.
At least in few places.

Yes, it did.

I imagine the cubans now appreciate his shenanigans against their overloard more today, well all except castros kid.

I think Fortnite failed to, not a Cliffy game but it was epic games.

I just want a "Deadpool kills the Marvel universe" movie. Just stop all this movie faggotry in their tracks.

The game actually sold decently well, but for some reason the player count is still low as shit

no I mean his stupidity got us stuck with fedel to begin with & he fucked up the bay of pigs

Im not buying it

Neither is anyone else.

Got a laugh out of me.


Oh, ok. cancuck user.

Clip of the verbal beatdown.



There isn't one?

Hope it's translated soon.


I can already see it

>And then we'll put on another effort to get him impeached based on this (((fact)))

Mark my fucking words, this is their next play. It's all they can fucking do.

I know. One time I made a joke about niggers claiming to be Aztecs and such, and user's on this board said it would be stupid, and would ya know they had already done it years ago.


I think asterisk can do some of what you need, but I'm not sure. I know some people have use modern machines running VOIP software to act as a gateway to older PCs and other devices that are only equipped with modems and I think this is what people have used, but you'll have to do some digging on this.
Also, you're not going to actually get 56K because of network overhead. IIRC you can get ~52k in ideal conditions.

Why would there be? It's hilarious when some user sets a new high score.

They do know this won't work, right? That's not an impeachable offense otherwise we wouldn't have had eight years of Obama.

Tomorrow the news are going to be unbearables.

Is a shame Trump didn't say when asked "Are you equating the alt-right with the alt-left?" he didn't reply "No. The alt-left is much worse".

you gotta git gud


Put blame for the OP failing on Kennedy as a pretext to take him out. Same idea being used on Trump atm.

They don't care. They'll desperately double down more and more no matter what the facts may be. They're desperate to keep their positions of power.

Wow, that's really blatant.

Give you (((1 guess)))


A few would be funny, but I hope it doesn't become a trend. I don't want politics to start randomly showing up in my porn any more than they already do.

Bring shields. Which they they did.

What's the point

Then you're part of the problem.

No, what I mean is I was questioning user's statement that there was one, when there is not. He seems to be a one-and-done quoting nobody to make a strawman that doesn't understand how things work around here.



Yuto actually ain't bad. If he ditched the faggot hairstyle and let his facial hair grow, he'd look pretty close to the man in the upper left

Funny thing is most men in Japan are not Bidanshi, crazy I know.

Are you actually a pacifist or some shit? If so it would explain a lot.


Between unstoppable force and immovable object I choose the immovable object.

Reminder that dumbfucks like the guy in Tianemen square become roadkill if they're not indulged.



That made me realise, nips very rarely ever have long beards if at all.

Nag, I just choose to goad my enemies into being undefendably bad by the media and being unmovably stubborn.

Here's the newest addition to the You Have No Idea How Fucking Fucked Everything IS Saga:

t. Minnesota

They are pulling all this in red states to shame them into going blue next time.

You can't even proofread your shitty false flag.

Yeah, you go buddy! But make sure to only hit the women! And make sure you scream REANON MADE ME DO IT before you kill yourself

Hello nofuns beito-kun.
Hare's your (You), now fuck off.

Vidya akbar, fellow Holla Forums user :^)

Horse Benis

Shoot yourself with it first to build immunity to larger bullets the police are gonna firing at you so the carnage can continue. I recommend the head first since that's where they aim due to my knowledge of police tactics from (((Hollywood))).


If they keep this shit up the red states will go Stars and Bars well before there IS a next election.

Do they really think that shit will work? This kind of crap is exactly why Trump won.

It's more then likely only going to make them even more ==RED==

That looks like some beautiful craftsmanship to me

Can we not go 24 hours without these people going full retard?

I live in Georgia. There's a fucking huge park around that mountain and an extremely popular laser light show that involves the carving. Even blacks like it.

That ain't getting nowhere.

No, here's what the media gonna do.

horse pussy

Yeah, good luck with that one.



It can be annoying at times but it's also a free 24/7 circus about how Drumpf is finally strumpfed because of some minor shit that he just brushes off while they gobble it up and call for the dissolution of the Union.

Ah yes, the Scooby Doo approach.

It is illogical for them not to go full derp

Holy fuck that name

What part of
Have you forgot

I agree.

Hardly, the police in leftist cities let useful idiots do this and only arrest them after the damage is done.



Well fuck

more. Why is there only one arrest. They all showed their faces on camera. Round them up

edgy much?

All of it.

Sorry man, just discovered one of my cats died due to malpractice years ago and any evidence of possible wrong doing is long gone for obvious reasons and even if I had a case he's lawyered up with the scummiest lawyer in my country, a lawyer that lives in an office that looks like a fucking castle.

Reminds me of the recent rise in people protesting Mt. Rushmore, saying it ruined Injun monuments.

Ahh. Ok user.

They're begging for money to get her out of jail


What monuments?

so who will take the money and run?

While they do double down, they cannot afford to do that at this moment, it would drive more fractures in the alt-left.

See, you're assuming they're not retarded.

Oh fuck my sides

They're commies. Do the math

They aren't the brightest lightbulbs in the cuck house. The only time they ever reflect is if it's happening to them.

Probably ust a bunch of rocks the local tribe's gave names too or an indian burial ground.

Half are retarded, half are naive normalfags, half are malicious sociopaths.

And if anyone says gg led to gamers to being right, tell them big bang theory did it.

Not even. This just guarantees a Rep victory for the next for years.

But generations after, with only text-books referring to the real reason for the war…

Man, cannot tell if real or Holla Forums psyop to get leftist shekels.



Not to discredit what is likely, but isn't the photo with the kids in the window an old PR shot from when he was in office?

The one thing I hate more than liars is disingenuous pricks.

I'm a bit confused. I'm furious over how this was allowed to go one, but I'm also pleased that these idiots provided more than enough evidence (Willingly and publicly) for their own court cases that they can easily be locked up and allow for some judge to breeze through all of the trails and get all of the credit to boost this career.

Who's that dapper looking chap?

Damn they salty

This all seems really familiar for some reason

Boy, that is a massive fucking understatement in an already pathetic strawman

he looks retarded though, why would you give him the time of day?

He'd have a point if it was not mushroom kingdoms castles that were violently taken over first. Mario is a deus vult crusader and koopas are muslims.

I refuse to believe it. There's only so far parental retardation and irony can fucking go.

IGN/video game journalist.

Bowser is a revolutionary trying to detrone a monarchy that is racist against turtles and step on them day in and day out.

Send it to noj, and say that liberals want to tear down memorials, including hiroshimas memorial.


ooga booga where da white princesses at

I'm not blind, a retard remains a retard even if he does it ironically

I'm trying to find that one article showing that fat tranny standing on top of the statue. It had (((her))) full name on it so I was gonna report (((her)))

So… youtube is going full retard, demotinizing anyone talking about news… except the Young Turks.

The young turks that just happen to chat with the youtube CEO prior to them going full retard?

Surely a coincidence.

If you're looking for alternatives, there's BitChute, DailyMotion, Metacafe, MetaJolt, NicoNico, and Vidme.

The Young Turks for "Real and Unbiased" News.

I hope the guy Google fired get millions and makes his own google. With black jack and whores.

How is the security of those places? especially with ads and stuff.

I'm ashamed I once was subscribed to them.

Why are some armenians missing

Filterman is reading a class action lawsuit against youtube for what their pulling.

Something about bulls.

I hope they hit them hard.

Let's be real for a second. Youtube is too big to spread our message in other platforms.

Holy fucking shit
Getting over 3500 with the car running over thing was an invasion, but the latest Trump action is skyrocketing the board to never seen before heights.

Well, cucked journo, if mario lived in a world where Bowser surrendered and made peace, and 150 years later after the people of the mushroom kingdom had grown into a united society who treated their history as both a lesson and a mark of local pride, then hipster mario suddenly tearing down Bowser's flag would not be seen in the light of 150 years ago, but in the light of someone tearing down history.

Am I retarded or is this grammar fucked?

BitChute is the less likely to become censorious at a later time, since its bit-torrent based, and the content will be independent from their front end (their site is/will be much like a tracker site for torrents).

They seem to have a plan to monetize later, but there is a service that claims to monetize videos there (monetile.com).

DailyMotion is french, but has so far been pretty lax. I don't know if any company can resist in france, tho…


Scroll up the thread

Alt left was called out live.

Antifa get called out for the faggots they are and they are actively trying to shill that they dindu nuffin and was gud protesters tryin to fight the man, i.e. FUCKING WHITE MALE, via getting help through the man, (((Soros)))


What did I tell you

Probably, but it seems like everything still comes back to them anyway.

They already fuck about with the history. Other thing to remember is that history isn't just decided by the victors, but tomorrows victors and the victors after that. Its why I find "right side of history" people to be complete retards. Something completely unrelated to anything you, or any of your descendants, may end up resulting in you being painted as a villain to serve some other political group. Especially since people like to look to the past to justify the current or future actions.

I'm surprised at how little the shooting of Scalise is brought up in this conversation, holy shit.

Vivendi bought a majority share in the company 2 years back, and all they've really done since then is having the site go through a rebranding (Which they're in the process of doing). So far, it seems like not much has really changed aside from the layout.

So now anyyone that opposes them and have different opinions than them are one dimensional cartoonish villains?

Forgot to mention: not surprised this came from the faggots over at IGN.

Who got shot now?

Haha these retards will probably think they can get him impeached for real if he got caught telling someone "fuck off"


Fucking Steve Scalise, along with other republican politicians, in the baseball field back in June. Is this becoming a mandela effect thing already?

Its fucking happening again

That isn't even enough to mow the grass, least of all a crowd

How about we try contacting friendly YouTube e-elebs for a "one day strike" or something were they make their channels private for 24h in protest of YouTube's uneven and unfair stance of demonetizing channels? If we get a few mid sized ones to help they could influence bigger ones to join too and make a tiny dent on YouTube's revenue (not really, it's more about sending a message). It will probably be hard considering a lot of e-celebs are jews but do consider there's a lot of people being hit with this and they are fed up with this bullshit and some even considering closing their channels

probably, I'm stupid

Wew, I don't think I can spam this hard enough.

I've noticed that trends every single time Rick Wilson crawls out of his hobbit hole to try and act like Big Man on Campus.

Don't know. I believe youtube would love to get an excuse to get rid of popular creators that doesn't agree with them.

He said both the Far Right and Far Left were violent and are a problem, the media is now throwing a shit fit other it for some reason

You should have said something along the lines of
Use that sweet, sweet propaganda against itself.

Show him the tweeet. show him the date of the tweet. Show him the news lied to him in order to get him mad at Trump instead of the fake news.

At that point, why not just point them to another site?

Because he called out the far left and interrupted their deafening silence on that front in addition to stopping one of the cucks from interrupting him AND calling them fake news in the process, the man went for the butthurt trifecta

The question is, would they get even close as much money as they would get in youtube?

Youtubers barely make any money with their videos.

Why limit your market to just one site?

I thought DailyMotion was German? I may be wrong tho
Also vidme refused Vox Day an account.

If they get their ad revenue taken away by youtube, they're not going to lose any money going to another site.

No good alternatives.

Checked, french.
Have a source on that second part? I had a voxday followed on there…

Well, you can go multi platform, sure.

If youtube doesn't go full retard once again and make a rule about publishing in other platforms.

We were talking about popular youtubers. The more popular and views you have, the less obvious your blackmailing will be.

Some of them still truly believe that if they get rid of Trump, Hilary will be President.

It was on Day's blog last week unless there's been a change/update.

The blacklist is something I would see pewdiepie have no problem with making a vid about.


Because it could influence other content creators and make them join the protest. There's a lot of people unhappy with Youtube's bullshit, not only those directly affected by it. H3H3's channel for example is huge and they had a few of their videos demonetized but 99% of the channel not. I know it's a stretch but if we managed to convince a channel like this to join it would make some noise and scare a few advertisers and bring YT a few headaches. Also this

DailyMotion and Metacafe (And, probably NicoNico) are the most direct alternatives. Vidme is feeling like it's becoming the "Tumblr of video sites" (In more ways than one). MetaJolt is doing their own thing that I'm not well informed about. And, BitChute is still in development.

Speaking of Alternate video platforms, what about dtube.video ?
It's supposed to be a Youtube clone where you can earn "Steem" for your video's upvotes.
Account functionality linked to Steemit so it requires that you have a steemit account.

Will check, but its there:

Not sure if its really his.

One thing. People try to compare neonazis with antifa, and while they both might be extremists at least one side didn't do any violence without being attacked first.

I'm sure he probably will.

Maybe something like

And from what I'm seeing, their reaction is to go "A-ANTIFA AREN'T BAD PEOPLE! REALLY!"

Oh that. There's bigger happenings right now. That's why no one's bringing it up.

Well that's fucked up.


Niconico would be too inconvenient for normalfags. Youtube spoiled everyone with 4k, 60fps, 4 hour time limit videos at no additional monetary cost.

Just say Cuckold of Mossad, it is far better than just adding "goy" at the end of his name

Dream Daddy of Akkad.

No my mistake - he's there, they just won't give him a verification.

Vox Popoli 1st August - wow time flies

Did he get pissed by the number of times that Obama was out on vacation while shit was going down in the country? I believe he didn't even bother going out to Louisiana, or at least didn't until his vacation ended, when a hurricane destroyed that place again.

Otherwise, yeah, just show him the tweets, and honestly, the president does not need to get involved in everything. I would much rather see the Governor and Mayor get grilled live for their choices that led to the situation.

That works too, even if it is a pretty damn gay thing to say.

I remember when the worst thing you could get from commercials was them trying to sell you defective shit or when they tried to hide the side-effects of dangerous medicine.

Ugg, ick

Do people pay to watch that?

Just saw an ad in canada that says they strive for truth in advertising in canada. Top kek.

Im trying to remember a state that had a real bad hurricane that Trump visited his campaign and Obama nor Hillary where going to till he did.

This isn't Holla Forums, we have standards.

Does he need an adult?



Please tell me someone replied Mom's Spaghetti

Trump is an adult. :^]
As are all his pedopals.


>(((David Lyte)))
These fucking people man

He has to die.

There's an entrance fee to the park, but the show itself is free.


Vid.me was made for reddit just like Imgur and we all saw what happened to it, except Vid.me will become pure garbage on a faster rate. Dailymotion removes stuff faster than Youtube so it's prone to "report button spam" abuse. About Metacafe I thought it wasn't even around anymore and NicoNico last time I checked (it's been a while) didn't let you watch videos unless you were logged in.

I'll fix it, thx mane. Me wright no good


Wouldn't they be in jail if Trump was a fuhrer?

I suggest you check his linkedin and archive for great justice because something tells me that he does not work for any studio but bill nye the trans pedo guy at the moment.

Its the german word for leader so he has been one since he got elected.


I remember that, but I don't remember the details either.

Archive? And assuming that is all true, then its someone who is worthless, and that is a rather sad attempt to stir people up with a knee jerk reaction.

I hate when english speaking people abuse foreign words and neglect their meanings.

Where's the fucking archive you nigger?


>on his personal Facebook account.
But every other company can openly tow the leftist line.

On Holla Forums you see plenty of people demand archives whenever someone posts an article, it's just that people judge based on how much of a point archiving would have. For example, on Holla Forums people wouldn't archive tweets unless it can be used as evidence of wrongdoing (shitposting doesn't fall into this category unless it is by someone big) or as evidence of a certain promise that might be relevant later on in the future. If there's an article in a YES thread then you can most certainly bet it will get archived, but if it's not really noteworthy then it just gets ignored. Since there would be really no reason archiving tweets from, let's say, Robert Morrow since he says plenty of that shit and has even done so on live television, archiving would really be a waste of time since there would be nothing to gain in having archives if he were to delete the originals.

More like in a shallow grave.

These people can only see the world in black and white extremes. The concept that a benevolent person might disagree with their ideals is utterly inconceivable to them.

Good morning, fellas.



Next nigger that doesn't archive gets bullied

Does anybody has a link? Linkedin doesn't let me browse any page unless I'm logged in

but it's night time

It's 8:50am on my end.

WEW this is what he looks like.

I'll humor you but it really doesn't matter if "liberal writer goon calls Trump Hitler" gets archived.


Often times they actually don't, it is like a baby pretending to cry so that the mother comes to check on it, they know that acting this way would usually get what they want and so when they don't get it they double down in the hopes that making it worse would get people to do it. Remember that [autistic screeching] webm? If you look at the original footage again, you can see that the autist screeching first takes a glance at where the camera is before acting retarded: it wasn't just pure luck that we got to see him/her/it act that way, the intended purpose was to virtue signal to everyone watching and it ended up being cringe-worthy because of how fake the emotion was. They haven't changed the way they act in the slightest, it is simply that people are refusing more and more to be intimidated, and so in order to intimidate them again they need to become more aggressive.

and still no archives. Can we make this a banable offense?

Why take screencaps and post it here, and archiving and grabbing the archive link is easier and faster than print screen, cropping and uploading images, honestly there's little to no reason to not archive anything of partial interest.

Someone DM Mark about it. Also someone post the archive everything shield and webm I seem to have lost them.

Here user, have some more unarchived tweets from 2016 for a politician nobody gives a shit about because the only reason he won was because he was the first on the ballot, not because people really cared about whatever the fuck that position was called.

His last game was kid icarus uprising and before that mario party 10 aka worst mario party. And uprising had a mediocre story.

Its so when they run they cannot escape the archives.


I think his profile details are the important part here. That is some concentrated cancer there.

Get billied faggot.

James Damore seems like a pretty shy/nervous fellow in that Jordan Peterson interview. I hope he can stand his head high above the culture war shit and stand by his beliefs to strive for the truth with little ideological dilution.

go away shill.

God can we go through one day without this shit? Yes, the marchers were retarded, lacked basic strategy and ruined their movement's momentum alienating people in embarrassing slackivism that accomplished nothing but making it harder on right-wingers to get a leg up in the culture war, but clear double standards were at play there, antifa were aggressors and the media played favorites which Trump recently called them out on. The end.

Reminder that voat is full of ggretards

Goddamn Destructoid can't be salvaged

Gaming journalists are the worse.







It also is a case where people hate that behavior in kids, and even more so in adults. Talk to anyone who works or has worked in retail and they will tell you how much they hate mothers who can't keep their kids in line. Now imagine dealing with that and seeing grown adults act the same way.

So you follow denton and denton gollows him? I assume its your alt left account, but denton following jordan is weird, though it could be "tabs on my enemy."

I never seem to be on these things. I'm always a little saddened by that. But then again, for some reason it's filled with ponies and furries so maybe I got lucky.


Seconding this. Archive articles so they don't get clicks, archive incriminating posts so they don't get deleted, but sperging out every dumb tweet is annoying.

To make people laugh/rage at and give them something to consider digging further into.
Screencapping takes 10 seconds tops, archiving takes a minute at the very least to process.

I fully understand that, but there is literally nothing incriminating about a liberal writer calling Trump Hitler. It's par for course for them. It's not like anyone is writing this down either, the archive itself is going to be lost to the winds because it's an unimportant tweet with zero chance of mattering down the line.

Short bans since some forget by accident.

You don't have to wait for the process, the link is generated instantly.

Anonymous image board Horsefuckers have always been on the right side of things.

I recognize a lot of those from gamergate, ququ, Marche, and mombot being the most obvious ones of course but also people like

Every tweet doesn't need to be archived, but there has been an uptick of only screencaps in these threads lately which is insufficient and has lead to anons sperging out without proper verification. Unless it's a completely useless shitpost it should probably be archived. If you don't want to use archive.is, at least use tweetsave.

Yeah every time reddit would ban a certain subreddit voat would get worse. To be expected but still disappointing that I don't see it as that great of a alternative source.

Does Denton still work in media? He could be gearing for a hitpiece.

Fair enough. Screencapping is still faster and you have to do it anyway because aren't going to bother clicking random contextless archive links.

You never know what tomorrow brings, trump may have the worlds largest libel case and need every archive to make sure nobody escapes.

Just checking

so many furries….

Maybe, but considering he has the most humiliating loss in courts for a long while, so bad that even normalfags know about it and laugh at him, he better tread carefully or he may die in prison. because hes a gay jew entering sharia controlled holes

Yeah, we should archive every single one of movieblob's tweets. 3-day ban for every tweet unarchived.

Only if you post them here unarchived.

Now that horse is getting the royal treatment

What fantasy world are these retards living in? I'm a dark skinned Mexican and I find this ridicules. How is it its everyone's fault for these people but their own? I just become a US Citizen and own a small business earning 100k+ a year, if I can do it, what's stopping them? Lazy niggers want everything handed to them

These faggots are always begging for money.

what a gay. Works for IGN, not surprising.

Burn it with Fire!

So speaking almost the full truth makes him the Fuhrer? Fuck can't recall the saying about speaking the truth. Not the truth will set you free

Miss that guy. He was a good laugh

If it's not worth archiving, it's not worth wasting people's time with it in the thread.

Hes a decent memer but hes no Senator Armstrong

Apparently it's a bunch of people this person deemed as "altfurry/altbrony"


For all the 'gamers don't know how to dress' shit in the gamers are dead articles - he's wearing a grey suit. Don't do it man.

Personally I don't archive tweets that I know won't be relevant because it is a waste of resources for the owner of archive.is and every little bit counts if you want to keep the site still running, usually I would be one remind others to archive and to do it myself if an user posts a screencap without a link. Shitposting is fun but often times it is nowhere near worthy of an archive, when I made the screencaps of Robert Morrow's tweets for shitposting purposes I stopped bothering after reading about 50 tweets like pic related in a row.
And yes, he does have that many, all he does is just shitpost about the Clinton family and the Bush family along with posting nothing but tits in between

They fail at reporting


One of the best ways to archive a bunch of tweets without archiving every single individual one used to be to archive the /with_replies page.
Archive.is would continually load further down the page for a short while and inadvertently end up archiving several scores of tweets, unfortunately, recent changes means it only grabs about 20 tweets, still useful to do if the tweets you're interested in are recent, random example:

Is there something wrong with a grey suit?

Legitimate question, I have no idea how fashion works.


A gray suit is essentially urban code that means you're a homosexual looking for an open relationship. Not sure if this is true in the suburbs.

I wouldn't wear one myself.

Citation needed. I'm a fag and I never heard this.

I hate fashion.

I used to browse /fa/ every day on halfchan.

Shit, I might need to buy a new suit.



Where do you live?


I didn't think they wore suits except for those Nation of Islam guys

I find them tacky myself.

Well he is all of those


Rural south.

If you don't feel it deserves an archive, then don't waste our time with shit that's not worth verifying.

The guy hates the far right. I imagine the only reason he's on this list is because of his rants about how SJWs are lunatics encroaching on people's rights.

I recognize the vid from that webm a few posts down

Fuck it's not even a webm, its a gif


Bernie endorses the violent alt-left. He endorses kidnapping and torture.

what dress

If you're a guy, grey suits just look cheap and nasty. Stick to black suits - they always look better - and if you're buying one, are far more suitable for any formal event.

Basic style rules (generally but gives you an idea in terms of good fashion/style sense) -
Men's style - Italian men
Women's style - French women

pic not related


That isn't how civil wars work, and the world is already chomping at the bit to see us fall so they can carve up the corpse.

If anybody wants to read the AMA from the "Google Manifesto" guy



That isn't how it works. Pence would get the spot.

These creatures are more mentally unhinged and delusional than I thought they were.

Dont ever forget pence is still a neocon like mccain.


I know it's fucking twitter but come on. How can you blatantly lie like that?

So trump said antifa are faggots and now they want to imbeach him?

I willing to believe that will change if he hangs around the God Emporer for too long.



SmegmaKing's review of DMC series

Guys, you missed something magical on the UT stream. The user-added ending was fucking perfect. We saved it, guys. We did it.


By the way, #GamerGate's 3rd year anniversary is coming. Do we have something planned already?!

Very easily, apparently.

Basically, yeah. And they seem to still have this fantasy that Hillary would get the job if he was gone.

People aren't eating the "only bad targets" bullshit anymore.


Obviously we're gonna bomb a Baby Gap and kill all the women and cuck dads, amirite guise?
Nah I don't know if we do yet. I expect the usual anniversary art and everything though



Media and useful idiots want him to only condemn the nebulous alt right by name so they can then push to have rights removed from anyone they deem to fall under that term. The temper tantrums are just to disguise their motives.

This. If it's something good, archive it. If it's not worth archiving, why post it here? Also archiving is just one click. You bookmark that shit and it will automatically archive whatever you look at right now.

This should be added to Ongoing Discussions.

Here's hoping that Menashe fellow cleans DToid up some more.

Tonight's going to be a comfy night.




Looks like a level 5 game like layton, but fig is no. Same with oddworld.

It doesn't - it's ctrl-left.

That do- ohhhhhhhhhh, I get it.

What outlet wrote that?

All of them.

Someone just brough this classic piece back:

It's part of Twitter's propaganda tab

Now THIS is something worth archiving.

You wont enjoy discovering that there are quite a few (((fbi))) and (((cia))) and (((jews))) who were at the march, and not on the lefts side.

>meanwhile, over here in the real Asia…

This is what's being accomplished while United States keeps on chasing its tail in its self-importance. Paraphrasing a comment in previous threads, Trump can and will be the best president America will have, but he will never ever be given due recognition by the leftist mainstream media.

The junkyard dog that's all bark and no bite backed down again? Oh I'm just so super shocked.

Gravity Falls' creator is on a roll


I really have to wonder when they're going to realize that the people currently going around claiming they're journalists aren't actually journalists.


The previous U.S. administrations gave them monies. The current one just looked them in the eye, and said, "just try it."
This is how you deal with bullies. It also helps to get swole and learn CQC.

I always thought he looked like a fucking loser; good thing he confirmed it.
The show is a complete bore too.

I recall hearing it was his shenanigans which forced gravity falls to not only have a short season but almost be shelved post season 1.

Or maybe they just like attractive women, nice cars, and guns?


Fake news.
South Korea never had an intention to attack us. They just said they'd watch us. Of course, the media couldn't resist typing up clickbaity, war-thirsty headlines. When ol' Kim said something remotely similar to "backing down", the media decided to paint him as a wimpy kid who doesn't put his money where his mouth is.
And both the left and the right fell for it. Sad.

Gookanon was the enemy all along?!

Fug, you know what I meant.

Should I be sad or happy about the fact that CCG actually advertises on Holla Forums of all the places?

Both are itching for a war. Just for different reasons. While ol Kimmy just wants to be seen as some kind of threat.

Hey gamergays I could use some unrelated help. I wanna compress videos, mainly MP4s and webMs to use on Holla Forums with minimal loss in quality. How would I go about that and what tools would you recommend?
polite sage for offtopic, I'd ask in Holla Forums but I'm very unlikely to get any help in anything even close to a timely manner there.

Complete YouTube Saver allows you to directly turn vids into Webms, although its conversion rate often means longer vids will exceed the 10mb limit.

I recommend Paint.NET to resize each frame individually, then create a new project in Sony Vegas with the highest bitrate settings and add every frame in one by one, syncing with the audio. After rendering the new video, record it in a lower bitrate with a free screen recording program like Fraps or Bandicam, then upload that here.

I'm not sure if its actually these organizations advertising at this point. Earlier today I saw an ad for Wikileaks, and an ad for ED as well as an ad for OAG. There's no way we pulled all of these different groups in randomly in such a short period of time

Are you asking for someone to post the "webm for retards" webm? Because that's what it sounds like you're asking for.

I just saw an ad for AngryGamer as well, but they would fall well within the target audience group.

Yeah my main goal is just to get filesizes down on video while avoiding sacrificing quality too much. Its less about the format. (if anything, MP4 is preferable)

I hate you.

Reminder to shill alternatives everywhere. Get yourself a Wikipedia account, do some minor edits (like typo corrections) for a while to build exp and then start editing pages and adding the alternatives as sources. You'll have better luck writing about AA games and also brand new ones (when there's only a draft or nothing at all)

Use WebmForRetards - which is just a GUI for ffmpeg - and VP9 as compression for higher quality but keep in mind is way slower than VP8

Why not? 8ch does have a >>>/christian/ board.

Eh, not necesarily. I'm more asking for software recommendations.

slower? Like the video will run at a lower frame rate? It takes longer to compress, or…?

Use this thread.

Do not want.

That Uncommon Time thread really is touching and I didn't even watch the streams

Watch this year's stream then. It's worth it.

Learn how to use Youtube-DL. As long as you don't need to edit or clip anything, 95% of the time you can just download the video in a quality that will fit on here.
For clipping longer videos and better control over compression, you can use ffmpeg if you have autism. If you don't have autism, or you want to do real editing, I guess you'll need to pirate Sony Vegas or something. Other anons will have to help you with that.

this one


Bread title: The Great Destroyer Edition

9xbuddy.com/ has an option to download videos from various sites as webm. If the file size is to large you can use video.online-convert.com/convert-to-webm and try lowering the bitrate or screen size of the file.

Jesus christ this looks like a headache. Either way, thanks user. Hopefully I find something that works.

These also help a lot too. Didn't expect such fast responses. God bless you all

By the way, in that video of Trump verbally annihilating the media, that lady on the right is the Virginia Governor's wife who's a big Trump supporter and works as the Transportation Secretary.

They're pretty laid back so it's nothing to worry about. Christian board here is one of the better ones too, so I hear - so it's not a surprise. They post here too.

Compare the pics in this bread:
Pic here (B+W photo but still a black suit) - looking pretty good.
Pic here just says 'bad used-car salesman'. Not even a good used-car salesman

If you turn up to a suit-and-tie event in a grey suit, people will just think you haven't bothered to change from your 'office day job' - even if you don't have an office day job.
A black suit will also work better with different colour shirts - even a black shirt - not so with a grey suit. Black is also appropriate for a wider range of occasions - weddings, funerals, (formal) ceremonies, etc, or even just for attending church. If you're a church-goer



Status: Cucked.

Just got back from work. Has Trump been forgiven by the image boards now that he's dumped on Antifa?

Asian lady is Mitch McCONNELL's wife.

In essence, yes.

No all of us gamer goobers hate drumpf now

t. not leftypol

No. Impeach Gromblpf. He's raycis and aidsphobic.


No, and it turns out he went off script as well.

Look man I can't keep track of all the globalist democratic fucks.

For a moment, I thought she was the former Reddit CEO. Bloody hell.


I hope he stays off script.


Bake bread. Or make cakes.

twitter. com/NBCNightlyNews/status/897582798407704576


So who bought ads on Oneangrygamer, Lewdgamer, Christcenteredgaming, and Wikileaks btw? pretty nice of em



Found this on Twatter but there's no confirmation

Who the hell is this person?

Nothing terribly wrong with a gray suit, but they're generally a lazy way out because they are currently "trendy" and everyone and their mother tells you to buy one. They are very neutral and inoffensive so you can dress like a retard and still look okay to most people. They're also likely to compliment most people for that reason - some just don't look their best in black.
Fashion sites and all sorts of places will tell you to avoid buying black for your first suit, but that's because they want you to subscribe to their bullshit so there is benefit to convincing you why conventions are wrong.
Maybe they're right in some ways, because wearing a black suit everyday is a bit odd as it's relatively inflexible, but most people don't wear a suit everyday.
When you put on your suit, it's likely for important matters, and you want to look your absolute best. In that case, nobody you encounter will ever give you shit for wearing a black suit, but when you wear a light gray suit to a funeral and you look like a fucking tool, so buy the black.
If really you don't want black or it doesn't work for you, Navy, Midnight Blue, and Charcoal are also good. Just stay away from the lighter grays. I'd also advise you avoid brown, because it's rather situational and is much harder to pull off, so only once you have a better grasp on how to dress, and have an otherwise sufficient wardrobe should you consider one.
At the end of the day though, wearing the right color suit won't solve all your problems. It has to fit well, and part of getting a good fit is being fit. Take care of yourself and you'll find you probably don't look that bad.

Is it wrong to feel bad for our quacamole merchant? He honestly seemed like a good guy, just timid, and misled by the establishment into believing his platform was the right one.

youtube-dl + ffmpeg.



Well, maybe the press shouldn't have tried to make it about Nazis.

IIRC, Reagan went off of his "scripts" numerous times because his aids kept on changing what was being said in the prepared speeches. So, it makes me wonder what caused Trump to go "off script".

Well, I can confirm the Patreon has been removed. Patreon redirects pulled pages, so the best I can think to do is link to it's snapshot archive showing that.


Read the thread, you goober.

(you too)
The salt mine must be ==glorious==


Can't wait for the next bread. I have some really large bombshell to drop later and it'll make you super livid!

I don't think I can be more livid than I am right now.

Patreon updated their site and added a javascript thing that doesn't load pages when you archive it. You need to use the google cache trick


It might take a while for Google to update its cache and show that the page got removed


Shid, counterbillied :DDD


He didn't fly so well.
Am I doing this correctly?

You were m00t all along?

I might be a NEET that will turn into a wizard tomorrow but that is much better than being a cuck like m00t. He can go kill himself with 12 gauge for all I care.

Can't it be good news for once?

Shitpost to 700?

Please, the bread is ready and I need to sleep



If there's good news, I will share it to you, but there aren't, sadly. As much as I want that too, our enemies won't let us have that moment. They want to ruin everything for us.

I dunno if I can do this anymore. I know the bread's nearly dead but it's also 4:23 in the morning and I need to get this off my chest and I've got no-one else to talk to.
I don't get what the fuck is happening any more. At all. People say the stupidest shit and it gets regurgitated verbatim as though it was 100% correct. People fucking go places spoiling for a fight and then act the victim when told to cut that shit out. People lie and cheat and fucking steal for… what? Nothing, really. And people twist words like knives and gatekeep and lie to feel better about themselves, I'm guessing, 'cause it's sure not because you're doing the right thing. It feels like the years of supposed conditioning fucking playing vidya, violent or otherwise, hasn't taken hold if I'm all "nigga look bludgeoning someone with a bat because you claim they are a bad person is still a goddamn fucking apalling thing to do". And the thing is, I can kind of understand the low-scale "punch a nazi" shit, but I still wouldn't condone someone coming up and rabbit-punching Goebbels or some shit. But I don't understand why people can't see that letting mob justice rule is going to make things shit for everyone. Once there are no Nazis left, you damn well know they're going to go after anyone they call a nazi. And then anyone that says "dude stop killing people everyone's on board" because they must obviously be a nazi. And I mean explicitly killing, but shit's geting worse and I know that's basically what's happening now. And that makes me sick to my stomach, and it's not even my fucking country. I'm a goddamn Bong, and we're fucked in our own ways, but… I can't talk to friends about it. And I damn well don't want to lose the ones that have stuck around this long. One of them is basically a full-on Antifa-supporting communist, one of them merely thinks Nazis ought to be punched no matter what, and the last is scared Trump will ship him over the border despite being part of a wealthy family, white and American as fuck, and is only concerned about it because he's more than incidentally gay and lives 70mi from the border, or thereabouts. And the last is a Chilean who has his own shit to worry about, being in third-world spicland. And I just know history is going to look back on this and tell not even half the story.
I'm fucking scared. I'm a giant faggot and I really wanna fucking cry and I expect shit to get a lot, lot, lot worse in a short amount of time, and the worst part is if I try and speak about it, I'll come off as an autistic retard, which I am, and basically paint myself as the reincarnation of Hitler himself. I just want to play fucking vidya, and I can't even do that. I'm scared about using Discord now they've shut people down, although I fucking hated it in the first place, and it feels like the cancer of twitter has metastasised to both me and fuckin' Holla Forums in varying amounts. And I can't even kill myself part because I'll fail, and part because desptie the fact no-one gives a flying fucking shit, I don't want to bring joy to someone in the slim chance that someone realises one of those racist sexist alt-right neonazi transphobe Grimblegumpkins killed themself and it's time to dance on the corpse of fucking white bitch over here.
I can't fucking do it, and I don't know what I'm even supposed to be trying to do, between no-one giving a shit, ideological blinkers, being in a different country, being goddamn fucking poor and on medication, and being all-round generally incompetent at anything I want to do. God knows I've destroyed relationships and friendships inadvertently over petty reasons, and I think in all, I'm just really scared of losing the people I fucking have. I thought I found a little community in amongst the e-celeb shit of the last few years but that went tits up when I opened my mouth at the wrong fucking time as well.
I don't know how other anons do it. There's only so much I can stomach.




Fuck off revolt.

We're all angry and unsure what to do with our emotions these days, user. Feel free to rant and put in your thoughts of what's happening to the world. But please space your paragraphs. It becomes difficult to read when it's a wall of text.

seems like the cancer is dead and we got old retarded tb back.

wasn't qu qu a major revoltard?

I'm looking past that, as that doesn't pertain to the info.
TL;DR Turner's parent funded Discord, and TimeWarner's trying to censor any and possibly, all competitors in a bid to gain relevance.

Go back to Britbongistan TB


The fucking English, ladies and gentlemen.

TB were always a retarded who treated people like shit, he used to talk shit about his subreddit all the time and mistreat users. Goobers didn't joined forces with him because they like him (well, the non reddit ones at least), we simply have a common goal and worked together


Pretty sure the latter includes far, far more people.



Step away from the screen, user. Go to sleep. When you have free time, I want you to pick up your room.
It'll blow over in a couple of days, it usually does. Know that people usually don't feel good when it looks like we're at the brink of war.

You have my sympathies user.

Also try to get enough sleep at a regular time. Poor sleep habits are really closely linked to depression and general health and well-being.

Glad to see ads then shilling for goldwater.

Fuck off with this, KiA has been done with him for a while, especially after he threw them under the bus.
