Digimon thread, Sistermon edition

Previous thread hit 300+ posts and page 13.


-TV Anime Sound Edition version of the Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth game software (12 songs)
-Digimon Story Visual Art Book
-Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth Hacker’s Memory soundtrack CD
-Kuremi Detective Agency business card featuring downloadable content product code (NX Edge Style Body Digimon: Gallantmon and Alphamon) tamashii.jp/special/nxedge/
-Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth Hacker’s Memory 20th Anniversary Box

Other urls found in this thread:

e621.net/post?tags=ungulatr renamon numemon

so the japanese get 2 games for the price of one while we get shafted?

nice going bamco

Dunno. there has been only "early 2018 release" when discussion of the overseas version is mentioned. No mention of a special edition, no mention of a double pack, no clue.




I think that janitor was taking issue with some Digimon lewds that he mistook as off-topic furry. There's also a rule against dumping but it wasn't broken.

or maybe it was just a shitty janitor that didn't know the rules.

Either way, as long as the lewds don't stifle discussion I'm sure it'll be alright.

nsfw is allowed as long as its the janicucks fetish, because its HIS board, don't like it? MAKE YOUR OWN BOARD, because the principle of endless boards definitely works! *cough*/svidya/*cough*


oh my sweet, naive summer child

Have we been going to the same digimom threads?



Its funny. A few threads ago when an user asked why we didn't have digimon threads more often, and was told it was because of furfags
Now here we are.
Sage for off topic

oh look, a real digimon appears in the ripoff.

its like my gumball episodes except BACKWARDS

I think they are going to try and make Appli canon…

I think I've almost got the 2d look down. Perhaps the lines are a little thick.

please tell me you're going to make porn with this

The world already has more Renamon porn than it needs

not nearly enough.

As of now the goal is just to recreate Renamons first digivolution animation considering it is what inspired me to get back into animation again.

If there's anything lewd after that it'll be very vanilla.

well, you're doing kinda good. best of luck to you.

thanks, there are definitely a few proportional things I gotta mess around with but so far I'm pretty happy with the rough model.

Why did I only find out about this yesterday???
Just got Next Order this week. Steadily trying to figure out how to raise Digimon the way I want them to grow, and hopefully eventually end up with a Lilithmon/Mastemon pair.

just advance the game until you recruit grapleomon, then it becomes a fucking joke.

Glenn is gr8


this is not okay

e621.net/post?tags=ungulatr renamon numemon

looking pretty good so far. The actual creature model changed somewhat over time, but only in slight ways, such as lowering he amount of poof on the thighs.

Into kyubimon? Nice. More power to you.

Only got this but yeah, if anything this matrix sequence is probably the best of them.


Welp, that basically confirms the lack of playable cyberslut for the sequel. What a shame.

Never liked the human designs. Always felt cheap.

I think the 20th Anniversary V-pets came out. Mine just shipped out of nowhere.

Japan is so weird with their toy release dates

t. furfag

Fuck, I had that thing when I was a kid. There was like a contact on top that even let them battle each other.

Because "human in a costume" is a great 'monster' design, right?

If it's a hot girl, yeah.

We are apparently getting Arkadimon for HaMe (at least the Super Ultimate one)
I think this is the first time Arkadimon has appeared in a Digimon videogame

That's not a monster, that is a whore in cosplay.

We're not getting a Hacker Femory though, are we…

m8 you are really asking for a /monster/ flame war to be started in here

Furry isnt allowed on Holla Forums!
Cosplaying monsters isnt okay because monsters are furry

I'll slowly post those again, spoilered again, since some anons asked for it on last thread.
Will add some sort of censoring on the ones that can't be fully cropped since some mod was a pussy and nuked my posts in the last thread with no reason.


>tfw no Musimon bf to sit on your face


/monster/ are a bunch of autistic closeted furries. At least Digifags wear it on their sleeve.

So just all around shit opinions from you


Fuck off

So what's the problem then?

Saying not enough porn is a lie user.

Not about renamon, but just in general. Porn is an unending stream of lewditity, you should know this.

So they get the first game for free?

Why is Nokia so lewd?

cause she dresses like a ten dollar whore.

That's the power of a totes adorbs sexy cute bod!

You need to stop

ill stop when ur mom stops sucking my dick

funny digits

did he skin his agumon ?
post the rest

not this shit again

why is the renamon lewd deleted but this shit allowed

fuck off

Holy shit. Would make for a hell of a boss.

Yes. No news if the same deal will be going on elsewhere or if we'll get the bonus versions.

These new ones are just like it and contain all the previous digimon versions plus boatloads more.


the mods are shit, not knowing what the actual franchise is about

Post more Sora.

post the tamers one


This shit should be allowed because there is nothing in the rules against it. This is not 4chan where shit gets deleted because some anons don't like it. They're spoilered images for God's sake.

Sora doesn't have more funny moments tough, and I'm not dumping porn.

I'll post it later.

Hottest body.

I'll post it later.

oops, forgot to spoiler it

Hang yourself cube.

You'll have to tell us how it is once you get it. I've been watching the Zubamon one for a while now, but haven't decided to buy it yet. Really love the line's design, but then again I've always loved animal-weapon hybrids.

These are hilarious. I don't think anons realize these are supposed to be more humorous than erotic but I'll admit you need a darker sense of humor to find skinning your Digimon and wearing them to be funny.

That's the kind of absurdity that takes you by surprise but isn't gory/realistic enough to be repulsive.

i really wish they would make a game with a simple digimon creator, just have some animal templates and when they evolve they get bigger, then they either branch into cybernetics or become humanoid.

I can't stop laughing

"Dick data"
Ooh lawdy, I haven't laughed this hard at a doujin since that Australian translation. Found both of them and they really are treasures to behold.

As neat as that would be, the amount of autism rising from that would outweigh even ones like the Sonic fandom. Too simple and it would just be plain and you'd rather use the real Digimon, but too complex and it could be difficult to design and work with. I'd rather have a Digimon game where you pick and stick with one partner and you really interact with them in dialogue and all. Imagine forming a real bond and things change based on both your personalities, including what they might digivolve into next.
I'd personally like either Zubamon, Veemon, or Commandramon Though Tankdramon would definitely be the awkward years for that, but it'd be worth it for Darkdramon If you could have dual partners, then Zubamon and Commandramon would be a fun combination for the sword and gun approaches, mostly after Sealdramon.

Holy shit, that third image destroyed me. Japan has a real knack for porn humor, the West just doesn't compare.

I like to pretend its a cboy with boobs

where are all the cute monster girls?

what did the gay community mean by this?

If you have interest in it and like that digimon you may just want to buy it. Not trying to sound like a shill, but anything digimon related appreciates like crazy in value. the 15th anniversary Arks doubled in price and are around $200 now. The Adventure Digivice isn't even out yet and it's already climbing in value going for $120-150. Also, with Aids Cat being exclusive in that version I have a feeling it's going to be the hardest to get a hold of in the future.


Renamon is so perfect.

It's a girl. You posted a girl. You people are as bad as trannies with this shit.

>you keep it happy and healthy and teach it to not blow it's stack
>Commandramon is skilled in open warfare and is quite trigger disciplined but lacks power
>Tankdramon is awkward in that it's a mobile artillery platform, but with patience, will BRRRRT in pleasure for you

He means the gay community is getting so gay to the point that they are going back around and a female form is attractive




I went ahead and bought it, you weren't joking about the price. Since it's the second release, it won't ship until December. I haven't played with one since I was a kid so this'll be interesting and hopefully I'll be better at raising one this time.

Oh shit, I completely forgot about Gundramon. I like him a whole lot more than Dark. Also I'm not jerking off at 3pm, user
So close, no matter how far.

Applimonsters is trash.

I dare anyone to prove me wrong.

Protip: Nobody can




Furries on Holla Forums are basically suffering from daddy issues and they need validation from a authority figure so they lash out at /monster/

Good choice. At worst you don't like it and you just lose $60 and can resell it for higher in a year or so.

Also, for what it's worth I have quite a bit of fun with the Ark, more so than I would have as a kid due to actually looking up how to do some of the stuff and access the digivolutions.

That's because Gundramon is part of "The Three Musketeers", a group of digimon who are "fighting for what is right", but "what is right" is kinda sorta whatever they feel like.

Gundramon is able to evolve from "Any machine type digimon", so it's not listed as an evolutionary possibility because of how much of a blanket term that is.

The other two members are Magna Kidmon and Beel Starmon.

This is too good.


>Name comes from Tailmon Betsu, who is a woman from V-jump who cosplays as Tailmon

This is fucking hilarious.

So why evolve her to Kyubimon when she can just evolve her to her final form that looks like a really ero-chi miko priestess.


Well, that could have been clearly worse, like seriously, is their something similar although much for edgy compared to it?

I like her too user, but must you?

Wait, you could cross-battle the digivices? Holy shit, I didn't even think to try that as a kid, having assumed the software wasn't compatible.

My dream: A digivice with EVERY digimon that exists. Including obscure ones like Bun.

Yeah D1, D2, and D3 all had the same connection interface, we battled them all in school. Not sure if any of the later ones were compatible.

Post 'em.

Why does that axolotl have a burger on its head?

I'll probably start reading up on the manual once the thing ships. Might as well make sure I know what changed over the years. The internet was definitely a tool I never had at the time.

>Bayonetta Human woman with pistols
I really just can't predict their creative process, especially since this is supposed to be based off the Three Musketeers. Either that or they periodically bring in kids for ideas and one finally said a dragon made of guns. No eyes, no nose, only guns. As for the attacks:

This cracks me up. I'm just imagining Gundramon with a thick German/Austrian accent saying that before unleashing the onslaught.
According to my Austrian friends, that's kind of a nonsense term meaning either Violent Swarm or Violent Butterfly. Unless the bullet storm takes the form of butterfly wings, I don't quite understand the latter. Then again, Digimon attacks don't make much sense most of the time.
That game sounds fun as hell. Maybe something like that will actually be made from the Digimon universe far in the future when we've all died of old age

Nine dicks, user.

Make one for me. I need a toddler, a loli, a teen, and an ara.

*Yawns and stretches*

Gee it sure is boring around here I just wonder what Renamon is up to.

That's a Burgamon. Oddly, not a fan submitted digimon.

Allegedly, Gewaltschwärmer is supposed to mean "Violence enthusiast". Though ,keep in mind, this is Japanese trying to use other languages and probably prone to fucking up.

Did you know Sakuyamon has an alternate form?

Actually they are just called that, they are based on Old West Outlaws.

Other than Next Order, Applimonsters and Cyber Sluts, what Digimon games let me play as a cute girl?

Gewalt: Violence
Schwärmer: Dreamer

Together it means somebody who fantasizes about violence

Need to clear game first me think.

Would you guys want to see conceptual art I made for a series of Digimon fan-comics?


Why not?

go for it.

how he have v-mon as partner?

Shinomiya Rina partner is veevee (v-mon)

Didn't finish cyber slut and will skip this. Developers should be forced to play older games and world 3 3 times so they can make a good world. Same old reused shit areas how boring.

I made a bunch of these years ago.

Last episode of Applimon was dope as fuck. They even played Brave Heart tri version during it. It was great.

holy shit


Post it.

The entire episode was so out of left field, didn't mesh with the style and format Applimon has been running with, and really cheesy, but I didn't give a fuck. It's got Wargreymon kicking ass and teaming up with Globemon to take down nerds with Brave Heart running in the background.

That's all it needed.

Digimon has often followed the line of "do something absurd to the point it becomes awesome", and I'd be inclined to agree that it was a completely different flavor.

On another note, Brave Heart is so fucking good, I'm fucking furious it was removed for the english release.

nice try but no, not falling for it.

What carries over to NG+?

i dont think there is an NG+?

at least in Next Order, there wasn't. once you finished all the content you could roam around, train new 'mons, and do daily activities, but you couldn't re-start the game with a complete save, if you started another new game, it was a clean slate.

forgive me but i dont remember world 1 having an NG+ either, and i have not finished RE:DD

Nigger that's clearly the OG version of Brave Heart. The best version.

The second tamers movie could theoretically take place after that, though it would put a damper on my hard JUSTing, but the first tamers movie makes no fucking sense chronologically and could not have taken place any time during the events of the story, which leads me to believe the other one, though developing one character, probably didn't happen either.


Nigga ,that's brave heart.

Damn right, though there is a version of it on youtube that says "tri version" but it's the OG version.

lol konami code

i confuse the two all the time

i noticed that too

still shit anime and won't buy.

Talking about Re:Digitize, not Next Order

i know m8, i was just saying that the "raising SIM" digimon games dont usually have an NG+ option.

fuck was meant to

Right, there isn't so much a "NG+" as there is basically no real "end" to the game.

yeah, the game just goes on for people who are into completionism, fill the digimon chart, win all colliseum battles, obtain every item, max stats, catch all the Fish, and get a digimon with basically permanent life (or two in case of NeO).

Then how do you unlock that?

unlock what?


I don't want to watch this, I really hate the Saint Seiya vibe. Someone please alleviate my concerns and tell me it isn't crap.

you could technically say that the MMO also allows you to play a girl

It's pretty neat at the start; they nailed the vibe and design of the Digital World, and the plot initially feels like a remix of the original Adventure.
It gets better once the kids meet their "rivals" / gain their second set of powers, but it goes through a slight dip that'll have you asking "how long are they gonna spend in this place?", and then the arc ends on a relatively high note.
The second major arc is the part that everybody warns you about.
You'll be most of the way through the show by this point, so you can either bear with it, or read a summary and skip to the last handful of episodes.
According to people who watched it subbed and dubbed, the dub is the easier one to watch, just as long as you understand that they re-wrote the script and you enjoy their sense of humor.

Ok, got it. I'll give it a try then.

The what?

the online game. its a piece of shit.

you motherfucker

Does it allow you to take off the female PC's clothes?

no, its a digimon game

Don't listen to this fagcommander

Frontier is a giant mess of diarrhea upon the series. The characters are one-note as HELL, have little to no development (outside of the main 2), and the plot goes absolutely nowhere, retcons and plotholes itself, then finishes by pissing in your mouth with a 20-episode barrage of boredom culminating in a dogshit finale.

It is good for approximately the first 13 episodes or so, and if you're really generous, the next 10. It goes straight to the dumpster at that point. You should still watch it because it's Digimon, but feel free to turn your brain off and vegetate your way through.

Or go watch Applimon. Applimon is cool.

fuck off shill, i'd rather watch Frontier just for the fact that Lordknightmon and Dynasmon are on it than your notDigimon mobile-enabling trash

frontier might be mediocre but you have some massive shit taste
kill yourself

Agumon and Wargreymon were in the last episode :^). Not only that, but it's obviously still digimon, even if they call it by another name. Cry more that it doesn't have autistic child-bait dinosaur battles, you mega giga turbo wonderful demon miracle supreme faggot ultra.

kill yourself retard, just because they shoehorned agumon in there does not make it digimon.

and all the monsters on it are fucking retarded, might as well be monster rancher.

The word 'Digimon' in the title certainly makes it Digimon though :^)

Stay mad, dickguzzler. Appmon are a good blend of cool and cute. No gay dinosaurs or literal shitmon running around ruining things.

nope, still not digimon

dude, don't shit on rancher, that shit was great.

im not shitting on it, im saying its like comparing oranges to apples, MR is not digimon even if you put a wargreymon cameo on it.

In that aspect, yeah you're 100% right.

Just give me a new Omnimon form and I'll rip my dick off.

It was a bit slow during the 'stuck in eyeballs and fighting duskmon' arc, but so far the show is pretty decent. Kinda wish the others got their Mega equivalent already. I'm expecting that 20 episodes of shit to be closer to 5 or 10 at this point. I'll find out soon.

Susanoomon kinda looks like another omegamon

You're already past the point of no return. The other humans are now entirely useless and will not be shown doing jackshit from now on. Enjoy the 20 episodes of Takuya and Kouji power hour.

Didn't expect you to be nearly finished with it already. Are you watching 7 episodes a day or something?

isn't that practically every single digimon anime? with the exception of Tamers where there's just 3 kids so there's not much room to make one of them useless.

The other Digimon at least play lipservice to the other members usefulness. Frontier just abandons that entirely and makes them utterly worthless.

Appmon is good at keeping everyone useful!

Sweat, can't wait.

Well fuck, I was kinda hoping that wasn't the case, of well. Either way it's the weekend, so I got nothing better to do than binge watch. It helps that the plot, characters, and digimon designs are doing a good job at keeping me hooked, at least until now.

Also I haven't seen the english version, but the sound design for the japanese version is top notch. "The last element" really gets the heart pumping.

my ending team in NeO was Dukemon (Crimson) and Susano-omon, he's pretty neat.

he's the ultimate form of all 10 elemental spirits combined into one.

digimon in general is aimed at younger boys who want to see all powerful shit controlled by other boys and edgy shit. I think Frontier just took it took it to the extreme because I guess they thought it would increase the appeal to the market they wanted. I'm probably just assuming shit based on the foreign audience of digimon but is their actual audience over in Nipland actually 10 year old boys or are they trying to recapture it?

what was the name of the digimon the protagonist turns into during that "dream" sequence in frontier?

it was kind of like a red furry or something, weird shit.

The audio drama is pretty soul-crushing and depressing. A memorable ending to the best season however.

Frontier was literally only made because Tamers ratings spiked when the Tamers kids got their megas.
The executives thought the audience wanted to see kids becoming digimons, so they chased after that hard.

That is the reason why we got Digimon: Powerrangers Edition, and it sucks


Oh, that episode.
Takuya tries to return to the human world alone, but because his spirit's still linked with Agunimon's, he temporarily becomes a Rookie / Child-level equivalent called Flamon.

yeah that one, he's also invisible to everything and everyone, so he just tries to return to the digital world as a shadow of Duskmon (manifestation of his own fears i believe) chases him around all over the city.

aaaand Flamon was never seen again ever.

Just got done with frontier after skipping 6 or 7 episodes of Dynasmon and LordKnightmon constantly kicking the heroes' asses and scanning the world. It was definitely a low point, but the end was an alright finish. They really should have treated the other characters better.

To be honest, I was a tad disappointed with Susano-omon. I felt he had too much going on, including his giant sword gun. But it was cool to see him bisect through the Lucemon forms.

I guess the X-Evolution movie and Saviers are next on the list.


The female stuff is nice, but Weregarurumon is better as a dude.

Renamon is eternal


How many Omegamon do you want?

Don't forget the honorary Omegamons like Chaosmon, GraceNovamon and the Shoutmon X- line.
I just noticed the "S" in Omegamon Alter S stands for "Switch". As in, the heads are switched.



Could you guys help a lowly user out by providing traffic to >>>/mon/? It's a board for monster collecting/battling franchises, like Digimon, Pokémon, Jade Cocoon, and Monster Rancher.

Oh yeah.

we don't talk about shoutmon. Xros was like a full retard took all the good things about digimon and threw them away

Depends. what do you offer that we can post there that we can't post here?

I would be a bit more annoyed if it weren't for the protoDRM/DLC that required you to own specific games for certain monsters.

why the fuck do you have country flags on you faggot.

bump tbh

Rate characters' looks.
Be rough.

You can't see fucking anything above the characters waistline in the first picture because of the gradient you're using in the background.
Also they're not awful, but why the tumblr art?

It is as if tumblr had sex with CWC.

Don't focus that much on the first pic. It's not that good. But with white background, it was basically invisible.

What do you mean by "tumblr art"? I am trying to stay away from other styles. Please, explain.

its shit

How about you take a moment and think about what people mean by tumblr art.
If you can't see any flaws in your thought process, you're fucked and need to start over.

Tell me why.

Tumblr is basically a buzzword so no, I don't know what you guys mean with it.
Some tips and pointers are appreciated so that I avoid tumblr's style.

Tumblr isn't a style, tumblr is a brain tumor. Take a step back, if your shit resembles Steven Universe having sex with Linkara's Lightbringer, think about what you've done and try to correct it.
Trying to avoid a style isn't a good way to do anything either, style comes from the artist choosing to make decisions that simplify or exaggerate features from life. To get to that point, you need to learn how things work in real life, being proficient at that, and tooling that information to your own rules.
Check out one of our many art boards if you need help, they're more than happy to.
>>>/loomis/ for example

I saw the style as "cartoony" more than anything. But if you guys say so, then there might be a problem going on and I am none-the-wiser.

I just wish I knew exactly what, from the drawings or characters, make it tumble. Is it because there are two females? Or because I made the NEET girl short and unattractive (she is NEET after all, and such girls aren't appealing)

But I digress.

Is this some sort of high level trolling? Have you cast out your most choice bait?

You couldn't possibly ape tumblr art so perfectly without knowing exactly what you were doing, so to pretend that you just so happen to not know anything about that place is inconceivable. Regardless, take your dogshit elsewhere.

Noodle arms, same noses, line width remains the same for a character's silhouette and their inner features, no shading and you just committed a war crime by drawing something humanoid without actually seeing another human being IRL.

My advice will be $14.88 plus tip.

Well fuck. if you put it that way it makes sense. Coloring and anatomy is hard.
, as you know. But you raise some good points and I better work on that. Thanks.
I actually wanted advice about character design, not art style but hey, it all works.

Sure, user. Everything you don't like is a troll. Don't worry.

here i made a better one


better than applimon.



here's the second main character and his digimon idolmon™

what does he evolve to?

a big guy

he dies lol


So Yakuza is a memegame?


i shouldn't have a boner but it do.

That's not a Digimon. That's the photo of a plane.

oy vey i've been found out

get this meramon outta here

Get this illegal alien outta here more like it.


bump lmao

more cancer

this one wasn't funny, the memes used are too low-hanging to be as funny as the first two.

i was just looking for another excuse to bump tbh

bump tbh

If you're gonna bump, bump with porn. And no furshit.

Lets see… How about some cute?

I swear this franchise is wasted on its fambase.

i would fuck that plant

smh tbh fam :^)

Sadly wasn't able to get darkdramon and it's prevos worked in here, which alongside Keramon and Lopmon virus lines are my favorite, but oh well.

Maybe one of you can think of a way to do it without it feeling too forced.

A strange thread. The only winning move is to not post.

Her digivolution is cuter.

Renamon isn't even a slide evolution. That said Tanemon can become palmon OR Renamon.

Playing Digimon cyber sluts. I'm amazed at the quality of the game, its actually good.

Reminder that wizardmon and elecmon a best

This, that way they will properly know what gave the originals their charm

Good mon to raise, would really show how good the trainer is

is cybersluts worth the shekels?

It is. It has grinding but it somehow makes grinding enjoyable.

Maybe? You do still have to deal with a very wonky translation. As in "do these guys actually know the English language?" wonky.

If you can find it for $20 right now, I'd say go for it.

last bump tbh

Is it really a quality thread?

That's a worthless feature that some retard convinced Codemonkey is a good idea to put in because of board attention whoring, they specifically asked Codemonkey to rig it so that other boards besides the topmost boards get priority in whatever the fuck it measures. I still don't have a fucking clue what "energy" even fucking means, but none of those threads even broke 50 let alone 2.

Remember when people spent the off-hours of these threads dumping porn, the janitors nuked their posts in response, and we lost all momentum as a result?
We're keeping our power-levels low right now, but this Quality searcher isn't fooled. All of those apparent 1-energy threads are actually high-energy threads in disguise.
Really though, it's because this thread's stayed alive for nearly a month on one of the site's most active boards, tricking the algorithm into thinking it's popular.

>Yuujin was a secret L-android all along

Oh my wordy, this shows on fire. Shits getting hype.

Shame that it took an apocalypse scenario and the reveal of a non-human main character to bring it back to "worth watching" tier.
Just like with Xros Wars Hunters, it's now safe to say this: Besides the opening and closing episodes, you can skip anything not featuring new (important) characters, 'heroic failures' that precede major power-ups, or obvious callbacks to a previous series.

Nah, fuck off cunt. Appmon has been cool start to finish. Well worth watching, especially over turds like 02, Frontier, Xros, etc etc.


I still wonder how long until they totally give up and give us Omegawomon.

good, but there are still more hotheads in the thread that need to get outta here

there's 13 royal knights and they keep fucking remaking omegamon

i want to see Dynasmon Alter-B or something dammit.

That pic is really fucking cute

Best digimon


only niggers like applimon