What vidya cures depression?

What vidya cures depression?

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Yep, I was going to post exactly that




I can't tell if you're joking or not but you aren't wrong. Those games tend to cheer me up if I've been feeling down. Not sure why.

Kirby is good, but a good doom massacre works like a charm



Every time I realize Europe will die in about 20 years time I get depressed.

Play something long. Adventure games and RPGs.

You mean 3

I don't think so. In 20 years time the vermin will breed and produce offspring. Even if they're secular their fuckloads of shitskin kids aren't in the slightest. Hopefully we aren't as cucked then and fight back but I doubt it.

Sage for off topic.

The number of schoolchildren in Austria who don't speak German as their first language is increasing. Nationwide, one in five children speak a foreign language at home and in Vienna almost one in two children don't speak German as their mother language.

Meanwhile "our" kids are getting gender creative and other bullshit.

Reminds me of someone


its natural only a mad (((man))) would be okay with today's world.

Nothing wrong with current world goy, just pay a good doctor and get your condition treated.

Get drunk and punch some walls. Your knuckles will hurt enough to take you mind off it. Or you go running. Run with the mindset that you are going to run yourself into severe exhaustion and you will die from it. Or you could self medicate with beta-blockers, l-thianine, nicotinamide, diazepam, and b12. Get mad. Walk down the street and start a fight, see what happens. Go to the pub after midnight and pick up the drunkest slag left standing. Grab her wrist and tell her she's going with you Take your pick.

Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed

other than that you can play Stardew Valley and work with the goal of marrying your waifu and having children.



Games that you can get lost in. Open world games are pretty good for that even if they aren't the greatest.



Pathologic embraces it.

Go get some coke and call up a hooker. You'll know you're alive after that.


Gets to expensive if you get an addiction to it, he should try some iceā€¦

There are not many things that make me more depressed than a visit to Vienna. It's like entering foreign occupied territory.

I often hear its mix of faggots kissing in public while muslims look at them with disgusts and a coal burning femtraitors?
Is that accurate description?

While that is true i would still not advise Ice. Ive seen that go bad too many times now.
If he just wants to not think for a while he could huff nitrous. That's pretty cheap and safe.

Yeh I was only joking its pretty fucked up. It turned my ex into a junkie and she went to jail for trafficking.

I recommend these games wholeheartedly

It replaces it with pure, unadulterated RAGE

so this is why rich people do drugs ? to escape from the fact that not even money can buy real happiness ?

Vidya causes depression, you stupid fucking faggot.

Dodged a howitzer there, mate.

Money can buy happiness. It's fleeting however.

Let me tell you something about the human mentality:
We are never, ever content. We must move forward in order to be happy. Nothing breaks a man more than to reach his goal.
This is why so many rich folk are horribly depressed. Same for actors. They've maxed out everything they can see. They have little to nothing left.

Get yourself a goal, and start moving forward. Human nature will take care of the rest.
If you really want a quick happiness, though, find yourself an enemy and be really spiteful to the guy. Bonus points for every time you are validated by their actions. Validation is genuinely the best feeling in the world, when it comes to that shit.

Vanillaware games
Katamari Damacy
Blood Will Tell
Chrono Trigger

dark souls, apparently
I watched a youtube video titled "dark souls cured my depression" or something like that

A thing to remember is that there is a difference between curing depression and being temporarily happy while playing a video game, , that might be the reason you are depressed, because you spend all your time playing video games while getting a temporary high, then realizing you get no real world value out of them. A good way to try and keep your depression levels at a net low is to reach contentedness, not happiness, striving for complete happiness, especially when it comes to video games, has a low that comes with it, happiness should be an intermittent feeling, not a state of mind and once you are no longer happy, the goal is to become content and to not spiral down into depression, the way you can do that is to spend your free time more productively but that's not to say you need to stop doing non productive things altogether, just less of them.

The Talos Principle is an excellent puzzle, though. And Half-Life 2 wasn't that bad.

Fuck off, mate.

Real life workouts. And boxing. Also reading. Also learning new skills. Generally better yourself rather than wasting time playing vidya all the time.

If we knew how to achieve that we wouldnt be here.
Who are we kidding, we all want a happy wife and kids and to provide for them

can jump rope fix stomach fat?

Not eating like a pig can.

Eating less calories than what you metabolize
The less you eat the harder it gets, and the diet will more likely fail, so go slow and steady

Yes, but it's only part of what you need to do.
Run, run as often as you can. No more bread, carbs or other sugars. Do at least 100 situps a night. Do 10 reps of 5 pull ups a night. Squats and oats for breakfast.
In a few months you will be good.

That's a weird looking trap guide.

The trap meme needs to die.

This is some potent bait.

God damn Flynt's face is flat. Like, did his mother smash him with a pan as a child, in some freakish post-birth-abortion attempt?

How many lives do you think have been ruined by those infographics that promote degeneracy?
At least 3 that ive heard of.

Rhythm games, preferably with bright colours or absurd shit.
I know when I played Rhythm Heaven Fever for the first time, despite it having no challenge whatsoever I had the dumbest grin on my face.
The Touhou themed RH fangame which is decidedly more challenging also had me in that state.
Taiko no Tatsujin is another good example.

Nein. Play Parappa The Rapper, not weebshit.