At what point did normalfags start getting sick of Call of Duty...

At what point did normalfags start getting sick of Call of Duty? It certainly is no longer the sales juggernaut that it used to be.

When it started trying to be different, ironically.

Battlefield 3.


Its popularity peaked after MW2

Mememagic. There's no better term for it.
It isn't even the genre since normalfags are all over battlefield. Yearly releases don't help either.

When it almost went back to being good.
No really, we had jetpacks, GOING FAST and minimal meme-shittery in-game.
It was several steps in the right direction. Given a few more years, we might have actually seen a 8/10 CoD.

But hey, normalfags don't like fun.
They like "pwn" and "fail" and "epic".

I think its funny how everyone that works on CoD wants to turn it into Halo, while everyone working on Halo wants to turn it into CoD, thus pissing both groups off while failing to attract the other crowd.

When it became cool to hate it. Battlefield 3+ is basically Call of Duty, but normalfags don't realize this because Battlefield is popular now.

Might be dying since they can't make money on videos now since the ad-pocalypse. Unless that has been resolved in a rare case that youtube actually does something that isn't by algorithms.

Battlefield 1 happened

You can thank CSGO for that.

Today it's all about weekly unnecessary "balancing" and "uber cool" weapon skins.



Sadly adding fast and jetpacks doesn't always make a game better. While I really liked Titanfall, all the jetpack cods that i played (bo3, advanced warfare i think) just felt awful. Adding mobility while keeping the TTK .05 seconds just doesn't work well.


CoD:Ghosts was the turning point user. Until that game all my normalfag friends bought and played them constantly. When Ghosts came out everyone complained that
because they finally got their shit together and fixed the hit detection. So you couldn't do a 180 noscope anymore and cheese a kill off a guy that had put half a magazine into your back. They all remained on whatever the last popular version of Black Ops was (I think 2) for another year or so until that one with jet packs came out. At that point all of them moved on to something else.

I actually liked Ghosts. I played with those normalfag friends for a little while and it felt better to me than the other games of the series I'd tried. I loved marksman rifles but e-sports faggots got them banned from circlejerk play lists because they were over powered. Of course sniper rifles with true one-shot kills is okay because muh no-scope.

Probably around 2013/2014, when Advanced Warfare came out.

It got to the point of over-saturation and hatred for it finally became mainstream. It also doesn't help that they clearly ran out of ideas, as well as being too pussy to change up the formula drastically. The last part is the reason normalfags are jumping to BF. After years of casualization to compete with COD, it is now literally just COD with a different formula. Plus, it is a lot easier to make a reskin feel different when you are adding more than just "new" guns.

B-but we have black nazis ! How can it ever fail ?

Saw this coming a mile away but still

Did they ban shotguns too?

Nobody listened to me back in they heyday of Halo 3, and here we are.

I was thinking more of a pic of the guy with "the COD community" but this was pretty good user. Well done.

Well, like I said, a step in the right direction.
Jetpacks are a good idea. low TTK is a shit idea.
I mean, one thing is 30 minutes of railling on a guy for him to die.
But this "I see you, you dead" shit is a fucking cancer. Sure, positioning and tactics and seeing the other player first is all important, but it's become the only thing that matters.

In Unreal, if you saw someone first and shot, that shot would be a WARNING. And they could turn around and still have a fair shot at beating you.

It's like starting a knife fight with someone, but before pulling out the knifes you play rock-paper-scissors and the winners gets to shoot the other guy in the foot before the actual knife fight. Oh wwwooooowww, you're so skilled with a knife man, noone could have done that.

Turning CoD into a twitch shooter was a mistake. That shit started with MW1.
CoD1/UO was the best CoD multiplayer, they even had vehicles.

It was Ghosts / Advanced Warfare back to back. That killed people's interest for good.

Sure, in theory making the game faster and adding verticality sounds great, but in practice it just emphasises how bad the spawns are.
I played ~200h of bo2 and am a fairly good player, but the little I played of AW/BO3 during free weekends, everything was really random and I constantly got fucked from random angles, which was never as bad and frustrating in BO2 and earlier games. I'd go as far as saying that adding jetpacks actually made the game slower because you constantly have to be careful of every angle anywhere and that really promotes playing defensively/camping. I still had a 3 k/d or something, but it really just didn't feel good at all.
Sure awareness is a skill too, but I'd rather have more focus on aim/movement like UT for example. Sadly they'll never ever have a higher TTK, because it'd upset their "core audience" of awful console shitters.

Low TTK in CoD is only shit because of the spawn system and map design.

I came here for this. Well done.

And MWR is fucking shit, too. For the amount of power that it takes to run, it looks like fucking trash compared to the original which can now run at max on a toaster. Fifty gigabytes of fucking textures when the original game was 6gb. Even the branding was stupid, nobody called it MW. Oh, I'm gonna play some MW when I get home. No, it was always CoD4. Sound mixing is also shit, gunfights are quiet as fuck. The only thing that I will give it is improved lighting and weapons having raindrops on them when you're outside in the rain.

That's not even branding, that's just how normalfags call it, really.

I seriously doubt it has 50gigs of textures. It's probably all really shitty uncompressed audio or something.

Just looked at it now, the audio packages are 5gb, and there's 22.4gb of textures. The total install is 50gb.

For fucking what? It's not like the game has incredibly diverse locations or anything that would require so many different textures.

They both think they have gamers who will support them no matter what, so they ignore their core audience while trying to pander to those who would never play a game of theirs.

This board is dead

Devs can't into optimization

Don't know what happened this generation, but no one knows how to optimize and compress anymore. It boggles the mind.


Is this the right guy?

That's what happens when you fire the old guard before they manage to teach the new Special Snowflakes the real skills of the trade instead of what they learn in university.

Only bit of historic accurate in that game. Ironically them being diversity assholes they actually got history right, but fucked it up with location of black Nazis.

I can't say when it started to decline: (likely when they fired the assholes who made the series good in the first place), but I can tell you what killed it.
Essentially a greedy company trying to gain short term profits at the expense of long term viability. Good news is the company blew all that sweet money on bullshit salaries for the top execs of the company so it should last as long as EA has without any good franchises.

Eh us Necromancers will keep it going. We're evil like that.




the GAY community?!

I just hope Activsion ends up crashing and burning just like Ubisoft.

I like how they tried to explain it in the zombioes universe by saying its an alternate dimension so they're not nazis


And shat on customers for the sake of virtue signalling. With a little luck, this game will be the end of CoD and Banalfield won't be far behind.

They literally replaced the Swastika symbol with the Iron Cross. Because the German army = Nazi party.

Where the fuck have you been? I've always heard normalfags refer to it as "Modern Warfare" ever since it's release.

Anyone have the pics of Sledgehammer and Anita Sarkeesian?

I forgot about that.


Also nice

This shit is happening more and more. Companies deflecting criticism by ink-blotting/forcing diversity in their products. But oh well COD may finally die since dude-bros dont want gay tranny shit in their games.

The "COD kiddy" meme got popular. Now all the 12 year olds think they're mature for liking battlefield.

This is because of Germany's censorship of Nazi symbols. If they let the swastika in the game it would've been banned in Germany.
That said, that isn't an excuse for hiding the symbols for the "rest of the world".

Fuck these generic shooters.
I want good games.

They've already jumped the CoD wagon
Watch it die forever like Medal of Honor/C&C/Tony Hawk

As someone who formerly was in that community, let me tell you my take:
Cod from COD4 was popular with it's fans, but over the six years between MW and BO2, two important factors started to take place
One, while the games were still popular, people were starting to notice how positive they were. Believe it or not this wasn't a huge complaint, but more like a dull roar that was constantly in the background. They most important result of this is that at some time around MW3, Activision hired Sledgehammer so that CoD devs would have three years to work on each game.
Two Infinity Ward (MW1/2/3, Ghosts, and IW) went from being considered the better of the two CoD developers, to the worse ones due to the luke-warm reception and poor support if MW3. Meanwhile Treyarch (WaW, BO1/2/3) became thought of as the good devs
This culminated in the release of CoD: Ghosts, which everyone agreed was terrible, and managed to change only things for the worse. This was the first CoD to do actively worse than it's predecessors.
Then Sledgehammer's first cod, Advanced Warfare, was released to great reception and was lauded for breathing new life into the franchise.
Unfortunately, Sledgehammer had the slight problem that they hadn't adjusted the sizes of the maps to the new moment speed. As a result, the game was overly hectic, which made normalfags not like it because in order to do well consistently you had to actually use strategy. Unfortunately, normalfags blamed the moment mechanics themselves, so every time another have with the new moment cane out (BO3, IW), they went in hating it.
In addition, AW added a loot crate system that was relatively fair, but BO3 and IW made it less fair each time, which bothered only a certain part of the player base.

Good games only come to good gamers. As long as DOTA 2 and Overwatch collectibles make far more money at regular intervals than a whole game especially a single-player game could make then that's all gamers deserve.

honestly treyarch's cod is the only cod worth to play.
its the mostly the new infiityward and other studio who are fucking up the brand name with below cod standards of fun and quality.
and the next treyarch game is not do till 2018.
and you bet people are already tired of World war 2 settings since Battlefield already stole that light

good job user

Jaded Dude bro here I miss DUDE WEED LMAO camps and even a Snoop Dog voice over, I didn't mind silly shit as long as it was limited and exclusively aimed at the audience that was buying it up. That gingerbread man suit really did kill this shit game.

commie faggot. don't buy this game. and if you're going to, buy it preowned

Call of Duty fags went back to Black Ops Three.

It's quite funny that the people who were "sick of the futuristic shit" ignored IW and went back to BO3, another "futuristic shit" game with the same gameplay.


All the normalfags fucked off to battlefield and Rainbow Six: Siege.
The latter getting a qt Polish waifu

Faggot, Holla Forums is full of total faggots.

He seems to have missed that the modern german army still uses a kind of iron cross.

I too miss when shooters didn't give a fuck outside of trying to outEXTREME each other. You can only do so much with a rooty tooty point and shooty game so style really counted for these types of games. Hell, it took this generation for a dev to shake things up by adding a mech to the formula and even then it's just a giant guy who's shooting at the other guys.

Fun fact, the orange mean man on twitter just gave an executive order a few weeks ago telling trannies to get the fuck out of all branches of the military. The salt was so intense it was a wall of white at one point.
Sage for off topic bullshit.