5th Gen Racing Games Thread

Let's talk about racing games made during a simpler point in time.
>does anyone have those personality indicator charts for CTR? I know there was one made for MK64.

This is now a 206 WRC thread

Now this is pod racing

CTR is still the best racing game of all time. Jak X is a nice attempt at a sequel and brings a lot of cool Twisted Metal elements into it, plus the customization is really cool. But the tracks and controls just aren't quite as good as CTR.

Mario Kart 64 and DKR just can't compare. Both just have shit controls by comparison. Mario Kart 64 just doesn't even come close in any regard, with its super simplistic levels and controls. DKR having the other vehicles is really cool, but not enough to make up for it. All the ways you can get boosts in CTR, the ways the tracks were built just right for it. You can tell Naughty Dog learned from doing previous 3D games with Crash, especially since 3 has the relics making you focus on speed, and thus making the level design focus on the ability for you to find all sorts of tiny ways to cut your time.

Even though I hate online games, Jak X was the only one I ever actually got into. I'd be excited for a CTR remaster since it would probably have online multiplayer, but I'd also be worried about if they could really get the controls right. They were close in N. Sane Trilogy, but the vehicle controls clearly got less focus, and even the platforming wasn't perfect. In a racing game like CTR I'd want it to be even closer. Then there's the question of what glitches they should keep, because some, like hopping constantly letting you go way faster (as opposed to just hopping to slide and get big jumps), really change the way you play the game, and would be mandatory if they were included.

Kart racers are really a different beast than other racers, so F-Zero I can't really compare.

But I agree with this user that Podracer was the best. That is easily compared to F-Zero, and it's better. There I said it.

Nigger, it's literally just a so-so clone of Mario Kart 64. Which is sad because I expected more from Naughty Dog. Playing CTR makes me feel like they just gave up on originality and said "let's make a derivative MK64 knockoff and call it a day". Speed Punks is the better kart racer although it's still not great.

I remember playing Ep I: Racer recently, and I forgot how hard that game got. That game can get pretty fast and unforgiving. Apparently the game's AI rubberbands when you're not in 1st place by giving all the AIs a boost in speed until you get back to 1st place.
Also, in multiplayer - if you're the last person across the line, your max speed permanently increases for the entire race.

I know F-Zero X got a track editor for PC made that can inject stuff into the F-Zero X ROM, but it's a shame there doesn't seem to be much in the way of custom tracks.

Ditto for the whole series really.

CTR is shit compared to DKR. DKR is the best kart racing game from that generation PERIOD.

You know fuck all as the track editor was for the 64DD you dumb nigger.

I know it was on the DD first but there's an unofficial PC editor.

It's that an actual game? It looks awesome.

Nigger, Jak X is still pretty cool and you still have a lot of ways to get the turbo. Since is not as cartoony as CTR you can't have jack moving around and jumping like crazy, but the driving and gunfights are still pretty solid.
As for the rest. it's funny how you used to notice how Naughty Dog loved vehicles, since in all games they had some form of vehicle and the focus usually shifted towards that, both CRT and Jak X are natural conclusions to me, specially since Daxter proclaimed Jak "The best racer around" in Jak 2 and 3. Still, storywise it's a shame they left you with a damn cliffhanger TLF doesn't count.

It really isn't, I played both recently with some friend and you can tell the difference right away, CTR is way more polished than MK64, starting with controls and all over mechanics and track design, hell, most tracks prompted you to take shortcuts that were really fucking hard to take, you don't see that shit in MK64, maybe at some extent in DKR.

Fuck, user, I love DKR for a lot of reasons, but I know it doesn't hold a candle to CTR, except maybe in soundtrack and atmosphere. CTR felt a little bland when it came to visuals whether DKR is gorgeous and the music 10/10.

Also, at the time, and with the introduction of analog controls, a lot of kart racers started to appear and they still do to this day, since doing a decent kart racer is pretty fucking easy, what is hard is doing an outstanding one. Hell, there's even a Chavo del 8 Karts, and I remember a Woody Woodpecker, a Looney Tunes one and a Toy Story one too. The Woody one wasn't that bad, the only good thing about the LT one was the OST and the Toy Story one was just terrible.

Where the fuck were you in the 90's?

the best

Playing other games like pic related.
I never was a big fan of SW games since the disappointment with the PS1 games.

Boy do i love that game. wish it had more tracks. i remeber unlock8ng a bunch of bonus tracks for it as a kid, variants of existing tracks like silver city 2 (instead of city 2) but i must have misremembered.

I remember playing that in a playstation magazine demo disc.
It was fun

Good shit. Gran Turismo 1 & 2 were also pretty fun if a bit autistic. Kart racers are the Smash Brothers of racing games.

DKR has the best music, hands down.

Racing sims ruined racing games.

Racing "sims" coexisted with arcade racers for a long time, it's not their fault that all the devs went for muh reelism around 2007, and that wasn't exclusive to racing games.

Yeah it's pretty fast and fun. It can get pretty difficult with some of the bonus stages (see abyss). There's a PC, Dreamcast, and N64 version. I grew up on the N64 version. I believe the Dreamcast is just a port of the N64 version and may just have better framerate and longer loading times. The only difference I've seen on the PC version is some of the sound effects are different. They all look the same. I know the PC version I believe is intended for a 16-bit OS so it's a bit of work getting it running on a modern PC. I'd maybe just play it in an emulator. They're all more or less the same.

I liked Speed Punks when I rented it. I should probably go try it now. But CTR was way the fuck better than Mario 64. Mario 64 barely even has shortcuts. Boring as fuck.

DKR doesn't have nearly the amount of complexity to the controls. In CTR there are so many different ways to maximize your speed or minimize your time. The boost mechanics alone make it better than MK64 and DKR. DKR has better tracks than MK64 but not better than CTR. Plus, Hovercraft is a shit vehicle anyway that barely changes shit. DKR might as well only have two vehicles. Which is still cool, but not enough to put it over the top.

Don't get me wrong, I was still saying that Jak X was one of the best racing games ever. Really underrated and does a great mix of different driving game styles.

I wish.

Kart racers are just a different genre or sub-genre than other racers. A better genre, too.

It's a miracle that pic related works so damn well on wangblows 10 with nglide+stock pack.
The sense of speed is mental.

I want to try out the EP and multiplayer, are those any good?

You'll Cowards Don't Even Play On Phantom

There was a Mickey Speedway USA game for the N64 which I remember being surprisingly pretty good.

and of course, no wonder, it was a game made by Rare.

Those aren't racing games, they are party games.

Fite me

Stand aside.

Excuse me niggers, best game coming through.

Was the Neo Geo CD 4th or 5th gen?
Cause OverTop was Initial D before they even made Initial D games. Seriously you all need to go emulate it

My nigger. GRIP is pretty fun too.

yeah thats cool but check this out

It's more that it exists after the fact and takes from both MK64 and DKR, it's hard to both have a budget and rip off a game and do a worse job, although Jak and Banjo Kazooie, still confused how they did a worse job on most levels.