Well hello my fellow gamers!
Are you thirsty for some generic, uninspired, tryhard "hip" "arena shooter"? Well thirst no more, cuz
is here to quench you! Yes, PWND, an outdated title for an out-of-touch game featuring such featuring features as:
Brought to you by the people who'd made such classics as:

Other urls found in this thread:

loadout was fun before they "finished" it

This game will never stack up to Nero: Omoplata! The height of innovation! DMC mixed with Skyrim!

It doesn't even look like they tried to make the trailer look fun.

That thumbnail looks like the "anger powered jetpacks" image.



fuck Nyanners nudes when?

because (((they))) fear the samurai

How the fuck is this japanese

Everyone has mystery meat skin complexion in their mind.

damn those are some good genes

I fucking hate american humor with a passion, you know which one, the borderland kind, that shitty humor "LOL so randumb, did you get that reference BRRRROOOO xDDDDDD" they got the nerve to find funny.
It's everywhere now and it's making me sick with HATE

ncie trips, h8man

But Jesus Christ the rest of this thing. The character design is boring as fuck, the humor is garbage and everything else. It's like someone is actively trying to sabotage the project.

Check em

Oh boy, it's babby's first arena shooter with maps that look ripped straight from Titanfall 2's shitty 5v5 no respawn mode.



Is the "Hero Shooter" fad going to end soon ? There's almost no reason to have classes or heroes in an arena shooter unless there's a very talented game designer at the helm that can make it not an unbalanced mess. I haven't played the game though so I can't really say if it's shit or not but the gist of the game seem to be very gimmicky.
I like the idea of having 20 different characters with different weapons and abilities instead of 5 classes but the reality is that there's 4 times more opportunities for balancing to go wrong. I can think of only a couple of games I enjoyed which had characters instead of classes and even if the """"genre"""" has only started to get popular recently despite SMNC existing ages ago I can't see it going well with Overmeme being at the forefront of what the """"genre"""" is like.

To be fair, the last one has autism.

What is this image trying to convey? Are panels 1-3 related? Who racemixing with what led to panel 4?

Who knew this particular piece of frog comedy would end up being relevant some day.


I think it's Clint Eastwood's and Robert DeNiro's offspring have differing levels of wtf due to oildrilling

They're doing this just for all the free press they'll get from triggered homos, right?

Well this looks like hot garbage in an already over-saturated market.

At least it looks better than quake champions.

Like 3 years ago.


This looks like garbage.

Anyone who still cares about arena shooters is just playing Xonotic or Cube 2 at this point, or the original Quake 3.

I forgot Nyanners even existed.

She ran off to tumblr and became an SJW, she's probably an antifa commie by now.

So who's hyped for Midair?

Would have been interested if it was F2P, but it's 23 eurobux, wew. I bet it'll be a huge success.

I can't wait until Jesus "Fucking" Christ himself returns to reveal these faggots as the Satanic psyop infiltrators they are.

Yeah, I remember hearing about all that. And her part in those retarded VGAs or whatever a pretty long time ago. Figures this game would be her type of gig.

That almost looks fun.
It's never gonna be good, is it?

What if one guy is secretly doing character designs for 70% of games?

Even Blunderborn had more at it's peak.

That's really sad and pathetic. It's simpler to assume every person you liked when you were younger has turned to shit.

What's wrong with her face?

Her face is tired.

Oh got that pedo song she made?




Add another one to the pile.

Why do all the characters look (and move) like reskins of TF2's Heavy

Looks like we're gonna be back to Quack Toddpions vs Unreal Tournament Release Never Ever.


I pre-ordered the game, ended up playing all of 15 minutes to realize it was a terrible mix of CoD with UT, then after the mapping contest thing support died hard. I don't even think you can buy that game on Steam anymore because it's completely dead.

That game along with other games that came out in 2013-2014 are what made me quit gaming for close to a year.

Wow this looks bad. This is so cynical, so jaded and so late in an attempt to cash out on TF2 and Overwatch it hurts to see.


Whatever happened to that one FPS 2GD was making?


Arena shooters are fucking dead, just add it to the pile of other dead genres like RTS and stealth games.

B-but I thought japan and anime scared away sjw types? It actually turns out that shit is really just an umbrella for social rejects of all colors? I had no idea (I did)! lmfao at anyone who actually believes that shit.

being "stylized" is safe and easy, and also its not hardware intensive so more people can play it

*share a culture with

Just because it looks like shit doesn't mean it has to paly like shit, r-right?

You tell me.
This game is yet another permabeta you have to pay money for.

god, dont remind me. at least douk sounded great

Yeah, majorly thanks to the racemixing.

Well, unredeamable shit.

I don't know, but it's still boner inducing

Well it's going to be in Beta in a few months and have a graphical Overhaul. People who played it said it feels like old tribes.

I went to school with some of the guys working on it. One's a huge kool-aid drinker, the other disappeared off the radar - but I do know they have both been huge fans of tribes for a long time.

Despite that, it'll probably turn out well. Still not gonna forget how fucking cringey it was seeing him post after the election, however.

am i the only one who doesnt know what nyanners is?

Add First Person Dungeon Crawlers and maybe Point and Click Adventure Games to that list.

Also the cringiest line in a video game I've heard since Borderlands

You don't belong here, lurk more.

then you're a lucky newfag. here's a brief intro course

I thought people stopped using that years ago.

Was thinking the same thing.

Which is exactly how their hipster lingo radar picked it up.

maybe the character is supposed to be a weeb, making fun of japanese directly doesn't seem very kosher nowadays

Here is the newest Miss Japan, a halfbreed nigger. The people that voted her in were some French cucks.

not a big surprise

Lubing up that asshole for the 2020 Olympics it looks like.

I don't find black women attractive but I would fuck that good.

Look at me, I've been suporting animators and voice actors from the early 2000s on Newgrounds and now everyone I somewhat liked turned into a faggot, a comunist or just killed himself.

Can't be arsed to make another "Ransom note" type of image, so here's this instead.

Worst timeline for vidya

Have you not heard about the upcoming saviour of the genre, made by a neanderthal?

The ex-sleepycabin crew is still somewhat alright, but I don't approve of their "explorational" faggotry, like sticking shit up their assholes.

that might only be spazkid who will do anything to achieve a nut.

I don't mind people doing their weird things on their bedrooms if they don't make it publiclike anyone keeping their twisted kinks in anonimity.

Is the selling out, the preaching and their inflated egos what upset me.

Because portraying an Asian with squinty eyes is racist

She's okay besides the massive fucking forehead and chubby cheeks, but actual Japanese ladies are far more attractive than that halfbreed freak.

And yet we had a thread just two days ago talking about "ancient vidya lingo" like pwn.
Of course it's fucking not.

If autism is caused by race mixing then all of Holla Forums would be half black

Honestly, that style of trash is pure /r/4chan, what you did was infinitely better. Spelling stuff out using chopped up text never adds anything, it just comes off of "Look, I filtered my joke through this totally epic community-approved meme, do I fit in?"

If you ever go to a Holla Forums meet up you will realize most of them definitely aren't white.

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. They're also a year late to the game, and a decade late to the meme game. Overwatch is already losing relevance as it's bleeding players en masse, so seeing these other second-rate companies chase a ship that's already sailed is the stuff of dreams.


Why are people saying its loosing players? I too want it to just go away like some fever dream but I've yet to see proof that its declining.

I haven't had the game aggressively marketed at me for the last six months, so something is happening for damn sure. Also, I can't imagine your average normalfag being able to play the same 20 characters, on the same six maps, without any variety to infinity. I mean, you can't even prestige in Overwatch :^)


Except there a bunch of shill here who constantly post this crap and cuckchan is filled with it. Not to mention other sites. Tumblr is in deep love with this garbage. Every fucking person on youtube who mentions playing game always mentions Cuckwatch.
You know nothing.

A lot of eSports teams have pulled out of it, and the Twitch numbers have gone way down. PSN and XB have been doing sales on it often, to get the numbers back up.

Twitch makes it pretty obvious that shit is sinking faster than the Titanic, all things considered it's a pretty good metric as long as we are talking about meme games

This makes me mad for some reason. More so than any other shitty shooter on the market.

why does everything have to look like stillborn now?

They fired the animators and they had to work in exchange of peanuts to be hired.

Video game art teams are passed around more often than cheap Vietnamese hookers.

Its always been around dota what the fuck are you talking about?

I know plenty, my friends still play fucking League, after five thousand plus hours. But, still, I kinda see how they manage it, seeing as there's actually a hundred plus shitty characters, and you can build some of them differently, some of the time. Still, you probably see around 50 of the characters being played at one period due to shitty metagames.

But, in Overmeme, character X is always character X. You can't change his perks or whatever, you can't buy different items, you can't do anything but change your shitty RNG lootbox skin.

And as other anons have stated, it's gone way down on Twitch, which is a decent metric. It went from number two or three (possibly 1) to number eight, with less players than fucking DOTA2, GTAV, and Rocket League, all games that came out years ago.

At least Vietnamese hookers had less venereal diseases.

all that fucking cancer, why do normalfags have the worst taste? how can we help them ? can we help them?

They also probably make way more money.

And have more self respect.

And we could make lots of jokes about videogame animators.

Wow, it's been a long, long time since I felt pic related was appropriate.

It's too late now, the industry belongs to them. They will continue to preorder the gold editions with season passes of the yearly Destiny game or Ubi open-world copy/pasted "experience". You might be better off finding another hobby.


Have you not been paying attention?
Yeah, it's around Dota numbers NOW, but for the past year, it's been within the 120k+ mark constantly. Look up the Twitch trends.

With shit like webm related, it suddenly makes sense why people are through with it. Having a community that's even somehow worse than League of Faggots' is pretty fucking impressive.

my backlog is getting thinner each year

sucks to be a vidya fan, I wish I knew how to make my own shit

Someone needs to put a clamp on DeNero's balls, if there was ever an argument against race mixing it's his spawn.

Les Inconnus always knew.

Pick up dungeon crawlers, embrace the autism.

i wonder which marketer thought making that trash for an image board was a good idea

Listen to this man

Get Dungeon Crawler Stone Soup.

People saying this looks promising is a genuinely tragic indicator of just how shit everything has gone. A kid with paper cut-outs could make a better game than this. Quite aside from the ubiquitous bland-ugly, the absolute nothing going on is evident.

I hate video games, why even play them anymore?

Pretty much yes, by lowering the standards to make jokes understandable by literal retards, they're going to end up feel right at home.

A Touhou arena shooter would work really well because Danmaku is never hitscan. It could also be hyper-mobile and potentially aerial.

Can you fags at least stay consistent? At least give an argument more than "it looks like ___", it means fucking nothing.

It plays like shit.

Shit art comes in many shapes and colors.

Since when is how many people wanting to watch stupid streams of a game a decent metric?

It gauges general interest in the game pretty well.

Fuck if I know, but they do.

It looks like her japanese technology powers rocket jumps via violent shitting

I play it and it is starting to take awhile to find matches, arcade mode is nearly dead. I've never seen such a big game decline so fast I don't care though, got my money's worth and didn't spend a dime on crates. Updates are also slow when balance changes are needed.

Also stop using this outdated webm shit, the hitboxes are not nearly this bad anymore

This the best news I've heard all day. Can't wait for it to die completely. Blizz probably thinks they need to double down on the pandering bullshit to draw in more players. Not realizing it's one of the things, on top of the broken gameplay, that made people leave.

Left panel is the father, right panel is their son.
1-2: Caucasian
2-3: Italian and some type of negroid, mixed.
I said negroidic because I don't know the mothers origins or even which spouse it was, he had at least 2.

most jej

Whats going to happen during the 2020 olympics? Everyone keeps saying its the end ofr Japan

Awful. No wonder she's friends with Ken "I spend all day doing gay furry RP on tumblr" Ashcorp.

Some people say that Japan will be scrutinized and will force its culture to change. Honestly, I expect Japan to just say fuck off and nothing truly changes.

That's basically been the track record so far. Hopefully they don't flinch and just tell (((them))) to fuck off.

I assume their nationalism is still as strong today as it ever was, right? I sure hope so.

Unfortunately, the seeds have already been planted. Either that shit dies quickly as SJWs/Feminism are already in their death throes, or shit's going to get really bad really fast.

pomf pomf kimochi
someone at the vending machine was asking what I was singing

Well so long as the Japs keep acting like pic, we have nothing to worry about.

normalfags user, the target audience for those games.

The (((olympics))) will be the biggest battle for them. If they capitulate at all, it will open the door for the rest of the shit that is bringing about the downfall of the west.


As far as I'm aware they still have frequent anti-foreigner protests. The Japanese constitution doesn't even protect non-nationals, and becoming a national involves a million fuzzy hurdles like “be of good conduct” and “observe Japanese law and not invite any social criticism”, meaning they can reject whoever they goddamn please.

Japanese people don't like foreigners? That's social criticism, better luck next reincarnation gaijin.

You're not from around here are you millennial? You don't even know what the fuck an SJWeeb is. Anime shit scares half away and the other half have a love hate relationship with it because they like it but it's "problematic".

What's wrong with her fucking eyes, man?

Dude, they have been putting off old manjis because foreigners are so indoctrinated that they
become offended because that look like svastikas. So instead of comprehending it´s true meaning they start screeching "GNATSIS" so censorship it´s already coming.

This picture is less offensive.

The anti-foreigner group are pretty much the equivalent of neo-nazi's or other far right nationalist group, as in present but not in a large number. I would say their xenophobic nature is more akin to wanting to be left the fuck alone rather than outright hating gaijin.

But the photographs are barely visible.

glad to hear

Speaking of overwatch, ellowas just made this.

Overwatch players in a nutshell. Why wouldn't I show the things that make a bad game, bad? Sorry that rambles your jammies and doesn't fit your narrative, normalfriend.

Other angles.

Last one

I want to fuck Mercy

God porn sound are fucking disgusting. Can't jack off with sound.

In the event you're serious and not just trying to spite that guy, how do you not see the problem in what you're doing. If you think the hitboxes are bad and that therefore makes the game bad, but the hitboxes are not as they are in your example, then that's not really relevant, the video doesn't accurately reflect the game, the issue you had with the game may be resolved and thus your point moot. Consider GameX has a gamebreaking bug that doesn't let you play, you can get to the main menu but for some reason you can't get past that, at this point you might say that game is bad, but then the developers patch it so this bug doesn't happen anymore, it would be unfair to judge the game based on a resolved bug like that. Does that make sense?

Can you post a vid proving that the hitboxes aren't as bad?


I have no stake in defending Overwatch, maybe someone else will post one, I was just pointing out why it's necessary to have up to date sources for your argument. The hitboxes may not be better now, they could be even worse, but the point is that they changed, regardless of if it's an improvement or not that video is more or less invalidated unless you are talking about that specific version of the game because the hitboxes are not like that anymore.

While I don't much like how most developers abuse the ability to patch a game so they can rush it out the door faster, it has made this quote(image) somewhat obsolete. A bad game is no longer bad forever, it can be revised post release.

Then mute it you sperg.

The only fun I had on rekoil was teamkilling because of how mad it made people

Isn't that what Tumblrites and BLM supporters do? Did Burch see a crack of light when he was up his own ass?

I don't really give a shit. I don't play Overwatch anymore, and shit like the above were examples as to why I don't waste my time with it. Atop of the low tick rate, the shit-awful community, and how "hammy" the gameplay is. I don't know why Blizzard thinks that type of gameplay is good, across all of their games.

When I play shooters, I expect weapon tactility and responsiveness. Not this trademark 'feature' of dumbed down gameplay where it feels like everyone is slapping each other with giant hams, and bullet sponging everything.

How can a company that has more money than God somehow miss all of the basic fundamentals to what makes a game good? It's fucking mind-boggling.

Because they didn't want good. They wanted appealing.


I've heared that somewhere else but i can't put my finger on it.

That's fine and all but it doesn't really relate to what I'm talking about. You don't have to like that game or games like it, I'm just stating that it's unfair to use outdated examples as a way to demonstrate why something is bad, it's legitimately dishonest, intentional or otherwise. I mean in general too, not just in this case for this game.
That's all, just a statement/response. I'm not too interested in a discussion on the game itself since it's highly subjective.

My guess is they might have been going for this sort of thing, but then fucked up royally.

Can I release my full game on gog with a demo and not have to deal with this early access bullshit just to get people into the game before full release?

Is steam an avoidable barrier that one must go through to avoid total irrelevance?

as shit as steam is it's better to be available from as many sources as possible

Doesn't she still do a lot of shitty covers over songs that tumblr wouldn't normally like?

Going to the other end of the spectrum doesn't magically make it better, it just means it'll look like shit for different reasons.

You know this wouldn't hurt so bad if arena shooters didn't almost revive thanks to Tribes: Ascend

wew lad

Wow, it's been a whole five fucking minutes since I felt this link was appropriate.

If it plays like shit then I have to fall back on other characteristics and it does quite look and play like shit.

Miyamoto is himself fucking outdated. He's an ideas guy whose shelf life expired two decades ago, and he spends his time at Nintendo constantly trying to make himself relevant by complaining about anything and everything he doesn't like, which certainly includes any good creative ideas he didn't think up on his own.
He is Nintendo's tumor of "back in my day…" He goddamn useless. And I say that as someone who hasn't bought something from Nintendo since, well, two or three years after the Gamecube released, whenever that was.

Squares are objectively better than circles prove me wrong

Circles are more aerodynamic.

Didn't he single-handedly ruin Paper Mario by saying storylines suck and everyone should be Toad?

Squares are more structurally sound. You can't build shit without squares.

A square can fall in on itself. A circle cannot.

He's done this pretty much since he started at Nintendo.

excuse the cancer, the guy outlines how and why Miyamoto is a piece of utter shit pretty well

circle - ∞ angles that add up to 360 degrees
sqaure - 4 angles that add up to 360 degrees

Circles have more angle for your degree proven better

Circles are more aesthetically pleasing, get fucked squarefags.

I don't have the image but yes. The younger more vibrant creative staff on board with Paper Mario, the ones who hadn't gotten exhausted of life and tired of living yet, were thinking up all these things they could do to make the game more interesting and give it more variety, and any time someone presented an idea he basically went
NO grumble grumble I don't like it, do it the way I want, I have seniority, uphill both ways grumble grumble

The main issue I have here is that he doesn't cite his sources. I have no doubt that Miyamoto's a fucking ass, but I wanted confirmed, documented instances, rather than just hearsay.

pacman + tetris porn now

I can't say I've worked with the man or know him that well. You're probably right though. I will say that a pedantic critic isn't a bad asset to have on a team, but only insofar as them not holding back and offering an outside perspective sometimes, I feel like I've heard that people at Nintendo submit to his will a little too much which isn't good.

I agree

Objectively wrong.


No accounting for your shit taste.

Circles can't tile a plane completely, enjoy your inefficiency

Why must he hurt me in these ways

He's also emblematic of every person at Nintendo now. Getting rid of him wouldn't change much of anything because they all act in his image.

Taunts as an actual gameplay mechanic in a shooter is a cool idea even though valve did it in TF2, but this looks like utter shit

You're a faggot who's incapable of pattern recognition since this shit's being made by fucking Gearbox.

You're all retarded.
Behold, the greatest of shapes.

It's going to be easily refuted because Japan had the assistance and funding of multiple super powers to restructure.

Wrong. Honorable mentions: Rhombus, Great Ditrigonal Dodecicosidodecahedron

Detroit was a major manufacturing center and still has an advantageous geographical position. Also basically all the great powers have been trying to unfuck Africa for centuries now and they still haven't been able to manage it.


Rebuilding a city that was razed to the ground and radiated is still way harder than not turning a functional city with a nice location into a pile of rubble.

Rebecca Sugar was inspired by Sailor Moon and Revolutionary Girl Utena to create SU.

You need a balance. If you have too much criticism, you have the kind of shit like modern day feminism. It's people who bitch and moan because they want to, for various reasons, and there's nothing constructive or productive about it. On the opposite side, if you have NO criticism, you risk having atrocious ideas fester in a safe space and people mistakenly believe something is okay because nobody shines a light on it. Also like feminism.

Wait. Hmmm, that is somewhat amusing now that I think that train of thought.

Not with the assistance of multiple super powers.

You may fool a few people with that but you won't fool me.

And now he's going to sell the finished product on the SNES Classic for millions, because fuck Argonaut right in the asshole. What a nice old man.

Do you know much of Africa? I'm curious as to why they remain in such a bad state with all the aid, is it the geographical location or is it the ideals of the people conflicting in some way? I can respect traditionalism and the desire for independence if that's the reason, despite it being a tragic situation for all involved.

I agree, moderation is important, however I think moderation should be with the team who makes judgment, not in the critics themselves, I'd rather have someone overly critical that I ignore half the time than someone who is only critical half as often. Give me all your complaints and I'll weigh them, I won't respect them all.

I'm glad you're not disagreeing that the trapezoid is obviously the right choice.

Not a bad point but I don't know if it is strong enough on its own. For sure worthy of mention and consideration though.

No you bigot, it's just a square born in the wrong shape and now is rightfully transitioning into the line it should have been at birth
Ugh such transphobia, I expect no less from you pissbabies

Do you know much about the assistance supplied? I'm not too knowledgeable about Japan immediately following the war but I do know they were strong nationalists which means they rejected a lot of alien things, this sure pissed off the entire world so I'm curious as to how the situation actually transpired.

What comes to my mind is "brownie points", where people agree to help and technically do but in a way that's not very meaningful, for instance maybe they got a lot of funding but at a weird rate that didn't help much, or maybe they got supplies but they were rejects anyway, workers who don't care much for working for a former enemy of the country whilst the countrymen themselves don't want their aid, etc.

Japan seems to have historically been spiteful, or rather rejecting of anything foreign, even if it it seems like something that could benefit them they'd rather do it alone. I wonder how the situation really was at the time, maybe it was practical to accept outsider help and maybe outsiders really did help a lot. Who knows.

Imagine you're an African warlord. You (or probably your dad/granddad at this point) chased the white man out and destroyed all of the things he gave you when he colonized the place. Still, whitey comes by on a regular basis to give you big bags of staples for you to dole out to the population. Also the Chinese are hanging around now and they'll give you money for your resources, but they aren't too keen on building infrastructure outside their outposts. So what you end up with is chinks bleeding your country dry and giving you a bit of money in return (which you spend on yourself), whites flooding it with rice, water and medical care which is feeding a Malthusian bomb because your society still runs on r and not K, and little to no development because the ant people don't care if some niggers die mining rare earths or drilling for oil.

It'd be easy to just say "niggers are dumb lol" but you could run a low-tier industrial society with niggers– it wouldn't be a nice place to live but it would be infinitely better than modern Africa. Unfortunately no one is interested in doing it because white shitlibs want to virtue signal and not actually help, Jews know that the Malthusian bomb will hit Europe when it finally blows up, and Asians don't give a fuck.

even more wew

What did she mean by that?

Very interesting, tragic though.

This was too big to post at the same time.

i mean do what you like fam, but ruining the game for tumblr faggots has been nonstop meme magic

The simple fact of the matter remains that Hiroshima had to be rebuilt from the irradiated ground up, while Detroit was in a perfectly functional state in that time, and even without the auto manufacturers still has its location along a major shipping lane to employ a low-skill workforce, though not a low-skill workforce as large as the uneducated population of modern Detroit.
Sage because Holla Forums shit.

I'm not arguing, I'm inquiring.

Welp, time to go find my younger self and give him some life advice

And there's already a tf2 vintage edition, really makes you think.

Are class shooters the new zombie fad?

Clint Eastwood's son is gay, though. Like father like son, if Dollars didn't happen Clint would be gay too.


While your at it make sure to meme magic sjws out of existence before they manifest. Make sure to kill Smartphones, Big Band Theory and anything else cancerous from 2008

Biofag here, with a nice shiny dual B.S. and everything.

I'm almost certain it is specifically due to lack of selection pressure. Evolution is my favorite scientific subject bar none, and its mechanisms can explain the existence of practically anything in nature and why certain creatures are certain ways, niggers included. Look at Africa: it is resource rich. It is rich in wildlife, vegetation, and has very agreeable temperatures. It has everything you need to sustain a tribe of humans with little effort other than hunting and gathering. So why is it that blacks have stagnated for so long when they have such ample resources? It's BECAUSE they have such ample resources.

Animals evolve in response to selection pressures of their environment. If a mutation in an animal's genetic code at birth means it can't handle cold temperatures, and its tribe lives in a cold environment, that animal will not live long enough to reproduce, it will freeze to death, and the "bad" gene (for that environment) will be lessened in the gene pool. The reverse is true as well; you're not going to evolve something for which you have no use. Blacks are stupid because they never NEEDED intelligence to survive, all they had to do was be good at hunting and gathering and breeding. There are many example of life forms that have remained unchanged for thousands of years, and the reason for that is because their genetics were successful and no change or adaptation was further required to survive. Same thing with the nignogs. Europeans and Asians developed intelligence because they needed to plan for winter, they needed to think ahead, they had to adapt the ability to fight their impulses and think to themselves "no, I want to eat another chicken today but I need to ration it out for the rest of winter." Foresight.

Niggers stagnated because there was never any reason for their genetics to adapt for intelligence, it wasn't necessary for their reproductive success. This carries on into modern day by all the (((foreign aid))) thrown at them.


They could possibly migrate too and split off from there, right?
I might be jumping to a hasty conclusion here but I wonder if this is why so many African migrants I meet are generally good people, they'd have to think differently enough compared to the natives to want to leave their land and people, they couldn't be happy in such a place.

That's likely part of it.
The memetic angle is also something to consider, since the ideological landscape that a nigger in Detroit exists in is wildly different from that of an African immigrant.
Also, the immigration screening process is designed specifically to ensure that the immigrants that come in are generally good people, otherwise you end up with shit like France's truck of peace or Sweden's suddenly skyrocketing rape count.

Next time you run into someone who was relevant back in the old days and has since turned into a batshit leftist, run them against this and see what you get. This might look like a bunch of random shit, but when you take a look at these people you'll realize how similar they all are.

Generally speaking, no, that isn't how it works. You're thinking "so if an animal develops a susceptibility to cold in a cold environment, it might spur the animal to seek warmer temperatures." First, that phenotypic change is not going to arbitrarily also create a behavioral change, and second this is like saying "an object hitting the ground causes you to drop it." Cart before the horse. Not to mention that in the specific instance, that animal would need to migrate quite a ways, all on its own, and if it's not a migratory animal, there's no way that's happening. Not the least of which is because it doesn't know which direction to go or really how far.

However, you bring up something that is worth mentioning: evolution goes hand in hand with geography. Evolution occurs as the adaptation of genes to selection pressure from the environment; environment is determined in large part by climate and weather, which are, in turn, determined mainly by location and geography. Therefore, you generally get species and subspecies separated into "ranges" usually constrained by geography. You won't find a desert snake leaving the desert, or a plains snake wandering into the sands. This happened with niggers, and really, all of humanity.

When people say "we didn't evolve from monkeys!" they are correct but not in the way they think they are. All humans are descended from a single common ancestor from waaaay back in the day. The thing is, that ancestor bred, increase in population, that population splintered as it got larger and some parts of it wandered off to other places in the search of resources, since a single place can't support an infinite number of animals. The populations that went into/stayed in Africa evolved to be niggers, those in Asia became the asians, etc. We can all interbreed, so we are not separate species, but our phenotypes are so distinct and we've been geographically separated for so many thousands of years that all the human races can be considered subspecies, and they should be.

Also, the part of Africa said immigrants come from is important, since there's two major regions of Africa: Northern Africa, made up of Egypt, Morocco, and many of the countries in the same latitude, and Sub-Saharan Africa, which is the rest of the place.
Northern Africa is practically part of the Middle East, while Sub-Saharan Africa is the shithole that usually leaps to mind when someone says "Africa"

I hate that these things deserve to be on that chart.

She used to show off her MAL list, which has less than 100 titles, and she gave low scores to anything normalfag friendly. She's an attention whore, not an anime fan. A lot of these types take the SJW route to prove they "grew up" once they realize virtue signalling on social media grants instant gratification for attention.
Same thing happened with a lot of fansubbers, anime bloggers, and youtube "anime critics". They're all casual fans trying to bury their past and rebrand themselves for easy attention and potential shekels.
Anime does its job of keeping these people out, they'll never be anything more than disenfranchised fans no one cares about. No lolicon is going to drop Tenshi 3P because some faggot from ANN or Anime Expo is screaming about otaku killing anime with moe and fanservice. SJWeebs just kick and scream like retards.

RAS syndrome really rubs my autism the wrong way.

I can't image how much meme magic would be needed to unfuck everything from the midlate 2000s

The AFPS community are all like 27-40. This will not sell.

Don't forget that N. Africa had been colonized and conquered several times by whites, which is why north of the desert things are more "civilized" relative to south of the desert.
You also have some vestiges of whiteness in the ME in some places, echoes of genetics that existed in that place some times in history. I think Syria is a good example. Hell Mesopotamia as a whole, once.


I refuse to believe that anyone has ever been able to truly leave.

It should be "Ex-channer", with quotation marks, because they claim they've left because lurking imageboards is uncool, but they haven't. Hence why 4chan is such shit now, it's filled with those people.

Looks epic XD

Dubs don't lie, post them.

This is fun.

Mighty No. 9 says hello

Do you ever wonder if Miyamoto is so sick and tired of everyone being a yes man to him that he just fucks up games to see who will stop and confront him over it?

How did Lawbreakers kill itself? I thought it was pretty okay but I haven't been following talk behind it.

But yeah, the market is pretty saturated with "OH look at this quick character-based shooter that is just like the old days!" One that really comes to mind is Dirty Bomb. I think it's still technically in beta. I remember people talking about it on Holla Forums, saying it like "the next Tribes Ascend" because "speed" and "skill." Even IF there is one that ends up being good it usually just dies after a year.

fuck it whatever i'll take it

Anything by Anthony Burch
Any progressive journalist publication when talking about empowering female characters in video games.
Any tumblr where they think they did something out of the ordinary.

Octagonal master race faggots.

… my classmate in second grade was named Raphael for the very same reason.

Sounds like a nice Hotel. If I ever go to Rome, I'll try to stay there.


So… what does Nyanners have to do with this game? Did she voice a character or something?

I may have fucked it up. I thought nyanners was a term for all the female voice actors who went with the squeaky "ugooooooo so kawaiiiiiii" style, not the one pomf girl.

I'm fine with religious Jews tbh. Ethnic Jews are the ones you be weary of.


You're fine with someone who willing chose to believe they were given holy rights to subjugate the entire world more than those who were just born into it, really?

to be honest, after reading that OP i'm thinking this might actually fit the "so bad it's good" category

i've been around too long to get hyped for never-evers

Of course (((you))) are.

Who thought this was a good idea and why do they have the power to give the go-ahead on something like this?

Give that man a medal


I don't mind them either

Consider the following:

I've never heard of Lawbreakers

Cliff Bazinga wanted to "make" an arena shooter to bring himself back to his glory days but ended up turning it into an OW/TF2 clone at the last second. It's a piece of shit that has even less players now than Battleborn.

Wait, that shit released?

It's out in like a week so yeah, as good as released.

Woah heck!
hold on, I'll try and make a gameplay webm of it, I saw one streamer play it with friends and it actually made me experience motion sickness.
It kinda ruins my theory about these new ASSFAGGOTS/CRAPCUNTS: that they are made not to be played, but to be watched on Twitch. All the animations, all the bleepy bloopy colors, all the character comments…

2nd dude is copied straight from mobileshit. I blame TF2 for this rampant cartoonfaggotry.


Was it the game with the gender neutral bathroom he virtue signaled on twatter?



We should lower the age of consent with lax rules about it just like japan

mine's better :^)

If you don't look at the videos and just listen to them, they sound like a very intense barber shop session.


Who is we? In the US our age of consent range is 16-18, Japan's is 13 which isn't too far off. I think 15 might be the lowest I would consider, prior to that age it seems questionable. Honestly though it would be preferable to use this strictly as a guideline, treat it on a case to case basis, if someone takes you to court, conduct a test on the subject to gauge competency, understanding, etc. the things that demonstrate the ability to show proper consent. Everyone is different and having some arbitrary line in the sand seems insane when it's supposed to represent something so subjective for an entire species.

did i just hear the roblox death noise?

I can't let your tab effort go without comment.

You remind me of a certain jew-user, also some jews even insisted that hitler did nothing wrong at purging (((communists)))

There's admittedly some good ideas at the root of this, that I like.

At least I think that's what the implication of "my sponsors" and taunting during gameplay would be.
Of course, when I think of a good execution of those two concepts, I'd think of something like DMC combined with Madworld, and maybe some Smash TV.
Fast frantic combat, all based on looking stylish, with your rank and combo meter being framed as "crowd hype" for your actions.

Not, well, this.



I'm not sure what you mean, the parents themselves move the authority when they decide to go to court, prior to that moment it would be the decision of the individuals (both the sexually involved and the parent(s) of the minor(s))
More importantly it's still in the hands of the individuals during a hearing, or rather it should be, ideally. If the minor is capable of consenting to the act they should be capable of convincing others of their competency and ability to act on their own. If they can't convince the court of this then I think it's justified for the government to take authority here and I think the alleged should be punished as well. Do you disagree?

And the first dude is the Heavy with a hairdo, moustache and sunglasses.

Misunderstood and thought you want courts to have higher authority than parents from the get go.
optimally government wouldn't rob breadwinners out of 60% of their purchasing power so mothers can actually raise children instead of slaving away in a dead-end job.
That way kids wouldn't have an opportunity to fuck around and be sluts with 15 cocks in them by the age of 16 and once they find a boyfriend/girlfriend the parents get to know them.

To be fair I have no clue what I'm talking about and probably expressed it poorly to begin with. I tend to get weird around this topic specifically because it's a much greyer area than most other things I usually talk about. Highly subjective.

The state of things seems pretty dire at times, it's good in most ways though. Woe.

Wait, they are creating an arena FPS, genre where the game flow has to be maintained through the whole match, and they put taunting, a flow breaker, part of the gameplay?
Dead on arrival.

Why is it to where there are smart niggers? Is it because they are mixed somewhere down their line?

Do you think sapience is the end goal for evolution and it'll compensate for things that weren't removed by evolution?
For example appendixes that are evolutionary left-overs that we don't need and have to cut out from time to time or hair on legs which is replaced by having clothes
Don't know much beyond the basics, hope my question isn't too ignorant.

Sapience is just a side-effect of the increased intelligence that allowed humanity to thrive in such a large variety of environments.

I see!
Do you have an idea as to why appendixes were not eliminated despite serving no function?

Appendixes do actually serve a purpose, even if a very niche one at that, which for storing symbiotic bacteria.

There's just no selective pressure opposing the continued existence of the appendix, especially since the advent of the appendectomy made the only significant selective pressure on the appendix have practically no bearing on a human's ability to reproduce.
Besides, even with appendicitis's pressure, you'd just end up with appendixes that don't get appendicitis, rather than the appendix removed altogether.


How come Mediterraneans aren't nigger-tier though?

It didn't ruin it. In fact, it strengthened it: Lawbreakers is not popular because it's unwatchable. The gameplay mechanics work into this more than the oh-so-witty comments and bright colors. Watching fast games give you motion sickness. Nobody cares about Gender Neutral Bathroom Simulator if they can't watch for 10 minutes without puking.

Why do you think ASSFAGGOTS and RTS are more popular as e-sports than arena shooters? The latter are far easier to play and understand. It should be natural that they attract more players, but they don't. The camera perspective lends itself to easy watching. Even when viewing through the perspective of an individual player, it remains easily watchable.

Seriously. There's a reason they don't use body cams for each player during the Superbowl.

Nigeria growth is going pretty well, also they tell you that africa is resource rich because they are pointing to an entire continent instead of regions as they hypocritally do whit Asia, but consider that a settlement located near rivers in africa will have to fend of from parasites and mosquitos unlike settlements in colder areas (still the most developed african nations like Mali are settled near rivers), also you can blame socialist guerrilas (they are like FARC but whit more slaves) spawned on the cold war for advantage of the decolonization and starting civil wars

Fucking hell, they expext to be paid money for this piece of shit? Fifteen years ago, a silly gimmick like this would have just been a free UT mutator made by a teenage kid during a school holiday. Would have probably been more fun to play than this kikery, too.