Do people actually enjoy this?

Do people actually enjoy this?

As far as I can tell, I'm on the final boss, and… there hasn't been much actual gameplay. I've run around a bunch, and I've collected a bunch of things, and I've failed a bunch of times, but I don't think my actual skills have been tested at all. Every challenge seems to boil down to
Am I missing something, or is this really all there is? Locks and keys, plus a kinda-okay story?

Journos love Schafer's writing

The pinnacle of the game was the postman level and the gameplay peaks at the meat circus. Perhaps the Farce Smith was just good friends with journalists at the time.

I don't remember there being any of this, but it was too easy in most parts. I thought it was good but nothing special for the most part.

This. Waterloo world was pretty good too.

I was really enamored with the game when I was a teenager because there was nothing else like it and the concept and art style were unique for it's time. After going back and replaying it within the past year or so, I don't have as many fond memories of it, and the meat circus is still complete bullshit.

Since it's a Mister Shitface game, there's an element of point and click logic to it, and that means that some levels literally have you running around in circles so you can get the item you need to get another item so you can get yet another item.. and so on. This was probably done intentionally, as some levels aren't that big and the platforming is not that challenging, so the game pads itself out with busywork to make it feel longer and more involved than it actually is.

Black Velvetopia was the best level. This is not up for debate.

Meat circus is really fucking annoying and the platforming mechanics aren't polished enough to make the section fun

Yeah it's pretty overrated. It's decent, but slow to start and only has the dream aesthetic to boast compared to tenors of the genre.
What in the bloody fuck are you on about though? I know "no gameplay" is an issue for many shit games of current year, but it sounds you're just slapping it on whatever you don't like, regardless of relevance.

The game has a lot of charm, but you're right in saying that there's not much depth to it. The levels make it memorable. My favourite is the one where you help the napoleon insert win the board game.

Liked it, was it a revolutionary game? nope, was it a game that bankrupt a publisher because of the insane budget and retarded faux auteur shit by the developer? yes.

fucking kill yourself, OP, with your tim schafer shilling. and, by "kill yourself", i actually mean end your life. do it now. fuck off. die

i hate this fucking game because they stole a word for the title and tried to appropriate it as their own
psychonauts are NOT tiny faggy ass characters, but explorers of the mind and (sub)conscience

Okay, it's an exaggeration. But, think about… Waterloo World, the board game level. What do you have to do to beat it?
That's only a small amount of actual gameplay mixed in with a bunch of reading and watching. And what about The Milkman Conspiracy, which is supposed to be the highlight of the game?
Now, the dialogue in this level was awesome, but that doesn't do much for the gameplay. Exploration can be fun in some games, but in these small levels? It's immediate and mindless. That's how the whole game feels - mindless.

A game is better if it stays fresh and gets you to do a bunch of different things as you progress.

A game is best if it gives you more or less everything at the start and has you refine your skills as you play.

the actual game play is terrible. turns out the infinite possibility of imagination really limits level design to be fetch quests for 95% of the game.

The one thing I actually remember from this game is that one power that lets you see things from the prespective of others and the little easter eggs that came with it, like the girl(I forgot her name, she liked the main character(Raz? I also forgot his name)) had the MC look like a romantic dashing type of guy.

But that's exactly what they are in the game? Can everyone who hasn't played this shit vacate the premises please?

I stopped playing at the cobweb duster section people I didn't want to wander around with dowsing rods for an hour. It was alright before that. I'm not a great perspective though because I really don't like 3rd person platformers very much to begin with.

You're the reason this board is absolute garbage.

user left thread

wtf are you doing, nigger?

You can't copyright it, though.

Waterloo World is objectively the worse level as far as gameplay is concerned, and I would say the black velvet and theater levels would be right after it since they're mostly about style and writing. The game frontloads all its decent platforming levels, then coasts on some style levels, then meat circus I think actually has alright gameplay up until the last segment with all the tightropes which just blows ass.

The Milkman was the only good part about the game besides the theme.

I played it for a weekend when I was younger and forgot about most of it, the sequel is going to suck.

Psychonauts past Millia's level is an adventure game where you use platforming to get around. Collect thing, rub on other things until problem solved, repeat.


Erik Wolpaw wrote it, no? I remember Schafer provided the basic setting but everything after that wasn't his work or ideas.

Clairvoyance in general was really cool

I'm glad I dropped it in the first hour then. Don't get the appeal people see in this game.

Then who are the baritones of the genre?


I am assuming these posts are replies to my deleted post. Why was my post deleted?

The game itself is not all that great, and Schafer is a pathetic cuck, but the whole "twisted americana" style is absolutely fascinating and makes it worth playing. Just be sure not to pay for it.

Cannot lurk forever, bear.

I loved Psychonauts. I'm looking forward to the sequel. Lungfishopolis is frustrating but the funniest level.


Dude hasn't made a good game since leaving Lucasarts (and neither have they) and this is one of the most overrated ones.

(((double goy)))