What games make you feel?

What games make you feel?

Undertale, Hunie Pop, SMB3.for different reasons

Nothing makes me feel. Only when i hit myself i feel something. I am beyond sadness. A blank indifference.


all games make me feel, just different forms of feels, games like ninja gaiden make me feel fun and excitement, something like a yoko taro game makes me feel a strange sense of dread combined with comfiness (save for drakengard1) and then games like persona make me feel envy and absolute fucking rage depending how much i drank

thanks for posting this song btw, i hadn't listened to it in awhile

These dubs

You suck at dubs.

The game of life sucks the life outta me

you both suck, let me try

no one will get dubs

Tom is top tier Holla Forumscore gaman music

I will.

most games i don't think i'd have tom be my background music, although i bet bone-machine would be a good album to have on while playing STALKER

and new vegas.

especially new vegas.

I think this game played on some primal protection instincts or something.

How EMBARRASSING. Go reset your router out of shame.

I wouldn't know.


Always believe in yourself.

All of them. I'm not dead inside.

All of you are stupid faggots

Why did I play that game

EL EM AYY OH faggots

Pathetic. And games stopped giving a shit about making the player feel back in the ps1 era.

What game?

Let me show you faggots how it's done.

kys newfag


Silent Hill 2. Can't recall anything else on the same level.

God I love Tom Waits, he's an amazing dude.
As to be topical, definitely has to go to Bastion. The narration is critical in a lot of parts but they did a really good job of showing a world that's almost literally been turned upside down by the apocalypse and there is this melancholy that pervades the entire game in a way I haven't felt since Crystal Chronicles.
But the biggest moment has to be at the end, when Mother, I'm Here starts playing over the scene. It's scripted as fuck, but it is also done really well so I feel I can forgive it.

Zone of the Enders

Was the entire game a metaphor about a relationship ending?

Oh yeah. The gameplay wasn't as good as it could've been but the presentation was great.

I think the game was a metaphor about nuclear weaponry.

I have no clue what the hell you're talking about but I'm going to say it's about whatever you want it to be.
I just thought it was a pretty straightforward post apocalypse story with a neat directive twist. If you're scrounging for a story moral the most likely I would say would have to be it's better to move forward instead of trying to find ways of going back.
However Transistor spits in the face of that when Red Immediately kills herself at the end of the game. I'm still salty over that TWEEST considering you didn't even get an option\alternate ending if you threw the fight against Roy at the end

That's absolutely what they were going for.
I think Transistor was a worse game in all regards, save for maybe the music. Though I preferred Bastion's music, simply because I have a thing for cowboy twangs.

When I play Unteralterbach it makes me feel boner

Nice singles kiddo, now check mine

Transistors ambient music blew chunks, the vocals were on par I'd say, but Bastions 2 songs (3 if you count the one on the OST sung by Rucks VA) have a lot more personality to them. But yeah mostly I agree, there just seems to be less re playability to Transistor, it was a straight out one and done.

Those are some small numbers

Time to revive
Check my 5

uab2 when?

When I play Persona or Rune Factory it makes me feel rage because there is no harem route.

I wish there was a game about Tom Waits so I could post Tom songs all day

NieR 1 made me feel a lot of feels.

No wonder all that you have is singles.

TF2V makes me feel angry.
BoI makes me feel lost.
Spec Ops made me feel. It did the first time around at least.

majoras mask gives me feels.

I remember playing it and playing through the game i started caring about the people in it. Whereas with orcarina of time i was a hero on a journey.

I felt like in majoras mask I was stumbling upon crimes already in progress thrust into a situation that I was not the chosen one I was choosing to be a hero. The people of termina felt real and grew on me. I feel like playing majoras mask is remembering old friends while orcarina of time is dungeons dungeons and more dungeons and omg ganondorf.

The exploration elements of majoras mask versus orcarina of time just seem better to me because the world is laid out better. Orcarina does not have many "side" areas mostly everything is plot nothing extra. There are some chars but everything happening is resolved and happy and there is no real "tension" like you feel in majoras mask or the connection you make with them getting to know the People of termina on your quest to save the land. versus orcarina of time like in alot of zelda games they are just npc's to buy things from with little dialogue or interaction.

You get to know people in termina so much more then hyrule and even later zelda games. in most zelda games only a few chars actully have engaging long dialogue most are just thrown away as soon as you leave the area. wheras you get to know all the people of termina slowly like groundhog day. IT felt more alive and vibrant then orcarina did for those reasons.

Flame in the flood is the closest

Thinking about it, Pathologic feels like Tom Waits's works but during the industrial revolution. There's a lot of low-life stuff going on, romances in all skewed forms, dialogue is dense and hard to understand, things aren't right. Very bluesy game overall. Some of his work is off-kilter enough to fit with the pagan themes.


You fucking plebs, watch this.

Cannon Fodder

Is it wrong that I felt more feels from the side characters than from the playable characters that aren't 9S, or did Yoko Taro intend for that to happen?

Unteralterbach actually gives me feels, but that's only because when I was 17 I went to Bavaria for around 6 months to work on my great great uncle's family farm, seeing as he was dying and needed help. The next closest town was Dingolfing which itself is pretty small and most people who would come from outside just came to work in the BMW factory in the town. It was idyllic really, I'd wake up quite early tend to the rapeseed field (always made me chuckle) clean the chicken warehouse, do some other minor chores and be all done with the day by 1:00 PM. The farm itself was pretty large, but there were about 3 actual families (all relatives though) on the property, and there were always small kids running around being happy and whatnot. The farm just over the hill, and the forest that went along with it was also open to me, for it was the property what that my second cousin had married into, and her husband was a pretty nice guy as well around 5 or 6 years my elder who grew corn, and would always ask me about growing corn probably thinking I would know some extra special tips about corn because I'm from the states. Luckily for me I spoke German just fine, however everyone made fun of me for the first couple weeks for speaking ''all uptight and northerly', as well as for not knowing all the little Bavarian words for common things. There was never really any malice in it though. My favorite thing was that outside of the first week or two where people would introduce themselves to me, nobody who I didn't really know would ever approach me in public to ask for smokes, ask what beer I'm drinking, ask me for change ect. Even on the train no one ever once talked to me, and I never got funny looks for drinking alone, or sitting alone in public. It was fairly nice I suppose, but in the end I didn't really belong there. To live there for the rest of my life, and have kids, and so on would have been just putting one more nail in the coffin of their culture. Went to Munich once, place was pretty shit, Oktoberfest is also pretty shit if you don't like being around a bunch of sands and having to piss every 6 minutes. Also outside of the "Helles' beers, the Bavarian beer is overrated, and in many cases you'd actually be better off drinking whatever your local microbrew from the states is.

Ace Combat 5, Mission 17

DK 64


Terrible, the lot of you!


To the moon.
It may be a shitty weeb RPGmaker "game", but if someone had gone through the effort to make it a movie, I would have cried like a bitch.


I'm desperately looking for something that gives you the same warm, fuzzy feeling on the inside.

I was referring more to everything that happens in route B and what I've thus far seen of route C.
9s had a hard life.

I've thought about this for maybe a year but never did it, could any user make a webm of Waits' "That Feel" over the picture of pepe playing a trumpet while wojak plays piano, or the one of their silhouettes looking out over the city

9s was a playable character…


I didn't get a whole lot of feels from a tomato, but when 9S went missing after the grun attack i got some motherly feelings of protection, running around, searching hell and back for him.i'm a hairy virgin twink, these feelings shouldn't be inside me.Bravo Yoko.

Legitimately kill yourself, queer. No one loves you or wants to be around you.

The only queer here is you, boysucker.




This year?

Only P5 and Night in the Woods. P5 was just another enjoyable Persona game and NitW gave me totally unexpected feels because it ended up being too familiar in a lot of places.

Did have some initial hype finally playing Total War: Warhammer, but it quickly dissipated.

it still hurts to this day

thank Christ summer's almost over

Richter had a hard fucking life, and had the closest thing to a happy ending of all the protagonists.
Atleast until the nukes fall, even then he's the only one that seems to accept Richard when he comes for him. But that also makes me wonder why he was in the NG+ scene with all the other bastards who couldn't GET A GRIP


They all have the same dream at different points in history. Richter has the dream while in Prison in 1989-1990, Beard has it some time before the San Francisco bombing (possibly after his deployment judging by his clothes), etc.

Richard is, evidently, an entity with the power to hold the laws of time and space in contempt (at least, in the realm of the mind).

He reminds me of Dr. Manhattan, who, having transcended ordinary human perception of time, sees the past, present, and future as a singular whole.

Richter is a cowardly, amoral faggot who dies like the animal he is. He has absolutely nothing to his character other than letting everybody else stepping over him and "muh mom". If you seriously believe Richter was an emotionally affecting character at all then you're either so dumb that you need the game to tell you what to think or you're also on that level of passivity and you just sympathize with him. Meanwhile Jake didn't get even half of Richter's screentime and he still managed to be the best character and have the saddest death.

Borderlands 2

I recently replayed it and remembered how fun it is to fight Handsome Jack. He's such a cocky motherfucker that making him angry feels fun and rewarding. The part where you kill his daughter and Shit Gets Real is still my favorite.

BL2 isn't the most well-written thing ever but at least it has some fucking life to it