Useless Vidya Factoids

The human enemies in the Crash series have vulgar filenames such as obj_motherfucker, obj_fucker, and obj_asshole

Other urls found in this thread:

No, they don't.

In the filenames, they do.



https //

Mai'aq the liar in Oblivion was a pre-emptive fuck you to everyone dissapointed in the feature and complexity loss of the Elder Scrolls games.

Mount & Blade Warband has an unused undead faction that has models, textures and incomplete quests.

The GMan in Half Life 1 has a pistol in his briefcase.

In Opposing Forces when Shepard moves through Gordon Freemans office he has a picture of child aged twins in an open cabinent laying on the floor.

All the interiors and exteriors in San Andreas exist in the same map area, they are simply seperated by the height limits. And require you to enter doorway markers to trigger them to load. So CJs house os many miles above and away from where his doorway is.
There are also NPCs trapped in the plane that have no where to go and seem to exist in the invisible terrain that CJ himself can't interact with.
There are many layers of the Interior World which are also seperated by height limits and you can access them by spawning a jetpack inside a gym and clipping through a bugged part of the ceiling.


In bloodborne, you can prevent the Hunter's Dream from happening by not playing the game.

You can beat the entirety of Half Life 2 without punching anybody

You won't get punished for negative dialogue choices in Mass Effect: Andromeda if you pick the Transgender sex option.

Adoring fan has zero responsibility in Oblivion, so you can do whatever you want to him in the privacy of your own home, or in the middle of nowhere, and he won't tell nobody.

In Pokemon Sun, the fem trainers nipples are textured underneath the clothing.

post em




Maiq the liar wasn't spitefully added. People just interpret it because he's snide. A lot of the time he just brings up features the devs wanted to add but didn't have time to actually implement. A good example of this can be seen after Skyrim was released and they revealed some of the things the devs had been working on like Spears and other things that were cut.

A lot of the time it's just stuff that either wouldn't fit into the game as they had planned or they just didn't have time to finish. It's usually better at times to not include half finished features that the players won't give a shit about than just shoehorn them in anyway. A good example of this is how poorly designed marriage was in Skyrim. That's an example of a feature that should've been cut but was kept in anyway.

Did You Know?

It's funny because this image isn't an edit

The entirety of skyrim shouldnt have been released then with the amount of shit they removed from previous games.

Whats that one game development conference thats pozzed as fuck? Occasionally I watch postmortems or programmer videos sincs theyre less cancerous and sometimes useful

Anyways one person said that without naming names they released a game construction kit for the first time and until then the guy that made things like trees were named obj_cuntfucker and they had to basically rename everything because it was now public facing

In NES battletoads you can move up and down freely across the screen if you simultaneously hold left and right.

Rouge in Sonic Adventure has texured cameltoe.

There weren't loading screen minigames for duration of the entire time period it was relevant because Namco held patent for it and refused to cooperate.

Most racing games do not properly support racing wheels.

Sony and Microsoft ban people for using keyboard and mouse adapters to play on their consoles.

you can complete a mario level in half A press

And my friends thought I was dumb for naming my variables shit like "Fried Chicken" and "Pickles". I get hungry when I code and I know what it means dammit.

Smells like GDC.



The creator of Might and Magic is a professional race-car driver.

What does he drive?


Assassin's Creed 1 for the Xbox 360 becomes increasingly buggier each time you overwrite the save file.

WET, a hack n slash platformer inspired by Kill Bill, was published by Bethesda Studios. It was the only time they made a good game.

That burp your Xbox 360 Avatar makes when you press the thumbstick on the main menu? Rare did that.

DJ Stryker from Burnout's Crash FM has his own radio show on K-Rock LA.

The predator mechanics in the tie in video game Batman Begins served as an inspiration for the Arkham games

There is a shadow of an invisible person at the north end of the UN building on the gamecube version of Spider-Man 2 that is only visible during a certain part of the day. Sadly, it has been forever since I played that version that I have forgotten exactly when, but I want to say it was around 5 PM.

There is also an invisible "Roosevelt Island" you can see the name of before landing in the water by max swing+ jumping from the pier on the southeast corner of Manhattan.

Still on Spider-Man 2, there are three locked doors in the Daily Bugle that make the door locked sound as you pass them, and to this day NOBODY HAS DISCOVERED HOW TO UNLOCK THEM

Oh sorry, that one was useful.

Here's a really useless factoid then:

I wrote a 500+ page walkthrough for AssCreed 1 that Ubisoft stole an idea from without credit - an idea that was in every AssCreed game since: Encyclopedia entries with a dash of humor on Landmarks and People.

Fuck shit that one is useful to my lawyers. Damn.


There is a PS2 game called Ski and Shoot. It's more fun to say than it is to play.

Tempest 3000 was ported to many platforms….including an interactive DVD.

Some dumbass ported Twin Peaks to the Atari 2600.

Force 21, an unheard of game made by Red Storm Entertainment (same people that made Ghost Recon and Splinter Cell), had large open world maps with destructible environments, 16-player multiplayer and an open source devkit included on the disc years before Battlefield.

SpaceHaste 2 is just SpaceHaste 1 with 4 new tracks and 3 more cars. It also had a spundtrack composed by /mu/ favorites Shpongle and Hallucinogen.

You could play Super Huey III's OST on your CD Player. As well as aforementioned SpaceHaste 2 and Force 21.

They're useless because nobody fucking played those three games but me! Pretty goddamn useless!


I didn't know your mother made Might and Magic.



I'm glad Beefaroni won over Peanut Butter

video games are gay

there's hidden balloons at the end of the first level of DKC. get on top of the exit, jump w/rhino, jump off rhino at height while holding right.

Same. I don't know what Peanut Butter was in reference too if anything, but I like that it lost after they started DMing Ding Dong to ask him to get it removed because they wanted to win.

imagine having your last name as "spoon"

Not as bad as Spidgewood.

Julian's homosexuality gets on my nerves, but since he's a spic I'm ok with it.

brown bricks xD


For the record he doesn't want to keep bringing it up, same with his furfaggotry, which is good. At least he ain't a preacher, so when it's brought up its usually just to make the funne haha fag joke. Ding Dong is more preachy than Julian is about men pillaging mens butts.

You can glitch Magi-Nation to get from the first town to the credits scene using a glitch from Pokemon Red.

As a megafaggot I demand you explain what and who the fuck you're talking about

He's talking about the game grumps

Julian and Ding Dong are indie developers, one's that aren't sjw faggots. They know someone called Chris O'Neil, who is Oney, the animator. To hang out more they started showing up on OneyPlays, a side channel created by Chris that he barely used, and posting lets plays (ones they barely complete because they don't play as long as they're having fun).

Julian is a spic with a glass eye and is gay but he's not a preachy faggot about it (see that image), Ding Dong is secretive but he's good at vidya games and knows game design, and Oney is a doughy Irish pill of fun.

No I'm not, you nimrod.

didn't know that. I only know them from youtube, have they put out any games that I could check out?

They haven't released any games yet, but the ones they are working on (Trigger Treat and Tough Bippy) look promising.

Their studio is Wan Wan Games. That's how people found out what Julian looks like, he posted on his tumblr that he was making games there and he had his face posted all over it.

Ding Dong is rewriting the engine for Trigger Treat right now iirc. I think he's made a few games over the years but I can't recall names. Not sure about Joolian though.

Great, now I have a new channel to watch, been looking for something to fill my craving for gayming

You forgot to mention that ding dong ia also a jew, and most likely buttbuddies with julian. They live together, im sure julian overpowers dingus. And you can hear dingus take defensive tones sometimes about julian when oney dumps on him. I will give him credit for doing his damndest to try to keep that shit hidden, but there are times when it is painfully obvious.


still waiting on those

They joked about sucking each other's dicks and forcing Chris to watch in a video, so there is that.

start with the original crash for psx and then watch their super mario 64 playlist, those are the best to get you hooked.

Is that supposed to be an insult? Is your mother gay?

Isn't John Tron a part of the game grumps? It's the e-celebrity all the kids are talking about these days

Have a fun. Crash 2 is a good series to start with.


This is a fanfiction. You are pitching a fanfiction to me.

He's done that with others, and most of the time he's mostly being judgemental not protective.

No it's called bantz.

JonTron was, but then cucked Arin for laughs and moved so a city so he could kill niggers and jews with less suspicion.

because he is alt-right, kids love that. That why Holla Forums is so shit in most IBs, it's just filled with kids

You just opened pandora's box, son.

you forgot to mention that Julian is also into diaper-fur stuff ;^)

Except they both joked about sucking each others cocks and making oney watch in a recent episode, as mentioned. Its not that farfetched, a fat mexican homo living with a lanky scrawny kike. Sounds like a recipe for anal spelunking to me.
Okay I know youre trying to be cute, and probably came from the sublebbit, but cmon.
Hows recording, chris, you reach nito yet in your playthrough, or was it aborted after the one night session?

Judging by threads on the catalog I wouldn't be suprised if Holla Forums was 99% kids either


Oddly enough, only on furries do I like diapers. It adds to the plushiness

Wasn't dingdong originally part of TBG? IIRC originally he went by cousinskeeter and did mostly the editing.

Still those videos they make are entertaining, do like chris as an animator and watching the crash bandicoot episode of doodle dudes was great.

In Stalker: Call of Pripyat, you can save some time during the mission to clear the bloodsucker by just killing the bloodsuckers instead of running to the other side of the map to get the toxic gas. Throw a grenade (there are some in the room before the bloodsucker) into the bloodsucker lair, then book it back to the room before the elevator. Quickly climb up onto some junk and then proceed to shoot the pack of confused bloodsuckers one by one.

New Vegas was the last good Fallout game and the franchise will die soon.

Atomic Bomberman takes that a step further by not only leaving unused rude voice clips on the disc, but also providing a few editing tools for the game, meaning any kid snooping around could hear "I'll break your fucking head with a ratchet!".


actually that's inherently not useless. If you talk to Novikov wearing the Clear Sky armor, you'll get a unique dialog option. The character is also based off Alexander Novikov. Novikov is the deputy security director at the Chernobyl NPP and helped the devs personally visit the Zone and study it in greater detail.

The overworld map for the original Legend of Zelda appears in the bottom portion of the first continent in the Zelda II overworld map, drawn in a rough approximation, south of Death Mountain (which was the impassable northern barrier in the original game).

End of summer when?


The entirely of the first Elder Scrolls was cheesed, including the world of Tamriel and the title "The Elder Scrolls" which was just added to make it sound more like a fantasy game. The scrolls themselves had little-to-no bearing over anything that actually happens in the game and weren't expanded upon until later releases.

In Perfect Dark, Cassandra DeVrie's necklace is a key for a door in the first mission. However, a second necklace can be retrieved from her corpse later in the game if she is killed. This second necklace displays a username and password on the equipment menu; these went unused. The password (I8MOZYM8NDI8S) might be a Watchmen reference.

Shigeru Miyamoto originally wanted to make a female version of Mario called "Maria" but it never materialized because Satoru Iwata said that "…Having a game titled Super Mario Brothers staring a female would've made no sense and Super Maria Sisters doesn't roll off the tongue as well…"
A good thing came out of the clash though, and that's that they ended up making Metroid a girl instead. The more you know…

please don't make fun of him, he has autism

I believe I read somewhere that The Witcher III had a botanist expert on staff to tell them where and in what climates certain plants should grow.

Yoshi's Island 5-7 has a 6th flower just outside of the map that is rather difficult to get. In Extra-3, there are 21 red coins, all attainable, SNES version only. Max score is 100 regardless.

I was confused until I read it aloud in moon

That's why the thread is called Useless Vidya Factoids, they aren't true.

Here's a fun Holla Forumsidya factoid for you kids:

Your board owner here on this board, Mark, or as he should be called, Markstein, is a filthy limp-wristed limp-dicked pro-israel New York liberal jew. And I'm not saying that in the ironic Holla Forums suspicion way, he is an actual honest to god confirmed heeb. Your information, when you post on this board, is WILLINGLY given to a god damned ovendodger to do with as he wants. When porchmonkey says "never bareback an imageboard" he means it, and this is one of the biggest reasons why. NEVER, and I mean NEVER, trust a kike; particularly not the snivelling little jew rat bastard fucker that runs this board.


I knew I made this image for a reason.

Please post more rare marks friend

I only have the one. You can save it if you want to, though.



what franchise, we're just going to re-release fallout 4 for the 50th time.

learn from the master

The video clearly has indycars in the background.

Have you preordered Fallout 4 4K VR: Remastered yet, goy?


In Mario 64, after collecting 120 stars and meeting Yoshi on the roof of the castle if you punch Yoshi 120 times in row and start a new save file you can play as Luigi!

There is a little know ending to Silent Hill that requires you to start a new game on New Fear difficulty on a save file that got an S++ ranking. Play the game normally and get the fuel can from the petrol station, then you use it on the ambulance at the hospital entrance, Harry then simply drives out of Silent hill.

On some older computers in the United States the CPU speed was intentionally limited to not outshine the computers that were being sold internationally. These can be identified by a small switch on the back on the tower, near the power cable that reads "110/240". Move the switch to the 240 setting and double your performance.


In relation to this, Fallout: New Vegas had a development cycle of only 18 months. Bethesda also said it would do the Q&A on behalf of Obsidian and proceeded to flake out on them. Bethesda said they'd give a bonus to Obsidian if they managed to achieve an overall score of 85 on Metacritic, but critics took points off because of the lack of Q&A. Skyrim took 4 years to develop and has less content and less depth in it than New Vegas.

What would you guys do if man run in and funny scream?

I'd castrate myself before shitting on my mom.




Of course not.
With Todd, bring out your wad.

I thought the Arkham Asylum pirate protection was disabling the hook grab in one specific vent you need to reach halfway through the game. A lot of people also posted about that on the official forums and got permabanned.

its called a shitty crack

Ma'iq was in Morrowind, too.


The heeb always recoils when he's called out; hence why the original post was banned.

That's not even true.

This is.
t. day one pirate of arkham asylum who fell for it.

Payback for GBA has most of its in-game text easily accessible through hex editing.

Smuggler's Run 2 has special mixes of some songs that were not properly released on any other format since.

Some of the music CD32's version of Zool 2 were later used as CDDA filler for both Loaded and Hardwar, published by the same company.

The PS2 port of Wipeout Pulse contained a 7z file full of goodies.

The first copies of the PS1 version of Tiger Woods 99 contained a prototypical episode of South Park as a dummy file, in other words disc filler.

Not vidya related, but some copies of NERO Burning Rom contained filler audio tracks that were ear-piercing tones, odd since making them blank would still have the same effect since CDDA is completely lossless.

Jedi Outcast and Jedi Academy heavily used the GHOUL2 animation engine from SoF 2. If you are wondering why there was the mostly unused capability to dismember NPCs, that is why.

GTA 3 used a special method of modeling for peds where each body part is modeled differently and put together, leading to a feature not seen in any GTA game since: actual gore.

N2O Nitrous Oxide for the PS1 had a remix of one of Crystal Method's songs that was not released ever again, the extra kick in the balls being that its in lower-quality than any of the other tracks in the game and it fades out too.

In the campaign for THAW if you create a female CAS after choosing a male character the ending will include lesbian kissing since the devs did not bother with creating a version of the story made for female CAS unlike something like Persona 3 Portable.

Speaking of which, because of how social links work with Persona 3, essentially just being scripts read from the disc that don't affect the larger plot nor any character interactions, you can cheat on your waifus without any repercussions. I think the protagonist was canonically a pimp too.

Rainbow Six. Rogue Spear. Raven Shield. All of their acronyms are RS.

Burnout 3's WIP versions contained different backing tracks for crashes that bordered on nightmare fuel, no wonder they were changed.

Serial Experiments Lain for PS1 had hidden Lain lewds in the game files.

NFL 2k5's cheerleaders had slight jiggle.

Dave Mirra on Dreamcast has a song with the word "fuck" uncensored in an E for Everyone game.

Thrasher Skate & Destroy on PS1 was the first console game to have ragdoll physics. It also, like Dave Mirra, possibly got away with a lot in terms of music and ratings with the word "nigga" being uncensored throughout the game. Maybe it is allowed in a T for Teen game, but it is very uncommon.

The movie Hackers had some concept footage for Wipeout.

Wipeout 2097\XL had a remix of a remix in the form of Tin There, based on Pearl's Girl (Tin There), which was in turn based on Pearl's Girl.

One of the Atelier games for Dreamcast contained a computer virus that can infect your PC if you run one of the screensavers.

Of course everyone knows this one by now, but Dang It Ron Paul was originally a game called Distrust, set to be a dark investigation thriller in the form of a Battle Royale-like free for all. The publisher fucked it up and the devs didn't mind their game getting cucked.

Pics related.

noice, now i can pretend that im in the only good burnout game while driving in LA, thanks user

oh jeez

I read people with multiple personalitys age slower then normal folk
And this guy has a total baby face

I can't figure out how to open it in blender, but here's a model of a female pokemon trainer
Can anyone open the file and check?

This is evil, but I like it.

There are people out there that will actually believe this.

He's talking about the female player character, which is suspiciously absent from models resource.
The reason you can't open it in Blender is because it's in Valve's SMD format, which you need the tools for Blender to open:
Just in case, the female Ace Trainer has no geometry beneath her clothes nor anything conspicuous in her textures.

Welp, shit, it was too good to be true. Thanks anyways user.

>OP specifically said "useless vidya factoids", so you can't know whether or not anything being stated in this thread is true


I can't find anything about this. Source?

Shocking Samus in Super Smash Bros 1 will show her without her Varia suit rather than her skeleton only as with most other characters.

Guess you fell for it.

In the command and conquer series, Joe Kucan has a running joke of changing the story of how he got the role of Kane. He once said he won it off a scratchcard, was voted in by the public, and encountered a magic ring.

Guy was American, so I just figured indycar. Guess I should have looked a bit closer.

This is the closest thing to it, I think.

Oneyplays isn't fun to watch anymore, it's just repetitive shit, make funny noise and laugh at it.

I preferred Oney on sleepycast.

The glass eye was a joke.

I bet that cunny is super tight.

I watch it for the subtle racism.

Well yeah, they do it every now and again for shock value humour, but it's just noise when you can listen to informed view points on matters of race (see William Luther Pierce).

Chris is a special little boy. It's a damn shame that he is usually working with shitters as of late. Sleepycast was great, but everyone in the group is doing radically different shit now. Ive been waiting on stamper to do something for years, but he is too busy making video games to do animations and shit anymore. Maybe chris could do some solo shit again or at least try to get some real comedy going.
sage for offtopic


Speaking of sleepycast, I really fucking hated Mick, he was just this old annoying chink who kept making cuck-worthy jokes and never added much to conversations except to drag jokes on farther than they needed to.

Factoid doesn't mean fact

Bro, read his twitter feed one of these days. Its pretty sidesplitting

When did he get to san diego? Last i saw of him he was still in philly. This is what i get for not paying attention to eceleb shit, huh?
Replace dingdong and julian with stamper, or add stamper to the crew. Oneyplays instantly becomes 10x better


Hi Todd.


And then there's Kirby, who has no skeleton and is apparently a bob-omb in disguise.

This is fucking terrible compared to

Tumblr is a black hole of comedy.

your mom is a big faggot and she licks toilets like a slut

so le fahnny xDDDDD

Bullshit or not, male trainers in current pokemon are afterthoughts anyway

a guy who worked on the first bayonetta wants to fug beetles so he hides beetles in cutscenes

hello retard

The lore of Pathways into Darkness, Marathon and Halo are all loosely connected

why, my weanus peenus of course!

hahahahaha! it's my peanus weenus! :D

Useless Vidya Factoids - the answer, of course, is my weanus peenus!

In the remake of Pokemon Red & Blue (Fire Red and Leaf Green), the truck is added back in. Going to it however only gives you a Lava Cookie- an item (at that time) exclusive to the Hoenn region games.

One of the areas in Pokemon Black & White is the P2 Laboratory. The villains in that game are Team Plasma- but the name comes from "Propaganda Due" a place in Italy rumored to be where the Italian shadow government operates. In the Italian version of the game, that area is just called "Plasma R&D".

One of Mumbo's line in Banjo Kazooie is the VA saying "Oooh me knacker" sped up (knackers being UK slang for testicles). Despite this, Nintendo was more interested in the speaking grave-stones and kept asking for newer versions of the Thank You line to make sure the VA couldn't be mistaken as saying Fuck You.

The trivia about Sonic the Hedgehog naming a cell deformity resulting in the eyes fusing together in humans was eventually revoked- as doctors did not wish to tell parents their child was suffering due to a ridiculous sounding gene deficiency. Likewise, a cancer-causing cell was called "Pokemon" due to having 150 of something in it. Swift action was taken to change the name by Nintendo and Gamefreak.

Nintendo employees who have completed Mario 64 with all stars eat in a separate canteen to those who have not. This was later replaced with later Mario Galaxy games.

peanus weenus

that was the original mount and blade and not warband though. Also related to M&B, there is a samurai armour hidden in one of the villages.


Source on that last one?

And the gravestone saying Thank You still ended up being misheard as Fuck You.

The Drawn to Life series with the most retarded ending imaginable.

thanks for the spoiler, fag

Has the best gamers fallen to cuckdom? I haven't heard about them for a long time and now I hear they are making videos with the guys you are talking about.

What is with the massive amount of e-celeb faggotry in this thread and why is it allowed?

Does it really surprise you that a tumblresque secondary "le look how much stuff I know about video games that guy on youtube told me xDD" is filled with ADD e-celeb acolytes?

A little late for belly aching.


t. L * I N I S S H I T

I had no idea this shit was even connected to some e-celeb, I thought it was just a neat little things in vidya.

Just opened this thread again



Source. I know it's bullshit, but just in the off chance that it's true.

Who put it there, Holla Forums?

funny how he plays up the diaper fur rumor like it's a terrible thing when he and dingdong are into equally retarded shit (that fucking fat scaly tuba vore pic was the most deviantart shit I've ever seen, I can't believe dingdong can contain such autism and still pass as mentally competent)

yeah, this is annoying and I've pretty much quit
found archives of AMAs from julian and dingdong done on cuckchan trash and the common consensus between the three of them seems to be people are here for goo-goo noises, not actual fucking discussion with the odd goo-goo noise thrown in, and they purposefully try not to discuss shit
and then they complain about cultivating an obnoxious youtuber tween fanbase, come the fuck on

well that explains why it was a complete re-skinned bore of a wasteland. look at all this stuff and things i can't go do because nothing does any good damage. at least in fallout 3 you didn't have to grind out levels at the very beginning to even be able to stand a decent chance of taking a hike down the fucking road. forever fuck NV

T. Razorfist

Threw these example pics together kinda half assed, but the map for Link to the Past also matches up relatively well with the map for Zelda I, only it leaves out the far eastern portion. Ocarina of Time largely matches up with Link to the Past, but once again actually covers a smaller area, leaving out parts of the older map. The game world is bigger, but it's really just parts of the old map, but more detailed. Hyrule got bigger and bigger as time went on, at least in the timeline where Link fails. Wind Waker and Twilight Princess both match with Ocarina decently well, but the kingdom doesn't seem bigger in them.

That image is garbage. Was it written by an underage faggot? Or some weird slav who doesn't know that the civilized world was all over consoles since the fucking Atari? All they'd have to do is look up the sales numbers for a big console game compared with the biggest Windows or DOS games of the same era to see that they are living in some sort of fantasy world to think that Xbox somehow made console gaming explode.

Sonichedgehog is actually linked with autism.

That's his Koran, that he dropped.
D e e p e s t L o r e


that guy is literally doing gods work. god fucking speed

Did you know that Mario is a video game character?
Did you know Zelda is not the name of the hero in the Legend of Zelda series? That's because the game wouldn't work with a female protagonist as women are useless creatures that would realistically get bored and give up if no one, especially another male, holds her hand and do the adventure for her.
Did you know that my cock is the size of Sephiroth's sword? Did you also know that it is considered a product of fine craftsman ship by your mom of whom chokes on it every night before bed.

shell jumps are hard

Do any of you have that quote of that user explaining why shadow was red and black in relation to sonic and why it's not just them being edgy?

god will someone end this fucking meme?

there is no run function in oblivion

This image is circa 1976 in the first CES at the world fair of him unveiling his invention to the west.

Champions Online was originally going to be "Marvel Online"
But Marvel decided to get out of the project forcing Cryptic studios to buy the rights of the Champion Pen & Paper RPG

there are 2 types of vagrants in dks

This guy had been digging on Half life
Never thought valve was this good in creating the first half life

fucking hipsters

He also works with RWS.

"LttP Kakariko Village dies, becomes graveyard in Zelda One."


Man, those suck.

Reverend Al Sharpton wanted Donkey Kong to be banned in north america because "it depicted negroes running through the jungle"

Wario Land is the only series to get a game on every single 'Boy' system Nintendo released, and in every single cartridge format.

In Sonic heroes if you play as team shadow, go into first person view and look at Rouge for a while she will actually look back at you and wink.

Mario is about 24

That one reminds me that in GTA III a clear save would result in being unable to complete a mission due to the enemy you have to kill being removed from the game. Also if you save the game AFTER activating the violent peds cheat in GTA:SA would result in you being unable to save Jdogg from jumping. But those are actually useful to know DON'T FUCKING MOVE SOUL CALIBUR III DATA OR DELETE ANYTHING THAT WAS ALREADY ON THE MEMORY CARD WHEN YOU FIRST SAVED IT EITHER AS THAT WILL CORRUPT THE DATA.
Also didn't 8chn If not 4chan before the first exodus have some Force 21 threads?

And a lot of CD based games (namely PS1 games) could be used to listen to their OST's.

Some useless knowledge is in GTA:SA the KDST radio host is Axl Rose (from Guns and Roses) and the Bounce DJ is George Clinton (from funk band Parliment), and Playback's DJ is Chuck D from Public Enemy.

In Import Tuner Challenge (which should be called Domestic Modifying Timesink) if you hold (or click) the R3 button (right Thumbstick) while you have SkullBullet's Lancer Evo X concept car, you get a rally version instead. This is useless knowledge in that it's merely cosmetic, and since all custom cars are static in their tuning, it will be useless for the next set of bosses. And no one plays ITC except me

They also had a room hidden behind an explodable wall in the wardens office detailing Arkham City (this was only revealed after AC came out

The music video for Fluke Atom Bomb borrows heavily from Wipeout for footage. Also the Beta Burnout crash tracks aren't THAT scary, was honestly expecting some screaming or whimpering

'factoid' can also mean an incredibly small and/or trivial piece of information; it doesn't necessarily mean the info is false like in the original meaning.


No, Todd.

Well, THAT was the most fucking kid thing I ever read.

You know they talk about a lot of shit that's intentionally misleading?

Excuuuse me princess if I oney-up my dialogue while talking about oney stuff.


I dunno, I don't watch that shit.

The guys I'm talking about aren't cucks. One of the guys I'm talking about made stuff for them ages ago. I don't think he does anymore.


Where does F-Zero GP Legend fall into the timeline, though?

In splatoon, there are small parts of the map that have posters, that transfer miiverse posts in real time. They are kind of hard to notice if you aren't paying attention.
Incidentally, on 9/11 people would post memorial posts and halfway through the match you would notice a poster that said NEVER FORGET with the towers tastelessly exploding. I also saw squid porn one time.

The complete list of disallowed names on the High Score board in Race Drivin' is as follows:

Ocarina Kakariko Village also dies and becomes the graveyard from LttP. And of course Ocarina Kakariko Village is also dead in Twilight Princess.

This image could be a lot better.

If you open the psone cd case while playing vigilante 8 second offense and insert the first vigilante game you will unlock the first games levels to be played with new weapons and power ups.

Lego Racers 2 has hidden rants from the devs in the files that are pretty fucking funny. There's a video on youtube somewhere that I can't get right now becaues crap internet.

His genes have the secret to anti-aging

Maybe he's got a babyface because hes never worked a day in his life



I feel like I should remember this, but I don't
I know the super forms have inverted colors, and since blue's taken, a dark color that turns into something light would be the only option if you wanted a super form that matches sonic's, and black > white-gold is the most sensible color to go with

The baddest dude to WHOA since this man

Rare developed a game about bears for the SNES utilizing the 2d spritework rendered in 3d technology polished by the Donkey kong country games. They were going to release it, but it got cancelled due to the release of the N64 and the SNES being left behind

This is why you have so many fucking bears in DKC3. They were going to have their own game, but it got canned.

I am glad someone actually used this outside my thread

yeah, it's great. I loved all the shit that could happen in that game.

fucking delete this

so Fuckhead was okay? Or did it pick up substrings too?

It's because he's got Ayy genes inside of him that come from a star made of pure edge.

The closest thing to "falling to cuckdom" is rockcock bringing his girlfriend to all of the videos and events now. There's nothing really bad about her, it's just that she's just a bit boring for all of the stuff she appears in.

Here is the dark souls 2 list I think it was 2, not sure

Considering most of Witcher 3 takes place in the same sort of climate, the deciding factor for plants would be sunlight/wind exposure, humidity, and the type of soil. I can still buy it, but only if the source doesn't say anything about climates.

No idea about the expert part but in the witcher 1 they did have the accurate type of grain for the time period. Maybe they just have some plant autist on the team

That is indeed the dark souls 2 list. If your character name had the word "knight" it would show up as "k***ht", but capital letters arent filtered properly so at the same time you could run around with the name NIGGERFAGGOT

That would be reasonable enough. Botany can get real complex, but the geographic distribution of plants generally follows simple rules. Just being a regular hiker gives you some knowledge about the subject, and botanical gardens typically display the different kind of environments plants grow in. As for the type of grain, europe loves its historical museums and agriculture is often covered.
If you're going to create a world that's mostly countryside and has an important alchemy element, you would probably want to research plants, but I think anyone could do that, since again, that's not the hardest part of botanical science.

If you press triangle or square in Crash Team Racing on the language selection screen (PAL only) the whole game text messes up and characters don't speak.

In Metal Gear, "La Li Lu Le Lo" is the codeword for The Patriots. Japanese consonants are "alphabetically" organized in this way- "Ka Ki Ku Ke Ko" "Na Ni Nu Ne No" etc. But Japanese does not have any L consonant characters like this- "La Li Lu Le Lo" are the 'missing characters' in Japanese.

When you start a new game in STALKER CoP the starting makarov the player carries is unique, called the Honorary PM with a small back story how it was awarded to the player before the games starts.
Offers no stat bonus just a renamed PM

user, I don't think it counts as a factoid when all the information is contained within an RPG's item description…

It's cool to think the first item you get in the game is unique, when you're most likely gonna toss it the second you get anything better (which will be quick considering it's the starter pistol).

Getting starting gear with a neat backstory is always cool.


I only remember the stuff about the species Shadow's based on (Tenrec, literally known as "fake hedgehogs") and why his spikes point upwards (Gerald was essentially trying to 'create' a Super Sonic, based on prophecies and murals).

The old LEGO games had some surprisingly troubled development.
My favourite thing has to be when the N64 port of LEGO Island 2 was suddenly cancelled, purely because the publisher was assblasted by a negative (and hilarious) preview in a British magazine.

okay i need to see that

I need to figure out which PDF it's in. Here's a different sample from the magazine in the meantime.

That's fucking awesome.

Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness has its own unique game files that are still difficult to understand to this day.

Fuck off back to reddit

hahahah, he's fat.

But user, have't you played Pokemon XD?
Pokemon 😂 is coming in a few months I hear.

Are you retarded?

Please stop falling for this meme.

Can confirm, I got my first job at 23 instead of 16 and everyone says I look like a teenager despite being 8 years older then the new recruit at the moment.

3rd oldest guy there aside from the middle aged homeless man and the 50 year old 20 year worker and I still look like a kid. Most of the hires are 16 or 17.

I bet you're great at being a bottom.