#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Malebolge, the Eight Circle Edition





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youtube.com/watch?v=ipcWm4B3EU4 - #GamerGate in 60 Seconds;
archive.is/23Fde - GamerGate: A State of the Union Address.

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Other urls found in this thread:

controverscial.com/Animals and Witchcraft - Frogs and Toads.htm


What have our leader said about our next target of harrasment, gaymergaitors?

What the fuck am I looking at?

The royal penis is clean, your Highness

They said fuck off and die, shill

It's (you)!



OLD BREAD: archive.is/XUpeo


Funimation overstepped their boundaries, and closed a booth that sell official merch in Anime Expo along with closing down any fan that's selling fanart pieces like stickers on etsy, and such.


A man who has a woman for a penis. Which raises a question: if she gets rubbed for half an hour, does she puke semen?

Good morning!

Many thanks comrade :^)

Yes actually.


Does this feminine benis answer your question?
Alright, that's enough of that.

Hoq do we deal with Funi?


The story until now, #TorrentialDownpour news related and not.

Our Holla Forums and cuckchan /g/ made a replace for nyaa after it was taken down, make sure to use it… Now Approved by Japs.


As a troll move they put the fakku doujins you have to pay for in download state.

Fakku 0001-1000: files.catbox.moe/129di9.torrent
Fakku 1001-1100: files.catbox.moe/h3l457.torrent
Fakku 1101-1200: files.catbox.moe/47batv.torrent
Fakku 1201-1300: files.catbox.moe/c9ntlr.torrent
Fakku 1301-1400: files.catbox.moe/rkuheo.txt
Fakku 1401-1500: files.catbox.moe/ce8oor.txt
Fakku 1501-1600: files.catbox.moe/nmqh3d.txt
Fakku 1601-1700: files.catbox.moe/60v3p6.txt

Feminine benis

Is that a pez dispenser?

it's a poz dispenser.

It's a cute head you can put on the tip of your cock. Very cute.

i'm too drunk to be given a new fetyish right now anopn, fuck you

Just needs a girl for a dick.

Never change Japan.

That's not doing anything for me. Sorry.

I think "Overstepped their boundaries" is an understatement. They've been fucking up left & right with the Prison School dub, the now recently Dragon Maid dub, now this.

That vulva sure is puffy.

This is why the Japanese games industry is superior.

I'd rather have a pez dispenser

How much longer until Funi dies? They've been making bad decisions for anime fans for a long time, but have they been making terrible financial decisions that will ruin them like 4kids did?

What Funimation is doing is considered ANATHEMA in Otaku culture.

Funimation has become a household name because "They aren't 4kids", I doubt they'll die unless more and more people are avoiding them in disgust.



They won't, too many sjweebs and normalfags support them. You would think that they would learn from the companies of the country that they license all their shit from, and let the fans give free publicity from their fan arts etc… But nope, gotta enforce that (((copyright)))


I don't know, but there's two ways I know of the company dying:
>1. Hollywood fucks up normalfags perceptions of anime so badly that all of the dubbing and localization companies end up closing and anime goes back to being a despised form of media to consume (And, even if you watch 5 minutes of something, you're branded a weeaboo for life)
>2. Another company gives Funimation a run for their money by picking up series equally as interesting/good/well-known, and offering a high quality product than what Funi is capable of producing

Alright, let's get down to business. Is there anyway to deal with Funi? Could we just do a dig?


Shit, forgot to remove spoilers.

It's a bleak future for Western fans.

Still can't find a source for that full video.

i'm so glad i live in the future.

I have no idea how long until they'll die, but they're currently under a new holding company called Group 1200 Media.
Looking at their "Values", it's laughable when you see Funimation's dubs & staff's "Professional" attitude.

The whole thing is definitely worth a watch. The video is criminally underviewed.


I want drawfags to make a scene of uncle Holla Forums crashing at Holla Forums's place while his autistic kekistani frog cousins and their reddit children literally shit up his house

He's completely delusional.

What latest rant?

Thanks user you the MVP.



Probably the anti-journo dunkey vid

Eevn worse, reading the comments of that archive, someone asks if he watched the video and he avoids answering by giving non-answers.

Is there a webm of that? Don't want to give dunkey views.

Oh shit, bob's little red book will detail how he singlehandedly made youtube and then popularized videos on it

Love how it has well over 2 million views and is growing. They are really pissed about this.


Funi might go on for years without financial problems if anything. We need to dig and bring up the shit they do to light.



So they're going full Harmony Gold?


Is this another "Al Gore created the internet" scenario?

We had some good discussions and debates last thread though

Nah, just delusional people thinking they shaped the history of the internet because they did something insignificant last decade

what a wonderfully weird artist

Going full on Harmony Gold, and taking away fanart.

Community Blogger assblasted that people make fun of Jed Whitaker


Awww…. The Jed Whitaker Defense Force. He's so cute. Ahahaha!


I think the sleeping loli with the giant penis is kinda cute.

I have a quick question. Its been a long time since I've been active in GG, but Ive recently gotten into an argument with an acquaintance of mine. As I've been out of it for a bit, he posed the question… "Have men ever used underhanded tactics to get good reviews as well in the video game world?" Such as what tipped the whole thing into motion with Zoe Quinn, or other tactics in general. I know this answer to be yes, and I know when I respond to him he will ask for an example, but I'll be honest, having been gone from GG for a year or two, I'm drawing a blank. His reasoning is he thinks GG attacked women simply based on the fact that they are women. The typical anti-GG argument really, and wanted a counter point to it when I said that it wouldn't matter if they were male or female.

Phil Fish winning IGF awards for Fez before it was even publicly released comes to mind. Especially since he was another Indie Darling that ended up shitting the bed.

The whole "human furniture" thing is really fucking weird.
Like imagine the average day of a person who pretends to be a chair.
Sounds like some sort of ironic hell for lazy people.

That's it though, it doesnt matter if its a woman or not and he is actively ignoring all the cases of GG going after men. He is making this about the sex and is willfully ignoring any evidence of the contrary

This "blogpost" Casus had made on Destructoid pisses me off, I had to stop reading halfway through.

First of all, if I were to find out that a review that criticizes these kind of shit is made by the very same person that likes these kind of shit, then I`ll go and fuck his/her life to the edge of infinity through way of mocking or even worse ways of judging a person until he/she gets to the point he/she should consider practicing suicide.

When I read a "review", I expect it to be written by a person who remains 100% consistent to the shit he/she is talking about.

Post this stuff at a later time user. I don't want people to see what I'm looking at while I'm walking around. But, then again, it is a sort-of a nice day outside, and I barely see anyone mozzying around.

You could bring up how Microsoft bribed Machinima for positive XB1 coverage, and how WB did the same thing for Shadows of Mordor (And, both of them were caught for doing it).

Why the fuck did NoA even give Devil's Third a retail release unlike Fatal Frame V? If they didn't want it to publish it, shouldn't it have been an eShop only release?

Also think the reason for NoA wanting the safe library is that there translators who don't know Japanese can have an easier time translating games with less text.

The fucking gems in this article. He sure put out some tough criticism when that controller couldn't connect through his ass flesh.

Well this is from a month ago but nonetheless, still going on a localizer power trip.

that's not what happened. zoe did it for exposure for her and her game.
gg thinks she did it for good reviews is a false narrative.

I mean, these two have it covered. Your friend is an idiot for getting hung up one schecks fer favursh. There's a whole fucking clique of men and women who've invaded gaming, the gaming press, the dev and localization scenes.

My friend sent me this. Second image is the one she can't post. Talk about cucked.

Off Topic but fucking Shield bro is getting a anime release.

there is no need to lie on the internet user

Does that mean that there should be an equivalance to nyaa pantsu and sukebei pantsu.

this has been a thing for years.

Check out the doujin in /monster/'s object girls thread. Girls that live as alarm clocks, doors and sex dolls.

Those "translators" shouldn't have a job translating anything.

That's Funi for you.

Based on the LN rather than the Web Novel obviously. I stopped reading the Web Novel after he got sent back to his world. Supposedly the author wanted to end it there, but fans complained so he continued through.

There was plenty, but no one defended them. When women get involved in drama it becomes a "chicken or the egg" thing where are angry incels the fault of the drama, or is the angry white knights hoping for a titty picture? When Phil Fish fucks up, everyone calls him a fag. When a chick does, the net explodes with people screeching about how you're not allowed to shit on them.

The fact the everyone got banned for talking about it on most sites, and later, the gamers are dead articles, were the real tipping point. It was defended too strongly and too suspiciously, so people dug deeper.

He never said that you know, it was just a dumb misrepresentation that took off for some reason. And what he actually said was referring to the bills he pushed that funded the teams that developed technologies that led to the modern internet (and the team that developed Mosaic).


I've got no desire to go back there. I only stayed as long as I did because there was nowhere else.

I browsed that site ever since it had a loli board ad I honestly never saw it once.

she's a shut-in dyke

Look through Deepfreeze for male developers who benefited from COIs:

This list is shorter but might be easier to skim through:

Ok user if you told us he then we would of believed you but SHE?

9anime is better than it is anyways.

Like I said, she's a shut-in. The few male friends I had are all normal people so they use Facebook instead.

Why the fuck did NoA even give Devil's Third a retail release unlike Fatal Frame V? If they didn't want it to publish it, shouldn't it have been an eShop only release?

Also think the reason for NoA wanting the safe library is that there translators who don't know Japanese can have an easier time translating games with less text.

Good video.

What is your point, exactly?

I volunteer to fuck the gay out of her pixie cut

Kinda off-topic and irrelevant, but KiA got some new mods recently
one of them I strongly distrust, another I have a bit of annoyance for and the 3rd I know nothing about so I'll assume they're okay.
Username is /u/sixtyfours
All I really remember this person for is fighting to try and bump Breitbart to a higher tier of the blacklist and Acid arguing against it
Not saying he's done anything wrong yet, just me being leery of a person like this. Their submitted content seems good and kosher though.
On a more unrelated note
What the fuck?
this is just a joke

inb4 she's also fat and ugly

Behold, the first 2-3 minutes of the Emoji movie

Sadly, it's getting fucked by pop-ups and shit. Last time, It opened a new tab with a fucking fidget spinner.

Don't let GG discussion ever get dragged onto lw, while the controversy did blow up because of it, it was more from how close it proved journalists to be but kept getting dragged back onto how it's about her. The gamers are dead articles was pretty much the thing that led GG to go on so long.

Do consider that memorabilia and swag can be bribes. Kotaku sold their Assassins Creed merch they were given for thousands.

You're free to try, I guess.

Always wise to be leery. Especially with redditors. (Not one of my posts has gone through correctly this thread. I am not getting ay (you)s.)

I've got no ads with ublock origin on.




Would Gerstmann being fired by Gamespot over the low Kayne & Lynch review, which then revealed that GS was taking money for reviews?


Thanks for the replies.
My focus shift away from GG as I just wanted to enjoy vidya again. I feel like thats gotten even harder and I've been dipping back in again.

very good


(you)s are so addictive. Only matched and exceeded by someone posting your OCs, edits, or caps of your posts. I had one for a brief second from your post and then it disappeared and now it only shows up as a regular post addressing mine.


Because they wanted people to forget it. There was a lot of hype about DT when it was revealed at E3 2014, and numerous people started getting angry when it wasn't shown the next year. Then news came out that business had broken down between XSeed and NoA over releasing the title, and, then, nothing. Complete silence of the title until it saw a surprise release in the U.S. and a very limited print. It is the one title released during #TorrentialDownpour that NoA didn't "localize", and they probably resent it for that.

Can't argue with those lucky trips

Thanks to the Marxists/SJWs, everyone has been dragged into politics kicking and screaming.

It annoys me when I don't know right off the bat that someone is talking to me.

take it to >>>/polmeta/ where everyone will laugh at you

These people will never stop even ignoring them won't work since they just won't fuck off.

I'd fug Lukako no homo

I kinda dove in as anti-SJW backlash tbh. I really do hate it though, but honestly I feel like I don't have a choice anymore.

Yes, a lot of youtubers get offers for paid reviews. There are probably many long winded videos about this very thing on the youtubes.




Yep. The 'everything is political' crowd has seeped into just about everything, unfortunately.

I just want to play video games.

All these male feminists allies have fucked up fetishes. Linkara is into rape, shemale and wants to fuck the Green M&M. Devin Faraci is a rapist. Wonder what Movieblob is into beyond McDonalds.

Don't forget all those pedos

He ate a baby.


Watch out for GamerGate
The public enemy of the world #1
It is the main hashtag responsible for…
☑ Forcing a historian to prioritize shitposts over reporting their dad's corpse
☑ Vandilizing private property with "Strategic Designation #2"
☑ Causing chaos in Hollywood with an acid rainstorm
☑ Ruined the very concept of anime for everyone
☑ Firing a promising staff member from Platinum Games
☑ Making Colin Moriarty say a misogynistic joke and firing him
☑ Giving a white Iranian a date with DMCAstiny
☑ Creating bait that surpassed Metal Benis
☑ Stole Bioware's checkbook
☑ Making YouTube proud to support the [ERROR: Login to view this content] community
☑ Became Linkedredchannitin
☑ Adorning unrelated posts with images of anime boobs
☑ Overwrote reality with a Tropico save-file
☑ Teaching the Russians how it's done
☑ Spent 4 days legally dead for tax reasons
☑ Manipulated reviews to make Yooka-Laylee look as 64-bit as possible
☑ Revealed international culinary secrets
☑ Convinced an user into becoming a trap
☑ Funded by Russia to cause chaos in the USA
☑ Plotting to invade and take over the fashion world with a new puppet as mascot
☑ Successfully summoned the memeteor, then promptly dispelled it because it wasn't exciting enough
☑ Moved gaming acceptance back decades in the public consciousness
☑ Got seened in an Oakland drive-by
☑ Has trademarked "hikikomori ginger girls with names based on imageboards"
☑ Employed Russia's help in hacking the ESRB
☑ Bestowed upon a penguin a penguin-waifu
☑ Caught a glimpse of the evil that is the Korean Education system
☑ Likes their iced cream 'pure aryan'
☑ Hacked a character into ARMS, then leaked it
☑ Having a girl fetish
☑ Killed people at an Ariana Grande concert with a bomb
☑ Discriminating fantasy from reality
☑ Undoing all the hard work into promoting Far Cry 5
☑ Turned Ren Hoek into a terrorist
☑ Created Gamergate America
☑ Became starmen
☑ Brought misogyny into E3
☑ Turned Mario Mexican
☑ Prevented beloved VAs from reprising their popular roles
☑ Brought back unpopular video games like Metroid
☑ Blowing everything up



On the other hand, if they hadn't, Genndy may not have had time to finish Samurai Jack.

Still requesting you add 'Hijacked the most prestigious Sci-Fi literary award' (Hugos).


Not so sure it was a good idea to rush finishing Samurai Jack.

I liked the final season.

Jack was rushed as fuck during the last 5 eps honestly I could of waited, cause it being 15 would of been ideal.

I'm guessing diaperfur.

I think we had Hugo-related ones, but that's several lists back because it would have been in 2015.

Was it axed because they didn't think people know Popeye nowadays?

Already did this a long while ago. None of the anons believed the conclusions from what I found.
Funimation is Harmony Gold.

True. I think it could've used more time. Also think Jack should've had a final showdown with Future Aku before going back to the past.

It's a melancholy feeling that this clip drums up in me.

On the one hand, that clip just gave me cancer. On the other hand, at least that cancer will kill me soon so I won't have to share a world with a fucking emoji movie.

Cause Sony is desperate for money

Yet the ESA promotes this bitch.


Reminds me of webm related

Their senior employees were former Harmony Gold staff.

Really makes you think

Funi thinks they're unstoppable.

tbh Popeye was good when i was like 6 - 7 but ever since i grew up i ve found it unfunny and bland, still no excuse to put out a movie based on emojis

The first 5 episodes were god tier! But lord I don't understand AS knew this show was going to give them millions of views yet they allowed it to be rushed.

You can hide your manko but you can't hide your mistakes

I'll give him benefit of the doubt here. The site is acting really fucky right now.

☑ Ruining the careers of J2E translators by supporting TD
☑ Encouraging Japanese xenophobia
☑ Fanning the flames of distrust and hatred for a unified world government

Wasnt a double post, he just made a their/they're error

Fair enough.
Though I find it hilarious how any reference to the Sad Puppies and goons seem to just magically appear

Fuck my typos. Have a milf Yoko.

Nice try user.

>pressing PrtScr automatically activates the [Screencap] button
>crashed my browser trying to capture b924ce's mistake

You are most likely just a sperg, m8
Actually nevermind, you are most definitely a sperg

Didn't notice.

Prepare that manko.

Fine, have that manko.

I wonder if SJW's have night terrors where anime girls are on top of them?

That's really gay, so yes.

We already got several on previous lists.

Sadly while the 2015 Hugos were a hilarious shitshow in 2016 they seem to have countered the strategy and thus it was very boring and filled with even more PC crap. I expect the same this year.

My post is right there you dumbass motherfucker.

Yeah, you're right maybe beautiful women instead.

You mean where ebil goobergrapers are chasing them out of the vidya industry.

People have their reasons user
I still think he's okay, just not as funny, engaging or audience-minded as he used to be.
Also his post-election tweet disappointed me. He'd done a good job of keeping away from politics up to that point.

dripping wet mankos are the fucking best

here is you super compressed webm I guess, even though i think your priorities are a bit mixed up

Now I'm imagining Anita having a night terror where she's getting chased by sargons head


Sounds like a fun game.

I still absolutely love the old Fleischer ones, but I just love Fleischer cartoons in general. At least Cuphead is still coming out.

i'm sure she has sex dreams about sargon and tf00t taking turns on her.

i know i do.

Now show me some tight boimanko, faggot

Nah, that's just the vidya gaem journos.

It'll be like a walking simulator, where the player as Anita navigates a creepy, shitlord-infested mansion/condo/frathouse (got to maximize the misoginy), where every room has a disturbing bust of Sargon's head in it. Always looking right at her. Watching her.
Just a statue. Not doing anything else.
Just watching.
Always watching.

Embed related.
(the video didn't embed in previous post)

Mansitting simulator.

Mansplaning simulator

Fuck you.

How is that related to soccer

If you praise god after making a goal he gives you an angel girl.
Trust me.

Cause everyone wanna soccer titties

And, here's Spider-Man: Homecoming (Something to really get upset about since the greatest sin for The Emoji Movie is just…being bland. If it was actually funny, then it would have softened the blow.).

I miss the 2nd wave feminists who knew the increasingly esoteric arts of "arguing rationally with facts" and "debating respectfully in good faith".


That's not how you ask for things, nigger

I've had enough of your shit carlos, one more fucking word and it's over.

I enjoyed this movie, but it was clear that character was there to be the SJW.
"Hurr durr Washington Monument was built by slaves." No it wasn't.
"Gotta get in muh protests!" How relevant.

Wait is Flash a poo in loo.

I guess you dont know the who, what and why behind the movement.

Don't some claim they never existed and that they were just marxists trying to destroy families?


because diversity.

Karen Straughan might be the person claiming that.

They made a lot of characters like that.
Main love interest was bi-racial black/white. Flash was hispanic, MJ was black.

also apparently there are no longer any bullies in the world, only rich people that think of themselves above others.
Never mind the whole "stop bulling thing" that these same people have been screaming for years.

Because they want indians to have self hate then a reconsile moment prep for agent venom since white people are not allowed redemption stories

Also to be fair, MJ isn't actually "Mary Jane" as far as well know.

Because the fucknuts in charge of this movie completely missed the point behind Spider-Man.
This fucking abomination that is Hslaf (because I refuse to call it Flash) isn't even a meathead jock. He's a goddamn member of Peter's MATH CLUB and is somehow smarter than him too.

Specifically, a Guatemalan

Was there even a fucking Mary Jane in the movie? Is anything about this even fucking Spider Man? Isn't this shitty reboot now part of the Marvel cinematic universe since Spidey was in Civil War? I don't remember other the Marvel movies being this openly pozzed. Haven't seen Ant Man though.

Watch it Bobby, your ego might become diabetic too.

Antman was plain, kinda painfully so actually. And it follows the wrong antman scott, when pim and his whole "lets rehabilitate evil" was more interesting.


Ant Man has only wisps of pozzedness. They gave a bit part to a prominent youtube feminist.

Well, I say 'prominent'; she made one video and then basically fell off.

I don't buy Holla Forums's habit of claiming everything they dislike is a corrupt and malicious hivemind.

1st wave had misandric motives, 3rd wave everyone here knows about, but 2nd had virtuous people who did some serious good in the world.

And if ai recalled in a miles comic, they actually mocked her for her orgasms at miles being black, with miles and his asian friend calling her an idiot. the asian in the movie I think is supposed to be miles' asian friend

You can buy into the idea of feminism without knowing what the actual intented effects are, thats how it got popular in the first place.

Think about what Dr. Jordan B. Peterson said about feminists, SJWs, post-modernists & Marxists:

That's assuming that there's always an ulterior motive, but usually someone is able to make an ulterior motive appear from the most well intentioned movement.

Same with socialism

If you think women should legitimately have the right to vote you're retarded.


Didja get yer cap son?

Have a (You)

The washington monument thing pisses me off. How retarded do you have to be to not know the history behind it.

Now I know why mark was so upset at wasting cake money on that movie

Yeah that made me pretty mad when the fucking curator agreed with her.

Name one so I can tell you how wrong you are.

If you want we could alway go back to when right to vote meant military service or being rich.

either include women in the draft, or take away their right to vote. it doesn't make any sense to let people to vote for wars when they themselves will not be forced to fight in them.

Public education and student coddling of retardation.

To play the doubles advocate, the right to vote was originally bound to military service. Those who would die in wars were the ones to vote one who was to lead.

He posted one.

I cant believe this is the only post on Holla Forums regarding this topic. Even Holla Forums has a thread laughing at the pedophile.
>>>Holla Forums10197545

Arent they currently putting women into the draft?

You mean:

No he didn't.

I didn't think I could think any less of him than I already did, way to go mark.

We need to re-institute literacy tests and prevent women from voting. It's that simple, no need to be a fag about it.

Same with fascism, m88.


Holy shit, that's bad. Especially to what they did to Macross. Got any sources to back that up?

How new are you, fag? Did you learn what (you)'s are from r/4chan?

sure. until the next election when the subject becomes relevant again and everybody agrees that women must never be drafted. also, it wouldn't be enforced. also, women would just get themselves pregnant to get out of it if it ever did get enforced.


Because it's old news. Unless something new happens, they already got shat on all over social media and had a cleanup of their site to scrub out any references to him. Not much else to do expect mock them if you feel like it.

Im well aware. I also never come to 8ch.
Im here on visitation just for the night.

All they have to say is that whitey wrote the history books and some "leading expert in black history" said claimed that it was actually blacks who did the manual labor and conveniently not mentioned that it was designed by whitey as any indication as to whitey's involvement weakens the effect of the propaganda. They'll be believed by the naive, regurgitated by all the MSM, and eventually the alternative history will make it's way to the white house where it will be set in stone in the public's eyes. See the false 70% figure I keep having to correct dumb, but not cucked, normalfags about.

Wew lad

Feminism has been an ideological cancer since it's invention by Charles Fourier.
Originally, Feminism was an ideology which contended that the value of a society should be judged by the quantity of liberties granted to women specifically.
It has ties to Marx's, "history as oppressed vs oppressor," narrative by way of Shulamith Firestone's 1970 book, "The Dialectic of Sex."
Firestone argued that for all of civilized history, women have been oppressed by men.
This is the general narrative surrounding modern feminism (and by extension, intersectional social justice).
Good things were brought out of 2nd-generation feminism, however, if you listen to the accounts from 2nd-gener's like Based Mom, you'd see that feminism has always had distinctly anti-egalitarian designs.

Is the cuckchan rep back to shill?


Arent women in the states part of the draft now though? I thought thats what made a bunch of prominent feminist figures mad last year. And I say force the rich to always fight in the front lines or be executed to even attempt draft doging in the slightest.

is this child pornography?

Are you guys farting these? Is anybody doing anything at all?







Wait are they finally going to bang?


Patrician taste.

He paid 40 fucking dollars for the ticket and some popcorn.


Destructoid just got purchased by that guy.

I think he just might be /ourguy/

Now THIS is a must read. Take notes, user.

Wait is that from the actual manga? Are they finally developing a romance subplot for them?

is this dungeon meshi?

Anyone seen that picture of all the journos sounding off about the dunkey video?

I actually decided to look up the Washington monument, and they didn't do a damn thing with it until 1832, and didn't actually start construction until 1848. Then they stopped in 1861 to devote funds toward the Civil War, and returned to constructing it in 1876 and finished it by 1884. How is it during any of that time was there slaves involved in building it?

yes and wasnt a romance subplot
she was teaching him magic

Other than the fact that he's one of (((them))), there's nothing suspicious.

Stay watchful, user?

if I can say two good things about it, I like that they had a japanese district to give a nod to where emoji's come from (something most people who use them or would want to see this probably don't know) and making emoticons the elderly was an alright gag.

That doesnt seem erotic at all, shes just gonna feel like he has to take a super slimy piss.

Just by the ads I want to say the premise if "not wanting to be deleted" was ripped off from wreck it ralph.

So I brows Holla Forums and Holla Forums every day and didn't hear about this until it was "old news". Holly shit this containment thread is working too good. What the fuck is wrong with you GG? In the past everyone and their grandmother would have heard about this two days before it even happened.

of course it will be. There will be nothing original about this movie. They came up with a premise first and then tried to fit a safe bet movie plot around it

peeing feels great

This is pretty low tier.

Wait, bladders don't need to spoilered?

It's a perfect anatomical sketch of what happens when you get slime up your urethra.


Science is not porn

Not slime, that shits gonna get stuck everywhere inside her vag.

Lurk harder feggit.

It's magic cleaning slime. It leaves nothing behind.

The new owner of Destructiod is open to criticism.

Can't tell if that's sarcasm, did I get something wrong?


Because GG is only filled with retards who lost sight of the original goal and got distracted by delusions of grandeur

I thought it was because we liked porn?

What have we done today that got shills' jimmies rustled like this?

You know, the thing he have been talking about the past 2 threads. The guy who bought Destructoid is willing to clean the house

ye and what the fuck do you want us to do about it
flooding the guys mentions will only be fucking retarded

No he's right it's time to #closethegate

Fuck, you people are disgusting

Seems useful.

CNN and Dunkey shit has the shills really mad.

Sorry, I'm not here during the weekends (and Monday for this particular week), so I get lost during that time.

(((Menashe Kestenbaum)))
Oy vey, Its in good hands goy!

Hey, nothing to lose here as long as you keep in mind you are dealing with a kike.

There's not much and we've already talked about some of the notable things.
We should probably focus on that last one.

user, this is one of those times you take a step back and let him work. If we spam it can have a drastically detrimental effect towards cleaning house.

Still waiting on that "Original goals" statement by the butthurt faggot.

I will be sure to check on your Reddit containment thread more often. To think the last time GG had any interesting News was when the Revolttards got Alison Rapp Fired two years ago.

That too.

Nice revisionism there faggot, revolt, using your kike terms, kvetch at GG being the SJWs getting Alison Rapp fired while taking credit for kiwifarms work, suggest you lurk more or get the fuck back to cuckchan.


Also forgot, "two years ago", better get your fucking timeline checked, now kill yourself.

You guys just up and out yourselves right away now, dontcha?

So what's the background on Harmony Gold & the relation to Funimation?

He should really get back to cancer central in halfchan, his date on rapp's firing is a little off by one year.

LOL. What a gay.

Boy, how time flies.

Hey (119) and I see revolt here to sperg


That happened a week ago and I already forgot about it. Though someone posted a screen this thread or the previous on of a gaf poster pointing it out and unsurprisingly getting banned.

Found the revoltard.

Meant for &
I've never heard of Harmony Gold

ok i havent been for a week or so.
what happened to LeoPirate's channel?


all videos are private?

There was an user trying to catalog all the anti-vidya and anti-Nippon stuff from throughout the years. He was making images grouping together similar shitty articles based on topics or what their failings were like
>Anti-Violence When vidya doesn't cause it
>Anti-Racism When vidya isn't even racist
I had suggested a timeline of all the worst offenders throughout the years, and I haven't noticed him posting in a while. Is he still working, and could he use help?

I believe Funi was being compared to Harmony Gold, not connected.

Me either.

They're the reason Macross stuff doesn't get localized. They refuse to let go of the rights, yet also refuse to do anything with the series.

I thought he pulled a DELET EVERYTHING and dropped off the face of the internet. Some user should have his short GG primer webmed.

More like two.

Eh, found this, came out two days ago.

They're allegedly still working on that live-action Robotech movie after seeing Pacific Rim. After that failure of trying to relaunch the series during the early 2000s.

I think I saw the English dub of that being advertised for some streaming channel

I know it's a dub, but was it any good?

Robotech is actually a Frankenstein's monster of 3 different shows made by a guy named Carl Macek back in the 80's. It's kind of infamous.


I never watched it.

I had these articles saved, but they're more recent.
Pic 1
Pic 2
Pic 3

user, you seriously don't know what Robotech is? ask /a/ or /m/ about it, you'll get a lot of screeching, and it's not technically a dub when they just hackneyed and cobble several anime series, made their own original stories and got original american voice acting for it.

Try the original 1985 series, the entire show should be floating around, assuming you haven't heard or watched Macross, you won't have any problems with the inconsistencies.

tl:dr its another Voltron without respecting it's source material.

She was still a pedo/pedo apologist wasn't she?

They do have connections, of a sort. Ex-HG people are either presently working for Funi or have worked for them after their stint with HG. Essentially while under another name Funi did what Univision's done to Gawker after HG folded back in the 90s.

Remember how they raped FASA in court for having Macross units in Battletech?
Or how Ben Dunn's Antarctic Press couldn't put out their comics through American distributors otherwise HG will immolate their company on sight?
Or how the Mekton RPG had to retool their books to remove direct references to Macross in fear of ending up like FASA?
Or how Kawamori & the rest of Studio Nue had to go incognito in the U.S. while doing field research for Macross Plus, since he couldn't even use the Macross property in American soil without somehow violating IP?
Good times.

Guess the name of his company.

Watermark these screenshots with the archived link URL. Compile all that you got.

I can't believe the dude with an Etna tattoo on his arm is pretending to be grossed out by titty games now.

The amount of Szechuan Scroll Scrawlings I've watched for being on a Szechuan Scroll Scrawling forum is stupidly low. I'm talking single digits. So yeah, I'm almost entirely unfamiliar with everything. I guess I'll check it out, if it's too shit I'll bail, if I can survive, I guess I'll have learned and will go stronger to find less shit shows.

It was the original 1985 version being advertised by the way.

Maybe I'll just play vidya tonight.

Harmony Goldberg, quite the thing when you can get the entire Mech enthusiast community to hate on your guts for being super kikes.

Well go watch it, if you are curios enough, go watch the first episode of Robotech then watch the first episode of the original Macross series, you'll see quite them "masterful" editing by the Robotech guys.

Thats gonna go so wonky ass.

apparently he made a vidme account

gimme the name

Was he doxxed or something? Why the cut and run?

He's got a good beard, he'll live.

Dungeon Travelers Tamaki no Oyuugi

Bit of an update on this.
Seems hes railed the convo into "Sexism" much as Ive tried to keep it from that. I'm about to just take the L and back out. Hes saying that my saying it has nothing to do with ZQ and her being a woman is irrelevant is the same as the "I don't see color" when it comes to racism and thus what I've said is invalid or something. Don't really know how to combat stupidity like this, I'll be honest.

By the way anons, I ask for a favor:

Can you edit the flag of this picture to either represent Feminist Frequency or feminism in general with captions saying "The Male Gaze Police Force"? Thanks.

Done. Also should add New Zealand vs. Gal Gun for Anti-Nippon

why do you care about his post election tweet? you seriously think Trump is all that much better than shillary when he slurps Israel's semen?

And anons, if you got more screenshots like have with regards to the swarm of hitpieces of our feminist "friends" against Japanese-made video games on how "sexist", "misogynist" or "problematic" they are, contribute too. Compilation is needed.

You ain't seen nothing yet

As I said, there was an user doing this, I think he said he was going all the way back to the 80s or 90s. Not sure if he's still working on it.

top kek

to be fair, etna doesn't have titties.

Now this makes me wonder if there's a happening going on right now. I'll stay on the alert, thanks shill-kun.
I wonder what's got you so flustered. The CNN debacle, the user leaking 28,000 more emails, or guccifer, or something else altogether?
Its even more obnoxious over on Holla Forums I see.

Now I'm *really* suspicious.

I thought they hid TOR Ids for some reason

She was then, and she presumably still is now, but that wasn't ever relevant to Treehouse's censorship. She wasn't a localizer, she was something irrelevant like PR that we didn't care about.

Point is she wasn't among the ones tainting the games, so we kept our focus on the ones that were.

That was a shill lying and trying to pretend he was multiple different people using Tor even though he didn't have a Tor ID.

Wonder what Jason "Lolicons are for Pedos" Schreier would say.

Eh, she deserved worse than firing.


So how about that captcha?





Oh good, it wasn't just me.

Here's a few more to add on

Can I post yet or is the captcha still broken?

these are hilarious, what's the artists name?



Fucking hell, this isn't a hard concept to grasp OR fuck up.

Why don't any big tittied 3DPDs ever call them out on that shit? And Honoka's tits are far from "impossible" maybe if they stopped shielding their eyes when ever they see tits they would figure this out.

Marvel and DC disagree, apparently.


Sorry I broke the captcha earlier. Its fixed now.

So, business as usual then.

The English voice actress for Sorceress in Dragon's Crown did that. I'll see if I can find an article of her doing so before I fall asleep.

For godsakes, Superman had these OUTLANDISH powers in early books, just the stupidest shit, spider man had fucking stingers and could talk to spiders at one point.

I still dont know why everyone thinks im gay.

We must be really rump roasting them lately.



Because there aren't that many women that actually give a fuck?

l-leave me alone. You try red-texting and all-capping everything besides the board name and tell me how it looks
It looks fucking weird


Found it.

That guy who called out the friday the thirteenth devs for banning him and lying about why multiple times cucked out. The devs are now saying how they are getting doxed and harrassed. Other people who made videos are now privatizing them since they feel so bad for the devs about everything. People actually believe the devs despite getting caught lying.

Another things is that the devs are now saying the guy threatened to rape a kid despite it being confirmed as him insulting a kid. Now the cuck is hated by everyone and is out 40 dollars.

Thank goodness for archives.

Shame the devs went full Burch and censored their own game.

My minds trying to figure out whats being stetched here. the sleeve tie not rape is still the best version of these things.

I have an odd feeling they pulled a CNN on the kid.

nice trips tho

According to that thread the little bitch's both a cuckchanner and a plebbitfag, not surprising he caved in over fake shit.

Well at least she's admitting it's just an opinion.

Same here, but looking at the artist's work, it's probably one of her holes.

FUG meant for

It is just fucking retarded since now people are so scared they went back on their beliefs and trying to justify the devs lying, devs pretty much taking money away, the devs showing preferential behavior, and the devs also banning people for shit talking in a game where you murder people.

The devs have even been spreading the guy as being a pedo and the people who side with them as helping that.

That's a kinda shitty tattoo, but luckily it's not the worst I've seen.
Line work is not too bad (though the pre-shading on the thigh-highs is terrible) but the color fill is really bad.
This is definitely somebody who has no idea how to do an anime styled piece of artwork.
I'm not a fan of tattoos in-general, but if you're going to have somebody near-permanently mar your body, at least make sure you find a talented guy and make damn sure to pay him well, otherwise you end up with this.

The content was too troublesome, it seems.
The dumbest thing about it is that 2D animation is relatively expensive. Re-doing shit that's already done to appease people that aren't playing your game anyway is not only stupid, it means you wasted money that could have been spent improving other aspects of your game.
The artist actually draws some of the most degenerate shit, but panties in vidya was apparently a step too far.

The exact same thing could be said about male characters. Video games have shitty writing, who would have thought?

I don't see how pantyshots are troublesome.


no furries allowed

She's talking more along the lines of

Also, I forgot to mention that whole idea falls apart when you take into account the METRIC SHIT TON' of Nip games that feature almost exclusively female characters.

she is human


Guys whatever you do, do not google miss skeletal pussy and click on the first link you see.

don't doesn't matter Marche


I assume its that spooky scary sekelton emo whos vagina fell off a few years back

You're doing it wrong you fucking furfag.

Old news.

Why am I just now hearing about it

I had to look, to curious, no wonder she's so skinny, that's where it all went.

Maria is a cute.
a cute
doll is still better

Will this image help puffy vulva fags understand that it's an insult as puffy vulva is usually the cause of an STD?

You know what's funny? Senran Kagura passes their retarded "Bechdel test" with flying colors. But you can't count that because their tits are too big.

caused by*

Why not both.

puffy vulva fags confirmed for pozfags

And they're getting bigger which each game.


Uh oh, looks like the clickbaiting faggot will soon get what has been coming to him for a long time.

Jed Whitaker on suicide watch

Are you she's not just getting closer to the point of view in each of those images?

I think the original outfit is her best **and that the ones post burst lost some diversity in the body shapes and bust sizes.

your trips can't save you

why doesn't she have nipples?

aras need nipples

No, face-to-boob ratio is definitely different for each.

go home furfag

She double sided tapes her nipples to the bottom of the outfit. artist error

Hitler has graced me with his blessing and thus all furries shall be gassed

Send it to the lab for analysis.

I think why they lost some of the figue diversity in everyone aside from mirai was because shinovi had lazier modelers.

NEW Cap America is a Lesbian Latina? Talk about killing a book before its even out. I'm shocked /co hasn't committed mass suicide the way comics have been going these last 15 years.

Even that won't save you.

Is her nemesis Tonald Drump, a wealthy racist cis scum bigot president of the USA, by any chance?

I dunno why I find nazifurs funny, but I do.

something about der furher.

You need to go back

its funny because of autistic SJWfurries get
SJWfurries are just so retarded that its funny

unlike SJWeebs who are just cancer

SJWfurries vs Nazifurs fighting in the streets when?

is this child pornography?

So, does this mean that destructoid might be hiring soon? I might try to apply for an unpaid job there writing about old games i play. Sounds comfy.

from what Ive seen its kinda might happen
they are basically using their shitty furcons as a battele ground

Topkek. Wait a second?
>from what Ive seen
What are you doing at furcons user?


I dont
I often get linked dumb furry drama on twitter to laugh at

Oh wait, you're the furfag.

Reminder that game journos are only attacking Dunkey's video because his audience is bigger than theirs and he has his own brand instead of being tied to a specific site.

Is it possible to get "shadowbanned" on steam?
I tried going into Friday the 13 discussions page and i cannot quote anyone or make a brand new post in any thread and yet i don't have that message that i have been banned from discussions anywhere, every other game lets me comment away with no problems.

Make a comment, log out and switch IP, then check if comment is visible.
Easy verification.

That's the thing, i can't comment on that particular game at all, and i haven't been given a ban of any kind anywhere in my steam profile.
I just posted a comment here and there during the initial shitstorm.

Why haven't we thrown all leftists out of helicopters yet?

Helicopters are expensive

also murder laws.

That's a lot of helicopters. Where's the money gonna come from? You're not gonna take it from the wealthy and middle class are you? Fucking commies.

can't hear you over the sound of Zyklon B

because of irony

The world would be thrown off balance if that happens.

Indeed. It's being poured into your gas chamber, because you've been infected too.

don't worry about me, i'm safe, furryism isn't infectious

Does he ends killing everyone? The manga infurated me because everyone was shit except the pet girls and the brosmith.

Wear a fucking hazmat suit around those fuckers when you're exterminating them for Christ's sake.

I was (35) and now I'm a (1). What the fuck happened and did it happen to and too?

i'll wear a hazmat suit just because they're gross but everyone without a certain type of autism should be immune

I just got in and looked at the thread.

God damn Danbooru's userbase is cucked.

The important tell will be if gets taken down like they apparently tried for Wendy's memes. A faggot userbase can be ignored by just not reading comments, which is pretty standard practice for anyone, but if the mods keep up with taking shit down because they don't like it, it's a different matter. I wouldn't go there at all if they didn't have so many doujins translated.

I've seen nothing but praise from the right about Japan for having a strong cultural and ethnic identity. Meanwhile the left has been slandering them as pedophiles and demanding that they import foreign cultures.

Never forget.


Trump looks so cute.

If anything, the right repsects almost all cultures.

Something people might be interested in

>>>Holla Forums10223542
CNN airport contract ending in 90 days
I don't like copying topics off T_D / cuckchan but this one is important. Forcing people to watch or listen to this shit should be a federal offense and needs to be turned off. Call / tweet / message AAAE and tell them not to renew their contract with CNN.

Oh my…

I'll keep you all posted.

Im pretty sure that happened a couple days ago.

Isn't that just for getting #Focus trending though?

I guess so.



Worse, it's SJW Central. Prominent antiGGs are there.

DeepFreeze is going to be attacked.

Bonegolem is going to be hunted. Guaranteed doxed, employers caled, etc.

If you ever wanted to support him via Patreon/PayPal, now's the time. As long as the site was just this cute little thing (like a WWE.gif) shared amongst goobbergabbies, it was fine… but it's been noticed.

They're coming.

Bring it.

Everyone will be doxed eventually. Sad, but will happen.

Do commies seriously not understand the difference between forced and choice?

They want you to give them your stuff for free and they don't care how that is achieved.

Some of them understand that doing that is evil, some of them genuinely don't.



I'm going to puke, thanks Marche.

why does that lady have facial stubble?

If Internet SJW demographics were the norm, the world would be 90% trannies.

They don't. That remains true no matter what comes after that part of your question.

You had one fucking job, tranny. One fucking job and you blew it

Friend of the working class :^)

Related I guess.

If you replace the word trannies with traps the world would be a better place.

I feel nothing at this point, it's like all those trannies on twitter managed to destroy my soul bit by bit.
>mfw my school bus driver back in grade school became one of them except he doesn't post on Twitter I think, I don't have Twitter
>mfw he also has a son that turned gay and those degenerates might be doing something I seriously hope they don't actually do

That flag is on the inside of the glass, the stenciling is clean, and there are dress mannequins. Is that actually an antifa clothing store?


That or the owners bought that flag in the hopes their store wouldn't be ransacked, it worked.

The thing throwing me off from thinking that is the declaration of human rights on the window. That's some fantastic foresight if it's a work.

I think I have insomnia. I was up at 12 am and still going. Had a hard time sleeping for a while too.

OK, I'm at a loss. Someone shared this facebook post of Tim Soret (the dev that was forced to apologize on stage because he was an evil goober) that basically shits on feminism… and seems to have been made after his "apology".

I don't want to get hype, it's a frog, but something tells me it was a fake apology to keep the game, so nothing is changed.
We'll see about that when the game is out.

by who?

The new owner of destructoid and everyone who follows him on twitter.

Good evening

Really nigga? REALLY?!

I wonder what would have happened if Tim Soret decided that he would rather get in more trouble than be forced to apologize on stage.

|**'''''ARCHIVE EVERYTHING.'''''**|

just for fun


Robin Ek needs our support, so archiving their articles won't help one bit.

I'm 59e053, I restarted my router because it's fucking up.

Archive everything.

Archiving everything is a very good action, but don't forget to help rebuild and support good sites by also sharing the original site and article next to it each time, if possible even before the archive, so people prefer giving them hits.

support whoever you want, but archive everything. that is, in the literal sense of the word 'archive'. keep records.

Also trips



You fucking know why.

Nice try, you faggot.




Could you really contradick yourself that bad.


Get trucked, VAL!!!!



Seeing as I read that as >Evil Koeran.jpg, I should take a minute to ask, has the Korean been here lately?


No offense, Val

He has some kind of hormonal imbalance thing, when he gets back his in for a world of trap bullying.

Gookanon is have hormonal imbalance as of months ago and he's recovering, I hope. I'm really worried about him. He's been a great help to #GamerGate letting us known what is happening at Kimchiland.

I don't know the artist, I took it from this gallery. Page 20.

Did Kim's ladyboy assassins get to him too?

Hormonal imbalance? I don't think it's sex hormones, dude, if it's bad.

Hormone imbalance, which is why he was flustered from all the gay jokes thrown at him.

The fat guy has ladyboy assassins?

None taking, love.

now I feel bad. i kept asking him for dick pics in earlier threads.

How could you miss the multiple breads discussing this? It just goes to show that you don't actually browse here, this was big news both here and twatter and that Holla Forums is slow as shit

This was already brought to people's attention breads ago, also drawing attention to it is a retarded idea because it will give antis a signal light to sperg about the source being GG and get the guy to backpedal when he realizes the source. So no, I won't fart it for that exact reason

That wasn't true, just a derailing faggot trying to damage control when caught.

Why do they fall for this every time? WHY? When the drama starts this is how they deflect. Goddamn people are so stupid.

At least post the unarchived post with it so people can support rebuild.

I'm not better, I asked him to wear the dress.


Fuck reddit. What sub was this in?

the archive has the url to the original right in it

see, here it is: thegg.net/opinion-editorial/art-over-politics-separating-the-creator-from-the-work/

you pretty much have to go to the original anyway because of how archive messes up the layout in such a way that puts other elements over the text so you can't read it…

Friday the 13th video game.

They killed a relative of his earlier.


What the fuck do you think? Why do you think he went up on stage in front of thousands, both in-person and online to make an apology about near three year-old posts that had nothing to do with his game? They forced him to! They pressured him! The games industry is still not safe for devs yet. We know this, and we should be ashamed that things got to the point where Soret got up on stage and had to do that. Why did GG start god damn it? We wanted a place where we could enjoy the games we wanted to. Not "oh this game has tits, it's misogynistic," or "Oh a man saves a woman, it's trash," not even "Oh this game is good, but some friend-of-a-journo has a game coming out now too, so no coverage for you." It's been said before, but Soret's situation is exactly what used to get our blood boiling, and what did we do? We sent a few tweets, shit talked his publisher in the thread and let him get rolled over. Why did we get so complacent? What made us turn so apathetic and flippant? Sure, we're all kinda like that when it doesn't come to vidya, we are anons after all, but come the fuck on!

Look at this shit . You have some guy critiquing a dev, and he's getting blasted off whatever forum he's on, being slandered and accused of RAPE of all fucking things, and what does the moron user and this idiot have to fucking say about it? Cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck. He doesn't deserve help, cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck. Have you forgotten the lay of the land here? Not everyone is user, not everyone has that advantage in the industry. They have personal lives that the clique can slander and drag. They STILL can get absolutely destroyed on a whim if the clique want a person to be. We've accomplished a fuck ton, but we are FAR from a landscape where every dev is totally free to make what they want, every gamer to say/like what they want to. Pretending that anyone who's getting thrown under a bus in vidya and rolls over is simply a spineless coward is fucking retarded, and I can't even begin to talk about how counter-productive it is. We haven't won yet. We've definitely been winning, but we are not at the point where devs and gamers are completely free of the menace. There are still people who are going to get dragged. There are still unethical journos, and dev cliques that are going to fuck over good people. We have to keep fighting this shit.

And hell, look. As I'm writing this, this post pops up. They're still getting away with the same shit! "We were doxed, we don't need to show you proof." "Believe internet victims when they say gamers attacked them." Fuck me, if I didn't know any better, I'd say that screenshot was from fucking 2014! You've gotte be fucking kidding me if you think we should just let this shit happen.

The ride never fucking ends. Get your ass up. Clean your room if you have to. We still need to save vidya.

I know user. You're right. It's just sad.


They see blackmail as a valid tactic now. It's working like they want. Be wary.

of course, even if he doesn't parade it

Eat pork tonight, brothers.

Nice source, I now know it's real.

The head of the snake is dead, but it already leaked out of Syria and Iraq. It's a good victory for us but we still need to stay on guard. Have a Lili.

I don't like pork as a meat what should I do?

This guy sure likes dying a lot. Whats this? His 4th time?

Just google it you lazy faggot
Most of my sources are in french, here are two I found in engo

Eat donkey. I'm sure there's a list out there of what muslims can't eat, surely it's the same list for jews.

Not really, it's just that a few weeks ago russia claimed they'd killed him but there was no confirmation aside from it. This time more organizations are saying it's real indeed.

Any good news today? Any bad news? I don't need anymore bad news. Give me good news. Pat my head and tell me everything is fine


This is some good news as is saying.



I'm catholic

D-Toid's new corporate overlord is consulting DeepFreeze as advice on changing the staff.

The European Court accepted Belgium's ban on the niqab, saying this doesn't violate the European Constitution.

Whoops, I must've fucked up somewhere, my bad.

Then inbetween your little-boy-fucking sessions, eat something that goes against muslim prescriptions.

Grasping the stupidity of normalfags to fall for such weak emotional manipulation is always hard.

I think the internet helps a lot on this, since they don't even need to be minimally good at acting, and normalfags are shit at capturing the emotion by text.

Really the problem with the banned guy is that people also want to have the help that you're offering them, otherwise the situation can just escalate with no benefit except to the ones causing the issue. In this case, the guy backed down hard the second he heard about some nebulous mass led by the Head Mod of Holla Forums leaving Praetorian's grandmother outside to freeze to death. This is also less than 24 hours after he was accused multiple times of sexually harassing minors, so there's two easy ways to spin his back down as an admission of guilt just because he lost nerve. And I don't have a single doubt in my head that it would be used if he changed his mind. I'm not saying that nothing should be done, or people shouldn't be outraged, but he's dug himself a nice pit.


He is a cuck and he needs to suffer now.
You never back down to these scumbags.

Are these niggas serious?

Those fags are really shit at doing any sort of comedy.
Not surprising from a group of people without any sense of humor.


Oh boy, how will we ever recover from this one?

EPEP is going to be the new wojak in those comics where he shits all over him. Calling it now.

Forced meme is forced.

This is fucking amazing.

Well Pepe did leave a feels bad void in the world, looks we found a feels bad toad and he will only be posted with a smug Pepe in the background.

We already have wojak for that.


Wojak died mang.

The curious thing is that EPEP looks like a filthy muslim/mexican/nigger with no class nor style.

Also, when are making the rest of the Boy's Club into Right wing mascots?

either that or no one will ever, ever care about this shitty forced meme and he will disappear into obscurity within days.


Maybe we should turn Wojak into one of the good guys?

Im a girl


Nobody cares.


Fake news.

Prove it. Put a microphone up your pussy and have a baby right now.

Oh wait, you can't, cause you're a guy.

I would like to know this as well.


Apparently CNN did an article on it too, but I can't find the damn thing. All that's being passed around is this picture. Also, it appears the Epep (Or Apep) was the Egyptian version of Satan.

Is this the perfect bait?

No benis no buy.

I wish I was a girl, because then I probably wouldn't be all alone

why did they make him a toad? he's their mascot, why do they want to be represented by a gross, wart-riddled toad?

Let's see who will win the meme wars.

Praise kek.

its called not having self awareness

If I was a girl, i want to be attractive. No one wants to be an ugly girl. But multiple orgasms would be nice regardless.

To make it totally oposite to Pepe the frog.

Besides, it fits greatly with the sandnigger/mexican/nigger/refugee look.

That seems to be made by a Holla Forumsak who hates trumpists.

What's all this about a video making the rounds that has SJWs throwing a huge temper tantrum? Also, the seinfeld tweet is included because it made me chuckle.

Even ugly girls are happily married, usually to a man out of her league. It doesn't matter how ugly a girl is, there's always a good looking guy with low self esteem willing to fuck her.
There's an app called "face app" that can change your face, while keeping the general proportions and overall shape. It turned my face into a girl, solid 6/10. I'd be happily married, in spite of my esteem issues and trust issues.


I'll just leave this here…

Has anyone found that Reddit screencap were the Commie wanted her Leftist ideaology to literally be fucked out of her, and be treated like a piece of meat during sex?

Still though, I simply don't want to be ugly. If I knew I'd look great as a girl i'd perform a ritual to make it happen ASAP, but there's no grantee I'd look good.

For fuck's sake, even for degrading kinks they are plebs and degenerates.

I want my raped sluts to be treated like pets and lazily pat their heads when not being fucked silly.

Pure coincidence

I don't understand why so many people are having trouble playing Crash Bandicoot.

They're filled with retards who make "OC" by niggerfying everything while having no original creativity and only basing things off of already existing frameworks.
This is no surprise whatsoever.

Funny because that actually why women rebel, because when someone treats them nice they have to force him to put force and make them submit, because that is what a woman ultimately craves, to be in the arm of a strong man.

I'm surprised they didn't make him fat with a tumblr nose too. Either way


Still,watching it, but so far he's built a solid as fuck case and is decimating gaming journalism. SOOOOOOOO of course SJWs shit their pants over it and are freaking out about gamergate, and calling the guy a racist and homophobic. Gee willikers, it's almost as if gamergate had to do with gaming journalism, and these scumbags just threw anything they could at it till something stuck.

Even neogaf is going to town. I'll never understand why they (SJWs) feel compelled to defend gaming journalism. This shit transcends them defending their ideology, this video is attacking the whole industry, not an individual reviewer. They're defending the act of gaming journalism. They see all the arguments, all the corruption, all the problems, and still they defend it.


Anything to maintain hold on their agenda and their ideology, user. That's the only explanation.

Yea, it's a sunk cost fallacy. they spent so much time calling anyone who calls out gaming journalists nazis when GG began that it has gotten to this point. Normal people aren't buying this. look at how much likes and dislikes the vid has.

I JUST made a comment on the video pointing that out.

Is this epep bait made by Holla Forums?

That would be funny if this was a joke, and they took the bait.

Man, fuck the trial of the sword in breath of the wild. I spent an hour getting to the last fight of the beginning trials, and the hinox threw a tree at me. I didn't even know they could throw trees! If I had a fairy I would've killed him, but the fairy earlier fled even though I was sneaking, something else I didn't know could happen.
I'm going to figure out how to do the hacking trick.

Have you heard the word on the net? TotalShitciut calling out people who are satisfied playing at 30FPS and how they are "cancer" of the video game community.


Nobody cares about skyrim with zelda

So far it's my least favorite zelda game. It's just a big empty world with tiny little half puzzles and no real dungeons, everything in the game is easy as hell to kill, even the final boss. The only times the game becomes hard is when it robs you of all your weapons, armor, and healing items and then puts you up against blue and black enemies.

It's a ok game but a shit Zelda game.

Atleast its a better skyrim than skyrim.

Holy fuck, at this point, there is no coincidence.

These fucking people.


Memeteor already happened didn't it? And now we are in hell fighting satan for all eternity.

Oh god dammit, here we go again

>tfw I find this out on my birthday

I'm not even shocked anymore.

They turned him into actual shit

I'm okay with this.

Happy birthday!

Wait, wasn't that made by some commietards in a europoor Antifa group?

The armies of Lord Kek, god of chaos, the "bringer in of light" wage war against the armies of Apep, the god of hate and despair. Like an old user once said, we're doomed to fight against demons in hell for eternity.

This shit just got waaaay cooler.

Apophis was manifested as a snake, not a frog if Egyptian history serves correct.

but I'm straight

I have this one


Remind me again about that BBC reporter who tried pushing her shit on the Girls und Panzer artist. Libshit, right? Just want to be sure.

Stacy dooly
Also got arrested for breaking laws in japan

Yeah, I know the name. It's her political alignment that I want to be sure of.


She is a massive moosie lover
What the fuck do you think

Stacey Dooley. She makes extremely shallow documentaries for the BBC's online only youth channel.

Her whole shtick is to go to some war torn/deprived shithole or perhaps meets some people that have controversial beliefs, walk around dismayed how people can live like this, and wraps it all up by saying "Wow this is terrible/disgusting, I hope this changes someday".

Stacey Dooley? Oh, she's a feminist, a lover of Sharia Law and a bonafide socialist.

Did she do that in a country under sharia law, by any chance?

I don't know which side of the political spectrum BBC is since I don't watch them (flip), only that they're shit. Thanks for clearing it up.

Took me a few moments to realize you weren't talking about moose's.

Use the upgraded Stasis rune, you Voba.

This guy created an account just to post this lol.

Arrested in japan?

IIRC some laws against filming near school property and/or filming someone without consent.

They are going all out on Donald trump jr. i am real sick of liberal witchhunts. Seriously, words can't express how pissed off I am about this.

I bet anything he works for IGN.

More fun facts on the left's new amphibious mascot:

controverscial.com/Animals and Witchcraft - Frogs and Toads.htm


For the most part, it seems like most places don't distinguish the difference between a frog and a toad (I wonder how telling that is).

Heres the documentary. She gets arrested about ten/fifteen minutes in for filming schoolgirls on the street. She spins it as the police trying to censor her when in reality its illegal to film people in public over there.


Tumblr has a buzzword for when white people judge other cultures but I can't remember it, not that tumblr would call her out on that Japs are White in their eyes.

There's a massive, upside down black penis on her chest.

The BBC are supposed to be nuetrual given the face the government extorts us to fund them but they're not they're biased as all fuck they just not as open about it like CNN or Fox they do it in a very passive aggressive way.


Just like the CBC in canada.

I believe there's a CNN in every nation. In France, we have absolutely fucking everyone on TV.

How about that, we have a French user who's not Val here. I feel for you, and my city burnt to the ground while my PM did fuck all about it.

Post tits with a timestamp.

I feel heavily for you, I'm still actually angry about Trudeau refusing the help of the US and Russia just for a couple of stick beaters from South Africa he didn't even get.
He should be overthrown for treason.

Isn't that every single state owned tv-channel?

Because Crash Bandicoot is the dark souls of platformers.


No seriously, am I going crazy? I have no problem playing the remaster at all.

Just how much can you suck you casual dumbass

You suck. Git gud. Also play the game with japanese dub








A bunch of newfags that haven't picked up a platformer that isn't Mario are having problems going through Crash. I'm glad Crash has got a remake since PS1/N64 era games aged badly in terms of aesthetics.

I am somewhat disappointed with the remake in some areas. Cortex is too over the top whereas in the original he seemed like a semi competent bad guy. And the atmosphere for this level is gone too.

Seriously, the moment a game challenges you a little bit, it's automatically compared to Dark Souls.

I'm waiting for the pc release to pirate it.

It's like when they compared games to Earthbound or Skyrim back then. They have no creative input in criticism and reviewing.

Dark Souls is like Harry Potter for video game journos.
fucking hell I love the game too but every day it feels more and more shameful to be associated with it

It became a meme game when it shouldn't have.

Demons souls is the dark souls of souls games.


We already know the japanese have shit taste in vidya

Here's an article that was taken down showing how easy it is to rig reddit by buying upvoats.
Luckily I archived it yesterday before it was taken down.

That title is so fucking bad and completely undermines them, what a bunch of retards. You didnt hack reddit and it would be bad if you did because it would fuck over your point.

I lost more respect for him for that than the shit you listed.

"Hack" has completely lost it's meaning since normalfags started using it. Even peeling a banana from the wrong end is a "hack" now.

No wonder his writing is so shit.

I don't care he made a 10/10 qt so his good in my books.


Know I understand why he put so much focus on butt.

I don't see any proof of that.

Never liked that in the first place.
It feels like chanology.

Eh, connecting *every* instance of Kekistani autists being autists to Sargon is kinda silly. He can't control people who are the "DAE DANK MEMES?" type. Is there any proof to them being Sargon fanboys besides kekistan?


time for a new thread?

Of course we can't know for sure who "inspired" them, but Sargon is by far the biggest popularizer of this particular spergfest.



polite sage

I think its grown beyond his hands and scope to be honest. Its like connecting every cringy "alt-lite" person with Trump and 8/pol/ and cuck/pol/ because they spread the meme propaganda that influenced these losers

What anime is this?

Dragonball Z
Do we have a baker?

Latest incest bait brought to you by A1.

I think it's called, I can't believe my sister draws hardcore lewds and sexually harasses her classmates.

My little sister can't be this much of a rehash.

Nevermind, I think it's called Eromanga based on this, it was in the description


Its like Holla Forums and leddit had a baby.

Nursing Maid.

What anime is this?

murenase shiiton gakuen

The layout is garbage though, it's worse then reddits.

The layout is garbage, but I'm more referring to the attitudes and willingness to say whatever you want. Its pretty rare that you see people on KiA call anyone besides "approved" people faggots (like NeoFag and whatnot)
I'm more referring to the community there.

I might state the obvious, but why is the Young Turks so shit?

Strangely enough, together with KYM before their mods caught on funnyjunk were the ones with the most accurate documentation regarding gobblegrape.

Isn't the KYM GG page still pretty good? I know there are problems elsewhere on the site but I thought we got that squared away at least.

I haven't checked in a while, I thought it got fucked.

It really is impressive how corporativist they are. You never find one of them dissenting, they always coordinate this shit. Persona 5, Anita at Vidcon, milkshake duck, Dunkey's video, and millions more these past few years.

Apep is the traditional chaos god in the struggle between chaos and order. He's represented by a snake because snakes have been our predators since we were monkeys, meaning we have an instinctive fear of the bastards.
Apep is chaos that needs to be controlled, where as Kek represents transformative chaos, hence the frog, an animal which lives amphibiously with one leg in order (land) and one in chaos (water).
Toads are just a subset of frogs, so I'm not certain what symbolism they're going for.

If there's one thing I've learned regarding AGG and their forced maymays it's their complete lack of knowledge regarding symbolism. They just take stuff and change it to fit their agenda while completely disregarding what made the original work in the first place.
While it's not AGG doing it, Epep isn't any different.

LOL NYT BTFO by Donald Trump jr.

So, after Tokyo…



I checked on their article and and it's heavily outdated, it stops at the SWSX 2016 panel.

The mods also refuse to let anyone add onto or comment on it because they don't want it to "dominate the trending bar" again. They also have a literal containment thread on the forums and ban people for talking about Anita et.al.

Paris is already militarized to prevent terrorism, I can't imagine how it will be with the biggest sporting event on the planet.

Is Moggy the new Nige?

Is the Olympic haram?

What happened?

The sad part is that cancer sites like that have become less cucked than cuckchan of all things.

I don't want Paris to host the games. I don't know about LA, but Paris, even though it's not India, is filthy like a prostitute's panties. Ironically it's also full of prostitutes.

Paris: Somebody gonna go snackbar, but then again the Parisians sort of expect that. Expect lots of armed policemen.
LA: Casual corruption, bad planning and financial irresponsibility ala the Rio Olympics and the Sochi Winter Olympics. There's less chance of someone going snackbar, but greater chance that that someone will be successful.

I too want to know what happened

They kept saying they had emails that would incriminate trump JR and his father that stated that he colluded with the russians.

He released the emails and it proved there was nothing to it, ahead of time.




So we'll have 100 meter dash from the trucks of peace in paris and virtue signaling "the olympic community against Trump" out the ass in LA.

that's not how media and the dems work. lawyer was russian and JR tried to get info/dirt on saint clinton.
that's enough to keep crying for impeachment.

This guy might actually be a faggot
Is he a 15 year old teenager?

Don't lets guy fool you! He secretly the Symbol of Peace and Justice!

Is he dead?


When is bread?

Times are changing.

I think the baker let it burn and is now baking an emergency bread in it's stead.

I can't wait for more salt about this. One of my friends constantly spergs out about trump and conservatives. He even tried to justify the CNN thing by saying the meme promoted violence and he is against anything Trump does no matter what. He got really retarded in such a short period of time.

After watching TB sperg out over the Don Jr. stuff I hope his cancer does him a favor and comes back with a vengeance. I wonder is he still hates his wife not voting for Shillary.

excellent taste, my friend.


wrong version

Since I just got up and there's no baker at the moment, I'll take over.
Title: Ninja Gaiden Black Edition

Huh? Here's me

People still care about Goobergay?

⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ 🤠      
💯  💯 💯    
👇  💯💯 👇      
💯  💯      
💯  💯      
👢  👢
howdy. im the sheriff of suckin u off. im gon suck u off

Baker the breads burning!

We need new bread NOW!



NYT said Trump Jr. had emails that would incriminate him and big daddy Trump, DTJ released the full email chain on twitter today.

I wonder who could be behind this post?

Shouldn't be surprised, the Japanese really do have shit taste.

You're 100% correct and it saddens me.