Fuck it, Warframe thread

>Free Frost Prime + Syndanna + Dragon mod pack if you have Twitch (AKA Amazon Prime) If you've got a burner prepaid card or some shit, you can just start a trial, get the prime shit when its released then cancel

Watcha grindan, Tenno?

Other urls found in this thread:


Is this actually good yet?

Are they like kids or something now?


nope still just retards who sunk so much time into it the game has to be good or else their ego crumbles

No but it sates my autism

Not if you build him right



Does it have real story mode/campaign yet?

Warframe went to complete shit as soon as they added the potato children
tbh it was kind of going to complete shit anyway

I miss when the warframe smut was somewhat able to be canon until you find out everyone's underage


I never understood Holla Forums's rage over space lolies remotely controlling the suits rather than being inside of them. If anything that quest shown the potential that game had as a proper single player action game with really cool story.

And It was around here that i dropped it

There is a separate volume slider for kids' voices.
I think it was there even before I unlocked the whole thing.
Also where does potato joke comes from? I think it's from FF14's midgets race?

I guess when people started implying others looked like potato's?
It doesn't help that the children also have the personality of one

Funny how every game falls to that same garbage.

It gets tolerable if you go full edge with them. My kid has black hair with red highlights, eyescars and a black bane mask so going moon route is now so cheesy its semi-enjoyable

I just hope umbra requires sacrificing SPACE KIDS to use and not bullshit "oh you tamed the umbra and now you can use it lol" like its probably gonna be

While I believe this was a HUGE mistake on DE's part, I think it will be resolved soon. The dataminer targeted, and the info provided by him, had nothing to do with the current Umbra and Primed Streamline reveals and scams.

Also, Chroma seems to be the next frame to be reworked. Post here your suggestions, my dad works at DE

Also where can I read on this datamining business?
Warframe always was a center of some internet drama, I don't mind getting a fresh portion of it.

tl;dr on the datamining fiasco

Will people ever wake up to DE's villainy?

Who needs neural sensor or orkin cells?

50 Neurals and over 100 orokin cells

nigga wait until you need fucking nitain or godamn oxium, get outta here with that basic shit

I don't feel that bad about getting items. just go and find it do It like 7 times and thats It. the wait times is what kills me building them. but I'll get over It.

I think it's the best compromise for a f2p.
It's this or selling something else as exclusive content. Either cosmetics (also a very good compromise) or items (the worst option, as it paves the path for p2w).
Anyway, I've made warframe part of my routine, so it doesn't even bothers me anymore.
And life goes by. I just like the game's movement system so much, I enjoy going into relic missions at random with randoms.

Reminder that pic related is where potatoes belong
Also male frames are cutest frames

Why do you guys keep supporting these assholes?

The only reason I would ever put up with Warframe again is if I got Nezha
Not just because he's cute but mostly because he actually looks fun to play. I also always loved that ring that floats behind him. I've seen that in other works too, what is it even called? I swear it had some kind of symbolism to it.
Even then, I wouldn't keep up with it. Th game is so full of shit at this point. I'd probably just pretend the space kids don't exist. I mean really, they add nothing to the game and they had to retcon the lore.

He's clan research instead of sortie rewards now so its not retarded getting him anymore

nope, people are still playing warframe and this is theā€¦ 14th time offhand I can remember of them fucking over the community

The weapon is a chakram, but nezha's specific one is called the universe ring.

The only wait times that really get to me are for frames. 23 hours I can stand, but 3 days is a bit much.

Also OP forgot
Get ready for 1000+ platinum atterax mods.

Well that does give me some hope. Maybe if I can get a couple of friends to play with me I'll go for it. The meta and whatnot has probably changed a lot though. Last thing I remember using was a Tipedo with a shitload of slash and crit mods.

Nah, I know about the chakram. What I mean is a lot of characters, usually gods or divine beings, have this slowly spinning ring floating behind them for whatever reason. Interesting name for Nezha's though.

Rivens are great for making quick platinum. I personally don't buy into this pachinko-tier time and resource sink. So I just run daily sorties, and every time I get a riven I sell it unveiled for 25-35 plat.

Ha ha. No.

While also a good alternative, I don't think PSO's model is absolutely superior, from what I read at least. Haven't played PSO you see. But I think you thread a fine line if you let paying players have exclusive non-cosmetic items.

There are no exclusive non-cosmetic items in PSO2, it only sells cosmetics and storage spaces.
It's still kinda p2w on paper, but selling weapons directly AND having build cool downs make WF easily THE most p2w online game out there, as far as I know. It's absolutely ridiculous.

The only things you can't earn in WF are the same as PSO2, storage space and cosmetics. Not to mention that you can't directly buy mods, so no matter how much plat you sink into an item it won't be as good as someone who's ground for the mods and forma. I wouldn't call it pay to win.

Spotted DE shill.

Oh is TF2 p2w because you can buy weapons in it then?

keep shilling, cuck

This is the last you I'll give you, don't spend it all in one place.


Are you shilling for valve as well? I be you're pretty rich.

But you can buy items/weapons/etc anyway? Sans build times it's pretty much the same.

A good F2P model still fall into a grey area, since there will always be someone to complain about any negative incentives pyt into the game to make you spend money in it.


except you still can buy the weapons themselves with real money, and not to mention the grind is generally pure RNG on when it decides to give you the drops you want. So it comes down to pay us money goyim or leave your fate to our shitty RNG

I would hug Chroma.

You CAN buy weapons with plat but no one ever does becuase of how easy it is to get them. I've spent maybe $10 in my 600 hours played becuase I never really need to pony up money when its so easy to get the stuff I want and plat is tradable so when I need stuff like orokin reactors and catalyst or slots, I just trade one one of the prime items I've gotten.

I think he was talking abot PSO?
Warframe's RNG isn't particularly bad for weapons/frames, especially after he relic system. Geting rare mods is a pain, though. Fuck rare stances.


Not that DE aren't one of the worse companies around, but what would they have to gain from c&d-ing drop rates and such?

I am unsure if you really don't know but i'll try to explain it as simply as possible.

Rig a drop rate of a new weapon so it's lower than usual, means more grind. People start to give up and buy it. Drop rate goes back to normal after a while when new shit is about to come out. If somoene datamines that the drop rate is shit they go all "uh that's a mistake we will fix it next patch".

Ok, I could see that but it doesn't really work in context. For example, a new prime warframe comes out, and DE obviously wants you to buy the 50 dollar prime access, but the drop rates are already pre determined because it's the same for every prime. All relics have the same drop chance, and all prime parts have the same drop chance depending on their respective rarity. The things in the game with the most bullshit drop rates are rare mods and technically void trader items, but you can't buy those with money anyway. It doesn't fit DE's business model.

I don't think the controversy was intentional. Seems more like a royal fuck up to me. Datamining won't stop because they went aftee a few people. Not only it will continue but they came out as the bad guys on this. I think they will try to come up with something to try and "compensate" for this. If they double down on it things might get worse.

i wonder who told you that

They have been the same for every prime item for as long as I've been playing, and the data mining will only confirm this. Look it up in the wiki, they use data mined info.

Except that what you described can only happen once, and then it's done. It can't become a sustainable system in favor of the devs. Which is what happened to warframe. Once people found out that some parts had

You buy items/weapons/etc from other players. Not their cash shop.

my bad, read that wrong
though you were talking about PSO2

How dissapointing is it going to be lads?

one job

Same with warframe. In fact, I'll one up this statement, any non prime weapon's blueprint can be aquired from the market or a dojo. Zero rng involved. All items that involve rng can be traded. Still seems like PSO and warframe are preety much the same here.
I know I sound like a fucking shill. I'm not, I just can't stand a poor argument being considered acceptable just because it's from a weeb developer. Both f2p models are preety much IDENTICAL so far Warframe is as p2w as PSO, get over it

You said earlier you haven't played PSO2, I don't understand why you said it two more times here.
Weapons and gear simply aren't available for direct purchase for either cash money or the funbux you can get with real money in PSO2. Period.
It used to be that you couldn't buy gear from other players on the market above a certain rarity level unless you had an item that you had to pay funbux for, but that got removed some time ago. Any f2p player can get any piece of gear available on the player market for the regular in-game currency that drops from everything.
This isn't defending a weeb developer, it's pointing out how flat out factually incorrect you are about a system you admit knowing jack shit about.

Welp, I managed to misunderstand all about PSO2's model then. Figured that people were talking about buying items directly with money, must have been talking about trading passes and shit.
So yeah, I agree that keeping money purchases to slots and cosmetics alone really give the most fair system. The only aleviating factor for me (and I can only speak for myself here of course) is that I've been getting along fine with warframe without using plat to buy weapons from the market. Haven't even rushed anything so far.

My biggest gripe with Warframe is the build times that you can conveniently skip with shekels. When I grind my ass off all week for the parts of a new frame and the shit to make it I shouldn't be rewarded for my efforts with a 72 hour waiting period. I could deal with all the games bullshit if not for the one single thing.

It wasn't fun scanning cephalon fragments in order to progress.

It wasnt but the Ordis transmissions you get from them is some of the best writing in the game

>not Rhino Prime
If you're gonna go with a baraframe you might as well go with the best.

I just scanned them as I played. Same for most things really. Hate specifically grinding for anything other than prime parts.

Don't mind me just checking these.

2-3 hours of content

will never see the earth titleset unless is lor.

and back to waiting for fucking nothing again.

I own him, but pass, I like Loki more.

Speaking of rhino prime,

source tbh
all I'm missing is one part

Source for unvaulting? Cause I don't have the source on the image. Anyway. Mag, Boar, Dakra, Ankyros, and Rhino are all being unvaulted soon. I don't have anything from DE saying it, but people on youtube are confirming it.

So is this umbra nonsense confirmed?
I need to know whether or not the potato I get after the next is going on my excalibur.
Some one in my clan says that he got banned in region chat and it sounds like DE is pissing themselves over the leaks so I'm inclined to believe it.

He got banned for talking about umbra, that is.

Nope, but I'd hold off until tennocon is over just in case it is real.

Fomorian is up, get it while it's hot.

You can't even buy it so I don't know why DE is so stingy with this gun.

Orcus can burn for all I give a damn

you can trade the Imperator Vandal parts

Do they keep using this fucking thing after all these years? It's not even a fucking raid. And people still playing it and still grinding for those blue weapons?
Does this shit progress anywhere apart from "buy new better version of 3 years old weapon or grind for it for next 3 years" bullshit?

Only really important for celecting purposes, and mastery. The main draw for the event (for me at least) is that another Relay might be destroyed.
Also, it probably will tie with the upcoming event for the recreation of previously destroyed relays, so this particular event probably came back to put new players into context.

What is the point of putting brothels relays at risk if
a) Even is so easy no way shit's gonna get destroyed
b) You can fix it anyway

Jesus, I should read before posting, my grammar is getting worse with time

Where you around on the last event?
It wasn't an easy event, considering relays were destroyed in the end.
And word that devs were planing (not even announcing) that relays might be rebuilt in the future came around 1year after. It's not just a return to status quo, it builds the in-game story a bit.

Imperator Vandal is one of the best archguns in the game. Grattler has higher burst but Imperator is good for has higher sustained damage with high magazine size, high fire rate, decent crit and status, and with the added vandal-exclusive mechanic of a spool up that increases firerate the longer you hold down fire. Combine it with Odonata prime for energy shell (Which increases all crit damage by 2x) and repel and you've got one of the best all-purpose archwing setups in the game. Not that theres a whole lot of content to justify it

Any pro-tips for a newfag/returning player that didn't touch it in years? I realize that it's a shitty p2w online grinder, but it seems to be the only game where I can realize my Guyver fantasies. I'm not going it give devs any money, just fuck around any maybe grind some levels, play whatever story quests they put up while I was gone.


Oh boy, I sure would love to play after the hotfix and get myself that receiver if the log-in authentication weren't fucked.

That's what's happening? I was pretty sure I put in the right password. God damn idiots at DE.

Are you saying that there is none, or that there is nothing to be prepared for?
Last time without any advice I got fucked with starting frame, spending plat on shit I don't need thinking it's a resource you can easily earn and outright wasting void keys dying trying to solo those fucking golden dungeons.

Yeah, I think that they broke something.
There's a potato alert too, so I hope that they can work fast. I know that I put my password in the field correctly and now I'm sure that I'm not the only one.

I think what he means is you're gonna be very unpleasantly suprised with the direction they have taken the story

Reminder the frames themselves have individual sentience so you can just imagine they threw their starchild out the airlock. Like the stalker probably did

This gives me a little bit of comfort. Before the Second Dream I had all of these autistic little ideas about what all of the frames personalities were like and now I can hold onto the idea.
Sage because I don't want to be a necrobumping nigger

They fixed it via another launcher hotfix

hello friend. you play like me. people call it grindframe and are completely unaware that grinding is an (autistic) option.

once you have a frame and a few good guns, theres no reason to grind. just play. level up. boost your gear, and play harder. repeat until youre so overpowered that your favorite build gets nerfed.

then stop playing for 6 months in utter disgust. then get back into it and repeat the process.

I was just telling you to play the story quests. I think the direction the lore took is alright so far. The fact you look like a kid is brought up as a clear hindrance, as your tenno is clearly older.

Prime vault is open. Get you rhyno while it's hot

Fuck yeah.

kill me

stop shilling this tranny

I want to believe shes' not

go ahead and take a guess

Like I'm not saying these guys were shitters, it was a decent team and all, nobody was explicitly fucking around or anything, but like; seriously?

The sortie yesterday was full of them. Defense with toxin enhancement, and people were bringing banshee and nyx.

Use the pyrana or redeemer if you want a pocket shotgun.

I usually only get a proper team or go alone for spy sorties. I skipped yesterday because it was level 100 Vay Hek, a boss who is already long and poorly designed.

Iirc (from when I tried it over a year ago) the pyrana was kinda shit. Also I have a redeemer. I like it. I use it for melee sorties sometimes, I don't really consider it one of my 'go-to' melee weapons for any endgame/deepwave shit.

I really want the brakk. I got all but 1 piece (and many duplicates of the pieces I DO have). I think I need to read up on how to LoR again. I've done it, but like not in a while, and the last times I did, like some guy was just like barking out orders; go stand on a node, go do X, etcā€¦ so I don't really remember what all you're supposed to do for it, and I don't want to go and randomly drag down some recruiting pub.

Vay Hek

He's just tedious, not difficult. Like I'd consider the "main" encounter difficulty dealing with him as the part where he's flying around with those invuln segments. The second he gets into the big walker thing, the fight is basically over as long as you bring a low rof/high dmg weapon (lex/s, v marelock, etcā€¦)

Exactly. I'm not wasting that much time for a damned statue.
I did get a legendary core today. I hope Baro brings a good mod Friday, because I'm not bothering with the tennocon crap.

oh shid, do I roll it or just sell it veiled? Last time I rolled I got a fucking convectrix riven.

At least you didn't get one for the Kohm, or whatever that circular piece of shit is called.

How many rivens you got and how willing are you to do like a million kuva missions if you get a good one?

Isn't the kohm decent though?

14/15 and pretty willing, this is grindframe after all.




It's about fuckin' time.

New red veil girl is a qt.

They REALLY know their audience dont they. Im not even memeing here, Rell legit has autism

I know, I giggled through the entire quest. There goes muh edgy and dark frame.

I just did the flash cards part.
At first I laughed, and then I got a little upset that an autistic fart cloud was kicking my ass in the previous section.


The Limbo Theorem (Jupiter-Europa Junction)
Patient Zero (Pluto-Eris Junction)
Hidden Messages (Pluto-Sedna Junction)

I get Mirage's quest without fucking about with the Dragon Keys.
Hope they fixed Limbo's quest thought, that shit was bugged as fuck.

Don't get into teh riven trap. It's a time and resource sink. The only justfiable reason a person might have to dump time into farming for rivens is if you have 4+ years into this game and has seen everything it has to offer. And even then, you won't find many lvl 100 missions to play and test your autistic riven build.
Sell that shit nigger.

Forgot to add
She might seem hot, but now the seed of doubt is planted in me I can't look at "her" and not expect for a future reveal that she is a tranny

Rivens are for pussies!

Any of you got to the Hey Kiddo thing yet?

You want a legit one or what I want to happen? Because what will probabaly happen is some quest with you going crazy from void exposure, but what I want to happen is killing your Tenno and living in the frames. Though after this last quest I see DE are really going hard on this space baby bullshit and will never get rid of them or give you an option to.

Eh, I don't mind the Space babies shit.
I've put with Shinji being a spineless dick just so I could enjoy some sweet mecha-on-mecha action.
I can put up with autismal kids from deepspace.

By theories I meant if this relates to that voice you heard back when you break the Kuva staff. It's like something possesses the potato brat and Tenshi brings you back.
I'm hoping it's the same entity again.

It is the same entity. It even calls you "Kiddo" both times

Shit, maybe it will turn into a giant boss or something later on.
This game really needs bosses for the Archwing.
I think there's that Jew Golem floating in space and that's it.

Also it was neat to know that lotus formed herself based on margulis, I never knew that.

Well you could probably tell from my post, I really do. Maybe if I goy up and get some cosmetics for my Tenno it won't be so bad. I just really want a shadowstalker mode, let me ally with the sentients or something.

I mean come on man ones a lying parasite that tries to take over everything And the other is jordas

Honestly, from all the cashops I've seen over the years, Warframe isn't all that jewish if you use the -75% plat discount. I think I bought the 45 bucks pack twice so far. That's 90 bucks forā€¦ nearly 4 or 5 years I think? It's pretty good value to me. I only bought a Vectis Prime and some Ash parts and leave most of the cosmetics in the market because 80% of that is ugly garbage. Still have 1800 plat to chew throught. Maybe I could get more if I started playing the market, but it's too much trouble.

Check the cosmetics for the space kid. With 10 bucks you can make it bearable to look at.
If you don't like anything thereā€¦ well use the "close head-suit" button and never see his retarded face again.

The only thing I like about them is popping out of the warframe in the middle of hard missions like sorties and having people getting mad at me because I'm risking losing the mission over a stupid stunt.
At least they made you invicible for a couple seconds after leaving the frame, and you do deal a respectable ammount of damage, but 100 non-regenerating health? Shit son, who will ever seriously use that thing besides out of boredom?

I think the alignment choices might lead to that.
I'd really like if they made a quest that took all the decisions you made so far and gave you a widely diferent questline based on that.
I bet it would send their forums up in flames.
"Why do I have to be a massive dick in this quest? What do you mean my previous choice has consequences?"
Bet they'll introduce an item to change your alignment. 20 plat a piece.

I'm not even sure who Jordas is. Or what he is.
That quest didn't make a lot of sense to me.
Some defective AI calls me, has me traficking infected organs and BOOM, fatty frakenstein wants to eat you.
I'd say half the quests they put out are actually pretty good and fleshed out, but half of them are just "shit happens, kill it".

Paladina has it right and the Void isn't a whole lot of nothing, it's sentient and not very nice.
A lot of the recent story shit DE has been giving us is heavily influenced by Celtic and central european medieval folklore, specifically about fae creatures. Titania, Oberon and the Grineer in general are also heavily based on these legends.
In the old tales, fairies were vicious little shits that kidnapped small children and replaced them with look-a-likes, called changelings, that were also vicious little shits. In reality it was just that autistic children behaving in such an alien manner to what's considered normal, especially to superstitious medieval folks, that they thought the kids weren't human any more and gave them DEEPEST LORE excuses.
Here, instead of the kids on the ship being literally taken and replaced, it's a case of the Void manifesting itself in the kids via Transference. A completely taken over kid would look the same but be an entirely different person, like that thing that Paladina mistook for being Rell towards the end of the quest.
The Orokin realized this back in the day and figured out how to keep the Void from taking their weaponized kids over: by having the kids taught to control their emotions through meditation and discipline. The potato kids were NOT told about the Void's hold on them, to keep them ignorant well-behaved weapons.
Literal autists, like Rell, can't grasp emotions and therefore cannot control theirs, so eventually they would be taken over by the Void and become something the Orokin can neither control nor effectively combat.
The Orokin had the Tenno cast out Rell because of this, hoping he'd die off without the Tenno supporting him. Instead he helps found the Red Veil and sorta becomes their patron saint.

I'm completely open to the possibility that I'm dead wrong, but that's my take on it.

I wouldn't actually pay for plat, I have 600 just from trading. Also Jordas is a cephalon, like ordis, suda, and simaris. Cephalon are like AIs but if you get all of the cephalon fragments you see that Ordis was actually a human at some point, and that cephalons are not AIs but imprints of human brains so they won't rebel like sentients. What happened to jordas was he was corrupted by the infested and used to lure other cephalons, and presumably their operators, to be ambushed and consumed by the infested. The jordas golem is the product of all those he lured in and captured.


That's good

That's greeat.
I still don't understand why people say it's a fidget spinner.
Alright it spins, but the function it performs is closer to pic related. Especially with the humming and "focus" part.
Alright, it's a shitty toy to keep the autismo focused on one thing more than a couple of seconds.



They still haven't gotten rid of space potatoes, Tenno are forever ruined. Once awesome esoteric space ninja/samurai are just children, It still kills me.



In what manner?

They reverted the AOE to pre 21



Why couldn't space babs at least look like that? Rell actually looks ok in that rendition.

That comic artist is at least somewhat talented compared to the actual game artists.

ARRRRGGGHHHH so gay. RUINED absolutely ruined, Why? How? Who thought it was a awesome lore concept to make "tenno" children operators? Full tilt.

I agree with you man but christ lurk more, that posting style is straight outta tumblr.

I've said it once and I'll say it again. There needs to be a sentience civil war where players choose between "Real tenno" or the space potatoes. That would resolve the issue altogether.

Nigger what!

But again, I agree, gas the tenno space war now.

Full tilt is a card player term friend, not a tumblr terminology.

I've only ever heard it used by tumblrinas and ASSFAGGOTs players, so color me surprised.

Maybe people who play cards and assfaggots usually go on tumblr?
Maybe it's just words?
Yes Wooooooooooooooords Mmm
Rap Tap Trap

What is even the point of being able to use the space kids at this point? There doesn't seem to be a reason to use them ever

Focus skill, required for Kuva farming, and whenever DE wants to be cunts and force you to use them for quests. They're garbage because they only have 100hp and can't be upgraded, so there's not any reason to use them unless you're forced to.

The main reason I ever use mine is to strip sentient armor from stalker.

anyone have a twin basolk riven lying around? I'd be glad to take it off of your hands for your price.

I swear, instead of improving and trying to fix the game, DE daily brainstorms new ways of how to fuck with registered losers.

I've done this godawful mission so many fucking times, and still haven't gotten the systems.

I'm seriously debating letting the Red Veil kill a wave of these fucking refugees to see if that makes a fucking difference in getting that shit to drop.

Why is it that most of Holla Forums plays AAA shit, weebshit or F2P trash?

Holy fucking shit.
is correct.

I hated it because literally nothing else in the entire game ever pointed to it at all, and in fact a lot of things contradicted it (and still do), and it was another obvious case of DE making shit up as they go along.

I want to bury my face into sayrn's chest and hug her so hard that toxins leak into my skin and I fucking die and end this miserable existence.

when Syndicates came out I made Catholic-inspired Red Veil Loki and Oberon outfits (Inquisitor and Templar cosplays, basically), but I was never satisfied because neither frame really fit the theme.

This is a frame I'm going to get just based off of theme alone, viability be damned.

That is objectively wrong. Years before second dream all sorts of lore dumps in game pointed to space kids controlling frames remotely. There were a bunch of speculation threads on their forums that pretty much nailed it long before the release.

Name a single one.

Warframes are sentient and can go on adventures on their own despite the fact that they have no intelligence and can't function without an operator, as is evidenced by Limbo's quest and Valkyr's lore.
Many sources refer to warframes as suits, including dev commentary that predates TSD.
Formerly, you could see adult-sized tenno outside of warframes in their cryopods during defense missions. The model was removed and the glass was made opaque after de decided lol space loli

Also I knew about the children, and to be specific, I am saying that there was nothing in the game before hand to suggest that those children never aged, and that they controlled them remotely instead of wearing them. If you can point me to the things in the game that predate the development of second dream that do support those things, please point me to them.

I am glad I quit this game successfully after I made a longer post on their forums, shitting on how bad this game is.

Nothing good will ever come out of Warfarm

Am I the only one who thinks the design council is fucking up the game?

how so? from what I hear, de once put up a poll for ivaras navigator augument and preceded to pick whatever the fuck they want.

to add to that, I'd say that you could place more blame upon the dev team for their increasingly stupid design decisions, malicious or not.

Agreed, the game is pure shit.

People still play this garbage?

Any other online space ninja simulators out there?

Well they deleted my post on that the design council might be a culprit in the nerfs so it might be plausable

For the sake of entertainment, I've been formaing my mara detron.

It's kind of usable now. It's not great or anything, but lots of fun to use on mid level content with the whole 'fire as fast as you can click' and quick reloads and cool visual effect and high volume of pellets.

I don't think there's many/any enemies that have extreme resistance to the number of elements you can pile on this thing either.

The biggest problem with it really is the damage falloff

That all being said, is there anything else I should be doing with this thing? Should I pop on more forma so I can fit seeker? I remember hearing that punchthrough was bugged on the mara detron and just didn't work, but I've never tried it myself.

I kind of like the status chance, so I don't really think it would be worth formaing it more to put on pure elemental mods

This is what the Design Council forum looks like as of today. You'll note that no one aside from DE or forum staff can create threads, and it's been like that for a long time. Design Council chat in-game is largely ignored by DE despite having DE bots inside it because it's filled with tired and bitter founders that are more than happy to give DE an earful, alongside the cock gobblers that have been given DC access for gobbling enough cock on the forums. Battles between tired founders and promoted cocksuckers make for some of the infrequent chat that's actually about the game. Many people just use it as their general chat group. In short:
It's fucking nothing

That reminds me

Eh, not really. Only thing I've collected all of is warframes, but I guess in this case your point still stands.

After what 5 years sheer amount of missions, enemy and level variety will provide you with solid 6-8 hours of gameplay.
What were you doing for those thousands of them user? Replaying the same shit with new toys.

I don't really know. I only started going for all the frames in my last 100 hours.

i've heard that + mag magnetize make for some interesting hilarious synergy.

anyones got a free power drift i can have?

Aside from niche shield exploding builds which were nice for sortie 3 turbo-shield challenges, isn't mag pretty bad all around?

note: I last played mag over a year ago, just the regular version, got it to 30 for mastery and sold it immediately.

She isn't fantastic. She's pretty fragile, her 1 is useless unless you're farming with the augment, her 2 is pretty good for single target damage but finicky, her 4 is ok as it strips shields and armor and restores your and your allies shields, and her 4 has no scaling whatsoever, so it's trash. She's good for killing bosses like vay hek and the hyena pack.

What exactly were you doing?

Am I missing out on something? I thought basically ANY frame with a good low rof/high damage weapon was good for killing vay hek; like the whole invincibility part was basically the unavoidable hassle, and as soon as he gets in the big robot you can burst him down before his drones even start doing any bullshit.

If you mean mag can do that big robot part fast wellā€¦ that's not really that impressive.

If however, you're saying that mag can do something about the annoying ass flying around part, then I'm very interested in hearing more.

That was lost in the mag rework

Like I said, I don't really know. This is just one of those autism games for me where I can play for hours on end and not get bored.

Her armor strip on her 3 affects him when he's in flying bullshit mode, so it makes it a tad easier to get damage in when he's vulnerable.

It's a shame. I feel sorry for all of the people who chose her as their starter because they wanted to play as a cutie.

Interesting, Maybe I'll look into getting that Mag prime in general and give it a shot, sounds like there was a rework and all

Speaking of which; with the rework that happened on mag (and that I only played mag very briefly prior to the rework, and haven't since)

Does the whole shield exploding thing still work? And does that work well on non-super-shielded enemies? (as in; I remember it wrecking on shield enhance sorties, I never was the one playing mag, but I remember it being supremely effective) As in; now-a-days when I'm looking for an endless fissure to farm traces, I usually avoid the corpus ones because corpus are objectively more 'powerful' than grineer and infested, and I don't really try do deepwave shit with them because literally every other faction is an easier alternative (I'd say it comes down to nullifiers/ospreys[especially those sapping fucks]/moas having unintuitive hitboxes when they're in a big mob of corpus units vs the variety within a grineer or infested mob)

If it's still viable, how exactly does that shield explosion thing work? Any critical augments? stat prioritization? etcā€¦ I've always tended to avoid corpus stuff over time when doing the really mindless farming/deepwave stuff because they're simply more challenging than any other faction, and less manageable when scaled.

It's a bad feel. When I got excalibur and volt I felt pretty gypped.

Reminder that Mag is supposed to be an introduction to tank gameplay, and is supposed to be the most durable starter frame, even though she uses shields to tank and Grineer, the first enemies you fight, are best against shields.

What the fuck were they thinking? She's a cutie, small and physically weak. They already had Papa Rhino for that.

key word there is starter frame, which rhino is not. But honestly, for low level shit shields are actually pretty good, as new players won't have access to stuff like lifestrike or medi-ray, so any kind of health that comes back is valuable.

It's fucking nothing. Again.

Won't he have a ton of shit for tennocon? Or is this supposed to be his tennocon haul?

If this is his Tennocon haul then I'd like to know what pissed of DE this time.

His Tennocon shit will be everything he owns

she's the starter frame with the highest total health-pool and the only one with a self-sustain ability.

Yeah, but why not make Rhino the starter?
He was in the very fist video they had showcasing the the game.
He gets a good first ability to kill shit, and the second/4th ability work great to keep him alive.

He he he goyim!
Disappointed with Baro's recent merchandise?
Well for just 20 CD you can have access to everything he's ever sold! Just ive us your money, address and phone number!

You can't even buy baro's shit with money though, just hope that DE is feeling nice today.

I'm pretty sure that to get access to baro's tennocon inventory you need to buy the "digital ticket" for the event.
You still need to grind for credits and ducats.
Check their official site if you don't believe me.

I wouldn't put it past them, and I'm too lazy to go look, so I'll believe it.

because nobody will buy him if they can get him for free with no work.

Autistic priestman is p gud

The artist responsible for his concept (and the next frame's) is pretty good too. I can't shill enough for Keith Thompson.

I don't have maiming strike

but the atterax is still kinda fun

Once I level/forma it, what all goes in the last two slots?

I was thinking some kind of combination of berserker/organ shatter/true steel/elementalstatus; but can't decide what pair would be best if I can't have all

what name?


I'm going to be banned yes?

I use dual stat mods on mine and give it viral. Give it some good damage and 50% status chance.

cumfart is an official /wfg/ dog name for many years
the worse DE will do is force change the name like they did loadout names.


Post your build

There is no build other than "Mod for duration, let it charge to 15, git gud with headshots"

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I want to plant my seed deep inside Rebecca's anus, while Megan eats her pussy

rebecca is uggo tho

Well within my standards. I think she's a qt actually, not model material but let's be real here

You get quests but they don't really have a story you'd see in other games. It's like if pieces of a big story all set a few hundred years apart was made, it won't make sense.
fun game if you like massacring things though

fair enough, i'd fuck her in real life but i wouldn't fantasize about her


How do you play inaros correctly?

Like all that I basically do is use him as a melee platform. I charge up 4 when the mission starts, lifestrike a couple dudes to get health back up, and then I'm basically melee all the time.

I mean, I see that 1 is kind of useful on paper, and some of those riven finisher kill challenges but at the end of the day; it's quicker and easier and equally effective to just slide-attack/lifestrike the mob instead of blinding them and killing them one by one.

That being said; I basically don't fuckin use 2 and 3 at ALL.

Since I'm not really using skills, is there a way to mod inaros to maximize effectiveness as a melee platform? Or is there a 'proper way' to be using his skills in general that I should look into?

Use Hirudo and don't even bother with wasting energy on lifestrike. Video is Hirudo related.
Drop Rage if you have Zenurik focus energy regen maxed. Rage isn't a bad option, But since you'll be casting powers sparsingly, you can do without it.


I'm sad that I missed the whole warbros thing. Started playing years ago, stopped, then started playing again last month. And in this time I've found a total of ONE FUCKING GOLDEN POTATO, but more catalysts than I need.

Is there an 8ch dojo nowdays?

His 1 is great, blind with a little lifesteal, use for cc and do finishers on tough targets or to get 20% of your health back

His 2 is just if you really need health

His 3 is useless, ignore

His 4 is crazy good cc while providing health to you and your teammates. Cast it and it spreads to other enemies and steals health.

Basically he is just cc tank with some minor support healing

you're not supposed to, those are just filler skills

tho 2 is a good panic skill if you're a retard

Which Warframe would you dick?

Last time I checked, this still worked.
Basically, get Redeemer and put anything you can on it to increase finisher damage. Spec your Inaros mods for range, try to keep cost minimal and range as much as you can, disregard power strength entirely.
When you come into a mission, spam your 1 and hold melee to do finisher across the room with Redeemer for 200k damage.

Ooooh, this should work wonders with a savage banshee

Better yet, Jat Kittag with that one mod that makes enemies explode based on their max HP

There is an 8ch clan, drop ID if you want an invite.


Nova is the worst frame.

that's not how you spell Zephyr

And that is not how you spell Vauban

Oh yes, he was everything I had hoped he'd be. Great synergy with powers like nidus, good but not crazy overpowered, and looks great.

One day to tennocon. Secret message deciphered (old news by now, and it will probably be revealed on tennocon).
Get ready for more lore, possibly new main quest involving umbra frames remember the leaked lore was that umbra frames were released from their operator, maybe we'll finally ditch potato kid for good

>umbra lore isn't they have no operators
Goddammit, well that's some wasted plat if this is true.

shield gating should have been with him.

i just have him has a half ass battery build but works fine for everything else.

Does energy spike in the zenurik way work like arcane energize? Will I get more energy from pickups or will it just give allies energy?

From what I understand it gives nearby allies (and yourself? I think the effect works on your allies too) a bit of energy for every orb picked.

I didn't know Randy Stair had his own fucking videogame.

any of you happen to have a wyrm prime carpace?

So I guess Warframe is now hopping onto the open-world craze. Guess I'll point out the most interesting stuff.


the chineese aren't even hiding anymore.
==warframe goes OPEN-WORLD=

stream summary

shit, I'm sorry. can mods delete my post? can't delete it on what I'm currently browsing on.

Have they gotten rid of space potatoes yet??

Warfarm is free and for newbs. Vets that hate it? Go away.

oh shit nigs

orokin towers are biological?



you're half correct

DE makes content for new players as they progress through the star collecting shit. 10% of the people play actually care about mastery and endgame which DE shows time and time again to not give a single shit.

mean while the newest of these player are ruining warframe with balance tweaks so frames are far less efficient for the shitters that think doing go pass lvl 60 should be considered cheap and unfair. most players don't even make it pass the 3rd junction

on the other hand when there is no content (current content only last a full week before dropping back to normal numbers) vets will play religiously

reworked was confirmed by scott

stfu dinkus

fucking hell this is what they did to the void

lol ok
at least now archwings have a use in aiding you on your journey to grind spearfishing

meanwhile fully explorable orbiter never

I'm kinda looking forward to all the shit they showed on tennocon. Looks neat.

Post more rebecca.


I don't care if she's a cunt, she's amazing.

played this game for 4 years. first time hearing someone call her a cunt.

Kek. No matter how shitty warframe is, destiny still can't catch up to it.

She's community manager isn't she?
That automatically makes her one.

Good stuff, although I was kinda hoping he'd go to a Spy mission and set off a vault alarm or try to get the high score in the arena match.
Too bad players will have far less fun with this mode should it ever see an actual release. DE will not tolerate players having fun, especially this sort of fun.

Not only is the relic tedious to get (rotation B and C only goy, better hope your group wants to stick around for those!) but the fucking blueprint is the last item on the relic list
Thanks DE.
I want to kill myself lads

You could always just go to warframe.market and find someone selling the part for plat, and spend your time farming shit to sell

Fucking disgusting

So, does anyone have any ideas as to what the fuck a glass themed frame does?

r i p
It's not even especially challenging, just massively annoying.

Turn invisible? I have no idea why they still didn't do it. You would think that in a game about space ninjas at least a couple of them would have some sort of invisibility skill.


Yo dawg, we heard you like turning invisible?

Where were you when DE released official drop tables for the game?



It's legit.

Link came from dev forum


Did they release this because of the fallout they caused from fucking over that one data miner after a different data miner tried to "hack" the game using his information?

It's safe to assume that's the case. I don't know if they'll ever go back on voidglitch's c&d.

Every. Time.

what the fuck? It usually isn't this bad.

Don't you know you're supposed to main a warframe and never play anything else ever.

good to know that every time i waste plat on speeding things up that i permanently remove that plat from the warframe trading community so people have to buy more plat form the jews :^)

Look at this casual and laugh everyone

I wouldn't judge the frames they were using if they didn't constantly trigger alarms. Also I use ivara's prowl augment because it's just convenient

Did they change something? A year ago spy sorties were only doable solo because people DELIBERATELY were shitting them up for others.

In Glast Gambit, the Lotus tries to destroy a foreign culture because it practices what she believes to be barbaric practices against young children and/or girls.

is the Lotus /our gal/?

Nah shes a fucking hypocrite. Remember that the tenno are child soldiers and she doesnt bat an eye at putting them at risk. At least the Glast Gambit fuckos have the excuse of the virus keeping them safe from infested

Reminder Corpus has done nothing wrong

Ayy Lmao I got a temp ban from region chat for saying "fuckboi"
It's not even a slur, who is this offending? Last time i checked profanity is allowed as long as it isn't a slur.

It is kind of brushed over why the Corpus are bad, and they are certainty better than every other enemy faction and a lot of the friendly ones. But, they still aren't good by any stretch of the imagination and they have certainty done wrong things.

The worst part is the Tenno attack the Corpus completely unprovoked initially. It was literally just "hey rather than striking a deal with the merchant cult, just murder them all and take what they have"

I usually don't just so it goes faster, and it usually works out.

IIRC from the tutorial, they are bad because darvo said so, and because they sell weapons to the grineer.

Well I don't know how it's introduced now but back when I started you were told to attack Corpus because they were collecting and killing Tenno.

That wasn't until the Hunt for Alad V though. Pretty much all tenno-related corpus shit is Alad V's doing and he got kicked out immediately after his Zanuka project went belly up

No it wasn't because I joined before The Hunt for Alad V and the Lotus said it to introduce the Corpus.

I'm pretty sure that even though both Corpus and Grineer are treated as enemies as a whole, it's done only because videogame logic. In the lore it says that grineer are fairly decentralized, keeping a loose connection to the queens. Corpus are similar in having various factions each with their own boss. Hence why tenno can help both the grineer and the corpus in invasion missions, and why the Perrin Sequence can keep normal comercial relations with other corpus.

But yeah, lotus is a hypocrite for keeping both factions trimmed down for the sake of "ballance" while keeping the tenno for herself.
Lotus is the head of a fucking shadow government, keepind de facto control over the solar system whyle playing the role of the underdog defender of the innocent
requesting drawing of lotus going "oy vey shut ot down"

She's a Sentient that mind-jacked the human that had earned the trust of the potato kids. What other reason would there be to assume that role other than to use it to try to control them? Keep in mind that "our" potato kids are a cut above the others in terms of magical Void shit and are in the unique position to be able to oppose the Lotus should the opportunity ever present itself.

Yea except for the part where the grineer enslave and kill civilians regularly and institute totalian regimes on the ones they don't. And how the Corpus, in addition to being arms dealers, kill a lot of tenno, and enforce Oligarchic / Corpratist domination on colonies including but not limited to monopolies and wage slavery.
where and how is that said? The queens are played to be equivalent to the God Emperor of Man kind and the Grineer are supposed to be a rigid militaristic hierarchy.
that has more to do with the Tenno being decentralized than the Grineer and Corpus. The Tenno's canon leadership is: A) They do what the lotus says because they like her B) clans C) they do what other people ask because they like them
what do you even mean by this
literally nothing suggests this.

Didn't Vor had his own agenda, even fighting another grineer when finding your frame? I wouldn't say the whole grineer faction has a loose conection to the queens, but there sure seems is a lot of autonomy among their bosses. I'd compare it more to a medieval class system of king ruling over other noble houses by plead of alliance. While the corpus are very clearly descentralised. The whole corpus organization might be seen on a bad light because you are constantly fighting them, but it's mentioned the corpus (not as a whole faction, of course, more like it's different subfactions) mantain peacefull commerce with many factions including the grineer.
Yeah, but why would the tenno even help either the grineer or the corpus if those really where totalitarian and evil factions?
I agree that the tenno are decentralized, but the lotus appears even on those invasion missions. Even when doing shit for themselves the tenno seem to report to her.
The only times when tenno are seen questioning the lotus is on cinematic quests, when there's a clear divide between her and teshin. Which makes me think we will have to choose our "patron" in the future, a la warcraft's horde vs alliance.

Of course high ranking people like generals have a lot of autonomy, it's like that in real armies too.
It is also said that they maintain "peaceful 'commerce'" with the threat of force

They seem to have dropped this point, but back when Invasions were introduced, there was an entire meta-plot point as to whether tenno were actually virtuous or if they were just pirates. That is the reason that tenno help both sides during a conflict, they want or need what that faction is providing, and the rationalization is that the tenno will be able to do more good with their new equipment than the Grineer will with a short-lived holding of a corpus mine.

True, it makes more sense for the grineer to have a stronger central power.
I'd still say that the Corpus are less like a single faction, and more like a collection of subfactions that share some central ancestry (as it's implied multiple times they have descendancy from the orokin) or a sence of unity, like Nafta or other commerce alliance. But in this case, the alliance itself defines it's parts as an identity. But of course, teh devs can easily create a "corpus central command" in teh future, either in the form of a shadow government that tricks other subfactions into believing they are autonomous. Or even as a not-so-subtle "elected" board of directors that steer the whole Corpus. Insert Holla Forums levels of conspiracy for greater results.

"the corpus board" is already a thing. Salad the 5th made mention of them on several occasions. But yea, as far as i can tell, you're right about the corpus.

She just made herself look like margulis, I don't think she bodysnatched her.

Full first issue of the comic is out digitally, in the official Top Cow twitter. Yeah, took me by surprise too
cp bot please report/xuby30dsBf2


lol wut
anyway, link in twitter

It has her memories.

After further reading I thought it was about drop rate data like usual and DE trying to keep users in the dark as to how many hours it takes to get common stuff.

Is there a date for open world level release?

Some time between now and december.

That's pretty soon.

too soon
DE can't be trusted with deadlines
expect new conent to be released sometime in 2018


what fanart was that. and also any other lewd fanart eps

Can someone tell me if this is good for end-game?

There is no endgame. Sorties are easy as piss and raids are just CCfests

okay whatever. I just need to know if that dps is okay for sorties, raids, and high wave/duration defense / survival.

m8, you don't need top of the line dps for "end game" you need as much damage as you can deal in as large of an area possible, warfarm is what you'd call a horde shooter.

I know that's why I included the lunch through and aoe stats, I just need to know if that setup overall is worth my time or if I should refocus my efforts.

It's shit. Are you using a riven? Use a riven. A good one. Roll it like 10 times.
jk, I can't tell if your build is good by numbers. Tell me which weapon and build you're using so I can see if I can relate

"News" on olains of Eidolon

And here's what I think/hope this new expansion will be like: MonsterHunter
In monhun you don't have a single open map, but multiple large areas that you are free to explore, but don't connect seamlessly. My guess, and hope, is that PoE will be Earth's open map, and that instead of expanding it's size, we will get other open maps, maybe also on earth maybe on other planets. I'm cool with open world being done like this, instead of focusing on having a single empty huge map.

I'm on mobile right now but that build is

New(old) thread