Hello Holla Forums

Fascist here. I'm here to answer all questions you may have.

Other urls found in this thread:


I know enough. I have nothing to ask you.

Why did Hitler fund his entire economy through a ponzi scheme resembling jewish fractional reserve banking?

When are you going to kill yourself?


What is your obsession with cuckolding?

Why did Hitler take british money and why did he benefit the banks so much with things like the aryanizaiton of business.

Also this.

I haven't read the image but I'm guessing you're an actual fascist rather than the average Holla Forumslack venting his impotency through what would be perceived as radical ideology which is synonymous to "hatred of others" in everyday discourse.

what do you think about the aut-right, or anyone on the right really, using "fascist" to describe liberals and political correctness?

how is being cucked by "the people's porky" any positive?

Please define fascism. I've been told before that most "fascist" states weren't terribly fascist at all and that fascism is instead closer to nationalist syndicalism. Is this what you follow at all?

You are talking to the poeple who celebrated Trump lol

Trump is Stalin now?

Stalin was not a nationalist.

How is it to have a pathological obsession with hierarchy and authority?

Do you not realise organic corporativism plus institutional racism is just going to be a monstrous managerial technocracy devolving into a totalitarian cancerworld as well, just of a different flavor?

fucking vomited when I read that


What is "porky"? A rich person. Are all rich people bad?

People like using Fascist on stuff they don't like because society is allways telling us fascism is bad. Most people on the aut-right are retards. I like you guys, hard core communists, more than those fucking autsists.

Mussolini liked the idea of National Syndicalism. Facism has more emphasize on the people and their culture.

Authority is needed for a country to grow. Democracy will split the people up and cause schisms.

Fascism (true fascism, as popularized by Mussolinni and what OP here is longing for) sprung out of nationalist syndicalist movements, which themselves sprung from non-nationalist syndicalist movements in Europe

syndicalism has a fascinating (and a bit fucked at times) history

Why cant you accept that democratic centralism is the best form of dictatorship. All the long running stable and successful dictatorships have it. Read Lenin and atleast become a tankie.


I mean the picture, isn't it a reference to Animal Farm?

Someone needs to post that oci where there is the globe and there is the line between the west and east that says fascism magically becomes anti imperialism in the west lul

lurk more

have you seen the internal conflicts and massive conflicts of succession in dictatorships? Or the massive unrests coming from their failure at adressing the needs of the population

Perhaps, but I mean it on a personal level. Do you recognize such a pathological obsession?

first Pic related

Democracy splits the people up

How will that be?

The same "dictatorships" the CIA troppled so they can cause chaos? Second pic related


Since Hitler filled his cabinet with jews and was jewish himself, that means jews did the holocaust and should technically be Holla Forums's heroes; doesn't this prove jews are superior over aryans?


Organicism is bullshit. Human society is beyond what any ideology can capture. Ossifying one into the state apparatus then making the state all is a recipe for disaster. Look at all the contradictions in Soviet society and how it could all be rationalized within a dialectical materialist (organicist) framework. It's really the exact same shit, and will fail for the same reasons. The security apparatus needed to uphold it with terror will become its own organ as well. It's against human nature ;^)

Stop lying to yourself
STOP please you're embarrassing yourself
Explain Reichsfluchtsteuer

Fascism has a very deserved bad reputation, and there's no refuting that. Please read a book or/and kill yourself.

Hitler wasn't Jewish. And you don't seem to understand that not all jews are bad, they are Satanists who claim to be jews but aren't.

do I really even need a reaction image for this one?

Germans parties had been stealing socialist talking points ever since Bismarck who even tried to outlaw the party three times because he was so afraid of them gaining power.

In practice it was pure welfare capitalism for the elites who put him in power.

Yeah, if Hitler changes the definition of socialism to fit his needs then he can call himself a socialist. You should know, I'm a fascist. True fascism is about Marxist Jewish mysticism, Yaweh represents the good of the nation for all. This is why Walter Benjamin is the greatest fascist that ever lived.

a nazbol making good posts? what is happening

This is why it's a waste of time arguing with a fascist


How's it feel to be stupid?

Some guys use the Nazbol flag to express varying views who don't have their own flag (Sorelianfag on top of my head) and also because it pisses people off apparently.



I don't understand what you mean.

Asians and jews do have higher Autism Levels, but what have jews created? The Japanese where honorary aryans and are equal to whites

How can your racial "science" be accurate if Nips are whiter than Russians?

Do you see said obsession as a rational conclusion, or as something pathological to your personality, e.g. you feel that rigid hierarchy is good?

The logical reasoning would be that aryans are honorary nips, don't you think?

Any ideology based on racial "science" is fucking incredible. How can you be so stupid that you're actually radicalized this bad on a few Autism Level-graphs?

What doesn't splitting people up into their ethnicities and nationalities do then, you fucking retard?

Might want to rethink this argument a little, just saying.

The theory of relativity o top of my head. You know, the thing we still use for physics and the model we have to take into account to have accurate GPS.

Wew, that's crazy. Did you know Hitler was addicted to meth?
He also had a tiny penis and one testicle!
He was also a coke addict and injected himself with bull semen!!
These are all just bullshit lie made by kikes to make him look worse than he is

As expected.

Maybe he is typing

That Hitler quote could mean literally anything.
It could mean the owner has to pay workers more, it could mean that workers have to accept lower wages, it could mean that you starting a firm competing with Hitler's friend is against the greater German good.


Not to mention the atom bomb that killed thousands of innocent lives.

I answered many questions.

I don't see it as an obsession but more of a thought process. We can see where democracy has failed in theory and practice.

Nips are whiter than Russians.

I'm ok being an honorary nip. What's so bad about splitting up people by their skin color?

They won't be the same ethnicities in each country

Here's a good question. Why insist on "teaching" when you clearly know less about both fascism and socialism than the people here?

Though I guess if you could answer that question you wouldn't be a fascist

Einstein didn't contribute all that much really: Lorentz, Poincare, Minkowski, etc. He synthesized a lot of existing math and a couple others IIRC were basically reaching the same conclusion but he beat them to the punch, which is not uncommon in science. The idea that he was the greatest genius of all time is a little overblown.

I'm just answering questions

Isn't that your whole thought process on Communism?



I don't see it as an obsession but more of a thought process. We can see where democracy has failed in theory and practice.
Unlike Fascism?
Nice ideological consistency you got there.

Is this a joke? Are you seriously incapable of googling "notable Jewish people" or something? Are you from 8pol? I thought 8pol was supposed to be more intelligent than 4pol?


Google is a jewish invention designed to deceive. Do you really expect the truth from something like that?

Hurr durrrr

This is too good.

Seriously though, use duckduckgo or something then, lmao.

The only "art" and expression is the kike inspired pieces

What contradiction? If a Nip thinks I'm equal to them, then fine. Races go much deeper than skin color.

Wew lad, not like a company made by kikes can have a bias

Hurr durrrr



Funny & original

Same here. Sometimes things are too good to be true.


Just report and move on

Your little leftist brains can't handle someone making fun of you? God you're pathetic.

Using your logic I can draw the conclusion that the asian man is evil because it created gunpowder and that democracy splits people up and that's a bad thing, but when fascism does it it's a good thing.

Just stop.

I bet it's genetic, too. Do you have any infographs to help me out?


I said Jews never invented something worthwhile, they are parasites that cling to a host country

Yes, so?

This is something i never got
if jews have done at least a third of what Holla Forums says they have then why aren't they the master race?

Thanks for clearing that up.
Good job with the please tread on me flag, earlier, too. ;)

oh boy…

Neat, I'm a hero

Cause kikes are parasites

Not everything's a troll you delusional cuck.

Is this whole thread bait? Is racial fascism really just bait?

This is irrelevant. You are asserting Jews have no invented anything. Apparently, you are incapable of either: reading a book about Jewish inventors to answer your question, while at the same time refusing to research the easy way (ironically) because the easiest way to research was created by kikes.

To help you out (since you are clearly mentally deficient) I will name some:

- Albert Einstein
- Niels Bohr
- Paul Ehrlich
- Donald A. Glaser
- Franz Kafka
- Irving Millman
- Ricardo Wolf
- Abraham Zelmanov
- Abraham Zacuto

They do occasionally.

Another pea brained leftist. Surprise!

Are you going to explain why fascist organicism is different from Russian nationalism and dialectical materialism? From where I'm sitting it's almost identical but with different propaganda running through everything. It creates irrational societies, which is why the USSR relied so heavily on espionage, they'd have collapsed without it after Stalin purged all the "bourgeois" (not to mention Jewish) non-sycophants to into organic bureaucracy. It's nonsensical and just ends up being a vast extension of the psychopathic personalities at the central nucleus. The ideology largely just becomes a way of legitimating it.

Shut up cuck. You are pretending to be a Nazi to make others look bad


Holy shit watch out!

I almost cut myself on that edge

Nice post fag

Nice infograph.

fuck off nazis i fucking hate you fags

he said- with others - than the atom bomb was possible. From it Roosevelt ordered its creation




Please get the BO to delete the Nazbol flag.

Fuck off cuck


At this point there seems to be the fascist, couple of actual Nazis & one troll. None bringing anything to the table.



kys porkie

I see you're still butthurt that your beloved third reich was the shortest of them all

I'll bring your mother to the table so I can fuck her while your dad watches

Fuck, you're right

I'm a tankie now

I'm pretty sure the trolls scared the Fascist away. Thanks for being classy guys

Like we always say, class is more important than race. :^)

Pretty sure it was the spammer


There's a fucking troll pretending to be the nazbol here, ban him

How convenient, for him.
There's definitely Holla Forums here though. We're not this autistic, even when trolling.

I think you are

Really makes you think that Holla Forums was just a tankie psyop all along and they got lolberts along as useful idiots, and degeneration = bourgeois decadence.

You don't understand, but you will.

You can report posts, user. If you think someone is intentionally derailing threads. The only Nazbol I've seen so far was offering good conversation. It's the Nazi flags that are shitposting & derailing.

That's a retarded pic, bud. Wouldn't expect you to understand how to be satirical, though.

You will only become stronger than they could ever imagine.

Rich people can exist in Fascism unlike Stalinism. Also private property still exists




It's low effort & unfunny.


Seriously though, you need to unplug your computer.

If you read between the lines, I'm merely implying all politics is cancer, and I've taken it upon myself to refute all ideologies, so far with a 100% success rate. Abolish politics. I'm really just a quietist and want to be left alone without some worthless (and they are all worthless) political ideology bothering me.

Porky is not just "rich people". A highly paid lawyer or doctor is not porky, even if they own a small mansion and their own boat.

'porky' specifically refers to someone using property rights, exclusively, as their source of income. Loaning out money, capital, stockholding, market trading, etc.

why didn't you answer my question about Germany basing his whole economy around a ponzi scheme: Mefo Bills.

When did you find out you had autism?

Fifty-eight percent of children had a documented autism spectrum disorder. In adjusted analyses, children who were Black (odds ratio [OR] = 0.79; 95% confidence interval [CI] = 0.64, 0.96), Hispanic (OR = 0.76; CI = 0.56, 0.99), or of other race/ethnicity (OR = 0.65; CI = 0.43, 0.97) were less likely than were White children to have a documented ASD.

So mostly kikes?

a lot of them are jewish, yes.

it's not at all race specific and it's the act rather than the person that's the focus.

Can you name any anarchist commune in history organizing a lynch mob over something so petty? No. You can't. This is what we call a straw-man, or a non-argument.

Nah. Disproportionately kikes. A significant minority kikes. But not mostly kikes. Mostly whites.


really makes you think doesn't it

literal memes.