Is there any other place for a better discussion about vidya rather than Holla Forums?

Any suggestions?


Yeah it's called plebbit

The mods at r/gaming are just as biased on here.

Subject yourself to somethingawful greed. But I agree in these kind of talks Holla Forums is no different from tumblr, only in reversal

That's because 95% of the time that's true.

Wolfenstein is at least solid gameplay wise but the rest are fucking shit, what is there even to discuss other than to breakdown how boring and played out they are?

shit bait user, kill yourself

Actually it's because they're all garbage.

I think that's fine, it keeps us from turning into them exactly.

You don't get it. These details are not distracting from discussion of these games.
The reality is that absolutely no one else here gives a shit about these games, and you shouldn't either.
We know all of these games you named are shit, there's nothing for anyone to talk about but memeand shitposting.

What is there to talk about concerning those games?
Call of Duty and AssCreed has been been made more than 10 times each, and the gameplay has barely changed each time.
The things that could be said about this Call of Duty or this AssCreed could be said about the one that came out 3 years ago.
For Wolfenstein and BGE2 there's no gameplay, so what else are people supposed to talk about?

Go to their official forums. There you will find enough discussions on how to suck the big jewish developer dick.
It doesn't matter what those games are, it doesn't matter what's in them. Supporting those companies themselves means dipping gaming industry into more shit.

Holy fucking shit, is that real? I wasn't aware it was already this bad.

You seriously are fucked in america. Serves you right for sheltering the jews.

Below this spoiler is a more serious answer:
For real you should visit cuckchan /vg/ if you ocasionally want to have a circlejerk about shit, its even has andromeda threads still going.


Discussing shit games when you don't like them is just asking to be baited and take it.

what is there to discuss?? It's the same shit over and over again. OP must be a shill

I just told you user, what is there to talk about with Cod, AC, faggy liberal arts games? If there's something to be said about those games, let me fuckin hear it, enlighten us, what NEEDS to be discussed about this repetitive yearly cycle releases?

Mark said there will be one later on , can't you just wait for that?

Have you ever considered that those games get shat on not because they have non-white characters, but because the devs are SJW retards and make the main characters nonwhites specifically to push their agenda? All the games you listed are being made by openly SJW companies (except maybe Wolfenstein as I haven't paid much attention to it, but given what the games are about, it doesn't take a genius to guess the devs' political leanings), and all of them make use of objectively bad anti-consumer practices. If you support them you are objectively stupid both for supporting their harmful ideology, and for supporting business practices that hurt you and others. There are exactly zero reasons for a rational being to support these games, so why should we pretend that they aren't bad both for us and the industry?

If you want to talk about gameplay, there is nothing stopping you.

Fuck off nigger lover.

That's not what I said at all dip shit. What is there to say in this """great""" fucking discussion about these games?
What more can be said about a game that is older than half it's player base? What more can be said about a CG trailer of a decade old game from a company that most wouldn't even pirate from?
If there is anything, go ahead and say it, but at this point I can't see it.

You are delusion if you think a great discussion can come from an AssCreed or CoD game, or CG trailers.

OP is ignoring any good suggestions like going to the official forums because he has an agenda to push. He is either a shill or an SJW. There is no legitimate discussion to have apart from why those games are so shit.

OP is one of them. He's not interested in anything apart from his agenda.

OP will put words in your mouth because he's an SJW.

The games I listed in my first post are only examples. I can easily go on the catalog and see numerous games being shat on because the games aren't redpilled enough for you losers. Plus you autists don't even talk about the real reasons why game are shit(gameplay and bugs) and blame it on Jews/Cultural Marxism instead.

What were you seriously planning to say about those games? They are complete rehashes with "diversity" being the only notable gimmick. (BG&E2 isn't a rehash but it was only a prerendered trailer and there's nothing to talk about. It had the best afro physics and some pretty decent jiggle physics at least).

Really, if you've got some amazing insight and nuanced discussion about the incredible depth of Call of Duty and Assassins Creed then come and enlighten us you fagmotron.

Fuckoff back to cuckchan they love the things that are killing the industry:

Shitty games/companis and shoved in politics.

The we wuz kangs trend started with the studios hiring SJW for political purposes and NOT to make games better. Coincidentally all the studios that have these marxist scum in it have objectively shit games, even though the setting shows promises.
It doesn't matter what the game is about, they cram it with their unrelated shit.
See Stellaris where any type of human civ got it's diversity pill, despite being xenophobic or otherwise while ayy civs are all the same shade of ayy.

It's a form of revisionism and blackwashing that alienates majority of players who are lo and behold young whites.
No I don't want to self identify in a game with a woman, black chimp of colour or a chimp that has obvious bestial allusions to dindus. I want to have an option to pick a char that reflects me and not what some fat sjw marxists wants to force me to RP due to her addiction to bestiality porn.

oh i see now ,

The YouTube comments section this board has an unwarranted sense of superiority over.

Dubs check em


Whats stopping you from discussing any of those games?
It certainly can't be other people's posts because they are easily ignored unless they cut too deep for you.


Place your bets that op is a nigger.