New PSP/ Switch like

Rumors are circulating about the next PSP being revealed at E3 2017. Squeenix dropped the ball and name dropped the PSP3 in an interview back in April. Apparently, it will have a similar gimmick to the Switch. PS5 is coming sooner than later as well . What would you want to see from the system? I personally am excited that NInty will have some competition in the "hybrid" market, so maybe they will try now.

The interview:

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If they make a vita 2 it'd be a miracle.

Reading this gave me depression, time passes so fast.

And then they'll stop supporting it like they did with the original vita.

You know I would buy one of these at Day 1

The PSP could already connect to a TV, and the Vita had a console version with the PSTV. It's not exactly a revolutionary idea.

never said it was

Its not happening


Seeing how quick they abandoned the Vita outside of Japan (impossible to buy a new one in most parts of Europe these days) I don't see it leaving Japan this time.

but the PS4 doesn't even have that many games

So nothing original. Off to a great start.
Hopefully they won't fuck up as bad this time.
Nigga what. The PS4 has like, what, 4 games max that are worth a purchase? There's no way they're going to drop the thing this fast. Or if they do, I'm not sure if people will be jumping to buy the next shitbox.

Hopefully weeb games to scare off the normalfags

I'm willing to take wagers sony will release a console in the second half of 2018

I didn't think Sony hated money

Oh yeah the vita was a real money maker

So what are they going to put on the "PSP3"?

At least the Switch can just pick up all of the 3DS franchises, but the Vita has nothing.

Sony is already dead in my mind. They've released nothing worthy of praise, at least in recent times. Sure, Super Robot Wars and a couple miscellaneous titles here and there, but most of the stuff I've seen has left me… bored.

I want the PS2 era back, dearly. It just feels like Sony no longer has a "flair" of uniqueness.
No, the Last Guardian doesn't count, since it tried far too hard to be ico instead of its own game. It was also shit, and caused me to sell my PS4 once I realized this console has nothing going for it



I'm done buying steam too.


Yeah PS5 in 2018, that much is obvious, last gen lasted 7 years, but they're going to try to go for iPhone tier retards now and try to give more competition to the Switch and PC.






Nah, everyone's on microSD's now.

Will normalfags finally learn their lesson and only buy consoles when they have games or are we going to be stuck in an endless cycle of no games until the last year of the console's lifespan from now on?

I really wanna see nintendo get knocked down a notch in the mobile market. If sony releases one of these and actually supports it this time I'd eat it up.

We're going to be stuck in an endless cycle of no games until the last year of the console's lifespan.

If it uses propriety memory cards it's fucking DOA. My 64GB only lasted 2 years.

If it doesn't use Micro SDXC I'm fucking out.

agreed, lack of Micro SD killed the Vita



so niggers that bought a ps4pro are even more fucked?

I knew it deep inside me but I still don't want to admit it, maybe things will go right this time.

What a shitty gen

Any news on that chinese adapter being developed?

But why? There are real PS2s.

and FreeMCBoot too.

Because I can't take my PS2 with me wherever I go and Sony made a really damn good (for its time and hardware) PS1 emulator for PSP. Also CFW

I want to impregnate that barely-fertile womb

And Bloodborne is STILL the best game on all consoles this generation.

More Penny please



You can say what you want about Sonyggers but you can't say they don't have A E S T H E T I C unlike nintendo. Damn is the switch fugly.

And finally you have 5 seconds to name a handheld console more AESTHETIC than the PSP. Protip: You can't

It was a good emu, especially considering it was hobbled by the PSP controls in some cases and tried to work around it. Still for me more involved console games just don't feel right on handhelds.


The Switch looks better than the Kit Kat brick that is the PS4

Neo Geo Portable

I really hope sony makes a new handheld. Nintendo having a monopoly on the market is a dangerous thing especially if their development licensing fees haven't changed. If they're still needlessly expensive you'll see more devs die off in the way Neverland Co. did

Just please sony, don't make priority memory cards again. Use SD cards like everyone else

The Vita. Symmetrical sticks looks way nicer, plus less clutter on the front.

Plus the OLED screen is so much better than the PSP's shit screen.

>GP: Team Ninja games usually appear on the most powerful platforms. Why not put the new Ninja Gaiden on the PSP?
>Itagaki: The design philosophy for the PSP as a piece of hardware is a home gaming machine–in terms of specs–you can take with you. If we were gonna make it for PSP, it'd be better for us to make it for a powerful home system instead. The DS is designed under the concept of "What should a portable system be?" instead of trying to replicate the home experience. That's what attracted me to developing on the DS because you can really utilize its strengths as a portable platform. I think if I were to develop this game on the PSP, most of my fans would be upset.

why is a grey man raping her

The PSP-3000 had a pretty good screen and it probably lasts longer than an OLED screen. just saying

If they make it more portable than the Switch, they can probably win the handheld market by default. I say this as someone who owned no less than 5 DS/3DS systems and zero Sony handhelds. The Switch is simply too big, with gimmicks that serve no purpose to a portable system.

Being Sony, though, I expect them to fuck something up dramatically, like repeating the error of proprietary and fucking ludicrously priced memory cards. I'll look forward to it, though, because I'm pretty much done with NoA and Sony seems to get huge JP support.


Nigger, please. This is also the unquestionable king of handheld ergonomics.

Too bad you can't fucking see it.

The only good thing about the PSTV is that it was such a terrible idea and dropped to rock-bottom prices. You can also bypass the proprietary memory cards with hacks.

I can't get much harder than that.

Add a backlight and it'd be the perfect system.





That's well articulated, definitely why it tends to feel off to me.

That's my contender too, the swappable faceplates were a nice touch.

Sorry, Neogaf, but your Todd Howard tier lies won't get anyone here hyped for Sony's E3 conference.

I wouldn't mind a new Sony handheld. It'd draw their attention away from the Vita and let hackers bust it open.

Its not happening
Just like the Switch will replace the 3DS even though Nintendo says it won't.

I'd like to see it happen, too, but Sony has already said they aren't doing it. Even if they change their mind and do make one, they'll just fuck it up with needlessly restrictive anti-piracy measures, and it's hard to blame them when nobody outside of Japan ever bought a PSP game and the Vita is already heading down that path even with the retarded, proprietary cards that were somehow supposed to prevent piracy.

And they did… for quite some time at least.
So far, Sony takes the prize for the longest resistance to full piracy hacks on both a console (PS3 got busted open with the lv0 keys in 2011) and a portable (Vita with HENkaku+Mai finally allowing limited piracy since 2016).

Proprietary memcards wouldn't have sucked so hard if they were reasonably priced… But nope goy, gotta jack up dem prices.

I sure hope they come up with something, though. I really don't want the Switch to become the next platform of choice for the 'budget JP' and JRPG types of games that the Vita normally gets. The Switch is a shitty platform and you can't even get your save data out of it (at the very least Vita has the CMA).

Well it is. Better than the SP, especially if you like crazy carts and not grinding your knuckles against each other while playing.

Do you have Gorilla sizes hands?

Is the PSVita even hacked yet?

Yes, it's just somewhat limited and only worth considering on 3.60 systems. At least the jailbreak is easy to set up compared to 3DS ones.

if they really do offer up a switch competitor/handheld system, I hope they don't kick it off a cliff like they did the Vita ie NO FUCKING PROPRIETARY MEMORY SONY YOU JEWISH FUCKS


I want to believe video game companies are capable of learning from their mistakes, but as of recently, they've just been doubling down on them.

Is this the miracle that I've been waiting for?

The problem with ninty's switch is that the dock is literally just a charger dock.
If Sony wants to compete in this hybrid market, they can create an improved PS Vita with higher battery and create a dock for it that had some kind of External GPU to spit out FullHD graphics. Seriously though nintendo fucked up when they didn't even include an external gpu… the Switch are literally bending due to heat trapped in the dock prompting people to make their own dock.

What they should do is keep their handheld and consoles separate. That's the mistake Sony made with the Vita; they tried to make it a "portable console", which just ended up with a lot of games that would be better off on an actual console instead.

Not happening. This would significantly bloat the cost of the system, and if their hardware is worth a damn then 720p is more than sustainable in a portable and fully adequate for living room display. The Vita was almost there anyway.

MHXX was just confirmed for Switch days ago, and the special edition console sold out in an hour. It's not going to happen user.

This is stupid. The only thing that games can do that really makes them better for portable is having a more pick up and play arcade style, with short levels and such. But that doesn't stop them from having tons of Zeldas and Pokemons on each Nintendo handheld. Because yeah, it's so much fun to stop in the middle of a dungeon because I have to get off the bus, then try to pick up later even though I don't remember exactly where I was or what I was doing. Of course this doesn't matter, because those are good games, and they sell like hotcakes every time, but it's not because they're taking advantage of being portable.

Since the best games on handhelds tend to just be regular games gimped by weak hardware, I'll be perfectly happy with regular games that run on more powerful hardware. We're all playing them at home anyway.

I will literally go out and buy one day one if they don't do something retarded with the storage

And by this I mean
Use a memory format that isn't deliberately so small you can't make a converter for it.

Time flies when you're a faggot.

You're right. It should be a future add on for it, like the expansion pack for the N64

The Switch copycats are already fucking starting.

People are guessing due to Sony patents from 2015 and don't seem to understand (or don't care) that detachable accessories aren't new.

I don't get the people who ever think MonHun is going to come back to Sony platforms. MonHun makes buckoo bucks on Nintendo handhelds, enough so that I sincerely doubt they're even considering going back.

Depends on what they mean by 'Switch-like features", could mean the dock via "more powerful while dumped into a little landing pad" or it could mean they're flat-out ripping off the joycon. Exactly how Switch-like depends on how far in advance Nintendo started working on the Switch, I suppoes.

As long as this has everything that made the PSP good (screen, cheap SDs, button layout) but with the few good things the Vita did then I'm absolutely fucking in.

Not to mention it's probably gonna cost 50% less than a switch.

although to be realistic that's probably not gonna happen, Sony's just gonna make a Vita2

It's had a Monster Hunter MMO on the PS3/PSV but it's JPN specific.

I'd buy it.

Ah, you know what I mean. Mainline games on a Sony platform.

>my gbm famicom is broken and has been sitting in my desk for 8 years now
why live

Because GBA Micros are really easy to repair

If I recall didn't they "leave" the platform because Sony wanted them to put achievements into the game? Why are they still gone seeing as they added achievements to the 3DS versions? Are they stupid?

If they make it, I want sony Japan to pump out jrpgs even try and make from soft to make a bloodborne 2 or demon souls 2.

Make it into the ultimate jrpg machine, kinda like what the vita is became today.
No one cares about the shitty version of ridge racer or some nostalgic ps1 action game, that was the fault of psp and vita. Or fuck it just pump out Gran Turismo and JRPGs, the system will not become a commercial hit but it will be a nice niche hit.

Also not bought a Switch only because shekels starts to be a little dry. So waiting for a killer game, also Nintendo have always with launches been somewhat limited to make the console seem more in demand.

3ds got the mainline games the psp had the portable series, which ironically enough portable 3 was ported to ps3 with the HD gimmick as the new double cross got a HD gimmick to switch.

you never know with capcom.

it has a special snowflake board

I do. The fact that they won't let me play PS1 Classics Crash and Spyro on Vita is the worst thing they did other than the memory cards.

Was social media integration of some form or other, if I'm recalling correctly. Whatever it was was a severe enough slight that MH left into Nintendo's waiting arms.

But you can play those, you have to transfer them from PS3 or something. Or just exploit the system and emulate the psp.

The rumor mill claims it was because the vita flopped outside Japan and Capcom wanted the series to go exclusively mobile/handheld because that sells better and the 3DS had more units sold.

just get a psp, dood!

Pretty sure it doesn't, unless you modded it.

Tried that tons of times, doesn't work.

You used to be able to do that, but sony broke it when they updated the acceptable transfer list on vita.

Still possible to Henkaku and run it through Adrenaline.

did almost everything from MH before the 3ds version, sell like shit outside of Japan?

I only remember being interested in MH because there where allot of clones made on the psp and vita. Before it was almost on par with the fps dungeon crawl that is now on vita and 3ds.

The only thing that would make a good handheld is for them to just rerelease the PSP-1000 with an extra stick/buttons, card slots instead of a UMD drive, and better internal hardware that can still allow for permanent custom firmware
The saving grace of the PSP was that it was the most cyberpunk handheld ever released and the Vita was too sleek and modern to match up


And it won't make money either because there's no market for another Switch. All the normalfags already got their toy. And it has to be made by Nintendo.

Fuck you, Sony.

Not really, the series was gaining sales with each PSP iteration before it switched from the PSP to the Wii where it sold poorly before another PSP release that had more units sold (Wii 1.9 vs PSP 4.9). Then it switched to the 3DS where it stumbled a bit (2.6m) before sitting comfortably at 4m~ units sold with each new release.

So not really, I think Capcom was just being petty about some backroom shit.

Where the fuck is that part? I only read "PSP 3" and couldn't find any details about the PS5 or the PSP3 is like the Switch. He just talks about the smart phone market being huge.

The only way that it'll do well is if it's a tablet sized ps4 that shares the same library.

4U (which was labeled just regular 4 when released in the west about a year and a half after the original 4) sold 1 million between Europe and the US. 500k might not be that big for a MH in Japan, but it's pretty good for overseas. The New 3DS gimmick most likely boosted sales. You just can't love MH as much as Japan. You really can't. They bought MH4 twice, then they bought a couple of X and XX spin offs with rehashed monsters and environments. It's like that whole country has autism. 4 was great. 4U was meh, and everything after those two has made me question whether Capcom really gives a shit about this series, or if it's just Japan's version of Call of Duty.

But we got 4U

Yeah we got 4 Ultimate and no other version. Myself I don't see how he can laud stock 4 while saying the exact same game with additions is meh.


The people buying the Switch for ports are retarded because 95% of the time the original is cheaper and/or better than buying a full price title and new console to play an old game. Nintendo 1st party titles are the only thing a large amount of people actually buy Nintendo consoles for anymore as 3rd party titles are generally better on any other platform they release on.

I'm guessing you're considering the Switch Nintendo's current "handheld" line. A tablet is significantly less handheld than an actual handheld should be. Sony could probably get a decent chunk of the market just by releasing a console with a smaller form factor because nobody wants to lug around a square block of plastic. Sony has a market for their handheld they just constantly fuck it up with stupid choices like memory cards and not marketing the games the console actually receives in WW markets.

Literally Sony needs to advertise this as a PS2 portable, that will make it sell.

Exactly that's all it's going to take.
I don't understand why they simply won't emulate a few PS2 games, and offer that for free on the console upon release.

There's a ton of fantastic PS2 games out there that Sony still has licensing for.

Do the same thing as the NES classic on a mainline system, it would sell.
