So what are the chances of us getting a sequel?

So what are the chances of us getting a sequel?

There already was a sequel, you nitwit.

You mean Jews?

If THQ Nordic is to be believed, not 0.
Not sure if that's a good or bad thing, considering the alpha footage of Darksiders 3.

The real question is why hasn't someone just done something similar? It's not like alien abductions and mindfuckery are some sacred protected IP.

Destroy all NIGGERS.

Semi-decent chance.

To be fair, there is still 1.5 years left, not counting potential delays.

shoo shoo swedish shill

there were 3 but there is a 0% chance of a new one

Path of the Furon sucked ass though. Even if they did make another one I wouldn't get my hopes up.

They just need to go back to the fundamentals and look at what made the first two fun.

My man, how often have you seen that happen with a sequel in recent years?

I didn't like the second one though, waaaaaay too much infiltration, and not enough destroying humans.

I know you want a new one but do you really think that it would be for the best?

Low. If you're 'lucky' maybe a kikestarter for a spiritual successor.


Path of the Furon was a rushed game made by a different company on a shoe string budget. That doesn't count.

2 is all the sequel you need to be honest. It was great, especially the co-op.

Why do you think Nordic Games bought the IP then, you fat fucking retard?

HD re-releases :^)

Because it was cheap and they can make money on the rerelease. At least that's possible and has happened before.

They didn't buy anything specific. They just bought everything THQ had that was unsold.

I want to believe.

I don't remember what the second had specifically since it has been a long time since I played it, but I thought it had a lot more upgrades and weapons to fuck around with.

Why do you think I wrote 'lucky' and not lucky user…

why is Holla Forums raiding Holla Forums? oh right, were top board again. how stupid of them to not realize their shitposting just bumps up our stats