Could a BLAME! like video game ever be made?

All the talk of the movie made me wonder could there ever be game like Blame? Would it be possible considering the scope and atmosphere plus weapons?

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It would be a procedurally generated dark souls clone.

fuck you too monkey paw

Someone on AGDG was making a procedurally generated megastructure/walking simulator game.

shut the fuck up dragunov massive faggot

Heard you sick cock for a living, niggerlover

Oh how far was he?

Working, he used to post webms. I can't remember what it was called but he was a big Nihei fan and if you google agdg megastructure you can find some of his old posts.

Looks pretty good

Gotta love western corporation's fear of silence

Fucking cancer. It pisses me off that an entire generation of gamers are growing up with this shit and the only exposure they have to handmade level design are those absolutely garbage linear as fuck, scripted to hell and back modern shooter campaigns and boring flat nothing open world games. It's clear that they do like to explore with the success of games like Minecraft and all that, so why not make games with more complex level design again?

I feel only From Software could do a decent imitation of it.

My favorite part is when he rides the giant Wii

Could they?

A true Blame! game? Probably not. Something heavily inspired by Blame!? I'd say yes. Large world, lots of down time and atmosphere, risky combat with consequences upon failure, revival mechanic (getting uploaded to a new body/rebuilt etc.).

The gun would be a huge issue seeing how insanely OP it is.

It makes sense in this context because it (at least used to) be able to shift itself around.

What the fuck is blame even about?

Robots explore megastructure.

A guy goes on a really long walk and sees some weird shit.

So megaman legends?

The walk is as long as a the solar system.

*Diameter of
There is this. Haven't played it yet.

A BLAME! game would be shit even in a best case scenario. Some things are just not meant to be videogames.

Only way I can really see a non-procedurally generated megastructure game working is if you have it be like a bigass persistent game of capture the flag or something and have a shitload of semi-isolated teams. Kind of like Eve, I guess?

Well fuck making Blame! into a game. Real good thing would be remaking of environment and atmosphere into any game.
I want to hopelessly travel through awesome megastructure seeing how everything either struggles to survive or is dead. It really can be Souls melee game and it would still work great as Blame! game.

Fucking diablo 1? I mean it's distinctly divided to floors because of technology limitations, but you're exploring exactly that.

Is that shit ever explained or it's one of those blueballing stories with AMBIGUOUS ending?

Ok just to put it into perspective anons there is a room at one point in the manga that is nearly the size of Jupiter and falling from top to bottom would take 300 fucking years.

It would need guns and it would need to be brutal combat wise to work but even then I'm not sure if it could be pulled off right.

Oh so you also saw the latest pewdienazi video

So is that aliens? Or demons? Or post-humans? Spoiler me that shit.

You could probably have a game similar to it, but you'll never get anywhere close to it feeling the same. Some media and stories just aren't meant to be transferred to other media; such as games.

It would probably have to be a compromise with gameplay and linearity. Otherwise, the game won't end or it won't feel as rewarding after the last fifteen mega bots you've laser bombed into scrap.
If you want to still keep the overpowered nature of the gun, you could have enemies that are hard to hit or don't give you a chance to aim your gun by attacking you. Gameplay will probably just consist of dodging and finally taking advantage of a opening and one-shotting the enemy dead.

This mix of robotic and organic life

Ending is not at all ambiguous.
Stuff is either not explained or by sci-fi mumbo-jumbo. Megastructure just grows indefinitely after it got, well I don't exactly remember what Silicon creatures did to fuck it over.

Yeah but really you should focus on sense of scale first. Like you said it is about rooms size of Jupiter where each chapter is hundreds of years apart. What game would need first and foremost is this sense of scale.
Gun would help if it was Gravitational Beam Emitter. Making 70km holes in game world would help.
But really it would need to be some Yoko Taro to pull Blame combat right.

Go fucking read manga.
Tsutomu Nihei always explains stuff at the end of his books.

I'd don't know if man is ready for such a game.
The sense of scale would be massive and you would feel deep isolation, to really make the atmosphere right there would need to be times when you don't what to expect. I remember in the manga Killy would find signs of a fight long past inspect and make some educated guess then move on.

Doesn't blame itself support the idea that aimless 100% procedural generation leads to unusable shit?
So if you want functually blame game go for anyone of those fucking early access procedurally generated rogue-lite soulslike metroidvanias.
If you want aesthetically blame game, there are already mentioned Naissance, Ballpoint Universe and kinda sorta Ubermosh, but not really, since it doesn't really show any structures, let alone mega structures.
In some stages E.Y.E can give you the vibes as well.

EYE did this?


Yes, but shitty like the new 3d anime.

Where can i dl quality biomega scans?
I can only find garbage online scans and bakabt went private(lmao)

In some areas visually. Thematically it's not the same.


It's fun, but pretty short. I recommend it.

this is the worst case of fetal alcohol syndrome I've ever seen

He came in from architecture, which is why his characters are notoriously ugly and his structures are amazing.
Recently he got decent at characters but everything else looks less good.
Monkey paw got him.

Naissancee got the atmosphere and scale perfectly now all we need is robots and guns and that's pretty much Blame!: The Video Game.

Let it die? Nioh?

I think procedural generation would benefit a game about the megastructure. It's supposed to feel slightly irrational place of uncontrolled growth. Naturally they just would have to design the gameplay around it as well. It would be extremely hard to make, considering that you can't capture the feel properly without dynamic environments (think of GBEs or all the weird builder bots)

Thinking about it now, it would be kinda cool as a minecraftish sandbox game. Just open world where people can group up to mold their own regions in the megastructure and destroy their rivals in creative ways. Inbetween exploration of uncharted parts of the structure.