Top-tier vidya music thread, if you please

Top-tier vidya music thread, if you please



I have no webms



The entire Witcher 3 and its DLC OST.


Sorry, I got fucking silvagunnered and had to delete this. God I hate what that guy has done to my vidya music searches.



Never ever :'(






Comfy as fuck


I hate myself for playing this so much that I unironically love it now.


What's wrong with liking it?

This. It's shit hiphop, but still enjoyable. It's only drawback is to be in any way related to that fucking game

Entire Okami OST is fantastic, Ryoshima Coast pt. 2 is my favorite though

Also another case of fantastic OST in its entirety, this just happens to be my favorite track




first PS1 game I played
probably still the best

SEGA really should add an option to change music during missions in Sonic Forces and include this, for maximum autism.

My nigga. Those powerful taiko drums, goddamn.

The real reason Jeremy Soule deserves to be considered a god of VGM (entire TA OST, March Unto Death in PARTICULAR)


Close your eyes…
Close your head…


And if Soule is a god of orchestral VGM then Frank Klepacki is a god of metal/industrial/techno VGM

That sounds like shit. Step it up senior

Move out the way


One of the few genuinely good things about FFX






Excellent game from a fucking weird series, excellent boss theme (I fucking love the brass)


Thanks for reminding me of this. I'm weak for vocal songs


Favorite boss theme from MGR, even if the fight was honestly pretty shit


you're welcome
snes was the only version of sf2 I had when growing up



To honor your childhood


I still havent actually played this game
smithy's first theme is probably my favorite from the ost

Probably the best thing on the F:NV soundtrack.


Best track from THUG 2 (which was my favorite Tony Hawk game). Ween manages to channel Motorhead nearly flawlessly

Muh nigger, to bad the composer passed away


Best boss theme from Chrono Trigger though the entire game was scored incredibly well. The Zeal theme (Corridors of Time) is amazing as well.

Ween can cover so many different styles, it's like Weezer on steroids.

ar tonelico series has some strong as fuck vocal tracks

Not sure if this counts, but it's good enough I don't fucking care. It's vidya-RELATED, at least.

what the hell are these comments

and fuck you, if kazoos are the first thing that come to your mind

Best minor protagonist in the X series, in my opinion; sure, Vile made more overall appearances but this fukken guy. He just wants X and Zero to lighten up and enjoy battle once in a while!

Best track from MW2 Mercs



Ace Combat, another series I love. Nice choice.

Would actually be better than Dancing Mad if it were longer and had more to it

I will post what some may call masterpieces


I enjoyed a lot of Vindictus' raid boss tracks.


Happy trails!



not sure what else I can think of that is good, if not better, for at least almost the entire song

my dude


This song, this mother fucking song. Almost makes me forget how stressful the level was compared to the rest of the game.


its not THAT hard to beat
just go around grabbing the bananas, then get the stuff where the morotcycles patrol, then get the stuff on the dock, then get some stuff around the nearby trees, then if you're still not nearly 1m 20cm, get pool rings on the beach, then go for the balloons and sunflowers near the starting location, then go grab lotus pads and the swimming kids and maybe also the teenagers and go uphill

its nice, but not memorable, none of it REALLY catches my ears


That's sort of the point, I think; it's not until you hear it again that you realize it's used in the ending as a leitmotif for Episode II.

On its own, though, it's a nice track for relaxing.





I've always been fond of this track.
Apparently it's partly based on a song written by the Lionheart himself.

growing wings in it's many incarnations always tends to be fucking amazing

