How come Western games have such bad writing and settings?

Yeah, Japanese vidya might not be so hot but it's still better. Look at Western shieet like Bioware, SJW Zelda, etc.

Pray elaborate.

It's really just americans/canadians.

I believe he's talking about Horizon

Because when writing is prioritized it's primarily used for ideological purposes.

Because the writers are Jews trying to push propaganda.

Can Mark ban this retard already


That's not like Zelda at all. If anything it applies to Darksiders.


Wait what
Wouldn't a climate denier deny that the ice melted instead of denying that the ice is still there?

Am I being rused?

What the fuck is a "climate denier"?

Climates and weather don't exist.

I only say that because I've seen comparisons drawn between it and nu-Zelda.

Rain is a jewish ploy. Huge camouflaged jets fly over your cities and towns sprinkling water down on you.

user, everything is just the doctors calibrating you for your next jump, you are ready for the mission, right?

The world is a mere illusion of your mind.

Then where does my mind exist?

How do I escape this jew-controlled illusion?

kys weeb

To start, you must slay your inner jew. It is a low-res hologram of the Schlominator that exists in the next vibe-freq up and will open up a wider array of directions for you to pull.

You fool, the desire to escape is chemically induced by the Jews. How else are they going to entertain themselves? They already know the endings of all video games.

This is the exact opposite of the truth. As a religion of history, they have no personal transcendent path. That is the domain of religions of cosmos.

No, it's shit. It's the same shit we had since the PS1 era. The only difference is that they haven't changed a darn bit in the past 20 years. So, in comparison to everything the West is putting out, of course it looks better.

Meanwhile, in contrast, the West had a President who pushed for minorities, destroyed Western ideals, and made globalism a priority. And, all this "Great change" has really brought us is a severe drop in standards because "We refuse" to hold people to the same level we hold ourselves at because we might offend them.

It's not exactly like Clinton or Bush were defenders of our sacred trust either.