Does this image reveal the utter stupidity of Holla Forums and how they are literally ruled by muh feelings even though...

Does this image reveal the utter stupidity of Holla Forums and how they are literally ruled by muh feelings even though they project that to liberals?

Perfect example of Trump, incompetent, ignorant and talks big

Perfect example of Hillary, she knows how shit works and how to manipulate it for profit and escape her problems.

So the choice for anyone with a brain, who doesnt fall for the emotion of "wooh talks big and tough, that makes it cool" would vote for Ramsay, yes he is evil, but he is also capable and smart and he will use that to profit himself and possible the kingdom since it profits him.

Yet Trump gathered the village people vote, who are possible simpletons and emotional babies who see big talk and unironically believe it or are too emotional and much rather vote against something that is good for all but progressive and vote for a guy that ll ruin shit for everyone even though they believe they will.

No intelligent person would vote for Joffrey because they can see he is a shitty leader, is it that the village people in the US have a much higher voice than the rest of the big cities because of the autistic electoral college?

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Who invited the liberals?

I think what OP meant to say was "orcs vs humans"

Is that meme girl?

The moral of the story is that liberals desire to be flayed alive and raped, but that doesn't tell me anything new.

reddit tier

Who the fuck are these people?

game of thrones characters that the OP seems to be butthurt about for some reason.

I wonder what spurred on this mental breakdown of his, and why he chose to have it here, of all places.

They're characters from Game of Thrones which whilst I admit I enjoy, it has a large following from the "I'm such a nerd"/gamergurl crowd ie vacuous superficial ignoramuses.

In any case, Joffrey is a purely ideological despot who believes he commands absolute power because he is the de jure king and earnestly believes in the system that has made him king (rather than realising it's a means to legitimise the exploitation of the masses and behaving with the appropriate guile).

Ramsay on the other hand is just a sadist, not entirely free from the ideology of the fantasy medieval setting but cynical enough to weave his intrigue around it.

In any case Game of Thrones is unapologetically pro bourgeoise liberal, anachronistally imparting enlightenment era and humanist sentiments amongst its low Renaissance Era medieval characters.

The show has a queen who frees slaves because reasons, and appears to invent democracy because reasons. Another character makes a commentary on how wage slavery is not so bad as he reassures the former slavers, which of course feels out of place and shoehorned.


Lost interest when it stopped being about feudal backstabbery and went full fantasy bait


Utterly missing the point, the bomb plot was a reference to the failed bomb plot by Guy Fawkes in England in retaliation to the persecution that the catholics had received.

And besides, Cersei didn't represent secular free society or even "science", she wanted the aristocracy to dominate the masses even if it meant clashing with religious authorities which has happened in actual history in the conflicts with the Cathars, Bogomils, Paulicans and other Christian sects that remembered that the new testament actually condemns decadent wealth at the expense of the poor and downtrodden.

If anything that priest was the "good guy", but your ideology blinds you. You must remember that aristocrats were well fed on varied and luxurious diets whilst the serfs had to make do with porridge, turnips, animal suet, the occasional egg and piece of bacon that his lord will allow him, all the while working 6 days a week from dusk till dawn for the pr.iveldge.

To be fair the fantasy elements add nothing to the show except for lazy deus ex machina moments.

The researchers performed MRI scans on the brains of 90 volunteer students who had indicated their political orientation on a five-point scale ranging from 'very liberal' to 'very conservative'.[5][6] Students who reported more 'conservative' political views tended to have larger amygdalae,[5] a structure in the temporal lobes that performs a primary role in the processing and memory of emotions. In addition, they found clusters in which gray matter volume was significantly associated with conservativism in the left insula and the right entorhinal cortex.[5] There is evidence that conservatives are more sensitive to disgust [7] and the insula is involved in the feeling of disgust [8] On the other hand, more 'liberal' students tended to have a larger volume of grey matter in the anterior cingulate cortex,[5] a structure of the brain associated with monitoring uncertainty and handling conflicting information.[5][6]

Participants were asked to tap a keyboard when the letter "M" appeared on a computer monitor and to refrain from tapping when they saw a "W." The letter "M" appeared four times more frequently than "W," conditioning participants to press the keyboard on almost every trial. Liberal participants made fewer mistakes than conservatives when they saw the rare "W," indicating to the researchers that these participants were better able to accept changes or conflicts in established patterns. The participants were also wired to an electroencephalograph that recorded activity in their anterior cingulate cortex, the part of the brain that detects conflicts between a habitual tendency and a more appropriate response. Liberals were significantly more likely than conservatives to show activity in the brain circuits that deal with conflicts during the experiment, and this correlated with their greater accuracy in the test. The lead author of the study, David Amodio, warned against concluding that a particular political orientation is superior. "The tendency of conservatives to block distracting information could be a good thing depending on the situation," he said.[13][14]

Persons with right-wing views had greater skin conductance response, indicating greater sympathetic nervous system response, to threatening images than those with left-wing views in one study. There was no difference for positive or neutral images. Holding right-wing views was also associated with a stronger startle reflex as measured by strength of eyeblink in response to unexpected noise.[1] A study of subjects' reported level of disgust linked to various scenarios showed that people who scored highly on the "disgust sensitivity" scale held more politically conservative views.[25]

If you want a TV show about politics on the ancient ages based on a book there are far better choices available.

M8 i watch a tv show because it is good not because of politics.

Whihc one is that? Marco polo? that was a great tv series

Which is why you look for parallels between modern leaders and the show's characters no matter how forced and lacking of insight?



So the free folk are our guys right? I haven't read the books.

Arya is a QT

Let's be honest.
The recent season was pure fan-fiction tier.

I am never watching anything that uses subtitles, everything should be in English


The amount of normie following was astonishing.
People who pride themselves in not reading the book.
At least it gave me something to talk about with my normie friends. Planted even cams before we watched Rains of Castamere for "no particular reasons at all".