Doom Engine Games

All things Doom-y go in this thread!

News: GZDoom 3.0 was released recently with some major changes:
Grab it here:

What is everyone playing? I'm having a blast with some of these mods I never bothered to look for before.

Other urls found in this thread:!XA4gnJqK!KNtDJAEM8YVTd5ZkTENpYMWA42od4_59wf4RlWvskrA!2lhyzTZC!lIl_0DOgBVIa1RfFB_0kNxubsxdiDauAuO_IPNiLtSI!AFUBAYqS!vbipx7ds6IY_CHdQn4eOPQ!WYdRFC5a!qcLrgDaxvKpglV8oWmzGVWoMAiG8KZNGFPce7RaeisA

I want some good levelsets. I played a bunch of stuff like the Scythe, Valiant, Ancient Aliens, Jenisis, among other popular wads. Any recommendations at megawads that I can just start hacking away at?

Bump, this is important.

what wads are those?

Might as well wander around Doomworld looking for new stuff, I guess. I'm assuming you've already exhausted the Cacowards.
Moonblood came out last month, the creator says its inspired by Jenesis, Scythe 1, DTWID, et al. I just found it looking around on Doomworld, I have no idea how good it is.

Pic is just Toward The Hell, someone's first wad that isn't a megawad, but its got some neat stuff in it.

First is Miasma.wad with HXRTC 5.2, damnums 0.1.1, dropletsv15, and that HXRTC health bar thing. Second is Brutal Russian Overkill on Planisphere 2 (New York City sort of recreated in Doom), third is Insanity's Requiem Mk.2 1.5 on Warp House, fourth is Lithium on Speed of Doom.

Is there a Holla Forums recommended pic for DOOM style classic FPS like there is for other genres/consoles?

Anyone have the link to the IWADs? don't use link is dead.

Theres the mods/wads recommendation list, it does have some TCs on it.
If you want games similar to Doom, theres:
Adventures of Square:
Hacx, a Doom TC that used to be commercial:
Obviously theres Heretic, Hexen and Chex Quest.
Build engine games like Duke Nukem 3D, Shadow Warrior, and Blood were similar to Doom, although on a different engine.
Probably more than that out there, but thats what I can think of at the moment.

I have a couple of suggestions:

1. Play something Russian, like A.L.T or Whitemare 2 or anything made by Lainos. Russians seem to have a knack for big atmospheric maps.
2. No End in Sight. Pretty much the best Ultimate Doom megawad made. Episode 1 is merely decent, but the rest is awesome. The project lead has a fondness for really obtuse secrets though.
3. 50 Shades of Graytall. A "jokewad" that forced the mappers to only use 3, generally considered ugly, textures. GRAYTALL, DOORTRAK and FIREBLU. The resulting levels are no joke, however.
4. Perhaps it's time for you to to take a stab at Sunlust, or at least the early parts of it. You should at the very least be able to make it to level 4.
is a good repository of Doom wad reviews. Updates has slowed down recently as the author got fucked over by Imgur and had to rehost most of his screenshots.

What doom mod has the best and most satisfying GATTLING GUN?

Accessories to murder, Project Brutality, Trailblazer and Russian Overkill. Last two are pillowblaster mods, so I hope you're okay with any semblance of balance being completely chucked out of the window. More so in RO's case.

pig disgusting 2.5D!XA4gnJqK!KNtDJAEM8YVTd5ZkTENpYMWA42od4_59wf4RlWvskrA

Aliens The Ultimate Doom
I made a bunch of modifications for it because it wasn't difficult enough and wasn't completely to my liking. I already posted it here maybe once or twice but since then I changed a lot of stuff, mainly sounds. I wanted to make the mod more horror-like, the xenos more satisfying to kill and even a single one an actual threat, and I figured maybe some other anons would like the changes I made or wanted to make it themselves but didn't want to waste the time doing it all.
Apparently it's not possible to add sounds (I tried adding them to SNDINFO but to no effect), just replace sounds that are already in the mod, which is why I was lucky this particular mod had a LOT of unused sounds just waiting to be replaced and used for something else.
Also for some reason all the shotguns can be realoaded when full which will waste a single point of ammo. I don't know how to correct this yet.
Another thing is that I couldn't edit the flamer class so if you play with the flamer guy you'll be twice as fast as you should be, and for god's sake don't use the droid class if you're gonna play co-op or your mates will waste all their ammo shooting at you thinking you're an enemy. I guess this makes the commando and smartgunner the only classes that actually work for co-op, if you ignore the fact that player sprites are all kinds of fucked up because the author didn't give them much thought (your characters slide along the floor instead of walking and before my changes they also disappeared when shooting.)
For the next version I want to unfuck the player sprites, the shotguns, maybe change some weapon sprites, change the main menu appearance and the HUD.

"All right, sweethearts, what are you waiting for? Breakfast in bed? Another glorious day in the Corps! A day in the Marine Corps is like a day on the farm. Every meal's a banquet! Every paycheck a fortune! Every formation a parade! I *love* the Corps!"


The "Tactical Pulse Rifle" that the combat droid class starts with is a bit more accurate over longer distances (zoomed fire doesn't work as it should, though, don't try to use it) but it comes without a grenade launcher

"It just keeps coming!"
- Marine, shortly before his death.

Flamethrowers are not really better than other weapons in most situations, but they are incredibly powerful against both very dangerous enemies like predators and praetorians (they stunlock them), and large groups of enemies in confined spaces.

That's all if I'm not forgetting anything. Tell me what's good, what you think could be better etc.
Maybe we can play this co-op one of these days.


How do you like them chaingunners, user?

What does this mean?

People who use Gzdoom as the engine for their indie game projects don't get in trouble (unless they steal other assets of course).

Some dude named Marveller made a video showcasing 150 Doom mods for 20 minutes.
So, i'll post it here in case you guys are interested or something.

Now do Plutonia 2.

imgur link:

I havent finished plutonia 1 yet, im time off every 2 maps, to intense for my poor heart

Plutonia loves its Chaingunners and Revenants.

yeah well fuck you!2lhyzTZC!lIl_0DOgBVIa1RfFB_0kNxubsxdiDauAuO_IPNiLtSI

Have my IWADs. This has:
Doom 2
Hexen: Deathkings of the Dark Citadel

I'm getting screen tearing in gzdoom even though vsync is on?

I already found some problems with some of the last minute changes I made + some stuff I forgot to do.

after some fiddling I can say giving them the +ALWAYSFAST and +MISSILEEVENMORE flags give them a good fighting chance and it also makes them more effective against alien groups. Seeing them drop three or four aliens with the plasma caster from afar before they even get near him is very cool. No extra health needed for them I think

What else? Any ideas?

The predator is easy if you know what works and what doesn't, but it depends on if the random spawning decided to fuck you up or not. If you don't have a flamethrower or an auto shotgun, let him take aim at you with his darts and fire a grenade on his ass while he's standing still (and take cover, of course), then finish him off with a burst of your weapon. He doesn't actually have much health. Marine friends help you a lot here.

Also WY combat droids are fucking beasts since I gave them +ALWAYSFAST, but marines had it so I thought it wasn't fair for them not to have it. Maybe I'll have to reconsider that oneā€¦

most important setting so that you're not playing with gay soft edges and interpolated textures.

How well should fire work against it? I haven't decided on it yet. In the lore, full grown xenos are very resistant to fire and extreme temperatures. I think fire should work much worse than explosive-tipped, light-armor piercing rounds, in exchange for keepng them at bay by stunlocking them and pushing them back.
haven't tested this one properly yet

Can anyone who played a little give some feedback?

also I did not change spawning of monsters, only items (ammo, corpses, health, clutter)

Hexen counts, right?

I just started playing it seriously. It's okay. Last time I played it was Hexen 64 when I was like 8. I rolled a mage. Anything I should be aware of?




The chaingunner has always been known as the "Former Human Commando". Similarly to how the shotgunner is known as a "Former Human Sargent" or "Shotgun Sargent".

I guess that makes sense

DoomRL Arsenal has everything you'd want for your rotating barrel fetish be it a standard chaingun or an Autocannon that's basically a hitscan Rocket Launcher.

Goodness user, how are you gonna handle Hell Revealed then?

So, I'm looking for a zdoom wad. Something like daggerfall where it's an RPG and you can go to towns and do quests, but with the fast combat of Hexen(mixed with the RPG elements)

Hey user, good wad, much more tense moment to moment gameplay than the original and I quite like the new hitscan synthetic effect.

Can't get very far though as there is a painful lack of ammo and often run out by the end of level 2 despite burst fire and ammo management. Also seem to pickup a lot of shotgun shells instead of any relevant and of course they are useless since I havent picked up a shotgun by that point. Otherwise though very good work. By the way, are you planning to add a new reload sound for the pulse rifle or is that not supposed to be missing?

Relevant ammo*

that's not supposed to be missing, no. Maybe you're just not hearing it since I changed it to something not so conventional.
I'll tweak ammo spawn values in next version, along with monster spawn and health too, so don't worry.
Also the changes in the post you quoted are not in the download, they will come on next version.

I'll copy the post I just made on the Doom general on /vr/ so you guys can gib some feedback:

ALIENS user here.
I'm thinking of giving the aliums a lot of resistance against fire, good resistance against bullets, and then make the pulse rifle and smartgun do explosive damage instead to get around it.
too overkill?
or maybe just give them a lot of fire resistance and then make the flamethrower push them back on top of stunlocking them so it doesn't turn into a useless piece of shit
is it possible with decorate to make an enemy act a certain way after taking a specific kind of damage? (ex: running away briefly after being hit by flames)

Any Doom mod you play as a natzi and kill allies?

not as far as I know, though I was thinking of making one.

what do you think?

Nice to hear, and I know about the changes not being in the quoted post, just decided to tag the one asking for feedback. Looking forward to progress, the original aliens ultimate doom is one of my fave wads; thanks user

Add a special pain state, they're named like "Pain.damagetype". Also use the ZDOOM wiki if you're not already, it's a godsend for this kind of info

D-Day defense mission?

I'll probably try to copy the retreat state the synths have. They enter this state when too close to an enemy, so I'll have to make fire damage call it instead somehow, and see how it works.

Nah, it certainly is accurate (as it should be), but neither the speed or the sound are satisfying.

Doom RPG did it better.

as a prologue maybe?

As long as the special pain state's there, they have a chance of entering it when they get hit by the corresponding damage type. If you want them to enter the pain state 100% of the time, give them a specific pain chance for that damagetype, by writing PainChance "damagetype", 255.

Getting to implement a custom pain state seems easy, enough. It's making this work seamlessly and feel natural enough for my autistic tastes that will be a problem.
They already get stunlocked by fire, now I want to make them actually retreat or stay put for a little while (like they're hesitating)

meant for

Guess we're not calling it classic FPS games anymore? Oh well, anyways the level editor for Turok: Dinosaur Hunter is available for the GOG offline installer. So now map making in this heavily modified Doom engine Kex 2, is readily available. Of course it'll be years before access to model making inside the level editor is available but hey it's great that it's finally here.

I can confirm this is legitimate, and not a ruse.

So I notice I can't play Doom mods for more then an hour without feeling my nauseous and my stomach starts turning like crazy. I remember being able to play doom for hours before many years, but during that time I didn't have mouse look. If I move the mouse too much, especially up and down I really get sick. Is this happening to anyone else, or any remedies? I can play games like Unreal Tournament 2k4 for hours and not feel a thing.

There's one where you play as Hitler and you command an army of Nazis to fight demons.

nope, never felt something like that.


I have never experienced anything like that. I play keyboard-only.

I'm the opposite, playing on the original controls with the original resolution made me want to puke. It was like a combination of carpal tunnel and nausea. The original chunky status bar also makes me sick for some reason, like the way it juts the screen up just feels wrong to my brain.

As long as it's GPL compliant. No proprietary code.

From what I found online, apparently I wasn't the only one. I swear I recall the Duke Nukem Build engine actually when out of its way to limit looking up and down because it was known to cause people to get sick. Also because the engine got fish eye and distorted when it did that too.

Gross Deutschland weapon pack v2.0

what's the latest good stuff that people are playing in Zandronum? haven't done Doom online in a few years, was annoying when every populated server was Megaman, prop hide and seek or that spooky ghost shit.

Why is my HUD tiny? How do I resize it?

Try the +/- buttons

first turn off the filtering user


That's what you get with public servers. Last time I played online, it was with Holla Forums (or 4/vr/'s /doom/, not sure) and we we went through Going Down in co-op. Shit was pretty fun.

Now I can play my friend's wad without a fuckton of darkness.

Tried that, didn't work.

Looks interesting but I'm not sure about some of the changes. It's so many changes I won't say shit until I try them though. One thing that did get my jimmies rustled however is you mentioned you removed the iconic 'blip' sound from the motion tracker. The other thing that I'm not sure I like is the acid blood thing; the blood already hurt, when it was on the floor so I don't follow your change to it? If it's an arbitary 'if alien is less than X distance then you take damage' then it's going to be annoying more than anything. I hated that in AvPII; AvP98 had the right idea with shooting limbs off and acid spraying from the wound. It made it dangerous but not suicidal to shoot aliens at shorter ranges.

Music's also not playing, I have it set to 0.80

Whats a good level pack that mixes well with Project Brutality. Are there any levels that where made with it mind mind?

Did you enable the status bar stretch in the HUD options?

Where's that?

Your hud looks fine in that screenshot.

the blood sprites and body parts that spurt from them when you shoot them or kill them are actually projectiles, but before they had no damage, so I gave them some acid damage. It's not radius dependant like an explosion, don't worry.
I removed the iconic blip sound because after playing for months it got incredibly annoying. It would be nice if it was an item that you held like in some other aliens mods. It's said in the mod description (if I'm remembering right) that you can turn it off but it doesn't really work.

90% of the changes were made slowly over the course of several months as I played on and off and tweaked things a bit here and there so it would be more in line with what I wanted to play, which was basically a more tense and horror-like mod that felt more like the movie. After some time I realized it felt different enough from the original that I should probably post here so some anons could play it if they felt like it.
Hopefully we'll get around to playing co-op one of these days. I think that would be fun but I still need to test stuff and that's why I need some ideas.

You may want to adjust the FOV, turn off movebob and stillbob as well.

Anyone got an recommendations for levelsets that are very simple and easy to navigate (without all just being stupidly simple, like E1M8)?

I'm pretty much retarded when it comes to pathfinding and backtracking. I can do it but it takes a lot of concentration and throws off my whole flow. I blame modern rail shooters ruining me and probably islamig gommunism as well :DDD, but the damage is done at this point.

The last couple of days, I've played through the first two episodes of DooM 1 (which I am not very familiar with, having played through them only once before years ago) and the complexity level was just about at the upper limit of what I can handle without autistic screeching and ragequitting.

I really enjoy the overall feel of doom but just need something more casual and mindless. Would be nice if the levelsets were compatible with my current setup:

user seeks levelset more complicated on average than E1M8, but less complicated overall than Episodes 1 and 2 from DooM 1.

Try Scythe.wad or some of the earlier maps on Alien Vendetta(AV.wad)

Haven't played multiplayer in a while, is this what everyone uses now that best ever is kill?

MoonMan WAD development is kinda back on its track after long break.
Updated the shit with plenty of new stuff, bugfixes, tweaks and crap.
I'm currently running 2 zandronum servers with 1.4 alpha version of moonman, open up for anyone interested just like in good old days.
Grab it here:
Servers IPs
Or alternatively just Ctrl+F MoonMan in the server browser.

All help testing it online is appreciated.
Also drop in all suggestions/ideas if you'd like to see anything changed or added.

MoonMan WAD development is kinda back on its track after long break.
Updated the shit with plenty of new stuff, bugfixes, tweaks and crap.
I'm currently running 2 zandronum servers with 1.4 alpha version of moonman, open up for anyone interested just like in good old days.
Grab it here:!AFUBAYqS!vbipx7ds6IY_CHdQn4eOPQ
Servers IPs
Or alternatively just Ctrl+F MoonMan in the server browser.
All help testing it online is appreciated.

Also drop in all suggestions/ideas if you'd like to see anything changed or added.

Do I need 2.1.2 or the 3.0 dev build of Zandro?

For the most part, it's pretty much renamed Best Ever.

3.0 dev, doom explorer automatically grabs newest test versions for servers that run it and I suppose doom seeker should be able to do the same

I think It's Safe enough to say this now but I think we need all the FOSS doom games and mods melted together into one big moddable multipack FOSS game bundle that is self contained in it's own game folder and plays with options to choose from any of them and any of their mods by clicking on one icon in the game folder, and on linux. Basically download, unzip, and click to play. Foss, and on linux. Because It's the right thing to Do.

Haha, playing Scythe.wad now, this is awesome, thanks user :3c


And just why would you pick blasphemous hardware renderer and shittier feature set over perfectly good ZDoom version?

Not bad, I'll play when I there will be more people.

Does ZDoom has truecolor software renderer?

I meant to write "have", not "has".

16 bit? What are you queer? It uses good 'ol 8 bit color.

It's 32 bit, actually.

What are you, afraid of progress? :^)

But having less features is not a progress, user.

I guess that will happen never ever when most of anons will follow same logic

good work with the sprite work user.

I know what you mean but I won't play alone for an hour in a zandro server.

Open the console with the tilde ` key and type "fov 110" (without quotes) or higher. Anything less than that gives me a headache for some reason.

I found how to make chat messages last longer/allow more messages to be displayed before the first ones disappear in Zandro if anyone is interested. Basically you just have to edit these lines in Zandro's .ini:

con_midtime // Time in seconds for messages to stay before fading.

con_notifytime // Time in seconds for messages to scroll away.

con_notifylines // How many messages can be on the screen at once.

Add antifa and suicide bomber antifa.

these monsters are infesting our community and we need help

you basically just described Strife, which is a standalone game

Added the cursor & crosshair I made to the hotfix. The crosshair has its own slot.!WYdRFC5a!qcLrgDaxvKpglV8oWmzGVWoMAiG8KZNGFPce7RaeisA

I got plenty of features for me and colored lighting, so I'm having a good time, user ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ

and its incorporated now, thanks

noice, got any sound files to go with it/any autistic antifa screeches at jewtube to rip sounds from?

If someone wants to put xhairb8.png into Holla Forums.wad and post that on or something, I'd download it and play it.

I haven't even played Holla Forums.wad before but I can already tell that's the definitive experience right there.

Just saiyan.

tl;dr Carnevil, the original skulltag author who was retired for years was in charge of the website domain and forum, shit started breaking, people demanded him to fix his shit, just like jim watkins and hotwheels were expected to fix h8hen, he did fucking not.
Other devs set temporary home at skulltag.NET while Carnevils skulltag.COM was fucked up, Carnevil got buttblasted over it but finally fixed his shit after 2 months of being "too busy wanking to his crap indie commercial gaem projects".
Some time later his site started breaking again and he wasn't yet again around to do anything about it.
People had enough so all the devs and admins forked the project and moved it to new domain, also had to change name because Carnevil was a dick about it and even went as far as claiming that "THEY STOLE MY BABY, MY SKULLTAG".

Thanks for the manual cunt.

Yeah well fuck you again

Tweak them ammo spawns son, all I get is SG ammo.

also a slight delay on the synths firing, they can be pretty bullshit.


Is it harder than the secret levels?

bump, server still runnin

what happens at the end of predator

It's supposed to be Plutonia Map32 ramped up to 11.

For comparison, Plutonia Map32 has 250 or so monsters in the level.




Shit, that one made be take a short break to laugh. I am enjoying those little changes.

Who is the new imp variation by the way that throws what looks like lint at the player?

Also the Stahlhelm armor pickups are bit hard to see. I know the color is supposed to be authentic but maybe add a bright outline around it, if changing the color to something bright is not an option?


What the fuck is this shit Holla Forums?
Am I in the fucking matrix?

Of course, how would Moonman mod feel like it when you cant taste the exclusive multi-cultural culinary goodness that all those poor misunderstand immigrants are bringing with them? Don't you like the new opened Kebab shop #21521 close to your ally? :^)

Its the crackhead from wdf05.pk3 mod, the mod is pretty under appreciated since the 2 goys working on it did pretty much all the assets by themselves, scripting, custom maps, monsters, weapons, RPG system, blood menu and so on. They wrote to me they are about 95% done with the new version which means they will release it soon but they are also bretty busy all the time due to Real Life (tm) gets constantly in their way.

For the Stahlhelm I could add a green outline like the original sprite had it. Also if some anons is gud at spriting/ripping stuff the Green/Blue Armor could get some replacement too, for the Green Armor it could be a Police Vest and the Blue Armor a Waffen-SS one or so.

Nah m8 you ain't on the matrix it is just some damn scammer that is leeching off h8chan shitposting so that the hoster of the website can get some sweet advertising shekels. I don't know why it is not shut down yet.

What's a simple modloader for Debian?

You mean like the terminal?

He probably means something like ZDL.

b-but if someone uses a script to fish Holla Forums posts that means I'm in the matrix :^))))))))))^

should I:


Do any of you guys watch a podcast called Intermission?
It's about a bunch of Doom modders talking about Doom mods, fps and sometimes juts video games in general.

I discovered why people are getting so much shotgun ammo. Turns out it's not shotgun ammo at all, or at least not one that any weapon in the mod can use.
The mod maker didn't make a vanilla replacement spawner for the vanilla shotgun ammo box, so since the spawn rate for that is still vanilla, it appears much more often than the other stuff, but it's completely useless. I'll have to make a replacement spawner for that myself I guess.
There's an item called "AliensShellBox" that uses the same sprite as vanilla ammo box but has useable ammo, but I haven't seen that one spawn yet.

Can't wait to try it out when you're finished.


Whats the best way to organize all your Doom related shit?

Sometimes I glance at my wads folder and wonder what they all are.

it takes some work. Honestly I'm starting to think of reorganizing into

hello mwad bro

I start by organizing them by game (wads that work with multiple iwads get their own folder), then into separate folders by category, though I'm still not completely happy about the categories I use. I'd rather have some kind of tagging system, but I don't know how I would do that without renaming every single file.

What a colossal faggot. Anyone have a copy of this version?

Stop shilling your shitty podcasts term, you stopped being funny two years ago.

G-good work user! Keep it up!


This vola should have a zip containing D4D v2.03 and D4D v1.1 zips

Thanks user, you're a gem. Still can't figure out why he'd nuke the only stable version of a project with other people, unless it was to force coming for v2 to use D4T or some sort of revenge (but then I didn't see any surface drama on the ZDoom project thread).

Well, I manage to dodge that bullet

Hexen why


5 years later. How is it that no game, not even a Doom mod has come to match the brilliance of this amazing amazing game. Every time I pick it up I am astounded by things I discover and the underlying messages set throughout the game. You will not find as much variety nor content in any single other doom mod. Doom lived and ended with Grezzo 2.

I just give all the games their own folders but I've been trying to think of a better system.

Is leakyforum not a thing anymore? Because that site did the exact same thing

is there a way to make the maps brighter via command? I cant see shit sometimes and it would help

Typing IDBEHOLDL gives you the light visor, although it ruins the atmosphere if you ask me.

anyway to shut it off after then?

Hunted, right? That's a fun map.

F11 amps the gamma up. You can also adjust lighting in options depending on the port, ZDoom has a variety of global adjustments and also sector lighting models, for example.

If you are using GZDoom, you can go intro Display>OpenGL Renderer and change the sector light mode. The default one is "Dark" so that's why you might have a hard time seeing in really dark areas. I personally use "Doom" because it's as dark as "Dark"(so it doesn't ruin the atmosphere) but the closer you get to things, the brighter they become. Here are some screens for comparison.

that feel when your pc is too poor to run gzoom and ur stuck with zdoom

There's nothing bad about ZDoom except if you want to play wads like The Golden Souls.

yes. i still have plenty to play and im enjoying return to saturn x at this very moment, BUT i can't play all wads i want, which makes me upset.
buutā€¦ is golden souls the mario wad? i think i actually could run it on qzdoom, the problem is my fps drops to like 5 on the 2nd map

Yeah, I was getting a pretty bad framerate on that level too back when I only had a shitty old laptop.

Hexen was weird with its bindings.

There's nothing really bad about ZDoom, yeah, but the fact that it's ded and now GZDoom/QZDoom is the only way forward is pretty dumb.

QZ has full color software rendering though doesn't it? I don't see the problem if you toggle off OpenGL.

It does, and it's really seamlessly implemented.
I wouldn't be able to really tell a difference between how software and hardware rendering looks now; they look incredibly similar, with just a couple differences in lighting and the obvious lack of GZDoom-only features like flatsprites/wallsprites/etc. Good shit.
I'm just the kind of guy that likes options and being able to have different forks for different things. The problem with trying to integrate everything into one is that, inevitably, it's going to stop working for somebody.

Bell in tower on first level can be shot from the ground

What's the difference between QZ and GZ now that they merged a bit over a week ago?

One's software and the other's hardware, maximum view pitch is still limited in QZ, +FLATSPRITES and +WALLSPRITES cause crashes in QZ.
I wouldn't be able to tell you a single difference, otherwise. I'm told that there's a whole ton of differences under the hood, but I'm not smart and don't understand any of 'em.

But GZDoom has software rendering. You just have to type vid_renderer 0 in the console and restart it.

Right, but since GZDoom and QZDoom merged, GZDoom's software basically IS now QZDoom.

That makes sense. Anyway, I don't understand why you need to use a console command to switch to the software renderer in GZDoom instead of just adding that in the options menu.

GZDoom is the Open GL fork of ZDoom, or at least that was it's status for the longest. With the original ZDoom now dead just recently, it's basically the de facto continuation of ZDoom, and ZDoom is the source port of with all the mods and TCs people care about these days.

QZDoom was a newer fork of ZDoom that was basically for true color software rendering, but from what I understand looking into recent developments just now it also implemented and tested experimental features before they were rolled into GZDoom. Apparently the new shit: simple lightmaps, SSAO and so on, are all now stable enough to be in GZ. And unless something radical comes out soon, there rapidly will be less of a reason to aggressively maintain QZ as a "experiment" port.

Grezzo is shit

Agreed. Especially now since there's a "Change Rendering Output" menu option, it just seems like a waste to have it there and not put in the most obvious feature.

Holy shit I'm fucking retarded.

Thanks anyway.

Can anyone who's ever played Brutal Doom Sperglord Edition tell me how to fix this problem. The author for SE seems to have abandoned it after all and there's a somewhat nasty glitch that makes the otherwise satisfying shotgun overpowered. On later versions of GZdoom, the shotgun's pellets cause a damage over time effect which can end fights rather easy and sometimes remain in effect within the area the pellets were fired at. If you haven't experienced this or haven't ever played it, picture this: You shoot the shotgun at a group of enemies and they seem to be taking consecutive small hits seconds after you shot them. I'm a novice when it comes to modding doom but not to modding in general. With my autism I think I should figure it out if someone points me in the right direction.

Easy/lazy mode: Use PlayOnLinux aka WINE's frontend and run it all through there.

Normal mode: If your system supports running things by dragging files and dropping them on top of the executable, do that. Hold Ctrl and click each file in the order you want it to load. That should preserve your load order. Should.

Hard mode: Create a script that tells Debian to run all of those files in the order you want including the compiled GZdoom you run on linux. You will have to manually modify it each time you want to run different files.

Probably is. There's one "forum" for halfchan and one for Holla Forums

Grezzo 2 is a masterpiece.

If the mod is .pk3 which should be you can simply extract it like a regular archive or using Slade3 to edit it directly, the shotgun decorate might be define either on the root archive which might be shotgun.dec or on actors/weapons/shotgun.dec which is my best guess where the shotgun definition is since I don't have this mod myself to check where it is, once you found out where the decorate script is it shouldn't be too hard correcting the error assuming it doesn't uses weird ACS fuckery for it.

Daily reminder that SgtMarkIV is the Lord and Saviour of DOOM and that everyone that says otherwise is a (((Doomworld))) shill


Yo, I already posted this in /adgd/ but I thought I may as well post it here too If thats okay with everyone. Just a video showing off the fire tome in my project!

Furfags get out

whats wrong with wh-
hold the fork
didn't you guys had a beat em up game? where you play as lucifer and other daemons, whatever happen to that?

found it

We did, around 8 years ago. That didnt go too well for a multitude of reasons, mainly due to the fact that the software we were using, OpenBor, was pretty limited in what we can do

I will most like redo/remake that project after this one, Infact, with a proper engine.

it better have sex scenes as rewards


Its actually worth noting, that some of the characters in that game make a cameo in this one. One of them appears in the trailer I made awhile back, so I haven't forgotten about the characters.

>sex scenes as rewards
No. Don't make it official.
Instead, allow game to be heavy customisable. And the rest is the story. Perhaps, a good story :^)

So I'm playing Insanity's Requiem and the health bars don't show up.
Is there a specific option to enable to show them or am I missing something out of retardation?

Is the entire HUD missing or just the health bars? Try pressing +/- to resize the screen

Just the health bars

Consider giving Knight class a motorcycle mount when he reaches Lvl 3 spear, this damn "vroom" sound would be much more fitting. Alternatively, redesign Knight class as a medieval robot with motor.

Weird, you mean your own bars right, not some JP enemy hp hud addon like in the op?

I mean the enemy health bars when you point at them.
And nevermind, fixed it by downloading the newest version of the same mod. Strange though.

they actually are motorbike machines in my game which appear if you have a 3 star wanted rating for committing crimes.

The revving sound is just there to indicate the charge is ready, sort of like Nero in DMC4!

user, you're a true hero of Whiteopia.

I think it was Leekyforums.
I remember little Ben Shapiro was talking about Leekyforums on some podcast a while ago, thinking it was another "sinister nazi hangout" like 8/pol/, except he mis-remembered the name and called it "schekky" forums, which I at first thought meant someone had rused him into thinking the real nazi hangout was anuuuu cheeki breeki iv damke forums.

Wish I could find it, shit was hilarious.

I'm not Term, just a random dude posting stuff he thought could fit into a thread about Doom and old school shooters.
You don't have to click it, if you don't want to, nobody's forcing you and you don't even pay money for it, since it's just a random YT video.
For fuck's sake, it's not even monetized, since the appeal of the videos is obviously niche as fuck

Currently this means things won't spurt blood or explode when you kill them this way, and will turn dark gray. I'm in the process of adding a smoke effect to their corpses, like the acid smoke but a bit larger.
I ran into several problems with this so I'll need to rewrite everything. If I manage to work these problems out I can make them almost impervious to fire without making the flamethrower completely useless. Also remember that eggs, facehuggers, synths and predators will be just as weak to fire as ever. If I can't get this to work like I want to, then I'll probably make flamethrower be what it was before.

Oh, like what? Is the FRIGHTENED flag not working?

For the player it works well enough. You give it a short burst and it jumps away and retreats for just a little while, just while the Chase state lasts, and if it's too close before you hit it then it lunges at you regardless. I thought that was pretty nice, if a bit unforgiving.
The problems came when I started testing against groups of xenos and marine/synth flamers efficiency. 9 out of 10 times they just ignore the fire and lunge at the poor fucks, no matter the distance.
I think it's because of how the Chase state works in this mod. I think I'll have to give them a custom Chase state that gets called when they take fire damage instead of the regular one.

Against groups of xenos:
You haven't finished firing on the third one and the first one is already charging at you again, and since they like to spread around when you fire at them it doesn't take long until you have lost control of the situation completely. I'm a masochist but I don't think the other user(s) playing this mod will like this very much. It will probably work better if I give the flamethrower the +RIPPER flag so the flames don't stop when they hit one of them, though that brings its own set of problems, like:

What source port are you aiming for?
If you're going for post 2.8 GZDoom, anonymous functions might help out quite a bit. Doing a constant A_CheckProximity for nearby fires and if so then not jump might help.

I'll check those out, thanks.
the idea is to make them jump like they normally do when hit by bullets, just not toward the player/marine/synth firing at them. I think if they don't jump they will be sitting ducks. I'm trying to make this work for both singleplayer and co-op and I can see a guy with a flamethrower and another with a rifle just making every xeno look like a joke if they don't jump.


What boombox bug? Care to elaborate?
Since last test version frag counts for it work properly, making boombox push monsters only is more tricky stuff however.
Is there any other issue I'm unaware?

Probably he was talking about the version of Moondoom where the boombox hurts the user, though that was updates ago.

We will never know, poor guy came to the server and left twice without realizing he can callvote changemap to reset the map while I was afk.

Holy shit how did I skim through this thread more than once without seeing this. Glad you guys are KKKeeping the torch burning bright.

Does the Boombox still have shit damage? If it did as close to what the christian radio boombox weapon in Grezzo 2 did, it would be perfect. Semi-midrange, stuns weaker enemies while killing them just as fast as can be called balanced.

Alien vs Predator on the Atari Jaguar is good.

It can be maze-like and confusing, but the atmosphere is there and what sets it apart from the later AvP games on the PC (1, 2 and 2010) is some cool unique features that you see nowhere else.

The Alien has low health, and there's no way to regain it like in AVP1999 where you headbite people to get health back. Instead, you can cocoon marines and once you die, you spawn as another alien. There's like a maximum of 3 marines you can cocoon, and you have to wait for the lifecycle to complete to a full-grown xenomorph. Once you die, you spawn as a fresh alien again. Cocooned marines act like spawn points basically, which adds a strategic element to the alien campaign. If you die while the eggs/embryo lifecycle isn't done yet so you can't spawn as another alien, it's game over.

The Predator doesn't start with all the cool gadgets immediately like later installments. Instead, you have to make do with wrist blades and earn better tech through a honor system. If you kill while cloaked, you lose points. If you kill while uncloaked, you gain points. Eventually you unlock the full arsenal. This adds a strategic element to the Predator where you have to carefully decide how you take down opponents.

Ghetto Blaster is pretty overpowered against shit tier kc tier mosnters, since it's area of effect kind of weapon it can rip 30-40 nigger imps in 2 to 4 seconds.

What are the red sprites supposed to be? I know they are meant to be the JIDF, but I don't understand their uniform.

Doom 2016 is a great game.

It's just a lazy repaint of SS officers, nothing more nothing less

The original sprites were the space nazis from Astrostein, I believe.


I decided to spend some quality time fixing up old crappy sprites.
Just got ArchNBA Barkley fixed up, the bitch took me 2 hours to get done.
Guess it would help my workflow if I actually had actual knowledge on using GIMPā€¦
Besides, fixed few glitches in other sprites and now I am at reworking nigger Baron death animation's shitty KFC bucket.

Every single mod I boot up gives me errors saying the executable failed, I'm using Zandronum 2.1.2, and the GOG copies of Doom, and used Ultiamate Doom as my base.

Are they mods for Ultimate Doom? Do they need GZDoom, instead of Zandronum?

Most single-player intended mods require (Q)ZDoom or GZDoom (latest, dev builds count here and not latest "release") and Doom 2. Read mod's requirements in either their zdoom forums page or in any .txt files they may carry if there's any.

Don't trust any moddb pages, they repost shit from zdoom forums most of the time.

Are you sure you load your wads in correct order?

All I needed to do was use GZDoom, is Zandronum's purpose multiplayer than?

How'd you get your interface like that assuming it's GZDoom.

Dood Exploder, works with any multiplayer and singleplayer source port.

Skulltag aka Zandronum is behind in keeping up with updating its zdoom/gzdoom base.
If you want higher mod compatibility with it then at least use newest 3.0 testing versions.
However if you are gonna stick to singleplayer and do not need any ST/ZDA specific features then GZDoom is way to go.

Zandronum's mainly for multiplayer, yes.

Zandronum's ZDoom base is lightyears behind current ZDoom and GZDoom and thus has way less features. It does have some specific mods that cannot be played in the current ZDoom but they are mostly either multiplayer focused or old as balls. This is why it cannot run the latest mods.


Those red sprites look different to me, user. Look how much higher their headgear rises off their skulls.


Current zand 3.0 builds are not that far, they bumped up the version up to zdoom 2.8 prerelease, quite close to latest 2.8.1
Zand 2.1.2 versions are however running at prehistoric zdoom 2.5.0 base.


Blood conversions to zdoom engine are the most blasphemous heresy.
Get real Blood or get the fuck out of here.

Source? I don't see that written anywhere.

it looked like shit and sounded as shit in the video so I immediately assumed its yet another zdoom blood TC knockoff, later into video tho the monsters movement gave away it's not zdoom
It still looks like shit although.

Not doom, but close enough.
Anybody got a good clean version of the Malice mod for Quake?
The only download I found on the internet was corrupted.

I think I figured the mouse out. half the quake sensitivity and half mouselook speed. that should get it about the same as what you'd use in quake and sourceengine games.

fov changes aren't permanent, you'll need a hacky workaround

I hope you enjoy the later levels! you won't

This cancer needs to stop.

Every time I fire my gun I get stuck in permanent recoil this shit is fucking unplayable.

enable mouselook, faget

Are there any good doom-style games?
Serious sam comes to mind but it's shit and the only redeeming feature is the co-op mode. People suck the developers' dicks because they're cool but the only thing worse than jewish devs are devs who can't pump out a good game.


Maybe this will be more to your liking

What's the gameplay mod with THE best flamethrower?

I'm getting a lot of horizontal tearing with GZDoom (latest version). In addition, it's maxing out one CPU core and using a fair bit of my non-toaster GPU, which is a problem, since it's hot as balls here, my headphones broke, and I don't want my listen to my fans spooling up to play such an old game.

I can't seem to find any menu options for VSync or an FPS limiter, which I suspect would fix this. Halp?

version 3.0.0.?
I heard there's now a 3.0.1 but i'm not sure if it fixes your problem.

3.0.1, got it may 5th

Oh well, i don't know then.

(missed full house by one)
(checked; full house achieved)
Sick recovery, fam.

Anyway, I used Radeon settings to force Vsync and triple buffering on gzdoom.exe. With the OpenGL renderer this werks gud now on my 60hz monitor and fans are quieter, in case anyone else had this problem.

Sorry fam but nudoom is shit too.
I guess it reminds you enough of serious sam that you think it's good.

gee wiz

Apparently GZDoom got bloom and all this other weird shit at some point, I guess I missed that.

Options > Display Options > Vertical Sync
You probably need to set a FPS limit using a different program if you want to limit the FPS.

You can just use a GUI frontend to make it easy to use different mods together, like this one:
Have to compile from source on Linux though, unless its in your distro's repositories.

so far it's playing as Ben in

test7_hotfix4. Tried with both gzdoom and zandronum.

Project Remap is shaping up to be great but it's not finished yet.

forget it, it was my version of zandronum that was fucked.

Wow, I managed not to see that at all on my first look through the options for it. In my defense, there are a fucking lot of them and my eyes kinda glazed over.

As for the FPS limit, it seems stuck at 60 on my 60hz display, so I'm good on that front too, fampai.

is there a wad for hdoom?


My mods won't open up for GZDoom anymore. I installed Doom Explorer but had no idea what the fuck I was doing so I deleted it and now this shit is happening.

so i put the hdoom pk3 file in the gzdoom folder, run the program, but its not detecting it, help.

Add path to file to autoload in gzdoom.ini or drag pk3 into executable.

Now I need to learn how to play this with one hand


Holla Forums folks with 8Bit dm is pretty fun,
mostly because justified classes is where the shit is at

just drag and drop on gzdoom

I decided to download ZDL instead and it worked the first time but now it says that the process has failed to launch. I can't even play fucking Doom anymore.


If you care about authenticity so much play Chocolate Doom. Better yet, original DOS Doom in DOSBox. Hard mode: Play on old computer.

Seriously, back to cuckchan with you.

I can barely imagine playing any FPS with just the keyboard these days. It's like downgrading from a KBM and just skipping right over a gamepad, a fookin' gamepad, and landing just shy of using morse code to send ASCII-coded bursts.

GZDoom is using the most up to date GPL. Incidentally practically nobody else is using that version yet, so you need the best computer to play an inefficient engine port. That's kind of ridiculous, since i don't particulalry care about the bells and whistles I stick to ZDoom's fork.

looks good not as good as the Eduke port but good enough for not build

Say now, that's pretty co-
Into the trash it goes.


I'm getting errors as well, is the version included in the zip not the correct one?

Nevermind, it's not. Should say that next time tbh

Fucking casual.

There's been some drama over past few months with GZD (shocker) but overall there seems to be some interesting features coming to the fore. It might be fun to build a map using the new lightmapping system if nothing else.

This fucking dynamic light REFUSES to work. I ripped the godamn yellow muzzle flare dynamic light from PB already, why doesn't the blue one from the plasma bolt work? I did the same process for both, and now what's worse, the flamethrower stopped working too.

I know it's in the massive "so you want to play some fucking doom" image, but "Doom the way id did" really does what it says on the tin.

Maybe even a bit better than id did it tbh. Anyone else got any feels about this .wad?

What's the best lewd Doom mod?

That helped a lot, especially the move stillbob.

it's nice enough. I did a playthrough of the first episode when testing my mod's mod

I copied the relevant GLDEFS, DECORATE actors, sprites. What did I forget? There's nothing missing here and yet it does not work. I HATE when this kind of shit happens

I liked Doom 1 better than DTWID
But DTWID2 is better than Doom 2. Especially how they went all out with the secret levels.


Hang on, Doom (and Heretic and Hexen) are GPLv2 only like the Linux kernel, not GPLv2 or later. How'd that pass?

Drama isn't anything new, there was another historic shitfest over Risen3D not abiding by the GPL. What's the problem with GZDoom though, and did ZDoom find a new maintainer?

ZDoom hasn't had a new maintainer, but the forks GZDoom and QZDoom continued on as normal and even merged.

Fucking NUCLEAR right now.

Not really a problem with GZD, just people going on about one problem or another. People upset with ZScript or the development thereof. GZD-centric Doom Builder dev got shitter shattered and left for the Duke community (last I heard). People bitching about one new feature or the other going into QZ or GZ. Also teething issues with non-GPL shit getting removed from GZ's 3.0 release. Overall though nothing too unusual, it's to be expected immediately after a major port like old flavor ZDoom dying.

Anyway as I think I said earlier, old ZDoom's done and GZDoom's basically the new main flavor for the ZDoom line.

GZDoom is shit pajeet tier coded crap that runs like garbage on anything that isn't mildly dated goyforce grafix card.
Graf Retardzahl wanted to force OGL 3.0 as requirement to even run it, despite that all this shit doesn't even use any single feature introduced by OGL 2.0 nor newer. No, he didn't plan on rewriting it to shader based program, it would stay OGL 1.1 esque fixed pipeline, but he would artificially force people to play it only with newest, beefy graphics card - his answer to people bitching about poor GZDoom performance.

Graf's code is borderline broken pile of junk and GZDoom should never exist in first place, now we are stuck with it forever.

See [Graf did ragequit and nuke his GZDoom repository over this but that guy was 100% right]

Am I the only one who feels that Quake is a little bit lackluster? Don't get me wrong it's a great game, but it really feels like slightly different DOOM. It's improved in some areas jumping, more interesting level design etc, but falls flat in others The guns feel far weaker, the enemies are slightly bullet-spongy and not as fun to kill as in DOOM*. Not only that but I really hate the fact that Quake is very lacking in weapons variety, the arsenal we have did it's job, but who doesn't love a FPS where you can browse through different weapons and have fun with them all, using them in different situations.


It feels lackluster now because it was the biggest influence for more modern FPS games and so it's been done better (Half-Life and Unreal for example), whereas Doom still feels unique because after 96 everyone copied Quake and not Doom.




I fucking hate chaingunners.
Fuck em. I'd rather fight a spuky skeleton because at least I can dodge the rocket in most rooms.

Get out of here goon.


I'll forgive that. ZDoom and Zandronum are the ones that shouldn't exist with their shitty licensing and FMOD dependency.

You want anime faces? Okay.

Back to the irrelevant humor forum you go.

Can we all agree that wrestling fags can all fuck off back to 420fag/SomethingAwful?


Uninstall gentoo

Well FMOD's gone at least in GZDoom. I do have to say I miss the days 10-15 years ago when "the" go-to port wasn't settled and you had range of reasonably strong developments going at once. I still have a soft spot for Doom Legacy as it once was.

Am I going to get bullied if I ask for decent wads that work with brutal doom? I've played vanilla and I just prefer this. But I need new maps to play on. Maybe I'll just play Shadow Warrior. I have the Classic Redux version.

You're darn right you're gonna get bullied.

Since Burt Lamb is a gameplay mod, there's generally a whole bunch of mapsets that work with it. - Scythe 2 is the obvious suggestion, and my personal favorite.
Mark made a Hell on Earth mapset that was designed specifically for it, but I haven't gotten very far so I can't testify to its quality.

Thanks, I'll check it out later.

I can't put my finger on what I like better about it. I think maybe it's because I didn't play on PC much until the early 2000s, so the really older shooters feel kind of dated to me. But I've played Doom/Doom 2 several times in the last year and I'm addicted.

Well first, stop liking things other anons don't like.

Second, Doom The Way Id Did (DTWID) works great with Project Brutality (itself a more edgy mod of brutal doom; I recommend it). Just finished all three episodes last night. It was great since each map had about 120 enemies, I really painted the town red :3

Pic related, my config in zdoomlauncher, with filepaths obscured for spoopy purposes.

If you get lost or can't figure out where to go next while playing DTWID with brutal doom, there's probably a big blood splatter obscuring an otherwise obvious switch you have to hit to advance.

Could you explain what is wrong with
In the OP?

Anyone have a link to the older version of Doom RPG that ran on Zdoom and didn't require RLA to run?

I want to play it with different weapon mods.

I thought I did, you will have to dig for it I think. Like thoroughly dig for it, it hasn't been long enough for it to be memory holed I think.


wait what is the bumplimit in this board?


Fuck me, i din't even see.
It's 300 posts.

See you lads next Doom thread ;_;7

See you next Doom thread.
Have a last-minute webm!

2/10, go see kegan at the end of class.

cool beans!
which mod is that?

It's not released yet.
It is one of term's new mods i believe, a ZScript proof-of-concept kind of thing. Doesn't even have a name.
Could just name it "Thunderhawk mod" for now.

Just a proof-of-concept learn-how-the-fuck-to-do-zscript.
Not anything elaborate, a couple weapons and fancy functions written in ZScript to figure out how the fuck it works, because if I convert something over right away everything's going to blow up.

It's already almost finished, just gotta finish up the BFG and Plasma Rifle and then put it out.

Hell, Thunderhawk's a neat name. I might stick with it.