Planetside 2 Thread: Lazy Shits Get What They Deserve Edition

Because you fucks won't make a thread, I've had to take matters in my own hands.

Faction: TR
Region: US East
Outfit: WEWW

Send a request to join after posting your name, and a meme apparently, in the thread.
Also, tell everyone to get cancer from me.

Other urls found in this thread:

>meanwhile, literally all of NC were zerging TR's tech plant seriously, every base at the NC-VS front were 0-0
I think I'm done with the game for a while.

Everyone hates TR. This is why TR is the best faction. We're always undermanned, even when we've not got two-way fights all of the time, because all our outfits are faggots who never do anything.

Test server event was interesting. Loads of people, it was a fuckfest to get inside and cap but TR did it. Twice. The test server also let me try out some loadouts 'live' as it were, and I gotta admit I think I might like the scout rifles. They're fun. Let me try a maxed medigun too (holyshit it resurrects people fast). The base itself is unrecognizable, there's a few landmarks that are the same (tree on the north side) but otherwise it's entirely different. It's bigger, for a start. North side's got way more cover as does the south, suprisingly. Without them being able to park sunderers in the bases to defend it was… hard but doable. Like, every five/ten minutes we'd visibly pushed in a little bit more and medics and the res chamber they can spawn were helping. We even got on on the room at one point. Hilarious.

Because the outfit is ded due to burn out and don't forget the faggots shitting up the threads.

Don't forget the constant fucking orbital strikes.

Everyone hates the TR cause u r a bunch of freedom hating Nazis.

Is it even worth coming back to this game? Has it improved significantly in the last two years or so?

The Amerish one was fucking sad, because while TR and VS fought over the new biolab which I really like, the NC basically just cucked everyone out of the fighting by capping the entire continent ~10 minutes after it started and forced a reset.

No. Go play a better game.


Instead of running around like a bunch of insects that can be distracted by minor boredom, try holding points like this shitty picture. If someone turns the corner, they're going to be staring at not one, but two assholes with guns pointed at them. With tactical superiority they will still be at a disadvantage if they come in one by one and peak around corners.

Heavies and medics to hold points. Try to position yourselves so that if someone runs through the door, 2+ people shoot him and no one shoots through him and into a teammate.

The worst bit about planetside 2 is despite all the shit it's still better than other games.

This so much. I try to be crouched as much as I can when on a point, for this reason. Can't tell you how many times I've died, or witnessed the death of others, because I didn't have a clean shot clear of friendlies.

Fighting two factions at the same time means twice the targets, that's why TR gets twice the ammo.

Oy vey, you can't just call everyone a Nazi

I've been thinking about getting one of those, but I want to pick up a prowler anti infantry HEAT turret first. Which one did you pick?

Since it fits my personal playstyle very well, I'd love to. Sadly, infilshitters don't actually fit my playstyle.
If they gave scout rifles to a class what doesn't turn invisible, and can properly support their team, I'd love them.

aren't most classes able to use them?

Don't bother with HEAT if you're cert-starved. Let infantry deal with infantry. You ought to be gitting gud with the AP cannon so you can shoot down C4 fairies anyway. Also find a good gunner.

Battlerifles, yes. Not scout rifles, to my understanding.

I auraxed them because I enjoy hating myself. You're required to run Infiltrator to use all of them but the AMR because they're designated marksman rifles. They're prefect replacements for assault rifles, and are perfect for the Engie that does nothing but sit behind a bunch of deployed Prowlers, the Medic who is sitting a few walls behind the fighting healing people who run back, or the Light Assault who jumps from roof to roof to shoot down on people while staying just out of reach. But, since you're stuck running Infil to use all but one, you're forced into the 'stand back while everyone else does all the close up fighting' but you don't have the ability to jump up onto a roof and ping people without having to worry about being shot back at nearly as much or heal/repair/give ammo while harassing enemies. Considering Infils work best when they're either in smg ranges or 6x+ ranges if you're playing the class properly, scout rifles are a waste of the ~3325+ the ~900 for attachments certs unless you want to aurax the class directives.
tl;dr Scout Rifles should be given to Engies, Medics, or Light Assaults where they'd be far more helpful, and you're retarded if you cert into them outside of getting the AMR to baby sit vehicles as an engie.

Would be perfect for engineers. Whoever thought it was a good idea to give the main repair guy who hangs out in the open to repair vehicles a fucking carbine should hang.

thanks for making tech plants and amp stations more unplayable

There's plenty of instances where a carbine wouldn't help. Scout rifles don't really work well past 3.4-4x tbh.

that was kind of my point. the only current limiting factor for LAs, with their ability to get into unimagiable perches, is having them stuck within carbine range.
bumping them up to 4x range turns a lot of bases into complete shitshows.

I just want more guns to be accessible to more people, but that would make the game "more complicated" and Daybreak wont do that. If smgs got their crosshair while jetpacking made smaller than a lightning's engine block I'd be fine though, because where it's at now is fucking stupid.

yeah, i'm still confused why they only made that change to carbines instead of having it as a passive that applied to all LA weapons.

I sent an invite a couple days ago but you faggots denied my request and this game is shit so I'm not sending another

This is Daybreak we're talking about. Do you really expect them to know how to properly buff/nerf weapons and classes?


It honestly amazes me just how few people actually crouch when covering a doorway.

Seriously, how many games actually make it a point not to have hitscan weapons? Not many, in my experience. It's so god damn satisfying hitting someone long-distance. Tranu don't know what they're missing when you get the lead and drop just right for a 100 meter headshot.

Some of the top dogs are taking a break from the game, can get in and give you an invite, but post a meme in the application.

When a friendly runs ahead i don't take my finger off the fire key. If a fight lasts long enough, i can notice a genuine improvement on retardation after enough people get mowed down.

Kobalts are better in every single way due to their great vertical angles.

This. While I'd like to be able to get somewhere with a decent rifle, LA are a bit too dangerous in that regard. Stick them out of carbine range, and you've got yourself pretty much the best class running around. There'd be no real reason not to play LA, who can shread armor, hit from far range, and fly to hard to reach places.

This I definitely feel, however.

What I'd like to see is the ability to use any weapon, any suit ability, any utility, pretty much anything you want, on any character. Mix and match to your heart's desire. Who gives a fuck about balance, anyway? The HA is already the best combat class, so clearly they've not put that much effort into it regardless. At least this will mean we'll have individual choice for what we bring to the fight, to fit best our own personal playstyle.

To be fair, the main reason people don't is, this game is rather focused on mobility. It plays more like Counterstrike than Battlefield. Movement is more important when you've got people aiming for your head every single time. Especially with latency and client-side damage.,

Take your (you) and get the fuck out.

Post rare nachos

I play connery NC, people never fucking learn. It doesn't matter how many times you rocket somebody in the back while they gormlessly shuffle in a doorway with 20 teammates behind them. they still refuse to acknowledge basic geometry and crowd around doorways so only 2 people can fire at a time.

I'm sure they'll just have to take solace in having guns that never miss. :^)

What the fuck is wrong with Connery

NC's primary population is new players.
It's actually really comphy fighting with NC, incidentally. Unlike TR, you aren't in a deadly battle against the endless tides, or against technologically superior foes. And unlike Vanu, you aren't massively overpowered, but usually alone.
Every battle is a charge, every fight is twice as dramatic, every last stand is far more valiant. They make up in spirit what they lack in skill.


All the fights are dramatic because they invariably include enemy armor columns raining fiery death on every patch of open ground. Shit's going to give me shell shock, I swear I've never seen nc tanks controlling a base without a massive overpop.

I find slumming on vanu comfier tbh, just calmly collect your farm while immortal tanks keep the area safe. Even 40/60 I still see them holding it down, you eventually get overrun, but the quality of life is remarkable.

Thing is, it's a different kind of drama than TR's lot. TR is a desperate struggle, most the time. NC is more optimistic.

That shit's exactly why I hate Tranu, though. It's boring when you've got no challenge. All you have is your k/d.



It`s too early even for a friday

I went with the Tomoe, in all honestly because I liked the reload animation more than anything. I love 'weird' guns. I found my niche as infilshitter as a 'frontline' one. Predator cloak gives you an extra 100 shield, if you don't take claymores to watch your team's flanks as you push you can take shield for a little bit more survivability (I took claymores). I went with 20% damage resistance too, and I stayed with engineers for ammo to spam darts like a mofo, the tomoe had enough accuracy to hurt/kill at that range and I used the cloak to try and slip around and sideswipe an enemy line/dug in heavy before running back to my own team's lines. For somewhere like TI Alloys which was short-ish ranged fighting, it worked very well there.

If you do this you should kill yourself

seems like they're already doing a fine job of killing themselves

REMOVENIGG here, I was removed from the squad for some reason.
Anyone know why?

Better question:
How the fuck haven't you had your name changed yet?

*removed from the outfit
Excuse me

No clue, dude. I think they're just grateful anyone plays their game.

I left the outfit by mistake when trying to leave a squad. accept my application back.


I think the last patch had an error and removed some people from the outfit.

It is done. The Butcher is mine, and it was not worth the effort; the only differences from the stock lmg is it has 769rpm vs 750, and slightly better hipfire. Plus, it has the softpoint ammo without the drawback (so it does max damage at 15m instead of 10). This is comp[ared to damaging vehicles (NC's Godsaw) or unlimited ammo (VS's Beetlejuice) though it was fun to work towards. Because I was grinding it I didn't spend certs on anything, so I've been stockpiling them like balls to spend on buffing up the other classes and vehicles. I'm thinking I'll do infilshitter next, or maybe fuck around as medic or engineer next. Maxed medgun in the test taught me how glorious it could be to be medic.


What I ended up doing to aurax the class which is what you should be doing tbh was just get the recon, scout rifles, smgs, kills and infil kills done. Obviously the kills and infill kills can be done with the weapon type kills, and you're retarded if you don't get recon done first, but the weapon type kills vary depending on which ones you want to cert into but theoretically you could aurax one gun and have it completely finish one of the 5 you need to.
Do Engie and Medic first, since 3 out of the 5 you need for Medic will get you a fuckload of certs and 2 out of the 5 for the Engie will get you a fuckload of certs. On top of that, tank mines (that only Engies get) count towards finishing the explosives directive meaning you have less work to do.


NC cant use their tanks right. Of course now their is no point in Vanguards any more but whatever.

Ive always seen Vanu use their vehicles as a group, Mags, while TR loves using lockdown prolers and Harasser while NC just herp a derp with their tanks.

tell us your lmg opinions

Spotted the vanu player.

NC's the only one to use their tanks like actual tanks. TR locks them down on some hill and fires death but never moves, and Vanu just climb some bullshit hills to shoot you in the back every time, and pretty much curbstomp any armor convoy regardless of how large because they've got the maneuverability

It's because TR has a mobile artillery piece, NC has a tank, and VS has a 'Fuck you I'm going to win every fight because I can ignore 90% of the level geometry and always have front armor towards you' hovercraft.

Somebody mad. About tactics and flanking.

Retards. And they used them poorly.

And the 150mm is under powered for what it is. Like insanely. Especially the HE component.

You wont catch me saying the Vanguard didnt need a buff or readjustment instead of the nerf.

And NC has the shittiest ES Missile Launcher. Back in thebday I figured they would give the NC a massjve fuck off dumb fire rocket that hit 3x as hard as the next competitor, and travaled 2x as fast as nearly any other dumbfire rocket, and with a massive AoE to boot.

Instead they got a shitty, nerfed Sentinel from Nightfire. Yeah, the TR one got nerfed too, but the NC didnt even get anything good.

Yes, that's the point, faggot. Maneuverability is always going to be more valuable than a shitty shield what barely does anything, or a function to make you immobile with the benefit of boosted firerate.
Thus the "Fuck you I'm going to win every fight because I can ignore 90% of level geometry".
What do you think that means? Can you not understand basic english?


Except they dont win every fight against nonshitty players, and when most Armor on Armor fights or face to face, it bareky matters.

Every thing else is literally situational awareness.

I can barely even count how many videos I have seen of Magriders getting flanked or otherwise out fought because it has to turn the whole tank. And then the Magrider gets murdered horribly. Meanwhile same thing happens to tr or nc, and they can just turn the turret and keep the enemy engaged.

Magrider isnt even that bad.

Its the Scythe that is, was, and wilm remain eternally fucking glorious.

But yall just wanna whine about the man whobslapped your ass while ignoring the man who rapes you daily. The Scythe is the real bullshit.

Not enough range or speed.


Except that they win most of the time. If fighting with equal skills, the magrider has the advantage. Because, when you've got equal effective firepower for the most part, speed and maneuverability, along with always being able to point front armor at the target while still dodging shots, means you're most likely going to win in the grand majority of combat.
The rest of your sentence falls apart after that first bit.

Yeah, Magriders being able to move around and over objects that the other two factions can't totally makes it piss easy to flank them, on top of being able to dodge shots more easily than the other two. Being able to deploy and having an overshield that's known as the 'I win button' wont help when suddenly 5 tanks come flying over the hill you couldn't get up, especially when the armor changes hit the live server and Magriders get the fastest default reload speed.

You cant dodge shots past map render distance and they dont win most of the time.

Show where the Magrider touched you, and when the Scythe started savaging your anus daily

Scythes I have less trouble with thanks to that they're somewhat uncommon, and tend to buzz off after one shot from the Archer. They do tend to be the highest deaths of my sundies, though.

Magriders, the problem is the massive maneuverability boost. Not sure why you don't get that. Maneuverability is going to win you far more situations than firepower, or defense. And for the firepower, you actually have to get rid of all of your mobility, I add, with the prowler.


Is anyone surprised?
Also, remind me, who's Wrel exactly? I know he made some planetside vids, but that's about it. I want to catch up on drama that I tragically used to avoid.

After learning about Planetside 2 from the MandaloreGaming video, is it true the game still runs like shit even on decent hardware and that its a good game with shit devs behind it?

No. It's a shit game with shit devs behind it.

He's basically a PS2 youtube/leddit eceleb who is worshipped by normalfags. He got ascended to devhood awhile ago. His primary role at DB is making shitty NSX weeb weapons and covering up for DB's mistakes.

No. It runs like shit on nearly everything. It's a shit game with shit devs. But it has micspamming capabilities and also can have some pretty memorable moments.

This seems like the kind of shit somebody who's never used a phoenix would say. It's fun for a spawn room, but it's generally shit at the moment. Which isn't to say that rocket launchers in general aren't shit, and set to be even shittier with one shot kills being taken away from the dumbfires, just that the phoenix is largely impractical.

wwew lad. Sorry Removeniggs, looks like according to this shit show you may have to make a new account to rejoin the outfit since it's apparently account wide. I wonder how many of us are affected by this stupid bullshit.
While doing my usual digging up in their shitty subleddit; apparently the game's only got less than a year left before it's closed down.

The game runs like shit and had a lot of potential only to be cocked up by the F2P model and SOE/DBG completely fucking it up.

Okay, here's my autism.

Medium and especially longer ranges where the Rhino and TMG-50 were great it's less than perfect, but the flip-side is it vomits out enough bullets to give a decent chance against things like smgs at shorter ranges. Quite a few times I slipped around to flank a group and cut them down because of it, or a light assault/infilshitter with an smg wished they hadn't picked a fight with me because of it. Did seem to suffer the worse when netcode was being screwy though; I've had moments where 30-50 rounds failed to bring down someone.

Worse rof, a fire mode (>implying you can't left click one) and way more attachments so it could be tooled to do more shit. I like high velocity ammo, and this could bring it. It wasn't a bad gun (again; attachments up the arse, you can tool it for almost anything) but the Rhino is better for the 'fire support' thing this thing seems to be pushing. This was also the gun I discovered the joys of the flash suppressor. They're useless in the day but at night it stops lighting up the area around you. Means instead of heading to the flashing spot among the shadows the enemy now have to try and follow tracers (or look at the minimap but that requires thought, something many players don't use)

Hit like a truck, and with high velocity and tapping you could 'snipe' people at surprising distances; I decapitated more than one infilshitty who got cocky, thinking a heavy assault with an lmg was easy pickings at 60+ meters. Didn't seem to have much sideways recoil, or at least even with a compensator the vertical kickback was much bigger and the thing that made me stop firing to readjust. A laser sight was the other attachment I wound up using and it seemed to help a bit in close, though a vertical grip would definitely be more useful for trying to full auto more distant targets.

The most depressing bit about the shitshow? Despite all the fuckups it's still more fun than a game like battlefield.

You would too if the only squads have fucking retarded tacticool squad leaders saying nothing but "REDEPLOY TO THE WARPGATE" every 10 minutes.

lightnings do roughly the same across all factions, it's not that they don't know how to use tanks, it's just a consequence of the mechanics.

Mag survivability means don't need a group to stay alive or be a dick near a fight, so the first one to show up is still alive 15-20 minutes later and they'll naturally coalesce into groups without any planning. With favorable terrain prowlers can do the artillery thing and it has the same effect, a natural buildup of tanks.

Vanguard's don't get to do either. Their sluggishness means they're easily caught and killed when outnumbered, and even with numbers they can't reliably catch enemy tanks to prevent that natural buildup, and probably most important, they get whittled away by just infantry because default dumbfires can actually hit them.

At least i got The Brawler before the nerf i guess. Anyone know if the fortuna/godsaw is worth it?

/r/ing realistic minecraft.webm







DBG gave godsaw a forward grip instead of an advanced forward grip, so it's basically just a worse saw vs infantry.

It's working as intended.

Aren't you something like 4 updates behind the PC version?

After lmgs I'm trying my hand at medic. Enjoying shotgunning people when I'm not res'ing them. What's a good alternative to the shield slot? I'm thinking claymore to cover my arse while I res or be boring and take c4, for the inevitable spawn/max I run into. Or just blasting out enemies.
I'm also really enjoying infilshitter, surprisingly. I love moving in with the group and working more like a designated marksmen, but I'm now wondering if I should put my new 1k certs towards an smg for some shorter ranged firepower. Medics and engineers would be able to us it too.

REMOVENIGG reporting again, I got accepted back into the outfit, got a message saying so and everything, but it appears as if it didn't stick.
It seems today that the nigg that was removed was me.
Hopefully they fix it.
I doubt they will

I don't think it's account wide. My alt, OmarMateen, is still in the outfit.

Is that why they added bots and allowed the bots to have this feature when they programmed them? Sounds more like some autist on Plebbit complaining to the devs

cheers big ears
i use the mswr currently and while i feel capable while using it the 143 damage model makes me want to vomit.

That's the one that looks like an asault rifle, right? Yeah, I didn't use that one myself.

You auraxed five LMGs and managed to dodge the best one that TR has. That's almost impressive.


This handy guide will show you how to get 30-60 FPS on 8 years old hardware be sure to inquire nacho as to what constitutes as 8 years old hardware

1) Your UserOptions.ini should look like this:


My first incredible. Feels pretty good.


So I just watched a little bit of Nico101 the aussies stream.

Mags have more health than Vanguards.

Um…. Wtf? Like, in a staright 1v1 gun fight….and the Vanguard lost at least once and nearly died another time.

What the actual shit.

…i just caught something.

I apologize for saying prolers instead of prowlers.

what a gosh darn pleb

It's pretty fucking easy, just hit with with 10000 volts.

They have the same amount of health, either the Magrider had certed into AP or just abused the fuck out of them being stronger than the other two factions.

Are there any people online right now who can accept my application? Game kinda sucks without the shitposting.


When you out shitpost vanu scum 5 times in a row with nothing but bunker and wall spam supports by turrets and prowlers

Here's a more clear look of the base

pls send help, I dont wanna be a normalfag anymore.

Guess if you want more of the base in one picture


Wonder Twin powers, activate!

Form of:


i need to get video editing software so i can compress these fucking files, pic related

All I have is this, but I think the webm thread has a more updated set of info.

i will see what i can do. if anything i can just put the videos into a usb and use a video editing software at my college

It'll be worth it.

It's an assault rifle pretending to be an LMG. I was not especially interested when I tried it in VR

tippity top my friend i also looked around for their official forums so we can berate them, but it seems is not up

Save for the upcoming deployable spawnpoint.

I think the same thing must have happened to me on my nc main. Still reads outfit on the leaderboard but no outfit chat or anything.

Is upgrading the AV turret worth while?
It seems like a fairly minor boost, all in all. I'm wondering if I should dump my certs on something a mite more productive.

i'ld hold off until after combined arms starts hitting live and we see how things shake out, it'll probably get turned into garbage.


The devs are fucking retarded.
Seriously, the only reason I bother to play this is because you guys are fun to play with.

Isn't this combined with a large increase to vehicle health in general?
Well, that's 1k certs wasted. Fucking hell, it's like the devs are intentionally trying to ruin the game.

Can't have AV turrets hit those poor Fagriders.

it's almost as though they're keeping in line with turning it into cod

they took away part of vehicle's armor/resistance to compensate for the hp increase, and they also can't ohk infantry in flak so AV turret might not be suicide to use for its intended job now? it's still probably going to be shit though, it's a dangerous time for spending certs.

The hell was i booted from the outfit for?

As it is, they're great at the job if it weren't for the 300m range. Though, even with that, if you aren't a moron where you put them, they work fine.

Regardless, from what I understand, the resistance didn't matter much from anti-armor stuff, and the health pool is getting a massive increase. So this is right going to ruin things.

Game's bugged. Happened to a few guys.

Thats great. When DBG finally fixes the ammunition bug with the Butcher, youll soon have 500 rounds per mag to shoah tranu with. In 4 months.

basically they're removing implants from people who did the get all of them free but they're scatter shoting and just straight up fucking with random people

I'll log in and check if people are re-applying, Wrel and Gaybreak broke shit again and are blaming the players for it.

nm must have been some kind of bug

Honestly, though, that I wouldn't mind so much. At least CoD is functional. The current way they seem to be going, though, is to turn everything retarded.


Name 14FsJal88

Hale Hordler :DDDddd

I think i just finished the tutorial, how the hell do I join the outfit?

Post screenshot of yourself, the application and some meme or some other shit so we know you are from the thread.

The first post will suffice, just open your social tab, search for outfit "wwew" and write us up with some memes in your application.

Name: FreeMosquitoRides
Here's my shitty oc

I sent a request already

sometimes i wonder how this game even runs at all

You could use this temporarily.

Then you wait until someone that can add you log in.

ogay :–DDDdd

Don't you mean a Valk?

Mosquito is a 1-man craft


dubs4truth however the vanu in question could be strapped to a rocket pod to be released above the target


Okay, I take some of it back; the Butcher's pretty good in a fight (then again the CARV was so whatever) and it actually looks really nice at night.

Today, I (and my passengers) derped around in a Valk over an active battlefield (Sky Dock).
We actually managed to stay alive for a good 10 minutes and killed and annoyed a bunch of Vanu.

Valk-chan can be fun

i thought the butcher was shit and unwieldy when i first unlocked it because I normally use foregrip and flash suppressor so it was a bit of a shift for me. Now, it's my favorite LMG. It really is a fantastic weapon and worth the grind if you play lots of HA.


My bugbear is right now it's a piss-take compared to the other faction's equivilents. Beetlejuice? Unlimited ammo. Godsaw? Can shoot up vehicles. Butcher? Softpoint ammo, without the 5% reduced bullet speed. wowitsfuckingnothing.jpg

Poneyed up for the .50 cal sniper rifle, because sometimes the bullet drop is too much for the tsar. Thinking I'll get an smg next though, or inquisitor. Loving the default pistol but I run out of ammo sometimes-makes a great 'oh fuck' gun when someone gets close to you though.
Biggest shock so far? I'm finding the trap is… good. Like, I can reliably fuck up people with it now, even with tripleshot.

Because you're using it from too far away. It's a 2x-3.4x weapon, just like the scout rifles.
Ignore the Hailstorm, the Armistice is the only TR one anyone should ever buy.

Wait to buy anything for tenks until wreck it wrel is done destroying them.

The TR valiantly continues it's glorious space program.
I don't have any good pictures of any flying.

Artist seems familiar. Is that Shindol?

Dont worry lads, in 4+ months we'll get the 500 bullets we were promised 2 months ago. Praise the God Emperor. It was actually on PTS for a few weeks but tranu from leddit complained about an insignificant bug so much that they pulled it. Bug was making it a beeteljew on steroids if you were ONLY standing on an engy packet o bullets, but obviously we cant have good ol (((OP))) TR have any fun with unlimited fun can we?

Not even the PTS is safe from TR nerfs.


Gal-chan, Valk-chan and WaifuEmperor all in one nice happy family.

Congratulations Waifu, I hope you have enough certs saved up to pay alimony

epic simply fucking epic



I throw grenades and just shoot through my team when that happens. I'll burn auraxis to the ground before I let the infilth have it.

Fuck you Gaybreak

Best gun for Heavy?

Here's a pretty good summary
Personally I enjoy the chaingun due to the BRRRT, it still sucks as a weapon.

Unlimited firing is pretty silly, but even with unlimited firing you're not going to hit shit unless it's on top of you.

Why ignore the hailstorm? Don't usually live long enough to use the ammo?

Yes and it is a miserably depressive story.

It has the exact same damage and accuracy stats the Armistice has, but a worse firerate and lower muzzle velocity "to make up for the higher magazine size", and the fact that you're required to slap SPA on all of them just to get it to work in the same ranges shotguns work is fucking shit. It handles like a carbine that got nerfed so bad you have to put the barrel on someone's head for it to hit, and even then you're probably going to lose.

i had a dream last night where i was ambushing a guy coming up a hill head on. I opened first on his head but he instantly dropped a mana av turret and killed me.
I woke up fucking angry. Maybe no more planetside for a while.

you're much better off with a laser sight for close range panic because the SAW has no side to side recoil.

Calling out shit consistently puts you on radar, compromising your position, everyone else's position that's near you and the enemy you spotted may be aware that you've seen them which reduces your chance of getting the drop on them.

only call out a target which is either a) is no where near you b) you are about to kill c) is massively important

I like how the majority of tranu have the raspy crackwhore voice so you know infiltrators are afoot when you hear it.


Default Voices:
TR - The guy that dies first in nam movies
NC - Teenage rebel faggot
VS - Faggy

Other notable voices:
TR - sgt. Hartmann (and the really shitty female version)
NC - Ahnold Schwarzenegger
VS - Edgy robit


That's a glock.

Great, now being a C4 LA will be even easier.

In other news; I'm close to getting my white camo.


I have killed so many infilshitters while grinding for the butcher when I've been running along and suddenly heard
two feet away to my right front.

the salty runbacks are one of the greatest joys of doing AA work.

I've been fucking around as a heavy on a stealth/radar/basilisk flash to hunt down snipers and smoking vehicles and break up the monotony of indar. And it's only the airfags that have made me feel loved by trying to hunt my shitty flash across the desert 15 minutes later.

Just logged back in after a couple days to avoid burnout and found I wasn't in the outfit anymore, what gives fags?

deybreak games

Daybreak can't into code so they managed to break their own game.
So some people got booted off the outfit.

Sent another request to get back in, here's the card again for the fags in charge.

Cuckchan cross poster who is not in WWEW, but I wanted to tell you guys my speculation anyways since this general is much comfier.

As you know the only way to contact the devs for this shitty game is through leddit and i took my chances and PMed some of my suggestions for a construction revamp to Wrel, the youtuber dev. I have a slight feeling they might have considered my suggestions as there was an announcement that implemented some of my suggestions such as raising cortium intake for deployed construction but also cutting cortium deploy prices drasitcally. It may be just a coincidence as it's missing the most critical of my suggestions which comrpised of deleting construction deploy zones around bases and thus my feelings could be for naught. However, if my speculations are true, we could have a game that is more like Planetside 1: COD edition in the future.
This place is much better for discussion and I only go to the sites for a glance at the community every few weeks.

so what were your suggestions that you gave?

they probably don't have the tech to easily differentiate buildings from normal terrain so regular bases would turn into even more of a clipping clusterfuck than the player bases out in the middle of nowhere.

meant for

Class system was a mistake, this game should have been inventory and armor type based.

you're correct but they can still make it work if they add more classes

But they only have to remove one

yeah, engineer.

It wouldn't matter since everyone can spawn with C4 and get free ammo from implants.

I actually just object to the repairing. Vehicles could actually be both monstrous and balanced and not cause gridlock if they didn't have the ability to pop back up to full health every time they went behind a rock.

the only real issue with poping behind a rock comes from fagriders and any air vehicle but I do somewhat agree with you and so I think that adding a pilot class which drives vehicals much better and makes all the other classes much poorer at it would fix this issue better


What next? Removing safe drops from burning air chariots?

yeah, a dedicated class could be something too. But I generally hate the balance messes that catering to healsluts with infinite healing creates. At least infantry have the decency to die in half a second so it doesn't matter as much for them.

don't toy with my emotions like this hitler.

eh, honesty infantry and vehicles are more or less the same, it all depends on how you handle what you're doing and your team mates

Oh, yeah, if you're an infilshitter, don't do it. But that should be obvious.
Otherwise, free certs.

I remember you. Your idea was interesting, but had a whole lot of problems. We'll see how it goes, I guess.

I want to be able to stick whatever the fuck I want on my guy. I should be able to combine heavy shields with a sniper rifle, if I want. I hate the shitty invisibility cloak nonsense.

You're the kind of person who wants MAXs to cloak. Stop existing any time.

Remember when's SOE played dumb and acted surprised when people asked why they removed vehicle enter/exit animations and made it so you could teleport in and out of and within vehicles?

Nah. Maxes are a vehicle. I just want to fulfil my dreams of being a designated marksman without having to use a trash cloak that shouldn't exist in the game as far as I am concerned.

It would solve a lot with entry/exit animations.
It also looks cooler.

I know what you want more than you want, and you want to give a MAX the ability to cloak.

Not unless we can cloak prowlers too

you faggots are going to meme cloaks onto ESFs and you need to stop

Wrel here, we felt the Magriders were getting ambushed too much, so we gave them the ability to cloak. In order to make things a little balanced, we gave NC a spotter that detects magriders when they're 10m away.

I haven't played in several years but I want to drive around in a harasser squad, are those still fun?

those are really fun


How will the Vanu ever recover from that nerf?




Wrel here, we felt lockdown along with the reload reduction were too strong of a combination on Prowlers, so reload speed is no longer reduced while in lockdown in applying this update they accidentally break the MAX lockdown, which doesn't come back until the next major update in a near useless form.



I ran Max charge 99% of the time rip sweet prince ;_;

Ive been away for like 4-6 months did they balance the game yet famalamberghinis?




You're always welcome to make autism bases with us though.
We can always use more men on The Wall.

Wrel here, we felt TR weapons were too strong in groups so we reduced the firerate of all of them by 100-300 and buffed the VS/NC firerates by 200-250 depending on the weapon type to balance things out.

this is what you get for not using the decimator, fag.


Wrel here, we felt like the Scythe wasn't thin enough in comparison to the Mosquito so to make up for it's big model we made the Scythe faster than the Mosquito and replaced the boost with a cloaking device.



















cucks need to take their shitposting out of here

wrel here, due to tr overpop sometimes happening and a mass influx of complaints were nerfing the tr pop to 1/6 of any continents overall pop at any time.

If you want less shitposting, maybe start making some discussion, you limp-dick krautwhore asscunt faggot



Every fucking faction complains about this.


Go play with the Tranu Sorority and New Cheeseburgers' weapons, tell us if they compare to TR, then get the fuck out of here and go back to reddit.

Thank you Rabbi, but you just reminded me of a comment from one of wrel's youtube videos concerning weapons. Wrel and (((TheyBreak Games))) actually don't make weapon models anymore and just buy them off of people if they're optimized for their animation models.

Wrel here, we're making all TR weapons have 50x the recoil to balance out the fact that NC and VS have lower rate of fire and less dps. We've also found that the Gatekeeper did too much damage in it's new form, so we've had the indirect damage dropped to 1 damage to reward accurate fire.

NC do lots of damage VS has no bullet drop and the best MBT the TR have to shoot people twice as much to kill anything and have an artillery piece instead of an MBT. How is TR not the weakest faction?

Oh wow, top argument. You're like a [TE] autist who screeches on /yell chat about overpop and zerg whenever they lose.
I haven't played VS, but NC weapons shoot slower and are worse at close ranges, while TR weapons have better DPS.
No questions about it, the Gauss SAW decimates anything in it's medium-long range niche, but get closer and it's considerably worse.

Are you retarded?

No one uses shotguns because they're all shit, but I still do because I like the mag-scatter.
Jackhammer is one of the few actually good shotguns and it fucks up anything that's within 20m of it, absolutely superb for buildings and whatever, but most people still use their normal class weapons instead of shotguns.

Way to disprove your own fucking point moron.

Close range is above 20m, and the Jackhammer is Heavy only. All of the other shotguns the NC has, aside from the Jackhammer and Mag-Scatter because they're unique, are the same as all the other factions, simply reskinned.

redowloading game pls no kick

Ah, what a crippling limitation, to be limited to only the best class.

Engineer is the best class in terms of versatility, he can cover teammates, destroy vehicles, repair terminals and MAXes and give out ammo.
For just killing infantry I do agree, HA is the best class.

Why does my game keep crashing in the middle of the loading screen?

Getting it working properly is part of the fun.

I just want to battlebard.

Usually when I run into errors, running it as administrator will clear the problems.

NC is only slightly more powerful than TR, and that's mostly due to having higher-damage weapons. Fortunately, this is counteracted by having the worst tank, and scrub-tier players for the most part.
Vanu, though, Vanu is objectively OP.

I tried that and it didn't work.
I also tried deleting certain files and revalidating them.
I'm going to uninstall and reinstall the whole thing and see if that helps, if not then I guess I'll just wait until an update or something. Maybe bitch to Daybreak about it.

You're acting like something else wont break when they fix it.

Engineer is the best in terms of versatility maybe, but in terms of killing power, Heavy is objectively the best. Hell, in terms of versatility, heavy is a close second anyway, thanks to having a fucking bazooka;

Not really an issue, considering the average engagement is medium+ range most the time. Biolabs are pretty much the only real exception. And biolabs are shit.

Yes, I just said, it is best for anti infantry. Anti air as infantry as well, but anti vehicle is taken by C4 fairying.

My hope is it will break for someone else instead.
I guess in the meantime I'll ask for requests, if I like it I'll add it to my playlist.

So that leaves them as the best class overall, since 80% of the fucking game is killing the other guy.
Especially when Engineer's best support potential come at a direct detriment to his kill potential.

C4 faries are situational. They don't work in every scenario. A rocket is a much better deterrent to any experienced driver.

I'm thinking of certing into an AA resupply sundie, walker or ranger?

Nigga, play what you want to listen too. If it isn't vaporwave I'm going to be upset.


Deploy shield with one walker and one ranger
shit on anything that flies

I want to passively get xp and "help" armor though.

A sunderer with a manned bask can kill a lightning, most the time. No need for the quotation marks around it, guntrucks work pretty good in this game. For some reason, though, nobody bothers.

Satan, I'm only going to be using the aa guns when doing nothing but feeding Prowlers ammo, and I'm just looking for the best way to annoy cert chariots.

in my opinion you want twin walkers
people might suggest rangers because they have aoe flak but their velocity and range is fucking awful. The walkers are also capable of killing infantry as long as they arent at 100 meter+ ranges and you have a good firing angle. I gunned a walker harasser once to ward off airchavs and i ended up getting a 17 infantry killstreak.

also forgot to add that unlike rangers you can make harassers fuck off with walkers relatively easily, once again as long as you have a firing angle

I'm hesitant to pick up Rangers anyway due to how much flack is being shit on anyway. I'm going to pick up the Cougar first though.

just played for like 12 hours, harassers are definitely still fun. glad I still have my character although my certs were in a weird state. Also I have no implants, part of the change to the system?

does anybody want to give me a quick run down on how base building works, what hives are, and what's the point of gathering resources?

NC has the benefit of 200 damage carbines, ARs and LMGs, but they're weak at close range.
TR has low damage, but low recoil and can cut people down at close range.
I wouldn't say the Vanguard is the weakest, it's slow, but the cannon on it does good damage and the shield on it is pretty good, I'm not a tank player, though.

What are you smoking?

Rather than slightly better, I'ld say NC situationally better. And that situation is in biolabs and the well-walled esamir bases, where nc maxs do work and enemy vehicles don't. They can kick tranu around 40/60 in a biolab. And TR gets to kick everybody around on the gay parts of indar that make up the T and thus 90% of fights.

(and checked)
SMGs are the better cqc weapon and don't suffer from Video Shotgun Syndrome, where pellets magically spread outward as fast as they go forward, so they're usable beyond point blank.

pretty sure an SMG will work better if you want to clear out a room that has an enemy count greater than 1.

This is vaguely accurate. Problem is, most ranges are out of close. We don't usually have fights in close range outside biolabs. Maybe when you're holding a point, but otherwise, you're going to find solid distance most the time.

At close range, where practically ever bullet will hit, high damage per bullet means more than a slight difference in RoF, since that bullet difference doesn't come into play.

If I die after 4-5 bullets I won't get the chance to out-shoot my enemy. IF I can shoot 1 more bullet in 3 seconds, what does it matter if I will be dead in 2?
RoF is only worth it is the difference is BIG

oh wow, that's not at all disingenuous.

T9 Carv:
RPM - 750 (ranges from 550-750)
damage - 143 @10m (125 - 143 @10m)

max 12,5ps - 37 per 3 second burst

Guass SAW:
RPM - 659 (NC Rof ranages from 500 to 630)
damage - 200 (usually 167 or 146 @ 20m)

10,5 rps, 31,5 per 3 second burst

HA has 500 shield and 500 health. A total of 1000.

NC needs 5-7 bullets
TR needs 7-10

Truly excellent work pulling numbers out of thin fucking air.

For those who are unaware:
NC does so much fucking damage, how will TR ever recover?

That's assuming everyone has perfect aim, of course. Carv has a lot more liberty with attachments and is a lot better rounded, while the SAW is forced into it's own, extremely specific niche in order to shine and have max effectiveness. SAW players are usually forced to go with grip and comp in order to counteract the annoying recoil.
They both have their places to shine in, I'd say Carv is best in close-medium while SAW is better in medium-long ranges due to the extra oomph to counteract the drop off.

I think they are both good guns and it's a matter of who prefers what, I stopped playing TR a while ago and now am fully NC.

I've seen a lot of people claim that the Orion is the best LMG, I haven't played VS in multiple years so I can't comment, would like to know the opinion of some of the Tranus here though.


From the two-ish hours I played Tranu, all of the guns feel like they're super fucking accurate, and have almost no recoil. I remember being able to just hold down the trigger with the Orion and spray down people from miles away.

yeah, that more or less covers it.

probably because tranu starting guns are just upgraded TR guns. Orion is literally just a more accurate carv.

But they don't have miniguns.
I'd play NC if they had miniguns and were less corporate fags.
I like their armors and their vehicles.

Miniguns are for faggots. Real men lust after heavy machine guns what launch proper, full-sized rounds that punch holes in tanks.

all I heard was

You're shooting 5.56 while we're shooting 30-06, m8. 9mm for you, .45 for us.


I roll with the Lynx on LA and nothing scares me at close range. Sometimes I get popped by a pump action shotgun, but boo hoo. Even MAXes take a nice chunk of damage if you empty a Lynx mag, and that is assuming you can't C4 them away.

Or you could use just one like a sensible person.

well if our guns weren't shooting harsh words then maybe that'd be more the case

To be real, the only faction with any uniqueness in weapons is VS because they have neat shit like guns you don't need to reload, TR and NC are essentially the same, just different stock weapons and no 200 damage for TR.
I want to play Planetside 1.

pretty much but it's going to take awhile for that fan project to actually be playable

Yeah but muh squares and edges

It somewhat is, there was a beta test a while ago and player movement is synced and you can shoot eachother dead. Respawning now works as well, but equipment terminals and spawning vehicles does not.
I'm surprised how far it has gotten, it's a project by redditors but it's gotten really far in very little time, big respect to the devs.


Pretty much, it's mostly on account of Daybreak being lazy shits and the codebase for PS2 being completely fucking pants on head retarded, and them not bothering fixing the fucking thing.
Reason for this game's low playerbase? AMD CPUs being completely shitfucked and unable to play it, or low end CPUs in general.

it's the ccp curse all over again

When PSForever gets finished, we should start playing that.

Gladly. Plus it's better for my rig.

I'd be up for that, I hope I can still battlebard in it.

this basically

I wouldn't mind doing this as well
It will get done when Shekel Citizen is released though

It's actually going along fine.
Equipment terminals don't fully work, but they added favorites to compensate so you can change it up a bit. This wasn't there when I last played, so they're actually working on it.
They update it every few weeks.

Kicked from the outfit AGAIN. ffs how many times do I need to reapply

I like the style for the AMC, Rhino, Bull, Blackjack, Torq-9 and Armistice, and the rest look either too bland or too dumb tbh

As the guy with a flak gun on the back of his sunderers, I'll throw this up; it tends to piss off the airchavs, and if they've coming in to kill the (deployed) sunderer they'll usually get shot up so badly they die. Good for liberators flying around too, though ofc if they know what they're doing, they'll probably have it easily enough. It's a good bully weapon, and it's also easier to hit shit because it's flak but beyond that you aren't missing much. Most people can't seem to hit shit with the walker, is my bugbear.


tomorrow, I'm gonna go to bed in half an hour

This is a PLANETSIDE 2 thread, faggot
Although, I admit, I am interested.


I already have a few decent ways to farm salt. We stop wannabe faggots from killing Caesar, because wannabe faggots always try to kill Caesar. Or, we keep killing Arcade Gannon so nobody can start For Auld lang Syne and get the meme power armor. Or, we just go around and crucify everyone playing a melanin-enriched character.

Yeah, in practice walkers are a paper tiger vs air, it can shoo away an ESF if it's shooting you directly, but they're kind of shit for supporting people being lolpodded on the other side of a fight. Meanwhile a ranger is effectively a burstermax strapped to the roof.

My problem though is that when I'm in a sundy it's to deploy, and shield already lets you laugh off esfs. It's hard for me to justify a ranger that won't help vs the usual mix of jihadis trying to enrich my sundy, but a walker can cover enough threats to bring along on a long range setup.

I just want to restore the Enclave to its former glory.

Only problem is, you've lost an effective turret in exchange for something what only works on a specific target.


I got some salt from some sperg infiltrator who doesn't know how cloaking works


If you find Noodlz, fuck with him because he's the deepest salt mine in the game.

Don't forget he has a Lasher/Orion/Betelgeuse

Can't play with pirated, fug.

It's why I went with only one ranger. As you say it's good enough to get some dipshit esf to back off when they're strafing someone over the other side of the battle, and honestly most c4 faeries are going to get to it anyway. It's almost always the infantry around the thing that kill one, not the turrets.

You know, everyone talks about C4 fairies, but I've yet to really see much an issue of them. They pop up now and again, but only at large bases, and only end up an issue for me when I park too close to some walls.

As someone who's been running LA with c4 almost all the time to grind out the last rank of the carbines for the Trac-Shot, there's plenty of instances where I'm out in the middle of nowhere and occasionally running into a vehicle. Granted, it's far easier to pull c4 at a base with a large fight and find an undefended sundie or a sundie that is put in a fucking retarded place that makes it easy to drop c4 on or large blobs of infantry than it is to wander the outskirts of fights to look for vehicles that could easily spot and kill you. If you really want to know, bitching about c4 faries that kill you out in the middle of nowhere is common because you're extremely annoyed by it due to not expecting anyone to be there and you don't notice it nearly as much in big fights because you expect vehicles to be blown up in big fights, and since I'm going to be having dual AA only really in places like the drive from Indar Excavation to Quartz Ridge where infantry aren't going to even exist, it doesn't even matter what c4 faries are doing.

Can we talk about the dumbest fucking feature of the Lasher, real fucking quick? It's projectiles have a larger hitbox against players than against objects and cover. MEANING, if someone's crouched behind a box, or standing just around a corner, you can shoot just at the edge of the wall, and the projectiles will not collide with the box/wall, but will count as direct hits on players behind said box/wall.

How often are you babysitting a sundy for a whole fight though? If I'm not seeing c4 I'm probably too far back to give a good spawn point, the shield goes a long way to discouraging them, but there's always people dropping exploratory bricks and every stealth shitter sundy dies to them.

What's your other turret? obviously the ranger isn't going to do jack to them, but as long as you're not right up against a wall and they have to float for it, the kobalt and walker are both decent at killing them midair.

I end up running one basi at all times for the harassers/lightnings dryhumping my bumper, and because literally everybody knows how to use them. And second slot gets kobalt for tight spaces, walker for open areas, since either is good at suppressing peasant uprisings and picking off faeries.

Often enough. Honestly, what I see sundies die to mostly is AT mines.
I do put my sundies a little ways back, though, to be fair. I'm rather cautious about the whole thing.

c4 fairies weren't a big deal until rocklet rifle got introduced. now, shortly after getting your damage notification about your sundy from the fairy blowing the barrier, it dies from the subsequent c4.
it's really simply ebin that one guy can kill a maxed barrier AMS in a 40 man fight because the owner is too far away from the sundy and pub nobody subhumans are too stupid to realize what's going on.

Rocklet rifle kills way more sundies than it does any other vehicle.

Who's idea was it to give them a mini-rocket launcher anyway?
Class was already more useful than it needed to be.

A+ game design tbh

Oh fug.

If you knew what you were missing out on you wouldn't be laughing. For 5 days straight every time I entered a fight he'd be there offending every single redditor.

I don't understand what you are trying to say and pic was unrelated.

When not playing with SSSS I took screens of someone going maximum Ben Garrison in the chat for 5 days or so but the HDD they were on died.

This is why backups are important, user.

I had one but I neglected updating for too long

VS is the weakest faction though, so don't worry.



My experience with TR shows that VS is far worse than TR. I expect the same situation to play out with NC-VS. The ID change was (((coincidence)))