Hey Holla Forums

Hey Holla Forums
do you like baseball games?
Name your favorites

Ken Griffey for the N64

Not really, but I like golf games

fuck you user, ive still never made it past tiger, that stupid fucking game STILL gives me nightmares and youre a piece of shit for reminding me


The only one I've played is MVP 2004 on PC. Good lord, was it buggy as shit. Left-handed hitters did not have as much hitting power as right-handers, even if their rating was exactly the same. The knuckleball in that game was like something straight out of that Winnie the Pooh game. It literally looked like magic the way it warped from right to left. The recruit generation in dynasty mode was also terrible. It would never generate a superstar, ever. Not only not any superstars, not any good players, period. Even though the game was buggy as fuck it was still fun to fuck around with.

I don't think that game is hard so much as it is painfully boring. By the time you get to tiger you have to home run like 30 balls and it takes a massive amount of time to get it right, what the fuck.

Not again


Off is my favorite baseball game

Only good baseball game was that one with the rabbit on the front for the NES. There isnt a single baseball game better than that (Besides that retarded jap one)

that winnie the poo flash game

that winnie the poo flash game

that winnie the poo flash game

that winnie the poo flash game

that winnie the poo flash game

that winnie the poo flash game

I never got past Robin.

here's a good baseball game

how can they waste this technology on Baseball when they could be making sick-ass Silent Hill tier games?




Because they work for Sony so they aren't allowed to work on anything else but sports games.




RBI Baseball is the only one I like, because nostalgia.



Baseball video games peaked early on, you have to be a complete retard to buy the yearly releases. Or a baseball fan, same thing really.

Shit sport but some fun video games.

Someone post the video

I didn't have a favorite. I lived it.

How could this happen?


YES. That was the one where you could make your own player right? I made one where his stance was holding the bat above his head looking like a retard.
