Croteam just added Vulkan and Linux support to Serious Sam HD: TFE earlier today...

Croteam just added Vulkan and Linux support to Serious Sam HD: TFE earlier today, but it adds another fucking library entry because it supports TFE/TSE/BFE/VR crossplay for some reason.

Other urls found in this thread:

this one?

Did Croteam hire a Nip?

trying it out
vulkan renderer sucks on my gtx680, but that's a known thing
only TFE is available right now
game still fun

I hope that VR Easter Egg was true and Serious Sam 4 is coming out this year.


I don't know what to think of this.

I've got a 680 too so I guess I won't bother trying this out. Still, the sooner Vulkan takes off the sooner MS and their shit libraries can die the death they deserve.

None of these games are good anyway honestly. I played it one time because I said this game was easy because it didn't have headshots and stuff so my friend said if it was so easy to beat it so I tried. I got to a big room full of frogs and couldn't get past it so I just gave up because the artificial difficulty was annoying me. So yeah I technically can't "beat" it but I can still say it's easy as fuck because you don't really need to aim and stuff which is very important in a shooter.

Dude, at least put some effort in. Take some pride in your shitposting.

there's opengl as well which works fine, i assume that's in the linux version too. vulkan just seems to drop frames for me.

Truly the saviours of Europe

It just showed up in my inventory a short while ago thanks to him. Hopefully this runs well on Linux even if the Vulkan renderer probably needs more work.

I really want to see how their planned VR support pans out. It's gonna be really weird playing in servers where some people are using traditional kb&m and others are using VR.

why does that matter when i can just play it on windows

S+M1 has vulkan support, nice, PC gaming is saved.

Because Vulkan is a lot more reliable than Directx ever was.

You'll be happy to know that Star Citizen will be replacing DirectX altogether with Vulkan then.

You get more shit out of it than just Vulkan support.


Fuck I wish I could play Croteam's games but ever single one of them gives me horrible motion sickness, even with their motion sickness prevention settings enabled.


Holy shit.
Slav developers do something I've wanted developers to do for years: combine series to use one engine, and one instance.

Half-Life should be one game with the whole series as maps.
Mass Effect 1-3 should be one game with unified combat and graphics.

I feel cheated. >>12180000

are they merging TFE, TSE and 3 into a single game? what the fuck?

So once this is completed, in what order should you marathon the games? Release or Chronological?

BFE -> TFE -> TSE would be reasonable
if you have older console consider checking out TNE
skip SS2

are you actually fucking dumb enough to think that's a good thing

Wouldn't you love to play MGS 1-3 or SH 1-3 as a single game? Me neither.

nope. rather have unique games with a unique feel that makes them actually different to play from game to game.

For shame.

Release order, maybe excluding Serious Sam 2 (don't confuse it with The Second Encounter or everyone will hate you) depending on your taste.

They've confused the hell out of me with releases. I just play Revolutions and say fuck it.



How does Croteam stay afloat as a company? It barely seems to create games any more and focus all of their efforts into optimization, and stellar performance.

I'll never understand this meme.

Talos Principle was a budget game that sold really well, SSHD still sells decently and they have a partnership with Devolver Digital who publishes smaller indie games for a profit, that while small in comparison with other publishers, its a big enough profit to sustain their equally small company.

Thats the joke.

Gondola doesn't talk, retard

Because they make all their shit on super small budgets that put AAA developers to shame.

Artificial difficulty is such a vague statements that it's always found in cheap bait.

Anyways I actually didn't like these games neither. I made it past the frogs room but I realized I wasn't enjoying myself.

OK forget what I said, I might try these games again with friends

Its especially great when you get to the more hectic sections of the game and you start covering sides.

Yeah that sounds cool.


Wait why the fuck is Serious Sam Fusion VR?


And still no physics rooms like the spinning barrel room etc. from Classic, right? I mean huge chunks of iconic cut content arw all good as long as it looks prettier.

Unless they significantly rewrote the engine, probably. The physics rooms didn't work correctly in the original HD games because the new engine didn't support them.


here's your (You), faggot

There's still an OpenGL backend if you want to run the game on DX9-tier hardware.

I don't get why you gave him the satisfaction. Rest of the thread was pretty happy just ignoring him.
That would have been even worse for him.

Croteam is a company of 20-30 people with one office in a developing country. This isn't to say their life is cheap, but it makes a difference.

Serious Sam 3 sold 2 million copies. Talos principle is somewhere between 500k and 1m. These are solid numbers. I talked to them, they're not filthy rich, but they do have enough money to be comfy

You can always play DX9 HD versions.

I beat the game and tried the multiplayer.

First off, Vulkan is more stable than in The Talos Principle and it doesn't have that refresh rate bug. Some textures still bug out from time to time, but that should be ironed out soon.

Fonts scale to resolution better than before.
Options have most of the stuff Talos Principle had. Added Supersampling which old TFE HD didn't have.
I'm running on Vulkan, Fx 8650, R9 280X, 1080p, everything maxed with only supersampling off and I'm getting average 100 fps.
Had only three stutters in around 6 hours of gameplay and even those didn't drop under 57 fps.

Regarding the game itself, player's character feels a bit different, like he has actual weight and moving animations. A concession to VR players, probably. Movement speed, however, is the same as before and controls are just as responsive. No complaints here.

Gnaars have a new walking animation. It's a bit shit, but the old one was even worse. The animation is TFE tier so it doesn't feel out of place. I'm ambivalent, but it's an okay change.

AI acts just slightly different, most notably bulls who are more menacing as they drift around. Bulls are my only complaint here. Should be changed because it looks goofy.

Ambient sound from the classic games is back. Through the 00s Croteam switched to a "professional" audio system (I can't remember the name of the company), but they weren't satisfied. They were promising to rewrite it for years. I cant' tell if they did, but sound is much better than before. So they probably did.

Game's got a few minor lighting differences. A few additional godrays, really minor stuff. But it looks better than it did in regular HD.

There's a survival mode now. The infamous Bend on the Sand from TSE is now in TFE.
Deathmatch has an additional TSE arena reskinned. I like it.

They kept the demo level in the game, which pleases my autism. I just hope they add Broken Wings demo in BFE version grrrr.

Oh, and the menu is finall 60 fps

By the way, if anyone's gotten them, what are the two hidden acievements "Hey! That's cheating!" and "Quick Draw"?

Since I'm writing blog posts, might add this for completeness sake:
Faster loading times
No more stuttering when quicksaving

Dual pistols remember how much you shot from them, so no more switching weapons after five shots to have them reset.

Some downsides:
Workshop for mods is still not open
Some achievements you'd expect like beating the game are still not implemented
Occasional texture bugs with Vulkan
Very rare mild stuttering
TSE and BFE still not in

Doing God's work, user. Really appreciate your report.

there's four big robot brain things that shoot rockets if you go to the end of it and they have a lot of health and it takes years to kill them with the revolver
I found the second revolver later which makes it take half the time but it still takes long!

These games have some terrible level design.

Nice, man thanks a ton for the info
I'll test it out after I'm off work

So you've never played it?

I played 3

yes, it's very boring and doesn't facilitate interesting enemy placement or movement options, it's entirely about picking the right weapon for the right cluster of enemies and managing how they spread out. It's really not an interesting game to play.


TFE was released today, 16 years ago, if you just didn't happen to know.

After fucking around with the game for a couple hours, it feels pretty good to someone who's only played the original TFE and bits of TSE and BFE HD remake didn't run well in Wine because of my shit AMD APU bottlenecking things. The werebull's hit detection is off and sometimes hits the player if it misses by several feet or is stopped a couple feet before reaching the player, but aside from that the game looks and runs great using Vulkan. Pics related are someone else's comparison of the HD remake and Fusion.

And since this is a Croteam thread, apparently they want to remake SS2 after finishing SS4.

Let me guess, you have to pay extra to get the actual VR support tickmarked?

What, were you hoping for paid mods to be there on day 1?

Other Croteam games have workshop for years now. And if you think they'd sell mods, what are you even doing in this thread? You don't know what you're talking about.

You need to buy First Encounter VR.


Full retard.


And it's only getting better. New versions of the Vulkan spec are published on github as they're released and Khronos are actively taking feedback from lay developers in addition to corporate partners. Part of the reason OpenGL is so shit right now is because they've always made enormous assumptions early on about how the graphics pipeline should work vs what devs actually want to do. Next spec patch will bring advanced compute features as well, which should finally spell the end of OpenCL, CUDA and PhysX.

MS will lose the game market because they push UWP into every game they release.

I'm assuming it's because it's a beta, but vulkan still offers performance improvements on gpus incapable of async compute, and as drivers mature the improvement over d3d/ogl will only increase. There's also the MASSIVE cpu overhead decrease that comes from not running what's basically the java machine, like d3d/ogl used to do.

Fucking nice. Also nvidia made parts of gameworks open source a little over a week ago. I wonder how long until games start offloading shit into integrated GPUs, since almost everyone has them.

What game even needs direct x anymore? Forza 4?

is no one talking about how they undid all the gameplay changes of HD?

I'm on the fence about them honestly. I want to say they're really not fun and kind of difficult in a cheap way (it doesn't take a genius to slop hordes of enemies after you. If you thought that was bad, there is a part where literally a couple hundred Kleer Skeletons are unleashed on you in one go.) but when I played it, the impression that I got is that they were trying to go for a top-down shooter, but with first person perspective. I personally feel like the idea really doesn't work that well, but I can sort of understand how some people would enjoy it. Maybe I just don't understand it.

alright how long until the video gets posted and the entire thread gets derailed
you know which one i mean

I've never seen someone arrive at the right conclusion for all the wrong reasons.