Why are Undertale fans so obsessed with turning every song in the soundtrack into a musical?

Why are Undertale fans so obsessed with turning every song in the soundtrack into a musical?


Autism, user. It is the fuel of every fandom in existence.

Daily reminder that the faggoat is the best goat :^)

I dunno. Maybe because of this scene?
Which was pretty cool.


because why the fuck no

I agree

the same reason why the Holla Forums musicals are a thing.


oh boy



I dunno, why are most Dark Souls videos laden with memes and crap video effects?

Thanks doc

Nice dubs thread OP.
Check 'em.

Why do you want an answer to that question? Why do you think anyone here can adequately answer that question and without postulation?

Because they're autistic artistic. Probably also because the music is the high point of the series, and the best way to trump up music is to either add words or remix it.

chara's hot

chara's hout postulation why the Holla Forums music istic artistic. Probably ale fans series, and crap videos laden without postuladen withat the original game inswer to thout point of the seriest goat :^)

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because autists can only enjoy music if it is made into pop music

I don't understand, don't autists love weird music?

Why are dicksucking OPs so obsessed with turning every thread in the catalog into a shitty bait?

Why do Asian girls acclimate to autism so much more effectively than Western girls?
If that's the way this thread is heading, though,


Are you okay Phil?

You can stop there

You can stop there

We can stop there


Undertalefags are neo-homosuckfags. Both were obsessed with it.

It stops there




Way to turn a badass tune into something boring. This version is much better.

Why does sonic have tits?

Faggots love musicals.


Evidently you are.

It's cool, I got it this time



Best version… :^)

It looks like your dubs, ran around and deserted you.

Undertale was a fun concept with a bitching soundtrack and a moderately good execution for what it was.

The mouthbreathing faggots need not apply.

I've seen more mouthbreathing hate against it than I have mouthbreathing fanboyism for it ever since it died down and stopped being flavor-of-the-month in favor of Steven Universe in the eyes of undesirables.




Because the game hit on a vein of autism that runs as deep sanic games, but instead of having that autism spread out among dozens of games it's all condensed into one 3-4 hour game.

true, I've not nearly seen as much shit as some other things after the "flavor" ran off, but I've seen lots of blind anger towards it.

I still want to drag Alphys into the lab and hammer her ass into each and every one of those beds

You can't blame people for hating something that acquired undeserved praise. Sure, sure, the game was a cute, amateur RPG with some autistic humor. It deserves some reception for that. However, I think what bothers people the most is that everyone collectively sucked this game's dick as though it were God's gift to vidya and then proceeded to generate a metric shit ton of garbage content that they shoved into people's faces ad nauseum. To use an analogy, you'd get aggravated too if some little 12 year old twat constantly shoved their bland, simplistic, generic, corporate-poster-boy Disney pop star's music into your face at every opportunity, and proclaimed that it was the best thing since sliced bread.

It's like that with every mediocre game that receives critical acclaim, this game is no exception.

control yourself user

Oh, so like my rage at that shitstain zootopia and how an interesting dynamic of a story about herbivorous animals controlling predators via shock collars was thrown out at the 11th hour because disney are fuckwads and it turned into 'irritating as fuck sjw rabbit forces herself into a job she can't do while asshole fox is an asshole because he's just an asshole and the rest of the plot doesn't matter because the mafia takes care of it and the rabbit is still an sjw and fox is still an asshole but is now a cop at the end of the film but "it's such a good commentary about racism and the characters are so deep"

I get you.

Sing is a better movie because it didn't get fucked with.

I ignore almost all of that because the blind hate is towards that particular stretch of the fanbase rather than the game itself (indeed a hell of a lot of the shitflinging on here in particular seems to correlate the game itself with the reception it got for no readily apparent reason, find somebody sperging out about it and 9 times out of 10 they can't actually name any particulars about the games but will gladly sage and cry about autism), and that fanbase in particular I'm quite familiar with; those would be the mouthbreathing teenagers and young-adults that latched onto Ho>>12195868
mestuck, then OFF and Dangan Ronpa, and now Steven Universe to a lesser extent. Hipsters, basically, not actually interested in the thing but willing to pump out a catastrophic amount of meme-laden content for it because it's what's "in". Hell, back when threads genuinely discussing the game were common the general opinion was as you surmise, it's an amateur RPG with a cute vibe, decent music and a couple of chuckles but ultimately nothing special or hall-of-fame worthy. If it hadn't been for /mtt/ memesters shitting up the place and trying to make it the next MLP here it would've died off completely naturally after the 2.0 patch resulted in absolutely nothing except bugfixes and turning on the "fun" value related to Gaster that everybody had already done by fucking around in the plaintext file where save-data is kept.

Alphys is for bullying with your penis.

Because 110% of Undertale fans have low functioning autism


I guess it decided to try and put a quote in the middle of my post for some reason even though I didn't click anything

and that's a bad thing.

if there was one thing that was done right in this game, it was the music.

Never did I think it was "wrong" or "improper" during a scene, it didn't rattle on when it wasn't wanted, there was even a lack of it in places that didn't need it and I am more than willing to give certain tracks a listen almost any time.

I want to fuck that spider.


Fandom is composed of the same people who liked FNAF and every other meme game/creepypasta

Why are Mega Man fans so obsessed with turning every song in the soundtrack into a musical?

61 replies before it developed into porn. That's a really good record.


That is some terminal cancer right there, user. Heavy metal rendition of the soundtrack? Yeah I can handle that. Well done lewds of some of the characters? That's floating into furfag territory, but it's not really all that much worse than your average waifu thread. But this? This is just radiating so much autism that it fucking hurts. I can't take it.

Since mosters don't appear to have enemies underground then where did Undyne get all those scars?

Thing is, this has happened in such a short fucking time that MM can't compare.

Warrior masturbation?

Its the same level of dedicated autism that could be found among brony fags. But now they've grown out of it and latched on to this.

I want to have Chara sexually bully Frisk until they give it, at which point I tenderly love the pair and give them a good place to train against the monsters.