Release date : March 2017



What type of game is this ?

They've been beaten by SOMA, Alien Isolation and soon Prey: System Shock edition and System Shock 3. I'm probably even forgetting some games in this niche. Why are they so slow? By the time they first showed the game they could have been the first in a genre revival.

I have been following this game for like 3 years and they never post updates. I feel like if they were truly working hard on it it'd be done by now. The hype is already dead anyways because of games listed here

Horror game with a 90s sci-fi aesthetic
Rooms are randomly connected together, SCP Containment Breach style

SCARE game:
Stealth Crouch Around Retarded Enemies

I won't stop believing.

There's a big chance the game sucks or is infested with SJW shit. The game has already been beaten to the punch by Alien Isolation. Everything be randomized and with permadeath may mean the game is short, bare and unmemorable.

I still want to play it.

There's a small chance that they'll release it anytime now without any prior announcement. That would be rad, but I don't have any expectations

They have 14 days left, give them a chance.

Their website has the date April 20 on it, so maybe they've pushed back the release by a month.

Ah, the perils of indie game development.

why did we care about this game again?

Because it was 2012 and the trailer was pretty cool

Delayed again, eh? Seems pretty routine.

ah right, capitalizing on amnesia pre-pewdiepie's youtube videos and the realization that the experience in the penumbra and amnesia games was incredibly shallow and random generation hadn't proven itself to be a total failure of design and player engagement with first person horror games fucking flooding the market and added to the mass of the first person genre in total really sure makes it not fucking interesting even in retrospect.

I don't know how anyone can seriously care about this unless they've been in a coma for 5 years and have no idea what's been going on in the industry*

*or has been literally only backlogging 90s games and almost entirely ignoring modern releases


god yes BROKEN COMBAT THATS LITERALLY DRAG AND DROP and fucking shallow stealth wow my vision is blue and also scripted events out the fucking cummer hole WOOOOOOOOOOo

sorry they really poisoned the survival horror genre.

They dumbed down and/or refined elements of Penumbra for Amnesia but calling Penumbra shallow is either bait or pure ignorance.
negro plz

Underrated post.

fuck you idiot

mate I can't really think of a horror centric game with actual mechanical or even design depth because even the best in the genre don't really have any but in a game where it would fit to have competent stealth where they instead settle for go in the binary light/dark and get caught/not caught and just crouch walk everywhere

penumbra and amnesia were shit, amnesia was a little more shit in a design sense because the logic puzzles were even simpler/sparser and the scripted events just as shallow. They have pretty much the same fucking flaws. They are almost the same game just reskinned with a different story.

"Survival Horror" was always puzzles + horror + inventory management + shit gameplay. If anything, Penumbra improved on it and is a shining example of what a good survival horror game can be. It's not their fault it was cloned over and over by unoriginal developers.

Then clearly your standards are too high or the genre just isn't for you.

my standards are pretty low, I just like good feeling game play, nier automata isn't deep but its got a few parts to learn that make it interesting, just as an example. Pulling off a combo in cotton boomerang is easy but maintaining it is a fucking blast.

I brought up thief before because it made you feel incredibly weak in the face of danger, similar to penumbra in its weightiness, but with actual mechanics backing simple things like movement, sound and light gradients which have highly variable results. Made it much more than "oh hey, here's a dog I better hide in the shadows and slow crouch walk" and more "oh shit I gotta navigate this floor carefully and with WOW PHYSICS I need to be aware of props and find a clean path to get through this dangerous encounter while I am legit fucking scared of being caught"

rambly post but I think you'll get what I mean

Maybe it's just me, but I never got that feeling at all while playing through Thief. Against undead, I'd just sprint around them since they were slow and dumb as fuck (and in the areas where you can't do that, there's holy water to enchant your arrows to gib them). Around humans, watch patrol patterns, blackjack niggers and throw them in dark rooms. There wasn't any tension at all, although I played it years after it was released so maybe that has something to do with it.

With Penumbra, I was on the edge of my seat. I'm a huge horrorfag, and that's one of the games that pushed all of the right buttons for me.

I think you just may not recall some of what thief does, and how it still stands out pretty well. Things like the AI being extremely persistent and reactive to sounds with different levels of perception. The undead in thief are a joke because they are so slow, undeniable really. In thief a metal or tile floor is pretty unnerving, combined with higher level enemies like haunts or mages. It's pretty unnerving and the sounds really make it something great.

Penumbra imitates this but it's like I said, a shallow imitation. You're either making noise or you're not (making crouching all you need) and you're either in light or your not. This means the actual balance you have to do between paying attention to where you're going/what you're doing when navigating around enemies is minimized significantly. It was a good idea to remove combat, but to switch the focus from sneaking around patrols to scripted sequences really doesn't make the game interesting to play.

I think there's a real sense of horror in overwhelming the player, forcing them to focus on enemies that will kill them on the spot, having to find a clean and dark path, there's a real opportunity there that frictional's games missed.

Muh immershun faggots BTO forever. Just watch a stream m80s, leave the actual gaming to people who care about fun and functionality.

I'd be astounded if this ever comes out. I recall the devs were depressed after Ayyyy:Tentacle Rape came out and did what they wanted to do aesthetically and gameplay wise. Shame that Isolation was so mediocre.

When Alien Isolation came out I thought that Routine had been scrapped and turned into that instead.

This game is vaporware to the max. It has a release window and it's still vaporware.

Shitty games aren't going to make me lose interest. I don't particularly care when it's out, not like they've been endlessly paying for press doing interviews or released it EA game and left it unfinished.