Jontron vs Destiny

Who is destiny?
What actually happened?
Why should i care?

Other urls found in this thread:

Jon didn't expect a debate and ended up looking like a spastic autist.
Destiny is a spastic autist and acted in his usual manner.

A cringeworthy exchange.
You shouldn't care about e-celebs.

nigger, no one gives a shit about some unfunny fat faggot

Jontron had great opinions and arguments, but is total shit at arguing.
Destiny was just being an asshole.

just watching this shit show and i wonder who that faggot is, that destiny fag. And why is he pushing jon into a corner? I dont get it?

yeah, sure, shouldnt care about e-celeb stuff.

I dont care.

Destiny is a shit over hyped warframe clone that only exists to sell map packs and DLCs to morons.

Yet you posted in this thread and forgot to sage.

there's a gamergate thread in the catalog

also >>>/gamergatehq/

take your shit elsewhere

Anyone got a link?

basically, lets players are the surrogate friend simulator for lonely autistic children on the internet. As such, they have a profound influence on the ideological makeup of their audience as they offer the only social avenue to these people.
Therefore, if one among their number engages in thought crime they must be suppressed and ostracized.
It's not that some fat autist matters, he doesn't, or whether he won or lost an internet "debate" with another retard. There are bigger issues here.

So this isnt about destiny the game its about a person who does lets play videos?

I feel like Im learning from this thread at least.

JonTron's is losing subs, but he'll bounce back.

I think Jontron is a pretty cool guy, eh brings the bants on twitter and doesn't afraid of anything

He didn't need to debate him. The guy already got his ass handed to him by Jim.

lol the guy really set himself up on that one.

He needs to put out half assed content every day like Pewdiepie. Looking at pewdiepie on that site is crazy cos his subscribers just go up and up.


The only reason this Destiny faggot wanted to debate him on Skype was because he was losing on Twitter where he couldn't shout over him

Not even the only time that Destiny's gotten so mad that he just stops talking and kicks someone off the stream, he apparently did the same thing to Naked Ape

Dr. Illusion follows up with Steve post jon tron debate.

In very small amounts, yes.

You are stupid newfag who doesn't even know what that image is parodying

Basedjontron confirmed for saviour of whites.

he's raping cucks before our eyes

His middle name is Aryan after all.

Fuck off, Holla Forums, Jon is our boy. Get your own.

20 mins into this so far. jontron is pretty goof.

shit good i meant.

And you're a stupid autist.

It is pretty damn hilarious to see people try to argue this, the only group that it "discriminates" is illegal immigrants that don't have the right to vote to begin with.

What is wrong with liberals?
Also you can tell most of them never saw a nigger and lived in their white hipster neighbourhood their whole lives. The dude who made the video probably saw niggers for the first time.
