

There's already a thread talking about splatoon 2 OP

shills aren't people.

Missed opportunity tbh

I wish this was a sequel to Joy Mech Fight.

It's dead.

Yeah, but since the yearly cost is going to be less than 30 bucks you know nintoddlers are going to tout it as a feature.


What the hell are they good for then? Check 'em

Shovelware, should've given us Mario now instead.

considering how they have some kinks to work out with breath of the wild, maybe its good that they didnt release both games immediately. whichever one comes later will give them to get a chance to get used to the damn thing.

Doesn't look like shovelware to me

Wake me up when there's CFW.

I got you family

"cut it out together"
Fuck you. Give me Metroid, Mario, and F-Zero.

Holla Forumsedditors will never be pleased

I never said that. I wish nintendo stopped innovating 15 years ago.

Sup, schizo.

Is there 34 of this yet? The faces are so lewd.

I thought you'd never ask.

All I can find, the first one may as well be a screencap of actual gameplay.

what the goodness is this game about? erotic origami?

Why won't Nintenshills just die?

It's some shovelware game for manchildren to play with their obese girlfriends and pretend like they're playing a real video game together.

Cause it looks like a shitty overpriced tech-demo instead of an actual proper full-fledged game.

This looks like a mobile game