World of Tanks Streamer KIA

Dude goes out for a smoke during 24-hour attention-whoring binge and times-out IRL. Friendless voyeurs who were viewing at the time said his head disappeared from the little dunking booth at the bottom of their screens for a brief time-out and he never returned.

Just a reminder for you oldfags and wizards out there… get /fit/ or become another dead hero. The man-child in question was 35 and leaves behind 3 kids. No word if any of the money from the 24-hour viewer number drive - i mean, "charity stream" - will go to his family.

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Post a video, lol.

There's a bit of a gap between getting /fit/ and managing to live past 35 years. I think most people here will be fine.

Good, natural selection still works sometimes.

Is there a video? How am I too figure out what happened with just what you give us?

"During the 22nd hour of a 24 hour livestream, Poshybrid disappeared from his stream after looking really bad. He went out for a smoke and didn't come back. One of his mods messaged him on his discord and a detective with his phone replied back asking to call him, and the detective confirmed that he had died to either a heart attack or a stroke.
Poshy was known for chain smoking and drinking on stream, and his health had been visibly declining over the last few months of streaming. At a certain point he was streaming nearly 24/7 for several days straight, only taking short sleeping breaks."

nothing to show from what i read, so i didnt bother. he stepped away from his fap station and never returned to his adoring fans so the video shows nothing. Not to mention Twitch probably pulled the VOD but i havent checked on that. All you might get of value is the chat stream, but this is Twitch so…

it's genetics over everything else, but when you consider the other risk factors attached to this aspiring e-celeb who we lost too soon, i dunno… as another oldfag, i'm laying off the adderal and junk food.

tfw when pic related days are gone

I guess that's one way to go.

Feels good to be able to shitpost more in this life.

you say this as if we don't all have >>>/suicide/ bookmarked.



There's some kind of arty/cancer/camper joke in here somewhere, but I can't figure it out.

What a loser.

Also, get enough sleep every night. And stay away from addictive substances.

Fuck off. One is good for one person can kill another. Even your fitness.

World of Tanks is a pretty cancerous game. I know from experience.

feels bad man

Not just oldfags and wizards. Everyone should at least do some form of working out whether it's jogging or other simple bodyweight workouts.
Shitpost responsibly anons.

It's average now, but I'm not sure what kind of bullshit my body was pulling when I was fat.

You just lost your FUPA weight, it's common for your penis to look bigger when there's not a blob of fat covering it.


yup. when i was prescribed amphetamines for ADHD, I started tracking my sleep. Staying up 2 or even 3 nights in a row, sleeping 15 hours, then repeating the cycle is frighteningly easy. I was running a deficit in the dozens of hours within a week since the way my mind works, I would become obsessed with a project and just wouldnt stop. That shit is extremely bad for your heart and your brain.

nobody cares what you do but the idea that smoking and possibly abusing stimulants to pull 24-hour vidya sessions - especially when you're this dudes age - isn't absolutely harmful to 100% of humans is completely retarded.

Do what you want when you're young. I did and because of my genes I was never fat and didn't feel bad, really. Then a few years ago (around this dude's age), my body just gave out and I started getting really sick. Ended up in the ER a few times. Shit just catches up with you and it can happen suddenly. Your metabolism alone gets wrecked after 30.

If I had to do it over again, I would have changed my habits around 25 so i wouldn't have had to deal with it 10 years later. I'll never quit gaming, but having a standing desk for shitposting, a gym membership, and learning to cook changed my life and I hope it insures I'll never have to quit.

Yeah that sounds about right
At least he had an audience to witness him disappear into the sunset

I'm not saying you should eat junk food, I'm just saying you dont need a 6-pack to make it to your 40's.

Suck shit streamers

For what purpose? Was he really killing himself from lack of sleep for fucking tips from kids?

Sometimes you just wanna die but don't wanna kill yourself.
Imagine being able to just escape into another world for days at a time while the life you want to end slowly fades away around you.
To me, that sounds like bliss.

I played Final Fantasy 2/4 for 23 hours without sleep or a proper meal when the game was new, and I didn't fucking die. I even have a heart defect that nearly kills me at random.

Is everyone here really so averse to a balanced diet that people actually consider it a challenge to live past their 30's? It's not the medieval era anymore tbh fam, Life expectancy has changed. And I'm sure that even the most hopelessly depressed of you would rather die on your own terms than that of your shitty health and lifestyle.

I will admit that I have a few of these bad habits.. Namely I can't help but stay up really late into the early hours of the morning, and lately I've just been feeling so useless I can barely find many reasons to leave the room, let alone the house. Almost everything I've tried to do to rescue the course of my life has either failed or remained inconclusive, but I know for the most part I just have to wait.. I need to seize the moment.. Sometimes you have to appreciate these moments of clarity, someone you know, not much older/younger than you dies, and you just think 'jesus.' What if that had been me? I've got so much left to do, I couldn't even consider it until I've finished what I set out to do with my life. blog post over m8



What have you been doing?

Hospital records or fuck off.


How, you ask? I used to be built like a brick shithouse from having a fucking terrible factory job that had almost nothing in the way of mechanical assistance for employees, so I had to cart around 50-100 pound boxes every few minutes, and once in a while, move shit that weighed OVER A FUCKING TON without a goddamn floor jack. Polished concrete + steel + pushing = ear rape. Anyway, got permanently laid off because the company got sued for a shitload of workplace violations unrelated to me, and lost all of that muscle while slowly starving to death.

exercise and eating right


Rice, lentils, frozen vegetables. Cook them in a pot and you have a week's worth of lunches for about $2.

lmao you seem really triggered over this

I started running every day, and got to the point where I could run 5 miles non-stop in 40 minutes. I don't think that's stellar but I do think it's pretty damned good, and it took me like 8 solid months of daily running to get to that point so I was damned proud.

Then I got really sick and couldn't run for two weeks. When I finally felt well enough to run again, I couldn't even run 2 miles without needing a break.

I got so fucking discouraged I gave up entirely and haven't done any serious running in the 3 years since.

…And it was on that day, that Holla Forums invented streamer snuff porn hoaxes for lulz and profit

That happens with oxy and heroin (opiates,downers) but my guess is that's not what a lot of these streamers are down with. Back when I used to trip on dissociatives, open world games could be cozy and very dream-like, but you can forget about anything competative… or being able to chat or stream. I'm guessing if there are drugs involved in this particular case, it's adderal or similar amphetamines. A lot of 'serious' gamers and '24-hour streamers' are popping stimulants.

a big breakthrough for me was to stop trying to change. just accept yourself, all the fucked up shit you do and your bad habits, but commit to making it work for you. Don't try to be a better person, just get better results. Flip the polarity. Start building a legacy or chipping-away at realistic goals one tiny victory at a time. Start building momentum and putting some notches in the win column for yourself. Even if it's pretty basic bitch stuff like taking a shower everyday.

There are some Alan Watts lectures on YouTube that are pretty good. I have a giant playlist that I just let roll and will go to sleep and wakeup with that kooky fucker giving some bretty gud advice. Then again, he drank too much and died in his sleep at like 58 so i dunno…

can confirm. unfucking my diet resulted in me constantly eating (and shitting). I used to mindlessly start my day with shit carbs and the only thinking i did was what I was going to binge over like 6-8 hours later.. and it was mostly impulsive. Now, i eat huge amounts of veggies and meat every ~3 hours. Expensive as fuck and requires a lot more planning and attention, but the gains and overall gud feelings and self-esteem boost is worth it

well, I'd be lying if I said I don't really hope I collapse and just die sometime before 40 so I don't have to deal with any of the strength of willpower shit that comes with attempting suicide

How, you ask? I used to be built like a brick shithouse from having a fucking terrible factory job that had almost nothing in the way of mechanical assistance for employees, so I had to cart around 50-100 pound boxes every few minutes, and once in a while, move shit that weighed OVER A FUCKING TON without a goddamn floor jack. Polished concrete + steel + pushing = ear rape. Anyway, got permanently laid off because the company got sued for a shitload of workplace violations unrelated to me, and lost all of that muscle while slowly starving to death.>>11993124

Now ain't it just a shame that you have to work most of the day to make ends meet, and have to deal with faggots stealing your lunch at work (unless you want a felony food tampering charge for making powdered glass-aroni and cheese for yourself). The money you earn is almost worthless, and good food spoils in a hurry.

Not saying it's impossible, just really easy to end up super-fucked if anything goes wrong.

Define really late, because if you say anything earlier than 4am I will shoot you nigger.

I was pretty well off physically during fall last year, but the months during winder have been really stressful so I've gained 7kg. These will fly off as soon as the weather gets good enough for biking or the stress levels go down.

This article looks like it was written by a robot.


Don't be an idiot and sit in a chair for 24 hours straight.

I don't smoke or drink, but I am a fat sack of shit with poor sleeping habits. Hopefully I last until at least 40.

dump your DX Racer stock, faggots

The only things I'm worried about in regards to my health are my eyes. I have this problem where I don't blink while playing games and my eyes get painfully dry. The worst part is that it always seems to get so bad that having my eyes closed to get some moisture into them hurts more than having them open. That and I'm gradually becoming short sighted.

That was where I was years ago. I started keeping a tally of "exercise points", increased by one after getting a day's worth of exercise, and reduced by one at the start of each day. I try to keep a surplus of points, and increase the definition of "a day's worth of exercise" when I can. I also have an alarm set to remind me to go to bed.

decrease the brightness on your monitors when you can and use apps like F.lux (xflux or Redshift on Linux)

If money is no object, e-ink monitors and large (up to 12") e-ink tablets running Android are just hitting the market.

Get back to it, user. I'm nearing five km nonstop, I keep hitting walls but I'm not giving up. I've lost nine kilograms since I started running. It's hard, but living lighter is so much easier.

My monitor is some old 5:4 lcd thing that keeps defaulting back to 100% brightness whenever I change it. Really should upgrade at some point. Maybe when I have a job.

Did he drop any good loot?

Trouble is I've become TOO complacent, and have actually developed MORE bad habits as the years have remained as unforgiving/more so. I probably do sound like a faggot, but most people do to other people when talking about the shit in their lives when it's out of context. And no offence but i'd prefer not to take advice from someone who's been in the ER for their shitty health/lifestyle.. You got some decent points, but damn nigga, there's being yourself and then there's actually becoming a healthier you. And I think you should be taking advice from someone who hasn't died from drinking too much/shitty lifestyle choices either, they obviously weren't THAT committed if they managed to relapse.. But then again, context is key – they could've gone through some shit, who knows.

Put your shooter away fam, most nights it's well past 4 am. It's 4 am for me right now.

very nice. I've only lost about 10 so far this year to be fair, I didn't start until halfway through January, barely over a month ago. I'm doing a low-carb diet. I've pretty much gotten used to that, so now I just have to actually get off my ass and start doing some walking and do some crunches. Know of anything that'll help me drop the fat off my man tits? Or will the dieting with those exercises help burn the fat off the chest as well? I do have a set of free weights..


if you could just let us know what kind of advice you'ld like to get, maybe another user could do a better job of telling you what you'ld like to hear. Sorry i let you down, bro.


Well shit.

Truth be told, this is a fucking warning to people who think they're supermen, we've had south koreans and chinese who did 3 days gaming binge and then expire, let this be a warning, do not fucking neglect your health, there's still vidya to be played in this bleak industry.

why even try.

sounds like the guy was an idiot
natural selection at work