Fallout thread

Let's see how long we can go before the Legion vs. NCR shitposting starts!
Talk about the good Fallout games here. Mods, I'd appreciate it if you'd delete the thinly-veiled halfchan Fallout 4 thread in favor of this one. Your call.

Mostly I created this as an excuse to talk about the New Vegas DLCs, which I only (somewhat) recently completed. Here are my thoughts:

Dead Money
I liked the concept: the bomb collars, the heist, the grand old world resort, fallen into decay and obsessed with the past. But the attempt to create a survival horror expansion only partially succeeded. A lot of the writing was half-baked, too: lethal holograms, magic vending machines, and resurrecting "ghost people" (such a stupid name) were hard to swallow. They try to acknowledge the ramifications of those things existing, saying that that kind of technology could steamroll the NCR, but that's not enough to make it believable. It was an interesting experimental diversion.

Honest Hearts
I loved this. It was great to meet Joshua Graham, and to learn about the tribes. In fact, these are the only proper tribes in Fallout: New Vegas. It fleshed out the Legion more and tied back into the main story nicely. It was also nice that the only options for dealing with the tribes are all bittersweet, since they all hinge on the inevitable encroachment of civilization. We got a nice, open area to explore, unlike Dead Money's twisting corridors and alleys. Of all the expansions, this is the one that feels the most like the rest of the main game, in a good way.

Old World Blues
On the one hand, I love the sci-fi B-movie silliness of the story, characters, and tone. On the other hand, the bullet sponge enemies are a fucking drag, and practically clairvoyant in their ability to detect you. If you're no good with energy weapons or melee weapons, you're fucked. This kills the drive to explore, which undermines the entire expansion, since it's largely based around exploration. Also, the opening conversation with the Think Tank is far, far too long. Play it once, on easy, for the story and comically absurd characters, and then never touch it again.

Lonesome Road
It had a much more post-apocalyptic atmosphere than the rest of Fallout: New Vegas, which I found enjoyable–though I wouldn't want the whole game to be that way. Ulysses' character and dialogue were also pure gold. His obsession with history and symbols ties back into the main story, as do (obviously) the nuclear missiles at the end. It tied the wider setting's nuclear past to a terrifying potential future return of nuclear war, creating a cynical, realistic, and genuinely frightening historical perspective. I would gladly play it again.

TL;DR: Honest Hearts and Lonesome Road > Dead Money > Old World Blues

Other urls found in this thread:

dropbox.com/s/qgub618yqpfe3pj/War Club.mp4

Use the fucking catalog next time, jesus christ.


The /fog/ thread was he one I was talking about; it's a halfchan crosspost and I created this thread as a non-shit alternative to that one. I didn't notice the other thread with 49 replies. Besides, that thread is just bitching about the systems in the original Fallout, not a thread for broader Fallout discussion as a whole. The OP didn't even have the decency to put anything in the subject field.
So fuck you.

Fallout Tactics a best.

Reminder that Mr. House is the only good option. The NCR is corrupt and about to crumble and The Legion is gonna die any second now




Mods please delete the other two threads. This one is fine. Also House is best ending

So apparently the critical consensus, at least as far as I can tell, is that OWB is the best F:NV DLC. Fucking how? it played like dogshit, especially if you were playing a Guns character–enough that it outweighed the benefits of the comical tone and silly-then-serious story.

Independent is best.

On the cross you go.

Why not just make this a NV thread, seeing as the other's are more focused on the original titles?
As far as the DLC goes the best was Lonesome Road, then Old World Blues. Dead Money was cool because it was a classic heist set-up, but the poison fog and the maze-like design of the exterior made it a bit frustrating to get around. I did manage to escape with every single gold bar in the vault though so it was all worth it.
Lonesome Road was the best because it made the game feel more grand. Also the writing was a lot better than Fallout 3's evil Enclave robot president who you can talk into sudoku in seconds.
I got pretty bored with Honest Hearts, although I did really like the change of pace with the environment and the tribals. It was nice to be reminded of Arroyo and Fallout 2, but when I played it I felt like each section was a bit disconnected. Maybe I should replay it.

Me too. It took a long time for me to get them all over to the Gun Runners to sell.
Why? Because of the ravines leading to the different camps?

I feel that he should've read more into the Roman empire before setting off on his larp adventure.

next time I got to comiccon I am going as Lanius, I've got the height and build for it

Cause lol, so random! Normalfags love random. I liked that they had Dr Venture's voice actor in it though. Personally I thought Dead Money was the best, though people usually disagree because its hard and linear, though you can't beat the atmosphere, character development, setting or the story of Dead Money. I've started entire playthroughs of new vegas with the sole intention of getting to redo that expac.

As opposed to New Vegas' evil Legion slaughterer who you can talk into surrender in seconds?

What a shame. I could appreciate OWB's silliness, but that's not enough to carry repetitive, bullet sponge, borderline-omniscient enemies.

If you say so. I had a much easier time in Dead Money than in Old World Blues. But that was probably because I had a pretty high sneak skill.

I'm just relaying the complaints I normally hear about it. I don't consider it hard either tbh, especially if you're at a decent level, but normalfags are too used to being coddled I suppose.

Dr. Dala turns me on.

I always kept some permanent save file right at the beginning of Dead Money so I could play it any time I wanted to.
And I wouldn't really call it linear, it's just not open world I suppose.

For me at least, I think most normalfags complained that Dead Money was too hard because they actually had to think through their problems instead of filling it with bullets until it was dead. At least, that's how the ones I know felt about it. And then they loved OWB because lolrandum XD.
There wasn't a single character in OWB that I could like, the whole DLC was cancer as far as I'm concerned. and those fucking bugged nightstalkers almost made me give up and start a new game entirely

That would actually explain it perfectly. How depressing. I liked Dead Money in spite of its plot holes because it had some challenge, in figuring out how to do deal with the "ghost people" (I will never stop thinking that name is stupid) and avoiding bomb collar detonation. In fact, without those elements, I probably wouldn't have liked Dead Money at all.

Huh. I enjoyed the B-movie silliness, though they could have toned it down and still achieved the same effect. It ends up being kind of sinister by the end, once you talk to Mobius and learn what's really going on. It was just the gameplay that made me never want to replay it.

I might have just had a shitty character when I tried to play and gotten frustrated. It's been a long time since I played, but I remember a sense of the environment not feeling as cohesive as it could have been. I'm going to reinstall and play through to see if I feel the same way now.

I doubt there's a lot of information about the Romans available after the bombs dropped. Caesar just liked the idea of the legions and was charismatic enough to inspire people to follow him. But then it falls apart because he stupidly forces his army to rely on machetes and other melee weapons and suicidal runs into enemy lines. It does work because of sheer overwhelming numbers, but it means he loses a ton of soldiers in every single battle and facing off against any large force of NCR soldiers would probably lower morale massively.

But Ulysses isn't black and white evil like the Enclave in 3 is. And you can't just hit one dialogue option and get him to kill himself. He's not just a badly written antagonist for the sake of being an antagonist, and the fact that you can talk him down is because you can reason with him as you progress through the DLC and he continues to speak to you through the drones.
Unless you're talking about Caesar, in which case he's still a better antagonist than Eden.

I'd be very interested to hear your thoughts when you finish playing it. I didn't get the sense that it was disjointed at all.

Doesnt feel the same replaying it with the same char. It's special when you make a new character with new experiences. At least that's how I feel personally when it comes to the dlc and final battles and stuff.

I was actually talking about Lanius, but either way you're moving the goalposts. My point is, when you have a high speech skill in Fallout you can convince anyone to do anything. That's not bad writing per se; that's just the way it works in the game.

Ulysses is a great character, though.

I think if it had been toned down I wouldn't have such a significant dislike for it, I may have even liked it. The nail in the coffin was the combination of the silliness and retardation of arguing with your brain to get it back into your own body, the fucking thing complains about you being a worthless pile of flesh even though that's exactly what it is. I probably would have found it kind of funny in another scenario, but I was ready to be done with that entire section of the game after having to contend with the atrociously planned out gameplay. I remember having to switch to melee fighting because the Gamebryo bullet sponge enemies ate through so much ammunition that I was running low on the hundreds of rounds I began with although that may have been because the character was poorly built. I did like the funny-then-serious bit at the very end with Mobius however.

If you didn't have a maxed out energy-weapons skill, you were fucked in OWB. A friend of mine did a playthrough with a character that was focused on sneak/speech/guns, with energy weapons and melee as his dump stats. He did NOT have a good time.

How did I shift the goalposts? I agree that Lanius is a very black and white character, but he isn't a main antagonist, he's just a psychotic guy given free reign by Caesar. Eden is the computer-president of the Enclave and despite putting so many years and so much effort into his plan you can talk him out of it with just one dialogue option. That's bad writing. Ulysses's encounter is nothing like that, even with maxed out speech I'm pretty sure you can't stop him by just saying "Hey, whoa there, you shouldn't do this man" you actually have to convince him.

Yeah, that was probably the dumbest part. They try to justify it with some technobabble, and talking about how a brain outside of the rest of the body's hormonal systems would be different, but it's definitely the moment where it's the least possible to suspend your disbelief, even by the standards of the rest of OWB. I still thought it was funny, though.
I had the same experience, and I built my character well. It wasn't your fault. Like says, if you were no good in energy weapons, or at least melee (since proton axes are lying around everywhere), you're fucked.

That was my focus, too. It was a nightmare.

Faggots think that a faction that promoted Lanius to the top isn't completely fucked.

FO1 > FO1.5 > FO2 > FO:NV

You forgot about independent.

The discussion would be a lot more fair if the colorado cut content was a solid point instead of speculation

FO2>NV is, debatable. But alright

It doesn't have the underlying shittiness of FO3 and gamebryo to fuck it up.


I want an intelligent deathclaw boyfriend!

Gamebryo isn't inherently bad. Civ 4 was made on gamebryo


It is for first person games with action.

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Gamebryo, is in fact, the Morrowind engine/Gamebryo, or as I've recently taken to calling it, the Morrowind engine plus Gamebryo. Gamebryo is not a game engine unto itself, but rather an engine base serving as just one component of a fully functioning game engine made useful by the other bits that make up a game engine.

Many game developers used to use versions of Gamebryo every day, evidently without players realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of the Morrowind engine which is widely used today is often called "the Gamebryo engine", and many of its users are not aware that although it does make use of the Gamebryo engine base, it is really the Morrowind engine, developed by ZeniMax Media Incorporated©.

There really is a Gamebryo, and ZeniMax Media Incorporated© are using it, but it is just a part of the Morrowind engine they use. Gamebryo is an engine base: the component of the engine that handles the base level tasks on top of which game engine logic is actually implemented. This base level engine logic is an essential part of a functioning game engine, but useless for vidya by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete game engine. Gamebryo is normally used nowadays in combination with the Morrowind engine: All of ZeniMax Media Incorporated's© so-called "Gamebryo" distributions are really distributions of the Morrowind engine/Gamebryo.

I agree

F2 has shitty pop culture references, FNV has goon memes. Which is worse?

NV doesn't have the lolrandom joke towns as substitutes for content. But yeah using FO3 as a base for NV really hampered it from the get-go, it shouldn't be approached without a ton of mods and even the mods can't fix a lot of it. Gameplay FO2>NV (and gameplay/combat in FO1/2 isn't even that great) but writing NV>FO2.

Like what? I know Sawyer is a goon and a giant SJW but I thought he only went full retard after the kickstarter thing.

Why not just fucking start with that instead of making a fucking general-esque thread? You fucking piece of shit.


Anything else other than that? I'm curious as well

I remember wild wasteland having an area with four orange balls that was a reference to some goon thing

How gay, I saw the balls but I never knew it was a goon thing. What a disappointment. Was it Saywer or Avellone who was the goon?

So assuming that we're living in a fantasy world in which another developer manages to pry the rotting corpse of Fallout from Todd's cold, sweaty little jew-claws for another third-party title, would you rather see a "mods will fix it" rush job with top-shelf writing and voice acting that will be a swan song for what Fallout once was and ensure that nobody but Bethesda will ever get near Fallout for the next fifty years or would you rather see a slick-but-mediocre normalfag-friendly Fallout title that would probably pave the way for more third-party development and spin-offs by developers more competent than Bethesda? Hard mode: the first game would use New Vegas-tier assets and be hamstrung for 7th gen consoles but the second game is co-written by Anthony Burch and will probably lead to a Fallout movie

I'll show you four orange balls user-kun

That's because NV has only Freeside for a town.

Sawyer. Don't know about Avellone.

I figured as much, that guy is a faggot


And what a town it is. Divided into small sections with walls, gates and loading screens every minute because the shitty engine can't handle more than 5-10 NPCs in one place.

Every DLC is at least 8/10 aside from the pre order packs

Shittiest dlc

I know it's the weakest, but I wouldn't say it's shit. Randall's story is too good to call the whole thing bad. Plus I like how right at the start it hints about Ulysess


Because a thread just for discussing NV DLC shouldn't exist; it's needlessly niche, like the one discussing Fallout 1's progression system. And this isn't a general; it's not going to come back as soon as it hits page 15. Kill yourself.

The first option. What an easy decision.

I remember actually being surprised the first time it started raining in HH. It's the only weather in the entire game.

>Not talking to Graham about the Legion while he polishes his gun.
Fight me, nigger.

Does anyone have the picture of what each protagonist wants to do? The one where for fallout 3 we have two versions one moded, one not moded on console that is blurry shit. And the last is the courier standing on dinky screaming "WHO THE FUCK SHOT ME IN THE HEAD!"

Here you go.

Those aren't orange

Are you saying you wanted orange?

What a kike.

It has been debunked numerous times that brexit voters didn't regret their vote. In fact they only asked people that didn't vote or voted stay if they would regret for leaving. That's how the kike media works.

Same with the "only low educated people voted leave" bullshit. Fuck Sawyer.

Why does everyone forget about North Vegas? It's where you can get the recipe for the special .44 ammo. The people ITT who complain about OWB being hard for gun characters need to seriously git gud. The ammo crafting system is some of the most powerful shit in the game.

Oh yeah, I did forget about that, along with Westside. The only time I spent in North Vegas was in The Thorn, so that's probably why I forgot about it.

fug u
I never bothered with crafting or reloading, because that was just a bit too autistic for me.

Once you get used to it, you'll feel incredibly satisfied and become a professional operating courier. There's pretty much three types of special ammo for each gun - one which is good against DT/DR one which is good against HP, and one which is does more damage. Not to mention the mods that expand on the system

I used the different ammo types, just never created them myself. I had huge amounts of spent casings and shells.

They have like 10 people each.

Yeah, and Freeside has barely more than that. Welcome to open world games.

Have you seen the majority of the tribes they conquered? While Vegas may be advanced, there are still tons of tribes that have their own language that Caesar is conquering, mean while the NCR can't even deal with drug runners in their own territory.

How is that stupid, when you have to scavenge for days or weeks just to find ammunition and weapons? The NCR is one of the few that can actually manufacture weapons and reload ammunition at large scales. And he doesn't "force" them to use melee weapons, they use guns all the time, even howitzers, he only makes sure they're trained to fight in hand to hand combat when the troops inevitably run out of ammo or their weapons jam.

I got the impression, even though he doesn't say so explicitly, that one of the larger purposes of Caesar's attempt to conquer Vegas was to transform the Legion into an industrial society. He knows he can't do it by fiat, that they need to change the way they live first.

I never finished Lonesome Road (I usually get tired of the game upon reaching OWB or LR), but of those I have completed, Dead Money is my favorite DLC. The characters were well-written, I enjoyed gauntlet-style obstacle courses, and the atmosphere was top notch.

I said town, not 3 named npcs and a shop.


Most open world games don't deal with scale well. It's just the price of making your game open world: you can't make realistically-large settlements, towns, and cities, because if you did, each one would take up like half of the entire map.
The only games that do open-world and well-scaled cities are those in which the entire map is a city, like GTA.

Seriously, there's fucking zero reason to keep debating about NCR or Legion. It's fucking annoying and ruins any chance at proper discussion of the games themselves.

Besides We all know that independent is the best ending

>We all know that independent is the best ending

This is the only correct opinion.

I like House, but I can understand independent, and even Legion. I don't understand how anyone can support the NCR as they are shown in New Vegas. Anyone who supports them must be incredibly short sighted since they'd probably only last a couple decades - even with the Courier's help.

Legion is the second worst ending

Why shouldn't she

Why was she never put in Little Yangtze during wartime like the others? I never understood that.

Maybe she was Japanese or Korean, instead of Chinese.

All you faggots bitching about OWB's bad guns never found Christine's sniper rifle, did you?

Any suggestions for a Hank Hill build in New Vegas? I'm thinking:
I doubt Hank would like to see propane used for violence, so explosive remains untagged.
I still haven't decided on perks yet.

But that's what makes New Vegas better than the rest of the games. Serious political discussions about which ideology/faction is the best choice for the wasteland.

Use the flames to give your enemies a clean burning hell, I tell you h'what

Yes, and NV also has enough ambiguity so nearly all factions have strengths and weaknesses, depending on the premises you start from.

Extreme. Vetting.

My guess is either she was too useful as a scientist, or sexual favors.

Only dirty chinese and hippies got rounded up.

Also she would have been a scientist before the War with China.

Enclave is so awesome, they're the only hope of the wasteland.

Enclave > BoS > NCR > everything else >>>>> followers of shit


I already had better guns than that.

America's dead son

s-stop it please, you're going to make me cry.
Fucking Bethesda, they ruined two beatiful factions, and they didn't stop, they made BoS evil in Fallout 4, I'm so angry.

You've not played any other Fallout, have you? This statement proves that. You also missed how BoS weren't evil and were dicksucked harder than they were in 3.

Why be a lackey when you can take over yourself?

It's the only hope humanity has and not only does he have plans for it, he has the means to achieve it

Shit on his ego all you want but when you run a nearly completely benevolent society from a completely isolated existence in a tank you get some room to brag

He's an entrepreneur who has old world knowledge. As well as this he runs an incredibly successful society. Plus his robot was nice enough to save your life.

Thinking of doing a FO:NV Very Hardcore run all the way to level 50 with all DLC's included.

What type of character should I make with special and which skills should be my main focus? (which would be best for main story + 4 DLC's)

I'm currently think of doing SPECIAL with this setup but any input either good or bad would be greatly appreciated

S: 7
P: 1
E: 10
C: 1
I: 10
A: 1
L: 10

You need at least 5 perception so you can get to 6 for better criticals
You probably won't need so much int if you're going to level 50.
Maximum on a stat should be 9, since you can use implants

Does the general store guy in F1 ever restock on flamethrower fuel? It was fun lighting people on fire while it lasted.

Carry a big iron for cazadors and nightstalkers, a pulse shotgun for robits, one of those fancy laser axes for just about everything else. People need to git gud.

I bet most people don't even know you can use alt ammo for weapons
Hunting shotgun+choke+slugs gives you a mini rifle that uses the retardedly overpowered shotgun perks

I mean the guy at The Hub. I'm sorry.

What's everyone's favourite
And why are This Machine, Elite Riot Gear, and Fantastic the best?

At least they return to being techno-fascists in 4

Blade of the East/West
Joshua Graham's Armour + Aviators

A Light Shining In Darkness, because muh fuddy five
Advanced or Elite Riot gear, or whateverthefuck it's called, y'know, the one from Lonesome Road
It's a toss-up between Ulysses, Caesar and Lanius

This Machine.
Elite riot gear, and T-51b power armor when shit really hits the fan.
Hard to say. Maybe Dean Domino, actually. He's cool as fuck, even if he is a fink.

NCR Ranger for combat, Benny's suit+Aviators for walk in' and talkin'
Battle Rifle, so I can flip caps on the rocks to get legionnaires to break cover.
For companions, Raul or Boone
General NPC's? House and Lanius

Improvised weapons like the Bumper Sword or the Mantis Claw, stuff that looks like someone glued random shit together and it just works, real apocalypse hours and shit

Combat armor or anything that has "reinforced" in the name, also anything has has a duster combined in it

Companion: Cassidy
Main: Benny

Shelter is better than Fo4 and 3.

Honestly, yes. At least it doesn't pretend to be an RPG.

It's also ironically the least jewy game of its genre because its purpose is just advertising and brand recognition rather than being P2W.

And yet FO1 and 2 had proper towns.

Okay, well I played through it a bit and I can honestly say I have no idea what I was talking about before. I think the main issue I had was being extremely weak when I first did it and getting fucked up by Yao Guai, so it would take ages to get anywhere, and getting lost. Now that I've played it again I've changed my opinion completely, and it actually makes me nostalgic for the tribal aspects of Fallout 2.
I also really enjoyed reading the diary entries of the guy who survived the bombs.

That Gun, tied with This Machine.
Advanced Riot Gear, Armour of the 87th Tribe and the Dead Money Jumpsuit, but that's just clothing.
Raul or Marcus.

I'm glad to hear that. I actually had the opposite experience, where I was over-leveled and it was easy as fuck. (But by that point, pretty much the whole game was.) And yes, Randall was awesome. Did you find his body?


Now this might be severly autistic, but does anyone feel that after spending a ton of time at the Sierra Madre, the Courier actually gets a taste for the SM Martinis? Like it's his go to drink of choice to kick back after a long day in the wasteland?

Lever-action Shotgun, Gobi Campaign Scout Rifle or Oh, Baby!.
Lightweight Leather Armor or the Courier Duster.
Joshua Graham, Cass or Doctor Borous.

As a sidenote, I was so disappointed that you couldn't put Dala's brain into a female lobotomite and fuck her. Imagine her moans.

For me it's a substitute for the Wasteland Tequila, but was the go-to drink whilst in the Sierra Madre, of course. Protip: anyone who doesn't invest points in Survival just to drink Wasteland Tequilas is casual and/or tasteless scum.


Basic ass .45
Wasteland Surgeon for survival Aesthetic
Best Boy Raul

There's surprisingly little. rule34.paheal.net/post/list/Doctor_Dala/1



Fallout 4 incoming
Mods that improve RPG experience:











Some neat mods:


Nude mods:




Survival mods:

fucking god damn fuck off already

Kill yourself.


Please leave and take your shit taste with you

Just stop.

Reported :)



What a faggot.


We're past the stage of ignoring problems until they go away.

Mark deleted them and banned him for an hour.


Thanks for spoiling Fallout 2 for me, asshole.


You're retarded, and you're sending mixed messages. Post more lewd deathclaws.

Just do any ending that isn't NCR. NCR is fucking shit tier.

Never go with NCR. Better give a House or just nuke them all. Worst think Courier ending bad to.

What did he mean by this

I dont think courier with bullet in brain can manage entire state with just a robots.

I'm really drunk right now and probably already knew the plot to Fallout 2, but right now I don't and that made me angry. Also I think I have a bunch more, but last time I posted too much porn I got banned for 20 mins.

this is all I can find right now


You call it a meme, user, but if only you knew the shitstorms I've caused while drunk on this board.


don't meme me user, I'm not memin' you.


don't do it, brah. com'on bro!


Fine, here's a robot porn I found. I'm going to bed.

Why do people do these things? djfatchip.tumblr.com/post/157589385889/for-a-friend-on-the-nexus-who-wanted-to-see-our

Ah, and in other news…


Go take a look at the imageshare right now. Half of it is a weird circlejerk for barbie and coldsteel-tier OCs, while the other half is dragbody blue-balling everyone for the Frontier.

Bethesda's audience is retarded, what other important news do you bring?

Does that mean we're retarded?


If you're bethesda's audience, sure.

I assume you liked New Vegas, of which those pics are of.

Bethesda didn't make New Vegas

user made the point that it was Bethesda's retarded audience who made the pic of New Vegas I posted.

Bethesda's retarded audience latched onto the Fallout brand after oblibion with guns so hard they made ponyshit for FO2 when shit like that never existed before.

I don't know how I feel about this.

Anyone got a download for the courrier's stash somewhere? Want to play through the game for the 8th time but I've never been able to use jsawyer since it requires the courrier's stash.

You guys don't like fun it seems..

Fallout 4 is more fun than all of the games combined. People who want to have fun play Fallout 4.


Obvious bait is obvious. Stop pretending to be retarded

"I love dicks so much, especially when they're in my mouth and anus."

Nigger you must be joking.
I'd give up my left nut for a 3d fallout as good as new vegas, but it won't happen.


Fair enough. I will take your lewd deathclaws and leave you in peace.

What are you, a straight-edge faggot?


Yes you do.

Lonesome Road is downright bad and Honest Hearts is boring.


Lonesome road tries to force a backstory about your character down your throat and does a really bad job at it. Walking in a straight line is also boring. Honest Hearts is okay and I don't hate it, I just don't don't like how bland most of the enemies are, but the story and different choices are fun the first couple times around.

That's your opinion

Armor set is anything with a duster. Muh westerns.

NPC is Boone.

inb4 edgy pol kids unironically come to be the LIDF

You start the game with a note and a delivery
Your default name is courier
Lonesome road proposes you unknowingly delivered a bomb and some hypocrite psycho read way too much into it
this is not a massive jump

I guess that's a fair criticism; Lonesome Road does veer too far into defining your character for you. I still think it works from a story perspective, though, especially since we don't get to actually see that destroyed society, so we don't have an opportunity to think, "No, that's not a group of people my courier would be interested in."
As for the linearity, I guess I didn't mind it, though I don't really have a defense for it or anything–I just thought it was OK, since it got more and more desolate and dangerous as it went on.

You could read Ulysses as a "hypocrite psycho," but he's not a liar. I don't think he's lying about the courier being a deliberate lifeline for a fledgling nation.

Tomahawks and thrown hatchets for ranged, and machete(broad or gladius) for melee.
White Legs Hide armour and a Fiend helmet
Traveling merchants and their mercenaries are my favourite because if you catch them far from a town you can kill them and eat them without fear.


This is why the Legion belongs in the trash.

I'm actually impressed by his dedication to being a filthy tribal.

I imagine legionaries would be very, very stringy though.

Which other games allow the player to sacrifice their most annoying companion to a group of wealthy cannibals?


Feels damn good to know that the players who actually played the game preferred the institute to the other three factions

And yet they all had shit taste.

FO4 is actually good. They did a lot to improve themselves, in terms of gameplay and writing. If you keep shitting on them even when they try to do well, you push them to the fucking casuals.

The last game they made that was even passable was Oblivion.
Get the fuck out.

This tells all there is to say about all of your opinions. Pic related.

I said "even passable," you illiterate. In other words, it was at least an RPG.
Fallout 3 destroyed its series, and Skyrim was so casualized that it wasn't even an RPG. Fallout 4 was worse on both fronts–and yet somehow you like it because you're from halfchan.

Here's your (you). Now fuck off.

Let the casuals have them, Fallout 4 was shit and you're opinion is shit.

I'm the illiterate am I. If there is somebody I can't stand it's idiots believing they are above average. I repeat, your opinion is shit and you should adjust your behavior to your real stature, little one.

Here's an other genius. Why the fuck are you posting here if you don't like the franchise. Why do you believe anybody here gives a shit about somebody that's not interested. Be humble, at least you would look less of a retard.

No different in principle than Morrowind. But the level scaling exposed the scale of the problem. Then Bethesda took a page out of BioWare's book and "fixed" it by axing attributes altogether.
Also, yes, you're still illiterate. Oblivion is an RPG, if nothing else, and not casualized all to shit–hence "passable."
Sounds like you're projecting tbh.
nothin personnel


It's not like I have anything better to do, let's go.

You are an idiot and you can't see it but you are not making a good impression, trust me.

Gib challenges, i need something new

Again, if you were projecting any harder, you'd be in a booth at a movie theater.
Oblivion is barely discussed here.
I don't know what to tell you. I put probably 30 hours into it, didn't hate it, and that was it.
Learn English.


What about it do you dislike?

How do I make Fallout 4 worth playing? Which mods can make this happen?

You can't.

OP forgot one.

Sell me on this.

Spotted the libshit.

What did happen to the Brotherhood of Steel in between Fallout 1 and 2, when I was playing fallout 1 it seemed like they were willing to trade laser and plasma weaponry to people (but not equip people for free or give power armor) to any of the caravans in trade for supplies that they can't get. What changed?

The whole writer team happened. The creator of Fallout 1 was Chris Taylor, he wasn't involved in production of F2. That faggot Tim Cain took all credit and claimed that Taylor's Tactics is just a shitty spinoff that can't be considered canon in any way. Almost every single writer on F2 team was a newcomer who had no idea about the original, Taylor said that those idiots didn't bother to read his notes or F1's script and got everything wrong. Even Avellone admitted that F2 was just a bunch of guys each writing their own wild west or meme theme parks and the final product really suffered from the lack of proper director.

it is an alright mod that has a decent amount of choices in terms of the quests. The enemy this time around is a group of ghouls

Not really sure what you mean, in terms of their attitude toward wastelanders or their influence?


well, this is a good excuse to reinstall it again

(checked those double dubs)
The BoS in 1 made sense. They were remnants of the military, they hoarded their shit for themselves and if you wanted to join they would send you on a fool's errand to a radioactive crater. They didn't care about other people in the wasteland, except for when it intersected with their own goal of destroying the Master and his army. And their compound was out in the desert by itself, protected by heavily armed guards.
The BoS in Fallout 2 went in completely the opposite direction for no reason. Instead of being isolationist they now have bunkers in every city to "keep an eye on Enclave activity". They station one agent in each city to keep quiet, but then put up giant BoS standards in front of every bunker that make them stick out like a sore thumb.
Nobody ever acknowledges their presence or tries to investigate or rob them. Pretty much the only place it makes sense is in San Francisco, because of its proximity to the Enclave vertibird base and the oil tanker, as well as the fact that SF was already pretty technologically advanced thanks to the Emperor and the rest of the salvaged submarine, so nobody would notice a small bunker of similar tech. They should have just had BoS operatives stationed in the cities, that you would encounter normally through exploring the city instead of just standing out the front of a really obvious building. There's no reason to even have bunkers unless they're planning to mobilise forces to those areas.
The writers for 2 messed up the BoS really badly. It's still a good game, but they could have made the Brotherhood so much more interesting and have them make sense within the game world.

How is the run going? I hope you haven't hurt anyone who didn't deserve it.

Is Frontier fucking out yet?
i really appreciated the modder's autismo to get a working tank into the game

I like your thinking!

Posting my OC.

Saved 1st one

I've seen the first one posted here before, did you really make it?

Not yet. You can see the status here:
ht tp://www.falloutthefrontier.com/f-a-q/

I reinstalled New Vegas today and noticed that certain outfits don't get bullet wounds on the torso area (arms and legs do have shot decals), anybody knows why or how to fix it? I'm running vanilla since I was trying to fix a conflicting mod.

I break the links for a reason you cunt.

Too late now. :^)

Special kid, you are the one that pulled out 4chan for nothing but to look down on whoever disagree with what you believe is the Holla Forums hivemind.
And you called me out on a piece of a word i didn't delete, and that everybody with a workling brain would have realized it had no meaning at all in the sentence? Oh boy, you really showed me! How can I recover!
I repeat, you have nothing valid to say, your rhetoric is the one of a 12 years old that just found out ibs. Do not lurk around without a tutor specialized in dealing with retarded kids.

War Club. The full video is too large for a webm.
Bounty Hunter Duster
Oliver motherfucking Swanick

also rolling

Jesus Christ, why is a wood fucking stick this OP?

it's between survalist rifle and Medicine gun
>armour set advanced elite riot gear i really like riot gear designs
probly man behind the gasmask

Imagine you're a raider, you and your raider buddies are going around fucking shit up. You got some nice laser weapons, some good armour, plenty of ammo. Then you see some schmuck walking around the desert. He's just got a shitty shirt and pants on and a fucking wooden club. You think "let's go kill this dumb fuck." And he comes rushing at you, arm stuck straight out in front of him, wooden club flailing, and he snaps your friend's heads right off their necks. He cracks their spines in half with a fucking piece of wood. He isn't even winding up for the swings, and he's just walking straight through them, literally tearing them apart.


Gime the the video sauce user, I'll encode it so it's less shit. All must see how that stick is a weapon carved from the bones of god

Anyone play Fallout 4?

It's OC I only have on dropbox, which I guess I can link to.
dropbox.com/s/qgub618yqpfe3pj/War Club.mp4
Quality is shit regardless, I'll see if I can render it again for better results, but video capture is not my forte so it's probably the recorded video quality in the first place. I'll also see if I can put in some unused footage to replace some of the deathclaw bits while I'm at it.

Fallout 4 has better gunplay, physics, character creation, character design, and animations, but it falls flat as a vanilla game, and needs heavy mods and DLC to be enjoyable at all. It has a great settlement crafting system, but that was really overused and became an annoying chore instead of a luxury. The story isn't as open-ended as New Vegas or 3, being that its already predetermined what your occupation is before the war. There aren't that many ways to roleplay. The only speech-checks in the game rely on charisma which is the new speech stat. The perk-skills system is just a clusterfuck and very unorganized(basically they combined skills with perks instead of making them separate like before). A ton of NV fags were angry about that and the speechchecks.

That being said, overall it's an okay fallout meme game, but it's not really as RPGey as the other two 3D games. I like the DLCs more than the base game. Tbph I have more hours in fallout 4, due to the DLC and fucking around with settlements.

Personally I rate the games:

But only because I hate NV with a passion for being a boring yellow turd in the desert. Also all the NV characters look like a potato with jaundice dipped in urine.

Yes, I wouldn't mind if someone put more effort on this one.

I like how
devolved from making an actual character with strengths, weaknesses and traits into

Use OBS then look online for good recording settings

Nice copypasta

I hope to god the war club wasn't changed in Dust, I need this.

The only mod that can make Fallout 4 playable is Frost, which says something: they need to get rid of all the npcs, all the quests, and drastically change the environment to make a playable game.

Fucks like you are why the industry is shit.

What did he mean by this?

ah yes
Will there ever be a Fallout thread without this kind of posts?

F4fag, go home, nobody here plays your meme game.

Oh wow, you're right, it actually is copypasta. From halfchan, what a fucking surprise.

Swiggity swoo, here's your (you)


Rendered it again at 1080p max settings and confirmed it has the same file size and looks the same compared to recorded footage, so the dropbox version is probably as good as it's going to get this time. I looked up some recommended settings for OBS and it looks like it will work a lot better, so at least the quality will be improved next time I record something.
Here is my fight with Lanius as a bonus.

Your mouse must be fucked up from playing like that.

The soruce video is of a rather shit quality. For what it's worth here's what encoded

I appreciate the interest in any case, and now we have a full webm version. I can test better recording quality if I pick up the game again. Just get a melee-focused character with related perks (super slam is mandatory), apply all the custom mods to the war club, chug Rushing Water, and mash M1. Test the results in different locations. Also hold W+M1 to charge forward at sanic speed.

Let's do it.

hey guys,

does anyone know of a 'fear and loathing in new vegas' esque article, but about fo4?


That's pretty good.

I'm curious if there are any other builds with that effectiveness in NV



Just kys my man


Let's see what happens


Do you have the one with the merchant looking character?

The only problem with Lonesome Road is that Ulysses is a nigger. Requires a lot of suspension of disbelief to take it seriously that Tyrone over here is some intelligent mastermind villain


god preserve me

Fuck the independent ending to oblivion. The worst one in the game, even if you include the one Caesar's Legion ending where you kill Caesar and Lanius kills and enslaves everyone. It's an unfun exercise in social justice for leftypol kiddies and other anarchist trash. I can see why goon sawyer and his team of mouthbreathers included it in the game. It is an abhorrance. Dubs will change my ending to NCR, or this run died before it even started.

Maybe you shouldn't have rolled if there was a risk of triggering yourself.

You don't need a lot of intelligence to fuck everything up.

Hank would use propane powered flamethrowers

Yes but I mean the guy is portrayed as some kind of sophisticated supervillain like Moriarty from Sherlock Holmes

He came off as a guy that had read some philosophy, but I wouldn't say a mastermind and definitely not someone like moriarty


yeah leftypol, considering your character just pulled a trump and got the one person who no one in power could see coming, but the people you promised to help could.

Bro, what kind of hippy community are you from?

Better have that Bethesda style "added in the last minute" moral ambiguity.

A step guide was started but it was abandoned pretty quickly. Tesgeneral.com also has one, but I don't think that's been updated since mid last year either. The game's too shit, even for autists.


Fallout 4 dialogues never cease to amaze me…
And they always came from the ones you never expect from. Like when the journalist of justice goes full nazi*, the full nazi bos scoutboy goes full liberal, when the big-in-crime ghoul start to moralizing, and the moralizng synth start to talk bullshits…

Yet, still better than the dyke from NV…

*only nazi by bethesda standards

Basically anyone playing FO4 anymore plays FROST or is some waifu fagging turbo autist.

Fuck off.

B-but user!
Then you would break the stealth suit's hearth!
Shes the best girl for me.

She is a harpy and a drug pusher and I still love her.


todd, we know its you, get out you obvious kike

What did he mean by this?

She does that because she loves you and wants you to survive.
She cares about you, thats why she wont stop complaining about you having your pip-boy lights on.


Did they change this in fo4, or is that person talking out of their ass?


I mean I enjoy EU imploding but c'mon now…

Don't derail my thread.

I get so bored with New Vegas. At least in FO3 I could explore the DC area and find something interesting to look at. In NV you get to look at sand and more sand and if you head to the mountains you can see a linear path with some trees. Whoo

dude rubble lmao

For fo3fags "finding something interesting" is





You don't understand. In the first Fallout game, the Enclave just wanted to purify the wasteland of all the dirty muties. It isn't like their measure of purity is ridiculously high, they kill off even those that pass their standards, and their secret weapon is a mutie.

Thank god the first game established cool shit like chinese still fighting the war on US soil, that's like so epic

While I have no particular desire to play it again, Lonesome Road is the only halfway good official mod, because the goal of every other DLC is to escape said DLC. Yeah no. How about I just play smart and don't go in at all?


that's a pro character. high endurance and high levels of total success.

😢😢😢😢😢RIP in Peace Liberty Prime 😢😢😢😢😢

user do you avoid doing entire playthroughs because you might fail them?

New Vegas isn't much better.

You can't turn off retardedness in FO4.

I'm afraid it's you who doesn't understand son, the Enclave was introduced in the second game.
The only people the Enclave in Fallout 2 consider humans are those who haven't been exposed to any of the mutating radiation of the surface. Maybe there's some among the rank and file who are regular joes, but anyone of significance came from a Vault or somewhere else that was protected. President Richardson refers to everyone else as "near-humans" and is absolutely fine killing pretty much all of them if it means getting rid of the mutants.
but not in the same way that mutants of the wasteland or the Master's Army are. Frank Horrigan is just a means to an end, a mutant with a ton of cybernetics who was probably next on the chopping block after the Enclave "purified" the US.


What? How can you fail a play-through? This isn't a roguelike where you have to start over when you die that we're talking about here.


Why do you manlets not worship him? I mean there's literally nothing bad about him or the legion whatsoever. And yet YOU choose not to worship him.