#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS] He Has Divided Us Edition


- Contact: [email protected].
pastebin.com/V2eFA9GE (Last updated November 29th, 2016)
3. Archive.is isn't sure you'll donate money to them. Prove them wrong: liberapay.com/archiveis/donate
4. OP DISNOD 2: REBOOT. The Blizzard staff email addresses were added for easy emails.
5. Defend Free Speech! Anti-Internet Censorship Database Operation:
6. Dig for info regarding the ESA, (also ECA, IARC)
7. OP ESRBusted! Expose the ESRB for being against developers and consumers.

- twitter.com/VoQn/status/709444614025977856 || lang-8.com/groups/3054
- youtube.com/watch?v=jFiQTwsAac0
- reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/5qva0e/deepfreeze_deepfreeze_291_update_five_new_entries/
- youtube.com/watch?v=KcDVvqv93CM
- imgur.com/gallery/X2w49
- archive.fo/y5mGL
youtube.com/watch?v=wy9bisUIP3w - #GamerGate - If It's Not About Ethics;
youtube.com/watch?v=ipcWm4B3EU4 - #GamerGate in 60 Seconds;
archive.is/23Fde - GamerGate: A State of the Union Address.
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• Use tweetsave.com to archive tweets before they are deleted;
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• Be civil if you have to argue with people on Twitter, Tumblr or any forum - don't make us look like douchebags;
• Do not accept requests for any goal or demand list: pastebin.com/p5dVp1e5
• The #GamerGate Dossier: archive.is/nv1Fb
• #GamerGate.Me: gamergatewiki.com/index.php/Main_Page
• History of #GamerGate: historyofgamergate.com/
• View the timeline links in the Current Happenings section!
• All Operations: gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/Operations
• Operation Disrespectful Nod: v.gd/jtftaG (email advertisers);
• Operation Shills in a Barrel: v.gd/IqOnFo (pick a journalist / outlet and find conflicts of interest);
• Operation Baby Seal: v.gd/iwvyPm (reporting Gawker for violating content guidelines);
• Operation Prime Rib: v.gd/ChMVI8 (stacks with above for x2 damage);
• Operation DigDigDig: v.gd/lUx6Nq (find connections and corruption);
• Operation Vulcan: v.gd/Kbzw0L (educate yourself on logical debating);
• Operation UV: archive.is/N9ieT (contact the FTC about Gawker);
• Operation Firefly: archive.is/Kz6kP (spread #GamerGate to Tumblr and help update the Wiki page);
• An user's Guide to Twitter: v.gd/nwrbYF (the basics).
• GamerGate Wiki Boycott List: thisisvideogames.com/gamergatewiki/index.php?title=Boycott_List
• Support List: v.gd/bFfDrJ
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Let's get this out of the way:

Archive of previous bread




They will never not be mad and cannot be DisNodded fast enough.

Deus Vult is an alt-right term now, anons! Stop the presses!

This shit is so fucking nonsense it's not even funny anymore.




Yes, How dare those filthy slant eyed jap mollywops use a filthy white male as their protaganist!?



Eltonel's Drawings where?

I love how info on the game has been around since it's original PS3 reveal in 2005 and they don't start bitching until now.


I shake my head thinking about how non-existent freedom of speech is to the easily offended. We get more attention sometimes by people trying to shut us up than just letting us speak our piece.


I am now, fucboi.



Pair of double dubs in a row, sweet.


Besides these examples, what else has she done? I feel like we've talked about her a long time ago, before. Shit's massive.

Found Dorsey's quote

What does that mean?


Propaganda machine

For them


You have been visited by


Good luck on love, Good Luck on
Surgeries, Concentration, Smugness, a better PC, the ability to spot shills, Orchestra instead of Dubstep, an easy guide to mememagic, faster Japanese learning and Salt of your enemies will come but only if you post a pic of your Waifu followed by the words “FOR HER, THE WORST NIGHTMARE OF GAMERGATE”

Remember to always be a big guy


2-dimensional milk dispensers.





Shut up, Karin!

user is talking about anime tiddies, not about waifus you fucking ignorant.

also worst lipps, the fucking cocktease

>mfw my friend's username was MAGA_D.Trump and had a full body picture of Trump and didn't get his avatar banned for months

Ubishit's weird since Watch Dogs 2 is progressive nonsense yet R6: Siege has its only Jewish operator codename be Ash. So it's a toss up if they do ban Deus Vult.

How long until they classify grand strategy games as a racist genre? Even though the majority of the userbase consists of history buffs and Marxian economic spergs.

If there's an outrage, they will ban it.

Serving of tiddies, coming right up!


what's happening to that guava

these people



I prefer Reiko, instead of just tease him, there is the implication at the end of the video that she make the Producer work some "extra hours" that night.

She achieved what Kanade couldn't.

Even if they used the nigger, they'll still bitch.

"Why don't you use japanese people for a japanese game? SEGREGATION YAY"

My goodness, user, at least have some decency to spoil that abomination!




Is the one on the left supposed to be flynt?

Journos are not people.



Who the fuck is amirox

Dat crop

Came out weird after I selected the area. Probably did it wrong.

You can bully me.

Of course it's 9-volt they're all responding to. Gotta circlejerk around the guy who tried doxing people he disagreed with, right, SJWs?

Don't forget that they like to pretend GameJournoPros never happened, despite the fact that there's a lot of shit that suggests that they still try to dictate a narrative behind another mailing list.

They outright flaunted the fact that gjp 2.0 exists after usher outed them all

God fucking damn I wish we had another insider for that.

>BUT NOT REALLY! it just triggers me, please dont use it wink wink

Have an unfucked version instead

he can't draw, he is starving.


Are you the dad of this children.

I should go to E3, is it worth it?

For the memes… yes.
For the rest… no.

kinda hurts the wallet for 3 days of disappointment and memes, don't you think?

Do you live in California? If so, then by all means. If not, don't bother unless you have the money for both a hotel and possibly plane tickets in addition to E3 passes.

Also bear in mind that E3 only happens as a result of the ESA.

wtf? People pay that much for that shit event? Why? If E3 was here in my town and they asked for 15€ entrance I would consider it but probably still not go there, but 150-250 is just insane. You get to see the upcoming cancer (how exiting…), you have to wait everywhere and you run into total faggots.

If I lived near there I'd definitely shell out the money to go. I want to actually meet these journos in real life and see what they have that makes them look down on us so.

But paying for plane tickets and hotel stays plus that price? No thanks.


Put something American on her. She's a traditional housewife who loves her family as much as she loves free market capitalism.

I don't care how rich you are that shit is not worth it. Only reason to show up if it were free would be try out VR but considering how much tickets cost you might as well just buy the damn headset.

Unless of course you have a youtube subscriber base so massive you'd make enough ad revenue off of vlogging the event to cover the expenses and turn a profit…but it's more likely you're a busty 27 year old asian woman in my area looking to mingle and show me one weird trick to lose 50 pounds while making $1000 online working only 20 minutes a day for 3 months with no additional fees GAURANTEED or your money back!

People like fucking catana, shadman, dobson and other have enough patreon to make a living dude.
It's not about the quality.

I should make a patreon and pretend to make a game

in case you guys don't know, this woman is the chair woman of the woman march. This woman represents feminism, don't let them tell you that feminism is good and there are just a few crazy ones. Their leaders are as dirty as it gets.

it happens in RL you know, it just that they impair normal everyday function so much they have to be reduced.

>am I the babby daddy of a child taking hormone injections because its trans or some faggy bullshit

I haven't seen their pages, but the guy who makes trap quest earns 10k a month (I would consider myself lucky if I earned 4k a month) and his game not that good. I mean it was not easy to design it, but still a rather crap game.


Looks a hell of a lot better than trapquest.
I will never understand crowd funding.


If you do, please meme on those journos and call them out on stream. Go full Alex Jones during the RNC.

This is not like my Japanese anime.

/r/ing the best Holla Forums content ya got, I dun care if its just Vivians with the infinity hairclip, I want whatever ya got

They get paid because they make something that doesn't exist. People have weird fetishes, like breeding, or being turned into a woman and so far only these guys give them shit.

Did the hebephiles behind that study actually look at 14 year olds? There is no way that 90% of them are attractive, unless you have no standards.

I don't think it's a study of how many ARE attractive, user, as that is always subjective and not measurable; more of a study on men finding those attractive. So apparently 90% of men find 14 year old girls attractive.

Not really, nowadays there's porn of everything for free. It does not have to be weird porn either to get patreons. There's that guy, i don't remember the name, that the only thing he does is using the same models, same pose and just swap the head with bleach/naruto character and gets over 1000$ on patreon.

Watch out for GamerGate
The public enemy of the world #1
It is the main hashtag responsible for…
☑ Being on the wrong side of history
☑ Fondling 55 eggs by surprise
☑ Molesting people in VR
☑ Plays DOOM better than Polygon
☑ Safeguards vagina bones
☑ Are the LOVELY, horrible people at 8E8ightC-han
☑ Told God check my quads
☑ Seducing AVGN to the dark side of history
☑ Turned waifus into Gamergate's worst nightmare
☑ Turned Notch into a woman hating MRA rapemonster
☑ Cuntfuses a lot of ovary-acting womyn
☑ Captured all goon territory in EVE
☑ Delivered the final leg drop on Gawker
☑ Corrupted Milo into an internet super villain
☑ Called a jew a nazi
☑ Bullied Reddit's abandoned daughter
☑ Memed life into Liru
☑ Refusing to ban Liru
☑ Uses celebrities lives as fuel for the meme magic
☑ Leg dropped gawker into bankruptcy
☑ Filled up Codemonkey's disk with shitposting
☑ Made Mighty Number 9 fail
☑ Attempted to kidnap someone at E3
☑ Hired 5 fictional toads and a fictional conman to gangrape someone
☑ Using a time machine to harass innocent localizers
☑ Gave a toddler meningitis
☑ Made it rain in London
☑ Causing the UK to leave the EU
☑ Casted the original ghostbusters as all men
☑ Keeping the MN9 booth from being set up
☑ Refused to play with Stephen Tortilla
☑ Playing Pokemon without fear of repercussion
☑ Not watching Grillbusters
☑ Talking to girls who play Pokémon Go
☑ Waging war against Ghostbusters and Leslie Jones
☑ Got Milo bampersanded from Twitter. Again.
☑ Leveled up on the DNC
☑ Barbecued worst Korea
☑ Chasing topkek from kotaku
☑ Appropriated and augmented a group of racists
☑ De-funded paranormal investigators by linking them to a suicide group
☑ Channeled the powers of love and death into misogynistic flowers
☑ Komm Süßer Troll'd
☑ Surviving for 2 years
☑ Ejected a fascist nicktator and toppled his dishonest empire
☑ More effective than New York Media, Silicon Valley and Hollywood
☑ Being Gawker's biggest enemy
☑ Celebrating their daughter's birthday
☑ Continuing to be the #1 hate group online
☑ Forced aGGros to spend christmas and new years whinging alone
☑ Owned some bitch
☑ Caught the Arby's killer
☑ Became a verb
☑ Made Pepe great again
☑ Inspired Trump's campaign
☑ Seduced the Occulus Rift founder
☑ Hacked the DNC
☑ Forced Pepe into the American school curriculum
☑ Bought 4chan
☑ Defended Devin Faraci
☑ Forced the UN to gather 800 gigabytes of white supremacy frogs
☑ Marketing of Nintendo Switch
☑ Infiltrating the emoji selection committee
☑ Hiding millions of anti-Semitic tweets
☑ Virtually raping a woman under the name BigBro442
☑ Unintentionally prepared all of us for the 2016 election
☑ Made halfchan go bankrupt
☑ Bullying a comic writer off twitter
☑ Turning S.Korea into a chinese girl cartoon
☑ Using free speech to undermine the freedom of the press
☑ Triggering Blizzcon
☑ is actually the FBI
☑ Making alternate earth great forever
☑ Creating fake news
☑ Ordering pizza without pineapple
☑ Genesis of the alt-right
☑ Outliving Castro
☑ Corrupting communist mascots with glorious capitalism
☑ Laid the groundwork for online harassment and conspiracy
☑ Glorious Winged Faggot Extraordinaires
☑ Funded the most diverse game in history, eliminating racism, sexism, and the game/animation/whatever itself from existence
☑ Being associated with white supremacist groups
☑ Spent Christmas with Liru
☑ Actually had fun for Christmas
☑ Destroyed the alt-right
☑ Became meme warriors
☑ Toxic gamer culture
☑ Weaponized nostalgia
☑ Shutting down every woman who tried to even have a forum
☑ Causing Battleborn to flop
☑ Carrying meme associations with the presidential inaugural speech
☑ Made Antifa shoot itself in self defense
☑ Set a limo on fire
☑ Taught the right wing to collectively target sponsors
☑ Sent the head mod of Holla Forums to attack Chia The Beef
☑ Revealed their leader to be grand nazi Jonathan ARYAN Jafari
☑ Shitposted an ethnic minority into existence
☑ Propelled a gay immigrant to international fame and fortune
☑ Won the Superb Owl 2017 for the white supremacist team
☑ Won't stop pretending it was about video games
☑ Turned Pewdiepie into a nazi

It says % of sexually attractive females in each age group, not percentage of men that are attracted to 14 year olds.

Even if it was, that skew is pretty fucking heavy. Are you telling me that they found that 40% of men do not find 22 year-olds attractive?

I want to see that page, I doubt anyone is getting paid for doing nothing.

All these girls are 14 years old in these photos.

Isn't that when girls develop secondary sexual characteristics?

I don't know, it seems logical to me that guys would start being attracted to girls when they get tits and ass basically.

Chloe Moretz Age 14

Chloe Moretz Age 20

Is this whole pedoshit goon's new derail tactic? I'm honestly curious

Watch out for GamerGate
The public enemy of the world #1
It is the main hashtag responsible for…
☑ Being on the wrong side of history
☑ Fondling 55 eggs by surprise
☑ Molesting people in VR
☑ Playing DOOM better than Polygon
☑ Safeguarding vagina bones
☑ Being the LOVELY, horrible people at 8E8ightC-han
☑ Telling God check my quads
☑ Seducing AVGN to the dark side of history
☑ Turning waifus into Gamergate's worst nightmare
☑ Cuntfusing a lot of ovary-acting womyn
☑ Capturing all goon territory in EVE
☑ Delivering the final leg drop on Gawker
☑ Corrupting Milo into an internet super villain
☑ Calling a jew a nazi
☑ Bullying Reddit's abandoned daughter
☑ Memeing life into Liru
☑ Refusing to ban Liru
☑ Using celebrities lives as fuel for the meme magic
☑ Filling up Codemonkey's disk with shitposting
☑ Making Mighty Number 9 fail
☑ Attempting to kidnap someone at E3
☑ Hiring 5 fictional toads and a fictional conman to gangrape someone
☑ Using a time machine to harass innocent localizers
☑ Giving a toddler meningitis
☑ Making it rain in London
☑ Causing the UK to leave the EU
☑ Casting the original ghostbusters as all men
☑ Keeping the MN9 booth from being set up
☑ Refusing to play with Stephen Tortilla
☑ Playing Pokemon without fear of repercussion
☑ Not watching Grillbusters
☑ Talking to girls who play Pokémon Go
☑ Waging war against Ghostbusters and Leslie Jones
☑ Getting Milo bampersanded from Twitter. Again.
☑ Leveling up on the DNC
☑ Barbecueing worst Korea
☑ Chasing topkek from kotaku
☑ Appropriating and augmenting a group of racists
☑ De-funding paranormal investigators by linking them to a suicide group
☑ Channeling the powers of love and death into misogynistic flowers
☑ Komm Süßer Troll'd
☑ Surviving for 2 years
☑ Ejecting a fascist nicktator and toppled his dishonest empire
☑ Being more effective than New York Media, Silicon Valley and Hollywood
☑ Being Gawker's biggest enemy
☑ Celebrating their daughter's birthday
☑ Continuing to be the #1 hate group online
☑ Forcing aGGros to spend christmas and new years whinging alone
☑ Owning some bitch
☑ Catching the Arby's killer
☑ Becoming a verb
☑ Making Pepe great again
☑ Inspiring Trump's campaign
☑ Seducing the Occulus Rift founder
☑ Hacking the DNC
☑ Forcing Pepe into the American school curriculum
☑ Buying 4chan
☑ Defending Devin Faraci
☑ Forcing the UN to gather 800 gigabytes of white supremacy frogs
☑ Marketing of Nintendo Switch
☑ Infiltrating the emoji selection committee
☑ Hiding millions of anti-Semitic tweets
☑ Virtually raping a woman under the name BigBro442
☑ Unintentionally preparing all of us for the 2016 election
☑ Making halfchan go bankrupt
☑ Bullying a comic writer off twitter
☑ Turning S.Korea into a chinese girl cartoon
☑ Using free speech to undermine the freedom of the press
☑ Triggering Blizzcon
☑ actually being the FBI
☑ Making alternate earth great forever
☑ Creating fake news
☑ Ordering pizza without pineapple
☑ Genesis of the alt-right
☑ Outliving Castro
☑ Corrupting communist mascots with glorious capitalism
☑ Laying the groundwork for online harassment and conspiracy
☑ Glorious Winged Faggot Extraordinaires
☑ Funding the most diverse game in history, eliminating racism, sexism, and the game/animation/whatever itself from existence
☑ Being associated with white supremacist groups
☑ Spending Christmas with Liru
☑ Actually having fun for Christmas
☑ Destroying the alt-right
☑ Becoming meme warriors
☑ Toxic gamer culture
☑ Weaponized nostalgia
☑ Shutting down every woman who tried to even have a forum
☑ Causing Battleborn to flop
☑ Carrying meme associations with the presidential inaugural speech
☑ Making Antifa shoot itself in self defense
☑ Setting a limo on fire
☑ Teaching the right wing to collectively target sponsors
☑ Sending the head mod of Holla Forums to attack Chia The Beef
☑ Shitposting an ethnic minority into existence
☑ Propelling a gay immigrant to international fame and fortune
☑ Winning the Superb Owl 2017 for the white supremacist team


Honestly, E3 should have been like this since its beginning. What I'm wondering now is if big-time game journos will try any hitpieces on the most socially awkward guests.



They hate 2d user, remember?

please report all pedo and hebe derailers

I know there can be some good looking teenagers, and troll looking 20 year olds, but 90% of them are attractive? That has to be skewed.

I can understand a higher ratio of attractiveness in 14 year-olds than in 30 year-olds, but there are some fat and ugly fucking teenage girls, and it definitely makes up more than 10% of the American 14 year-old population.

I'm psyched to see if NG goes back. They had some pretty good coverage last year.

Aside few pics, it's just a pair of water balloon tits covering 90% of the screen, the body is always the same regardless of the character, so he can swap heads and slightly change some detail to make a set.
I would abuse retards like the people who pay him too, not his fault. Just saying that people will donate only under two condition: Porn, regardless if it's good or not, and the "lol, so relatable!" comics

or fuck, even shiin it's even worst and gets more

remember its our job to resist trump's crooked, greedy corporate establishment
power to the people, not the banks!

Bernouts need to leave

all his shit is pay online, you happen to have any free examples?

you can find a lot more just by searching, but here's some

Looks like a shit fetish to me, to be honest. I am not really into drawn porn so I have no idea how common that shit is, but it looks like rare weird shit to me.


Just limit to one per universe, that way they don't find out.


I can't believe the magic is over.

it's current year, you have to be into gay furry trans fats to pass as normalfag

You do realize where you are.

Kek is just a fickle old god.

Being here isn't an excuse for being unaware of how the rest of the planet functions.


what's with the Holla Forums arguments all of a sudden?


You know, i thought that Gamergate was a dead thing and that this bullshit was not as commons as it once was back in 2014 but then this ridiculous shit happens.

Don't you see how tedious it is to read "ing, ing, ing, ing" over and over?

netflix gate leaking?

These people don't even buy or play games, they only dissect everything thru the lens of identity politics.
Just play the fucking game, it really is that simple.


it's unrealistically big tits and exaggerated. I don't know what that fetish is called but some people have a fetish for that shit.

Sargon did a stream with HarmfulOpinions in cased anybody missed it.

It's called having a fetish for big boobs.

Sargon and his Kekism shit coopting can go fuck themselves.

I don't watch Sargon, what is this kekism shit?


Cultural appropriation of our guardian deity for normalfag, cuckchan and plebbit consumption.

He is unironically presenting himself as a prophet of Kek and pushing "kekism" mainstream.

It's just him using kek and shit to appeal to Holla Forums.


Holla Forums hates him, though. Why would he try to appeal to them? Appropriating their memes will just piss them off.

Unironically using color blindness delusion to promote multiculturalism long after SJWs abandoned it & knowing Holla Forums never believed it ensures that Holla Forums will never be his audience.

He proudly laughs about spamming the BBC meme to anyone mentioning white genocide. He does not like Holla Forums & Holla Forums does not like him.

What happened?
Did Shia commit mahjong?


Why did you leave shit off your list? Like Jontron?


I told you shilling would work
now pay up the lewds

Looks like pedobutts won't be able to leave the country.



Surprising no one, they quit.

Woah dude, I know you told him not to shill your stuff but he's already doubled your income.

Also where do you post your stuff, because I found this super great picture the other day but it's nowhere to be found on your tumblr or hentaifoundry.


It's in the very same patreon
I always post that kind of stuff first in Holla Forums though

Holy shit, mo' money and mo' QUADS ?! Eltonel you're getting all that gold !

How much is it going to cost me to get a Viv/Erin/Viv's dad threesome picture? I don't have money right now but I will soon and I would really like that.




Is it just me, or do the big publishers increasingly put professional shitposters in charge of their twatter account?



Oh, coolio. If I had a job I'd do it the honest way, but I guess I've just got to obsessively monitor these threads from now on.

calm down guys, small tits, large tits, are tits are beatuful as long as you don't lose perspective and keep a healthy approach

Its crapcom, so please excuse my belief that they use it as sjw shitposting or a goon trying to steal memes.

I just bought that Nendoroid about a week ago. I love Mega Man.

Ok, I went to check the last HWNDU thread on Holla Forums and found this.

I have no idea about kraut politics though.


AfD = Alternative für Deutschland = Alternative for Germany

Started out as an anti-Euro party founded by some economic professor, but he ran off after the party turned towards nationalism more and more - basically one of the biggest taboo things in German politics.


AfD is the party people are voting for as a result of Muslim immigration

Here have a Tom webm and a Steam Key for 1 lucky user.

But a threesome with your daughters and your daughter's fuckbuddy sounds kinky
We will arrange it in due time, don't worry user

After spending 10+years in imageboards i feel the need to just upload my shit here first.


Vivian is perfectly acceptable, but NEVER sexualize the Holla Forums

Well, looks like canada is getting more fucked every day. Better start expecting police visits

There seems to be a lot of art of her.

If it's not in progress by the time I find a job that doesn't pay peanuts I might have to pay for it myself. Because that kind of thing is my fetish. I have this one video that would be perfect if the daughter's friend didn't look like a crackwhore. Somehow a threesome with your daughter and her friend is hotter than just a threesome with two daughters.

Trudeau's pretty much guaranteed out in 2019, assuming we survive that long. I can only hope Bernier wins and repeals this gay shit.

But where are the lewds?

None in the thread so far.

Give it time I guess.

I suspected the better part of it comes from Krautchan


Well she is kind of right, Holla Forums is atractive

Cant seem to find jack shit about it other than that article, can you confirm this shit?

Get ready for some highly salt-filled False-flags against gamers

They link right to the party's page about it in the article. All it is is a bill to create an anti-islamophobia task force that will report to the turd.

Not happening. Just like forced child marrige will be made legal but "if you look at 2d loli you get 10 years." all of parliment hates white english canadians.

Dubs of fucking truth. Shit's going to go goddamn haywire.

Punished Holla Forums and Quiet Erin must be made.

Nigger, we have Overwatch, Rainbow Six Siege and threads about other shit games here. This thread is pretty cool, people in the c&c thread are cool, but there are a shitload of wankers in Holla Forums.


Should not want, but it do.

Having read his immigration platform, I'm hopeful.
He's pretty hard-right, at least by Canadian standards.

God damn, how hard is it to refrain to making yourself look like a douche on twitter? Hasn't anyone ever heard of the saying, "kill them with kindness"?

If they let people record shit, then encourage people to record everything so that shit doesn't fly. Spaghetti spillage should be expected, but gamers tend to be alright when not opening up new salt mines.

I have my doubts, but you never know.


Steven Crowder, Ted 'Rato' Cruz, and Gavin in a single stream talking about the insanity of SJWs wow.

Hmm, unless I missed it that just shows the bill. The real question is did the bill actually pass, and I'd want to see confirmation from multiple sources saying if it did pass.
Verify then trust you winged faggots. Even if it is justine castro, don't just listen and believe.


shilling eltonel's patreon

archive you nigger

Might as well shill this game, the guy who drew the DF-tans made it
Free download

Yeah, you are right. Any of the booths and what not are definitely going to be no camera zones. Going to be difficult then, unfortunately.

They can't afford bots in the US?

All I know is that i am voting con well forever, since I always hated the criminal liberals, and lost the tiny sliver of respect for ndp (it was tiny) due to the elbow situation, which I know they pissed off moderate libs for how they behaved.

Either that or they just don't want to spend a shitload of money on something they see as a status symbol

Wonder how the SJWs will react to this breitbart.com/milo/2017/02/10/comic-fathom-satirizes-milo-as-the-queen-of-mean/

"Grab 'em by the pussy? How sexist! Don't you know it's [insert current year]? Just elbow 'er in the tits."
-Justine Castrudo, on being a male feminist.


How long until we get an SJW false flag?

Either someone treating a girl like shit, or someone acting like Gamergate/Alt-Right and "totally being really them for realzies"?

Speaking of E3- what should we spread during E3?
How's digging into ESA going?

Yes, really. I'm in talks right now trying to get a syrupistan gov't contract in making one minute length educational promo vids, for the web and possibly broadcast tv space, using that quote and scenario. Honest injun. :^)

I think you can guess already. Milo at least seems to be able to have a laugh at himself.

Seems like something to make into an infograph and spread IMO.

It's barely GG related, but we have resources/skills for it.


Specifically Saint Anita and The Young Turds.

wait, Holla Forums made a VN?

Other than the one I made, there's two others

It's listed as passed right on their website. Everyone is listing it as passed so I'm going to go out on a limb and say it passed.

Good luck. Most here either blindly follow Trump or don't comment on it because it would lead to mass >lefty posting by those who do. I've even seen fags here defend him by saying "it's all part of his plan" when faced with shit like his anti-NN FCC head decision.


why did you archive the tweet and not the original article?

Except most people here, myself included, argued that he was wrong about that.

You just replied to some retard leftypol talking points from the "Resistance"

Where were you when milk became a symbol of the alt-right?

Previous thread recap.
>there was an article titled The ESA must adapt or die which in a nutshell talked about the problems with the organizations and showed that they aren't invincible
Well, at least the new Cruis'n still has some spirit from the old by having the whacky cars (Too bad you won't get to race on the moon or mars)

So far I can only find 2-3 instances of that bill, p-07. The debatepost site, anne frankly I'm not sure how reliable that one is when they have a story like this on their sidebar
the site it links to, and one youtube link that only talks about how it's not easy finding the info on the bill, and either it has passed or -in the process of being passed-.

With something of that magnitude, yes I do want more confirmation, from outside sources and their government own announcement. Because that shit is yuge, if true. But if it's false, makes people that go off half cocked just believing it right away look like a yuge idiot.

What tattoos?


saw it live at hwndu said by paper

Clickbait tabloid, just look at the headlines, but not surprising that they'll use shitposting in real life and form a narrative there

Well, Oda Nobunaga actually took a slave and turned him into a samurai.

Letting a white substance dribble down your chin is the last stand of implicit white identity

t. Richard Spencer


here is milkman protesting vegans by eating cow brain from the skull

Can't you get sick if you don't cook it first?

sick as in cool?
then yes

Is paperwork racist too because paper's white?

Why? I always get remembered of that shit everyday in /cuteboys/

gate's closed
i hope she stays on Twitter, she has good bantz

That nig would go there for five hours at a time every single day.

UGH, paper comes in all colors you bigot!

Black paper is the most worthless of all paper

>it's not benis

That game gets shilled on /cuteboys/? What's the connection?

Prions bruh

He must have some nice gibsmedat to waste time arguing about racism with a bunch of shitposters.

Ayo dat nigga has a mothafuckin gameboy colo as necklace, you know he aint fuckin around

According to Holla Forums he may be part of pizzagate.

How about "power to nobody", you fuck?

The comic is average, would racemix

a lot of the twitterfags have moved on. CultOfVivian renamed to Nonsensicole, aranon vanished end of 2015, chobitcoin and emptyhero got b&, most of the NotYourShielders deleted their accounts, zombieneith vanished

Nintendoh are a bunch of waycist becuz dey don hab any blackskinned gameboys left!

Oh god, hope Holla Forums has all the HWNDU: Paper Dindu edition collections, dat nigga is woke as fuck.

And when further investigated, it turned out to be 100% falsely made up by some socjus faggot who insists it was real in their headcanon, or insists even though it turned out to be a lie. It's to start a conversation. Or, a scenario which seems more likely looking at the pattern so far, the rape or attempted rape was done by an aGGro.

eh, we'll still be around.

Why is the Grand Theft Auto CEO also chairman of the ESRB? (2015)


Michael Turner is dead, and he had better art for his creations, and goddamn Fathom should have ended years ago.


Member when Laura Kate dale pretended she got kidnapped at e3?

I'm not so sure. A lot of people in these breads have vanished as well, and they've been going slower lately.

people come and go user, and if mombot truly disappears it will be a shame because they're great on twitter and excellent at getting the goon crew and 9volt buttflustered

but thats been the nature of this wild ride since day one. You stay, you leave, it's your choice. The only wrong one is making it about you, which is what a bunch of shitty wannabe ecelebs did rather than quietly fading away.


I don't know but I am just resisting to drop the ESA bomb on the E3, we need to arm good infographics and more for that day.

9volt is forever a faggot

I hate having to read upwards for tweets

I had to do it, I had to. These socjus snowflakes all starts to blur, which one is "laura" again? Was it the one that leaked the b.s. info about the switch or some sheeit, because it got kicked out or barred from nintendo exhibits. Wait never mind, quick internet search seems to say yep, that's the snowflake.

yes thats the one

also famous for taking a picture in the hospital with five o'clock shadow with the caption "I've got a vagina" after crowdsourcing getting his dick chopped off

Hold your benis and don't go off prematurely like a faggot. The digging effort is going well thanks to the digger's effort, and it still needs sifting and sorting to make a proper redpill and infographics. There is still time left, and it should be used to craft a solid and 100% accurate redpill out of the dig and sifted info.

im just joking

The fucked up thing about that is the NHS refused to do it for him, because he didn't pass their psychiatric screening.

A bunch of SJWs enabled his mental illness and funded an unnecessary procedure, because muh virtue signal.

Now that he's permanently mutilated himself and still doesn't pass as female, I expect him to get worse and eventually top himself.

Thanks for the reminder. One reminder is enough for a lifetime though, really. Speaking of reminders.
I knew that name sounded familiar. That was the fucker that claimed he got a spiked drink that was intended for a girl that he hung out with. Which just raises questions on why did he go to twitter, instead of immediately to the police, hospital and warned the venue? And how did he know exactly that the spiked drink was for the girl he was hanging out with?

Or how he managed to call an Uber while being spiked. Or why didn't the hotel people ask?

Twitter is poison for the mind, SJW can attest to that. Sometimes it is best to take a break or your thought process might get stuck being able only to handle 140 characters.

So is twitter poison in the mind like pain is weakness in the body?



What am I supposed to see?

The writer of the comic is going to beat the Pandas at their own game.

Something I've been thinking with E3 and the ESA.
This year E3 is opening it's door (again? I have to look that up if it this is the first time or it did before, I thought it did a long time ago but gotta double check) to the public.

I have been doing some basic sorting and sifting on the ESA dig. (you can too you wingedfaggots) To help construct a redpill. But I'm thinking there might be a new possibility. The journos and cliques seems pissed as fuck at the thought of the non vidya journos going to E3, because it means a reduction of their hehehehehe vidya journo "exclusive" status or such.

I think some of the things that started this whole ride is in no small part to the breakdown of the communication and relationship between customers and the makers and yes even publishers. Vidya journo cliques, the faux indie fucks, the community managers, all tried to become the gatekeepers, and IMO managed to sell a convincing lie that customers are something to be insulted, looked down upon, loathed and feared.

I want to be clear here, I am not proposing a "look how nice and cuddly we are we want to be friends with you". I am proposing a re-assertion from a customer side of things. Questions, not accusations. Not a flag of surrender but a reminder that customers are not the enemy, so do not treat us like one.

meme sweater

I can't believe HWNDU is fucking dead.

Probably dead because it gave the "evil nationalist white supremacists" too much of a platform.

Pretty sure I've seen an article along those lines already.

Here we go: archive.is/KSxPz

for her


Not sure if I'm late to the party but Gabe Newell just voiced his displeasure with the travel ban.

>watching Berserk videos on youtube
>see a weird video in recommended list named Berserk with to suspicious looking "girls"
>find a channel uploading non nude trap cams with non relating names to them


Easy, because he got piss drunk on the company's time, made a fool of himself, and needed an easy out.

The idiot cull seems to be getting bigger and bigger.
I had a nightmare in which I was being chased by a gunman. I didn't get shot, but it's another occurrence that happened…


whoops wrong quote but who cares

Finally a Danielle meme sweater. Thank you drawfag

Huh, his statement actually sounds fairly reasonable and thought out to some degree. Not like all those other virtue signaling assholes at all.


You know, these companies might be bullshitting about where they are hiring from but if their crying is legit im getting really glad they cant anymore.

Isn't the travel ban like 90 days (around 3 months?)

Yes, far shorter than what Obama did.

Oh yeah, you gotta love those people going "W-WE HIRE FROM IMPOVERISHED COUNTRIES AND–" and yet never address the fact that their "token minority" guy is a rich kid who grew up in Denmark.

Yeah, that too. They act like it's permanent, when it's literally just waiting a couple months.

Yeah but they can't count that high.

They are already crying holocaust, saying this is like when FDR didn't accept jewish immigrants.

Trying to give 2 fucks about e-sports, and I can't seem to. Other than thinking it's cancer on vidya. Anyone want to do a devils advocacy on why I should reconsider. Otherwise I can't seem to bother to give any type of fucks.

George Takei is getting his posts shared alot, he's comparing it to the Japanese internment camps

It was worth the weight.

Okay, I know he lived in one for a while, but how the hell is he drawing the parallel? Or is this one of those "listen and believe" things?


If they really want to cry crocodile tears, whatever, it's on them. But the fact that the ban is shorter than Obama's & the fact that nobody complained when he did it makes them look stupid in the long run. Whatever happened to just shut the fuck up and not say anything that might cause consumers to get their eyes rolling?

No real reason to care, i enjoy watching dota 2, i don't really give a shit, it'll never die because the following is fucking huge and they can just move it elsewhere, valve just likes hosting it in whatever arena because its close to valve HQ. I don't know why people are up in arms now, there are always visa issues, and obama did this shit for 6 months but i didn't hear a fucking peep then

Why is he still relevant anyway? Is it because he's a super epic nerd culture icon who happens to be gay and a libtard? Is that why he gets way more attention than Shatner?

Gilda when

Pretty much, yeah.

Pretty much. Same deal with Leonard Nimoy.

Takei is still sperging out about how violence against those nazis who disagree with you is ok and so are threats, but those riots in berkeley were totally false flags by conservatives to make libtards look bad. He is a hypocritical faggot of the highest order.

Every time I look at Takei's twitter page, its literally filled with anti Trump tweets.

Which reminds me, its rather hilarious how all these verified people jump every POTUS tweet. Like they just sit around and wait for him to tweet. Verified people are the namefags of twitter.

Meanwhile, students and faculty gleefully admit that they were part of the violent mob, along with local journalists.

Uuh they got hacked :^)

I wonder how many esports competitors they have coming from Aleppo for them to start worrying about it
One Chinese team and one South-East Asian team during Obabo, ayy lmao

Also check their profiles and notice how many of them and journos or media people.

It's a riot seeing all the replies to any Trump tweet. You could just print them all and publish a book.

Alright. Then again the closest experience I have with e-sports was during the fuckhuge Starcraft games especially with koreans. I'm definitely not their intended audience since I just fuck around and play vidya for shits and giggles. So is there a reason why valve can't set up an arena in whereverelsefuckistan, with a presumably trusted valve rep overseeing things and making sure things are on the up and up, and broadcast it from there if it's SO DAMN CONCERNED about visa and e-sports players?

Love Drumpfs hate seems to be the main thing I'm seeing. I have seen people who did not pay any attention at all to obongo's shit other than he's black tho, isn't that enough to be a great prez of all time, treating anything Trump does to be something turbohitler would do.

The Media and celebrities are driving it all. I guess it gives them a purpose now, instead of manspreading and microaggressions. Also someone in the White House is either leaking ever stuff up Trump has, or they are making stuff up, since an insider reported Trump had to stop his call to Putin to ask an aide what the particulars of the US Russia Nuclear treaty is.


They already do that, actually, just that TI is the "big" yearly tournament that they personally sponsor. But their stuff thats hosted outside of the country is pretty good, except for china, because china insists on their own people doing shit because… reasons. I don't even play the damn game any more since they refuse region locking but its good background noise/shitposting material

What I love are the ones that are all "TRUMP IS AN EMBARRASSMENT TO THIS COUNTRY," and their location is something like Spain or Switzerland.

I wouldn't mind e-Sports myself if they actually broadened the selection of games beyond fightans & mobas. Mario Party/Retardy is just begging for it.

They even write shit about how he wears a bathrobe inside the white house

You mix money and Mario Party and you're asking for murder.

I'm starting to wonder if they are paid to tweet that, it just seems to obsessive on how much they do that. Shitposting about politics that much gets me bored tbh.


Rellay gives me the ex-girlfriend that stalks her old boyfriend and tells everyone he's abusive and then tries to get Animal Control to take his dog away and tampers with his brake lines.

Like its just sad, its not helping anyone.

TV networks would be jumping over that alone.

Not likely just ask for /ara/

This is the real board game experience. I just wish anyone would play with me more than once.


The people who do that shit are doing their best to make Trump get a 2nd term. That shit with the berkeley riots, lebeef the childstar retard chasing and assaulting someone, all that tonedeaf shitting on people who are not lockstep with socjus insanity. And easy bet they will still go "but we shit on the peasants and encouraged nazi punching, how could this hab habbbben?"

No big surprise there.

loved dokapon kindgom, but theres no one local for me to play it with.

Reddit's front page will be /r/dlanoD_ehT for the next 8 years.

Fat ass needs to have his assault knife collection taken from him like the good Democrap he is. Fucking giving Hillary cunton a fucking donation the cunt that wants all video games banned FUCK YOU FATASS FUCK YOUR PEOPHILE ISLAMIC EMPLOYYES TOO fuck video games everyone is a fucking sjw regressive privilege checking fucking nigger Democrap DUBS FOR NINETY PERCENT TARIFFS ON ALL VIDEO GAMES I hope trump fucks this industry into the fucking ground everyone involved deserves it

Ah ah ah ah ah

They knew what they were doing

Oh yeah, Gabe did have a knife collection. Well then Mr. Newell, guess you won't be needing them!


Those tweets are in chronological order user.

For a fat fuck, he's sneaky.

Decided to see what this was
This actually doesn't sound that bad, as the ESRB should have to actually play vidya to rate it, but… the ESRB should not be a legal monopoly. It's a shell for corporations first and foremost.

I was hoping she'd stick around and shitpost eternally, but I guess everybody has to take a break after a while.

He sells virtual knives because you can't show off real ones in public.

It is for Syrian refugees. And it's longer for some other group I can't recall.

i cant
how can some one being so out pf touch?
how can someone being so uncultural?

The producer is not interested in the young girls I'm seeing

It's not that they are "uncultured."
They're defining culture as they see fit to better serve their own purposes.

I'm currently correcting the errors of the machine transcription of Gallagher's speech at Games for Change 2015, it'll be a while before it's done, but I can save more time on it than if I were to try to keep up and type what he said.

Potential redpill material here: Accomplishments including Anita Sarkeesian, the TPP, the "Gamers are Dead" debacle, etc.

They most definitely are uncultured, their willingness to redefine culture to suit their points is simply the cherry on top.


Two retweet buttons, each with their own count?



>Gee, Bill! How come your mom lets you have two retweet buttons?

Can you host that video somewhere so I can download it? I can't put webms on Sony Vegas.

So you want me to convert the video into a different format like mp4?

Can you convert it with VLC?

Well, putting it on YT would be fine too.

Very well.

vivian doesn't get out much, so it's not unlikely she'd have a bit of chub.

Now you can use Sony Vegas

If you're on wangblows, get ffmpeg here:
Learn how to use it so you don't have to be spoonfed in the future.

Hey guys, Angler user here.

There might be some interruption to the website since I have to renew the domain name but lost the fake email, the fake name and the fake date of birth. I must have it stashed somewhere but I'm leaving for saudi arabia sunday for work and might not have access to my stuff. Let's hope for 5 ara wives.

Have some old school Bad Angler I found while waiting.

Fucking captcha.

Thanks man. Just reading the transcript alone really makes my blood boil. The propaganda and agenda being pushed by these feminist ideologues gets livid everytime I read on how they want video games to be their medium of indoctrination. No wonder they endorses Anita Sarkeesian, she's going to complete their aim towards shoving feminism, "diversity" and "equality" down to our throats. Fucking damn it!

the fuck you going there for
the cheap loli sex slaves?

Bad angler user confirmed for doing 9/11

Sorry if this has been posted before, but on that subject this YT list for the G4C 2015 looks interesting just glancing at the some of the names and titles. (INB4 LARPing, but just in case it might be a good idea to archive vids that contains an ESA representative speaking directly. This is not paranoia, technical snafu happens and materials can disappear not necessarily for shady reasons but technical ones.)


(twine, rami ismail, some arab prince dude, morgan spurlock (what the fuck is he doing there?), a vid titled "Reclaiming Culture Through Game Design". Oh goody sounds loadsof fun already.)

That's a spoiler I shouldn't have clicked on. To answer your question, I volunteer for remote location work since I don't have many roots in Canada except my family and it makes me travel. It's the first time outside Canada, it used to be in Yukon, NWT and Northern Quebec.

Lolis sucks brah, Ara is better.


You realize it's not just feminists who want video games to be indoctrination machines?

But you have to grow the loli to get the ara.

i hear there's a lot of muslims there, be careful

also good luck acclimating to that climate. leaffag in saudi arabia? hydrate well.

lol just a few, not as bad as germany



So how many GTA:SAs will take for niggers to stop nigging?

Dating a loli:
Dating an ara:
>get to date ara, then old hag, then she dies though you might get a nice inheritance I guess

When you dat aras it isn't for the long term.

That's why you're going to die poor.

Going through the dig and sifting process can do that, I know there was a few times during basic sorting where I just went FUCK OFF WITH THIS GAMIFICATION BULLSHIT FOR FUCK SAKES. Just remember to keep a cool head when checking and analyzing.

This is something I've been thinking during the dig and sift. I think for the red pill focusing on Sark alone can be a derail. That tweet was really just the tip of the iceberg IMO, and she and LiterallyWho types always wants the attention and victimbux, more so now than ever. But the things I'm seeing so far paints a bigger problem than just some problem hair goon and a teleseminar scammer.


If you marry them, don't bring them back to canadaunless they belive in punching libshits in the throat and hate castro jr.

Well duh, everyone wants it to be propaganda.

Well you know what they say, things like that are a symptom of a more sinister problem that not many know of.

To cheekie first you must breekie, to breekie first you must cheekie.


They definitely seem to be a symptom of a larger problem. As of right now I'll reserve judgment on whether it's sinister, since I don't necessarily see it as a Bondian supervillainy, yet. Since there is still the possibility that it's a bad combo of naivety and sipping too much on the "making the world a better place through vidya tech" koolaid and getting high on their own farts.


Oh boy, Dragon Ball politics? I can't wait to see how that works-


rock hard proof milo is a nazi
shit meme tbh



no tears, only dreams now

I wish there were more scans and translations of the Galko-man

this shit is so much better then the animoo
has the deepest lore

Anyone have the Archive everything heraldry shield? I seem to have lost the image somehow.

Guys its 3:30 and my autistic brother came down to sperg to me about politics that are not our own do I get rid of him in 30min or less without voilence?

Wasn't Shia LaBeouf arrested? How did that shit turn out for him?

developer first posted the free version on imageboards, later posted it on Steam for sale to get shekels from normalfags.

for half a day, came back for some hour and them went to LA. another SJW attacked trump supports but did no get arrested, same SJW stood there(probably payed) and threaten people t come down and face him. the left was the violent one during this "art" piece


Celebrity pass.

Are they seriously still trying to claim that WWI German cross pendant is proof he's a Nazi?




I don't get the connection to Dragon Ball

Definitely some sprinkles of salt in that thread, as expected of neogaf. Is that entire site consisted of people under the age of 14? It sure gives off that impression

I want to but this autist is keeping me up.
19miutes until I'm officially Stu.

He was joking; all those are shooped or not of him.

Kick him in the balls.
Otherwise cuntpunt.
Continue to do so while constantly screaming

He left for a second, I thought I bored him into leaving but now he's back.

the fuck are you posting old shit

New York City Holla Forumsacks have really been united by Shia apparently. Even with HWNDU being shoahed they're all out bowling together tonight and paid the venue to make it private for the night. periscope.tv/w/1yoJMeNPqVpJQ

There is none, I just thought DB was Dragon Ball.

Bowling unites us all


Is the anime better than the manga?
The manga feels kinda dull.



I think it tells its part of the story better than the manga. There's also some neat changes like the abandoned hotel having a bowling alley and whatnot. I think DEEN was trying to break free from the manga as much as possible

Pretty certain that's old news as it happened last year. Still, what the fuck was Japan expecting? Hugs? Enlightenment?

why the fuck do you keep posting old shit
Fuck off shill

They took in under fifty. Nips were probably thinking that they'd be controllable if they let very few in and if they did act up they'd have a perfect excuse to never allow any more.

In fairness to him there was a nearly identical incident a bit over a year ago.

is a85ba1 that kraut faggot again

Mate, you are not posting anything relevant at all.

the fuck is stuck up your ass?

Hopefully they know better than to let any more in. It's already bad enough they're pushing the "Go for gaijins!" tactic to "Fix" the population problem.

or that faggot that keeps posting the same images of Miranda and shit he takes from my twitter feed to try and start shit in these threads

shills are being really fucking obvious lately

my ip was reset you faggit, if you are so confident in your shit answer this:
all you post his trash tier porn

Yep, it's the autist who got all his posts deleted last thread

It's still him, he just hopped IPs because german internet

archive.is/A0oPd didnt check the entire thread but two of my posts still exist in the archive.

Is it just on my machine or is the audio very low on the vid. The master volume setting on my machine right now is at 50, and the YT vid is on 100%, and it's barely above a whisper, whereas everything else on yt seems fine.

It's definitely the video.

forgot to add, closed caption isn't perfect on it either but every bit helps I guess. Not even 5 minutes in, at around the 4 minute mark or so and I think he mentioned The Internet Of Things, and cloud computing. I'm not liking where this speech is going so far, and it's not even 5 minutes into it.

well it works fine on my computer, but then again I have a decent soundcard with build in amp. I have sound turned up to 6 and I hear everything perfectly well.

Year of the fire cock is alright so far.

Hey Holla Forums try convincing them oxygen is alt right next.


communism is cool, said the rich old white male musicians


yeah I just noticed, trying some other downloader.

Look at the dudes ID
its the fucking halfchan shill

someone is getting billied

now with sound


49 percent of white women in america who are of voting ager are a problem though.


do they still have 4mb limit?

Mow change it to white man and the laughter will awaken azathoth himseljf form his djoithjtf slumbjhtyerttjczth

Tested it out and it looks like they have a 2 MB limit

Sometimes they have gifs with subtitles for what people say.

how do those savages survive?

Only Mr. Fukushuma

Somebody see if they can be convinced that Trump is a satanist or something.

This is abusable as fuck.


Wasn't it 3mb originally?
Webm for retards always said it was 3.

If that's the case, then Hiroshima must've tightened it up a bit because

new Hitman allows you to kill a black woman, to bad the game itself will probably suck.

Does she deserve it?

since she is black, yeah, for sure.


Alright I probably have to re-watch some parts due to the audio, but reading the digger's transcription in this and the past bread and watching the vid, the only thing so far that I'd say is not questionable, and commendable if true is the 20/20 eye vision screening charity work. Everything else seems questionable in it's effectiveness or practicality (the fixation on social change through vidya) to cancerous (internet of things, over reliance on cloud bullshit).


I finally have a reason to post this again.




I'll admit, I laughed.

can you get off my dick pls? You have the option to ignore me for a good reason.


sure thing. filtered



classic sendoff moment

If he thinks that, he should give modders a platform where 1: they're held in a similar regard to the devs, 2: they have the same obligation as devs in terms of support, and 3: DON'T LET THE DEVS JEW THE SHIT OUT OF THEM! Yes, Bethesda, I'm fucking looking at you.

The only way to not end up with Valve being able to be sued in many countries for not refunding defective products is if they absolutely neuter what mods are allowed.


what was the story of this guy again?


what happened? i just came back from work

HWNDU was divided by the Museum of the Moving Picture.

Someone claimed she was raped in VR by a guy with that name, but no one with that username ever existed before the Medium post. Naturally, they claimed that it was "changed to protect the identity of the person" or some shit like that. Keep in mind that the game in question already had it so the only indication of another player was a helmet and a bow.

ahh yes i remember now

What the hell were they expecting? If you fabricate news stories on a daily basis, and then try to push a meme about "fake news" why the fuck are you suprised?

Remember when CNN edited a clip of a black lady, where they said she was calling for peace, when in fact she was calling for white suburbs to be burnt down?

Please tell me this exists in a webm.

Do you Canadians have any decent options this time?

Valve was taking 50% m8. While beth was being jewish, they taking 25% it was them trying to not be outdone by Valve

I don't have one sadly, but here is one on youtube.

They shut it down. Claimed it was attracting violence.



I don't see how that's relevant at all? Who cares about Hitman?

Googling lead to this forum, it seems to be a DOS game

There's a distinct lack of Saiyans…

well if games get boycotted for having a black protagonist we should at least hype those that let us murder blacks.

This was released in Nippon about a year and a half before it was released in English. Did Holla Forums sneak into Japan and make a VN?

Well, people were throwing shit at Holla Forums's group.


inb4 there is a man in that backpack.

never go full commie

Can you think of a backpack that doesn't have a man in it?

Quick drop I wanted to share anonymously as several breads ago there was discussion with anons between generation: Just got home from a business seminar, and my mentor revealed a teaser for a talk they'll be doing in an upcoming business conference.

They've done analytics on current international trends, and among age brackets Gen X were the most successful generation, business and lifestyle-wise. The skew in public perception is because millennials have a better grasp of social media, and all focus is on them instead of the preceding generations. Yet the numbers say otherwise, and the producers and achievers among G-X outnumber the millennial by orders of magnitude (couldn't memorize the exact numbers, we were prohibited from recording the seminar).

Here it becomes interesting: when separated by gender, 40% of all successful people in every generation from baby boomers to millenials are men, while 85% of all success stories identify as women (note the distinction here). Yet, when it comes to satisfaction 70% of both men and women admit to being satisfied with the direction of their lives. It's very interesting, especially with all the talk about how women are marginalized yet here it's clear that they are the ones already dominating the industry, while the men are the actual outliers.

The actual talk will happen next month, so the actual figures will be released by then. Feel free to disregard this if you believe this is irrelevant, though I'm certain some anons can find correlations with this and the video game industry

Is my brain broke tonight from lack of sleep or is that way too many trannies?

Why do I smell contaminated samples on this study of theirs? The bias reeks and results tampered just to show that women are this x and that x.

Someone actually asked that question during the seminar, and our mentor explained that the individuals that make up the statistics were segregated by age, generation, and gender as they identify themselves as.

Here's what makes this statistics sleazy: the numbers were not collected through surveys but through actual data off social media sites without the individuals who were used to extract the numbers' knowledge. So yes, if you have Facebook, you could be one of those padding up the numbers, so if there's bias, we know who are the obvious suspects.

Cons is least worst bet, but it depends on who leads. And ungortunatly, even then they are probably getting a minority gov if any.

That IS the PROBLEM!

as if I needed further reason to ignore that pile of trash

Is this true?

Like I said earlier, feel free to disregard, but these are the kinds of "studies" being passed off as legitimate and used to fill up conferences that command hundreds of dollars as entrance fees (check the pictures and the sites they're taken from, they're all legit and surprise surprise, San Francisco is a common factor).

95% sure it's blatant lies.

It still says Milo, you stupid fuck.

That anitwitter fucker already did enough damage to the LL franchise, he needs to go away and leave our hobbies alone.

One of these fucking days. They'll realize that their desperate attempts to not name us despite talking about us constantly only emboldens us.

Nope; if they had proof they would have posted it.

Her preferred pronouns are she/her, user.


Who fucking curs he mocked some shemale

Here's one for starters: Stop taking away or censoring my anime titties.

What does this have to do in improving the quality of video games, ESA?!

Oh no, he said a tranny's real name, what a monster.

I'm now transcribing Gallagher's questions…

Nobody here should be a stranger to skewed statistics. It's basically marketers justifying why they should keep their jobs over content creators just like scientists and accelerated global warming.

Interesting information since GamerGate has seen first hand how social media is a highly effective tool for subversion (scarier since social media blurs the lines between real and virtual lives) and OC is always nice but it really shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone who still reads these threads.


Here's the Intermediate Class.
Nobody asked for your half-assed, retarded opinions about things you know nothing about.
Especially at this point when I could be told that the ESA is a front for Podesta and his cronies where they move sick kids from hospitals to their rape dungeons, rape them to death, move them back to the hospital, tell the parents their kids died in their sleep, then slip the coroner a few greenbacks to ignore or disguise all the horrible shit done to the body, and I could honestly, legitimately believe it.

You mean s/h/it, right?

The fact that this sack of shit was the one who pretty much contributed to Fates' cucktastic (((localization))) pretty much reiffirms that Love Livers are scum.


We do have one of the nip devs for a love live game sympathetic to gg man.

Who, why, and who cares?

Screw you, we don't want *him* either.

Good think they didn't touch Idolmaster as deeply as they did it with LL, I saw the art of LL, it make me wish to learn the direction of that whore and cut all her fingers.

I remember when he used to be pretty cool, Trump drove him insane.


I like idolm@ster for the puchimas. cinderella puchis never ever

Their version of puchimas is the Cinderella Theatre, they are receiving an anime adaptation this year.

Another orbiter of kacho. I remember his asshurt over GG being immense. Otherwise a nobody.

That's funny, since gamers are probably some of the least aware consumers and happiest to shill/fanboy for companies I've ever seen, they will throw money at so much bullshit that wouldn't fly in any other market or industry.

trying to learn to draw a better deepfreeze sisters. happier with this danielle, freya I'll probably mix in back elements of my old "leiji matsumoto ripoff" design.

If I was a qt animu grill, i'd suck drawfag cock.

those are pretty cute

One thing I love about them is that their designs are really versatile, so you can do almost anything with them as long as you keep the right elements

I'm both a drawfag and a regular fag so it's fine, user

Its, its nice, but its not the same.



so that's why milo book was pulled


Wait, it was pulled from Amazon? On what grounds?

no, no, no, it was pulled from his publisher

Milo's book wasn't pulled.

milo = zoe
are you fucking retarded
fuck off shill

What? Didn't it come out? And wasn't it like a best fucking seller?

milos book is out next month

you are responding to a shill that post twitter links with no context and misinformatiom

god knows why he is doing it about milo

sorry, I didn't mean to be a shill, I thought the outrage that accompanied the news of Milo's book being published was to divert the fact that Zoe's book was being pulled like "look over there this publishing company has a nazi writer and don't look over here while the things I said about publishing a book too were just fried air"

This person has never spent a single second in literature circles, discussed cinema with movie critics, or talked a single minute with music-lovers.

Is there a Pastebin alternative that allows word-wrapping?

like clockwork

with the exception I was involuntarily being a shill

Used Hastebin since Ghostbin didn't work. Also feel free to make any corrections if I made any mistakes.
Transcription of Gallagher's speech at Games for Change 2015

shame Trump made him into a full blown sjw retard.

ESA and Downpour plus more are driving them nuts but speaking on Downpour

Zelda Torrential Downpour potential discussion:
The original link- Breath of the Wild can switch to any language when you change the Switch's language- yet dual audio is not an option.
1. Get clarity if this is true (Disk has multiple languages on it- both text and audio. You could even ask NOA- but phrase it in such a way so it isn't obvious you're fishing for dual audio potential info.
Don't copy what I've written word for word. Multiple people asking the same thing in the same way will raise a red flag.
2. If Dual Audio is basically there bar the menu option- meme how bad the VA work is on release. It's a major AA title that everyone will talk about, and Nintendo can "win" good PR by patching it in later. If not, NOA becomes a little more synonymous with bad VA work even amongst normal fags.
3. Debate whether writing to Nintendo Japan is possible (translators needed) or even worth while (will they reject all foreign letters and emails- even if they are large in number or in Japanese?)

No. You were being retarded by saying Milo's book was pulled instead of Zoe's book.

I didn't pretend to be retarded, I was just retarded

You would never get this level of honesty from SA.

is that a backhand compliment?



god bless meme sweaters

Galko meme sweater when?

So I got reminded of the Dead or Alive Xtreme 3 controversy (Because it's such bullshit) & while I was looking up some stuff, the ESRB years ago had a debacle over Dead or Alive: Paradise.
>Parents and consumers should know that the game contains a fair amount of "cheesy," and at times, creepy voyeurism—especially when users have complete rotate-pan-zoom control; but the game also contains bizarre, misguided notions of what women really want (if given two weeks, paid vacation, island resort)—Paradise cannot mean straddling felled tree trunks in dental-floss thongs.
It has since been changed, but nonetheless, another one to add to the pile of Dead or Alive never catching a break.

Fuck man no word wrap is killing me for this, even in full screen

What a subjective, bullshit summary. Yeah it was changed, but the fact it even slipped there in the first place speaks volumes



Looks like Pastebin does the job! Whoopsies.
It really does considering how much people shit on DoA because "Muh breasts" or "Muh sexism" & the fact that we're still dealing with this problem today.

Good evening faggots!

Captain Kirk keeps calling him out on his bullshit every time it's brought up. Makes you wonder who the real diva was back during the Star Trek days.

Spock is dead, for real.

I don't know about the chinks and I don't give a shit but for the "South-East Asian" (read: Filipinos) team, they were late in submitting their visa applications I know the guys IRL, it was totally their manager's fuckup and so it was legit that they couldn't get in, so they didn't make it in time.

VISA submissions were the problem there if I remember correctly.

Pretty much what I said.


And Bob will STILL be considered useless.

He's fantasizing about Revenge of the Nerds again?

Still waiting for his Gamergate book here unless this is the GG book; the publisher just had the title changed to dodge the outrage peddling faggots.

Well Bob just declared himself subhuman.

Are there any psychologists here that can name what this dumbass suffers from mentally?
For fucks sake, he consider himself a "grand intellectual" while living in his parents basement glorifying Mario 3.

Bob would be kicked out of both Alpha Beta and Lambda Lambda Lambda

Delusions of grandeur / megalomania

Could someone on twitter tell Bob that Miyamoto would be embarrassed and ashamed of him?

What if Miyamoto himself told him he was ashamed? I don't think it would happen, he doesn't give a fuck, but I imagine Blob's despair…

Even then he would still be pathetic.

One hard slap to his face sooner or later would wake the shit out of this delusional, pseudo-intellectual nutcase.


It would crush him utterly. I remember some guys talking about when they hung around Bob and Bob claimed "he was Jesus to Miyamoto's God"

This one?

I believe so.

It seems only natural to me that we should all return to anonymity eventually.
At some point you must turn you swords into plows.

That said we're all here still and we're all watching and waiting for the next big event.
Like that one post about "the people from who knows where" mongolians who just ride down and fuck peoples shit up every so often.



What is it about shitposting that SJWs and other faggots cannot fucking understand?

They also just cannot make art (or at least good art) for the life of themselves. What is it about jokes and art that eludes them?

My personally theory is simply that they see all communication as soft-propaganda so anything they create is loaded with garbage subtext and anything without political subtext is dissected over and over in search of it.

That part requires effort. You're missing the part where they believe that anything anyone says against them is full of the shit so they're automatically hyper nazi racist frog god worshippers who want to savagely beat and rape women for lulz, and they'll try to patch together whatever patterns they can find from people who disagree with them, then try to make a shitty derogatory name for them.

I've noticed that in the most ironic way we user are possibly the last sane people on the internet and very last few who have a genuine sense of humor the fact we of all people have been for the past 3 years calling for sanity.

I'm still on twitter to post and monitor news and shit.

I also RT shit from the alternative sites we helped boost.

And follow artists accounts for their porn and art.

It's really a corrupting cesspool though.

I think it's because if you live your entire life sucking up to people or being one of the cool kids you need to have an underlying meaning to everything you say, be it underhanded insults, comments or compliments, since everything could potentially be turned against you if misunderstood. Essentially a whole life of your social life being completely political even among "friends".
The fact that one can pretty much joke or say whatever the fuck you please like certain social outcasts who took refuge on the internet do without repercussion is completely foreign to them.

Same here user plus TD stuff.


The reason why is because the internet now requires so much real or somewhat relevant information about you now in order to buy, sell, or even just to talk to other people, that people become incredibly emotionally invested in their online persona or profile.
Include the fact that the amount of effort necessary to wreck someone's shit in a significant, permanent way has, by proxy, dropped significantly simply because all this fucking information is floating around, and with shitty MSM telling you
and the normalfag population ends up being made up of paranoid people who refuse to buy anything or use the internet outside of a few informational searches or dumbasses who throw literally every piece of information about themselves on the net saying
And they're the latecomers to the game. The rest of us remember some of the earlier days or at least learned how to adapt.


Sounds Like that dude is trying to convince himself more than anything.

no le downboats pls

Their brains are pretty much like their dick sizes, it's shrinking.

It still amazes me that "brigading" is a bannable offense. Like, here it's just so accepted as a fact of life we don't even have a name for it.

Wait, a second I just realized reddit has controlled "border" and we don't. How weird is that?

And the most fucked up thing is that we have joke bans that last maybe what, 5 minutes? Hit a shill with one of those and just watch them fucking explode, it's like 4th of July fireworks.

Oy vey goy, it's not a bannable offense! It's a shadowbannable offense!

Even gayer!

Yet most of them are white while most people such as GG , Holla Forums and other anti sjw groups who hate them are extremely diverse.
Its you assholes who need to evolve and grow not us but you waste of semen all you've done is help regress things and make the world a even worse place then it always was.

We all being outcast and just weird fucks or people who might actually have pretty normal lives came to sites like this to unwind to have fun they couldn't in normalfagdom, all have gained humor and insight from being exposed to all the fucked up shit,trolling and autism we all actually have fun.

oy vey, user. What do you think, you can just access any part of a public site? Learn your place and stay in your area.

You can also be guilty of 'brigading' the default subs. ie. the ones you are automatically subbed to when you sign up

Note for next baker. Please replace this line in OP text under ONGOING DISCUSSION:

- twitter.com/VoQn/status/709444614025977856 || lang-8.com/groups/3054

with new line:

- pastebin.com/rb7uyF89

I do have the previous line saved in previous versions of the OP template if anyone needs the link again. (though for those really interested it in shouldn't you have it saved already ya goober, but I do have it saved in case and it is in previous archives too.)

wasn't voqn a shill? or I's thinking of someone else?


Seriously? Goddamn that's moronic.

someone else he is pretty chill.

voQn is a Japanese game developer, one of the team members behind Love Live. And no, voQn isn't a shill. He's one of those #GamerGate supporters who are also from Japan, aside from Mombot and Fukuen.

This is pretty much the truth. This is one of the last havens of good times online that comes with next to no strings attached. Everywhere else you need to fit a mould, or sell your soul/info, and it's no guarantee you'll have fun there.

A lot of the time, I feel like I'm the kind of person who didn't fit in, the outcast as you put it. Always too X to fit in Y, too Y to fit in X. Hell, I still feel that here, but at least here, nobody gives a fuck. Sure you'll get called a faggot every now and again for asking a question you should know the answer to but fuck, end of the day, it doesn't matter. You end up going back to being a faceless user next thread, hell maybe even the next post. You sit there, shut up, and learn. And there's no pressure, no "score" kept on you, tracking you # of posts, followers, fellaters, what have you. None of it matters. Your word isn't justified or elevated based on whatever size e-peen you've built up. You just post as you.

It's just fucking comfy here.


Really? Goddamn.

Just curious. Are you from germany.


I am not. What made you ask?

I wonder if we'll ever see academic studies into dissecting the symbology of gondola.

I know this is probably late as fuck but I've been extremely busy with work. What happened to Harmful Opinion's youtube?

Supposedly he got hacked, and harmful believes it was by people close to candid. It's not impossible he'll get his vids back at some point if youtube pulls its fingers out of its ass, but not guaranteed at all.

Just wondering, since there was a few things that was close to, but not identical to a pattern I saw in past breads.

I'll get called no fun allowed for this, so be it. Being comfy is ok. Being too comfy can become cancerous, and turn the bread into a circlejerk social club. INB4 it is one already.

I know I definitely feel like in my day to day life I can never say what I actually think or talk about what I want to talk about. No one cares or even if they did, wouldn't understand.

Here I can say whatever I want, and people may or may not care, but at least people understand the fucking shit I'm talking about.

I see, that sucks. Is he going to make new videos still? He, murdoch murdoch, and Chris Ray Gun are about the only youtubers whose videos I consistently enjoy.

Why would you take that down, take another thing but one of the focus for japanese speaking shouldn't not be taken down

though for those really interested it in shouldn't you have it saved already ya goober, but I do have it saved in case and it is in previous archives too.

Also afaik, that one was put a year(possibly older?) ago. It was semi recently put back up at the request of one user. If you want to suggest another line to be replaced, name the line you propose to be replaced, and be specific so it can be discussed.

His game-streaming and primary channels were deactivated, but one of his alts still exists, and he used it to post some 'final' videos, dumping info about Candid while simultaneously burning bridges with the 'Skeptic community': youtube.com/channel/UCOkLPly1KM9wKiqJ7_pw40g

According to those videos, and an incredibly autistic livestream with Sargon, he's not planning to return to his main videos or channel, and he'll stick to Twitch streams and social media shitposting for now.

If it's any consolation, someone's re-uploading all the deleted videos: youtube.com/channel/UCP7GtolhEEBquh74eeomeIA

Damn. Well I guess I'll just hope that he pulls a Jim and comes back in a few months with a new account. Thanks for the info and links.

RIP in piss. He was my favourite youtuber ;__;7

I don't really see this thread as one, even with all the random shitposting like lusting after traps or scalies. Most derailment topics are more like parodies of actual safe spaces, harmless diversions at most. Anons would be quick to drop the shitposting and focus on a serious topic that's of concern to GG as long as it is presented properly and not haphazardly (like posting links without context).

The "anons" who actually get offended at all the funposting would usually be outed as goons attempting to monitor GG or anons with actual personal issues that they need a scapegoat to project instead of working them out through the proper channels. They're usually the same UIDs that get pissed at smug anime girls, or excessive life and hometown.


To be fair, I think he has said he's on the spectrum.




My point is be mindful that anyone can post in an anonymous imageboard. Including loons and goons, yes as you mentioned some of them are laughably easy to spot. Some are not, until after their pattern becomes more obvious. I'm saying don't let comfy-ness become complacency. Without becoming overly paranoid, it's always good to have some guard up.

where did this meme come from

Reddit. Back then when the protests started I asked here and on Reddit why people hate Milo. Nobody here could give me a proper answer, and those on reddit all linked to the same video in which Milo talks about some trans student.

These anti milo guys don't know why he is bad, others say he is bad and because of that they hate him too. And since the only negative thing they could find about him was that one video they all stick to that. If you asked them before the protests why milo is bad they couldn't say shit.

I'd salute them, but let's see if they back off in the face of the backlash first.

If they call out how these people don't actually have hard evidence, I'd start fucking donating.

Hell, someone just link a compendium of his campus speeches noting how none of what they say is true, and see what the sjws say in response.



shoo shoo kraut goblin

Goodnight gamergays

Man, can you get a whiter name than that?

I'd say that's pretty much it. They can't conceive of art for the sake of expression, or art for art's sake; it has to have a purpose.

Meaning three things.

One: all they create is sterile, by-the-numbers pap with a cack-handed moral thrown in (which is particularly bad when it comes to humor).

Two: they're convinced everything has a motive. Not simple cultural factors which affected the author, mind you; any human creation has them. No, a motive implies a message delivered on purpose.

Three: related to the previous paragraph. Claiming that everything has a motive, then can "see" just about anything they want in any given work of art. Whether it's a nitwit clearly projecting their flaws, or a disingenuous faggot who chooses to see whatever he wants to see.


oh I see

But that was an undisputably good thing, you fucking faggot.

You still don't. Just a high school diploma/GED and you can make a decent living from trade school.


Plato's Republic describes SJWs/leftists pretty accurately, including the tendency to miss the fucking point of certain things. They thought about things a lot less than Plato did, but if you take the Republic at face value, he is pretty dumb. He uses Socrates as a mouth piece to argue for censorship, when censorship was used as an excuse to justify killing Socrates.


God I love this guy.

Firing up oven ready at 700 or page 14
title: Shadow Dancer Edition
vid embed:youtube.com/watch?v=oGqCpgVRpHk

I got two flavors of bread, choose which one you want you winged faggots.

option A:
replacement of one line in ONGOING DISCUSSION


Menu 1: Addition to ONGOING DISCUSSION of
- pastebin.com/rb7uyF89

I tested the added in testbaking and it seems fine, so it doesn't really matter to me which one you guys want. If no one says boo, I will go with menu 1. Speak up or forever hold your benis.

He didn't out anyone. Xe was already outed since at least xe cried about, unsurprisingly, restroom bullshit.


What he did was show a photo of xir and mock xir. Media outlets like to imply this somehow put her in danger, by pointing out how many people were watching, or using verbs like "targeted". It should come as no surprise that no harm came to xir, beyond the bruised feels.


Also xir pic because why not.

Do Option 1. The entire OP post is cluttered as fuck and should be cut down anyway. The Operations section, for instance, has several entries about Gawker when the latter clearly is an ex-parrot.

You missed a xir

I've been saying for years now that the OP should cut out everything over a month old, at a minimum. It is so cluttered with stuff everyone has seen that nobody reads past the first line to look for new info.

Jiro Taniguchi is dead

Problem is that the decentralized nature of baking means that every baker is unsure whether or not he should remove stuff.

I suggested cutting down part of the OP post before when I made a bread and immediately was called a shill because "even if Gawker is dead the OP post still is important because of methodology" or something.

….literally who?

In the next bread or two I'm going to suggest a review and discussion for the CURRENT TASK and ONGOING DISCUSSIONS.
I'm not sure what's going on with the HIT VICE IN IT'S WEAK SPOT, if that can be removed or combined with something else. The IRS and FemFreq I think can stay for a while longer. The ESA dig is still ongoing but should soon be combined and updated into a redpill WIP thread, when that WIP thread goes up.

For those who absolutely wants the VoQn link up, it's not a yuge deal for it to stay up though I would ask. If they are absolutely interested in it, why didn't they say anything when it wasn't there before. And in any case I have the line saved and it can always be put back on.

The Full OP Text template updates, that one is beyond my paygrade. AFAIK the Gamergate Wiki boycott list in the gitgud link needs to be updated to the current one showing. Because the older one is now 404. (not the OP text template but definitely the GG WIKI boycott list link.)

how did I not know steve shives' wife is an actual midget?

starts at 8;23 at vid

It all comes tumbling down…..

There's still some useful stuff in the OP text IMO. But the CURRENT TASK and ONGOING DISCUSSION should be regularly reviewed to see which lines needs updating or replacing, that much I agree.

Man, people backing this fucking app after all of this has to be ignorant.

Problem is there really was and still is shills that would love to erase the OP text entirely. I'm not saying you are one. But were you around during 2016 christmas time site hiccups and that sitewide spam attack? There was definitely shills trying to gaslight on why the OP text was condensed and separated into 2 parts for example.

An extremely influential manga artist.

In other news
Well, turns out, in France, lemonde.fr just got their IP banned from editing wikipedia. Turns out one of their science journalists used their account to "vandalize" articles.
Namely, the journo created false cases of wikipedia's unreliability, making up bullshit in a few articles specifically to report those as totally fake.
Life makes no sense and yet I'm grinning.

En français dans le texte :

Shouldn't this bar Le Monde from being a reliable source at all?

fuck, I wanted to read some of his stuff but now it will seem that I'm doing it just because he's dead

Know what's even more ironic ? Like ten days ago they released the "decodex", a huge list online for what sources are reliable or fake news. THEY control what is believable or not with that site, user.
Their methods to select what's good or bad are so wide and silly that basically every single news source is guilty of "fake news"… but they basically include anything they like in there, and that's it.
And then they do this shit.

Read his stuff nonetheless, user. It's as good a chance as any. His art is insane.

No, the (((people))) who edit it made sure of that

Thing is, that is actually proof that journos directly write themselves facts and sources regardless of reality, user. And I severaly doubt France is the worst place for this trash to happen. This shit fucking writes itself.

I suggest cutting the following:

Hit Vice - That actually was "Hit Gawker" before Hogan came. Hells, I myself reworded this after the trial. Currently has no particular purpose, covered by OP One Hour salvo

OP One Hour salvo should go under "How can I help"

Same for OP disnord, really - change OP section where appropriate.

GamerGate: Sons of Liberty afaik came up several months ago. No longer current event, add to OPs if need be.

Nuclear Negro's vids don't need a specific place in the OP imho, should just be posted into the bread

Deep Freeze doesn't need posts for every update, but does need an entry as a general resource

Censored Gaming's vid is more than a month old by now, and of debatable importance without a campaign to contact publishers/ journos who make censorship necessary.

The study also is just regular bullshit and (imho) has no greater importance like the UN study they had to retract

All of those are incredibly outdated. I'd remove the "State of the Union Address" at the very least.

Might as well be cut down safe for the CointelPro advise - using archive.is is a given and Kotaku et al. get filtered anyway, (plus you instantly get shat on if you try to post non-archived versions). Goal and demand list seems fairly pointless in that no-one ever asked for those and the stuff about the narrative is obvious to all Anons. And "do not make us look like jerks, be a nice guy" - really?

Also outdated. Dossier should stay, GamerGate.Me 404s (how did no-one notice this?). A people's history on GamerGate hasn't been updated since '14, it seems. View the timeline entry is redundant.

OP disrespectful Nod should be updated with stuff from current tasks post.

OP baby seal, prime rib and UV can be removed as Gawker is kill

OP Vulcan may be redundant

An user's Guide to Twitter is entirely redundant. You can just ask in the thread if need be.

Compress OPs into a single pastebin?

Is gud.

Isn't that the French equivalent of the Huffington Post?

The fact that a Zizekposter would believe this is not all that surprising

Not really, it isn't that far off; but it's still anti-GG and full of shit, using things like reddit or twitter as sources. Also, the paper is vastly different from the site, as it at least still has some shred of journalistic decency left. The site is full trash.

CBS was calling Milo a leader of the alt-right on their show and saying he routinely insults minorities as well.


This fake news meme got completely out of control and I love it.


I believe the word you are looking for is sellout.

CNN was saying that calling them fake news is as bad as calling someone a nigger.

Some of that I can do, such as Current Task and Ongoing Discussions edit and updates. Other stuff is beyond my ability right now, such as editing anything in the gitgud version of the OP text template.
I know it will sound boring to some of the winged faggots around here, but the stuff you wrote has some good op text maintenance ideas so if you don't repost it in the next thread, I will. Anyhow:

Ok I can remove that considering OP One hour salvo covers it, and last time I looked 1hour salvo is still fairly current too.

While I can edit that manually on my copy of the OP template, it's beyond my ability right now to do that on the gitgud update.
OP disnod2:reboot is on the CT list. Otherwise same situation as above.
Ok. I will keep nuclear negro vid for next edition since it's fairly new and it was a good one, but noted for next breads afterwards.
Sorry chief, while I can somewhat do that on my own copy of the template, that one probably needs an edit on the gitgud version that is beyond me right now.
Alright, I think enough time has passed for those as well.

For things that doesn't need much updating, I agree, and something I've been thinking as well. Unfortunately, I don't know how to do that at the moment. Something I should look into though.

What's not to get?

Think that one was already posted earlier, heres the mp4 for any of you anons keeping a CNN cuts off folder

Fair enough. All I ask for is a fresh bread without flour back from 2014.

Didn't notice it then


I'm just a baker, one of many. I will do what I can do, unfortunately the other stuff is beyond my humble skill right now, senor. I'm not even sure who to talk to regarding updating the gitgud OP text and such.

For anybody wondering what happened to "Silly Comics", they got mass-reported and banned from Twitter, then banned again on a second account. Now they're here instead: gab.ai/HeHeSillyComics
If Twitter wants to ban all the talented and funny people, and drive them to platforms like Sealion.club or Gab instead, hopefully Twitter will die faster.

Neofag continues to impress.

I had posted it earlier, but apparently one of the mods thought it was not relevant and deleted it.

Have you faggots given you're waifu their Valentine?

Have retarded cucks and unlovable retarded cunts pissed people off?

Why does zizek and bernie=doompaul memes comes off as that joke that has to be painfully explained multiple times, and with each explanations it just becomes sadder and more humor draining.

is it funposting time?


I'm on standby so no need to shitpost to 700 just yet.

Is something forbidden going to happen if I say yet?



What is this university meme and what does it have to do with The Sniffing One?

If someone needs to be explained a meme, they're not, shall we say, its target audience.


gommies get out

So leftypol brand excuses. Right then.

Suicide by gunshot to the back of the head when?

DO IT, its kind of an open secret already

It's not my fault user, that's just how maymays work.

Shit dude, I remember the exodus OC. Got anymore?


Try explaining Pepe or gondolas to normalfags.

Explain this symbol to normalfags and see if they get the joke.

this one could also work

So many things wrong and top fucking kek.


I still think its just a blatant money grabbing scam, nobody has asked anything of the tranny yet from his patreon, he's just going to take the campaign funds and run

I really want him to win the nomination. Force the democrats to suffer from the very same insane people they created.

I am referring to the fact that you stated, that you would need to get an education to succeed. It was blatantly wrong back then and it is even more blatantly wrong now. There are a multitude of reasons why that is the case.

Clicking almost anything on the site prompts me to sign up, and the only other way to view the images is downloading each of them. Shit site.

Goldwater might be ran by an editor that doesn't spellcheck or get their facts straight "Gamergate Orginazation" kek, but gotta enjoy Flynt being a He, but hey, this might be some attentionwhore ploy by the tranny to network or get some political connections while playing the part of the oppressed Tranny trying to fight for equality, just gotta wait for the usual suspects to shill for him and his delusions.

If showing the original comic side by side, chances are most people would get it. Without showing the original comic, that's going to be harder.

Thing is, pepe at least has some sort of appeal or curiosity to it, and with MSM claiming Pepe=alt right racist frog. More people will be curious about it. Explaining it can be harder if someone already believes that Pepe is a nazi symbol. But not impossibly difficult. Zizek and Bernie as Doompauls though. They seem really forced.

He was stating it's a good thing you DIDN'T need an education to succeed, user. You, on the other hand, might need an education to learn to read.

While the zizekposter is likely a faggot in everything else, in that post I did not read that as him defending the statement that you need college\uni to succeed. Akshually the opposite.

Zizekfaggot at least the way I read that post, was agreeing that not needing a uni or college degree to get a decent wage, was a good thing.

I'm afraid you got the wrong message. That's what the ledditor in the screencap stated, and I disagreed with.

I thought Flynt's adopted family is not only rich but politically fairly well connected too.


Probably, his father started hustler

Supposedly, they disowned xir when xe turned from a Republican lunatic into a Democrat lunatic. The source is Flynt xirself, but it seems to check out.

Top Kek

Before you criticise someone else for supposedly not being able to read, you should first try to figure out how to read yourself. He bought into the proposed underlying idea, that you need an education to make a decent living. This is made very clear from his initial post, where he implied both that this inability exists and that it is bad, I wholeheartedly agree to such a circumstance being bad but it is blatantly wrong to proclaim that such currently exists. And I reaffirm this distinction at the beginning of my post, in the first two sentences, in the first sentence I referred to my issue with it and then in the second I emphasised it by differentiating between the past and the present. So in conclusion I have only one thing to say: eat shit, faggot

The nice glue snuffing kid isn't coming from a culture that is throwing gays from buildings/condones honor killings either

Har har. Stop pulling my benis, we're not even dating, you slut.

Thing is, how many times have I heard he was disowned, for real this time. I heard he was disowned when he turned the money they gave\loaned him into a pile of ashes and 6(?) sold copies of rev60.

What kind of a gay comic is that and who reads/buys that shit?

All these creative jobs are taken by total faggots. Journalists are wankers that get paid for sharing their shit opinions, and now it's the same with comics. Gaming stories fall into this too soon, it's already starting.

The problem is everybody needs a job, but some people are simply to shit to do any job. But since those mofos have rich parents they get sent into these creative jobs because they can suck as hard as they want there nobody is going to fire them.

From the /cow/ profile on the hag, he's been pretty much disowned by now, but his sugar daddy Frankie Wu and their progressive SocJus cult? now that's the thing to watch out for and how much they'll piggybank on that.

We know, Ms.Muslim is still butthurt about Trump winning and that she's thinking of moving to Canuckistan when Turdeau gets the Anti-Islamphobia bill approved.


Also an Ambien user lel.

I find it so interesting that Muslims in comics or other media are always more modestly dressed than everyone else. It really makes you think :^).

So, Mike is a MtF or FtM tranny? I mean it's 2 panels out of context, but it's kinda chuckle worthy. Just a chuckle though.

I didn't even notice that lol

Sheeeeeit. That's some expensive sounding rehab place.
Never help someone like that move a couch into their van, no matter how disabled or injured they look.

Trying to find the issue of this shitpile, image search from tumblr has "Edits" on the tags for this crop.

Okay it's legit, and it's fucking cancer with "World of Battlecraft" and retarded writing that wants to this to be a television show, still no cultural integration, but instead we got more soap boxing with whites are bad and should be in jail, Jesus, it's still shit.

That second panel has to be a parody

That comic has a checklist of the oppression olympics.

not even once

Oh, and that and all the SocJus bullshit comics are not telling a story but more of an indoctrination and reaffirming biases, good fucking job Nick Spencer.

Baker where art thou?


It really doesn't take much to edit the 2nd pic to be more realistic.

upper left text baloon:

lower right text baloon:

Monitoring this bread. Remember to manually refresh to get an accurate postcount.

You can thank Holla Forums for the Hand of the Don.

5-6 replies left, no rush then.

Gab is shit, the only way to view images on mobile is to fucking download them

Faggot is a serial liar who delights in poisoning anime communities. >She is going after Maidragon now.

Games can kind of get away with that bullshit because there is still gameplay, but they keep putting emphasis on the story when its shit, and the gameplay doesn't make up for it, or they don't let you skip it. It kind of shows the ego of those types, and how terrible they are, when they shove that in your face and there are games with better story that had less emphasis on it.

Reading it again, I think I need my assumption privilege checked. The text actually only says 'Moms". So more than one, maybe two, maybe more. Polyamory is a thing too you shitlords and so on etc jesus fuck the snowflake differentiation can get real tedious.

I fucking hate SJWeebs



Fucking SJWeebs. I will never understand why someone would hate a medium so much that they obsess with ruining it for everyone else.


That's pretty good. Unfortunately your sempai did not notice it either. It's ok if you want to cry. If you need to let it all out and have a good sobbing cry, just cry into this.

since Rea isn't here, can you bully me instead

I have news for you, cupcake. Your precious reanon, your beloved sempai. The one you look up to and admire. Not here. Will never be here, or there, or any place at any time for you. Because you have aus-tism. It's a flaw, a defect, and not the cute flaw like a mole on an ass cheek or a stray pube on your boicuntflaps.

See, reanon at most pities you. You can't hear it can you, when reanon laughs it's not laughing with you. So cry harder, sob and have a heaving racking snot running cry. It will never reach your beloved sempai, because Reanon has never and will never listen. Because reanon never wanted to, and never will. Cry harder, you slat.

Where is this from?

th-thanks, baker
