Lets take Dues Ex but bring it to the extreme

Lets take Dues Ex but bring it to the extreme.
What retarded far out there conspiracy theories would make for good vidya?
Pic related. Flatearth retards being right could make a good setting for a videogame since they think the earth is a flat disk that goes on forever with different civilizations on different parts of the earth.

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The Earth is flat, though. It's space-time that curves.

reptillian elite

The holocaust

Holocaust confirmed to use videogame logic

Hollow Earth >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Flat Earth.
Flat Earth doesn't even make sense. I think a game with a hollow Earth would be a far better setting than some shitty flat Earth thing. Add in Nazis and Deros for extra fun.

Hollow Earth is in SRW: Masou Kishin.

A world where the crazy things Holla Forums believes in are actually true would be fun.

The plane crash was an inside job by Sir?

TimeCube. Or, better yet, ThymeCube.

Sounds spicy

basically iron sky 2?

just make a game where you are a government and you have to plan out destroying buildings and bombing your own citizens, and you have to make it seem like the actions of a terrorist organization and if you aren't convincing enough the people will figure you out and overthrow you

Sounds like a crappy high-concept flash game.

Hollow earth has a ton of potential.

It could be good.

Nazi Artic base, combined with occult magic. Pretty much Wolfenstein I guess, but perhaps a horror game inspired heavily by the Thing as well.

I'd love a game based on the rantings of Francis E. Dec.

Something on Operation Highjump on "what really happened".

Basically this but on rails, since games that rely on "muh open world" are for reserved for AAA publishers, and set in 1946 with all those sexy weapons that time period brings.


Could check out /tg/ threads about Holla Forums as a setting to get a few ideas

Hi, Holla Forums.

The Planet X theory
People truly believe in that? I thought it was only for high-level shitposting

So the entire second act of final fantasy 4?

Nazis in New Swabia.

I don't even understand how the idea of people living inside a hollow earth came about. Didn't they realise that if the Earth were hollow that there would be almost no gravity on the inside?

You've given me an idea, user.
Hallow Earth, but inside the Earthis Planet X.
You could fly a ship to Planet X, but it simultaneously exists inside the Earth, so you'd actually fly to Earth.

Wew, high-level.

Chemtrails are real, and it's your job to spread them by flying over crops, suburbs, and eventually entire city streets.

The game also features cutting-edge smoke and wind technology, because that's the whole point.

Just go to /pol.

One of my favorites is telling the parents of a dead 12 year old girl that she was a crisis actor.

Daily reminder

What are you talking about, redditor? Never seen anything about a "/pol." in this website.


Yeah, because people totally can't be emotionally unstable during a crisis.
If you lost your keys in the park, look for them in the dark of the park, not the light of the lamppost.

Deus Ex was already pretty extreme. Ayyliums, Jurassic Park-style dinos, Bilderberg conspiracies, Templars, the Illuminati, depopulation, chemtrails–it was loaded the fuck down with conspiracy. I actually don't know how you could do conspiracy stories in a more extreme way than Deus Ex.

Step your game up, fam.

Gonna be an interesting four years, that's for sure.
On topic, I want a modern political SMT game. Would be neat being a guy caught in the middle of a demon summoning cold war.

This. Fuck you OP, you hook-nosed shit.


There is enough fucked up shit going on there to make some wicked demons, thats for sure.

Come on user, do you even set pieces?

This worlds doesn't seem fun to me.

Two things that Deus Ex didn't quite focus too much were Men in Black (who were only enemies), aliens (which were just mutants), and reptilians were not even mentioned. Having an game built around UFO sightings, men in black, government and corporations secretly being in contact with extraterrestrials, abductions, and CIA/corporate/alien experimentation on citizens could be interesting.

Dialogue and investigation based adventure/rpg game focused on uncovering mysteries and avoiding agents and aliens searching for you would probably be the best fit.

Was the reptilian thing even around in the '90s?

Oh yeah, I forgot the world is actually flat and the news are hiding that fact.
You are retarded or anything.

Go to /x/. There are a large number of posters who buy that shit.
it's amazing the mental gymnastics they use whenever you make a basic argument.

The theory gained some traction in mid to late 90s, after Icke talked about reptilian conspiracy against humanity in his books. Deus Ex team likely stumbled upon them when researching, especially since reptilians are sometimes tied to the Illuminati.

Chem Trails are one of the funniest conspiracies because it means the government for some reason wants to make their citizens retarded and yet spends billions of dollars a year on educating them.
It's also funny to think even chem trailed America has smarter people than 3rd world countries without them

Holla Forums doesn't actually believe that right?

I think some of them do. Even if you don't believe it was a conspiracy, there are a lot of weird little coincidences and circumstances surrounding Sandy Hook that could make most people think twice, even if they don't ultimately change their minds.


Alfred = Bane

So what do you think they teach people in math classes?

Math isn't critical thinking I guess
they don't really teach that on school, I guess that's what he means.

Terranigma is already a thing.

Apparently not math, given how few people can count calories or understand how to balance income versus outgoing expenses.

Post WWII US forces encountering hostile activity in a hidden antarctic Nazi base with possible advanced tech/vehicles of alien origin, I think the only reason it hasn't happened because most people haven't heard of it.

The aliens weren't mutants they were clones of the deceased from a crash who had been raised in the lab with none of their "culture" and just acted like primal wild animals because of it. That seemed like an interesting twist on that subject.


A game set in the world of the ancients. Ancient aliens pretending to be gods, psychic powers/magic being real and the destruction of Mars. Could be an action RPG or a soulslike.

you can't teach people to think, they either can or can not.

All life thinks, even lower life forms like plants. Critical thinking is achieveable by all humans, but the majority choose not to, either from ignorance or sloth.

Wolfenstein already exists. It would be more original to have the antagonists be At the Mountains of Madness tier monsters.

Not by the mentally retarded or people with brain damage.

You know, when I first read up on this theory and one of the first statements was "The Jews made you believe the world was round". I had a good laugh.

I also agree hollow earth and the entrance in Antarctica would be much more interesting.

Critical analysis is a learned skill. It can only be possessed by having been taught.


Do you think critical thinking is something instinctive? Or are you just meme-ing?


So, meme-ing, then.

So you are deaf and illiterate? cool story bro.
Go back to cuckchan you fucking loser.

It might help if you actually responded to what I'm saying. What are your thoughts on critical thinking? I left halfchan in 2008.

There are many enlightened people who believe in flat earth theory all around the globe.

like my dick

define the term

Skeptically and logically evaluating information in order to draw a conclusion.

Come on, step it up.



I guess it depends what effect you think chemtrails actually have on people.

I very much disagree with that.
I personally know people who can't even follow a simple formula of "try THIS, if THIS didn't work, therefore try THAT."
Some people are just never trained to solve basic problems, or never learn to take what they know about one thing and see if the same logic applies to another thing.

Are you just pretending to be retarded, or do you actually have brain damage?


Is Deus Ex still worth playing in this day and age?

also in Linux Mint, how do you move your taskbar? I somehow moved it like 1/3 up the screen from the bottom and I can't make it go back to the bottom, it's killing me

How many layers of Judaism are we even on now?

I want to try, but I hear there are mods that fix certain issues and improve things. I've just never known which ones to pick.

Yes, as long as you can deal with the ugliness and jank. If you can play games like Morrowind or System Shock, you should be fine with the original Deus Ex.

What desktop environment are you using?

He probably thinks "critical hits" are part of a Jewish conspiracy, too.


Install Deus.exe and the Direct3D 10 renderer as instructed here: pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/Deus_Ex#Deus_Exe
This is all you need to do to run shit on a modern PC (you might want to toy with FOV etc in the Deus.Exe settings, this is up to you).
Optionally you can install New Vision to make the game a little prettier but it isn't necessary (avoid HDTP, it doesn't fit the art style), the same page has instructions further down.

Look at this inbred faggot and laugh.

Do you really think that critical thought is the same as critical theory? Because it's not. Are you really that stupid? Am I falling for bait?

If this was all bait, it's too far over my head. I don't know how you can get through life without hearing the term "critical thinking skills" at least a few times. I'm going to fuck off now.

Dude, you can stop. No one is going to listen to a kike here or their tactics.

I think you're falling for bait.

That guy is clearly retarded m8, just don't reply.

I think Jew magic is cute.