Ok, I know it might be difficult for you animals, but let's try to be logical for a while

Ok, I know it might be difficult for you animals, but let's try to be logical for a while.
Can you name at least one objectively bad game that Maestro Hideo Kojima worked on?
Not an unfinished due to external interference one.
Not an electronic media that isn't strictly video game to begin with.
Not a game that he was assigned to be producer of.
But an actual bad game he himself worked on?

You can't. And if you try, at least put some reasonable explanation of how exactly the game is bad.

I don't think any of his games are bad, but none of them have really ever held my attention. He has a problem with not having evolving mechanics, you basically start off with everything available in the game and that's it. I like it better when a game presents mechanics, and then expands on them (either literally, or by showing you non-typical ways of using them).

His stories typically aren't that interesting either, in my opinion.

All of this said, I can say that he's a respectable developer, and I can see why his games may appeal to others. Personally, I love the guy because he was the producer for Zone of the Enders, so he has my thumbs up there.

has somebody showed him this? I bet he'd love it.

MGS4 and you damn well know it, faggot.
The only redeeming factors were the metal gear duel and the fist fight. Everything else is just you refusing to face the obvious.

MGS1, 2, 4, and 5


Honestly, I would have adored the gameā€¦ IF HE LET YOU ACTUALLY PLAY IT.

I swear, the gameplay in that game was fantastic but you never truly got to experience or enjoy it. They really only let you have freedom one or two times for like twenty minutes, then you'd be sent off to a cutscene or a gimmick level.

Makes me really sad.

Also also, if I'm not mistaken, didn't the story decline after 2 due to the writer disappearing or something? If I remember correctly Kojima didn't write the first 3 games, only helped direct them.

Snatcher is fucking dogshit and massive wasted potential. The licensed Blade Runner game is a better one that that.

MGSV would never have been a good game even if it included all the content Kojima wanted to put in it, MGS4 is still a bad game with shit pacing, shit gameplay and nothing but a good ending for the series. Peace Walker is still a shit game not worth playing with lots of repeat missions and levels that can fuck right off.

Kojima an overrated faggot even though I like MGS3 a lot, suck my dick and go to hell.

This. If the entirety of MGS4 was like acts 1, 2 and the part of act 5 where you're sneaking through the deck of Outer Haven, it'd be one of my favourite games ever.

I also much preferred 4'ss gameplay to 5's, I have no idea why everyone praises it so much outside of the fluidity of movement.

I can respect this point of view.

A honest attempt.
Yet core gameplay redeems all of that. If you put everything wrong with it against actual gameplay, it's will be an average game at worst, since gameplay is the only thing that truly matters.
There was too few of it, that is true.

Thanks for proving my point fools.


Putting too much cut scenes into a game doesn't detract from gameplay department.
If you don't care for story you can just skip cut scenes.

If only the gameplay was good.

Anyone who has played Snatcher knows exactly why its fucking dogshit. The fact that you cannot even wrap your brain around that means you are a mouth breathing retard who gives abbos a run for their money.

Once you beat it you realize that it was a movie game. It was better at being a movie game than any of the other movie games made after it, but what's heartbreaking are all those awesome systems they developed for the gameplay only to be used three or four times for a couple of minutes.

And I agree, the gameplay was much better than V.

I still think it was a good game. After I beat it I definitely enjoyed it. It's just a shame how much of the game is wasted and how little we are actually allowed to enjoy it.

Here's an easy way to sum up the last 3 Metal Gear games.

MGSV had shit level design, and sold us short as all fuck, the "dynamic" content ended up all being scripted content only available in missions, there were no fun long sneaks between bases and observing bases from a distance wasn't of much benefit, patrols between levels didn't change enough to modify the way you go about infiltrating the small areas of the map, and some of the levels were down right broken, I'm talking about the fort in Afghanistan which involves more fuckery than skillful stealth to enter and leave undetected, none of the games features complimented the open world, they existed more to mitigate being in an open world, transport shit, the OP Quiet, the useless but fun Mini gear, I forget his name but he has a name, the enemy patrols and reinforcements, even enemy designs feel to be more by the number shit designed to force the player to cheaply update their tactics, it doesn't work I still just held everyone up with the squirt gun everywhere.

Ground Zeroes was by far better because it's small self contained world seemed more catered to the Metal Gear stealth gameplay, there were no comparable areas to that in the rest of MGSV, and how that occured was beyond me, the closest thing was the final Russian base but all the areas were linear, how they managed to fuck that up I don't know but nothing in MGSV compares to GZ. the airport was just large, the small russian base had far fewer points of entry, far fewer and nowhere near as well placed patrols and too pointless amounts of open space.

I can barely remember MGS4 and Peace Walker but they were both pretty shit in many ways on opposite sides of the spectrum.

This right here sums up your argument entirely OP, you need to suck less dicks.

I enjoyed Snatcher but I wouldn't call it a good game, it was a good experience, although I hadn't actually watched Bladerunner at that point and now that I love Balderunner maybe I will hate Snatcher for being such a blatant rip-off. Games rip off films and other mediums all the time but that's usually given as a vehicle for interesting gameplay, Snatcher doesn't have interesting gameplay, just interesting gimmick moments like the volume ticking thing at the start.


policenauts is boring AF

MGSV is legitimately trash. It has all the trappings of a grindy, shitty MMO without anything of interest at all in the overworld

If there's too few good parts in a game, it's a bad game. Yes, the gameplay during those sections is fun, but your not doing it long enough for it to make up for the rest of the slog you have to go through to get to it. It's poorly made because of that reason.

You are not forced to grind. Get good I guess.

Well maybe detective and cyberpunk are not your jam. Try some fantasy elf bullshit like zelda.

You can skip cut scenes you know.

Then you're left with a handful of fun sections and gimmick level with no context for progression. Even Crash has warp rooms and an over world. It's not worth $60, and by the way, if you need to cut through major swaths of a game for it to be tolerable, it's a bad game.

Why are Kojima fanboys so insufferable?

How does that work?

You will inadvertently end up grinding if you wish to unlock all the gadgets and costumes and such. If you're only interested in a single playthrough, you're right, you can get through it just fine without spending 200 hours developing the super-fuck-your-shit-up rocket launcher or whatever. If you want to have better soldiers and gear for your FOB invasions, then you have to grind. If you want to complete all main mission optional objectives, you will have to grind to some extent because some missions will require that you have developed specific weaponry.

Either you play it once and drop it, or you grind to "finish" the game. This shit fucking sucks, too, because they limit how much GMP you can have at any given time and development takes real world time to complete. That shit is fucking stupid. In Peace Walker you had to develop shit too, but the reward schedule was much more reasonable.

Policenauts had genuinely boring gameplay and a mediocre storyline at best.
MGS2 had the PLANT.
MGS3 had poor boss battles sans The Boss
MGS4 I've never played
MGSV was a bombshell to the face, and ended up being absolute dogshit and made me wish I'd not ordered my GTX960 during that particular deal.

I could make a steak metaphor, but I can already your response to it, so I'll just keep it plain and simple. The game is bad because there's not enough good gameplay in it. There's not enough to justify purchasing it. It's bad, because you have to cut through swathes of bullshit in order to enjoy it. If the developer were good, they would've had MORE general MGS gameplay, and LESS tedious cutscenes. But they fucked up.

Nigga, download save file or something.

Like, play MGO instead?

This is purely subjective right there. If you think it's too expensive for you - pirate it.


It objectively failed to be a game because it was a movie.
The little slivers of gameplay in between each colossal cut scene weren't good at all.
They were too short, the pacing was shit, the controls were a fucking mess and every aspect of the gameplay was clumsy.

You misunderstand, the point I am making is that the grind is too unbearable. It places artificial limitations on your progress for no reason and the rewards that you reap aren't worth the effort required to obtain then, as you just admitted yourself by insinuating that most of the items you acquire are for the sake of vanity. I am not against grinding, provided that you actually get something worthwhile out of it. Are you really going to try and convince me that the grind in MGSV is worthwhile, or that it serves to enhance the experience in any way?
MGO is shit for the same reason most team based multiplayer games are shit: other people. If you can play with a dedicated group, then fine, but if you want to stand a chance of playing reasonably well in a multiplayer environment, 1v1 engagements are always the better option.

I want the holidays to be over so the kiddies can go back to high school.

You're not getting the main point here. The asset management was poor. A few glimmering pieces in a pile of shit isn't worth digging through. Also what kind of argument is that? You can justify any piece with "Oh well, at least it was free." This was made as a product intended for purchase at $60. Your income level doesn't matter. If you spend $60 for six hours of entertainment while having to go out of your way to cut through the game's bullshit, you're getting fucked over by a company with a shitty overpriced product with not enough substance to justify it.

I'm guessing Lost Warld (sic), since that was never released.

5 hours of gamplay
divided by $60
= $12 per hour
$12 per hour for sub par gameplay is objectively not worth the price.
Especially when compared to games that you can get 60 - 100 hours out of for under 10 bucks.

You are a snake faced cunt, I tell you what you are. Lets call things by their name, this game is fucking vapid and you only pretend to like it so someone hears your vapid opinions or maybe Kojima pays you.

Everything after MG2 is a movie instead of a game.

I'll assume you guys are not trolls and will answer your shit seriously.

It's a goddamn cinematic point and click, you can barely call it a game. It's all bout setting, characters and atmosphere. As a huge fan of 80-90s sci-fi animee I loved it. It is exactly what it was.

All of those are subjective.
I had no problems with any part of MGS2 or 3, liked all of the bosses too.
I mean if you played vanilla 3 with its camera then maybe you can argue that it added "artificial" difficulty, but it was fixed in enhanced version.
MGS5 being unfinished is of course unfortunate, but that 60% of the game we got after all is god tier.
It also runs at 60 fps on 700 series at high, fox engine is truly a miracle. Ordering brand new card just for one game is not very smart too, it's like buying a console for 1 game.

I'm arguing that shit you unlock via grinding does not enhance experience in any meaningful way and is not supposed to.
What are examples of need to grind anything to progress through the story?
Maybe if you fuck and unlock something that you don't need while not getting good gun, well guess a little grinding is a punishment for you being a dumbass.
But if you're complaining that Jehuty arm that you spent 2 hours getting is just a minor useless ugprade because you couldn't tell that from item description, well, you are a dumbass.

Also both multiplayer mode and MGO are shits because they were made without Kojima. In fact the whole multiplayer aspect was forced on against his will to begin with. And they are optional content too, which you can and should ignore.

What are you talking about? 12 hours of cutscenes? Or 5 hours of gameplay, 99% of which is good?
As I said just skip movie parts if you don't care for them.
As far as movie itself goes, MGS4 is pretty damn entertaining.

Nigga, none of those is objective. MGS4 sports god tier stealth action with AAA scale of graphics, music and voice acting, it's one of the best PS3 games that puts a lot of modern AAA games to shame.
Even without movie parts, that are entertainment too btw, it totally worth 60 bux. In my opinion at least.
But really game's cost being worthy or not is impossible to calculate.

Well except it is I who paid money to enjoy a video game with good gameplay. I dunno man, whatever I got outta those hours is rewarding as shit.
If the game was actually completed with everything Kojima envisioned instead of forced multiplayer and micro transactions it would truly be the game of all games. As it stands now, it's just one of the best.



Didn't bother to play the latter games in the series, but I heard MGSV is a mediocre game with abysmal AI and some of the blandest open world ever existed.

The engine is the only good thing to come out of that mess

Last time I've checked, the item respawning doesn't work the same way. Items in MGS1-2 take a while to reappear (and on higher difficulties they don't).

Yeah, truly a mess.

Kill yourself, troll or fanboy you are shit and don't deserve to live

Everything about this argument makes me cringe. You're assuming everyone is going to play MGS4 just one time, ignoring the higher difficulty settings and all the emblems you can earn for different play styles. Plus, no one has established MGS4 has sub par gameplay. At best, that is subjective. There's not many other action stealth games out there that were as well received as MGS4, so by that fact alone, makes it a somewhat unique product at the very least. You're also disregarding the cutscenes as entertainment, which evidently still costs money (or if it's cinematics implemented in a game, that aspect somehow becomes completely void).

Jesus Christ.

Why are Kojima anti-fanboys so unconvincing?

The controls of MGS1 and 2 aren't particularly bad, but they haven't held up well at all.

The big defense I've seen around here is that the clunky combat controls help keep the focus on stealth gameplay, but the low health bar and difficulty of keeping hidden does that job already. If someone runs in guns-a-blazing and fails to pick up after the second or third death that this is a game of stealth and that direct confrontations don't work, I don't see why the controls should suffer to accommodate their retardation.

That is what I said, you fuck. Glad you understand where I'm coming from.
That's not what I said, shitdick. I said that the main mission's OPTIONAL OBJECTIVES, the ones you do if you want 100% completion, will sometimes require that you develop specific weapons/items. For instance, there is a mission in Afghanistan that involves racing across the map to destroy or capture tanks. Some of these tanks are hard to destroy with your basic rocket launcher. If you just want to get through the mission, you can do so by any means necessary. You can blow them up just fine without fancy upgrades. However, if you want to beat the mission's optional objective that challenges you to defeat each tank or vehicle within a certain amount of time, you're going to have to either develop the worm hole and the anti tank EMP mines so you can warp the threat away or a more powerful rocket launcher to defeat them within your time limit.
You must really think everyone but you is an idiot, eh?
No, you dipshit. I am complaining that you have a cap on the total amount of GMP that you can have at any given time. I am complaining that S rank soldiers are scarce and can only be obtained by gaining more heroism, which itself requires a shit ton of grinding, and that the [EXTRACT THE HIGH RANKING SOLDIER] missions never update to give you worthwhile targets. I am complaining that it takes 2 fucking hours to develop an item when it shouldn't take nearly that long. 30 minutes is the most any item should take to develop, maybe you can go upwards of an hour with more rare items, but that's really fucking pushing it. I am complaining that the Outer Ops equally take too fucking long to complete and reward you with useless items.

I liked MGSV, but you're delusional if you think it's perfect. It has plenty of problems, and it is clear that you're just too much of a faggot to see that.

The point is, respawning items or enemies in such game is the dumbest thing ever. What's even worse is how the enemies infinitely respawn from doors when they're alerted in MGS1.

UE4 looks better.

Doesn't look like so to me. The gunplay looks good, but not something great for today's standard. Just decent.

He's the best kind of developer - the one who wants to make a game for the game's sake, rather than financial viability.
He wants to make a game that a small niche of people will love, and most other people will just scratch their heads at. He's willing to drive his company into bankruptcy just to complete his craft.

This is how it should be. The instant something becomes a business, is the instant when creativity and greatness die.

I don't know, last time I see he made some of the best selling games ever. Did you mean to say that Kojima is the Andy Warhol of video games?

Oh that. Yeah those things are bad, they were forced to stimulate players into MP portion.
Those are shit yes.

Well it kinda does. But said optional content is replaying finished missions to begin with, so it's a form of grinding too. What you don't want grinding to get to grinding?
I get what you're saying now, but your complaint is unjustified. It's like complaining that you can't beat optional super hard boss in JRPG without best equipment.
Shit's there specifically to justify grinding for said equipment.

You're probably baiting with that pretentious tone of yours, but with post itself I agree. Kojimbo like vidya and like to make vidya.
It just so happens he also wants it to look like AAA product.

I would suck Kojima's dick.

I never understood why they took them until MGS3 Subsistence to implement a decent third-person camera. I know why they went with a bird eye's view in MGS1, since not everyone owned a dual analog controller, but it feels weird they kept it for MGS2 and the vanilla version of 3.

As usual jewnami pushed Kijima to release game sooner than he wanted.
MGS3 was planned as a PS3 game. But between PS3 delay and jewnami's greed it was forced into PS2 hardware and earlier release date.

No. I disagree. Grinding is when you have to do something over and over again to gain something. In Dark Souls, when you kill the same undead warriors over and over again to get souls, that is grinding. In Pokemon, when you complete the Elite Four over and over again to gain exp because you don't have anyone to play against, that is grinding.

These missions are one time things that must be done a specific way. It may require multiple attempts on your part to finish them, but once you're done, you're done. You don't have to do it anymore because you don't gain anything from it. You can do it again if you want, I guess, but that would only be for your own personal satisfaction. So, no, that analogy you used won't work. It's more like I'm complaining that I have to spend 6 hours mowing the lawn before I can take the grass and feed it to barn animals. It is like saying that you are made to work before you have the privilege of going to work. It's padding, and it's shit.

I don't disagree with that. It's just he doesn't know the foundations of what makes a video game good. I find his design to be inconsistent. I would argue that Todd Howard has far superior knowledge and vision of video game design. Kojima is a great project leader though, probably complemented with the working ethics of an asian corporation, something that Todd isn't and has no access to.


Please tell me you're baiting


Oh thank god you are.
Haven't lose your touch, Holla Forums.

You made a claim, and didn't back it up, denying their arguments with nothing.

If you're trying to make Kojima look bad by acting like a total faggot, you're doing a shit job, OP.

Take your halfchan shit back with you, faggot.

What's with the amount of faggots hating on MGS? Is this another case of reddit faggots taking memes too seriously in an attempt to fit in here?

They already implemented a third-person camera in the beta version of MGS3, which they used to create that first E3 trailer with the clean-shaven Big Boss and the GTA references. The only reason they kept the bird eye's camera in MGS3 was because it was tradition for tradition's sake.

That had nothing to do with MGS3 having a shitty camera in the launch version though, since PS2 has dual analog sticks. And developing it for PS2 made sense, considering they started development in 2002 and the PS3 wasn't out until 2006. They sure as hell weren't going to wait a couple of more years for the PS3 development kits to come in.

Lunar Knights. Watching Boktai turn from a fun (if easy and unbalanced) action adventure game with stealth elements to boring hack and slash was incredibly depressing. using the translation to disassociate it from the rest of the series was a dick move overall; putting rabbit ears on Zazie doesn't make her a different character you fuck.

Boktai is one of my favorite games of all time and I had trouble finishing this pile even once.

Aren't you the guy who wants to suck Kojima's dick?

Yeah, got a problem with that homo?

Kojima does, since he is not a gay.

I'm a grill :^)

What I get from playing his games is he's a bi.

No you're fucking not, you degenerate.

You do know he isn't the sole developer of these games. Yes?

I can be anything if I can pretend hard enough :^)

actually, while we're on the topic of Metal Gear. Does anyone know a way to make Rising run better with an AMD? For the most part I get a solid 60 FPS but when I enter blade mode I can feel that fall as I get in more cuts to somewhere around 30. I disabled blur and that helped a lot but it's still a bit annoying.

I don't know who's the homo though, but kojima does look like a homo so I guess that's him.


All orientals look like that. The homo ones take it one step beyond western standards for faggotry.


Of course we can't, no games fit your description

All the MGS games since they objectively have horrible gameplay, especially 3 with this atrocious healing system that's literally just a waste of time and nothing else (which he realized himself). Alert is also just a waste of time and sometimes it's literally much better and faster to just let soldiers kill you and start from beginning (which he realized, too).

But something tells me by objectively bad you actually mean "not overrated by everyone", so this is probably just another MGS1-3 are great/5 is bad echo chamber and people will call my post b8.

Current gamers are literally mentally disabled.