The reason trump won is pic related

The reason trump won is pic related

Trump won because of Macedonia?


Trump won because voters were allowed to learn the truth about candidates from non MSM

thats pretty awkward

Trump won because he was running against a despised politician but most importunately, he won because a big number of Americans are genuinely stupid

As an outside observer I think it would have more to do with the majority being tired of being called racist and stupid by armchair sociologists and SJWs so they voted againts whatever those groups stand for out of spite.
Seeing as how the response is doubling down instead of changing course, it was a forgone conlusion.

I doubt most burgers have encountered a sjw irl, much less based their vote off them. It's more likely Trump won because Hillary was a terrible candidate and he appealed to voters fucked over by outsourcing while Hillary ran on continuing the status quo.

right, "muh economical anxiety"

thats bullshit, and everyone know it.

like i'v said Trump didn't won as much as Shillary failed.
Trump didn't get more vote than Romney did 4 years ago.
the republican base is still the same.

I've met about a million of them, but I grew up in a college town. The next door neighbor was a girl with a fucking doctorate in gender studies and said check your muh privileges every time she posted something on Facebook.

Trump's win was a white-lash
And did it really surprise anyone?
The left has been demonising whites for Kek knows how long, but they forgot one simple fact, minorityes are called as such because they are minorities, the majority of the population is white
And those whites saw how their own goverment was demonising it, why would they vote for a candidate that not only would have continued to do the same but ramp things up to another level?
Asking why Trump won is like asking why did Hornets stung you death after you spent the last 8 years kicking their hive

Don't be retarded. If you've ever actually been to America you'd know that every minority( spic, chink, nigger) is a million times more racist than the average white and gets away with it because everyone treats them with kid gloves.

Accusing whites of racism is what the liberal elite bourgeois do to fire up there electorate. Its not actually real.

Furthermore, minorities are INSANELY concerned with race. Put boots on the ground before you open your fucking mouth.

Of the 231,556,622 Americans eligible to vote, only 135,657,507 voted. 70% of the latter number is white, which is about 95,000,000. This is not even half of the white people living in the united states.


Hillary's campaign will go down in history as one of the worst presidential campaigns in our nation's history. She did everything wrong. She didn't do shit about either the e-mail or DNC collusion scandals and instead spent most of her campaign attacking and belittling voters, especially Berniecrats.

It's like her own hubris and paranoia poisoned everything.

While I agree with the sentiment that most Americans are genuinely stupid,, I don't see how it follows from your initial premise of them voting for the better candidate.

nice champagne socialism guys

I suppose they won't be stupid or inbred anymore once they magically subscribe to your noble cause?

ahh yes, I'm sure all those decaying rust belt towns are full of people that are just sick of those pesky SJWs

None of those pictures show anyone working :v)


How do you know guy in the OP isn't working? Computers today are pretty much means of production on their own.

Yeah, maybe if you're a first-worlder who no longer needs to worry about feeding or clothing yourself.

I think OP meant Russians, not working class.

it's a Russian guy

What? Even in places like India programmers can make mad dosh

Ah all right, that makes more sense. Is he one of those Russian hackers Hillary yelled about?

And India is no longer a third-world country. Neoliberal capitalism has been their policy for a while


Don't be delusional, nobody voted because they were called racist. That's like the liberal line of "everyone voted trump because they're just too racist and hate our anti-racist rhetoric". And anyway Clinton toned down on the SJW language the closer the elections got, she tried to appeal mostly to "moderate republicans" whatever that means.

I just hate that people peddle this argument because it's exactly the same as "people are just too racist" argument liberals use, which is nonsense. If democrats toned down on the SJW language, they'd have just lost some minority voters and women, but they wouldn't gain any whites (definitely not enough to win elections).

That's bullshit because I've met one who came to England and to work as a programmer here (he makes £30k+ now) and in India, whilst he was well fed and had a nice apartment, he couldn't afford electronic consumer goods or anything imported into India like iPhones and high end gaming PCs or televisions.

He could only afford a compact Suzuki car over there with his old wages too, not that everybody should be driving gas guzzling fuel inefficient penis compensating shitmobiles either.

two wrong doesn't make one right.

beside, i know this is a difficult concept to understand for Holla Forumsypes but there is no such thing as "they" particularly when you're trying to assemble an idea to a physical attribute.
there are only individuals.

anyone with more than two brain cells to rub together will spot the non-sens.

i tend not to value the opinion of someone using "spic,chink,nigger" to refer to some ethnic group, particularly what that opinion is about those ethnicity.
nice try, nobody is accusing whites of racism, we're accusing racist of racism.
we know you're not a victim and so do you, don't even waste your time pretending to be persecuted.
any study to back that up ?

Hillary is a bitch who thought she could politically bully her way trough office by manipulating the DNC.
Bernie should've been the one.
not because i'm a berniefag myself but because he was polling better than her and had a popular trend.
Hillary was a statuquo bitch, not worse than Bush but not better than Obama.
she offered nothing to the US, she was a step back.

interestingly Trump and Bernie are the absolute opposite.
Bernie wanted to make Wst pay, Trump put them in the white house.

the amusing thig is, the people who voted for him will be the first to pay for it.
he won't build a wall, won't stop immigration (if anything, with all the corporate shills in the white house, it will increase, they all want dat chap labor)
and you can kiss goodbye healthcare.

it will be the most brutal form of capitalism ever.
libertarians will love it tho

forgot the pic

Is he ontop of his step mom?
That looks real weird.

He speaks the tru tru

oh boy, another original and entertaining episode of Dumbass Holla Forumsyp Thinks Left = Librul SJW"

I still wanna puke when I imagine biff in the white house

but honestly every president of the united states has been biff

I think that's part of it, but I think it's more that the smearing of Trump supporters as "racist" (along with the whole Russia is manipulating the election lie) encouraged more support for Trump because most people saw it as a blatant propaganda tactic by the Clinton campaign than it was the SJWs being men to people.

And it cost the Democrats EVERYTHING.

You have admire the level of delusional arrogance on the part of the DNC this election. There was a clear anti-establishment populist movement happening in America and they nominate the MOST establishment candidate for president.

They deserve this historic loss for such idiocy.