Ace Combat 3 Fan Translation

You filthy, uses fucking nigger pigs.

Other urls found in this thread:!hdNmFZDY!YpX7FmCVsIohCRz63Suc47Olo6iJ05YAouzHbaKBIZY!gclBRCoD!7qlCBsoq1GPWoD71j6dMYZ7W5J3CjgCSBAGMxDQpUac Combat 3 - Electrosphere (Eng IE 2.0).7z IE (v2.0).rar!NdVREDYJ!dyqiVVFiDkKgmPntWYgMBFpuTAPzr9vatDh5FVToJy4!UNMmjL4A!LZZrDurory6YLs_6N7fWmj9XoAENrQboEJAtWeGe6rM!cF1zRLiY!t1tVj7i3Oy9l9zirj40eUC-uqzRxNUj5RWrFpGixJ7k!j45AgabB!rCUE-drpxSpEO65gSfL_LR3Lk9MDRLzffMoeYAsujqs!qhgWgaia!8AkoPpWaALmNEe62Ct73V7c98nCOrjhABtFVFXZcFxQ Combat 3 - Electrosphere (Eng IE 2.0) fixed.7z!75IlHJ4a!329ckW93YlGhn9Bye7Q1lHyMNT7N78Cj6jFRbC_MUu4!T9xTHb4a!qoR0vxy0By6odkEOAIhN8zfwimKVWGr-EsvMeJ-tvJQ!ahIj0T5J!lK6O9Lf2W9Zwouhg3FURgmKBcSYPpOHpSEtNIaP704c

Here's the OP from the last thread with some updates



Ace Combat is a series of arcade-y dogfighting sims where you pilot a multitude of fictional and real planes in various conflicts in the alternate world of Strangereal. This game isn't like other flight sims such as DCS world or EF2000, in that it doesn't strive for an absurd amount of realism in its flight model. Instead, Ace Combat is all about fun. Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown is the latest game in the series and will be releasing on the PS4 in 2017 with PSVR support.

If you want to try out the series, grab the latest PCSX2 build from here and use the settings pictured (or if you know what you're doing feel free to raise your graphics settings however you want):

or grab a PS2 and play Ace Combat 04, 5, and 0. Those are the best of the series and if you enjoy them you'll enjoy the rest. If you have an Xbox 360 then grab Ace Combat 6 (No idea whether it runs on Xenia). See the chart for any other games you may want to try.


Well here you go:

Air Combat (Easily skippable but worth playing if you want to see where it all began):!hdNmFZDY!YpX7FmCVsIohCRz63Suc47Olo6iJ05YAouzHbaKBIZY

Ace Combat 2:!gclBRCoD!7qlCBsoq1GPWoD71j6dMYZ7W5J3CjgCSBAGMxDQpUac

Ace Combat 3 Electrosphere: (user's prepatched upload) Combat 3 - Electrosphere (Eng IE 2.0).7z

The patch itself: IE (v2.0).rar

Ace Combat 04 Shattered Skies:!NdVREDYJ!dyqiVVFiDkKgmPntWYgMBFpuTAPzr9vatDh5FVToJy4

Ace Combat 5 The Unsung War:!UNMmjL4A!LZZrDurory6YLs_6N7fWmj9XoAENrQboEJAtWeGe6rM

Ace Combat 0 The Belkan War:!cF1zRLiY!t1tVj7i3Oy9l9zirj40eUC-uqzRxNUj5RWrFpGixJ7k


Ace Combat 3 Translation blog:

Aces at War artbook:!j45AgabB!rCUE-drpxSpEO65gSfL_LR3Lk9MDRLzffMoeYAsujqs

Project Wingman (Fanmade game inspired by Ace Combat):

Open Horizon (Open source implementation of Assault Horizon's renderer and physics with DFM removed, will eventually be able to play all earlier PS2/360 AC levels and custom maps):

Because you may as well wait until it's fully fucking done.

Does this mean that it's finally done or is there still more work to do?

But it is fully fucking done.

Nice, still have to read from text files during FMV's which is a shame, but we can't have everything.

I thought it was 3 discs?

animal crossing 3 is baaad ass


Well fuck, my bad.

Is the prepatched electrosphere link up to date or is it just disc 1?

I don't know, I just used the link the guy posted

> Combat 3 - Electrosphere (Eng IE 2.0).7z
Are those mednafen friendly or do I need ECCregen like most PS1 patch out there?

Since it's a volafile link it was uploaded very recently so I doubt anyone bothered to upload just one disk.


So where does AC3 fall in terms of category? Up there with 4/5/0?

It's regarded as the most ambitious of all AC games. Multiple routes with different missions, multiple endings, a mission in space, Project IG cutscenes (the GitS guys) and planes not seen anywhere else in the franchise.

It's also the one furthest into the timeline.

Oh, nice. Looking forward to it then. PSP Eboot when?

But Ace Combat 3 was released in the West. Or am I missing something

Yeah, you're missing a disc, half the missions, the branching paths, the alternate endings, the entire plot and several planes.

A bunch of missions, all the storyline, and all the cutscenes were cut from the localization, which is why this translation is a big deal.

which core?

Wew shit. I never knew that. Time to replay then.

All the VA
All the cutsenes
All the wingman dialog
All the story + branching paths
About 16 missions most of them crappy but that's another problem

No, not even close

Well that probably answers my question, try using ECCregen on your images, mednafen doesn't like PS1 games with incorrect error correction info.

Mednafen PSX, it keeps crashing with some Windows C++ runtime error. Says that it was told to close in an unusual way.

ganoo slash linux wins again :^)!qhgWgaia!8AkoPpWaALmNEe62Ct73V7c98nCOrjhABtFVFXZcFxQ

here's the prepatched rom on mega

fuck, I have the same problem

I already tried that, but nothing came up when I scanned the bin files.

Sorry about that, the solution is actually much simpler, teh guy who uploaded that didn't know that you need to correct the .cue if you change the .bin name, so correct it and it should work fine.

arigato user-kun


Thanks a bunch, mang.

link's dead

oh, give him this

Holy crap, user. You're fucking serious!?

I got some blank CDs on hand, yes! Combat 3 - Electrosphere (Eng IE 2.0) fixed.7z!75IlHJ4a!329ckW93YlGhn9Bye7Q1lHyMNT7N78Cj6jFRbC_MUu4

here's ddls for the prepatched version with fixed CUE files because i'm stupid

Always test your files before uploading user.


First link is giving me a unable to connect/503. Something up with the link?

Volafile being shit like usual. The file is there, just try again until it responds.

I hope it's fun.

It's the usual AC, but with an autistic waifu.

Oh, this link has a working mega. It's going a lot faster now.

Proper emulation fo AC3 when?

It already exists you fucking retard, it's called Mednafen. Especially if you are using it through RetroArch.

Well, guess I ought to update this for the next version of the PS1 image, since prior it had just been the first disc that was translated.

Anyone have the chart?
This image is fine but the chart is superior.

That really needs to be updated. As for the position of Project Nemo, how would one elevate it while retaining the name of "holy trinity" for the PS2 games? Should they just be called something like "the three and one"?

Think of it as the Triforce, with the translation of 3 being the whole in the middle.


So the menus are still in nip? Fuck.

This is all I got. Here's a picture of the mission paths in Electrosphere


Thanks user.
I wonder, what is the difference between 3 US/JP? It seems to be quite big but I have no clue since I've not played either.

Massive. A lot of the content was removed. The storyline heavily altered. The missions were removed, so it's all linear and you don't get to make choices. All of the anime stuff got removed too.

Kono actually said it was easier to do it that way since Project Aces was a small team back then, they didn't realize there would be such a big backlash back then.

I see. Good thing we have a translated version now.

Gameplay wise?
A bunch more planes (only one or two you can fly though)
More visual effects on some stuff
Very different physics (US/EU is pure arcade, JP is pseudo realistic except for the last two tier of planes)
Plane tier are way more spaced both in how they perform and when you get them.
More incentive to use some planes
Some missions feature more planes to shoot at / protect
Killstealing faggots Friendly wingmans (no control over them, much more effective than the Su-43 that was in Swarm on the other versions)
16 more missions (most of them being already present missions but you're on the other team or story dumps)

Story wise?
What little story the other version had isn't even present as a story branch here

Did clicking on search crash the game for anyone else?

Yes. I think there are some warnings in the readme.txt

Well fuck. Guess won't be doing any reading then for now.

I've done a quick attempt at making a chart since all the others are out of date. Anyone got any ideas the kind of format? So far I've followed something similar to but I can try something else if needed

Also has anyone even played Ace Combat 22?

There was a disc 2?

Is that what it was?
I thought it was my controls that were stiff as fuck.

The arcade game? It's sorta in between Air and 2. Having replayed 5 recently I'd move it down a tier, the AI is brain dead, the story is almost as cheesy as 6, and the set pieces kill replay-ability along with the horrid aircraft upgrade system, I'd also move infinity up one tier or .5 since it's still arguably fun past the trash F2P system

I'd move AC3 US one tier up, it's only bad compared to it's JP release, in a void it's leagues above any other game in the lowest tier except infinity

Why the fuck is X so low?

I don't think I'd be able to change the order of one of the holy trinity, especially as 5 is the most popular.

I'll move Infinity up a bit since it contians fan likes missions from the previous game. Perhaps I'll put it in "good goy" tier like in the other chart.

I'll see what I can do

X is in the pretty decent tier, do you reckon it should be elsewhere?

Has anyone played AC Northern Wings? I don't want to unknowingly place it among AC Advance, ACAH, and AC Xi

Am I missing anything?

Too early to put AC7 on there, it's not out yet and it's incredibly presumptuous to place it in a tiered list. It implies that it's "better" than the low-tier games, even though I know you're trying to place it in the neutral middle. That doesn't work in a chart like this. I'd also move AC3JP down a rank, the completed translation didn't suddenly make it a better game. X should move up a rank. And I'd move Infinity up a rank, because while it's loaded with freemium horseshit, underneath that it's still a decent game with a solid but short campaign. It doesn't belong next to Assault Horizon. Same for 3US.

Fuck off, it's 100% top tier. Better physics, more C&C than any Bioware RPG, better story, better missions, more aircraft, more weapons, motherfucking space. Kill yourself.

The only thing that's good about it is it's set in strangereal.

Just because you wasted hours playing it doesn't mean it's not hot jewish garbage.

June 2009 to December 2016.
7 and a half years to bring over the game Namco fucked us over on. That's true love right there.

compared to the turnaround times of Persona 2 IS and Super Robot Wars @g, I do have to wonder how hard it was to track down text

I hate that meme so much, I really wonder how many people have even recently played 5 and aren't looking at it with a rose tinted view.

I played it for the first time via emulation about a month ago, and I rather enjoyed it. The overall conspiracy caused by "muh clay" was a nice change of pace from being a simple badass ace in 04. And I even got a little sad when a certain somebody died in 5. So I'd say it deserves to be among the holy trinity with 04 and Zero.

The problem may have been translating it in a fashion that could be played on anactual playstation. I know that the Policenauts team had trouble with that.

user part of the charm of the series is its cheesiness. If AC7 doesn't have even a little bit of that character I'll be disappointed

Will it work on my PSP as an Eboot?

Didn't you need to use PCSXe and an specific plugin to run the subtitles?

the project began with just a wish, always looking for people to help.

Sometimes people joined and helped, sometimes they did and left, most of the time no one did, nothing happened for 3 years once, but they kept looking. the in-agme text was finally decompressed in 2014 when they found a programmer who could do it, it's all on their thread on

They updated the patch, so I re-did the prepatched version:

Ace Combat 3 - Electrosphere (Eng IE 2.0) fixed, again.7z!T9xTHb4a!qoR0vxy0By6odkEOAIhN8zfwimKVWGr-EsvMeJ-tvJQ

I also made a version that should run on PSPs, but I haven't tested it.

Ace Combat 3 IE 2.0 PSP.rar!ahIj0T5J!lK6O9Lf2W9Zwouhg3FURgmKBcSYPpOHpSEtNIaP704c


Silly Heather user

I would be Mercy.

I actually played an Ace Combat game for the first time today and beat it in one sitting. Shit's addictive. It was Shattered Skies, now I have to get the other ones.

This thread popping up made me want to get it out of my backlog, and it was probably the most fun I've had in a video game in a good minute.

sub 20 fps
Never heard of it
Looks like Witcher with robots and mass effect conversations
Boring looking PS3 game
Based off a movie
flight simulator
weeb shit
PS1 games
movie now
Forza > GT
weeb shit
weeb shit
An actual game
Based on movie

So the PS4 barely has any real games and just mainly has movies and weeb shit.

World of Warcraft

Did MDMA for the first time with the boys last night, was fuckin sick

You faggots don't actually play video games do you?

well, it's a Blu Ray player after all.

I don't wanna seem like sdf, but this is some cringeworthy shit

bui here

please erp with me as klonoa with stinky paws and i'll stop :3

my discord is Bui#3468
you must have a cute klonoa avatar or i won't add you~

Galaxy S7
iPhone 7
Mate 9

There's 5 different phones all using different SoCs and each are 2-3X the power of the Wii U.

bui here

please erp with me as klonoa with stinky paws and i'll stop :3

my discord is Bui#3468
you must have a cute klonoa avatar or i won't add you~

is your PC really that horrible?
Even a PS4 keeps steady 60 at 1080p

bui here

please erp with me as klonoa with stinky paws and i'll stop :3

my discord is Bui#3468
you must have a cute klonoa avatar or i won't add you~

I swear the trolls almost get to me sometimes

bui here

please erp with me as klonoa with stinky paws and i'll stop :3

my discord is Bui#3468
you must have a cute klonoa avatar or i won't add you~


PSP archive corrupt, or would have tested. Can't imagine it runs bad.

hey cool menorah

Who are you replying to

I emulated it the other day. It is absolute dog shit, even worse than Advance if you ask me. I can't believe it even exists. Charts showing Xi lower than it are fucking dumb.



It's a RAR5 archive, update your shit.

New VR gameplay with in-game sounds.