Is the concept of paid mods too Jewish?

Is the concept of paid mods too Jewish?


What is Jewish about people being paid for their hard work? It is more Jewish to want everything to be free.

Depends on the mod.

If it's a total overhaul to the point of being essentially a new game with borrowed assets from the original, not many would object to a $10-20 fee.

If it's a new horse, nobody wants to pay.

I actually agree with this. Every work done should be paid for.

Well even if it's just a horse pussy, person still spent his time and effort doing it, what's wrong with asking money for it? If you don't care enough, just don't buy/pirate it.

yes and no. modding has been a free labor of love for ages now and in a way, it would be nice to see good modders get some pay for their work, but due to the fact mods have been free for so long the moment you ask for money you come off as the biggest kike

My problem is that so many mods rely on other mods. Once you start having people start asking for money…

A modder can't profit using his mod because he is using the intellectual property of a 3rd party.
A developer can't profit using mods because he is taking advantage of a 3rd party to do its job.
Mod compatibility will be a discarded concept, just as mod packs.
Paid mods are no different from DLC.

depends on if the mod is full conversion. I'd pay for a tale of two wastelands and definitely pay that dude who fucking reverse engineered fox engine's toolkit

If you want to see this issue from a purely capitalist angle, then they're using somebody's else propriety.

So, it's not exactly the modder that should be paid, but the company that owns the game that the modder is modding.
With a reasonable compromise being, the company is paid, and the modder gets a %.
If i'm not mistaken this is what Valve has been doing with TF2 and DotA2.
And Holla Forums has been giving them endless amount of shit about it, calling them jewish.

Thus i must logically conclude that Holla Forums is anti-capitalist.


Modders getting donations as an extra for their work after the fact is fine, but most people would never donate. Valve and Bethesda taking a 3/4 cut from sales for doing nothing is just a cash scam. Paid mods also brought all of the autistic, money-driven, scummy behaviour out the modding community woodwork. It became like the fucking app store, with people selling literal sword recolours for a dollar, mods with actual fucking pop-up ads in them and paid mods that relied on other modders work who wouldn't get paid from the system. The absolute clusterfuck of is not worth "muh modders get paid for their hard work, y-you commie", like this retard

I always thought of mods as not just a labor of love to the game itself but as a way to share it with the community, and an easier way to make games with things like total conversions while sticking your foot in the door. Though it'd be nice in theory to get paid for work, I think donations or patreonshit would be the way to go, not asking money for usermade content unless it got an official release or something.

If sucha community is destroyed as soon as money is added to the equation, clearly that community didn't actually give a single shit about each other, and those modders never gave a single shit about people that used their mods and thought very little of them.
For example, see right here:

See, if this is true, if they're "labors of love", then clearly adding a money factor shouldn't pulverize an entire community overnight.
If it does, something isn't right here.
Something was -never- right.
Money wasn't the issue, money just brought up pre existing discord that was always there in the first place, waiting to surface.

That might be because Valve is taking a massive cut of the profits, you fucking jew

It's more that people looking for a quick buck that had nothing to do with the community didnt care about destroying it, as all hobbies encounter when Judaism is introduced.

Of course there was always tension among people autistic enough to make mods, but it was always blocked by the fact that they COULDN'T charge money for it. To simply say it "it was always shit so there!" is not an argument, because the old system actually worked.

pretty much what said

also there is nothing stopping them from opening a patreon account fucking people writing horrible adult fanfics, porn artists, SFM animators manage to get hundreds and thousands of dollars a month

I can sort of get why, in some cases back in the day there were unofficial expansions for Doom and The Sims which took usermade content and put it on a disk, meaning companies stole content from the creators without their permission and no compensation. So I can understand people getting upset over something like that potentially happening.

Another issue is that some mods can conflict with each other or can be out of date as soon as new versions of games become available.

But what is the "community" then?
For example, when Beth tried to monetize Skyrim mods, some extremely famous and relevant modders immediately jumped in, and when questioned straight up said they thought the community was a bunch of freeloaders that didn't appreciate their work and did nothing but complain and request more features with no regard to the difficulty and time spent upon their work.
So who actually is the "community"?
If even some big name modders fucking hate the people playing their own mods, where do you draw the line, who actually is part of the "community"?

But how is this healthy?
It's like saying that a bunch of murderous psychopaths kept in a row of cages that don't rip each other to shreds because of their physical constraints, is a system that works because there's no violence happening -right now-.

It should be based on donations tbh. If you like something some dude made, toss him a couple bucks. The company only made the base product, they have no right or reason to profit off the work of others.

These. At bare minimum people should be allowed donate to modders if they choose.

If anything, companies should be paying the mod creators. Epic used to even hold the "Make something Unreal" competitions where people could enter their UT mods and win Cash, Graphics Cards and professional licenses. If Bethesda wasn't Jewish and instead held a competition where the best Fallout 4/Skyrim mods would win a prize, then the quality of mods would go up massively if there's something at the end of it to be earned.

It's how modding should work. Mods used to be where the industry found talent to hire. Now it's a wasteland of jews.

If it's a good mod and the publisher of the base game isn't a cunt they will likely become a stand alone and get paid.
If the mod is good but the publisher is a cunt they will just have their work stolen, this is good as it pushes skilled modders away from shit publishers.
If the mod is really good the team should have no problem crowd funding a standalone.

Basically I have always been happy to pay for expansion packs and if an overhaul mod fits that description then I'm fine with paying for it.

Modding isn't work, work means a job. If you make mods for your job then you're a developer making an expansion pack not a modder. Modding is a hobby.

If you want money to help give you time to dedicate to modding then you take donations, not pay, to continue. Donations are to the people making the mod, not something to be taxed by the developers/publishers of the game and a popular client the game is on.

Turn the mod into a game so I still won't buy it.


if you run a auto shop that installs aftermarket and custom parts, are you obligated to pay the car manufacturer 3/4ths of your charging fee?

Yes. The moment paid mods takes off, drama queen modders will come out of the woodworks to cry Entitlement! because people said their mod sucked/didn't work & it'll be a gambling game where you hope the mod you purchased doesn't conflict with what you have installed (Don't even talk about quality control, it's not a thing anymore.)
Pirating mods should not ever cross my mind.


That's honestly what burned my ass so fucking much about it, that Bethesda basically fucked over EVERYONE with those payment terms.

Paid mods will never work because the process of modding is similar enough to open-source software development that bringing money into the equation prevents it from working. Almost all of the really good mods are formed from multiple authors sharing ideas, assets, and code. This is perfectly fine when everything is free, but when you bring money into the mix the entire system implodes because it's impossible to track down who should have the rights to what and also because modders don't understand how copyright works. People will release paid mods that require free mods that are released under licenses that prevent you from charging money for work based on those free mods. This has already happened; chesko's paid mod Art of the Catch required the free mod FNIS to work properly.

The only company seriously considering implementing paid mods right now is Bethesda, but all of the good mods for Bethesda games are based on heavily interlinked scaffolding systems; e.g. SKSE, SkyUI, FNIS, etc. One mod can require two other mods each of which require another two mods. This is totally fine when the only cost is bandwidth and mental effort, but bringing money into it turns it into a labyrinthine transaction chain that is just too Jewish for your average consumer to tolerate. Imagine your average console idiot buying one mod, then realizing too late he needs to buy two other mods to get the first to work, each of which require another two mods which cost yet more money.

This is even without considering compatibility issues. Modding is inherently risky; an update to one mod can break three other mods, an update to the base game can break all your mods. Mods can be incompatible with each other, mods can contain wild edits to completely unrelated portions of the game, mods can break your savegames, mods can just not work. This is all fine when you haven't paid money to break your savegame and waste your time, but if you start charging money, people start getting pissed when your shit doesn't work.

The only way paid mods can "work" is if they're released as a separate game by a single developer. But that's not really a paid mod, that's an entirely new game.

it is

I understand this argument fully and great points, but i will forever make fun of volunteers on this board just on the basis they do it for free and will stick by my principles on this.

Yeah, that's an excellent point, especially when it comes to cross-mod compatibility. Seriously, good fucking luck trying to find people collaborating on mods in their spare time. If Bethesda wanted developers to provide continuing support, to work with each other to resolve issues, to essentially be an outsourced development team, then they would have to give a hell of a lot more support than "oh, we'll take 66% of the remainder Valve left us with their cut, lock away the remaining amount until you reach $400 in sales for that mod, and, well, good luck."

They didn't give a single shit, they just wanted to see if they could push the bullshit threshold and ran away to create their own mod distribution platform when it blew up in their face.

Well Hitler wasn't a fan of Capitalism

I know it's bait but fuck you.

Demanding money for a freely available "product" which is actually nothing more than a subscription to a license granting the right to not be sue under threat of gov action is as Jewish a fucking industry as it gets, relying entirely on legal sophistry to justify clearly bullshit exploitation undermining a previously pure and selfless and far more productive movement at the gross expense of the common people's rights and happiness. It's disgusting and indefensible.

People aren't being paid for their hard work. Bethesda is getting paid for their hard work and who ever posts the mod on the storefront gets paids, but not the mod maker, Schlomo.

Allow me to remake that.

Bethesda and Valve get paid with the modder and the mod user by the fucking game you fucking kike.

Why do you keep posting this meme in every thread?


its not jewish. it's like me charging to build a computer. it's something i'll do for friends and family for free as a hobby. but if i wanna open up shop nobody is complaining that i have the gall to charge for something i've done for free previously.

that's the gripe about paid mods but people would still complain if it goes all to the modder.

Once I spent two hours figuring how why Better Vampires' scripts weren't working. Turns out BV is incompatible with Live Another Life, and this is a known issue on r/skyrimmods. However, the author of LAL has specifically said that "No issues should arise from using LAL and BV together." He doesn't think there's an issue, probably couldn't find the issue if he tried, and isn't going to fix it. And this is totally fine, because no money is involved.

If you install mods that have heavy script load on a new game start, the heavily scripted starting sequence will flip out, the prisoner cart will HAVOK PHYSICS its way to the fucking moon and you can't play the game. The general advice in that situation is to install LAL, and wait a little bit in the starting cell before going into the game proper so the scripts can finish doing their thing. I had the Space Cart bug, and I can't use LAL because it breaks BV. The solution? Find a mod that fixes the underlying issue, which is that carts in the vanilla game have broken havok settings. It's a vanilla bug that Bethesda has never fixed, and probably never even noticed because they don't test using extremely heavy modlists. This is totally fine, because modding is done at your own risk and nobody is profiting from it.

The instant you start charging money for mods, that entire house of cards falls apart.


that modder is such a fucking idiot. he also said his mod doesn't support custom races for the turn to human spell which you can fix with 5 fucking lines of code that loops through list of races in your game then finds yours and uses it

And here comes yet another issue. If two mods are incompatible, who's responsibility is it to fix that? If LAL and BV don't work together when there's no reason they shouldn't, how do you get the two authors to work together and track down the problem when both of them will say it's the other guy's fault? They're not employees, Bethesda doesn't have the authority to order them to work together. What happens if an author just straight up abandons their paid mod? Does Bethesda have to keep it up to date, or is it just forever broken? I guarantee you Bethesda has not thought about any of this.

No, it's more like you and 14 other guys agree to work together to build a really good fucking computer for the community after other people built shit for you, then try and demand compensation or you'll take the part you built home, but you want to keep everything else everyone else built for free too.

I would say if you're paying mods it falls on the modder to fix it but then you get bitches like better vampires modder and he'll say "it can't be done!" i'd hate to go all richard stallman but i do prefer mods being free if only for the reason most fags include the source code so i can fix it myself when they cant

But which one? That's my point, it takes two mod authors to create two incompatible mods. How do you get mod authors to work together to fix compatibility problems when mod authors are almost universally high-strung egotists?

Fuck me I want to see a video of this!

Copyright is a tool of the jew and is anti-capitalist as fuck. Not only does it discourage free competition, it outright prevents it.


It also stagnates culture. And it keeps getting lobbied to be extended because disney doesnt want to lose their copyright on micky mouse.

Well, gee.

There's a ton of them. Just google "skyrim prisoner cart bug". Oh, and apparently it also can happen if your FPS is above 60.


The basic idea of IP law is to protect creators from ripoffs, which is perfectly noble since nobody wants the first person to do a difficult thing like cure cancer or make a chart-topping video game to get nothing but the dicks of a million imitators up the ass for their efforts.
If anyone here remembers when flappy bird was a thing, all those imitations that cropped up were exactly the sort of thing copyright is supposed to shit on.
The fact that it didn't do so is the greatest vidya-based indictment of copyright application I've seen.

TL;DR copyright is the reason they say good intentions are the road to Hell.

you don't they just stay incompatible and they maybe add a little mention of it somewhere. it sucks, but I don't object. Thinking about it valve should have some sort of a refund system for the mods that goes beyond caveat emptor
unless they did and i don't remember

And if those copycats are better than the original product then that's what would be best for the world. And besides, does it really need to last for the lifetime of the creator plus seventy years?

Yes but only for beth games, and not the reason you might think.

It'll absolutely destroy the modding community, and moders already know this, but the average joe would see the true evil of Todd and his empire of filth when they try to put another mod author darling behind bars every other week, Far less people, especially on the PC would buy bethesda's future games, let alone mod it. They would be forced to finish their own game for once, and it would lead to a better product, millions of losses on beth's side in sales, and the permanent and finally the irredeemable destruction of their name.
Only when Todd is sucking pozzed up cock to make a meager living, has his punishment been great enough to make up for Fallout 4 and Skyrim.

This is the most important part of the whole debacle. I can't understand why Bethesda doesn't see this considering how big of a marketing boon it is to have a dedicated modding community for their games. It's a huge selling point.

Introducing paid modding would kill that community in under a year. You'd end up with 99% of people just churning out shitty custom items and texture mods, everyone figuring out they're wasting their time bothering with complex mods when they could be making money with the Skyrim equivalent of TF2 hats.

See, that's what gets me, people who don't even try. If a problem falls out of my area of expertise, I don't just throw my hands up and go "welp, that's it, can't be done." No, I go in and either flag someone down for consultation, or I work on the issue until it's fixed. But then you look somewhere else and see things like 650 open issues on the bug tracker of a quality-of-life mod.

I think they did issue refunds as the program was going on, but it wasn't really a "no questions asked" deal. Everyone got their money back in the end regardless, but that was a bad few days. I mean, I saw fucking Minecraft modders coming out the woodwork and calling users "entitled" for saying Bethesda's paid mods program was a bad deal for every party but Bethesda. And a lot of those fuckers have been trying to get businesses in game dev started, I can't imagine how hard they'd get fucked by a publisher if they think that was a good deal.

Exactly, the reason that this would especially be the case is that you can judge a weapon/armor mod from pictures but that isn't the case for anything that adds content or gameplay mechanics. You have to try those out yourself before you can know whether they're good or not and noone's going to pay money for a mod if they don't know if its good.

Gravity can't hold more than 24 fps.

That's not how it works.

How can anyone be this retarded?

For a copycat to be better than the original it needs to be substantially different from the original.
To use the language of patent law, it has to be novel and non-obvious, as illustrated in the case of the waffle fry, which is less thick than a french fry but thicker than a potato chip.
This was ruled un-patentable because any idiot with a potato and a knife could cut a potato into different thicknesses.

Going back to flappy bird, the only memorable copycat was trippy bird, the clone that threw in an entire new mechanic in the form of interface-distorting pills, which in the context of flappy bird copies was both novel and nonobvious.
This is in contrast with the bulk of the copycats, which were simply straight rips of flappy bird with hitboxes, graphics, or some other thing modified, something that could be done by any halfwit with app production software and passing knowledge of the mechanics behind flappy bird.
The second category is the waffle fries to flappy bird's french fries and trippy bird's potato chips, obvious and thus indefensible as intellectual property.

Is the concept of paid mods too Jewish?

When modding becomes paid DLC, it just kills the possibility of modders working together or others modifying an existing mod and make it better. There's a few mods that rely on one another. It just isn't a good idea, my dude.

Paid Modding is a no bueno. A better solution is to make it easier for people to donate. If someone thinks a mod's cool, then they can toss a few bucks to the modder. Everyone's happy. The modder gets some pocket change for their work and people can still get their content for free.

That is until said modder(s) decides to hold their updates to one of their mods hostage behind a paywall & demand compensation.

Paid mods are literally DLC. Are you really asking if DLC is kosher, because the answer is yes

It's the simple truth. Read a EULA sometime, it's not even hidden. Why are buycucks so invested in burying the fact?

No, the original use-case for copyright was books. Bookhouse publishes Gulliver's Travels and it becomes a wild hit, then every other fuckwad starts printing their own copy -bsome with the actual Gulliver's Travels text, some with some other hokie's writing. Just to hope to catch some money off the hype, like those Chinese or paki restaurants that crop up sharing the same name on the same street of the original that got good reviews in whatever yuppie media streams.

Patent was for protecting inventors, with the (never substantiated) thought that it would notably incentivize invention by giving short term artificial monopolies to the inventor so he could make good returns - as those profits are obviously at expense of the consumer, the emphasis is on short term monopoly.

Copyright in regards to digital works is twisted self serving nonsense with little reference to its original intentions. Accusing a consumer who "copies" software without the right to copy as if it's the same thing as a rival publisher copying your own published book is obvious bullshit. The act is much more similar to the consumer reading the book than anything, it's a purely abstract exchange of the content that copyright has no control over - copyright never had any intention to stop the reader from repeating the book's ideas, lending the book out, or reading it aloud. It just happened to prove convenient to distort towards that kind of the thing as a way to desperately use threat of state violence to preserve old industry in the face of the internet providing the people a free flow of information. It's entirely a dirty kike scam, and you're a fucking retard if you fall for it.

And all art steals, flappy bird was as unoriginal as anything that came after it. The creator made his profits, as did the hanger ons, the only time he'd be cheated was if someone sold fake games with the name Flappy Bird to trick the consumer into buying it. Don't be a fucking retard and put all creativity on the butcher block in the name of somehow preserving it by regulating both its reception & expression in some twisted jewish logic.

You're missing the fairly obvious point. Copyright is there to guarantee people get a return of their investment, otherwise no one would be financing games for the most part.

Not that I'm defending the practice, but the intent is a straightforward one.

shoo shoo jew

Yes that's exactly the problem, it's a huge selling point. Thanks to modding of their older game the MMORPG based on this IP is a flop. When they release horse armor DLC they need to compete with hundreds of people that make a better product for free. When the next version or remake comes out they have to compete with their own older product that has been greatly enhanced and costs nothing.

They've done the math and realized that the modding community they've allowed has done more harm than good. In their minds it prevented TESO online from being a serious competitor to WOW and is the reason why a new TES game can't be released every 2-3 years with an expansion pack in between.

If your job was to make as much money as quickly as possible on the TES brand you'd try to kill off or control and monetize the modding community too. The assets and value they provide are to the detriment of the profitability of the brand.

Oh really, so what if I want to make a Star Wars movie that isn't shit which means I would be using art/audio assets from it but in a plot that is actually competently written. I can't do that under US copyright law even though it would be substantially better than any of the Star Wars movies made so far.

You already do get paid for modding, by modding you build a portfolio to add to your resume when applying to a Studio. If you spend 2 years making a huge mod your portfolio will be way more valuable than 2 years of design school.

no, but it opens the door for a lot of underhanded shit and drama. if people were honest i wouldnt really be against it.

I'd likely get fired because I'd tell the suits that the benefits of supporting a modding community are greater than the possible loses in the long run. Not only does an active modding scene keep drawing in new costumers to the game and keep interest in the IP alive, but if you really wanted to monetize mods why not just pick out a bunch of the most talented ones and throw an offer their way to make a paid DLC.

I'd argue that Bethesda games sell on the promise of modding. It's why people so readily ignore how dogshit their products are, "Mods will fix it!" they'll say and keep eating Todd's shit.

Publishers and Studios should pay modders for improving, promoting, and boosting sales of their games.

A mod can be a lot of hard work and deserving of some compensation, but in order to play the mods, people need to own the game or buy it. With games that are heavily reliant on mods to function or fix what the devs failed to do, the need for pay should not come from the players. The devs fucked up in the first place by putting out a subpar game.

Players shouldn't be forced to pay, but modders, at least the good ones who aren't just recycling the same pony model over and over, shouldn't go unrewarded for effectively creating a reason for people to give a fuck about otherwise barely playable games like Skyrim or Fallout 4

You're right. People should pay me for my youtube poops made out of copyrighted content

that would be the best system but again that requires some degree of honesty.

It's contrary to the hobbyist nature of game mods, and comes from a corporatistic interest group. Hereditary factors need not apply my alt right buttermuffin.

mods should always be available for free

we have learned from history. Doom 2: TNT and Plutonia expansions were originally free mods. When they became paid the Doom community was in a massive uproar over paid mods. They had standards back then, we should hold ourselves to the same standard.

If paid mods were the standard, the publishr would demand that the lions share of the profit from the mod would go to them as they own the IP and because the modders likely will heavily rely on their art assets.

At the same time, publishers could then intentionally leave the game in an unfinished and semi-broken state, as they count that some modder will literally do their work for what basically amounts to free, and they can cash in on it.

Furthermore, paid mods will cause a steep decline in quality because said modders no longer mod out of enthusiasm for the game, but to make a profit - and like all people trying to make a profit, they will follow the standard "Least Input, Max Output" doctrine. So don't forget to buy the premium mod for the bugfix mod you already paid for.

Back then the community wasn't filled with cock gobbling redditors.

Epic does this sometimes with UT mappers but that's the only example I have.

%90 of shit people blame on greed wouldn't be a problem if IP rights had a max of 5 years like they used to.

And then there's Cry of Fear, which fits that description and its totally free on SteamIIRC there was a installer you can download on their website


But Bethesda already does that.

neat. how did that work, did they just decide to donate to some mappers?

Make your own game if you want money. Now watch this drive.


It's somewhere between a contest and that where they pick their favorites from the community but there's not really any set rules or amount of winners.

Here's another (You).



This is the most Jewish of the philosophies. Not getting off your ass unless it is for money. Having no motivation to work on something you aren't being paid for. Possessing no passion, creativity, vision, ideals. Being entirely driven by lust for wealth and nothing more. You are the kind of person who onle sees an idea as worthwhile when there is market research behind it.

You can charge for 3rd party add-ons for your car (interior, body, engine) and are not required to get manufacturer permission.
You cannot charge for 3rd party add-ons for a game without developer permission.
As long as the mod offer substantial value to the consumer you should be able to charge. Key word is consumer, no one gives a shit if it took +10,000 hours to individually place every hair on a horse, the value vs. cost is in reference to the consumer. But the mod market has the same issues as phone apps. Almost no barrier to entry, no customer protection, and no mod developer protection. Not to mention that a paid mod would be required to provide support to keep the mod compatible with the game as changes are made. With the low price point there is not enough room for the mod developer, game developer, and end to end business to make a profit without charging way too much for the mod.
When it comes to mods you shouldn't need developer permission given you can prove your work is transformative. But realize that burden of proof is on the mod developer so it is important to be realistic about how the legal system is not on your side. As far as paid mods, sure, the logistics is in how to be paid. Donations and commissions are the best available means but the money is more a gift then wage. Making mods is like being a street performer, the service, while a welcome enhancement, is voluntary.


Asking for donations is fine, but putting fucking mods behind a paywall only hurts the modding scene.
Fuck you.

No, you fucking kike. Any work that someone charges for should be paid for. Anything that is offered for free, should be taken for free.

If someone wants to put a mod behind a paywall let them. People will either:
-Pay for it
-Go find a free alternative
-Steal the code and release a free alternative
-Host the mod for people to pirate
-Not use the mod
In the end most people will take the path of least resistance.

Well I guess the entire service industry never got that memo since tips are a thing.

They aren't providing a free service. That's why it's called an "industry", Autismo.

That's a funny picture you posted there.
Mind if I mod it ?

epic for the win

The point of the original comic was to ridicule those who want to ban guns. All you did with your edit was to beat people over the head with that point way too bluntly. Also, it's not a loss.

Dunno if stupid or avin a giggle. It's loss, you nerd.

No it isn't. The first panel has two people.

Cry of Fear is shit though.

I never said he did it correctly, that's just his intent.

Was it ? The woman looks western but the last panel is happening in the middle-east (pakistan ?). Did he bring her back home ?
Rather than a satire, this looks like an accusation calling anti-guns terrorists wives and collaborators.
Look at this smug ass face, you can tell the satisfaction he feels from killing his enemies and conquering their women.

Yeah, but they don't get money from the bugfix mods.


I honestly wonder why commissioned mods aren't a bigger deal. I'd be willing to hire someone to make a mod that changes the Skyrim courier to Mr. McFeely.


This is hardly a reason for a thread considering it's common sense answer.

No, maybe I wasn't clear enough. That's the intent of patents. They feel it's necessary to step in in the specific case of invention as it's something of a heroic role, one that often requires years of work towards an uncertain end but with potentially great benefits for society.

This doesn't apply to all investment. That's fucking retarded. the government has no intention to defend you for making poor investment - getting punished by the market is a necessary to force resources to be utilized efficiently, if you can't manage to get returns on upur investment, you deserve to go out of business. It's one of the foundations of any remotely capitalist market. It's fucking absurd to think that video games of all things should be treated like inventions and given government protection to protect their misguided developers in the same way.

Copyright is first and foremost intended to protect consumers which by extension helps everyone in the market. If you can't be sure you're getting the product you think you're buying (eg 20 games called Flappy Bird or 10 different publications of the 'same' book by various publishers of varying quality or content) then you won't be able to trust the market and hence buy less. It's designed with similar justification as trademarks, it's a good for the consumers that they can trust a business' logo is its owns, so they can make decisions based on its true reputation and not on hanger ons muddying their perspective with misleading ripoffs under their name. It's not just because it's wrong for the businesses to have its reputation abused, the important thing is having no abolity to trust trademarks results in consumers having lower information, making them get screwed over more often and allowing scammers to profit over genuinely productive enterprises, which ultimately hurts everyone with less money in the market.

Returning to your idea that games need to protected to secure a return on a retarded investment, well this is exactly the kind of kike sophistry that I pointed out. Digital works are the only thing that require the government to step in with a threat of violence to make the non product "sellable". Turning the act of purchasing a record or whatever into purchasing a subscription for the right to not be sued for listening to its content in some convoluted distortion of "copyright" is the most twisted evil possible response to having deal with the horror of the Internet providing an open library of the world's information to the people. It's indefensible. "Moral"cucks are perpetuating a heinous sin destroying videogames and media/culture in general, it's ironic they're called moral. The same is true as "buy"fags when they never bought anything, only rented their licenses to not be extorted.

Depends on the mod. Something done by some kid in his free time out of passion? no.

You're getting PAID to do a mod made by bethesda? theoretically it's legally ok.

But why would anyone buy mods made by the community is ridiculous.

Donation button is ok. trying to monetize every mod available is anti-consumer and anti-community

No you retard, value is derived from the price consumers are willing to pay, not the price producers set. Just because you decide to sell your apples for $10 doesn't mean that's how much it's worth, watch how quickly they'll rot on the stand while your takes in money selling them at their true price, even if it's not the price you felt is right or reflects your labor. No one fucking cares. And when they can get apples for free, they're not going to pay anything - unless of course you get the state to come and in and threaten to either shoot them or take all their money if they don't buy the apples from Farmer A. Then he gets to set whatever price he wants, and cucks will tell you it's immoral not to pay it and take the shit for free, you actually have a moral duty to be extorted with a smile on your face or else be officially entitled.

Unless they're changing it substantially, it should not be allowed. Parodies of Flappy Bird are already, but a game called Flap Birdie with a different color bird is not alright.
I bet you're one of those fags who thinks devs who want Let's Players to give them a fraction of the money for getting rich off playing their game is Jewish too. As if it's not plenty more Jewish to make millions from literally just playing a game and telling the devs that they should be happy about the 'free advertising.' It's the same as big-name companies literally stealing art from small artists and saying the same, like American Eagle is known to do constantly.


Yes. At best, you set up a system to donate to the modder.

You're completely pozzed. Try and take a step back and think less from the perspective of a single self serving individual only trying to maximize his profits in any way he can get away with, who now apparently have twisted their distorted outlooks to believe that they even deserve to secure a stake in every single dollar made in any way somehow related to them, and consider the wider field of individuals all creating together as well as their audiences. If things were actually already as kiked as you want them to be, Flappy Bird would've been paying profits to a host of its predecessors - assuming each and one pf their mechanics that were lifted wholesale weren't patented already. It simply would've never been made, and never had the chance to buy bots to turn it's entirely unoriginal app into a runaway hit. By the way, should any journos covering the game or any forums discussing it also pay the chink for profiting off his work just like those selfish LPers?

No it's more like you somehow assemble a computer that completely breaks when it's updated. Bad analogy aside (hardware assembly vs operating system update), paid mods were a terrible idea because mods, as a custom work, do break (causing crashes, bugs, or conflicts with other mods) and do not necessarily entail support like a game company would for DLC. And if you did buy a mod when it was a thing on Steam, your refund went towards your Steam wallet.

Never let the question simply be framed as compensation for work, because the details between how mods operate with the game are not that simple.


You're really a dumbass who lives in a fantasy world. It's not about maximizing profits, it's about protecting smaller people from getting completely ran over.
Pewdiepie makes $3 million a year, I think even higher than that the last few years, and you think it's Jewish for devs to want a portion of that? He doesn't bring much originality to the table. He's literally being paid so people can watch him play games. For particularly story-driven games, this is a problem because people will watch this and not buy the game. Not that that's what I'm concerned about– it's the idea that 'free advertising,' the fucking scheme it is, is enough to go on. If you're making money from someone else's creation, you should get permission and give them some of the money. This has nothing to do with patents, it has everything to do with the creation itself. If you open the gateway you want to open, people can do whatever they want. Artists who slave over their work can have it stolen and told 'oh, it's free advertising!' when they try to get money from the thief. Much like what I mentioned with American Eagle. But at least places like American Eagle is occasionally held liable. Making it legal is the most Jewish thing of all. Just like how it's shitty to not pay artists when you take their art and make socks out of them and sell them and make thousands, it's shitty to not pay devs when you make millions off of playing their games.

If it's about 'working together,' that's great. Copyright should be edited to allow people to have more creative freedom. But bitching because you can't take someone's work as is and just use it and get paid for using it is crap.

I've already seen this one, someone change the channel.

I also forget my sage sometimes.

fresh oc

So what you're telling me is that Holla Forums calls the problem a square while Holla Forums calls it a rectangle?

hi pol


Hi jew

wtf i hate Holla Forums now


At least you don't hide that Holla Forums is gay.

Sexuality is a spectrum. Any labels attached are to imprison you to that label.

nah, either you're down to fuck guys(are a fag) or you're normal. fuck off.

Just said it out loud "the only thing in politics i care about is sex, and rights to stick my dick anywhere i want". Sex is opium for liberal degenerates, its so easy to pander towards them by gay shit alone, that they don't need real improvement of their lives, they consider marriage of man and his dog best thing government has to offer to them.
And its benefitial for kikes too, since you don't waste money by making your country into new Sodom and Gomorrah and making people happy by enabling gay shit.
More to it, you hypocritical about it as fuck, you allow muslims into your country, people who hate fags even more than average white nationalists do, and shoot your gay bars.


only a very small percent of gays are actual down to fuck the same gender, because their brain is closer to the opposite gender. The rest are "normal" people only sexual degenerates

Isn't real, it's called sex. Stop listening to jewish psychiatrists that want to cut your dick off.

You say that, but then someone brings up futa, and for a lot of people the definition of gay suddenly changes to "masturbating to girls with dicks and anything more gay than that"

wtf is this shit
with the quality of leftypol memes I can't even say if this is legit or ironic

girls don't and can't have dicks IRL, but in japanese comic books they can.
it's still super gay

Futa is less gay than traps.



And where on the spectrum do you fall

"I want to suck dick: the image"


You're putting _ in my mouth

you really are a fag

I'm utterly disgusted no one is checking dubs

How the fuck can anybody be attracted to that enough to molest it? Kids are fucking disgusting, even for 3DPD.

For you.

its not gay if you identify as female


you don't need to identify. Labels are there to imprison you. Just do as you will.

check em


But that's wrong you fucking retard.

Traps are objectively better.

You're wrong, traps are gayer.

traps are gayer futa is more degenerate

degenerate is a buzzword for "things I don't like"

one is degenerate and the other is a crime against nature. please remove yourself


(crime against nature)



i was going to write a reply but you already got plenty, so i'll just give you this

We're discussing which is more gay, not your personal feelings.

Gay does not exist.
Straight does not exist.

We are all human beings.

How do you tell the difference, then?

It's pretty obvious fam.






It is though. Once you take off your glasses you will see the real world.

>>>Holla Forums

I wanna fucc that jet

Yes, go back to where you came from
>>>Holla Forums

same tbh

Are you glasses-shaming? Fucking bigot.

there are several plot holes here.

Honestly i'm not sure if these are genuine Holla Forums creations or just shitposting. If i was Holla Forums I sure would be embarrassed to have my name on these.

Not that guy but
There is nothing embarrassing about MS comics. Look at Pepe.

Those comics are a work of art. Fuck you.


yeah this

Isn't the fun of modding and using your creativity a good enough compensation?

t. modder



There is no such thing.


Look between your legs.

A penis is a penis is a penis. Terms like feminine and masculine mean nothing. It is just a penis.

Biology has nothing to do with sex.

Reported for shitposting.

Chromosomes are the only thing that matters, and you should return the ones you stole.

okay you got me, I laughed


Yes, you fucking idiot. What the fuck did they do to deserve any of his money? His profits have nothing to do with them. Their work is in the public domain, he has every right to play it, discuss it, stream it, etc. and it doesn't suddenly become relevant to the devs just because he happened to make good money on it.

Kill yourself kike

You really are a kike. You're doing exactly that as I've already stated: opening up a can of worms with extreme consequences in the historically unique regulation of how the audience is allowed to receive creative works. You're going to have any journalism banned, you're going to have any discussion on forums banned, hell even discussion IRL. You owe me a buck everytime you reference MY work, or else you're a thief, goy. All to cash in on a few shekels from fucking Pewdiepie.

1/2 8ch broke

'Frees advertising' isn't relevant, it's just an excuse to get the kikes to stop kvetching about their lost imaginary shekels, but yes, it's a rule of thumb in any market when you look at removing a limiting regulation you'll be able to identify net monetary benefits - aka what would've been dead weight loss. But you don't even need to go there to shut down your idiotic proposal.

Why are you so obsessed about them 'making millions' 'making thousands'? It is of zero concern to the devs except base jealousy & greed and misguided entitlement. It's clear you wouldn't have any problem at all if whatever LPer wasn't making money, all that's relevant is the possibility that just maybe I could score off another man's hard work if I kvetch hard enough. Why are you so invested in pushing for a gaping AIDS filled assfucking, do you consider yourself an indie developer and hope to be the one on top or something? It's not going to happen, faggot.

Cool it with the antisemitism and we might listen


And here's where you get a reply with either "ironic" shitposting or a reply referencing American Psycho with or without attached webm and attempting to mock/ridicule or call you new for not having seen the movie or at least not instantly getting the reference.

Either way, >>11462906 succeeded in derailing any further discussion relating to the topic.