American video game character

American video game character

Bikini vidya thread?

Only the most American.



cool it with the buzzwords







Just because you are shittaste jewscheme apologists doesn't mean he's wrong though

Clownpiece is actually Greek, though.

"Most american" doesn't mean it has to be from america since most american things didn't orinate there


When a thread says "American video game character," you know what it fucking means.







replying to shitty bait because everyone else is. am i cool yet? ha ha heres your (you) ha ha haha great! i feel so smart!

Japs always design the beat American characters. This is indisputable fact.

Hi reddit


its because theyre not afraid of making something that would look over the top and 'masturbatory' and then playing it completely straight.
americans arent allowed to be proud of being americans, were supposed to feel guilty all the time.

The most American Americans are always fucking white males.

That guy is clearly French.


His hair is tournament legal.

Hey user, do you even know what a Granatmaschinengewehr is? Hell, do you know what's a drum magazine?


A true Patriot.

Would have been cool if we posted at the same time.





Vanquish is better than Bayonetta and deserved a sequel more. PC/Switch port and sequel when?


Canadian video game character.
Is there really a loli inside?

I find this highly problematic.

Holla Forums not posting best robot, for shame.

Shit like liberty prime is an excellent example of why beth fallout sucks. They don't understand their own franchise.

Liberty Prime was the only good thing in that game.

There's always a loli inside

>makes an antagonist character to make fun of "american feminists" (she uses her torch to make people into violent maniacs)

Yah the Boss was totally a true Patriot

No user, they understand THEIR franchise perfectly. Liberty Prime was Numidium of Fallout. They initially planned on having Numidium in both Morrowind and Skyrim, and those plans failed. But hey - at least they did giant robot in Fallout 3, and even 4!

It doesn't matter what the reason she was made are. What matters is she is a fun character and a frustratingly insane battle with an insanely rewarding feeling for clearing her.

Didn't the Belgians manage bank accounts for the Nazis? Definitely doesn't make him American in any sense.



What's it called when disgust ripples up and down your arms then seizes your chest?

Hateful disgust.



Calm your autism, that is a properly beardy old beakie. You will respect the old sculpts, newfag.

You ever watch Stella Buster Mito? Perma loli alien pirate queen mom walks around in an adult suit taking care of her half human son while working towards being crowned queen of the galaxy. Also there is some weird gender bending stuff near the end that I can't exactly remember since I saw it years and years ago.

why do you think our bird is an eagle? WE WUZ GERMANS AN SHET

It's rad as hell but I would say its combat, music, art direction, and protagonist are all a bit worse than Bayonetta's. Not to say that it does any of those elements poorly though, I mean there are only a few games that can match Bayo 1 in any of those categories.

Yeah, except her native language is American English, not Greek.
Totally Greek.

He probably meant GPMGs, cool down the 'tism a bit.

"He's" probably too chickenshit to admit how "he's" a /k/atfucker and no /k/ommando



Americanist of 'merican.

underrated post and digits

Your bird isn't even an eagle biologically speaking. Bunch of fakes.